The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 20, 1906, Image 2

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RBljf y Big- Special 11 :
jyi Everything Must Go At 77211 2l
Si . Ii
Everything Must Go At
Mauzy 's OldStaoid
And All Holiday Goods are to be Sold Regardless of Cost
I have Bought the Stock at Half-price
and I am Selling it the Same Way.
('rotn Friday's Dully.
P. F. Klscrof Mynard was In town
list evening on business.
Chas. Hennlnns was a business visi
tor In Omaha today.
John SchalTcr was transacting busi
ness lo Omaha today.
Edwin Jeary of Elm wood was In the
county scat today on business.
Hugh Kobb of Murray was In the
county seat to attend the bazaar at
Coatcs' hall last evening.
Miss Margery Walker, who has been
visiting In the county scat, the guest
of Miss Helen Dover, returned to
Murray this morning.
J. W. Sage went to Pad 11c Junction
this morning tu look after some stock
that lie Is feeding near there. Fate
Davis, the South Omaha stock buyer,
accompanied Mr. Sage.
J. M. Hoover, J. II. Noyesand Chas.
Noyes of Louisville, were transacting
business In riattsmouth today.
II. E. Pankonln, of Louisville, was
In the county seat today to attend to
some business In the district court.
John Koop and Wm. Ossenkop of
Louisville were In town today on busi
ness connected with district court.
Krom fi:iturily'i Ihilly.
J. II. Melslnger came In from Cedar
Creek on business this morning.
A. II. Earhart and wire of Green
wood were visiting In Plattsmouth,
II. E. Pankonln of Loulsvlle was
looking after business In the county
seat today.
A. P. Chrlswisser from the vicinity
of Weeping Water was transacting
business In the county scat last evening.
Chas. Long of Murdock Is In town
Tor a visit with the family of his uncle
Silas Long: Uoth the uncle ana nep
hew made a pleasant call on the Jour
The elevator at Mynard under the
supervision of W. F. Gllllsplc has been
closed down for several days In order
that the gasoline engine mar be replar
Misses Smith and Johnson of Have
lock, and Fearl Knlss of Murray were
visiting Plattsmouth today, the
guests of their cousins Misses Katy
and Ethel Smith.
Henry Hell and wife and llnrt Van
Horn from the vicinity of Cedar Creek
were vlslttnt; In Dattsmouth today
While here Mr. Hell was a welcome
caller at the Journal ofllce.
A marriage license was Issued today
to Ray Core, age 21, and Miss Minnie
Gobleman, age IS, both residents of
Harry Graves, of the Murray Mes
senger, accompanied by his friend, Mr.
Lewis, was visiting In the county seat
last evening.
J. R. Grimes, manager of the Fred
Gorder Implement establishment in
Louisville, was doing a little "court
ing" here today.
Miss Pearl Lowcy came In from Mur
ray this morning to take the afternoon
train to Chillicothe, Mo., where she
ill spend several months with rela
The llrsl hearing on claims against
the estates of Harriet Klser, deceased,
Mary M. Farmer, deceased, and Louise
Dorr, deceased, were had In county
court today.
The members of the Cass county bar
association will hold memorial sen
Ices In honor of the late A. J. Graves,
tomorrow In the district court room.
Henry Fornoff, of Louisville, and W.
II. Melslngcr, of Cullom, were in the
county scat yesterday to spend the
day with Frank Svoboda and attend
the play at the l'armele In the even
Judge S. M. Chapman has been very
sick at his home In Plattsmouth for
several days, but the latest reports
from his bedside are very favorable.
He Is steadily improving. Nebraska
City News.
Herman Heck and wife, of Eight
Mile Grove, departed this morning
from this station for Perry, Oklahoma,
to visit with relatives and former Cass
county friends during the holidays,
May they have a pleasant visit Is the
wish of the Journal.
down this morning to look after some
legal matters in the district court.
L J. Mayfleld, of the Courier, was
down from LouIsUlle today, and let
the light of his countenance beam in
upon the Journal force.
Miss Jeanette White, who has been
visiting In the city, the guest of Miss
Margaret Mauzy, returned to her
home In Omaha this afternoon.
Joseph Schlater who has been enjoy
ing a visit with his brother Conrad
and other relatives In this city depart
ed this afternoon for his home In Pali
sade, Neb.
James Stander was down from Louis
ville today on business in the district
court and gave the Journal a call. No
better men live In Cass county than
Jim Stander, and we are always glad
to see him.
Tartsch Establishes Upholstering
Rooms in Plattsmouth.
Fr.m Mondny'aDnliy.
I). J. riltman of Murray was look
ng after business In the county scat
II. G. Wellensck. from the vicinity
of Avoca, was In the city on business
II. C. Long, of Murray, was a county
scat visitor today.
D.J. Pitman, of Murray, was here
today on business.
Cbas. Ileebner, or cnawka, was
Lerc en bus'ness today.
Mrs. Ora Davis and Mrs. Fleming of
' Hurray were In the city today.
'Mrs. McClaln of Louisville was visit
ing In the county seat today.
C. R. Jordan, of Alvo, was transact
ing business In Plattsmouth today.
In Justice Archer's court the case
of Joseph Svela vs. J. G. Melsloger
was tried Saturday. The action Is
brought by the plaintiff to recover
(150 for eight months' work done on
the farm of the defendant. A decision
will be handed down tomorrow.
Krom Wi'dntwday'i dully.
Sheriff C. D. Qulnton returned this
morning from a business trip to Kigle.
M. L. Freldrlch and wife of Eight
Mile Grove were visiting in the coun
ty scat today.
II. E. Pankonln, who has been in
the county seat several days on busi
ness connected with the district court
returned to his home In Louisville,
this afternoon.
Mrs. Frank Carruth and children,
Fred, Glenn and Louise, who accom
panied the remains of the husband
and father to the last resting place In
this city, returned this afternoon to
their home In Denver.
Our young friend, G. R.
of Cass county's Industrious young
farmer's, living near Mynard, was
caller at this ofllce today, and while
here renewed for the Journal to Janu
ary, 1908. Galen says he can't keep
house without the Old Reliable.
W. A. Clcghorn was In from Louis
vllle on business today.
Henry Donat. who is traveling for
a wholesale liquor house, was In town
today for a short visit with his family
Jas. A. Hlte, etal., vs.TueoJ.IHte
et al. Report of referee examined
and approved, and property ordered
From Tut'Mtuy'i Dully
Charley Relhart was in from Cullom
John Fight and wife went to Omaha
this morning to spend the day.
T. Flclschman of Elm wood was in
Plattsmouth today on business.
Fred Gorder was In the county seat
from Weeping Water today on busl
Jacob Flclschman today petitioned
the district court for his second
"naturalization papers.
J. II. Tarpcnning and Julius Rclnke
of South Rend were transacting bus!
ness In tho county seat today.
miss Anna vtciciman, who lias neon
visiting with relatives In llavcluck
returned home last evening.
Albert Ruchler returned to Omaha
yesterday afternoon after a brief vis
it with Plattsmouth friends.
uncie rcter hell was In town to
day to file his report with the county
commissioners as road overseer.
D. K. Barr, of Greenwood, came
Geo. Tartsch, who for many years
has been employed in the clothing
business In Plattsmouth, has rented
two rooms over the Dovey grocery
store and will conduct an up-to-date
upholstering and renovating business.
Mr. Tartsch has had considerable ex
perience In this line of work, having
been employed In that department of
the 15. & M. shops prior to his enter
ing the clothing establishment of F.J.
Morgan, and will be fully equipped
with all necessary machinery and ma
terial for doing first class work in
every particular, lie win make a
specialty of renovating mattresses.and
a new machine for this line of work
111 be placed In operation this week.
In addition to repair work in the up
holstering line be will make all klnd3
of cushions for chairs, windows, or In
fact anything in this line that the
people might desire.
Mr. Tartsch respectfully solicits the
public patronage, and his telephone
number Is .'175. Should you be unable
to call at the rooms, ring 375, and be
will call at your residence for any and
all work. While he has many orders
at present, an early placing of your
work will be appreciated.
Rev. W. F. Bradley went to Lin
coin this morning.
Roy Royd went to Lincoln this
morning on business.
rcter Clark was a passenger to Om
aha on the fast mail tcday.
Joe ales was a business visitor In
the metropolis this afternoon.
Mrs. wm. iaugncrty was visiting
In the metropolis this afternocn.
August i. oruer was a business visitor
In the metropolis this afternoon.
V 1. tT t-. , & - . .
riiiiiK ii. 1'uuuur wcni to me mc
tropolis on business this morning.
15. C. Ilydo and family were visiting
in tno metropolis this afternoon.
Henry Stull made a business trip to
tho metropolis on the morning tral
R. B. Windham was looking aftci
legal business In the metropolis this
Edward Ernest from El in wood was
transacting Important business at the
courthouse today.
Miss Mae Patterson and Mrs. L. L.
Atwood were among the passengers to
Omaha this morning.
Mrs. I). Hawksworth and daughter,
Mrs. E. A. Cook, were visiting In the
metropolis this morning.
The condition of Judge S. M. Chap
man remains about the same the
patient resting easy today.
District court adjourned today noon,
sine die and Judge Paul Jessen depart
ed for his home In Nebraska City.
Commissioner L. D. Swluertook No
19 today for Omaha, from which place
he will return to his home near Avoca.
Mrs. A. L. Zlnk departed this morn
lng ror ottumwa, Iowa, where she
will spend the holiday, visiting with
Erall Carlson and Antono Hcdin
from the vicinity of Louisville were
transacting Important business at the
court bouse today.
t i ri. ...
j. o. i uman, irora near union, was
looking after some business matters in
Plattsmouth yesterday, and while
here paid the Journal a short visit.
ine proper rapers were made out
today In the county Judge's olllce to
Albert Ley tie, age 2. and Miss Jessie
Cooper, age 20, both residents of Alvo,
Among the minor matters at Wasl
I 1 r . . .
iiigiuu, . v., we noic inai me pen
sion Din or James II. Thrasher for 8.10
per month has been favorably re
John Ossenkop, one ofjhe Journal's
staunch friends of near Louisville, was
In the city today on business, and of
course called at our headnuarters
While here Mr. Osscukop renewed his
allegicnce to the Old Rcellable.
Our nelgborlng town of Murray was
well represented In the county seat
eoaay, eue louowing being among
tho pcoplo from that vicinity: Jas K
Hatchet and wife, Jas. Loughrldg
and wife, Col. J. C. Seybolt and wife
Mrs. 0. II.GIlmore, Mrs. J.A. Walker
Mrs. A L. Baker, Nicholas Klaurens
and J. C. Gruber, sr.
Tlione No. Hi
LORENZ BROS., Proprietors.
Groceries, Provisions and Meeats
Nebraska Tlione
No. 11.
1st rrize EDISON
Phonograph and
12 Records $30 00
2nd Prize Century
Camera and Out
fit 15 00
3rd Prize Imported
Japanese Vase. . . 5 00
v i v r.uisun
N. ,v' ; ' irrapti am
CJj'lT -A Nebraska.
Phil. Sauter,
distributor of tbe
hdlson I'boiio-
nd Hep-
Total amount.. $50 00
Contest will open November 1st, 1906, and close
May 1st. 1907. Coupons will be given with cash pur
chases only. Every $2.50 worth of coupons gets one
draw number. Begin when the contest begins, per
haps you will be the lucUy one. Cost you nothing to
$3.00 $3.50
OUR present showing of "Queen
Quality" Boots offers the dis
criminating woman the opportunity
of buying footwear of unquestioned
quality, in the smartest shapes, in a
tvlde range of styles, for every kind
of service, at a moderate price. To
see the new "Queen Quality" fash
ions is to admire them; but to wear
them is to grow enthusiastic. This
Store controls the exclusive agency.
E.G. Dovey & Son