The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 13, 1906, Image 8

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The County Exchanges
I., j I IIHIII 1111111 Alll.lll Ulfl kM blaM l atlIlill" a
From tli t.lf r-Kcho.
Mabel Horton was quite sick with
appendicitis the past few days, but Is
now getting along nicely.
Jay K. Worley and tamily of Lin.
coin, and Miss Kittle Worley, of
Omaha, spent Thanksgiving with
Geo. W. Worley and wife.
A big fat baby boy was born to Mr.
and Mr9. Chas. Woods Monday.
Charlie says that accounts for all the
fine weather the first of the week.
Steve CJyger has purchased the
Henry IUmmltt property, the former
Rrant and Cowcll property, and will
move to Kim wood soon. Considera
tion Is said to be fW.
A report has reaction hero from Gy
man, Okla., to the effect that Emery
ltrant has lost three of his tinkers by
having them mashed In a well boring
machine, and that blood poisoning lias
set in.
A. N. Speer, acting as cashier of the
Farmers' State bank during the ab
sence of Mr. Thomas, locked himself
out of the vault one day last week.
The last we saw of Mr. Speer he was
sitting hi front of the vault door try
ing to work the combination.
The Farmers' Elevator Co. of Omaha
has sent out thousands of circulars ad
vising farmers to hold back corn ship
ments until colder weather or till the
corn has dried out more. Only a
small per cent of the new crop Is tft
tor storing. The season In most of the
state has retarded curing, and the
grade of the corn will be better if al
lowed to cure on the cob.
How's Thiaf
We oiler One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0.
We, tho undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve hlra perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by his firm.
Walding, Klnnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken intern
ally, acting directly upon the blood and
mncous surfaces of tho system. Testi
monials sent free. Trice "lo per bot
tle. Sold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constl
patlon. HaLvelock.
Mr. Fred Krochler, sr., remains In
about the same condition as when she
was hlrlcken some three weeks ago.
W. L. Cooper, storekeeper for the
11. & M. hi l'liiitsmouth, spent last
Sunday lih friends at Havelock.
Jotin A. YouiK', who has been en
joying a leu day's visit, with lils child
ren of our city, left lust Tuesday morn
ing for his home Mt Huron, S. D.
K. E. Fogety, foreman of the boll
ermakers in ttie erecting department
has been on the sick list this week,
but is improving and hopes to be able
to go to work Monday.
Fred Keller met with a severe accl
dent at the shops last Monday even
Ing. The packing from the hydraulic
press blew out and a piece struck him
in the eye. He was taken to the doc
tor's oillce and the wound dressed,
which proved to be quite serious and
very painful. The doctor Is not yet
sure that the eye can be saved.
Curt for Sore Nipples.
As soon as the child is done nursing,
apply Chamberlain's Salve. Wipe it
off with a softcloth before allowing the
child to nurse. Many trained nurses
use tills with the best results. I'rlce
25 cents per box. For sale F. G. Frlcke
Co. and George D'Ment.
(From the llranm.)
Will Itctts and wife of Avocawcre
here Sunday, thegucstsof his brother,
K. 1. Itctts.
Jim Snoke went to Colorado, Tues
day, to look after property Interests,
lie went in company with John
Seems pretty good to see 13 1 1 1 1 e Kent
on deck again. He was on the streets
Monday for the first time fn several
Geo. Swarts informs us that bis
mother living near Elmwood sprained
her ankle in a fall sometlmeago seems
to have done her permanent Injury.
G. W. Vcnner was down from Lin
coln a few days this week. While a
great deal better, Mr. Venner Is not
entirely recovered from his illness.
Mrs. A. M. Glcason visited. Mrs. T.
II. Adams the first of the week. Mrs.
Gleason now has charge of a depart
ment in ttie Lindell hotel at Lincoln.
W, II. Dimmit and wife and two
daughters of College View, Herb
Swarts and wife of Elmwood, Miss
Rosa Swarts and Henry Rughe of
Weeping Water were entertained at
the George Swarts home Sunday.
No Opium In Chamberlain's Cough
There is not the least danger In giv
ing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to
small children as it contains no opium
or other harmful drug. It has an es
tablished reputation of more than thir
ty years as the most successful medi
cine in use for colps, croup and whoop
Ingcough. Italways cures and Is pleas
ant to take. Children like it. Sold by
F. O. Frlcke & Co. and George D'Ment.
A Wonderful Compound Cures Piles,
Eczema, Skin Itching, Eruptions,
Cuts and Bruises.
Doan's Ointment is the best skiu
treatment, aud the ctiea pest, because
so little Is required to cure. It cures
piles after years of torture. It cures
all skin Itching, Itcures skin eruptions.
It heals cuts, bruises, (cratches and
abrasions without leaving a scar. It
cures permanently. I'lattsmOJth testl
mony proves It.
Mrs. Joseph Warga. tf 1100 Main
street, Flattsmouth, Neb., says: Ex
perience taught our family to value
Doan'a Ointment exceedingly. My
mother was troubled for a good many
years with a breaklngout which would
cause water blisters on one of her feet.
Despite the fact that she tried reme
dies of various kinds, no relief was ob
tained until she used Doan's Kidney
Pills which was procured at Gerlng&
Co.'s drug store. This preparation
not only banished tho trouble at the
time but effected a permanent and
absolute cure. 1 used Doan's Oint
ment for a breaking out and terrible
Itching on my right hand and w rist.
The trouble resembled eryslpeles. A
few applications took away the Inllam
matlon and the itching ceased. I
have had slight touches of It since but
an appeal to Doan's Ointment always
checks It on the start. We are never
without tills splendid preparation in
the house."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50c
Foster-Mllbum Co., Hutlalo, N. Y.,
sole agents for the United States.
men. II there Is anything on Gods!
green earth to be admired it is a lady
and we boys do admire and consider
It an honor to be recognized by her.
But girls that "dab" on the powder
and dress so very swell and gad the
streets night and day, a sensible boy
would not go with to a dog tight.
That Is tbe reason jou girls say you
never meet a scnlble young man.
You girls go home and learn how to
wash dishes and do house work, allow
no young man to call on you that you
are ashamed to Introduce to your
mother and father and treat as one of
tbe family, and you'll never have to
complain about the silly young man.
If you girls would hold yourseves
above the silly young men; if you
would utterly Ignore the sporty ele
ment, make them know you are a
lady, then you will be treated as
Recommends Pe-ru-na.
A Painful Acclden.
Ed Lohnes, of the firm of Dorscy &
Lohnes, met with a painful accident
Wednesday evening, while attempt
ing to generate one of the new fan
gled gasoline lamps that have become
so popular In Louisville business
houses. Mr. Lohnes was attempting
to regulate the (low of the gasoline,
and in doing so opened tbe valve too
wide and the oil ran down his sleeve,
which ignited. But for the presence
of mind of Eddie Burns, who grabbed
a towel and wrapped it around Ed's
arm and smothered the (lames, he
would have been badly burned, as his
shirt sleeve was thoroughly saturated
He escaped, however, with a few
burns on the wrist. Louisville Cour
For chapped and cracked hands
nothing Is quite as good as an applica
tion of DcWItt's Witch Hazel Salve.
Put it on before going to bed, use an
old pair of gloves and see what a dif
ference the morning will bring. Sold
by F. G. Frlcke & Co.
The Silly Girl.
A girl in Leon, Iowa, asked why tbe
boys act silly when they are with the
girls and one of the boys writing un
dcr the name "A Silly Boy" tells why.
It might do girls in other towns some
good to read It ever and pay a little
attention to the truth therein.
"Why do we boys act so silly when
we are with the girls? It Is because
we haven't the respect for you that we
should have. And why not? You
watch the girls parading hack and
forth in front of the hotel trjlng to
cop the traveling men. watch them
meet the night trains and If a man,
old or younif. inamed or sIiikIp, gets
off the train, Match Hie glils stait up
a flirtation. W Milv bos don't give
a rap for that kind nf kti nod don't
respect her, neitlu r do the traveling
u w u , vi i
i ii r i
I M 1
Made from
W? PureGraDetreamtor
The only excuse for buying anything but
a Pure Grape Cream of Tartar Baking
Powder is to save a few cents in price;
jKuwu costs you a few cents more per. can;thani.IumorlPhos
t . a .
pnatc.oi.Lime powders, but it is worth farrnore;thanthcIdiiTcrcncc
iotkecp.'your biscuits, cakes and pastry.frcc from thefinjurious
ciiccts.oi.inese encapening substitutes.
Continued .'use of Alum means pcrmancnunjury7to'.hcaith.
Avoid Alum Ailments Say.plainly
Did You Ever?
Did you ever notice how a bevy of
women will work like bees for thesuc-
cess of any enterprise for the benefit
of the church? They will lock up their
homes, sidetrack the babies, send hub
by to the restaurant and a faithful
few w'll not even take time to eat un
til they see their cherished plans for a
dinner, a bazaar or cooked food sale
cosumated In success. They will wash
windows, scrub Moors, move stoves, fit
pipes without a cuss word, bake and
cook over a hot stove all that a new
carpet may be putdown Inthechurch
the interior may be painted, or a
wheezy organ supplanted by a good
Instrument. You generally find from
twenty-gve to Ufty ladies putting forth
their best efforts in an undertaking of
this kind and furnish from two to
three dollars worth of material for
the occasion. If they would contrib
ute the same amount in cash to the
fund they could then get out of con
siderable hard work, but no, the work
part is never taken Into consideration.
If it wasn't for the work of the women
what would our churches be?
In Praise of Chamberlain's Cough
There is no other medicine manufac
tured that has received so much praise
and so many expressions of gratitude
as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It
is effective, and prompt relief follows
its use. Grateful parents everywhere
do not hesitate to testify to its merits
for the benefit of others. It Is a ccr
tain cure for croup and will prevent
the attack if given at the first appear
ance of tbe disease. It Is especially
adapted to children as it is pleasant to
take and contains nothing Injurious
Mr. E. A. Humphreys, a well known
resident and clerk In the store of Mr,
E. Lock, Alice, Cape Colony, South
Africa, says: "I have used Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy to ward off croup
and colds In my family. I found it to
be very satisfactory and it gives me
pleasure to recommend it." For sale
by F. G. Frlcke & Co. and Geo. D'Ment
Death of Infant Son.
After a sickness of a week's dura
tion, Laverne, ihe twenty-four-days'
old son of Mr. and Mrjs, Chas. Man
ners passed away this morning at 9
o'clock. The funeral will be held to
morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from
the family residence, Rev. J. II. Sals-
bcry ortlciatlng. After the services
the remains will be taken to the
Young cemetery for Interment.
Dealers say that those who have used
Chamberlain'sStomachand Liver Tab
lets are quite loyal to them and cannot
be persuaded to take any substitute,
Get a free sample at F. G. Fricke &
Co.'s and George D'Ment's drug store,
give them a trial and you, too, will
want them in preference to any other,
They cure stomach troubles, bilious
ncss and constipation.
Better for the Publio.
Because the railroads must call
freight train permits when the com
mcrcc law becomes operative January
1, tho traveling public will benefit by
being allowed to ride on a larcer num
ber of freight trains than in the past
Many traveling men carry these pe
mlts and are enabled to travel c
freight trains on presentation. Con
cernlng ttie abolition of these perm
by law General Freight Agent Spcns
of the Burlington says:
"Wc are compelled to comply w
the law. We realize It will work
hardship on the travelers and for that
reason we will extend the passenirer
service to many trains on which the
public is not allowed to ride. Wc wan
to offer the best service possible thouuh
of course there are some freight tral
on which we cannot take passengers
In territories where the passcnKcrser
vice Is limited we will designate more
trains as mixed trains and thus care
better for all passengers."
A man with a sprained ankle will
use a crutch, rest the ankle and let It
get well. A man or woman with a
overworked stomach can't use a crutch
but the stomach must have rest just
the same. It can be rested too with
out starvation. Kodol will do It. Ko
dol performs the dlvcstlve work of the
tired stomach and corrects the diges
tive apparatus. Kodol fully conforms
to the provisions of the National Pure
Food and Drug Laws. Recommended
Senor Quesada, Cuban Minister to the United States.
Senor Qncsada, Cuban Minister to the United States, la an orator born. In
an article in The Outlook for July, 1800, by George Kennan, who heard Quesada
peak at the Esteban Theater, M atari zas, Cuba, he said : "I have seen many aud-
encei tinder the spell of eloquent speech and in the grip of strong emotional ex
citement, but I have rarely witnessed such a scene as at the close of Quesada'i
eulogy upon the dead patriot, Marti." In a letter to The Perana Drug MTg.Co.,
written from Washington, D. C, Senor Quosada says:
"Peruna I can recommend as a very good medU
cine. It is an excellent strengthening tonic, and it
is also an efficacious cure for the almost universal
complaint of catarrh.1 'Qonzalo De Quesada.
Mr. Will A. Hoffman, Hagerstown,
Hi., writes: "
"I gladly give my testimonial with
the thousands of others who have been
cured by the use of lVruna.
had catarrh of the bead and
throat. I took cold eatlly and wat
I wat all rundown and hardly able
to work at alt when I began using
"But. now, after using It about six
months I am well and sLvng."
There is no remedy in the world
which has proven so popular for catarrh
as Peruna. It has been used for more
than thirty years and cured thousands
of cases as proven by our testimonials.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna,
write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a
full statement of your case and he will
be pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
The Hartman Sanitarl urn, Oolu mOus, O.
King of all Cough Medicines
Mr. E. G. Case, a mall carrier of Can
ton Center, Conn., who has been In the
U. 3. Service for about sixteeu years,
says: "e have tried many cough
medicines for croup, but Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy Is king of all and one to
be relied upon every time. We also
find it the best, remedy for coughs and
colds, giving certain results and leav-
nir no bad after effects." For sale by
F. G. Frlcke & Co. and George D'Ment.
Competent Official.
Win. DelesDernler was at I'latts-
mouth Monday on business in the
county court, Bettling the Iloefer es
tate, correcting mistakes and errors
made in the settlement of the estate
some years ago. The people of Cass
county can rest assured that no such
mistakes will occur under the present
strict enforcement of the law and
rules of practice as enforced by Judge
Harvey D. Travis, the present county
Judge. Elmwood Leader-Echo.
New Cure for Epilepsy
J. B. Waterman of Watertown, O.,
Rural free delivery, writes: "Mydaugh-
jr, allllcted for years with epilepsy,
wascured by Dr. King's New Life Pills.
She has not had an attack for over two
years." Rest body cleansers and life
giving tonic pills on earth. 2."c at F.
G. Fricke & Co.'s drug store.
Have you seen the new Jap laundry
bag at Dovey's?
r m ruin 1.1),
Don't allow money to lie around. It
is easier to spend it and easier
to lose it
bj keeping It in a safe place such as
The BanH of Cass County
Capital Stock $50,000, Surplus 115,000
Chas, C. Purmele, Pres., Jacob Trltsch, V-P.
T. M, Patterson, Cash.
You can give a check for any part of
it at any time and so have a receipt
for payment without asking for one.
When you have a bank account you
will be anxious to add to it rather than
spend from it. Don't you want to
know more about It.
KoHnl For Indigestion;
w J Relieves sour stomach,
palpitation of theheart. Digests what you ea
Mrs. Rblinda Akers, of Basham, Va writes:
"I had what doctors call 'prolapse,' and couldn t
stand straight. I had pain in my back and
shoulders, and was very irregular and profuse.
Doctors said an operation was needed, but I
couldn't bear the thought of the knife. After tak
ing three bottles of Wine of Cardui, 1 could walk
around. Can now do my housework and am in
splendid health."
Cardui is a pure, vegetable, medicinal essence,
especially adapted to cure women's diseases. It
relieves excessive periodical pains, regulates
irregularities, and is a
safe, pleasant and re
liable remedy for all
sick women. In suc
cessful use for over 70
years. Try it.
Wrlic lit Inter dfwrlblnt 'l
your vmptom, nj will nd you
( rn AJvlct. In plain lf J nv lw.
Addrnt: Udki Advlnory Dfturtmmt,
1 h LhalUnouga MtJicInt Co.. Llnll
noofa, Ttnn.
At Every Drug Store in $1.00 Bottles.
and sold by F. G. Frlcke & Co.