THE CITY. ) PLATTSMOUTH AND VICINITY. young people, and miy they return tnucb benefited by a month i sojourn In the north. 1'rotu KrlUajr'a lUy. ' A. rnsk of Louisville wan In town today to attend the farmers' Institute. (). A. and I. M. Davis of Murray were In l'lattsmouth today to attend the Institute. Senator S. L. Thomas went to Lin coln, this morning on business. From there he expects to depart for lilt ranch near Akron, Cul. John Albert, from the vicinity of Cedar Creek, was transacting business In the county scat and attending the Farmers' Institute today. John and Julius Ncumlster, from Dear Nchawka, were In town today to attend the farmers' institute. A petition In the matter of the estate of Henry Wolfe, sr., deceased, was tiled In the district clerk's oillce today. Jos. llalmes, from the vicinity of Greenwood, was transacting business In the county seat, and attending the Institute today. Frank Anderson of l'aclllo Junction bought a car load of mules In the vi cinity of Murray this week, and will ship them to St. Louis. Mr9. I'. C. Peterson returned last evening from Iletliany, Neb., where she was summoned by the sickness of her mother Mrs. Pitts, who Is much better. In apportioning the state school funds, Cass county will receive the sum of $4,102.10. Hut six counties In the state receive more than this amount. One year ago yesterday, says an old river man, tho river was at Its lowest stage during tho entire winter, show ing a gauge of 411(1.45 feet above low water mark at St. Louis. Shortly after a rise occurred and continued above the low reading through the re mainder of the winter. Yesterday the gauge read 4l)8.751over two feet higher than the samo dato last year. Lower "water Is predicted before tho winter is passed. Charles Spangler, of near Weeping Water, was a county seat visitor to day and called and renewed for the Journal for another year. Mr. Spang ler lias been a reader or the Journal from Its Inslplcncy. Fred Spangler, living five miles south of town, Is rejoicing over the ar rival of a bouncing girl baby at his homo, born Thursday morning, Ie- cember (). Hives, eczema, Itch or salt rheum sets you crazy. Can t bear the touch of your clothing. Doan's Ointment cures the most obstinate cases. Why suffer. All druggists sell It. Krom Snlunlny'i Dully. H. D. Heed, of Weeping Water, was a county scat visitor today. D. L. Amick, of Murray, was here today to attend the Institute. Geo. Horn was in from Cedar Creek today to attend the Institute. Isiac Pollard of Nchawka was a con spicuous figure at the institute today. Harry E. Kruger cf Elmwood was in tho county seat today to attend the institute. C. P. and C. II. Spangler from the vicinity of Murray were in town today to attend the Institute. John Krcauer, one of our best Gcr man r armors or near .Mynaru, was a county seat visitor today. P. A. Illld, one of the hustling young farmers of Mt. Pleasant pre clnct, was In the city today. A. E. Fltt and wife came in from Alliance, Net)., tins morning for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ilcrold. A marriage license was Issued yes terday in Omaha to David Ross Den nis, aged 23, and Josephine M. Allen, aged ltl, both oi' Weeping Water. W. H. Hell and John Pauer return ed tills morning from Chicago where they attended the national live stock show which they report was fine. Our young farmer friend, O. V. Vir gin, living north of Murray, while in the city today called and advanced his subscription to the Journal to Febru ary, luos. Joseph Schlater, of Palasade, Neb., who has been visiting with relatives in Louisville for several days, came in this morning for a visit with tils brother, Conrad Schlater, and wife, and other relatives in this vicinity, where he formerly resided. Charley Gaebel, the celebrated fine hog breeder.and Wm. Wendtof Louis ville, were In the city today, and bf course called at Journal headquarters, and while here Mr. Wendt renewed for another year. They are both Jovial fellows, and we are always pleased to meet them. Henry Slander and daughter, Miss Eva and sons, Francis and Cecil drove over from their home near South Pend this morning. While here Mr. StaDder and children called on the Journal, and renewed his allegiance in tho Old Reliable for another year. Mr. Slander also renewed the subscription of Thomas Edwards at Woodward, Okla lioma. Mr. John Schlater of Louisville and two daughters, Miss Daisy of Lincoln, and MIssNatlia of Denver, who were in Loulsvlllo to attend the funeral of their mother, paid a visit to the family of Conrad Schlater in this city Tbey departed tills afternoon for Louisville. From there Miss Natha will return to Denver. From Monduy'vllitlly. Jas. Perry of Elmwood was in the county scat to make out his final naturalization papers today. M. C. Whitehead who resides near Mynard returned Saturday evening from Poone, la., where he went to attend the funeral of his father. We are pleased to learn that G rover IlulTncr, who was operated on for ap pendicitis is Improving nicely, and has been removed from the hospital to the home of his sister, Mrs. Koy Dodge. Chas. Englckemler and wife drove over from Weeping Water Saturday to spend Sunday with her folks. While In tho county seat Mr. Englckemler was a welcome caller at the Journal ofllcc. Thos. Thomas of South Omaha was down to spend Sunday with his son, George and daughter, Mrs. Cogllcr. Tho latter and her children accompa nied him to Omaha where they will spend a few days before returning to Weeping Water, where they will be met by Mr. Through a letter received by our friend, Conrad Schlater, from Rev. Father P. Nugent, formerly pastor of tho St. John's church of this city, but now in tho licndlctlne Monastery In Ermlngton, England, wo are Informed that he is In excellent health and sends kindest regards to Ills friends in l'lattsmouth and Louisville. From TuoMluy'i Dully Peter Campbell from the vicinity of Murray was In town today on business, Wm. Stohlman of Manley wastrans' acting business In the county scat to day. t. iK Jioensneu or ureenwooa was transacting business in the county scat today. Geo. A. KalTenbergcr shipped nine teen head or cattle and seventeen head of hogs to the South Omama markets yesterday. Harry Long of Scuth Pend was In the county seat on business last even ing. He boarded the morning train for Omaha today, from which place he will return home. . K. Fox has been on the sick list for the past few days suffering from an attack of lumbago. Deputy County Clerk Morgan has been assisting with the work in the treasurer's oillce dur ing Mr. Fox's sickness. W. 15. Roberts, who visited with his brother, J. M., and family, yesterday and last night, departed this morning for South Omaha to purchase some feeders and also visit a brother, who Is In the stock commission business. From W'lni"iOiiy's dally. Miss Grace Ahl of Louisville was vis iting In the city today. John McNurlln and wife drove out to Cedar Creek thisafternoon to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Seybcrt Mrs. Daisv Hoover came In from Louisville this morning to spend few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sherwood. Fate Davis, the hustling stockman from South Omaha, was In town to day and shipped out two car loads of stock, one of cattle and one of cattle and hogs. II. D. Reed of Weeping Water ac companied by his brother, F. P. Reed. of Denver, Colo., and Mr. Poorhees, of Tucker, Utah, was in the county seat on business today. Frank, son or Chris Parkenlngs, de parted for Omaha this afternoon to enter Uoyles' Business College for term of several months. The Journal wishes Frank success In his work. A deal was closed today through the Windham Investment Co., whereby W. W. Coates became the owner of the frame store building cast of Kunz man iiamgc s meat market. The consideration was 12,300. Mrs. D. E. Sclvcr and daughter, Pcrtle, and grandson, Clyde, went to Louisville this afternoon for & few days visit with relatives. They ex pect to again visit In this city before returning to their homo in Marquette, iscorasita. Julius PIUaodhlsslstcr.MIss Edith, departed this morning for Manitowoc, Wis., where they will visit relatives and friends for a month. The Jour nal's best wishes attend these worthy A. S. Will departed this afternoon for Akron, Colo. J.G. Rlchey came in from Llnculo last evening on business. Miss Florence Anderson was a pas senger to Omaha this afternoon. C. 8. Po'k returned this morning from a business trip to Lincoln. Earl C. Wescott made a business trip to Lincoln thisafternoon. Fancy "Kern Kutter" scissors at Pauer's. Good Christmas presents. John Schlappacasse made a business trip to the metropolis this morning. J. N. Will of Akron, Colo., came In last evening for a visit with his folks. John Colbert of the real estate firm of Pool Si Colbert or Weeping Water was In the county seat on business to day. Don Atwood, traveling representa tive of a Chicago wholesale house, was In town today for a visit with relatives. Carl Ilerggren was a passenger to Omaha on the Missouri Pacific this morning. Mrs. Klnser went to Red Oak, la., this morning for a several days', visit with relatives. Mrs. J. A. .Walker and daughter, Miss Margery, were visiting in the county scat today. "Keen Kutter" carpenter tools for men and boys at Bauer's. Suitable for Christmas presents. Mrs. J. W. Johnson returned last evening from a several days' visit with friends in Papllllon. Wm. Neville, who has been visiting in the city since yesterday, departed this afternoon for Mllford. J. P. Falter, T. II. Pollock, Terry Marsh and Ben Raincy were among the Omaha passengers on the fast mall today. Mrs. J. W. Manners, who has been visiting at the home of her son, Chas., In this city, returned this morning to her home in Alvo. Louis Dose and wife went to Glen- wood, la., this morning in response to a message stating that bis brother was very sick. C. II. Cook of Sioux City, Iowa, who was in town for a visit with his broth er, Dr. E. W. Cook, returned home this morning. If you arc looking for a choice article of household furnishings for a Christ mas present, don't forget that M. Illld has Just what you desire. , Col. J. II. Thrasher, Harvey. Sage and J. is. Duke were passengers to Omaha this morning, where they are serving as witnesses in the big land case. m. Dunn, the horse dealer of Weeping Water, was in town on busi ness today. lie took the mornlntr train on the Missouri Pacific for Om aha. What Is more suitable for a Christ mas present for your wife than a nice bed room suite, or handsome rug'? Nothing. M. Hild, the furniture man, lias Just what you want. nenry ivnaoe or iNenawu was a business visitor in l'lattsmouth today, and while here paid the Journal cilice a pleasant call. Mr. Knabe Is one of tho prominent farmers from southern Cass county, and we are always pleased to meet him. BUY NEBRASKA LAND in Hamilton county. 50 choice farms for sale. Write for list F. A. BALD, Aurora, Neb. Torturing eczima spreads its burn ing area every dty. Doan's Ointment quickly stops Its spreading, Instantly relieves the Itching, cures it per manently. At any drug store. Henry Pfclffer, president of the Pfelffer Chemical company or St. Louis, came In yesterday arternoon for a brief visit with the Gerlngs. Mr. Pfelffer is a cousin of Matt and Henry Gerlng and Is connected with one of the largest chemical companies In the United States. M. W. Twitchell ent to Omaha this arternoon, where he will be Joined by Mrs. Twitchell. who has been visit ing in Iowa. They will depart this evening for their future home la Se attle, Wash. Durlnir Mr. and Mrs. Twltchell's residence In this city they have made many close friends, who wish them well In the western citv that they have chosen for their home. It Costs Nothing To find out for a certainty Whether or not your heart is affected. One person in four lias a weak heart; it may be you. If so, you should know it now, and save serious con sequences. If you have short breath, fluttering, palpitation, hungry spells, hot flushes; if you cannot lie on left side; if you have fainting or smother ing spells, pain around heart, in side and arms, your heart is weak, and perhaps diseased. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure will re lieve you. Try a bottle, and see how quickly your condition will improve. "Ahntit a vtnr ago I wrota to the Mllt-a Medical l'o., Baking advlcn, at I wua aufTrrlnif with, heart trouble, and liad been fur two yearn. I hud puln In my Jienrt. back and left aide, and had nnt been ablft to draw a deep breath for two year. Any little exer tion would cans palpitation, and I could not llw on my left aide without aurterlnir. They ndvlaed me to try Dr. Mllea llMirt t'ure and Nervine, which i ma witn the rexult that 1 am In better health thnn 1 ever was before, having K'Oned 14 pound since I com menced taking It. I took about tlilr- i bottle of the two medicine, and teen haven't been hnthmt with mv heart alncc." MUS. MLI.IK THOMAS. Vtyptr Sanduaky, Ohio. Dr. Ml let' Heart Cure It told by your druofllit. who will guarantee that the flnt bottle will benefit. If It fall he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Doan's ReifuleU cure constipation. tone the stomach, stimulate the liver, promote digestion and appetite and easy passages of the bowels. Ask your drupijlst ror them. a box. There's nothing so yood for a sore throat as Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil. Cures In a few hours. Relieves anv pain In any part. Good carving sets make excellent Christmas presents. A complete line will be found at Bauer's Hardware store. Will Remodel Store Building. The Journal Is Informed that the property adjoining Kunsman & Ramge's meat market on the east is to be thoroughly overhauled and re modeled. This property was pur chased by W. W. Coates yesterday and the lloor will be lowered, the front of the building eitended, and plate glass windows put In, thus making a very desirable store building In the best business section of the town. This building has not been in keeping with the other buildings In the block, and the reconstruction will be hailed with pleasure by our citizens. Eee's Laxative Cough Syrupcon tain Ing Honey and Tar Is especially appro priate for children, no opiates or poisons of any character, conforms to the conditions of the National Pure Food and Drug Law, June 30, 1900. For Croup, Whooping Cough, etc.- It expels Coughs and Colds by gently moving the bowels. Guaranteed. Sold by Gerlng & Co's drug store. THi ORIGINAL LAXATIVE COUQH SYRUP KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE cosTAiMNQ HONEY AND TAR PUBLIC SALE ! I will fell at public acttlon at my farm, two miles wesr, of l'lattsmouth THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27,06 the following property to-wit: 9 milk cows, 2 fmh four soon will be; 7 heifers 2J years old; ; heifers 1 years old, 3 steers 1 years old; 1 steer 21 years old; 1 Short-Horn bull; all in good condition. 7 Head of Horses weighing from 1100 to 1400 pounds and in age from 5 to six years old. 4 Good Brood Sows; 1 male Poland China. 1 good double-seated carriage; 1 lumber wagon: 1 self-binder, 8-foot cut ( nearly new); 1 cornplanter; 1 disc harrow; 1 3 section harrow; 1 2-row stalk cutter; 1 riding cultivator: 1 walking cultivat or; 1 incubator and many other arti cles too numerous to mention. Sale to commence promptly at 10:00 o'clock. Terms of Sale: All sums under $10 cash In hand: all over this amount a creditof 1 year will beglven purchasers to give notes with approved personal security bearing 8 per cent Interest from date. No property to be remov ed until settled for. W. 0. JONES, Auctioneer JOHN SCHAFER liS For Gifts irift is always a sensible A USEFUL f trift. And "Queen Quality" Shoes are more than useful they are beautiful. A gift c? "Queen Quality" Shoes may be not merely a gift of a pair of shoes, but the very pair '6f shoes most desirable for the recipient. And they are made in so great a diversity of styles that every woman's ', fancy can be as perfectly suited as her feet be shoes. Why not Christmas" with a $3-co. $3-50. $4-. E. G. DOVEY & SON canbeAhttcd.j Let it fgivelhenfeetXa "Merry pan&iQueen Quality?" THE PALACE MARKT l'lattHmouth 'I'linne No. ,ii LORENZ BROS., Proprietors. Nebraska Thone No. 11. Groceries, Provisions and Meeats 1st Prize KDISON Phonograoh and 12 Records $30 00 2nd Prize Century Camera and Out fit 15 00 3rd Prize Imported Japanese Vase. .. 5 00 Total amount.. $50 00 Phil. S aii ter, distributor of the K (I I son I'Iioiio Krniili and Heo oids.IMntlsmoMli, Nebraska. Contest will open November 1st, 1906, and close May 1st. 1907. Coupons will be given with cash pur chases only. Every $2.50 worth of coupons gets one draw number. Begin when the contest begins, per haps you will be the lucky one. Cost you nothing to try. Lorenz Bros., PleLttsmouth, Nebraska. U fib Fine Watches Diamonds Finger Rings of All Kinds Droocches a.nd Pins Silverware Ha.nd-painted China a.nd Novelties We Are Re.dy At present the best sight in town is our HANDSOME STOCK OF HOLIDAY GOODS, which includes the pick et the market in bright, fresh New Styles and Novelties for the Xmas Season, and we are waiting to show it to you. It Will Give You New Ideas to sec Our Holiday Line because it contains everything to make people happy, whether they are old or young. Charming Gifts plenty o f them waiting your inspection. To look through our fine assort ment is a pastime to price the goods is a pleasure to possess them is a privilege. Come and see the best for Christmas in the THE NKW, TIIK NOVEL AND TIIK BEAUTIFUL It is a stock to please the many and save the money of all who come. You'll trade with us simp ly because you , can't duplicate the goods for the price. What eve. your wants may be, we can meet them with the MOST DE SIRABLE AND SATISFACT ORY SELECTIONS. . W rRARTI Watchmaker and Jeweler Open , Nights J,