The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 06, 1906, Image 6

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any vf the rauhit of the Jtmrwil knotr of n cif mtif or on Unit of i
ll'c ieunt nil itam vf intend. Editor Juumul.
Youirog Folk:
Wlint are you oiii t Hlyt' ue young folks foi
Xmns? You probably hnvon't given the matter
much thought yit. Xou will ponsibly put it olT un
tit the lust minute and thou make Borne foolish ne
loot ion. Why not give a present that will retain its
vnluo, Mint will givo unlimited pleasure and help to
establiHh the habits of thrift- necessary to future
financial Kinross? Let us make a suggestion. Take
the. money you intond tospend for a present andde
Msit it in this bank to the. credit of tho young per
Hun and hang the bank book on the Xmns tree.
Your present will represent actual value; it will
give perpetual pleasure; it wil encourage business
hleas aud assist in future prcsperity.
The Murray
C. 5. STONE, Cashier.
Cecil Murpliy Is again at work In
W. II. McDaniel Is digging a new
Icj house.
Less Hall could raise a n-oustache If
ho had time.
Don't forget) the Jubilee sinners,
Friday night.
Mrs. Tlieo. Buck was a riattsmoutli
visitor Tuesday.
The little child of M r. and M rs. John
Sloalman Is quite sick.
James Louridgc was transacting
business In Omaha Tuesday.
J. W. Edmund's has purchased M.
G. Churchill's tine driving nag.
Mrs. Grace Meloner, from Oregon, Is
visiting her mother, Mrs. McDonald.
The attendance ut liert Jameson's
sale was large. Everything sold well.
Grandma Campbell, mother of Wm,
Campbell, Is on the sick list this week.
Ed. Elliott and Alex Campbell were
n Plattsmouth Tuesday evening at
tending to business.
County Attorney Rawls, of rialts
mouth, was In Murray over Sunday
visiting with relatives.
Mr. Henry Long received a fine
Itjroc Monday from Strutt's pedi
greed herd, near Avoca.
J. H. Scybolt and son, Kelly Rhodcn
and W. II. McDaniel transacted busl
2!.'ss in Oraaha Saturday.
Fate Davis and Walter Woods of
South Omaha, were In Murray Wed--tiesday
and bought some stock while
Tlio Foreign Missionary met Wed
nesday. The meeting was well at
tended and several Interesting papers
were read.
Mrs. John West took the Tuesday
evening train to riattsmoutli, where
s!ie attended tho tlnal settlement of
her husband's estate.
L. C. Todd and wife passed through
hero on their way to visit Grandma
Marks, who has been quite sick at her
daughter's, near Mynard;
Misses Jean and Clyde Berger, from
near Nehawka, were In Murray Tues
day, bringing Mr.' and MrVSuu John
son, their aunt and uncle, to the
northbound train.
A. J. Porter, father of tho Porter
boys, has returned to Seven Mile Ford,
Va. He was accompanied by Mr. Ivor
man Copcnhavcn, father of Steve Cop
enhavcr. They left on tho train Tues
day evening.
Word has been received from the
manager of tho Jubilee Singers that
they will be here on Friday evening
Preparations have been made for t
big crowd, as this number In the lec
fire course U a drawing card.
"Why do you call me 'honey? ' a
Murray maiden asked. "Becauso you
are sect your disposition Is the ncc
tar gathered from many tragran
:)i rx, and Lesldes you always stick
to me." A part of this was taffy.
The fish men from Rock RlulTs have
been quite busy fur the past two
wi ks. Wm. Shera and Standley Hall
cau.hi as much asflveuuudrcd pounds
ol tMi In a day. This, at eight and
ten cents per pound, makes quite a
. snug sum for a day's work.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Johnson, from
San Jose, California, havobecn visit
ing with relatives lu and about Mur
ray, J. W. Bcrgcr being a brother of
Mrs. Johnson's. Mr. Johnson was one
of the pioneer merchants of Rock
Bluffs, being a member of the Arm of
Johnson & Spratlln. Their old time
friends were (tlad to meet them and
recount the olden times.
Murray Department
State Bank
A. M. Holmes was attending the
Tor rev meetings In Omaha Wednes
Ed Kruger has moved to Platts
mouth where he will live during the
Mrs. C. A. Rawls, of Plattsmouth,
was visiting with Murray relatives
Miss Ina Miller spent Thanksgiving
at the home of her cousins In Ilorton,
Walter Vallery went to Omaha
Wednesday evening to get some slid
ler repairs.
Mrs. J. F. Torter, who has been
quite sick for the past few weeks, re
mains about the same.
The supper held by th Ladles Aid
society, Wednesday night was a grand
success. They took In about $.'0.
Mrs. Will Berger. of Nebraska City,
was visiting Mr. Berger's parents In
Murray a few days the past week.
J. R. Vallery went to Omaha Wed
nesday evening to buy a car of young
feeders If they were not too high.
The little child of Mr. and Mrs.
I'.emlng that was so badly burned a
few days ago, is getting along nicely.
Mrs. A. L. Baker, Miss Truda
Long and Mrs. Herman Beck at
tended the Buster Brown show in
Plattsmouth Saturday evening.
Mrs. J. W. Berger has sold her 80
acre farm, north of town, to Glen
rcrry, for the neat sum of $103 per
C. C. Tucker orders a copy of the
Journal sent to his father, P. C.
Tucker, at Alv, t :cla., and one to
Walter King, at Lulkart, Okla., this
week. Many thanks. Mr. Tucker.
The Royal Highlanders met at
Clansman Gapln.s Saturday night and
held lodge. After all business had
been transacted the members were
treated to a good lunoti. Wo wish
lodge would meet every week,
James Holmes has been' assisting at
the Murray store for the past few
daysv but returned to Mynard Thurs.
day to remain until the fore part of
next week, to dispose of the goods re
malnlng lu their store at that place.
J. W. Berger and Mr. and Mrs. John
son spent the day. Mondav. at the
home of Harrison Smith at Rook
Bluffs. Sunday, In company with Mr.
and Mrs. James Brown, they visited
with relatives In Nehawka and Tues
day In company with l.S. White, took
dinner at tho home or Mr. and Mrs. J
A. Walker.
S. U. Johnson and wife i.f San Jose
Cal., has been visiting In Murray for
the past week, the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Berger, Mrs. Johnson be
log a sister of Mr. Berger. They do
pariea i uestiay evening for the east
wlierc they wlli visit with relatives
and friends for a few weeks, returning
via of Murray, and Miss Marie Berger
will accompany them on their home
ward Journey for a visit in the coast
Child Falls In Scalding Water.
Tho three year old child of Mr. and
Mrs. Aaron Fleming, who reside west
of Murray, was qulto seriously scalded
Saturday when the little one, un
noticed by the mother, took hold of a
bucket of hot water and upset the
contents upon Itself. The Injuries
were dressed by Pr. Brendel, who was
hastily summoned from Murray, and
although the child suffered consider
able agony, It Is thought that it will
in thi vicinity and trill nvtil s'tmc to this
Fitch-Mason Nuplialt
Through an oversight the Journal
failed yesterday to chronicle the mar
rlage of two of Cass county's popular
young people. The event referred to
Is the marriage of Robt. Fitch, Jr. of
Murray to Mis Elizabeth Mason of
this city. The ceremony was perform
ed Saturday evening In the county
court room, Judge II. P. Travis ofllcl
The groom, who Is a son of Robt
Fitch, Sr. Is an Industrious young
farmer residing near Murray, while
the bride, who is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob Mason of thlsclty, has been
teaching school near Nehawka. The
best wishes of the Journal follow them
to their home near Murray.
Stolen Property Found.
It will be remembered by the Jour
nal readers that Uncle James Root's
residence In Murray was, last Septem
ber, during his absence In the east, en
tered by burglais and his clothing, a
lot of silverware and other articles
stolen, and not the slightest clue as
to who the guilty parties weie has
ever been discovered, but a few days
ago the stolen goods were all found
near one of the elevators where they
had been placed under a pile of grain
doors. Evidently the guilty parties
are home talent, and their nerve failed
them, fearing that they might be
caught with the stolen property in
their possession. Now, Mr. Root
would like to know "who Is who."
Little Folks Entertained.
Little Vera Hatchelt 'gave a com
bined birthday and Thanksgiving
party at the home of her parents last
Thursday, that proved a very joyful
occasion to all the little folks present.
Quite a number of her little friends
were invited, and all present were In
deed sorry when the hour arrived for
them to go home. Following were
those in attendance: Alice Gableman,
Olga Minfold, Clara Young, Marie
Davis, Mabel Cllne, Ethel Spangler,
Ruth Lindsay, Louise Lindsay, Bessie
Cook, Opha Baker, Lcora Brown,
Catherine Brown, Catherine Berger,
Mae Loughrldge, Velma Wood, Lor-
etta Carroll, Josephine Weber, Ruth
One on Clint. j
Mrs. Clint Totten tells a good story
on her husband, an incident that Is
too good to keep. Clint had taken off
his shoes preparatory to retiring. The
howling of a batch of stray dogs near
the house was very annoying. "I'll
stop that," be said, and thereupon
took an ancient shotgun with an old
rusty load in It and stepped out on
the porch. There was a bright flash
of light, a deafening detonation, a rat
tling of shot amid the distant cotton
woods, followed almost Instantly by a
dull thud the fall of a heavy body.
With fright Mrs. Totten hastened to
see what bad happened. There on the
porch lay his gun, but Clint was no
where to be seen. On further search
she saw his head, arms and legs stick
ing out of a fourteen gallon stone Jar,
standing oy trio porcn. lie was
wedged tight. "That darned old
blunderbuss kicks like a mule. For
heaven's sake help mo out of here,
Jane " With difficulty he was extri
cated from his acrobatic position. At
the entreaties of his wife he refused
to respond to an encore, stating that
he was not running a circus.
Prs. Newell SC- Tracy will
Murray on, Tuesday of each
be 'In
Oltlce with Dr. Gllmore.
Clearing Out Sale
to prepare (or spring stock commenc
ing October 12. Prices reduced on all
buggies and surreys I have on hand
until sold. . J. II. Cook.
Do you want a piano? Bear In mind
that M. 1 1 lid Is making special prices
on these instruments and will con.
tlnuo to do so all through this month
Edjjar Howard's Spoiling Reform.
Edgar Howard of the Columbus Tele
gram, gets in ms work on wie new
spelling fad as follows
Kolumhus was visited last Toovlay
by Chancellor Atidrus, furst assistant
to Teddy Buscvdtin the wurkof mak
ing repl spel wurds simply. Ho was
jurnylng to sum other town, and sl' t
only long eouf to by a bite to ete. lie
did not sey anything about tanted
muny or Bokefeller while he was here.
He dcklind to talk about poly tlx or
marrage reform. He said he felt as
yung as a filly and f rely profesldc that
Teddy Euscvclt wood be abl to niak
pcopl spel rite Inside of a ycr wlthot
the soldycrs.
Can't look well, eat well, or feel well
w ith Impure blood feeding your body.
Keep tho blood pure with Burdock
Blood Bitters. Eat simply, take exer-
else, keep clean and you will have long,
office it trill ayptitr under thii heading.
Balling Powder
Pure, Wholesome, Reliable
Made from cream of tartar
derived solely from grapes,
the most delicious and
healthful of all fruit acids.
Its use is a guarantee of
perfect food and a protec
tion against the ills that
follow the use of alum,
alum-phosphate and other
low grade powders.
The mixture! called buking powders that
tell lor ten or twenty-llva centa a
pound, or a cent an ounce, are all ulika,
make from alum coating lea
than thrta cent a pound.
Got Dad Beating, but Saved th
Loot Ilia Aaaailanta Mad
New York. Deo. 0. Awakened by
the sound of a footstep In bis home in
East Sixty-third street near Fifth ave
ntio early In the morning Elian Aslel,
broker, found himself confronted
with two revolvers hold only a few
inches from his faee. "We'll shoot if
you make a squeak," said a voice as
the men behind the weapons began to
draw slowly away toward tlio door of
the room. Aslel did not heed the warn
In?, but shouted for help. In an In
stant the two men were upon him, rain
ing blows upon Ills head, Hint when a
servant who had heard theories rushed
Into the room, the broker was on the
verge of Insensibility, his pillow soaked
with blood and the robbers had es
Investigation showed that the bur
glars bnd gained entrance to the house
by sawing an inch thick iron bar which
held a gate guarding thebasement door
and then cutting out the glass panel
of. the door. A large amount of gold
and silver plate in the dining room had
been tied up in two bundles, but in
their flight the men did not have time
to take the booty with them.
Thief 8 tea la Six Steer.
Rig Itaphls, Mich., Dee. . Six
jeuiiing steers were stolen from Fred
Smith, near Mecosta, driven to Big
Itnplds, eighteen miles awny, nnd sold
to a butcher for J107. When the of
ficer?' suspicions were confirmed tho
thief had skipped out. The suspect Is
n young man. His stepfather Is work
ing on the farm from which the steers
were stolen.
lis May Hate Been Murdered "
Rloomlngton, III., Deo. 0. Oscar
Adamn. a laundry agent, was found
dead from a bullet wound at his home.
A revolver was lying on the floor. The
nbsenco of powder burns has created
doubt concerning the correctness of the
verdict of Bulclde rendered by tho car
ener's Jury. No reason for self-destruc
tion is known.
fugitive Trusty Recaptured.
Mamuctte.' Mich., Dec. 0. John
raquette, a trusty who escaped from
Marquette three years "ago, when he
had only thirty days more t serve,
was recaptured at Freeport, III., and
has been relumed to prison.
Following Is the official weather
forecast up to 8 o'clock tonight:
Illinois nnd Imllnmt Clearing; de
cidedly colder.
Lower Michigan Clearing; decided
ly colder; high northerly winds.
Wisconsin Fair; decidedly colder
cold wave In north portion.
Iowa Fair; decidedly colder.
The ladies of the W. B. C will serve
dinner and supper on Saturday, De
cembcr S, In the building east of
Kunsmnn & Banige's meat market.
Do not forget the dance at Coates'
hall Friday evening. The electrical
display used Thanksgiving will be
used ogiin for this o;;ciMon, probably
for the last time. Admission fifty
One of the special features of tho
repertoire of the Nebraska American
Concert Band Is a grand suite of five
of the famous operas by Bosslnnl and
Belilnnl. A complete rendition, ar
ranged from the old original orchestra
scores, is played by this eicellcnt or
ganl'atlon of incomparable musicians,
rarmelo theatre Saturday afternoon
and night, December 8,
For Bent Suite of rooms In Water
man block. Well arranged for family
use or for ofllces. Desire to rent to
one person only. Apply to E. A
I. all
Louckb, or call at the Journal.
Will the City C:r.;';l Accept the Proposi
tion of tts Gleavscd Man?
And Some People are Wondering Why the
Home Company Wants More.
Citizens, property owners and busi
ness men should agitate a little more
earnestly the proposition to put arc
lights upon the streets. It you want
them as badly as they are really
needed go right straight to the mem
ber of the council from your ward and
tell him so. Tell him the city cannot
afford to do without lights any longer
and thus endanger the life of citlens
who have business down town after
To remain without lights longer Is
outrageous, when the council have a
proposition to put them In so cheaply.
We have a lighting company here at
home, and It would seem to a man up
a tree that It a stranger can come here
and put in so many arc lights at a
stated price, the company established
in the city could do the work for the
same price, or, in fact, much less. It
looks very reasonable that It can. But
let this be as it may give us lighted
Here we bave a city of 6,000 or 7,000
people that once toasted of an excel
lent lighting system, that made Main
street as light as day the darkest
night that ever was, and the stranger
who then entered our gates spoke of
our enterprise and "get up and git."
But a few years ago a shade of black
ness gathered over the town and It
has remained there for about six years
or more because the city authorities
thought the lighting company was
robbing them.
But now we have an opportunity to
get lights at a very reasonable rate
and every citizen between now and
the meeting of the council next Mon
day night should agitate the matter
and give expression to their opinion
before that date, and let the members
of the council be goverened accord
ingly in their actions regarding the
Let's stop this monkey business. The
people demand light, and the sooner
they get It the better it will please
them. If our home lighting company
will not be as reasonable In Installing
these lights, we say glre the contract
to the Glenwood man.
"Home first the world afterward,"
has always been the Journal's motto,
bub in this case the home lighting
company does not seem to hew to this
line as enthusiastically as we believe
it should. But by all means, let us
have more light In riattsmoutli.
Ma.ple Grove
Piwclal Correspondence.
Jake Hlld made a business trip to
Nehawka last Thursday.
Carpenters are finishing the new
house of August Engelkemeler, sr.,
this week.
W. II. Fulsmade a trip to Weeping
Water Saturday.
John Bock left Saturday for a few
days visit with relatives at Avoca.
P. A. II lid and family visited at the
home of William I'uls and family Sun
Miss Gcraldlne Young lost her fine
Shetland pony last week. Dr. Barnes
was summoned but could not save Its
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Engelkemeler
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. II. Puis Sunday.
David Murray and wife of Murray
visited witn me tatters folks near
Union Sunday.
Quite a number of relatives visited
at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Louis
ruls Sunday.
Miss IdaTlocdeker made a business
trip to Murray Monday.
ChaB. Beverage shipped a car load of
bogs to South Omaha Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Puis and daugh
ter Mata and Mrs. Lena 1 1 lid mado a
trip to Omaha Monday.
Quite a number attended the public
salo at Bert Jameson's Wednesday.
There will be a dance at the home of
W. H. Puis Saturday night December
the 13. Everybody Invited.
Have you seen those fancy silks that
Dovey's are selling at li'c per yard?
Best made The popular '-Ex
qulsito" and "Eagle" cigar, In boxes
for Xmas trade Try them.
Dade's Little Liver Pills thoroughly
clean the system, good for lazy livers,
makes clear complexions, bright eyes
and happy thoughts. Sold by Gerlng
fcCo'idrug store.
"I bave been somewhat costive, but
Doan's Bcgulcts gave just the results
desired. They act mildly and regulate
the bowels perfectly."-George B,
Krause, 300 Walnut Ave., Altoona
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graaf Married
Tventf-FIvs Years Agj.
On Sunday last the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Grauf was the scene of a
most pleasant gathering iu I unor of
the 2.'th wedding anniversary of this
worthy c-juple, who had passed
through this number of years lu tread
ding together down Time's pathway,
with all its pleasures and displeasures,
sorrows and Joys.
The guests who assisted in celebra
ting the event begati arriving on the
scene of so much pleasantry about ten
o'clock In the morning, and they con
tinued to arrive until the house was
fairly swarming with friends who had
come to do honor to Frank and his
wife. "Eat, drink and be merry,"
was the order from the noon hour un
til almost the dawn of another day,
and to say that all present accepted
the order and enjoyod an excellent
time but half expresses it. ,--
Those who were present to enjoy
the occasion were the following:) Mr.
and Mrs. F. II Stander, Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. Bauth, Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Bauth, Manley; Messrs. and Mesdames
John Campbell. Bock Bluffs: Peler
Spader, John HaKsheldt, E. B. Delli
hay, John Wiles and daughter, Bessie,
of Murray;Ed Donatand wife, Piatts-
mouth; Albert Tlmms, Plattsmoutb;
Chas. Loveli, Mynard: John Lau. Jim
Bordman, George Wiley, L. Slagh,
Mansey Klim, John Kllm, Tony Kllm,
Henry Kllm, Pat Campbell, Misses
Grace and Emma Bordman, Henry
Tlmms, Misses Agnes, Minnie, Ceiia
and Mr. August Grauf.
One who was there says it was one
of the most pleasant affairs he ever
attended, and that the host and host
ess were untiring In their efforts to
make everyone happy. The Journal
wishes that Mr. and Mrs. Grauf may
live to enjoy many more such happy
Special Correspondent.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kropp of Wyo
ming spent Tuesday with Grandpa
Sturm, who Is still very sick.
Herman Stoll finished corn husking
Thanksgiving day.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred nild spent Sun
day evening at Gus Hansen's.
Fred Schomaker, sr., sold a load of
hoes to Jim Palmer, Monday,
A number of friends Sundayed with
John Wunderlich's folks.
Mrs. Lonle Todd and daughter,
Julia, drove to Weeping Water, Sat
urday afternoon.
Henry Knabe came near being killed
Monday morning while helping Will
Porter with a windmill. The rope
slipped, and the windmill going
over on Mr. Knabe, pinning him to
the ground. Help was summoned to
get him out, and he was Immediately
taken home. The doctor thinks no
bones are broken, but he Is suffering
great pain.
Miss Lottie Wuoderllcn returned to
resume her school work after a month's
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schomaker, sr.,
were the guests of Ernest Abrends
and family Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hansen spent
Sunday with George Hansen and
Mrs. nenry Knabe was quite sick
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. L, Carsten were the
guests of their niece and friend, Edith
Schomaker and Mr. Tbiel, Saturday
and Sunday.
Wm. McCullougb, from Wisconsin,
dropped in at Henry Schomaker's
Thursday for a few week's visit.
Bert Perkhlscr drove out In the
country Thursday to eat Thankfglv-
Ing dinner with frlcndss
The Stockham sisters spent a pleas
ant day visiting with the Miss Ula
and ImaHccbner, Sunday.
Edward and Willie Wulf enjoyed a
pleasant drive over from'Avoca, Sun
day afternoon to visit friends and rel
atives, ., . . "
Mrs. George Spohn returned to her
home In Superior, after a few days
visit with her parents, Mr. .and .Mrs.
Andrew Sturm, sr. 1
Wm. Davis visited the' .county seat
Mrs. Corbln, at the home of Ab.
Murdock, has been very sick for the
past week, hut Is convalescing slowly.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Carrol were the
Invited guests for dinner at Mrs. Can
ning's Sunday.
John Wundcrllch boarded tho train
for Lincoln Monday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Tucker, Mr. and
Mrs. West Magncy visited at Bert
Tucker's Saturday.
Klnf of all Cough Medicinal
Mr. E. G. Case, amallcarrlcrof Can
ton Center, Conn., who has beea in the
U. 3. Servleo for about slxtecu years,
says: "We have tried many cough
medlclnesfor croup, but Chamberlain
Cough Bemcdy Is king of all aud one to
be relied upon every time. We also
find It the best remedy for coughs and
colds, giving certain results and leav
ing no bad after effects." For sale by
F. 0. Frlcke & Co. and George D'Ment.