The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 06, 1906, Image 2

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from KrlcUj'i fully.
Ceo. F.vcrettof Union was looking
alter business In riattsmoutti today.
Wm. McLeod of Murray was tran
ictlng business In the county seat to
day. T. J. Rhodcn from the vicinity of
Murray was transacting business In
IMattsmouth todar.
W. F. Tracy and wife of Union ate
Thanksgiving dinner at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Swcarlngcn.
Mr. and Mrs. John lHmelan of
Weeping Water were In the county
tt to spend Thanksgiving with A.
IV. White.
Fate lavis and John o'Uoake of
South Omaha were In the city today
to see alxiut buying a car load of cattle
in this vicinity.
Chas. l'arks and wife were In My
nard to assist In disposing of a Thanks
Riving dinner at the home of the lat
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Murray.
Wm.Ostfrom the vicinity of Ne
hawka, departed this morning on a
trip to Chicago, where he will spend
a week or ten days vlsltlnu with rela
tives. Adam llild of Mt. l'lcasant precinct
was at. the county seat on business
;. 1. Melsingcr of Cedar Creek was
looking after business in IMattsmouth
Wm. Chalfant and Jas. Harrow of
Union, were transacting business In
I'lattsmouth today.
From tsiUmliiy'i liitlly.
J. B. Seybolt, from the vicinity of
Murray, was among the passengers
from this station to Omaha this morn
ing, where he will make arrangements
for his son, Will, to attend the Boylcs
business college. Cal llhodcn and
John Speck also expect to attend
business college.
A marriage llccnso was Issued yes
terdav In Council Bluffs, low, to
Trace? Young of Omaha, ago 2'J, and
Mattle nilllsple of Nehawka, aged 20,
W, II. McDanlels, a hustling mcr
chant from Murray, was a passenger
from the county seat to Omaha on the
morning train today.
J. P. Falter. Adam and Philip
FornolT, and Adam Kurt, returned
this morning from a business trip to
Huron, S. 1.
J. J. Schneider, from the vicinity of
Oedar Creek, was transacting business
in I'lattsmouth today.
Geo. Horn of Cedar Creek was look
ing after business matters In the
county scat today.
County Superintendent (iambic
shipped an exhibit to Lincoln today
In the shape of corn and potatoes,
which were grown by Carl Coryell, who
captured the prize in the corn contest
of last year. This contest Is held on
the ltb of December and Is looked
forward to with much Interest by the
farmer boys all over the state.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Frcese returned
tbls afternoon from a pleasant trip
through the east aod a short visit In
Hamburg, la. Tbe newly married are
busy receiving the congratulations of
their friends.
F. K. Brlcka, editor of the Weeping
Water Republican, was in the county
heat on business today. While here
he made a pleasant call at tbe Journal
John Melslnger and John Albert
two substantial farmers of Eight Mile
throve, were In the city on business
J. W. Kdmuudsof Murray w as look
Ing after business matters In tbe
county seat today.
F. A. Bocdckerand Miss Stella Opp
of Nehawka were visiting In PlattS'
mouth today.
I. J. Pitman of Murray was trans
acting business at the county seat to
I miii MimdHjr'nDiilly.
Uncle Jacob Scybcrt of Cedar Creek
was In the county seat today to visit
with his fr.cnds.
A complaint of Insanity bus I ecu
filed in the district clerk's office
against one Chas. Reed of Avoca.
O'l. J. C. Seybolt of Murray was In
town to tak" No. l' to Omaha today.
Miss Marncry Walker was In from
Murray4ospiT.l Sunday with friends
In tills clt y. I'm guest of Mlsslla-cl
L. R. Upton and Miss Nina Lyndc,
of Union, came up Saturday to see
"Buster Brown," returning home on
the midnight train.
Wm. Deles iVrnlcr aia town to
day on legal business.
I. N. Hunter was In the county scat
from Wroblng Water to;,iy on business.
A. M. Holmes and daughter, Mrs
W. S. Smith of Murray, were visiting
In the county scat Sunday.
Mrs. Jos. Shera returned from Om
aha Saturday. Her daughter, Mrs.
Addle Keenan, accompanied her home
for a few days visit.
Mrs. Susie Leach, who has been en-
oylng a visit with the family of her
brother, M. W. Thomas, departed
today for her home In Firth, Neb.
Wm. Neville, who spent Sunday at
home returned to Kmcrald, Nebraska,
on the fast mall. Mr. Ne.llle has
been under the weather for several
ays, and while feeling some better is
not altogether a well man.
A Rpeclal from Weeping Water,
under date of December 2, says. "The
public schools will remain closed t his
eek on account of elptherla. Several
new casus have developed."
(Jeorge Mark of Nehawka and Wm.
Mark of Union, were In the county
seat Saturday evening. They were up
to Mynard to see their mother, Mrs.
J. Mark, who Is very sick.
Misses 1011a Mario Sattlcr.llennctta
Martens, Emma l loos, and liosa
Mumin departed yesterday for Peru,
here they will enter the state nor
Abe Uupley went to Omaha this
afternoon to consult an ear specialist
In hope of restoring his heating, which
he has been losing for some time.
From Tut'Mliiy' Dully
John Kelly of Louisville was trans
acting business In the county seat to
day. Miss Mac Vallery, from the vicinity
of Mynard, was shopping In the county
scat today.
W. II. Hell departed this afternoon
for Chicago, where he will attend the
national stock show.
Wash A. Young departed this morn
ing on a business trip to Guthrie, Ok
lahoma, where he expects to remain
about ten days.
John II. Becker and James M. Rob-
rtson departed this morning for
Franklin, Nebraska. While In the
west they expect to Inspect real estate
In Chase county.
The village of Union was pretty
well represented In the county scat
today, the following gentlemen being
In town from that vicinity: John
Cauer, John McCarroll, Dan R. Lynn
and K. M. Hathaway.
Louis Frlcdrlch and Nicholas Schaf
fer departed this afternoon on a trip
to Oklahoma. While In that vicinity
they will visit with Peter Frledrlch,
near Renfrow, and with A. A.SchatTer
and M r. Hcnnlngs near Pocassctt, I . T
The sheriff Is In receipt of a card
from the authorities of Dodge county
offering a reward $100 for the capture
and conviction of Wm. B. Busb, who
few days since stole a horse and
buggy from the farm of J. H. Wider-
brand, near Hooper, Neb.
Henry Karstcns, of Sao county
Iowa, is here for a few days' visit with
the parents of Mrs. Karsteos, Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Tarns. Mrs. Karstcns ar
rived a week ago, and after enjoying a
short visit they will return home. Mr.
Karstcns called yesterday with his
father-in-law and had bis subscription
advanced another year.
Thos. Helm of Louisville, was
I'lattsmouth visitor today, and was
pleasant caller at the Journal bead
quarters. We were pleased to learn
from our old friend that Mrs. Helm
who has been In poor health since last
July, has very much Improved, with
bright prospects of ultimate recovery
Frank Helm of South Dakota, ac
companied his father, Thos. Helm of
Louisville, to I'lattsmouth today. He
and his wife aro visiting the "old folks
at home" and will return to their
home In about two weeks. They are
energetic young people and are niak
Ing them a line home In the north
west. While here Mr. Helm renewed
for the Journal, feeling that he could
not do without tbe news from home.
From Wrilni'stlwy'ii lUlly.
Geo. Lloyd of Murray was In tow
on business today.
Perry Marsh went to Omaha th
morning on business.
August Newman of South Bend
was a county scat visitor today.
commissioner u i. swiucr re
turned to his homo In Weeping Water
W. A. Cleghorn of Louisville was
transacting lmlncs In the count
seat today.
Claude Everett, from the vicinity o
Union, was transiting business I
the county seat yesterday.
Edward Spangler and sisters, Ml
U.I0 ana Mrs. Mepiicn lies, wen
to Omaha this afternoon to attend
Henry Lthnboff of Louisville was In
the county seat on business today, and
fur a visit with friends here before he
gets settled In Lincoln.
Word received from Miss Ycsta
Eaton today Is to the effect that she
withstood the operation remarkably
well and rested u!etiy lait night.
Chas. Reed, from near Avoca, was
examined by the hoard of Insanity to
day and was declared to be a tit sub
ject for the asylum. Sheriff 0. D.
Qulnton took blm to Lincoln on the
fast mail this afternoon.
W. (i. Erliart or Wabash, was in the
city today paying bis taxes and at
tending to other Important business.
Mr. Erliart also remembered the
printer by paying bis subscription to
tbe Journal to January, 1908.
'Mrs. Lydla Dreamer, who has been
visiting for the past two weeks at the
Ik me of her sister, Mrs. C. E. Cook,
Immediately south of I'lattsmouth,
has gone to Nehawka, where she will
visit a few days with her other sister,
Mrs. Norman Deles Dernier, before
returning to her home In Elm wood.
Mrs. Oeo. Freer of Omaha and her
friend, Miss Mamie Whclan, of Wy
more. Neb., who have been enjoying a
week's visit wltn the latter's uncle.
Mr. Whelan, and the family of Perry
Uttcrback, returned to Omaha this
afternoon. Miss Whelan willstopotT
I here for a short visit with Mrs.
Rev. O. E Burress of Union was In
the city on business today.
Judge S. M. Chapman Is reported to
be slightly Improved today.
J. S. Hall made a business trip to
the metropolis this afternoon.
Chas. Mantz of Chicago Is in town
oday for a visit with C. E. Wescott.
TheconditlonofDr.1V. II. Schild-
necht remains about the same today.
J. G. Rlchey went to Lincoln this
fternonn for a visit with his family.
Jas. Darrough of Union was trans
acting business In the county seat to
day. Homer K. Burkett of Lincoln was
the guest of Col. J. II . Thrasher last
James Sochor the merchant tailor is
ready to take j our measure for that
new suit.
Leonard B. Crawford of Union was
transacting Important business at the
court house today.
Frcdrich A. Neuman, from near
South Bend, made application for
naturallzatlcn today.
Word received from Omaha today is
to the effect that Miss Vesta 'Eaton
Is getting along nicely.
Dr. E. D. Cummins went to Omaha
this afternoon to visit bis patients In
the St. Joseph hospital.
A marriage license was Issued today
to Fredrlch Tarns, age 22, of this city,
and Miss Downic B. Cook, age 22, of
Alvo. :
Mrs. M. Archer went to Omaha this
afternoon to spend a few days with
her daughter and attend the Torrey
A warrant has been Issued from po
lice court for the arrest of Geo. Barr
for lighting and disturbing the peace
last nlgbt.
Miss Clara Mlnstrom, who was In
the city to visit with her friend, Miss
Leek, returned this morning to her
home Id Sprlngtlcld, Neb.
n Mammon county, aucnoice farms
or salt. Write for list
F. A. BALD, Aurora. Neb.
It Costs
To find out for a certainty
whether or not your heart is
affected. One person in four
has a weak heart; it may be
you. If ,o, you should know
it now, anil save serious con
sequences. If you have short
breath, fluttering:, palpitation,
hungry spells, hot Hushes; if
you cannot lie on left side; if
you have fainting or smother
ing spells, pain around heart,
in side ami arms, your heart is
weak, ami perhaps diseased.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure will re
lieve you. Try a bottle, and
see limv quickly your condition
will improve.
"Alwmt n r;,r orh I wnit to ttm
Milr Mi'dliMll I'O, Hiking Rilvtr,-, n I
Win miIIitihk llh lii'itit trmilil.-, i,mI
Imd lroti rir two rr. I v,,n
In my limit, tun k uml l. ft
hil not lM.,.n n ni to tli.iw ,i iliH'i,
titiwtli tor two y.'iirK. Any Intl.. , . i .
tlon woiil.i :iiikp Piilpltntlnn, nml I
(mill nut l nil mv (.. without
r nfT, 1 1 tiK. Tln-v iiiM. il mi to try ir.
Mill lli -irl 'ni ft n.l NVtvino, hlrli
1 tllil Villi Ml" rr-ult that I n m lit
li'ttrr limit h thnn I rvrr wm Im for,.,
inul'iit Kilt'.-. I 14 miinil Him,. ,,,m.
nn'ii" il l.iKlim It. I tixik iih.iiit thlr
twit liutlli- if tli two niiillrliii , mill
! nrnl l ei ri lniyrrr, with niv ln' iit
Hinc." Ml! I II I IK TlluM s.
I PI' r Ohio.
Or. Hrjirt Curt Ik told by
your drunriiit. who will ouarant.., thrt
tt tint buttle will b-nrM. If It tails
ht will refund )Our money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, InJ
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Troop, who
have been on a farm near Gregory, S.
I)., arrived last evening to spend tbe
winter visiting with relatives In this
J. S. Duke, Harvey Sage and Col. J.
II. Thrasher went to Omaha tbls
morning to act as witnesses in the biif
land case, which Is being tried iu the
United States court.
Herman Eestor Is petting settled Id
his residence property on m Granite,
between 10th and lltb streets. He
began moving bis household goods in
from the country yesterday.
Miss Alma Larson has resigned her
position with the News to accept a
position with the Alfred Bloom Co.
In Omaha. She departed for that
place this morning over the Missouri
Fact lie.
In police court this afternoon Wm.
Grebe, Geo. Parr and Jos. Davis were
arraigned on a charge of disturbing
the peace by lighting last night. .The
Judge assessed the first two tlO and
costs, and the third to and costs.
(. Farmele has moved his livery
stable property Into his quarters In
the Patterson building on Pearl
street. The former occupant, John
Iverson, has moved his blacksmith
shop in one of the buildings across the
Al ter the Journal had been Informed
that Miss Lulu Leek would be taken
to Omaha to undergo an operation for
appendicitis yesterday, it was decided
to postpone this for the present. Miss
Leek is very much Improved today.
The family of John Erady are mov
ing from the Itobbins house Into the
residence property of Mrs. O. J.
Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Lightncr, who
formerly occupied theSmith property,
have moved into the house vacated by
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Twltchcll.
'file store room In the comer of the
Guthmann building on the southeast
corner of Main and Third streets has
been remodeled, two windows being
cut through the west brick wall, in or
der to give more light to the room.
The I'lattsmouth Steam Laundry will
occupy the room In a short time.
It is a mistake to use a violent ca
thartic to open tbe bowels. A gentle
movement will accomplish the same
results without causing distress or
serious consequences later. DeWltt's
Little Early Risers are recommended.
Sold by F. G. Frlcke & Co.
Who Pays the Advertising- Bill?
An unknown exchange asks: "Did
you ever think about It? Who pays
for the advertising of merchants and
other business men? Not the adver
tiser, for tbe cost Is returned to him
twofold In Increased profits. Not the
purchaser, for he buyes cheaper from
advertiser and has a better assortment
and fresher goods to select from. Who,
then, really pays the advertising bills?
The non-advertiser, of course. A Just
proportion of the money -he loses by
his lack of initiative and enterprise
finds way eventually to the printer,
to advance the cause of education and
the interests of the community. Who
pays for that advertising which at
tracts the people of this town toother
towns? The home merchant not only
loses that trade, but in that loss pays
for the other fellow's advertising
Isn't It plain? The "store keeper" Is
a relic of tbe past, the merchant Is un
active being of tody."
Open the bowels and get the cold out
of your system. Kennedy's Laxative
Cough Syrup opens the bowels and at
tbe same time allays the Inflammation
of the mucous membranes. Contains
Doncy and Tar. Drives out tbe cold
and stops the cough. Absolutely free
from any opiates. Conforms to the
National Pure Food and Drug Law.
Pleasant to take. Sold by F. G. Frlcke
A Pointer for Other Treasurers.
A special from Wllber, Neb., under
date of December 4, says: "County
Treasurer C. E. Bowl by has notified
all the Burlington station agents in
Saline county that the company Is dc
linqucnt 111,000 for looc taxes and
that they are required to pay over to
blm all moneys now In their bands or
which shall come Into tbclr bands bc
longing to the railroad company until
the full amount of taxes bas been
paid. Tbls Is done under section
10,.(i0 compiled statutes. Failure to
obey Is made a misdemeanor with the
penalty of a tine of from .V) to .KM."
A man with a sprained ankle will
use a crutch, rest the ankle and let It
get well. A man or woman with an
overworked stomach can't use a crutch
but the stomach must have rest just
the same. It can be tested loo with
out starvation. Kodol w III do it. Ko
dol prrrcrms the dlvestlve work of the
tired stomach and corrects tli diges
tlw apparatus. Kodol fully conforms
to the provisions of thu National Pure
Food and Drug Laws. Recommended
nd si ill I by F. G. Frlcke & Uo.
Remember, bee Dovcy's before you
pureiuse your fur. They can nave you
mom y.
!B . Jeeth S5
Cold Crowni tnd BrldrT"th t.otip. PorMt.
tain Crown I no up. Fillinit too op. TtaUt
fciltacled PaiulMi.. Ntw Ml ami day. (
I3niL;I2Y,Tho Dontl.t,;
CUfcllt4 tS. PtxtoaBik. rUHA,
Stands fUove (111
Other Ui)derweor tn
and Fit
It looks better when washed
than others do when new.
This Underwear comes in all from Infants to Ladies.
Boys' and Girls' Union Suits
of good quality and heavy ileec
cd, In gray and white at per
suit 50c
Ladies' Fleeced Union Suits
in gray and white, extra
good, for 50C
We carry the Largest Stock of
Underwear In tbe city, arrang
ing in price from 25c to $1.75 in
Cotton and Wool Garments.
Come Out Tomorrow.
Tomorrow the farmers' Institute
begins, and will continue through
Saturday. Two sessions will be held
tomorrow morning and evening
and it is not only essential that farm
ers who come to town should be pres
ent, but the merchant, the lawyer,
doctor aud every other business man in
the city should make it a point to at
tend. If you can't be present at all
the sessions, attend one, two or three,
just as your time will allow. Let the
business men show by their presence
that they feel highly honored by the
managers of these meetings favoring
our city with a two-days session of the
institute. It will encourage and please
tbe farmers to see you taking an in
terest In that which interests tbe
yeomanry of the country.
E. C. DcWltt & Co. of Chicago, at
whose labratory Kodol is prepared, as
sure us that this remarkable digestant
and corrective for the stomach con
forms fully to all provisions of the Na
tional Ture Food and Drug Law. The
Kodol labratory is a very large one,
but if all the sufferers from indigestion
and stomach troubles could know the
virtues or Kodol it would be impossible
for the manufacturers to keep up with
tbe demand. Kodol Is sold here by F.
G. Frlcke k Co.
Have you seen the new Jap laundry
bag at Dovey's?
Pillow tops In many different styles
at 10c each at E. G. Dovey k Son's.
I'lut I -lonui li
Tlioim No. its
Groceries, Provisions and Meeats
1st Prize KDISOX
Phonograph nnrt
12 Records f.HroO
2nd Prize Century
Camera and Out
fit.. 15 00
3rd Prize Imported
Japanese IVase. . . 5 0
Total amount. .$50 )
Contest will open November 1st. 1900, and close
May 1st. 1907. Coupons will be given. with cash pur
chases only. Every 2.50 worth of coupons gets one
draw number. Uegin when the contest begins, per
haps you will be the lucky one. Cost you nothing to
Sich is the Dilemm That a Couple From
the Viltige of Union
Returns for AnotherSLicense, but After a
SomeJSearch the Other is Found.
Early tbls morning the proper per
mit to embark on tbe matrimonial sea
was made out to Leonard B. Crawford,
age2:i, and Ml.s ElhUHIostutler, age
18, both residents of Union. Wrfn It
was learned that tbe Judge wa not
present, tbe would-be benedict re
paired with the bride-to-be to the of
fice of Judge Archer, who asked for
tbe credentials neccessary to Join the
couple husband and wife. A search
of his pockets apd the immediate vi
cinity failed to disclose the missing
papers, and very much perturbed Mr.
Crawford hastened back to the county
judge's office and. made known bis di
lemma. Through the aid of the clerk
the truant paper was found after an
extended search in the hall of the
court house, where it had been drop
ped by the owner. The ceremony was
then performed by Judge Archer,
after which the newly married de
parted rejoicing.
The witnesses to this event were
Jas. Darrougli of Union and Mrs.
Melissa Klein of this city. Although
this was getting married under
difllculties, It is very probable
that the contracting parties will be
that much more happier In their
wedded life than If everything had
sailed smoothly at the start.
Worse and More of It.
In speaking of the condition of
Louisville bridge across the Piatt
river, the Lincoln Journal says: "More
than a year ago the bridge across the
riaite river near Loulsvl le was swent
away by the ice and since that time
people living on the Sarpy county side
of the river have been using the Mis
souri Pacific structure for a foot
bridge.' There his been delay in the
ounaingora new wagon brldee and
this offered the only means of getting
across tne river.- Yesterday morning
the Missouri Pacific authorities sta
tioned "a watchman at the Sarnv
county end of the bridge and refused
toe use of that structure to all annll-
cants. It I s said this action will has
ten the rebuilding of tbe waeon
It is noticeable a cold seldom comes
on when the bowels are freely open.
Neither can It stay If they aae open.
Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup
tastes as pleasant as maple sugar. Free
from all opiates. Contains Honey and
Tar. Conforms to the National Pure
Food and Drug Law. Sold by F. G.
Frlcke & Co.
Floods the body with warm, glowing
vitality, makes tbe nerves strong,
quickens circulation, restores natural
vigor, makes you feel like one born
again. Hollistcr's Rocky Mountain
Tea. 35 cents. Gering & Co.
Ni-hinska "I'lioim
No. II.
Phil. Sauter,
distributor of the
K. (11011 I'llOIMl-
,, vrapli mid liw
iihIi.I'Iiii turnout li.
Npbrocska. I
urAAJ w
L. I
ft S
the Torrey meetings.