The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 29, 1906, Image 7

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V.ll.-ry. Jr.. iHit.m.I i N,M" rl"
In 1'tnmty Court of tiv Count). N-litn-.k.
To All I't-rNoni liitpn-viitl:
You in- twirl.) nottrifd tlit on till 1.1 li lUy
of IVtolar. . I ,l!ii.iln' I'xn-itiitr ami Kwu
trl lln-ir lVtltloii f,ir Hnl c-ii k-iiwin
ami Aivouiittut: ami hkvo M'l -UU tlworxl.-r
irrliiar'Uluii nii tlx iIiim- In mi)
iiM'liKliiur tin-ilnv of Klnul Scttlcim-iit for a
i-varini: mini a rUlm lit Miu.-ilnl.-na Val-U-ry
for moi'U'atrv I'.tlil mom ti-Ntators' farm,
and a iH'iirinir Kill Ik" had ilimn all of niil mat-u-rs
at VoVlm k a. in., on tin' Nt tlayof Ibvi-in-'
r. A. I)., mm. at my orti.v In tin- city of
I'lattsinoutli, l lii.-ii hour all olij.vt kins
must In anil at itlilrh tlim miiii Juilir
nifnn and or.1. nt llU ni. ivd at will lie
arrantt-tt umlrr t ! tvlilimt. Hythe Court.
IUkwy l. Tkvi.
(hkai.I touiily JimU-t.
Kymii Clark. AtloriH-y.
Notice to Creditors.
PTATt or Nkrkaska,
Cass County.
In County Court.
In the muttt-r of tlit etute of l-'iank W. Kul.Mi.
Notli-c Is lit'ivhy krlvi'ii tliut the riwlltors of
ail ilivt-a-M-tl will iiu-vt tht uilinlnlstiutiix of
nulil '-state, In-fore mo. County .liuurt of Cass
'-oiinty, Nebraska, at the county i-ourt naim In
I'luttsinouth, In said county, on the I.MIi tiny of
Ihsi'inlier, A. H., Html, ami on the l.'ilh day of
June. A. II., HOT, at liio'.-l.vk a. ill., euch liny,
for the uriosc of pivx inini: their claims lor
examination, adjustment anil iillowuw-e.
Six months are allowed for the crcilitois of
said iliH'ensed to iionl their I'lultns and one
year for the administratrix to settle snld es
tiite.from the 10th day of Novemlier, A. H.,
Witness my hand and seal of said County
Court, at I'liillMiiomli. NehrasltH, this liilli tiny
if November, lini.
skai..1 County J uilfe.
ToSullle A. Younir: You will take
that on the :illi day of Novemlier, lUHi, M ush
A. Yoiiinr. plaintiff, tiled his in-iitlon In the
district court of Cassconnl.v, Neliniskii.aciilnst
you, Ihe ohits't and inuyer of such iietii ion is
toolitulu a divorce front you on the tri t minis of
extreme cruelly and ilifteition.
You aiv reiiulred to answer said iH'tlilun on
or Ix'fore the 14th day of .1 miliary. lim;.oi- Jiiilir
:nent of ilivnive will U entered in favor of
said plaintiff, lis in n. veil for in tills iictition.
Hated llilslVtli diiv of Novemlier, I'.ishi.
Wash A. Viii mi, I'luinllir.
In County Court tif Cnss Counly. N'eln askii.
In the matter of the estate of Minimis 1,.
Wlillc, ills-eased. All ikm-soiis interested in
the alsive est at ure lierehy iiolilled thut. Wil
liam lleles Homier, iidiiilnist nilor dc Ikiiiiis
noil with will annexed of said esl ale has tiled
his iietltion fur tinal settlement of said estaie,
prayini; t liul Ills lliuil report he imssed and ap
limved and Hint lie hp tinally illscharKcd from
You are herehy notilicd thut a lieiirlniMvlll
lie had on said petition on llie Nth day of He-
emlicr, A. !., I!al, al 111 o'clock a. in., al Hie
comity court naini, at I'IhIIsiiiouiIi. Neliraska.
and all persons Interested an' rctiulred to
show cause, if any they have, on or Ireful nine
o'clock of sald day. why llie prayer of said pe
tition lie not irmnteil and said administrator
de lionus lion with will annexed In dischartred.
Witness my hand anil the seal of the county
court of Cass county. Nehraska. this :.Mth tlay
of Novemlier, A. I.. Il'.
Maiivkv 1). TltAVIK.
seai.,1 County J udire,
l!olli!ar Crovrda.
Tor soiiic moil It is sufficient rocTa
tion io have no work. Tlie nioinont
lUnt llie 'kiinpsnek of ctiittoin" fulls
from tb!f backs they nre linppy. Not
to nwnUe In the morning with t lie
tlioiiKbt of what must be done In the
day Is In Itself n HiifUclent recreation.
Naturally, they have no very definite
taste In holidays. They go where it
suits their purges or their wives oi
their children. To such men, though
they may spend nil tbelr working ilnjs
In the thick of a town, the sight of nn
ture never becomes a necessity. It is
a luxury, an agreeable augmentation of
the sense of doing nothing. A holiday
maker of this type very often goes to a
watering place, one of those resorts
which it Is now the fashion for culti
vated people to despise. Such con
tempt Is affectation. A number of hap
py people create, no doubt, an exhilarat
ing atmosphere. Well behaved pleas
ure seekers make an agreeable and
ever changing picture. A well kept
public garden, a good band and n linn
view form attractions which no con
tlnental affects to despise, and English
people do not despise It either If only
the brightly dressed crowd should hap
pen to talk In a foreign tongue. Ten
don Spectator.
The Engllahman Abrond.
An Kngllsh observer says that he
finds tha American abroad lmth civil
and genial: "I climbed to the top o."
Notre Iaiue In Paris and f mini tlitve
a party front across the Atlantic c i.i c -
Ins lunch. Tin iln v was In.t. an I n linn I'l 1 lie n;ii!i iriV;-",l
rofiwhhvi drink. At tin top !'
I:t(-:vovk :i ir.iii-Iii v.Miii lt !Y
of MUri citt'ic.'r.'il three K;r.I! 'i
lug i!ic;i l iicciili'ii! :l!y ;:;i
can. rn Fn.'i'.lsii i !c!ry::".n and nt'
II. wim h ill'il fr:n i !'!,- !:tiii! !.'
KtillM and c'.riie:t ;iT:!til me li!.s
;;l:t.-s; tin .tlicr C.A n '. i ;
otii' rid i:i'i:'!ii:i:; .il::t:!!i
Im-ci' jririioit at I.!!i-!"i, I f.i:
cti.-U ::n of tin ciiiliMciit ami :
mission before silting at n
those alrt'iitly seat:il there.
i. I i a
lu -.1 f.
:;c,t p.
table of
Mi,' only
one who did not raise his bat hud it
ply was an Englishman, and the only
one to make excuses for him was it
young man win prefixed his wordi
with 'I guess.'
No appetite, loss el strength, nervoue
nets, headache, constipation, bad breath,
reneral debility, sour risinrs, and catarrh
ot the stomach are all due to Indigestion,
Kodol cures Indigestion. This new dlscov-
ery represents the natural juices ol diges
tion as they exist In a healthy stomach,
combined with the rreatest known tonlo
and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dys
pepsia Cur does not only curelndigestioo
and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy
cures all stomach troubles by cleansing,
purifying, sweetening and strengthening
the mucous membranes lining the stomach.
Mr. S. S. Pall, el Ravaniwood, W, V., MTi
" I wi troubled with Sour atcmach for twtntj yttri.
Kodol eurad ma and va are now ualni It la milk
for at."
Kodol Digests What You Eat.
ottloa anly. S 1 .00 Sua holdlnt 2H tlmai tha trial
alia, which atlli tor to ranta.
Prasmrad by I. 0. OaWITT 00.. OHIOAOa
Gcrinir'&C6.j"' '
Call and see the new lino of Cents
furnishings ntWm. Holly's.
Nejro Who Has Btn 'investigat
ing th Negro TroubbB at
Brownsville, Tex.
But It Was to Make Cam Against
the Colored SoUltere Mla ,
tion of a. Srrnfant.
Okliibonia (ity. O. T Nov. '.'S.
S'-rgi ants Israel Harris, Jacob FraaUT,
Mingo Sanders, Thornton and Holly,
of the negro troops discharged at Fort
Kent', wire in this city, on tbelr way
to make an apieal to Pi t siilont Hoos-e-
i it. Sergeant Harris said: "We do
int go so much to ask f ir. ivlnstate
iniiil as to iihU that our illscbarge pa-
pi r carry with thetii a record of serv-
S inie of the men liave served
twenlv-Mve years, and we believe that
iiiuch Is dm- il.i in. We do not believe
the ini'siileiit would have disi-hiiied
tlie tiontis had he beep In Hrownav
v till at llie lime of the trouble."
May Item Malting nn lii(uirv.
El Ken i, (i. T.. Nov. 2S. Cllcbrist
Slewall (coloieili. who has liecn at
cit lleiio the past few days scenting
d ita to be placed its evidence before
I'r-siiient Jtoosevelt In the matter of
tl'.t discharge of the negro soldiers
of the Twenty-lift h Infantry, said last
niglit: "The substance of my Investi
gation, supported by over bH allidavits
from the members and iioti-conimts-
slonod otllci-i-s of the coiuimnies. ami
from the statement of the ollicers of
the compiinUs amounts to this:
Conclusions He Una Kent-bed.
'first That the citizens did not
want negro soldiers in r.rownsvllle,
l-.. Second That this feellug be-
ennm so Intense that on the very night.
In question Major 1'enrose Issued an
order and sent out patrols through the
town that all men should be In by S
o'clock whether on pass or not, and
Captain Mackln, otiloor of the day, re
ported that all men were lu except.
three on pass. Third That the firing
that niglit was of mixed arms.
Started with a Wrong Assumption.
"All the Inspectors sent out from the
war department have started out with
the assumption that there ,wns a con
spiracy among the men to keep back
the truth and shoot up the town. They
have never made any Investigation Into
the real facts. I'rom the Investigation
there was undoubtedly a conspiracy
to make a case against the soldiers,
and get them out of tlie town. Six
sergeants of long service, and In whom
tho commissioner! olticcrs have Implicit
confidence, are going to Washington
with me to act as witnesses before
President Itoosevelt."
Pressdent'a View ot Ills' I'ourrs.
Washington. Nov. '2K 1'resldent
Itoosevelt holds that he has the pow
er to reinstate in the army ai.v of the
members of the three companies of the
Twenty-tiflh regiment f colored In
fantry who were discharged without
honor as a result of the trouble at
r.rownsvllle, Tex., some time agi If
the circumstances of any Individual
care litstify such action. Whether he
will avail himself of that power, fle
et. riling to the president, will depend
on such evidence that may be present
ed to lilin In the ease of any one or
mo'-e soldiers which will tend to clear
ly exculpate them from any paiticlpn
t'en In the Incident.
Town Adjacent to n Vartl ltnlsesttie
I,l(iior License to $100 n
Washington. Nov. 'J. Secretary
I'.ona parte has received a telegram
from the mayor of Vnlleju. Oil., staling
thnt ly the unanimous vole of tht
tru-'tces i f that city, which Is adjacent
to li-c Mare Idaml nivy yard, the fee
for Honor licenses will In raised .Ian.
I from ssii to Slim a year, and that
salons will be compelled to close ai 1
a. m. A lief April 1 the iiuiiil i r of sa
loon will It reduce. 1 to sixty.
I'.i napm le has Informed Mayor Mad
gin that if these regulations are made
ell'eciive lie ias no dotilit that condi
tion satisfactory;. t' the department
will coiiie. The undesirable situation at
ValU Jn r.l-nle If iioeoisary for the navy
department to wiirn the town oilbiaN
sevenrt weeks tlgoihnl ships could not
be si ivt t-o tile Mare'lslaiid navy yard
If the crews were to be thrown Into
the unwholesome utinnsphcre then pre
vailing at Valle.lo.
.'tiles i 'million, ex-l'iem-h ambassa
dor at Washington, and now at Mad
rid, Is to be sent to Vicuna In tin1
same capacity.
lite at New llrilain. Conn., de
stroyed the Y. M. . A. building there.
causing a os of ,pHiiHai.
Spanish laborers continue to arrle
St Colon t'l i!!"-ist in llie woili of build
lug the Panama canal. They aie giv
ing entire ni Isrnctlon.
Hi the ToUlo municipal
here the propo-dUnn that the city par
chase the sn-cet rallw litis, was defeat
Kli:e ticorgo tif l!ri'ii-c, who h.t
been vi-illug King Victor I'mniaiiuel
lilts left Koine for .Jrecce.
At St. ,lolin' i-hdi-eb, Washington.
Miss Alice l.aligleit lie was married
to Stanley iis1i!-i!- , i t Minneapolis
son of ex-Iiiiieii v.. it. s -tiiitor Wali-
The II plaul- to oiTeicd In the
Oklahoma cm-iii'iil. i-nl i-euvi tit;oii
wns a tallvo.-iil eoiiitiilsxi 1 1 bill culling
for 'J i"iit t;i re.
" Nehacwkoc
Svliil ( oi rrminl iit.
Ir. L C. Todd returned from Peru
aiurday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Todd called on (! rand-
ma Mark Sunday, lio Is very sick at
John Lowlher's.
Mrs. Nunderlick Is on the sick list,
llert Tucker, with might and main,
is going to get out his corn this week.
Bert l'erkhlser says he was riding
for his health Tuesday. No mall was
delivered on account of a wreck which
occurred near I'nlon.
Fred Punkak of Avoca, who lias
been an invalid for the past two years,
died at his home Sunday night. Mr.
Dunkak was an Odd Fellow and It was
requested that they take him to his
last restsng place the following Tues
day. Among those who finished corn
husking this week are Fred Schu
maker, sr., Hans Stoll, Simon Han
sen and Karn Young.
Mrs. John Rough and children ore
visiting friends and relatives In Man
ley and M unlock this week.
Mrs. Henry Schumaker is confined
to the house with neuralgia, which
has been ulving her very much pain.
Dr. I'olUrd was called t ) the home
of Albert Murdock Sunday, owing to
the serious sickness of their baby.
Mrs. Win. Rose, sr., who was taken
seriously sick Saturday afternoon, Is
convalescing rapidly.
John Wnndcrlich and daughter,
Lotta, drove to Weeping Water Sat
urday morning.
Mr. Wolf, of Avoca, was a pleasant
caller In this locality Sunday after
Misses Pollard, Moon and Murdock
and Jim Pollard were sight-seeing in
Weeping Water one day last week.
Public Sale!
will sell at my farm, 5 miles west of
Plattsmouth, Neb., on
Tuesday, December 4th, 1906,
the following property, to-wit: 5 head
ot horses, 2 fresh milch cows, I'D head
of shoats, 1 two-row snake killer, 2
cultivators, 2 sets double harness, 1
fanning mill, one honey extractor, 1
cider mill, L'o-gallon kettle, black
smith's anvil 8o pounds, blacksmith's
vice 05 pounds, shotgun, mowing ma
chine, riding-cultivator,. 1 Gorham
seeder, 1 stalk cutter, one disk, 2 stir
ring plows, - combined walking listers,
1 riding lister, 1 harrow, 1 single
booster drill, 1 two borse buggy, II
single buggies, 2 lumber wagons, 1 hay
rack, u or 8 tons or hay, some house
hold goods aud many other things to
numerous too mention.
Sale to Start at 10 OtlocH a. m.
TfRMl On al) sums of lo and un-
i kit m v i der cash in hand. On all
sums over $10 a credit of one year will
be given (If desired) with approved
note, without interest, If paid when
due. If not paid when due, 7 percent
will b added from date cf note. ."I per
cent oil for cash on all sums over ?io,
Wm. 1). Jonks, Auctioneer.
C. (J. Fhk'kk, Clerk.
You Will Always Find Something Good
In This Bulletin.
Hound Trip to the Coast:-Daily
Tourist rates in effect all winter to
racltic Coast destination with vari-'
able routes.
Chicago ndilturn:(Jne fare plus
Kj.uu lor tlie. round trip December
, 1st to 4th inclusive fur. the Interna
tlnnal Livestock Kxposltlon.
To the East and South: Very low
hotnescekers" and Winter Tourlstcx
cursions throuuh the Autumn and
Winter to various destinations all
throughout the south and southeast.
Visit the Old Home: -Low excursion
rates to the old home points In Illi
nois, Jowa, Wisconsin, Missouri and
other middle states dest ination, No
vember i:ilh and 27th, limit 'M days.
Ilomcseekers' Excursions: (ulte
frequently each month to Western
Nebraska, Kastern Colorado, Hi?
Horn Hasln, dry land farming desti
nation or li rlk'itted sections.
Dry Land Farming: Send for Folder
mid uct hold of a quarter section of
cheap western land before It Is too
Free Kinltald Lands:-Write I). Clem,
leaver, Airent liurllnton8 Home
seekers' Information Hureau at 1004
Farnam St., Omaha, about tfettlnff
hold of a free section of Klnkald
lands now brink' restored to the pule
lie domain.
Consult nearest liurllnk'ton Ticket
Ak'ent and see what he has available
for your proposed trip.
W. L. Tick kit.
Airent C, H-Jfcg. Ity.
L. W. Wakklv, (i. 1'. A., Omaha.
Impure hlol runs you down-makes
you an easy victim for organic diseases
Ilurdock HI(M)d" Hitters purifies the
blood-cures' the cause builds jou up.
u n r n n
ict...K V 1
And don't fornet thnt I. Ppurlmnn Ikig vrt
fc . r- ------ - - . . . ..w. j v. - i nuiiu Li i ii uuuu
Heaters to dispose of at a Big Discount. Also, many articles in
the Furniture line that will go at a Great Sacrifice from former
prices. Come in early and see me.
The Furniture
m. . - "- - w-wwwwwvw wwft,-
The Best of all Holiday Gifts is an
Help Us Keep Our Dog at Home
by buying your ' Kdlson I'hono
Kraph and Victor Talking Ma
chine and Records of
Phil. Sauter,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Kememhcr there Is Only One J 'r ice
FrecCorjcerts Daily.
Farm For'.Rent.
Situated on', the Dodge street ma
cadamized road six miles west of
Omaha and three miles north of the
South Omaha stock yards: four-story
barn, new windmill, fruit orchard. and
10-room house; will rent to a party
who lias plenty help. It Is 4oo acres
and would make a first class milk
farm. Knijulreof
J. II. TllllAMIKIt.
Coatcs I .lock.
Ninety paroles have been granted to
convicts at the state penitentiary by
Governor Mickey In the twenty-three
months since January 1, lixVi, an aver
age of from four to five per month.
Hcifulates tho bowels, promotes
easy natural movements, cures t'onstl-patlon-Doan's
Kejrulcts. Ask your
c.nix 1st for them. 2-'c a liox.
BUY it
THIS is the simsoii when t'vcrylxuly otunmonce to
look around for tluir fall and winter dothin.
Tho early buyer usually jets the chola- of the
new styles, and the best otitis. We would there
fore surest that you
Call at our Store
Early in the
ami let us show you the
have in Men's and Hoys' Clothing, and everything
in their wearing apparel from shes to the hat.
Our line this season in every department is imirli
larger than ever before, and we earnestly request
vou to eall and "look us over."
' -- ---mw m w mw rwwrrworrw
Man. Plattsmouth, Neb.
tWe have a full line
for the HOLIDAY
trcde, ranging in
A Pricce from 110 to
s $50. The EDISON
M Records are 35 cents
35c, 6O0 and $1.00 EaGh
The Original Lsxative Cough Syrup containing Honey and Tar. An Improvement over all Cough,
Lung and Bronchial Remedies. Pleasant to the taste and good alike for young and old. All cough
syrups containing opiates constipate the bowels. Bee's Laxative Honev and Tar moves the bowels
and contains no oniates. Prepared by P1NE-ULE MEDICINE COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A.
Sold at 6ERIN0 i CO S. Drug Store
Nehawka Milling Company
Wutch for Extra Low Prices on
Nehawka Flour
at All Leading Grocery Stores.
of all KINDS
manv new thin!'?
r- a if
nn i-i
n n
Fi.nup- o.cii TJ?inn