Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1906)
THE CITY, from l'rliluj' lully. G. H. Manners of VYreplna Water was to thf city on business lust even ing. C. K. TclH of Weeping Water was In the county seat on leal business today. M. K. Medklll and Jaac lye, from ner Union, were In the city on busl nes today. Mrs. V. A. Kawls, who has been vis iting In Murray, returned home this morn I ilk'. Mrs. A. F. Seybert, of Cedar Creek went to Omaha today to visit Mrs. IV tf r Jensen. .lounul regrets t learn that I'nclc Peter Kelt, of Ce lar Creek, has been under the weather mid con lined to his room for the past week. County Superintendent J. M. (Jain Mo has tone to Weeping Water to at tend the teachers' Institute, which will be held at that place tomorrow. Simon Hansen and wife, from the vicinity of Xchawkn, went to Council JSlulTs this afternoon, where they w ill visit with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Ponson. Frit, ohlenhauscn and wife who have been spending several months in Pekln, 111., returned homo this morn ing. They report a most enjoyablo visit while In tho east. Thos. L. Wiles referee in the parti tion suit of Wctenkamp vs Wetcn kamp was In town today from the vi cinity of Weeping Water to make a re port of the case. James llcbal returned last evening from Alvo, Neb., where ho has been for several weeks superintending the cutting of a crop of broom corn, which he shipped home to he used In his fac tory In thlsclty. From HHtiinliiy't lnlly, Joe Hurton of Murray was In the county scat on business today. Con Sears and family of Cedar Creek were visiting In riattsmouth today. Frank Young, from the vicinity of Murray, was In town today on busi ness. George Kllnger went to Havelock this morning to spend a few days with friends. " Commissioner-Klcct Martin L. Fred rick was In town today looking up a suitable residence property In the county seat. Every thing is working most favora bly for a successful Institute on De cember 1 and 8. Every farmer should be here on those dates. A marriage license was Issued today to Joseph F. Moravec, aged 3.1, of Omaha, and Miss Lena Loosing Kru Rer, aged :.'!, of Arlington, Neb. The above couple were united In the mat rimonial bonds by Judge Archer. County J udgo Travis returned this morning over the Missouri Pacific from a trip Into Cbaso county, where lie was inspecting the real estate of that vicinity. The Judge Is highly pleased with thatscctiou of the state. I'rom Mottilny'aPally. Troy I av Is of Weeping Water was a riattsmouth visitor todav. Chas. Chrlswelser, of near Murray, wasa county seat visitor today. Herman Kleltsch. the Weeping Water miller, was a business visitor in riattsmouth today., Miss Dora llorti, who Is attending business college In Omaha, was . In town to visit over Sunday. liobert W. (!reenl e, a hustling ical estate man of (ilenwood, passed through riattsmouth today euroiite to Nebraska City Jacob Shepherd 6f Alliance, Nek, was In the city to spend Sunday with friends. Ho accompanied a shipment of rattle to South Omaha, from their ranch near Alliance. II. K. Neltel of Murdock was In the county seat to spend Sunday with his wife and children who are visiting with their parents and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Culhman. B. O. Tucker, of Neltawka, one of the rock-ribbed democrats i f Cass county, was In the county seat on ul ness today, and while here called and renewed his faith in the Old Kellahle for another year. I Mm Turvliiy' Unity John F.rlckson of Greenwood was In town on business today. Ottol'ulsof Murray was transact ing business In riattsmouth today. T.J. Khoden and wife from the vl clnlty of Murray were In town today. W. A. Laughlln of Greenwood was transacting business In thlsclty today Chester Deles Dernier of Elm wood was in the county seat on business todav. PLATTSMOUTH AND VICINITY. D. K. liarr of Greenwood was look Ing up legal business in the county seat today. A. S. Will departed this morning on a business trip to bis ranch near Akron, Colorado. Levi Kustcrholt., one of Cass coun ty's prominent farmers, of near Mur ray, was In the city today. 1'cter Kell, who has been sick for the past week, was In the county seat today from Cedar Creek. Homer Sanders, who Is In the barber business at West Point, Neb., Is In the city for a visit with his parents. II. E. Creamer from the vicinity of Murray was among the passengers from this station to Omaha this after noon. A marriage license was Issued today to John (). Krickson, aged :M,aml Miss Lucy A. Mathls, aged 22, both resi dents of Greenwood. Miss Nettle Meissinger of Cedar Cecek and her cousin, Miss Ll.zlc Saal of Illinois, were shopping In riattsmouth today. The many friends of Mrs. Charles King will regret to learn that she re cently underwent an operation for ap pendicitis In a hospital at Waukce gan, Illinois. Word received today Informs us that the patient Is recov ering nicely from the operation. Wm. Deles Dernier was looking af ter legal business Ij the county seat today. Mr. Deles Dernier says the new train system on the Missouri Pad Ho is a great thing for those from the west sldo who have business In riatts mouth, and desire to return homo the same day. Mrs. o. C. Duvey was a passenger to Omaha on No. l'.i today. Tom Walling was transacting busi ness In Omaha this afternoon. D. O. Dwyer was looking after legal business In the metropolis today. A. W. White was a business passen ger to the metropolis on No. 7 today. Geo. M. Porter was looking after business Interests In lied Oak, la , to day. Mrs. Will White and children were among the Omaha visitors this after noon. Frank l'.enfer was looking after business In the metropolis this after uoon. Mrs. M. Levlngs of Omaha is visit ing with her daughter, Mrs. C. E. Duke. Johnnie Halt made a business trip to Hie metropolis on the morning train today. Mrs. D. S. Guild was visiting in the city today, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. W.TviltJhcll. Joe Zubcr went to Red Oak, Ja., this morning to spend Thanksgiving with home f jlks. Edwin Bates and wife departed this morning for Lincoln, where they will make their home. W. W. Windham, who has been in Arapahoe on business for several dav. returned home this morning. Miss Myrta Kenner went to Council 111 u lis, la., this afternoon to spend Thanksgiving with her sister. Mrs. D. Ilawksworth and daughter, Mrs. E. W. Cook, were among the pas sengers to Omaha on the fast mail to day. Misses Alma and Esther Lars n and Jean Morrissry went to Lincoln this afternoon to spcmlTuanksgivhig with friends. Mis. Joseph Miera wentto Omaha this afternoon to partake of a Thanks giving dinner with her daughter, Mrs. Addle Keenao. Mrs. Arthur Crisman, who has been enjoying a visit with trlends In this city, returned this morning to her home In Lincoln. The tire alarm which was sounded shortly after dinner was a ciil to prac tice for the tire department of the Ihirlington shops. Capt. Isaac Wiles and wife departed yesterday evenlrg for St. Louis. Mo. where they will enjoy a visit with the family of their son, Pay. Father Hanclk, pastor of the Holy Kosary church, has brcn vcrv sick with pneumonU since Thursday, but is improving some today. Miss Lillian Cole, who graduates from thestate university In thcsprlng, came in from Lincoln today to spend Thanksgiving with home folks. Miss Frances Mumm, who has been enjoying a three months visit with relatives In thlsclty departed yester day for her borne In Rawlins, W)o. Mis. C. II. Smith and daughtcr.Mrv siirehan. r Galesburg, 111., went to Hickman, Neb., this afternoon to nd Thanksgiving with the dat (til ler and HKjff, Mrs. Jonas- Terniirreii Fred Spangler, one of our energetic young farmers, living live miles south of riattsmouth, called today and re newed his allegiance to the Mrs. Thomas Walling and children and Mist Katie McIIugn went to South llend this nftrrnoou to spend Thanksgiving itn the latter' mother. Hon. Ii. M. Spurlnck and wife, and son, Woodson, arrived from York to day to spend TliaiiKsglving Id this city, the guests of Mr. and lr. W. L. l'lckelt. Word received from the bedsides of Judges. M.Cnapman and Dr. W. W. Schlldknech conveys the news that both patients are resting somewhat better today. D. C. Morgan and wife and Miss Carrie Oliver went to Fort Crook this afternoon to attend the wedding of their cousin, Hoy Miller, who will be married this evening. Mrs. Frank II . II age r and two sons, Herold and Hubert, came In from Lin coln this morning for a visit with her mother and sister, Mrs. Wm. Herold and daughter, Dm a. Mrs. F. U. IUmage and child left Havelock Saturday night for East Mo llne, 111., whore her husband went two weeks ago and secured a Job with the Hock Island. A marriage license was Issued today to Ingraham P. Tease, awe :', of Es thervllle, la., and Miss Narali Ethel Loucks, age 20, of this city. .The happy event will occur this evening at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. Fred Schonuker, of near Ne hawka, one of the prominent farmers of Cass county, accompanied by his neighbor, Mr. Otto Schacht, were In the city today, and while here Mr. Schomaker called "and renewed his faith In the old liellabla for another year. The real Eustcr Erown In Its new form as It presented at the 1'armele thea're Saturday night Is considered by those who have seen it to be a vastly superior entertainment to its predecessor of the same name. A number of changes have been made In the cast which add to Its strength. The enterprising firm of Gerlng & Co. had a tine new cigar case Installed In their drug store today. This is very commodious and occupies a con spicuous position In tho front part of the store. Mrs. Blanche Wearller, who has been assisting In theoftlce of the grand recorder of the D. of II., Miss Teresa Hempcl, departed this afternoon for Florence, Neb., to spend Thanksgiv ing with home folks. Ed. and Als Johnson and their fam ilies of Lincoln, and Jay Johnson of St. Joe are In the city to assist in dis posing of a Thanksgiving dinner at the home of their parents, Mr.; and Mrs. J. W. Johnson. , A cold taken at this time of the year Is generally hard to get rid or, but it will not be able to withstand Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar. That will cure all colds, cough, croup, whooDine cough, etc., by driving them out through the bowels. If you have a cold, try It and if not cured get you money back. No opiates. Sold bv Gerlng & Co.'s drug store. BUY NEBRASKA LAND In Hamilton county. 50 choice farn-.s for sale. Write for list F. A. BALD, Aurora, Neb. Hoik for Sals. A good residence propeitv- seven- room house, good cellar, g .ml cUirrn, and out buildings w. kmhI r.,.,iir. Close to U. x M. shops. For pm It'll- lais see A. Kim m:. Worn-Out If j itit utv. ill this condition, your nerve force is wca!.--Uic . power is giving out, the or gans of your body l;;.vo "slowed up," ami ilo their v. or!; imperfectly.- Tins failure' to' lo the work required, clogs the system and brings distress and disease. When the nerves are weak the heart is unable to force the life-giving blood through your veins; the stom ach fails to digest food; the kidneys lack power to filter impurities from the blood, ami the poisonous waste remains in the system to breed disease. Xcrvc energy must be restored. Dr. Miles' Xcrvinc will do it, because it strengthens the nerves; it is a nerve medicine ami tonic, that rebuilds the entire nervous system. "Krvrrnl ymrn nn I all bnkrn ilixvn. 1 m nervoii. worn-nut. cmiM !nl rlrrp. unit wim In 0"nlnnt ti.iln. 1 Iim'oii-I (or moult:, nrnl ttnnllv th ilix lor Mlil lip conM lo milling for m. I l-cran taking lr. .ric' -rvlni, ii ii. I iiliitgi-ihi-r , ight Ixittlm, ninl .nnmi Ptrmiff nnil lirliliy. nail now wi'igh 1TH pouinK" II. l Cl NMNiill M 1M KtlpworCi Ave.. Alli-gliinv. 'a. Dr. Ml In' Ntrvlnt It told by your drUQ(lt. who will niiartnlr. thrt tlx flr.t bottle will twntM. If it fails, ha will refund your mono. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Iud Nervoii CREAM Has a dietetic value great ly beyond the conception cf ar.y one who has not used it It will make your food of a delicious taste, a moist and keeping qual ity and a digestibility not to be obtained from any other baking powder or leavening agent. But more important than all else, Dr. Price's Baking Powder carries only health ful qualities to the food. Avoid the alum powders Stndy the label GRAVES IN THE' LAKE Twenty-Eight Lives Lost on r. Ship That Foundered in Last Week's Storm. SIXTEEN OF TEEM PASSENGERS Vessel's Fate Discovered by Wreckage Found by Indians. Not a Soul uu Hoard .Serine to llnve Itt-rn Saved, but a Search le fifing Made, Urtrolt, Nov. "S. A Free I'res Kpe eliil from Wlnrtnii, (int., The cousin;; sli'iiincr .1, If. .liiiii-s, owned by I lii' ('r.'ovfuril Tiitf riiinininy, u local coiicitii, fumiili'iiil nlY Ciik Corker, hint Tli'irnliiy n rtiTiinitii. mill nil lunula wefe ni. The i lew n:iKistei of twelve, nil frui.i Win rltm. nrnl the nii'i liei- nf luisHcnp'is Is estiinnted tit Rl.'.leeii, Tile .Inlie, wlileli Jilleil be tween Mwen smiiiil. Wlnrton unit Miiiiltniillii Nl.-iml I'tirts. wiiH one of til 1 slninn lii it simmers on the (.leorf;! ih i liny mill wns c oimiumileil by t'lip tiiln Cnitvfonl. ii fresh Mater iinvlsu ter of In rue exierieiiee. Wreckage That llaa Ileen Found. r.-ii t of the i-iibln, ii HfelKHit, tmd two uiiiilentltieil Imilies have been found by Ii'i'lmiH on the noil h shore of the Ohrls t'.mi Islmiil'-. ltoittw ure now out from here, (iwen ivpmiil, 1 YiiHim;uin!irne and furry Sound, liokinu for Hiirvlv oiw ninl wrerknee. I'uiistiiii; bouts eiir ry H i iMMiklnir lisN but the inisseiigers on H e .Iimi-s H'oiiiibl.v liu-linle the fol lowing: n men of Tln IikI. T. t. 1 ioimIiIsoii. nf dwell soi'llil; Mi'". I.jtni nuil Mrs. I. yon: his mot her. Mrs. I'j.v I'liink I'iiIoii. lieore Kiilon. M. W. Vllesini Louis Allen. I. M. Wim::. nil : Tolr.-rnioriiy: I inn Mel ver. of I'rovhleiier buy. i,ml three mi known ini'ii on ilieir ui.v to Mnui toiilin Islmiil to work for ( 'n a t ii Crn llillil. The bunt nirrleil the followllitf enw: 'aptntit .1. V. Ornwforil. Mute E. Lennox. Wheelsmen W. It'iss. !ei. Mi Kwnii. K'luluei rs Chns. . stinw nrnl . Sinller. I lreiiiuu Thus. SliiiiiiiiniN. nnd L. Mni 'itlie: lieikhmuls .Limes Tllley nod !eore Smllh: t':Hk Frank .Ttieksnii. .ssisinni Cook M. Clnrk. 0035IP3 GET TO WORK Two Disappearances ol' Ditr.-ren t Sexen (i;v- I'li'in HnmcthiiiiX l' I'nlk Alioiit. Intiln. Mich.. Nov. The smhtrM (llsi';in in , lin e of Mnrlcttii Kess, w h'j !isHise, herself as ; liny J n-t before h'iivll'8 ti.wn. mill the f;i, t tluit K;ill Voltliu', mi Inula li eiyinmi. Is inls. IliiT. lliive fit the iTnsslps vo;nli ri'ltf. Wli.-.i Inst M'ill the -irl"s lnilr h:nl been el!l sliult mill siic li:nl II ; si:l, of boy's el itliin::. The 'irl Is well known here. ' ;: the diiliu'lter of II l--osicriM'.s I -:'.:: t f.'iili'er. She hns been twice lnmr.e l ninl iliine,l :i ii.l t'uureil In the c;i-e of linlhi .Monroe, n l'ortlmul youth. Win sent lo .1,'ickson on n st.-itll-. tory, elciiue. The woiumi's hist hin lmiid wiis -i iiitiii mimed Uoblnr.. from Whom she v;is illvoiTeil on Oct. Id. A divorce suit Is )ienilln In the coutN nu'iilnst Yi'iinu'. brniiKht bv hU wif Kvii. HE LIKES THE GERMAN'S Itrotlier of Hie Moroi-cnn Sulinn Snyn Their I'rraence at a Cclehrii I Inn Is a I'teasiirr. Ileilln. Nov. .'. A dispatch to the Cologne (in.eile from Tiflmler says that on the occasion nf the recent 1 .i 1 1--ftm fewtlvnl Mnlal ll.illui. brotlnr or the sitltnn, sumiiimied the Cerimiii (smsnlar no lit mid m.-i til : "The ireseiice of your eonntrymeii nt tills celebration Is n double pleasure to me, as proof of tho friendship ,e Iwis n ,oiir emperor mid my lllustrloiM lord ami boitlwr. the sultan, mid be cans Just now conditions In the south o ft he empire, where I am viceroy, flhe empire, where I mil viceroy, are willfully inlsreieresrntcd m nffcr lli Jio anfety for the person, while ciMiii'lnlnts are tnnile uhoiit Mi-iirreiiee' tv libit are miy pnr iiiveniioim mid liArilv nrttrtclMllV i.r.Klu. e.1 " t RAILROAD RACKET ! C. F.IIalnejrof Chejenne, Wytunirnr, Is the new assistant chief clerk at the OurlinKtoa store house In this city. II. B. Kepner who has been hxiklntf after business connected with the piece work system of the Ilurlitvtoii, de parted lliU afternoon for hia home In Lincoln. Koy Miles, telegraph operator at the Burlinaton shops, went to Grafton tills afternoon to spend Thanksgiving with the family of tils sister, Mr. J. M. Cooiues. K. D. Blunt, of the Burlington planing mill sustaiiied a painful In Jury to his leli arm yesterday while at work This will necesstate several days on the relief. A special from Auburn says: "It Is ported in railway circles that the Lin co n branch train which was recently taken off will be placed on the road again. The passenger tratllc is very heavy fcr the trains now running ovei the line via Weeping Water to Au burn." Taken as direited,. it becomes the greatest curative agent for the relief of suffering hurranlty ever devised. Such Is Holllstei's Rocky Mountain Tea. r cents, Tea or Tablets. Ger lng & Co.. druyglsts. Entertains Choir. The Christian church choir were very handsome y entertained last evening by Jesse Ferry. After a Dleas. ant rehersal Hinder the (direction of the leader, Mrs. Morgan, the double doors were thrown open and theguests were Invited to partakejjf a llneoyster supper, which proved to be a delight ful as well as apretizlng surprise. The real occasion was the dedica tion or a new piano at the Terry home, and no doubt they will spend many pleasant and profitable hours because of its alvent. Good for everything a salve is used for and especially recommended for piles. That Is what we say of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. On the market for years and a standty In thousands of families. Det Pe Witt's. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. and Gerlng Co. Sent to the Asylum. A special from Ashland, says: "Ar thur Creamer, who ha9 been in this vicinity for several months, and has attracted much attention by his queer actions, has recently been adjudged insane. The young man came to Cass county three years ago from the child ren's home In New York and was adopted by Peter Eveland, living near Murdock." THE PALACE MARKET l'lalismomli Tlion-? No. .; LORENZBROS., Groceries, Provisions and Meeats 1st Prize IvDISOX Phonograph and 12 Records $30 00 2nd Prize Century Camera and Out fit 15 00 3rd Prize Imported Japanese IVase. . . 5 00 Total amount. .$50 00 Contest will open November 1st, 1906, and close May 1st. 1107. Coupons will be iven wjth cash pur chases onlv.' ICverv S2.50 worth of coupons 'rets one .1- "i . . i.i . . uiuu uuiniier. nein wncn me contest begins, 1. . 'Iit'i ' i I. i i- r . . haps you .will be the lucky try. . , orenz Platttsmouth, CHEAPER GRADES IF DESIRED. Warm Lined Shoes Legglns. Don't Forget ON TOP! . TJie Elite GJove Fitting Petticoat is a woman's friend in dress ing. It has no gathers at the waist. We carry a full line of these petticoats arranging in price from $1 00 to $10.00. Let Us Show Them to You! E.G. Dovey&Son ManZan relieves Instantly the pain caused by those blind, bleeding, itch Ing and protruding piles. It is put up in collapsible tubes In such a way that it can be applied where the trouble originates, thus stopping the pain Im mediately. Try one bottle, and If you are not relieved, your money will be refunded. Try our free offer. Sold by Gerlng & Co.'s drug store. Sixty, actually sixty is the number of people who will be seen in Buster Brown at the Parmele theatre Satur- aay nignt. Proprietors. Nrlaiiska 'Phone No. II. Mill Phil. Sauter. (JUiill.iitor of the Ml Uon I'liono vrniih mid liiv '"iils.l'liiiisinoiiili, Ni'liiasliii. ner- one Cost you nothing to ros Nebreska. OVERSHOES water ami eod proof n lKst qualities. One, two ami four hucklesWe've got 'cm. The nihijer nuestlon Is a pro hlm. hut, we have solved It for we liny the Bra.ndsihat have theQuality! Then again, ours are new.. $1.35 lo $2.40 SHERWDoTri j SDH,; 3 B - f ,i n r'