The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 22, 1906, Image 7

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In County t'ourt of Cas County. Nebraska.
Ti U IVixm IntfivstMl:
You arv lu-ivliy notiHrd iliat on 1I1N IMi day
,if 0-lolr. A. h .lttni.tlu" Kwuior ami Kwu
ri tilt'd tl-ii' lVtltion lur final -itli'inriii
umi Aivoiintlna- mil liave m-i aliW iImhiiI.i
i.arrlniM'laiiii-. unit llie tlmv hmhIvI to ami
iiM'hitltnir the day of final friiU-nii'iit for a
iH-arintf upon a olalm Hltsl ly Matrllina Nai
lery for a inornraw ialtl uikui le-iaioiV farm,
i, nil a lnaai int.' III l hatl in urn all of salil inat
' rs at VoVI.K-k a. m.. on tli Ni day of IHwin
:t. A. I.. I'.aai. at my ottW In tlm Uiy of
I'laitMiioutli, ly aldi'li hour all olihviloii-,
nu.t m tikl and at hbli tlirn hik-Ii judtr
nuni amr-oruVis will Iw fiitcnd ai will t
warranted undfr tin' evlilnxv. Hy I lie Court.
IIahyit It. Thavi.
liiSAt.l Coiimy .ludkis
Hymn Clark, Attorney.
Notice to Creditors.
In County Court.
Nkbkaka. I
lii the matter of tliecMutr of Hurlmiu
Notli-e Is lien'liyiriven t lint tlie eredltors of
suld deceased will meet the admlnisli itor of
said eMail', hrfore me. eounty Jnili.ii of Cas
omity. Nehraska, at the eounty eouil room In
I'lattsinoiitli, In snld eounty. on the 1st day of
lus-emlier, A. IK. llKi,.iiil tin the 41 li day of
May, A. I.. W, at IlioVUa-k a. m.. each day,
for the imriKM' of pii'sentlni: their rluiins for
examination, adjustment and allow nin e.
Six mouths, from tint 1WI1 day of Ih'tolier,
;!Ki. a iv allowed for the nedilors of suld de
ceased to present their claims, and one year
fortho ndmdilsi ritlortOM'itle said estate, from
the Mh duy of Autrust, A. I..
Witness my liiind and will of said county
oui'l. at I'liiitsiuoiith, Ni hrusku. thls .Htli duy
I Ocioher. NNi.
1 si: u.. t'ouniy .1 mlt'e.
Notice to Creditors.
Cnss County. . , (, Y , ,,.
Nilnuska. i
! II Ihe nintterof the estate of Alfivil Mcl'tr
iiit d, deceiiseil.
Notice Is hcivhy irlven thai the eredllois of
-uUI deceiiscd will meet I lie iiiliiilnisl rntor
of suld estuie. Inftiv Hie, coiinly .linlut'
f Cuss county, Nehraska, ill the eounly
oiiri room In I'lullMiiimtli. Nehruskn. In said
county, on the Jilh day of Xovemla-r. I - and
on the'Jsih day of May, Hm.. lit Ino'elm-k, a. in.,
each duy, for the inniKise of prcsc nlliur ilieir
claims lor exainlnaiion, adjust incut and ullow
I'.nce. ilv nii,utli . fiiim Vmi'lllll'l"" I'.nsi. nic ul-
I nvetl for the eredllois of suld dci'easi'd In Pie
sent llielrclahus. and one year and slv inoiilhs
for lint adminlsi mii-i lo sci Mesa III estuie, iroin
tlie '.Villi day of uciolier. mu.
I I I I ..f I ..llllltl
ttlllicss lll. IIHIIil HUM -tu m - .
court, at Hiiitsinoulli. Nehras1.ii. this -.Mill day
of Ifc'tohcr. llNHl. ll.Mtvr.Yl. Iiiavis.
lSeiil. County .liidu'c.
Notice of Final Hearing.
HI ute of Nehruskn,
Cnss County. I
!n the County Court of Cns County. Nehi askn
Inthe matter of Ihe estate of (ieow I'. Sliry-
der, dis-easeil.
Notice Is hcivhy lilron lo ull im'I-soiis Inler-
ested In sum esiate. 1 mil n inmiiioii ioi mini
settlement anil linal reK)H has Ih'cii tilled hy
tho adminlsi rulor wllh will annexed, and that
a hearlnif will I at had inioii such iietlllon in Ihe
county court i-oom.nt I'lultsinoui h. Cass coun
ty, Nehraska. on the ill day of Novemhcr. A.
ft., l!KI, ill the hour of III o'clock, u. in., you me
rcoulred lo show cause inralnsl snld etltlon
and ivihiH onorliefoivtlo'cloi'k u. in. on said
itdav of Novemlier. IWKl.
Witness my hand and seal of I lie county
court, of Cass eounty, Nehruskn. I Ills .it h day of
Novemlier. Il. IIAKVKV l. TKAVIS.
(ikai.. Counly.luli;e.
Notice to Creditors.
sk In I'ounlj Court
r-TATK or Nubh SKA, I.
Cass Cihi.nty. t
In ihe matter of the est ate of I'rnnk V. Knton.
Not n-e la heivhxeirl veu that tla-teivdlloi-a of
Mild deceased will meej vhe udmlnislratrix of
said estate. In-fore me. County .liidi!o of Cuss
v.,l.,.nLn iii ilti, i,,,tml v i'iirt room III
I'lattsinoiitli, III snld county, mi the IMh day of
mi-emlier, A. I'., iwak aim on iue i.iiii nay oi
June, A. 1)., Ittl". at HI o'clock a. in., each day.
for the puriiose of presentinir their claims for
....mlniill.ill nil itiul llllllll llllfl II I ll 1U II 111'-.
Vlx monllis'aiv allowed for the eivdilois of
said deceased lo present tlieireiuiins, n nil om
year for the adminlsi nil rlx to settle Mild en
t ate, from the Ititli ilay of Novemlrr. A. 1.
Wllnnuu mn linml mill ui-ul ilf Snlll t'oillltV
Court, at IMatlsmoulh, Nehraska, this Idlli day
or Novemlier, hhi.
Ideal. County . I ud:e
Mrs. II. A. Walte rice WirUi, and
Grandma Walte came down from
Omaha Sunday. Mrs. Walte, sr., Is
quite ill at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Egglcston.
'Generally debilitated for years.
Had Sick headaches, lacked ambition
was worn out and all run-down. Bur
dock Blood Bitters made me a well
woman." Mrs. Chas. Freltoy, Moos-
up, Conn. - " ' "v-j -'
Through a letter received today by
relatives In this city, we are Informed
that Mrs. Fred Kroehler, sr., of Have
lock, who suffered a stroke of paraly
sis last Friday, has lost her eyesight
klnre that dav. but otherwise remains
in aliout the same condition, which Is
considered critical by tlie medical aid
In attendance. Slight hopes are en
tertained for her recovery.
A o"id taken at this time of the year
l upiiermlv hard to get rid of, but It
will not hi'Hhietn withstand Roe's
Lnxime Honey hi.i1 Tar. That will
ftire hii iroltK f'tiiili. cmup, whooping
C'diwli, tc, iiv drlvlnif them out
through tlie bowels. If you have a
cold, tiv Hand If notcurea get you
money back. No opiates. Sold by
Gerlng & Co 's druir store.
For the next two wees H. E.
Weldrqaa a Co. will, offer reductd
prices in all Millinery. Be sure and
tcKc advantage of their offar.
Coring the Past Year 1,200 Teams Brought
Produce to this City and Returned
With Goods.
From the reports received from fer
ryman O'Neil, and the committee of
the commercial club, it Isevtdeot that
the ferry project, which was promoted
by several of our merchants last
sprint;, lias been a mast decided suc
cess. During the year just passed, the
ferry has conveyed fifteen hundred
teams across the "Old Muddy.V Of
this number twelve hundred made
the round trip, bringing farm products
to our city and returning home with
gO'xls secured from our merchants.
The people livinar across the river
were enabled to do this through the
contract made by the majority of our
merchants with Ferryman O'Neill.
This agreement to transport Iowa
farmers to and from this city for 25
cents per round trip, was In effect two
years ago, but this was not generally
known by the inhabitants of the river
bottoms until last spring, when Mr.
O'Neill canvassed that territory to se
cure trade.
The river road was also repaired oy
the county and city last spring, and
this, toccther with the low ferry
charge lias proved to be a great induce
ment to Iowa farmers to trade In
riattsmouth. These people have ap
preciated the work done by our citi
zens, and when In town have passed
many favorable comments.
To the committee of the commercial
club composed of C. C. Wescott and
Johnljauer, jr., much credit is due
lor the success of this scheme, which
many of our merchants disapproved of
and refused to assist when asked for a
The following merchants contribut
ed the variousamoents to this worthy
V.. G. Povey & Son l-" 00
T. E. Parmeie. ..i lo 00
k.;a. wuri 10 oo
F. U. Frlcke &Co 10 oo
Assemlssnn .t Lnueks . 10 1)0
Gerlng & Co 10 00
Kraft Clothing Co 10 00
M. FaiiL-er 10 00
Jonathan llatt 10 00
II. M. Soennichsen 10 00
August Gorder 10 00
A. G. liach & Co 10 00
Josonh l-'etzer 10 00
C. E. Wescott's Sons lo 00
M. Jlild 10 00
Henry Herold 10 00
C. Heisel 10 00
John ltauer 10 oO
1'hil. Thleroir . 10 00
P.rl Ikinaf. 10 00
Claus Speck 10 oo
F. G. Egenbergcr 10 00
Adoiph uelsie io w
F. C. Benfer 10 oo
J. E. Tuey 5 00
F. M.Richey.... 5 00
Sherwood & Son r 00
Fred Rarage oo
IkePearlman oo
Wm. Scbmldtman 5 oo
R. L. Mauzv " oo
.uckweiler & Lutz ' oo
LorenzBros 5 00
Kroehler Bros 'r "0
A T Vrled .r oo
John Waterman -I 00
Wm. Holly
Phil Sauter -' -0
.1. V. Egenberger
II WulHmnn '-'50
John Crabill 00
(llj C. A. I.eK)
Corrected weekly by Martin & Tool,
who pay tl.n highest prices for prtduce
and guarantee satisfaction:
Itutu-r l'"'
lleim.... to"
Sprinira .... use
Cream N.t.iV: Nailw
Holts i .(j. 40 ami 'i .a'
Callle IJ.lWa.nd li'i
Corn new 30 and 31c. old .He
Wheal i" and ."
Oata and iJc
Hih'k Island TimkTaiu.k.
Murdock Station.
No. 41, mail M-"a. m.
No. "5, local t:.i.ia. n.
No. 5. mail :i:oo p. m.
No. 37, mall 5:.M p. m.
No. !H), freight 12:30 a. in.
No. 38, malF. 10:.Va. m.
No. Itl, Local l:Hp. m.
No. , mall 2::t-')p. m.
No appetlu. Ioji ct lrer.jth, nervou
ntu, headicha, conjllpallon, bad breath,
inneral debility, iour rislnji. nd caltrrh
ol the lomch ere ell due lo Indigestion.
Kodol curee Indlfestlon. Thli new ditcor
ery represents the ralurel julcei ot dlfet
tlon at they exist In a hetlthy tlomech,
combined wllh the freelest known tonlo
and reconstructive properties Kodol Dyt
pepsla Cure doee not only cure Indigestion
and dyspepsle, but this famoue remedy
cures all stomach troubles by cleansing-,
purlfylnf, sweetening and strengthening
the mucous membranes lining the stomach.
Mr. S. S. Bill ef Hitantwrod, W. Vs.. airsr
" I mi troub'ite wllh tour atMiitrh for twantr .
Kodol cured me sn4 we ere now using II la anllk
lor ?."
Kodol DlgtsU What Yea Ct
BottltS onlf. SI 00 Slit hoMlnt iH lms th trial
ll. which SM frr 50 cants.
Prepared bf C O. DeWITT OO.. OHI0A0O,
Ocrin Co.
August Wendt Passed Awij it the Ad
vanced Age ot 70 Yeirs.
From the Louisville Courier we take
the following particulars of the death"
and funeral of one of Cass county's
oldest German residents: '
"TheGrimI(caperi8 rast claiming
the old settlers of Cass county. This
week we are called upon to announce
the death of another of Cass county's
pioneers, August Wendt, who passed
awav at the home of his son, August,
near Murdock on Tuesday morning at
1 o'clock.
Deceased was born and grew to
manhood In Germany, where he mar
ried. Four children were born In the
faXherland. He was a hard worker,
hut; found it di llloult to lay up any
thing for a rainy day. ,3te heard of
America, where every .man was & king
and every woman a queen, and made
ud his mind to come to the new world
and try to secure a home. In l!o. be
landed In New York with his wife and
two children, four children having
died In Germany. He came west at
buce and landed in Plattsmoutn where
ht rented a farm from the late C H.
Parmeie, and by hard work laid up
enough to make a small payment on a
farm southwest of Louisville, where
he lived until thirteen years ano this
month, when he purchased a tract of
and near llelmont, where lie moved.
Mrs. Wendt died two years ao the
isih of this month at the home of her
daughter, near Murdock, where she
was vlsltlmt. and strange as It may
seem. Mr. Wendt's death occurred at
the home of his son, Auust, near
Murdock. while there visiting. His
age was lo years, 10 months and '.'days.
"Tlie funeral occurred at :i o clock
Wednesday afternoon from the tier
man Lutheran church, the sermon
belmr preached by lie?. Ilaumgacrt-
ner. lie was the father of ten chil
dren, but four of whom survive him,
namely: Mrs. John Schccle, living
near Murdock; William, living on the
old home farm: August, living near
Murdock, and Ferdinand, of llelmont."
Mrs. J. M. Leis entertained the
Kensington Wednesday afternoon.
Light luncneon was served.
Rumors of a wedding In this town
are alicat, and we'll have to admit
that tdlngs begin to look serious.
Raymond Wcstlake was a business
visitor at Lincoln Thursday.
Kmil Kuehn made a business trip to
Omaha last week.
Mrs. MacArthur visited relatives In
Oirraha last week.
If we arc not badly fooled there is a
bink in this town that Is dying a
natural death and will soju pull down
their blinds for quite awhile. Obituary
M. W. Moore and Mat Tliimgan
were business visitors at our metro
polis lately.
Bart Fisher and wife of Wetplng
Water visited with frlendsin Murdock
Thursday. Rert returned Thursday
evening and Mrs. Fisher remained
until Sunday. ,
Mrs. F. Wolf was In Omaha Friday
to attend the funernal of a grand
The A pple Blossom club will give a
box social at the home of Mrs. O. II
Eculef ton on Thanksgiving eve., and
will give a free entertainment towards
furnishing amusements for their
guests. Come, bring a box and help
the cause along.
Georee Gillespie pulled In from Fair
montFrlday to be at the bedside of his
mother, who is quite ill.
W. O. Gillespie has had quite a sick
horse this week, but our local veteri
nary, M. W. Moore has pulled him
through and he Is now well on the way
to recovery.
Frank Jeffords left for his home in
South Dakota Sunday.
George Leis held No. 117, which was
the lucky number that drew the $12
mackintosh at the barber shop Satur
day evening. You can bet we were on
deck Monday morning and had our
measurements taken for a new coat
Oscar McDonald, Albert Hunt and
P. S. Crlnk drove over to South Bend
Henry Dehning has purchased the
Guyger farm which is located two
miles southwest of Wabash. Our
hustling real estate dealer, George
Colbert, made the deal. Call on him
"wheh you want to buy dr'sell as farm,
lie has some tine bargains to offer.
Wm. Rush was a capital city visitor
Monday evening.
O. II. Eggleston left for the western
part of the state Monday.
Fred Klemrae's name has been added
to the Journal '8 list of subscribers.
(iT Mefttyi ?lVJ
ia-'H' f
UY it MW 1
- o
HI is tin1 si'.isnn when t'Vfrvl.otlv rommrnrt' to
' liok arnuml for 1 licit fall ami winter clothing.
Tho oarlv Ihiut usually tfets tho cho'uo of the
now stylos, ami tho lost ootR Wo would there
fore su tftfest that you
Call at our Store
Early in the
and lot us show you tho many now things we
have in Men's and 1 Joys' Clothini;, and everything
in their wearing apparel from shoos to tho hat.
Our lino this season in every department is much
larger than over before, and we eariKtlv request
vou to call and "look us over."
Wm. Holly
Public Sale!
I will sell at my farm, 5 miles west of '
I'lattsmoutn, cu., on
Tnnorhu nonnmhor Ith IQdR
IUG0U0.J) UGbGIIIUU till) ivJUU,
f ho fiillntvlnir nrnnprt v. to-wlt: ,i liend
of horses, 2 fresh milch cows, 'Jo head
or snoats, l two-row snaKe kiiict, z
cultivators. Z sets uouuie Harness, i
fanning mill, one honey extractor, 1
pirlpn mill. 'Jo iallun kettle, black
smith s anvil H.) pounds, niacKsmnn s
virA i r. nnnnria shor. 01111. mnwinuma.-
phino rlHIncr pniMvatir. 1 tlorliam
seeder, 1 stalk cutter, one disk, 2 stir
ring plows, - comoinea waiKing listers,
1 rlfllncr lister 1 li.nrrow. 1 slnL'le
hooslcr drill, I two horse buggy, :i
single buggies, '1 lumber wagons, 1 hay
rapb i: nr K tnnu nf hnv aiimn IIOIISR-
I U..D " V. J . " " V. " " J ' "
hold goods and many other things to
numerous too mention.
Sale to Start at 10 0'ClocK a. m.
TEDIIOI On all sums of I0 and un
iLnlYIOi rlnrcashln linnri On all
sums over $10 a credit of one year will
be given (ir ocsireu) wnn approveu
riti wlr.hrtut. Intorpsti. If nald when
rtno If nnt. nnlrt when flnn. 7 nerrent
will be added f rom date of note. :i per
cent oi: ror casn on an sums over iw
Wm. D. Jonks, Auctioneer.
C. G. Fan kk, Clerk.
'I'll. Su. n:
. LORENZBROS., Proprietors.
Groceries, Provisions and Meeais
rlii iinliii 'I'Ihiik
Su. II.
1st Fric l'DISOX
l'lionoraph and
12 Records $M) m
2nd l'rize Century
Camera and Out
fit 15
3rd l'rie Iniiwrttd
Japanese ase. . . 5 on
Total amount.. $50 on
Phil. Sauter,
IKIrlliiilnr f tin'
KiIIuhi I'Iimiiii-
V .t' L-iniili mill llci
li4 I ; I iirils.l'liillsiiiniilli
V I v
I'nntct will olil'Il Xovomhor 1st, V)0, and dose
May lst.17. Coti)onswill be given with cash pur
chases only. ICvcry $2.50 worth of cotions gets one
draw number. ncLMii w lien t lie contest ocgins,, pot-
haps you will be the lucky one.
Cost you nothing to
Lorenz Bros.,
PlaLttsmouth. NebraLska.
House for Sale.
A good residence property-seven-room
house, good cellar, good cistern,
and out buildings In good repair.
Close to B. & M. shops. For particu
lars see A. RorsK.
lo Hamilton county. 50 choice farms
for sale. Write for list
F. A. BALD, Aurora. Neb.
Don't think that pilcscan't be cured'
Thousands of obstinate cases have
been cured by Doan's Ointment. .0c
at any drugstore.
a sa
PS HffilflTMM
Chas. Schneider is suffering with an
attack of blood poison In his left arm.
A. Lorenz Uikll and Frank
Jones intend leaving for Oklahoma
this week.
Mrs. O. H. Eggleston and Miss
Maude Walte are spending the week
at Valparlso.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schwln are visit
ing with Uncle Teter F.veland for an
indefinite period.
Harrv Williams and wife and Frack
Koscno and wife of F.lm wood Sundayed
with August Kuehn and family.
Matt Williams, of near Klmwood,
loaded his belongings In a car at this
point Tuesday and departed for lair
bury, Neb.
II. It. Neltel left Wednesday for
Waterloo, while Mrs. NelUel and the
boys went to I'lattsmoutn for tho re
mainder of the week.
On Monday occurred the death of
JohnShcllhorn, living five miles north
east of Murdock. The funeral services
were held at the house Wednesday
afternoon at -' o'clock and the remains
were laid to rest at the cemetery three
miles cast of there.
The manaircrs of the Farmers' In
stitute, to be held In Plattsmouth,
Friday and Saturday, December 7 and
would like to have farmers bring In
samples of corn and other farm pro
ducts for exhibition. Let everyone
bring In something In the grain line
to compare with that grown by his
The OriRin.i Lmtive Couh to, Honey .nd T.r An
LunC and Broncbl.l move, ,he bowe,.
.VdconnVTo'opK! S M SSt ULe V2d1CE COMPANY, CHICAGO, U. S. A.
Sold at GERINU W . urug store
The Best of all Holiday Gifts is an
"Nx Main tMca"
Help Us Keep Our Dog ot Home
by buying vour Kdisnn I'hono
graph and Victor Talking Ma
chine and Kecordsof
Phil. Sauter,
Plattsmouth, Nebraslco
r.einember t hero Is inly ' nc Frlrc
Free Concerts Daily.
We have a full line
for the HOLIDAY
trade, ranging ' in
pricee from 110 to
$50. The EDISON
Records are 35 cents
Presents. 35c, 60c and $1.00 Each