I ike a Goon's Trap "Catches 'em a Commin and Agoin!" Our Syrup of Tar and White Pine, for with each bot tle goes a package of Laxative Cold Tablets. Any other cough syrup merely al lays the cough and simply a cold cure does not allay the cough, but our combination does both. Price 50c. GERING (Si CO.. MIKES PLEA FOR MRS. ULLIE Can You Civ the Reason? (an I'lattsmouth merchants give any good reason why farmers within INDEPENDENT TELEPHONES Unthtr nl LhrrfsrH Uin inntitt tn f!n. elK't mllesof I'lattsmouth go to towns r on the vet side of the county to huv error, and Sans Mrs, Liltie is Not Guilty. Another plea Is made for the free dom of Mrs. Llllie, accused of murder ing her husband. In speaking of the matter, the Lincoln Journal hays: 'The mother of the husband of Mrs. Llllie appeared yesterday before Gov, gonu.' ihere Is a reason for It and our business men should seeK the cause and then apply the remedy. Our tradesmen can sell goods as cheaply ns they can be sold in other towns, un doubtedly, and should control trade of at least one-half the county. The giv ing of bargains will attract trade when the people know who It Is that Is glv- PERKINS HOTEL PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA RATES $1.00 PER DAY First House West B. 6c M. Depot We Solicit the Farmers Trade and Guarantee Satisfaction. When in the City Give Us a Call T5he Perkins Hotel Tailored Skirts Made to Measure Send for Style Book and Samples BOTDBS J5he Reliable Store Very Best Values in Ready to Wear Cloth ing. Send for Catalogues Pianos and Organs Sold on Easy Payments if Desired SB! We ship Musical Instruments to all parts of the United States, If you are looking for a Piano or Organ, in fact, anything in the way of Musical Instruments, don't fail to write or call on us. We are the largest dealers in the Mid die Wcj.1. purchasing our Musical Instruments in large quantities for cash ancf selling on a very close margin of profit. In our stock is found such old reliable makes as Sohmer, Chickering Bros., Fischer, Estey, Wegman, Frank; lin, Schacifer, Price 8r Teeple, Bailey and twentyone other makes to select from. Write us for catalogues and prices. 16th Dodge OMAHA NEB. Hayden Bros., Omixhes Reliable Pla.no House. SERIOUS STABBING AFFRAY ernor Mickey to ask for the pardon of Ing them. Hut sitting down with a the woman who has been convicted stool between your knees and waiting and who Is serving a life sentence In for the cow to back up to be milked the peniteutlary for the murder of "ever Blithe cream pitcher. There her son. The elder Mrs. Llllie Is scv- re too many merchants in nalts- entv-slx years of age. She Iscontident mouth who attempt to reap the bene- that her daughter-in-law did not mur- nis or tnc advertising or tncir more dcrherson, Harvey Llllie, as he slept enterprising neighbors. In his bed in bis own home. The eld erly woman was accompanied by Mrs. A. D. Beemer, wlfo of the warden of the penitentiary. The hearing was of short duration, but the visitor pleaded for a pardon for the woman who was convicted of slaying her son The caller lives at Bellwood. She re cited that a girl at the Lillle home heard someone tampering with the window on the night of the murder She also stated that she believed her son and his wife loved each other so much that it was Impossible that the wife should slay her husband as he slept. It develops that no formal ap plication has been made to Governor Mickey for the pardon of the Mrs. Margaret Llllie. The governor has been asked by the convicted woman to consider the case and he has said that he never takes under consldera tlon a case of pardon without a formal application and notice of publication as required by law. Three preachers The Plant In Omaha Will Cost SI, 500, 000 tor Construction -To Be Completad In One Year. In speaking of the contract entered Into for the const ruction of the Inde pendent telephone system in the Ne braska metropolis the Omaha World- Herald says "Surprising and thoroughly pleasing to the people of Omaha will be the an nouncement that the new indepen dent telephone system in this city will be of the automatic type. The matter was not detlnltely decided until yester day, when the contracts were signed and the papers duly passed. "It Is not often that a single con tract for over Sl.son.ooo Is executed In Omaha, but that Is what happened yesterday when the contract for the construction and equipment of tlm entire telephone system was signed, scaled and delivered. 'The company securing tho big contract Is the ('resent Construction company, which represents the largest aggregation of telephone construction capital In the west, F. II. Stowo of I'ortland, Ore., general manager of tho company, came to close tho con tract for the construction of the plant and stated last evening before leaving for Denver that In less than a year Jim Jones ot This City One ot Two Men from today the plant would bein run UUIUUU. A Good Thing for Plattsmouth. The new trains put on the Missouri l'acltlc last Sunday are evidently not nly a great thing for I'lattsmouth but also a great accommodation fur south ati' 1 west ends of the county. Those who have business In the county seat can arrive In 1 1 K city about b o'clock and return home In the after noon about half-past t wo o'clock. The business men of 1'lal tsmouth state that these trains are also a good thing for them, From reports Ihew trains seem to be doing a very fair business for a starter. LINCOLN'S SLEEPING BEAUTY On Wednesday Night Near Meadow, Across Platte River From Louisville. THE TROUBLE AROSE OVER A WOMAN Held by Sarpy Authorities to Await Developments. A special from Sprlnglleld, Neb under date of November ir, gives the .1 frvllm f rut onni uin t .i 1 1 in cr i limttir nr. I . i. n m.. ' i. of Butler county arc the only people """"" - gone in oiiuieiucnc coast. ,eiavc way mill uvvuncu ni-ui Kiuauun, pill III cikuu uin nyswiiiittuu imio junu mo old manuci system in Mr. Stowo expressed much satis faction over the situation here, and said that Omaha would have the most complete and up-to-date plant that could bo built. 'Von will have the benctit of tho very latest Improve ments. and also the benctit of all the experience that comes of the construe tlon of too nest plants mat nave jusi who have written the governor In re gard to a pardon for the woman. As the governor goes out of olllce January 3, the friends of the convict will have to make haste If they secure notice of publication necessary to make the ap plication for a pardon legal." Uncle Sam to the G. O. P. Say!G.O. 1, Between you and me, You're to brace Or you won't have a place In the next race. By gum! The other side is going sum, And It will get there For fair If you don't open your eyes And get wise To the situation. This nation Wants a square deal. Which It will appeal To the people for, and they Won't come your way As long as you line up with money, As long as you let the great Exert their might Against the right, And boss and legislate. By gosh! This is no josh. And take it from me That the G. O. P. Has got to break the fetters Ot steel and oil and coal And rail and meat and sugar, If it would roach the goal Of any party answ'rlng A party's highest call The welfare of the people, The greatest good for all. Now, (r. 0. 1'., you've got to Make good In this regard, Or you will get the lemon. And get it tierce and hard. See? That' Me Talking, and if you ain't a clam You'll listen to vour Uncle Sam W. J. Lampton, In the New lork World. for the Initial const ruction contemplates put ting the plant In operation with H.ooo 'Dhones when it ooens lor nusincss. l. ... - . il k We will get to work at mo earnest nosslble moment. I shall move to Omaha with my family and shall lie here Inside of three weeks, our en gineers will be here Inside of three weeks. Our engineers win nc nerc possibly In two weeks, and certainly In three weeks, and will proceed to lay olT the city and go ahead with the tlin I'lattn rlvnr frnm I.niilsvilln tom OUt w.rtnnd,, ni.rl.t- "A rinii. st.ah- Angcies aim insiai eu a new auiu . . matlCHVstcm of ls.tHHJ 'pliones. blng atlalr occurred last nignt near .. .Qmaha Is to built for a 2.".,0o0 Meadow. Several of the quarrymen 'phone system, and everything wlll he hnri hoon rlrinklnir rfnrlnc t,hn ri.iv. carr cu a omf on mat oasis irom in rw ii.,i,n ,,rniri ,it, start, though ourcontract another bylthe name of Jones. In the evening Jones again got into trouble with another laborer who was in com pany with Hughllt and in the tight which followed Jones was stabbed The wound is considered serious, be Ing in the region of the heart. At last reports Jones was still alive, but it is thought he will die. Deputy Sheriff T. J. wrignt went to tnescene map9 an(i plans." or the trageay last nigtit ana arrested Hughllt and the man who did the Causes Parent Anxiety stabbing. Yesterday afternoon Gwcnnith, the "But little Is known about any or ttilrtcen-year old Hon of Mr. and Mrs the parties Involved, they being a part U;.E, Hilton, was the cause of much of the floating population usually nmlet v to his narents. when he failed found about the quarries of this vl- to rcturn home from school at the 6lnlty. Hughllt, however, has been customary time, and also failed to employed asa farm hand In the vlcln- L10w up for the evening meal. The lty during the summer and was con- parents became very much alarmed slderd a peaceable citizen except when an(j tjicy imagined all sorts of possible under the influence or liquor." danirers that might have befallen the lad and thus prevented him from re Since the above was put in type the turning home. Their anxiety In Journal has received further details creased when diligent Inquiries re which are to the effect that Jim Jones vcaled the fact that he had not been of this city together with Mert Hugh- to school in the afternoon, and many lit are confined in the county jail at of the neighbors and townspeople Papllllon, to await developements of turned out to assist in the search, the serious wounds Inflicted during the which was carried on until the even- quarrel with one Jake Leppold, a Ing train from Omaha came In, bring brother-in-law to Hughllt. As stated Ing the truant son home. He had In the above dispatch, the trouble gone to the depot at noon, and, unno orlglnated during Wcdncsdy when ticed by any of his friends, got on the Jones Insisted on staying at Jake train and took a trip to Omaha. Llppold'shousc. This was supposed to have been set- County Attestor to Meet. tied when Jones was transferred from Nebraska assessors are considering the quarries near Meadow to those at a plan to meet In Lincoln about Janu Cedar Creek, but Jones only went as ary 15, to confer on the property valu far as Louisville, and then returned atlons for next year, as well as to in the evening to renew his attentions agree on suggestions for presentation to Llppold's wife and at this Llppold to the legislature relative to amend attempted to eject Jones from the ing the present assessment laws, says house. Hughllt and Leopold's wife the Lincoln News. J. S. Kobbins and In the Wallace, assessor for Lincoln county A Capital City Girl Has Been Asleep tor Several Days and Still Slumbers. A special from Lincoln claims that MlssCella Arcnsou has slept for seven days. Physicians have failed to arouse her from her stupor. A week ago yes terday she complained of a strange feeling for which she could not ac count. She retired as usual, hut the members of tho family failed to awake her the next morning, nnd sent for Ir. McLcod. The sleep has continued for a week. Tho girl breathes normally, and the bodily functions goon as usual. Nour ishment has been given by artificial means. At times her cheeks aro Hush ed, but usually they are very pale. T.iday the physicians announced that the girl was better. She moved from one position to another on her lied. For days she lay w ithout any move ment of the body. It Is believed tliat over study brought on a condition of temporary paralysis of the motory portion of the brain. Miss A renson graduated from the high school last spring, when only hi years of age. Shu had studied very hard. Her parents would not permit her to pursue her studies this fall because of her youth and her Inclination to study too much, ilutsho was a great reader, and her present condition was brought on by over use of the brain. The doctors look for her complete recovery. Probe the State Journal Cate. Reports come from Lincoln that the alleged bilking of the state to the ex tent of H,,r)Oi) and the case against ho Journal company may be the sub net of a searchlngexaminatlon by the members of the next legislature. The defendant Is accused of selling supreme court reports, the reports be- ng the exclusive property of the state. The alleged offense extended through a number of years and the money, It Is alleged, was diverted from the state library fund. The whole deal has been clothed In mystery. The legislature may make rigid investigation In order to un cover the Individuals concerned. It has been proposed to start a reform program with the unmasking of a fraud supposed to be one of the most brazen and gigantic in the history of Nebraska. Made Happy for Life. Great happiness came Into the home t()0k fidcs wi,n Jones ofS.C. Blair, school superintendent, 8crimaee that occurred after the men has written In to Secretary Bennett at bt. Aioans, a., wnen nis nine had left the house, Llppold received a of the equalization and assessment aaugnier was restorea irom tue arena- 8cr0US 8tab n tne region of the heart, board advocating that Idea, and Mr fuioomaiaint tie names, liestys: aiy Thenewsof the affair soon spread Bennett thinks it a good one. If Mr, little daughter had St. Vltls Dance, AnA In . gbort t.me . D0SSC Wtn jw n0bhlns can interest enough of his fel which yielded to no treatment out sheriff Wrlirht at the head, was low awesors in the mcetlmr. a date grew sieaany worse until as & iasi re- MtrChjnK for the two men who were will be announced for It sort we tried ticctrio liitters; ana I captured tn Llppold's house. Llppold Among the things which there will rejoice 10 say mree Domes eneciea Ms in a serious condition, but hopes arc be for the assessors to talk over in complete cure." yuicg, sure cure ior entertained for his recovery. Jim case they come here Is the method of nervous complaints, general debility, j0DC8, oneof the two prisoners held assessing grain brokers' capital stock female weakness, Impoverished blood by the Sarpy county authorltlds, is a and tangible property, which was the anamaiana. uuaraniceu oy r. u. nnn nf Mrs Tvl Patton of thla rltv. LmMnrr. nf a rpcent minreme court Frlcke & Co. drug store. Prive 50c. where he was raised and poor reputation. has borne a Omaha' Olvoro Reoord. The Bee says: "The extent of the ManZan relieves Instantly the pain divorce 'evil' In Omaha is Indicated caused by those blind, bleeding, itch from figures tabulated by George Seajr, ing and protruding plies. It Is put up Journal clerk In the office of the dls- in collapsible tubes in such a way that trlct clerk. Since the beginning of It can be applied where the trouble the October term of court, October 1, originates, thus stopping tho pain lm- and Including November 14, there mediately. Try one bottle, and If you have been granted slxty-tlve divorces, are not relieved, your money will be or about ten decrees a week. While no tigures arc available for compari son, this Is said to be about the aver age of other terms of court. Of the sixty-five, Judge Kennedy has granted twenty-seven, Judge Day twenty-two and Judge Troup sixteen." "Generally debilitated for years. Had lick headaches, lacked ambition was worn out and all run-down. Bur dock Blood Bitters made me a well woman." Mrs. Chas. Freltoy, Moos- up, Conn. Loch ot Half Prtci t dosing out sale of Ilerold'i stock refunded. Try our free offer. Sold by Gcrlng & Co.'s drug store. Pas the Pulverlied Sugar, An exchange says as follows: "If men are the salt ot the earth, women are undoubtedly the sugar. Sugar Is & luxury. Vicious men are saltpeter, stem men are rock salt, nice men are table salt. Old maids are brown sugar and pretty girls the fine pulverized sugar. Please pass the pulverized sugar- Good hats oi salt ot Wildmaa & Cos, ratfTta 1 prtct from 15c to $1.00. opinion. Uniform assessments and the revised classification of property will be two other topics. It Is felt by many assessors that they cannot well stand the expenses of coming to Lincoln, inasmuch as their salaries are not large. They think that as their attendance here would be for the benctit of their re spective counties the county boards should allow their expenses. Two meeting of assessors have been held In Lincoln since the legislature of loo:i passed the new revenue act. At the first one, held Just before the law went Into effect, about seventy were present. Last year, forty five or fifty were here and got acquainted with the methods of digging up prop' erty which were put into effect sue cessfully later. )5 oqd )6 Dnsi Skirts ot $3.98 at closing out sale of Herold'a stock. $15 Fors ot $11,35 at Closing out isle ot Ilerold'i stock. M. L. White Property Sold. Win. Deles Dernier, administrator, with will annexed, was In the city Fri day and sold tho property on the cor ner of Sixth and Oak streets to Dr. T. P. Livingston for the sum of I1,0T0. This Is one of the most desirable resi dence locations" In the city, and the brick house thereon is one of the first In the city. The Journal Is Informed that Dr. Livingston expects to re model the house and make It up-to-date In every particular. A Missouri Genius. The Britt (Mo.) Tribune says: "We have Just succeeded in getting a patent on an electric motor fastened on the rump of a cow, the electricity being generated by a dynamo attached to her tall. She strains the milk, hangs up the pall and strainer. A small pennograph accompanies the outfit and yells "Soo" every time she moves. It she lifts her foot to kick a little dingus slips over the condlves and the phono graph says "Dammitt." And If she continues to kick, a hinged arm catches the milk stool and lams her on the back till It looses a patch ot hair as big as a dustpan. A patent churn goes with the outfit that works the butter In one dish and the hair In the other." Need a good cathartic? A pill Is best. Say a pill like DeWltt's Little Fatly Risers. About the most reliable on the market. Sold by F. G. Frlcke & Co. and Gering & Co. Don't forget that I have Die best bargains In South Dakota lands that can possibly be gotten for the money. We control a large portion o' this land ourselves and can give you better bar gains than anyone else. Convince yourself by making a trip with me on any Tuesday of the month. Prices on this land range from 115 an acre and upward. It will make you more money In the next two years than you can make at anythlt.g by buying a tract ot this land. See J. P. Falter about IB In the Coates Block. Plnesalve cleanses wounds, Is highly antiseptic, unequaled for cracked hands. Good for cuts. Sold by Oer Ing ACa's drugstore. ! i i