The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 22, 1906, Image 4

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    The Plattsmouth Journal
11. A. 15ATKS, I'litLiMiKK.
nivrt-il ltlir p.vt..fflci Hi ruttsnmulb. N-
lirk. hsimvoikIi'Uhs matter.
.i:t)K(;i:Snm.iHN's majority for
governor is 12,S6. Not so large,
alter all.
rou.AKn's majority (or congress
is 1589. Taylor, the prohibition
candidate, received 1043 votes.
Tmi:kk is a movement on foot to
merge Omaha and South Omaha
under one government,
what ('light to Ic done.
Tin: "Mysterious Stranger" j
shook the dust from his feet on the
(th and left Missouri, not to return
again until mother l'arker telegram
is flashed in Aryan's face.
Tin- Journal is pleased to learn
that riattsmouth will e well rep
resented in Trans-Mississippi Con
gress at Kansas City. A delegation
of eight or ten will attend, headed
by Mayor C.cring, who is always
alive to the interests of riattsmouth.
Keep It Up, Brother.
Adam Brede, editor of the I last-
is ! ings Tribune, wipes the perspiration
from his classic brow, smiles the
smole Ix.rn of victory and observes
that it was a crand victory. Then
he grows soU-r, and takes his pen
cil ncriin in hand to sav that the
people will now demand:
"A law to compel railroads to
pav their taxes at the same time and
in the same manner as a private individual.
A law providing that an em
ploye may recover damages from an
employer for injuries received, not
withstanding said injuries are due
to the negligence of a fellowservant.
"A law prohibiting the giving of
ii ia-iLs.
7, .-
C. V. Pool, democratic candi-
Thk failure of two savingsbanks , f renresentative in Johnson fr n!1,c..s :n ati forms, except to
in Washington in one week, shows COUIltVi got iat one vote in the re- actuai employes, their intimate fam
that republican prosperity is not ccllt eiccti0Ili Pretty close, Char- ;iics. and men in charge of ship-
universal. t,.v. i,t vnn are better off without L,ni nf i;,. ctnrl-
it, as many others who were elect
It must have leen the sweetness
'A direct primary law for the
of his temper that caused a colony 'c elcctcJ t0 Stay nomination of all state, county and
of Iowa bees to follow their dead
master to his grave.
Tmi official returns show that
lloch had a plurality over Harris
for governor of Kansas of 1 ,9.V).
That is a pretty close shave in
at. home
Bi t few tears are licing shed
over the troubles of the Wall street
district officers, including congress
men and United States senators.
"A law or constitutional amend-
Pure, Healthful, Depends
Known everywhere and
guaranteed n strictly cream
of tartar baking powder;
no ulum tio ammonia
no phosphatlo acid.
I.nw-prlrrtl powdjri ami
IboM which do not ttrn
tha eream of tartar guar
antee are made from alum.
Of what use to give 23 ounces
of baking; powder for 25 cents
If 8 of those ounces are alum?
Democratic Days Coming.
Railroad magnate Harriman may certainly
The Legit Boss.
The republican party, through
Secretary Bonaparte, has at last in
vented a reform'that no other party
has prior claim to, and that no oth
er party will probably care to claim.
This Bonaparte invention may be
stvled "The Legal Boss." for the
fantastic idea is, ''that the people
should have legally constituted
bosses to make all the nominations
for public offices and thus do away
with nominating conventions." No
one but a republican boss, or would-
be boss, could invent stich a scheme
of licensing the boss system. Dem
ocrats are intent on Jself-govern-
ment and are determined that the
people must govern the bosses and
not the bosses the people. But in
the republican breast there ever
seems to dwell the lingering heridi-
tary hope, descended from Hamil
ton, that the few, or for that mat
ter the one, shall rule and dictate
to the many. If the voters are ca
pable of electing a boss, they are
capable of nominating
fnr nn elective state h "nl,m . tli WpI" nf thi rest of and electine their rmbhe officials:
, , . - . IllViU 1'1VIUIU6 IV. - I J
speculators, since u is Known mat ,,;;., which will c l,t ; ArAUr. tr. rlmicrhniits otherwise universal suffrage is a
, lUllllUt VWIIIIHi.nJfi- 1 - ---- I W f vvifc IV ' w m 0 I '
.Secretary Miaw, wun me appnnm ... . r....tM tt. . . ... - n ... .. r; failure and. like the Hebrew of old.
. IIIUllllllV'1fV", ' llt1-,':3 VA111 VS1 U I ' '
iVCll, lias joauui i; . , nf;rtt,e fl,i cnorinl rntos tn IAcf ottmnf fr mln r1octitiiln Kitiir is the onlv natural boss that
Ulll iUIlliaMVJilil tillV4 ' -- - - 1 IUU.1l KKJ I M1V V u..-k4.iv i O .
"I'ut it Back!" should be the
kittle cry fiom now until the State
of President Roose
them all the surplus money in the
United States treasury, without in
A Lincoln correspondent sa s
Journal returns that $85,000 graft lhat liear.y cvcry rcfonner in the
country in the republican ranks is
persons, corporation or localities, 0f the Illinois Central railroad, the people would elect
and to secure just and reasonable which is about the last of the inde- The fact is the republican leaders
freight and passenger rates. pendent railroads, will, if success- see trouble brewing for them in the
law providing that railroad ful, lead to his undoing, for the near future, for the people are
property in cities and villages shall public will only stand about so much awakening to the fact that their
be assessed and taxed the same as concentration in the hands of one only salvation is to abolish bosses,
I . . . f . ! 1 . I 4 . 1 At. I .:4.t. il,A s-t-. '. AA..a.n4-t A nA
. f rr . At hnr trnnorTV nir iti ii ii ii'i 1 1:1 1 i mi - i til n n nni ip i rrvimr ni t iviriii i i r wilii lliu lci Lain i.ui i u uliuu uuu
now a canuuiaie ior some omcc wi,ivi rV4.w.. - ......0 . ...
.;,1,;ntW rift nf Sheldon or Brown, poses. thing. The magnates that control gratting fiat stalks in tneir train
A law providing lor unitorm in- railroad combinations, tlie trust cor- ana as repuDiicauism means uie
spection and tests of dairy product, porations, the express combine and rule of bosses, as democracy means
"Besides this the people will in- others that charge all the traffic the rule of the people, the republi-
sist upon having the most rigid will bear," will soon be feeling that can leaders wouhljlegalize the po
economy in the matter of appro- life is hardly worth living when the litical machine they have set up, in
priations for state government. long suffering people get through hopes of preventing the breakdown
All of this the neonle of Xe- Uvith them. There will be no con- they see approaching. TheAmer
To attempt to catalogue the aspir
ants or their preferences would le
to outline a complete directory of
"fake reform."
to the state treasury, where it prop
erly belongs.
In Tin; opinion of Senator Cul
lorn, if the republican party does
not climate the tariff from politics
the tariff will eliminate the republi
can party from politics.
The next legislature will be com
Mr. Harris of Kansas is very posed, politically speaking, as fol
uncharitable. He says that the re- lows: Senate,' 28 republicans and Lraska willexpect, and all this they fiscation, no socialism, which is ican people wouldn't stand for
ptiDiieans womu sicai uie eiecuon 5 tusionists; House, republicans 1, entitjej to un-American, but taxes will have Hamiltonism a hundred years ago,
in that state if they could, llie and 31 tusionists. Therepubhcans "ret not a single man fear to do to be paid by these corporations nor are they going to stand any
returns ratlier sustain tlie assertion can easily carry out their pledges to nisduty." like other people pay on the value such monkey business now.
Ol Mr. llarriS. rCO!le if tlieV feel SO disposed. Tl, Jo arMt in tllP nWc nf iUolr nmnnrlv nn,l rntpswill rftr.
. h'1 . .utl. pv,., o
Governor-elect Sheldon says lie ex- ,tfMimn(is. to which the republican ulnted so that surpluses will not pile
IV ever a town needed the en
forceinent of a curfew law 1
mouth does right now. Thi
tiid ftilli liitiirttiot rotoil 1-icf turf l,t Ai timj nil our fuss and feathers.
Somebovs cut un last nieht and after submitting a constitutional find out before the session is half i the democratic days that are
,.,,.1.. .,;c.,,i ..! LnniKWiittnthP noonle. and hav- over that it one thing to promise, coming
i l i 1I1V1V. W 1 tit It U I'i i V4 V 4 V I '
l'latts- PCCtS t0 St'Ck l hlS ca,"pa!gn text" party stand pledged, and it is up to up to be used forstock speculation,
. a " "We shall see what we shalll see." thc incomjng legislature to carry but there will be "equal rights to
IIS KlCt - . ., . . i..t 41 -II ... j : 1 4 '
out these pledges . But they will all and special privileges to none'
Indians on the wai-path.
ing it advertised at a great expense,
and another thing to "deliver the
the chances are more than even Roods."
Tun democrats in the recent elec- that the whole thing will le declar
An Honest and Impartial Republican.
The retirement of Secretary
Hitchcock from the cabinet is
great loss to his countrymen. He
is the only member of the adminis
tration that has accomplished rea
results in his department that are
worth talking about. He has not
boasted or blustered but has pretty
A Talk on Tariff.
The class in primary political effectually cleared out the land
history may now recite. thieves and punished them without
"Does a tariff on agricultural fear or favor. Republican United
. t,a f w r. products protect the farmer?" States senators and congressmen
1 OAniiMinan nitomm
lion done something to Speaker cd illegal for the reason that the ad- nsH""""" '""
Cannon's committee on Ways and vertisement was not legally insert- c republicans nominated a ne-
Means bv electingthree of its most ed. The first insertion was too late, K Chicago and aitnougn
stilT-necked stand-natters to stav at and the attempt to amend this de- many
home, and by warning others feet bv having little supplements him at the polls, it seems ne was
...... 1 ... . . ... . . . . ... f.. .1 1nr.f.vl TIipv now find he is an
1 nrougn ueci 1 tea pluralities ,n tne pnnteu ana sent out aite t e reg- - - " ... . . . against ituports. ecuted with as much vigor as the
congressional elections. mar issue 01 tne papers iiau ieen j . -;- ".i( c,;(, d, 0-,tr r o-MfW nnd as this ? thP
I nr.. r..,.irr r nnt linn tn rpltril III - ' o I "
a.i.,...6.6 - o ...... . c. : 4i. t.:.... .t.
would seem that the republicans Pn 01 our exports: " 111 l"c
,AMt.. rf tiiAiiitm r.nrtirjn ninpr . . i i .. .t..r ... t.-: Agricultural products. Tncv puoiican party 01 a caoinet ot
--- , ciirviiiii zT nnii nu 1 imi 1.1 iv 1 iir.i w 1
It cannot and does not, for the that were mixed up with the land
find hp i in reason mat a tann oniy protects kiuucib cic iiui suic.ucu uui yius
mailed, will not pass
Tin? season of the laughing
1 .1. i.:tt ...:...t.. ...
v.' '.J:. 1 ,.,. are trviug to devise ways and ' , t,,nt h pWtwi for oitlmncrh comprise more than three-fifths of ficer being impervious to party
i.ixus aiiu lin ai liiiu wi uuu mm- . . ...1""" ""-- ---o . . i i ..:u:-
in, is a precious time to most of us. means whereby ov. Sheldon will the they nominatcd for judge our exporx . P,,ulc -..u .my-. o. .u
t i: f oe ai)ie to enact imo law some ui .r v tpn(Ud as a stool " -Ai'u" " ' "
.A..U...K .i ivi w.u.a.x j faPniPr 1nP thp Hitchcock is entitled to the thanks
Christmas which is the world's UK 1 rjll i"-"K" '"'"- pigeon, to draw and eaten tne otner - -----
real" day of reunion and ending Pblic PIatfor'- W should negroes in the republican net, they benefit of the tariff levied on their of democrats; the more so, as so
f not these pledues find their way,;iwi,Mnlwtl,PrP.H. products?" many of his own party are secretly
in tne urst oioom 01 M)iiug, wmtn . a..wl..v.vv......J , ,1 : j u-.uu:
tlie statute dooks in mc A,.r c t, riptnorrats are con- in, n i'iuu) mm uihiuishuu- uv.uuuv.i.,, ......
it is too oaa mat smaller gooa aeeas
cannot be recorded by anv other
Rubber Shoes lo go
Over them and
Outlast any other
Absolute protection
to the feet from cold
and wet; comfort
and durability
Felt. Fleece. Hair and
Footwear for Frigid Feet!
For Men and Women!
Get 'em early and get the good out
'em. Our Arties are iresn and
Good. Men's ll.ilo to $2 40.
Leggins of All Kinds!
Sherwood & Son.
It's a sign of coal satisfaction. Want
to hear the music In your kitchen?
tasv order coal irom this omce and
yard. Tbe output of the Trenton
mine the fuel we handle has no su
perior anywhere, Its equal In few
'PUflUC I'lnttsmoiith No. 23.
;o(i,nfin...(Mt;nifKtl,, P0" statute looks in tne
"r ..nn.M'-i-f,M! n.i nature of a result of republican Lprtl0(i thev arL. rati,cr t)leased at abl' true
rv-iirtuii v'l imimv. iJ iitvi.-iiv.n- uuu i .... I j i r 1 t.
victory? is it possible that what ,i,i P nnnmionts' show of lack of can you give an example snow-
was said during the campaign of consjstencyi but will not join ; ing how the farmer loses out on the member of the official family of the
Tim council last night decided "sham reformers" is true? The re- anv cffort t0 upset the votcs ot thc tan It that purports to protect Him? rctormer Kooseveit.
to shut down on new street work publican party promised thc Pc- niaioritv of tlie reople. es- Uunng the year 1904 the
i. m.a 'ii. I C XTl.- ..1. I i i I fnrtnorc nf t Via T , nifpn SHtoc pvnnrt.
IOr I UC WIUUT, Willi IHC taM.VlllUIl VI CUlWKU a K1 "auy v ".vv ,
of repairing a few crossings that things, if the people would entrust UK lion. a.c. onauenncrger, ed 44,230,169 bushels of wheat and p .............
i : ti, l.i ...ui, ate democratic canaiaatc ior gov-ma QQo dt hnrrpknf flnnr. I
; Li , , w nm,,,!. crnor. the State Journal says: 'r,:,,,,,. fnrmprs reai: nnv bp,, . publican congress made no appro-
i.liy uii.i iiuiii; an miiiuiinv .iiiiisiiiit i uiv, i.i, ...ik mi'vi. . - j i . .. ... .
' r ...... . t.. r ci.iii,r l ... . .. . I nnation for carrvintr the law into
of work upon the streets the past have placed the republican party in asiuwh v.. uai.m..fc-. etit on those large expoaations ot v -
season, and no one can possibly a position to fulfill its promises, right to be prouu oi tne ie given wheat and flour?.. . . -j-
v t.:i. i,of Ai. .f .rhtinn nf Binutnorae. nenasnvca in liar- Vo! not one cent. There s no ' - "
U4 Uil J k.l.Wa. UUIUIKtlVUl llUlur Mlttl U iiiw l'V v. . . . j
j. u ii,. u- i WoU n.wi c- n.. Ian county a long time and the L-
chronic knockers. trice Sun. People know him like a book and "Now,how muchwheat and flour Mon they. t0. U
i nnt v 10 eve in him.'- This u u t':.j c- at every uonii. nen it comes to
WU3 UIVUKUl JlllU U1C V. 1.UCU PUlt3 I .
Arizona has decided that she During thecampaign just closed is a peace offering sop to make up (rnm frricm rnnntrip in 1Q04" voting the appropriation otjl, 000,
prefers to remain a territory than the republican press and speakers for the lies and infamous forgeries Xhe -mount was 6 85' bushels ouu wn,cn secretary Wilson says is
join New Mexico in statehood, declared that Roosevelt alone was perpetrated by thc Journal during Lfwheat and 46 851 barrels of flour neccssary t0 carry out the provis-
The question was submitted to the the issue. Let us analyze the re- the campaign. But it is rubbing it there a tariff tax levied on . ' w u now
two territories, and as Arizona re- suit and see how well the voters ,n a little, too. the 6 8S2 bushels of wheat and the nu,ch influcnce ha3 exerted by
' " ' " 'I 1 . !
jeeted the proposition we will still sustained that viewof the situation.
have the two territories in the south- The democrats made a gain of fifty
west to be run at the expense of the four congressman, elected govern
federal government. In point of ors in North Dakota, Minnesota
territory either would make a state and Rhode Island. In New 1 lamp
greater in extent than all the New shire there was no election of gov
Kngland states.
such opponents as the patent raedi
i i . I 4fi fi?l hnrrpl nf flour?"
1 UK constitutional ameuumem - - . rin -n1 ft.w ,t,n.
Yes. The government collected iZu
on the wheat a tariff tax of 51.713, int0 efTcct on the first of Tanuarv.
j i
It is no part the duty of demo
crats to steer thc republican party
to the safest and lcst road, but we
honestly advise them that they
had better legin doing some
thing toward revising the Dingley
till before All Fool's Day dawns.
That party has existed for some
years only by stealing from the
democratic code, and it is increas
ingly apparent that its existence
cannot be much longer prolonged
without stealing some more.
ernor and that duty will devolve or
the legislature. In Kansas the re
publicans barely saved their gov
ernor, while in Iowa they elected
Cummins by a greatly reduced ma
iority. In New York Hearst was
defeated, but thc balance of th;
state ticket weut to the democrats.
Moreover. Roosevelt's pet New
for a railway commission has car
ried bv an overwhelming majority
The republicans will now proceed and on the flour ?4 1,000. but until provision is made for its
trtoiv.ii; frpioht rates and such "Who ultimately paid thc tax enforcement it will be virtually a
" . .... ... n, Lllr.r
i ... i ... i tin, trm-prnnipm ronrrriM nn m
other railway regulation as nicy -
deem wise. Lower treight rates '"' PRESiPKNTRoosEVKLTisauthor
are very much desired, and it makes 1 he consumer paia it. ity for the statement that the su
n difference which nartv dots the hen the tanners received pro
prcmecourt has lccn wrong in some
tcction on 6.S52 bushels of import- instances in the past, and the Wash
cd wheat and 46.S51 barrels of flour ington Star hints that the president
I I . t- .1. . . 1 1 -II! t
. 'i... ii:.. f
rs v,,.-.v - U.l lrttt It nn ii ?V.1Miii1w.!nf " tul" 1 u.v '
UUMlK.MJK-llMAl v-..r....v.., atja a..U ..v.., . , M.-f nn,l .-., ftr,,r,,,.0
..... ... ... I .nnn 111 I , , ,.,..,...., ,.,v.,r,..,i
he will make no appointments until wncat ami io,w,t. u.iia vacancy'' and thus alter the opin-
after he has been inaugurated, flour? ion of that honorable body." The
V fliifr iv flin f.irt nnA t!iA fir. I Star trncu rrnnhHrnn nnthnritv.
York congressman (,adswrth) l n . , . ...:. tr r.VP ntn n but what a howl would go tip if a
also another ; . . 4. ... f.t... democratic president had attempted
to pack the supreme court for the
was defeated, as was
net. (Babcock) of Wisconsin. If
such endorsements shall continue
been hovering around the new gov- the false pretense of the protection
crnorthe past week with thc hope ists who have bamboozled them so mirnose 0f obtaininir a decision
S 190S plooSveltUm will be that the would gently whisper an long with the sophistry of a protec- These be strenuous times, my coun
-i ff tin. mnn. encouraging wora in mcir cars. mc iau. u,.i.m
Is no puzzle, for he smokes "Denver
Special" cigars, the best In the
country. For an after Thanksgiv
ing dinner some they are just the
thing, giving that delightful sensa
tion where good digestion waits on
Manufacturers, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Farm For Rnt.
Situated on the Dodge street ma
cadamized road six miles west ot
Omaha and three miles north of the
South Omaha stock yards; four-story
barn, new windmill, fruit orcbard.and
10-room house; will rent to a party
who has plenty help. It is 400 acres
and would make a first class milk
farm. Enquire of
J. II.,
Coates Ii lock.
House- for Sato.
A Rood residence property seven
room house, good cellar, gocd cistern,
and out buildings la good repair.
Close to Ii. & M. shops. For particu
lars see A. Rovpk.
A cold is much more easily cured
when the bowels are open. Kennedy's
Laxative Honey and Tar opens the
bowels and drives the cold out of the
system of young or old. Sold by F. O.
Frlcke & Co. and Oerloir & Co.