MM fitai u u u Vi u u el COMMENCING D 0 lor IMI 111 q)1' 1 AT 8:00 O'CLOCK AND CONTINUING UNTIL DEC. 1ST. Everything will be sold as cheap as experienced buyers can buy the goods at wholesale. We are going to discontinue this store and are willing to give the people the benefit of these exceptionally low. prices rather than to remove the stock. We mean just what we say, and have always borne the reputation of doing as we advertise. It will pay you to come in and examine our line, get prices, and you will surely buy even though you shoujd not need the goods at present. THIS ISA GENUINE REMOVAL SALE and the prices WILL TELL THE TALE. A Few ui Price Specials... and owing to our limited space we cannot give prices on but a few of the genuine Barguins GROCERIES qnp Good Flour per sack. . . JU Canned corn, 6c per can Cp or by'the case per can Soap, 10 bars for 25C Coal Oil, good grade fn per gallon Michigan Salt by the JQQ Cigars, any kind of the 0 I 7f 5c grade per box 0 1 1 1 U Horseshoe Tobacco, per Aftp pound All kinds of stoneware, 71 p ner pal 2 j " DRY GOODS Sweaters, the SI. 25 kind will goat, Calicos, the entire line, per yard Men's heavy ilcece-lined union suits SI. 50 kind Carpet warp, best grade on spools any color. . . S30.00 Sewing Machine a beauty 85c 5C $1,00 22c S22.50 Note! All parties having unbalanced ac counts at this store, either by due bill in your favor, or by open account cm our books will please have same balanced before Dec ember 1st. HARDWARE Mr Grain Scoops uu Alarm clocks 55c Third person buggy cnp seats, sell for SI. 25. . UU Marlin take-down shot Jjg gj Buck saws, the best QCp quality JJ" 5c "Sure Catch" mouse U traps, each '2W Air Lantern complete Stove pipe per joint .... IQC PREPARING A RATE RILL Marshall T, Harrison, Float Represssti-j tire for Otoe and Cass Counties at Work On One. The Lincoln Journal, In spraklng of tho visit of the representative-elect from Otoe and Lavs counties to the legislature says that gentleman Is pre paring a rate bill, ami In an Interview with a Journal reporter that gentle n. an said: "lam working on a rate bill," sahl Mr. Harrison, "and also on a Mil deal ing with liability of employers for per sonal damages to employes. There Is much to bo done this winter and the legislature will have to fulfil its prom Isesorgohomo In disgrace. The op portunity has come ami the people expect promises to be carried out. The lobby Is one of the worst forms of evils. Already Its Inlluencc Is being felt. The corporations are warmliiK up to members of the legislature with la view to titrating themselves and making the members feel that but for their friendship they would not have been elected. The Inlluenco of the lobby Is now what may be called an atmosphere that Is enveloping all that gets within Its Inlluencc. I am In favor of taking steps to keep the lobby out of the legislative halls. The Mis souri Idea of requiring lobbyists to register Is not a bad plan. It might be possible to establish .some such sys tem and not permit the lobbyist to ap pear before committees except by per mission of a commission. 1 do not know but what I shall introduce a resolution at the opening of the ses sion on that subject. "As for the railroads, we do not want to hurt any corporation. We do not desire to be unjust, but I ho lie vc a rate bill as well as a bill con ferring power upon the state elective commission ought to be passed. The rate bill ought to bo passed as a safe guard in case the commission should fall. "1 have It direct from men who have been prominent In railroad work In this country that If the roads could avoid giving free transporatlon except to bona tide employes and were com pelled to give the same rate tc ship pers In the same business, they would welcome the change and be able to greatly reduce rates. We have a national law giving the Interstate commerce commission power to change rates, now we want supplemental leg islation to apply to rates In Nebraska." Our Boys' Overcoats lave astvleaud lit about Ik'in that you don't get in the awra-'e make of Boys'lClothing. If you would ivally like to purchase satisfactory Clothes for your boy, buy ours. Suits $2.50 to $7.50 OXoats.. ..S2.50 to $7.50 ------------- ill MA XTPywonj Every Article will be Sold on a Moving Expense Basis SALOON MAN OUTPRAYED 'EM fcjW ST! Women Crusaders Visited His Place and Got More Than They Bargained For. !)lM) MYNARD 0TIH1 NEBRASKA. COUNTY BRIDGE BUILDING Let the Commissioners Build Our Own Structures md Save Money. WAS TRIED SUCCESSFULLY ELSEWHERE Now is the Proper Time to Tike Matter Under Adiisement. the During the past year there has been considerable "growling" anion the farmers In different localities of Cass county on account of bridges being out of order, with apparently no effort on the part of the commissioners to re riair them. The cause for not placing these structures In proper shape has never been explained, unless It be that the most of these dilapidated bridges are located In the wrong sec tion of the county to receive proper tntirn. which some farmers are WW VV fca V ------ - read? to believe. If the commissioners think they are navlng too much money for this work, let them do as other commissioners nlate doing In the future- build their own bridges. Several counties have tried this proposition with a treat saving to the taxpayers, The Falls City Journal has been tonkin Into the matter of bridge building with very satisfactory re nits. It will be remembered that at a recent letting the supervisors of Richardson county rejected all bids and concluded to build their own bridges. They have Just completed one of these bridges and have saved ih. Mimt nonrlv one-third of the tost of construction. This they did and purchased the lumber at retail at the yards In the county. The Journal has made an estimate of what might have been saved last year If the bridges had been built by the county at a corresponding reduction and finds that the county paid 87,270 more than was necessary; and it seems to the most casual observer that if Richard son or any other county can save such an amount of money in one year it would be a good idea for Cass county to try building her own bridges. This paper Is not making a tignt upon any bridge contractor, dui we 1 make these suggestions in the interest of the taxpayers, with the hope that the county commissioners will seri ously consider the matter before let ting any contract, and before the early spring rains set In. We believe It Is a matter worthy of consideration. p. ----------aB---- w- ---ai- Famous Strike Brakers. The most famous strike breakers In the land are Dr. King's ew Life rills. When liver and bowels go on strike they quickly settle the trouble, and tbe purifying work goes right on. Best cure for constipation, headache and dlzilncss. 2.' at F. G. Frlcke & Co. druggists. Shoulder Broken. A special from Weeping Water, says: "Alexander Patterson, a young man working in the country two miles from this town, fell from a load of corn yesterday and the wagon passed over him, breaking his shoulder." Sella More of Chamberlaln'a Cough Remedy Than of All Othera Put Together. Mr. Thos. George, a merchant at Mt. Klgln, Ontario, says: "I have had the local agency for Chamberlain a Cough Remedy ever since It was In troduced into Canada, and 1 sell as much of It as I do of all other lines I have on my shelves put together. Of the many dozens sold under guarantee 1 bave not had one bottle returned. I can personally recommend this medi cine as I have used It myself and given It to my children and always with the best results." For sale by F. G. Frlcke h Co. and D'Ment's dm? stores. TEST OF SCAVENGER LAW Suit to Determine Legality of Tax-Buying Section Will Be Filed. A suit to test tbe validity or several thousands of dollars worth of tax ti tles will be tiled In district court soon In which the constitutionality of one section of the scavenger tax law will be attacked, says the Omaha Dee. Tbe section of the law directly In volved is the one which permits own ers of property to buy up tbe tax cer tificates on their property at less than the amount of the taxes and then af ter a lapse of eighteen months, during which time any other person can raise their bid for tbe certificates, have all the back taxes cancelled on their land. Those who attack the law contend the law cannot give a property owner the right to cancel taxes on his prop erty for less than tbe face value of the taxes. The land owners contend tbey stand on the same footing as anybody else and can buy the certificates on their own property by the same meth ods as other persons not Interested In the land. As a large proportion of the certifi cates sold under the scavenger tax law were purchased cither by own ers or by Hen holders the suit will af fect property estimated to be worth several hundred thousand dollars. The county commissioners have au thorized the county attorn 7 to enter Into a test suit w hich will be carried through the district court and then to the supreme court as rapidly as possible. The details of the suit have not been decided upon yet, but as both sides are anxious to have the matter settled speedily the facts In case will be stipulated and the matter allowed to rest on the validity of the section of the law expressly permit ting property owners to buy up cer t'flcw' rm their own lunrt. Stand By Earl Weacott'a Contract. A special from Lincoln to the Omaha Bee says: "The Board of Pub lic Lands and Buildings this afternoon let the following contracts: Papering representative hall and senate cham ber, to Lincoln WallPaper company, $2,020; cleaning carpets In hack halls; Lincoln Carpet Cleaning company, tl.'iO: food elevators for Hastings asy lum, Earl C. Wescotp, $3,472. This last contract has been under Investi gation for some time and the board has made a clean record by letting the contract over again to the same party at the same price." The Journal Is pleased to note that the board stands right by Mr. Wcscott's original con tract, lie Is a Plattsmouth boy and a hustler and will do the state good service. At Kalamazoo, Mich., the women crusaders recently visited a liquor sa loon and by hard praying tried to in duce the proprietor to close the place. The proprietor Invited the ladies to seats and asked them to pray, and he himself offered the following prayer: "Almighty Creator In Heaven! Thou who last made the heaven and earth, and created man in thine own image as ruler of the earth! Whilst animals are living on grass and water, Thou (jidst teach Thy servant Noah to make wine; and Thou didst not punish him for making use of it. At the wedding of Cana Thine own Son, Jesus Christ, transformed water into wine when the Juice of grape was exhausted; that the reformer Martin Luther said, 'He who docs not love wine, women and song, remains a fool all bis life long.' And a divine command of the books Thou hast given us is that man shall no longer drlnic water, but shall use a lit tle wine for his stomach's sake and C. E. Wescott's Sons "Whf QuHly Cunf " I hast given to man that all women shall he subject to man. They will not bear the burdens of married life, and obey Thy commands and multiply and replenish the earth, but they are too lazy to raise their children, and, oh Lord! Thou knowest the crimes they commit. Oh, Lord, have mercy upon them and take tliem back Into Tby bosom, take folly out of their hearts, give them common sense, that they may see their own foolishness, and grant ttiat they may he good and worthy citizens of our beloved city of Kalamazoo. Oh, Lord, we thank Thee forail the blessings Thou hast bestow ed upon us, and ask Thee to deliver us from all evil, especially hypocritical, lying women, and thine shall be the praise forever and ever. Amen. The Farmer' Institute. Every business man In Plattsmouth should give aid, In every way possible, to the Farmers' Institute to he held In this city on Friday and Saturday, December 7 and 8. An excellent pro gram, consisting of subjects of Inter est to every farmer, will be discussed by men who are abundantly able to do the subjects justice, and every farmer will be well paid for their trouble In coming to hear the able speakers who will be present on this occasion. The meetings will be held in the district court room, where there is a seating- nisomer innrmities. Ana an great rAnHtnf fu.vpr&l hundred. Farmers- men of this earth have been drinking hr,nir Vfllir f,miiM Wh vou. All Dress Goods Less Thon Cost toCloslngoutSaleof Herold's Stock. of the wine Thou hast given Thy chil dren upon the earth. Oh, Lord, we pray Thee, have pity on the women here who are not grateful for Tby gifts, wno wani 10 mane my cnuaren nice REPORT OF THE CONDITION the beasts or ine field and compel tnem orm to drink water like an ox, while they L, . . A Year of Blood. dress extravagantly and lead their v,...,. The vear 1903 will lnmr hn mim. husbands, bv their extravagances not or t lattsmouin, coraska. bcred in the home of F. N. Tacket of tending to our well being, to bank- Charter No. 42. Alliance, Ky, as a year of blood; which ruptcy, depriving them of the pleasure lttft&!Z&?JS&i ,h' flowed ao copiously from Mr. Tackctt's of this world; yes, driving them to - : suicide. Oh, Lord! have mercy on mh M.r these poor, Ignorant ladles: look down teA'f upon them; they wear not even the st-k. wvurnii. juiwm-nit. color of the face which Thou bast nlinkhiHMiwjirriiiVurr'aiiifliun :. given them, but they ate sinning rV"5iiT.V..ViVi; ii:::". 'ISS against Thee, and not content with ;"iVrn,;-.;i;i:i-;..VinV.Vriv.V; nature, paint their faces. iinikani i.i.krnt u "Oh, Lord, Thou canst also perceive f "."'V""f .,!TV.,,.?',.'T': "i"" sllSSi. that their figure is not as Thou hast '" ', ..... made It, but they wear humps on their backs like camels. Thou seest, oh, . , , b 'IA"-tii Lord! that their heads consist of false n,ii funi . oo hair, and when they open thclrmouth !"":! KJilr:1. C.t-u- ,",r343 Thou seest their false teeth; and, oh, ) t unlink.. jiktoj ; Lord, just make a note of the spiral ,i,.H-it t i.i-o x spring and cotton batting contrivances T"i2,.,T."7.lrr".!T!'. ivw w they wear In their bosoms for no other iii.- to it-to-ti i.rivtto ..,-- purposes than to make themselves vol- uptuous, and to excite In man a much Tl,u': mu-w w . . ..... STAT OF NBHK, I worse passion than the use of a little county or cakm (u i.t. m. rium. dueconsVderat Ion he commission rs wlne;tnd for lhe 8ame reMon thc' .3 consented to Z of the co ? r"m T 1 VLplnC1hfd ,0t 3 IMpi! l'" niwn 'TMlrmiaSS.' tnr ht shoe, and a No. 40 waist squeezed into .... ..tou.c. pakhji. nim-tor. a nu. it wrsei. uu, ijuiui mew: guiwHlwl nl nworn to l-r..rp tn thl- Hh men want men who patiently accept dayoiNorwni-r.i-j. L,i,r7SMic u.i UU llu, ul t.sit if !! H) Tl.CU !t-ll My commMon Mirtmi ivt. wh, mi lungs that death seemed very near. lie writes: "Severe bleeding from the lungs and a frightful cough had brought me to death's door, when I began taking Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, with the aston ishing result that after taking four bottles I was completely restored and as time has proven . permanently cured." Ourantced for Sore Lungs, Coughs and Colds, at F. (J. Frlcke Jfc Co's. drug store. Price 'xc and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Will Hold Seaalon at Court Houae. Mayor Gerlng appeared before the tuuuij commissioners toaay with a request for the district court room in which to hold the meetings of the Farmers' Institute on Friday and Saturday, December 7 and 8. After Locis at Half Price at closing out Mir .f TT. u 'A', btock