The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 08, 1906, Image 7

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    7N- j
from the medium priced to the
Snap Proof quality from the
sportsman to woman. We do
not handle factory-d imaged or
dried out Rubbers. Ours are all
Fresh and Good.
Pon't forget us on school rub
bers with heavy soles and heels,
to fit over Buster Crown School
We are the Rubberers!
Sherwood & Son
Make this CliiUi
nnis I lir mriTltst
of till liy liKvlnir
fur lis frill yuc till
Notice of Final Hearing.
Suit- of Nelngsk, i
I'lss Comity, i v
I n llit- Comily ('nun of ( tisst on in , In aWu.
In the Dialler of the t ime of i.,sui.v V. hrj -
tier. il..M.wl
Noli. Is lien-liy gr in all .rii Inier
esletl In sWI estme. ilmi a M illion for tiintl
settlement iiiitl turn I ivnl hit Urn ti 1 lot l
i lie mlmiiiisiriitor wiili will ttintxetl, mid llntt
a liturlnr will l- hail uikui sii.-h petition In the
-omit y court room, ut ruttsinoui Ii.Cisk itnni
iv, Ni'lraka.omln' ilay of V'teitilirr. A.
I'., Itl, ai the liourof luo'i'hk'k. a. in., .vim air
issiuiretl to slum i-aux' lu-ainsl siltl 'lltlon
anil ivixiri on or liefore W o'clock a. in. on sultl
lli tlltv nf ov.tilt.i Ills;
Witness iiiy liaml anil seul of tin' tvniitv
unit of (uss.-ouiuy. Nehmska. this .ili ilay of
NovimiiUi. litmi. lIAIiVKY H. TKAVK
i'hi.i oiiniy.iuiii.1'.
In the mutter of the estate of Mfivtl Mc
Itermeil. (In-eased. Notice of H't It ion for all
lioliilnif nt of administrator.
Notice Is hereliy irlven to Frank N. Mcller-
,...! I..I... C Si .. I l' l.
ill.-.l, .Millll , ..II I llll (I. 1II1HI.T T.. ..M l I
meil, Urlcster Mdeiinetl, Miitirle Siierry anil
Matlle K. Mulcolm, anil all oilier iiersons In
tcrestetl In Hie U)ve estate. lliut a etllioii lias
lon ttleil III the county iMiirt of lass i-tiiinly.
Nehruska. prayliur for tlit aluminum' nt of an
administrator for the estute of sulit A If retl Mr
if i llicit, tlist'asetl, anil that a hcarlnt: will lie
liail iiiHiii saiii iiellllon in the i-ounty eon it
room al I'luttstnonlli, t'ass county, .Nehruska,
on the -V.llitluy of llctolier, A. II., Hunt, at 10
o'eloi'k. a. in., anil thai yon an- nsinlrctl to
show cause nvnl list shIiI iiellllon on or hcfort'
the hour of V a. in., on sitlii MU tiny of (K'toher,
In witness whereof 1 linve hereto set my hand
and the seal of the county eotirl of lasscounly,
Neliiaska.llils'lst day of Si'Plenilier. A. l.,HHl.
Iscai.1 County .luilm.
Notice to Creditors,
MWI'KOK NKIIIttSKA. , . . , ,.. ., .
C ASS ( tll'NTY. r
In the nintterof tlie estate of .lohn W. Kleli
aiils, ilts'cusctl.
V.tll.... 1.. l...,-..!.,. ,r..,. ll. I ll .llllol lif
saiii lleeelised will meet Hie Hitlhl Ills! I'lllol' of
said est ate. Iieroie nie. I oinily .Hnhre ol i ass
County, Ncliniskn, ut the l oiint.v t'oiiit iihiiii
In I'lallsniotitli, In said county, on tin' .'.tn nay
of Noveintiei', A. I ., Iimii. mid on the 'J-llli day
of May, A. II.. Iti;. ill III o'rlm'k. H. 111.. eaWi
day, for the pun Kise of ineseiit lilt' their rluinis
foi'eainitiatlon, adjtistinent mid allowanee,
Six months aii' allowed for I he ereditors of
said ilei-easeil to ini'sent theirelalnis, anil one
year for the administrator to. set tie said est ale,
from I hi" '.Mil day of NovenilM-r, A, It.. I'.nl.
Witness hy hand and seal of said futility
Court, al riatlsiiioutli, Neliraska. this Sltil day
of i ii'lolier, imui. llAll t:v H.'I'havis,
Iskai.I County .1 mlu'i'.
(tlj G. A. Lrlvt
When you are in Plattsmouth
call and see us. Rest yourself
and listen to the genuine Ed
ison phonograph and Victor
talking machine.
PHIL SMITER, Plattsmonth
STATKt.r Xr.BHAI.KA I ( ounty Colll l.
t ASSt DIM'f I
111 the matter of tlie est lite of .lolin ltuskltk. de
feased. Notleo Is lieti'liy tflven that the ereditors of
said defeased will meet Ihe ndinlnlst rator of
said estate, iM'foiv me. County .lndi;e of Cass
founty. Xelirasku. at llieCountyCoiirt nami In
riattsinouth. in saliii'oiiniy. on me nay oi
NovemlH'r. A. II., llKi, iind on tlie -iin uuy oi
May. A. I. .1IKI7, at Itlo'eliK'k, a. in., rneh day,
r..', I..i i uw.. ,f txsieiil imr I' I'liillllS for
t'Mimiiiation, adjustment iiud allowam'f.
Six months are nlloweii tor ine eii'iiuois, oi
said defeased to iiresent their claims, anil out-
year for tin1 administrator toseiiiesatii estate,
from tlio-JTth day of Nove mlier. Ittai.
ll'lt..... ..... I......I .l .,,.1 ,.f Sllill f'llllllll
Court, at I'la'ttsuioutli, Neinnska. Ihlsilday of
IM-tolier, imni. Il.tnw:r I'. iKAtin.
SKAI.. ? ounty .luiltn'.
R.ivn r.HPF the LUNGS
"THDr. King's
Nov Discovory
Notice to Creditors.
Cass County, t.
.eirasKa. i
In tin1 County Court,
OUGHSand 50c $1.00
OLDS Fret Trial.
Sureat and Quickeat Cur for alt
In tht mattorof the estntr of Alfrod MrlK-r-
nu ll, tits-eased,
"Notico Is lieix-liy irlvrn Unit the eirdltois of
saitl deceased will nit-t't tin' atlmiuistruU.r
of saitl estate, 'lieforti mt, county jntlft'
of Cawt county, Neliraska. al the county
court, room tn rialtsinoiitn. .eiiinsku. in sain
cotinty.on tlie -,iii tiayoi ovemiier, nam, nun
onllielNh day of May, lC. at liio'clof k, a. in.,
each day, for the nuriiose of iiivseiilliii.' their
claims for examination, adjustment aim anon-ani-e.
Six nionths. from NovenilM-r -J-.', mm. arc al
lowctl for the creditors of said tlts-eascil to iit
sent tlielri-lalms, anil one yt'iir anil six months
for Hit' administrator to set lie said est ate, from
the Silli day of h-tnU'r. IttW.
Witness my hand and seal of said county
court, at I'lattsmoutli, Neliraska. this Mil day
of tvtolier, l'.HHi. Hahvkv It. Thavih.
Seal.) County .ludirc.
rt!t'lH(K MAKKKt
Corrected weekly by Martin it Tool,
who pay l.f highest prices for prtKluce
and guarantee satisfaction:
Hutur !'
Hell -
"urlnirs l,,t
Hot '""w
l, jt. and 3. DO
Corn !3.,c
Wheat I
Otklt SlanUa
llucK Island TimkTahiju
Murdcclc Station.
No. 41, mall tWa- rn.
No. :5, local K:.Via. m.
No. 5. mall :: P- m.
No. 37, mail 5:.".3p. m.
No. !K, frelRht 12:30 a. in.
Xn 'AH. mall 10:5Ti a. m.
Vn Tit 1 tiral 1.14 D. m.
No. 0, mail 2:X". p. m.
Miss Martha Goehry Sundayed with
relatives In Murdock.
Miss Amv Westlake lias resigned
tier position with Dreamer & Allen of
Alvo, and has commenced work for
Mart in & Tool of Murdock.
II. C. Muore had a line calf killed by
a Kock Island freight Sunday morn
II. A. Tool's family entertained a
number of friends at whist, one even
lnisr last week.
' Mrs. A.J. Tool spent several days
in Omaha last week, visiting friends
and relatives.
Mrs. Georpe A. Leis entertained the
whist club Friday evening.
Paul Schewe was a business visitor
at Omaha Friday.
Mrs. J. Goehry entertained the
Kensington Wednesday.
Miss Maud Gorsatre is laid up for re
pairs and went to her home at South
Auburn, Tuesday evenim.
Wm. Lanuhorst and wife visited at
Avoca Tuesday.
Dr. A. K, Merkel was In town Wed
Harold Stretk'ht, of I'lattsmoutli, Is
at the home of II. I'. Long this week
Mrs. Frank Moore and daughter
visited at O. E. McDonald's the fore
part of the week.
Mrs. J. Thimtfan Is very sick this
Geo. Utt made a business trip to
Omaha and Lincoln last week.
The M isses Nei tzel gave a I Iallo we'en
party last week.
Miss Lou James visited with the
Etfuleston's over Sunday.
Ferdinand. Fred and Alice I au ere
in Omaha Saturday, attending the
funeral of their nephew.
Mrs. MacArthur visited In Omaha
Wednesday and Thursday.
John Evans was In our hurt? Wed
Read this advertisement over and we will show
you how you can SAVE MONEY by purchasing
DRESS GOODS this week.
One lot of Kiguml Black Dross Gooo!, worth from
50c to 51.25; sale juice this week, per yd
One lot of Figured Mack Dress (loods, worth from
85c to Sl.sO; sale price this week, per yd
Another lot of Fiyured Mack Dress (ioods, worth
worth from 51.00 to 51.75; sale price, per yd. .
One lot of Dress (ioods in Mack, (irey, Red, Mue,
Drown, in fact all colors, per yd, for
A new lot of Serje Dress (ioods, in all the latest
shades and colors at the popular price, per yd . .
Closing out ODDS AND ENDS of Dress ioods. worth up
to 51.50; sale price, per yd
-See Our New Line of WOOL WAIST1NGS.-
G. DOVEY 1 801
Plattsmouth. - Nebraska.
The Original Laxative Cough Syrup containing Honey and Tar. An improvement over all Coufh
Attinina rnnciinnti ilii hfuilo lrrc Invuttvp Hnncu anii Tar mnvf lhr hnicl
and contains no opiates. Prepared hy PINH-ULU MLD1C1NU COMI'ANY, CHICAGO, U
Sold at CEDING j CO S. Drug Store
S. A.
1 I Time Table
Plattsmouta, Nk.
Trains Leave a Follow:
litt. -booitl Mprwtn. to Iow ixilnU.
CblcMico and tlie Rt
Ho. 1 Kurt exprewi. dully, fromLln-
colnto HU Joitepb, h niiu City, f t.
LouIk, CIi1cko, KDd all polutietal
and Miuth
No. 20 From Omaha 4
No. -KrelRlit, dal y except Sunday. 4
No. TtrouKhTeiiUUultKi eiprewi tor
all points east, "
Kn "u t'mm Omaha .' 4
No. lt-ltK-al exprenH, (iHlly, Omaha,
Lincoln, Denver and Intermediate
Na 7 Kast mall, dully, to Omaha and
Lincoln ,;
No. S3 Ixval expresu. Louisville. Ash
land. Wahoo, Hchuyler. dally ex
cept Cunday
Na 1 Lincoln. Grand Inland. Hlark
lilllH. Montana and Pacific north
went. ...............W
NO. SV-lxK-nl frrlKht. to Cedar Creek,
Loulnvllle and eouth Hvnd. dally
except Hundny
No. IS FaclBc Junctlun 2
No. 4 lical mall and ex press east...
Dally except Sunday .
&! pm
:05 pm
:U0 pm
:40 am
S" am
19 pm
:30 pm
Notice to Creditors.
In tlif nmiti'i-of ihf t-iutf nf liiirliarii ,lonrt.
V..ll..u U lu.n.lit L'll i'll 1 1 1 u I Hit' I'lt'lllllll'S f
sultl (Iftfust'tl will nit'i'l I ! oilnilnMriilor of
iuitl eMail'. lirfoiT me. coiinly Juilire of I'nw
coiint.v. Nt'liraku, ut the county t'tmrt rimin In
riutlnnoiilli. Ill sultl couniy. tin "if i"i ".
llttt'iniN'i, A. 1'.. nxi. anil tin int' tin nu
ii,,, a ii tiki? ut iii itVltn'L u. in., t'lit'li (luv.
.....!... ,,M,w.,itt Iiil' tlnlr I'liiinw fur
U1 1 MI' ". I"' -
... u.l ittul m..nt mill Hi iw 11 net'.
Ullll ,,, j.
SIn months. Hum me at" " i""""'
DIM. are allowed for tl iftlltow of sultl tlt-
ceasetl to oivscnt their fluliiis. nntl out' year
Tm tlie utlininistruioriiisenif miiuvsiuiv. nmr
Hip Klh (lay or Auifiisl. A. I..
Wllnt'sH my nunii inn m'iii tn sum mum
otirt. at riititsintiinli. Neliraska. thlsrJlith day
f (K'tolHT. 1HHI.
IhKAl..! CtHinly.lutlife.
Krom the Leader-Echo.
Good hats on sale at Weldman &
Co.'s, ranging In price from 25c to
Constipation causes headaches,
nausea, dizziness, lanKuor, heart palpi
tation. Drastic physics irrlpe, sicken,
weaken the bowels and don't cure.
Doan's Reulets act pently and cure
constipation. J"c. Ask your druggist.
M pm
:4V am
Missouri Pacific Time Table
No. X Omaha Express 5:34 am
No. 103 Neliraska Mall P"'
No. H'3 lval Krelpht ':4J um
No. 10.1 B:4-,n
No.ltm "vm
In is- estntc of JiH'oli'. ,lV,,r lleiirluir.
ViillelT. .If . iN'i'fiistil. I .
,it!oi.nlvf..iiit f i HssCounlv. NehiTska.
To Ml Person Inleresieil:
Yoii aiv hi'H'hv noiltli'il tli o -'I' ''
of i-nilier. A. I..ltm.tlt Kaismiioi' nntl Kms'it
.7 .... 1. 1.... f..- I 1 fell Is-II). Ill
,rix nil " i"V ' , ,. ;, . ml. r
tiHi rlnif claim and Hie H'' ''v ' "
liiclntllnif the il.v ot rma f , 'i . . v .1.
Iiesiliitf utsiii a ciauii nun . -
lerv for a morliraife iwlil msm .u""
imr. A. I.. It""', al inv olc In the liy of
Plnitsmouili. hy which hour all ol. leciloiis
must l' 1 'I a'"1 " '"" ""' "
1 ' . I 1 III ly, .,l,l,Sll I. W II I
rt. l t ouniy .lmli.1'.
Hvnint'liiik. Attorney.
The little dauditer of Mr. and Mrs
John Hlckert fell, Wednesday, fract
urlngtbe right arm near the elbow
Dr. Munger reports a daughter at
the home af Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Potts,
and a son at the home of Mr. and Mrs
Ell BoRenrlef.
(Jrandma Nenstlel, whe was opera
ted upon at her home, Tuesday of last
wppIc for strangulated hernia by Dr.
Munger and Bohannan, Is reported to
be getting along nicely.
0. W. Hylton and Ed (Justin have
swapped farma. There was a little
boot we don't know bow much In
Mr. Hylton's favor. Mr. Gustln will
build a lante bouse on his new place
In the 8Drlnir. and move a little closer
to Elmwood. C. 0. Shreve, who oc
cupics the Hylton farm, bas been of
fered the Gustin farm ror next year.
A. B. Dickson. E. A. Stopher, C. D,
Kunz and Joseph Mullln drove to
Eairle. Tuesdv. to attend the funeral
of Comrade Joshua P. Burdlck, who
died at his home two miles south or
Kacrie on Monday, at the ripe age of
"4 years. The services were held at
the Methodist church, and were In
charae of the G. A. It. post. Mr
Burdick was bern In Allcghcney, S.
Y.. in 1M2, and served during the
civil war. He.came urNebraska and
settled near Peru, coming to Cass
county in 182, where he has since
Weeping Water
I'roin the llerultl.
The Missouri Pacific had a few
eighty-live pound rails laid In the
yards here last week, but they were
second hand
Clark Newlcn went to Omaha last
week and bought a car load of cattle
which will help dispose of his corn
Dr. II. Jensen came In from Ames,
Iowa. Friday and visited his family
over Sunday. He says he will be home
to stay In about six weeks
Ben. J. L. Davis arrived last Friday
from Oklahoma, and are irettlng set
tied In the house Just vacated by A. C
Willis. Mr. Davis will have charge of
the Menonite church here
Billv Ash Invested in an eight-hole
corn shelter and was unloading it from
the car last week, when a train coup
led on and pulled the car a few feet
The sheller was partly out and took a
tumble with the result that the slid
ler was ruined for work.
Tin in." No. if:
LORENZ BROS., Proprietors.
N.i. II.
Groceries, Provisions and Meeats
J. J. O Learv has been uulte sick
for the oast two weeks. Dr. Green of
Manley was In town Monday, and says
Mr. O'Leary's condition Is Improved
and he looks for bis recovery. He also
states that Leo Tlglie, who was taken
to Omaha to be operated on for append
icitis, had returnea nome ana was
getting along nicely.
$15 Furs at $11,35
at Closing out sale of Herold's stock.
1st Prize IvDISON
Phonograph and
12 Records iMO on
2nd Prize Century
Lainera and Out
fit 15 0(1
3rd Prize Imported
Japanese ase. . . 5
Total amount. .50 i
Phil. Sautor.
lllsl 1 1 1,11 1 1 1 1' of I lit-
V. il I son Plionii
irriilih mill Kec
orils.l'liillsinoiil h.
C.itntptit will mien Mnvt'inhtT 1st. l'JOft. :ind rlosi?
May 1st. 1907. Coupons will be njven with cash pur
chases only. Kvery $2.50 worth of coupons jets one
draw number. Bein when the contest begins, per-
'11 ll 1 ... A. 1
naps you win ue me lucKy (nc. osi you noinin 10
cigar brings you full measure uf satisfaction-
not that you can buy a
"Special" for a cent, but you can
ftir 5 times one cent- and then get
full value. Itoquct, shape, size
all vo to pleasing the knowing
smoker. !2.K) for box of X
Manufacturers, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Eligible Resident Property
As administrator of the estate of
MamulsL. White. I will sell at prl
vate sale, the south half of lots 11 and
12. In block No. 11, In Plattsmouth
ntv. containing a two-story brick
house with U rooms. This property Is
known as the M. L. white residence
property, situated two blocks north of
the Riley Hotel, on the corner oi mxui
and Oak streets. A trood title will be
10 2Mf. . Administrator.
110 Furs at S6.75
at closing out sale of Herold's it, :k.
For Cent-Whole, or part, of a ten
room house. F.miulre at once. Cor
ner Ninth and Pearl streets.
10 Y it mow
THIS is the season when everybody commence to
look around for their fall anil winter clothing.
The early buyer usually pets the choice of the
new styles, and the best goods. We would there
fore suggest that you
Call at our Store
Early in the
and let us show you the many new things we
have in Men's and Hoys' Clothing, and everything
in their wearing apparel from shoes to the hat.
Our line this season in every department is much
larger than ever before, and we earnestly request
you to call and "look us over."
Wm. Holly