ike a Coon's Trap "Catches 'em a Commit! and Agoin!" Our Syrup of Tar and White Pine, for with each bot tle goes a package of Laxative Cold Tablets. Any other cough syrup merely al lays the cough and simply a cold cure ' does not allay the cough, but our combination does I both."2Price50c. GERING . CO., PERKINS HOTEL PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA t RATES $1.00 PER DAY First House West B. & M. Depot We Solicit the Farmers Trade and Guarantee Satisfaction. When in the City Give Us a Call T5he Perkins Hotel A Send Your Orders for Merchandise to fin III Ml Ue Reliable Store Omaha's Greatest General Supply House MADE TO MEASURE KIRT5 at 1.50 to 5.00 Saving on Made to Heasure Prices Will be a feature here during the next few months. The price depends solely upon your taste as to style and material. In any case by ordering these you're certain of a substantial saving. If you will write at once addressing Depart ment B. and stating about style and quality of material you would like, we will mail samples, measuring blank and style pamphlet free of charge. You will readily see the ad vantages of our proposition upon examination of our samples and perusal of prices for completed garments to measure. $10.00 COATS In fancy mixtures, plaids ui plain kerseys, satin body lining, remarkable bargain at 4) J $18.00 COATS In plaids, mixtures and plain colors; Including black broadcloths couts satin lined throughout, about 400 to ' Clfi select from, choice 31U HIGH CLASS COATS Taffeta and satin lined throughout, about 1.100 garments to select from made to sell at IL'3.00 and $30. j n f?f sale price lOiOU HORSE SHOW FINERY Including Opera Coats and downs, on sale at just HALF PRICE. SAMPLE SUITS From Shevellck & Co.. N. Y.. perfect beauties, made to sell at CO J 10, $50 and $00, sale price $25.00 TAILOR 8UITS In checks, plaids and plain serges, In Eton jacket and Peplln House styles Blzes 32 to 44 a Qr sale price 14i?U STYLISH SUITS A mixed lot, In plain and fancy materials. $12.00, $15.00 and -7 qp $7J BOUNCEDIH DISHONOH TRAGEDY AT GOTHAM SHIP BRIDGE TO THE EAST Two Battalions of Ne2to Troops Discharged in Disgrace from the Army.! 16th and Dodge. $18 values, sale price. Hayden Bros 9 OMAHA, NEB. Bloody Drama Played in One Week Ends a Large Num ber of Live;. SEQUEL I OF A RIOT IN TEXAS BRIEF ACCOUNT OF THE CA3E3 Negroes Would Not Tell Who Wound ed Some Citizens. President's Act U Unprecedented White Officer I Called Ihwn Tor llemarte on Colored Troops. 8eeral Women Stint liy Their Ho Called "litir" Suicide Take Ollicra. by Washington, Nov. 7. Unprecedented in th history of the army "f the United States is tueactlou of the prel- dent, just nnnouueed. In dismissing lu disgrace from that army uu entire bat talion of colored troops because of their failure to dlcshwe the Identity of some of their number who had been guilty of violence it t it 1 munler. As uu evidence, however, of bis Intention to fair ti the colored troop the presi dent has nccotiipaulod this action by an order which may amount to the court martial of n while army olllccr high irrade who was charyed with having cast slurs upon the colon troops. The story of both actions Is old in the following olllclal cone snomleiice maile pulilic by the military uy secretary: Approves tiarliniton'M lleport. "The report of an Investigation made lirigntllcr ieneral E. A. Intiinuton, inspector general of the army relative to the riotous disturbance that oc- urreil at P.rownsvllle, Tex., on the night of Aug. 1.".. 1!Hk;, and that re sulted in the death of one and the wounding of another cltl7.cn of "that Ity, had been considered and acted upon by the president. I'ollowlng are his instructions with regards to tin1 matter, dated Nov. .", l'.N'ii: The sec retary of War I have rend through icueral I'.arliuglon's report, dated Oct. ui,t.i,,llt.,,l t. ..... I... v. .11 I .llin.it tl.l IV II HP II 1 1 I ',1 ,1 I'll. . I I I I 1 . V that the recommendation of llctieral larllng'on be complied with, and thai" fit the same Hire the concluding por lion of his report ho published with our sanction as givinir the reasons for the action.' Ilischargeil "Without Honor." "I'ollowlug Is the concluding portion of (icueral ( larlinglon's report, which iiiImhIIcs the rccnmiiicnilat Ions that by direction of the president will be car ried into effect Immediately by the war department: "I recommend that ordci be Issued as soon as practicable, dis charging, without honor, every man In companies II. (' and It of the Twenty fifth Infantry, serving nt Port Crown, Tex., on the night of Aug. V.. I'.HMi. and forever debarring them from iv-cnlist- lug in Hie army or navy of the I'nit etl States, as well ns from employment In any civil capacity under the gov ernment.' " WHiTi-: orncKit cai,i.i:i down He Kxprfintied llimaclf Again! tlte I'se or Negro Troop. WIMi reference to the other branch of the case the correspondence says: 'On Oct. .". HUM;, n squadron of the Ninth cavalry, an organization of col ored troops, reported at Fort Sheri (Inn. near Chicago, III., under onlcis from the war department assigning them to duty there. Soon after this assignment there appeared in the pub lic press the following account or a statement alleged to have been marie with regard to the matter by Colonel William C. Pitcher. Twenty-seventh In fa ntry: " "J he negro troops would never have been quartered it t l'ort Sheridan without a protest If I win to renin In lit command there,' said Colonel Pitch er. 'I never liked thcoi, and the far ther awny from nie they nre kept the better it pleases ni. Por the life of me I cannot see why the Pulled States should "try to mnke soldier out of them. Certainly there nre enough fine white young men in this bit; country to make soldiers of without recruiting front such a source.' "This alleged statement by Colonel ntcher having been brought to the at tention of the president the following communication with regard to It was sent to the war department by Secre tary Loch: 'The president directs that an immediate report be called forrom Colonel ntener to know whether or not he I it correctly quoted In the en closed clipping; end If he Is correctly quoted the president directs that pro ceedings be taken ngnlnst him for such punishment ns can be Inflicted. The president thinks that such conduct Is but little better than that of the of fending neifro troops themselnct;." The foregoing Is signed by William Iocb, secretary to the president. New York, Nov. 7. An almost In credible record of crime ns an out growth of tangled love affairs has Just Ihsmi written down by the police of this city. In the brief apnee. of one week three men murderously shot down women with whom they were In love. Two completed their cowardice by tak ing their own lives. lrtrlng these same seven days there was a veritable storm of suicide ami violence, all traceable to the hot furv of disappointed love. Ileie follows. In brief form, the re- mni'Lahlc record of seven days: Didn't Know W hy lie (Shot Her. Por several years Louis It. Itrown, n handsome voting fellow and son of well lo-do parents, had been in love with t .11 1 I'll Oslen, a nurse. They dined at a fashionable hotel and started out for a cab ride on I'.road way. Sudden ly a pistol shot caused the driver to tit op. lie investigated and found that Crown had shot the girl In the face. After his arrest. Crown said: "I don't know why I shot her. I must bo crav. I loo iter. She may recover. Four Other Tragedies. I.onis C llamplon, aged HO, married, tlnanclei. shot and UIIihI Victoria Tney.l.aw, ;:(i, corset model, because she pressed him to carry out promise to marry her, and committed unhid Frank liorsey shot Josephine Schmidt, n fellow clerk, who refused his love No committed suicide, .she will re cover. Dnnlel Sullivan nte ground glass find then Jumped Into the Past, river, III" sweetheart had renounced hint, After a oiiurrol with his wife. Fred erick .!. Sleber shot himself, dying In-stantlv. Wouldn't (iet Her Into Trouble. Ila.el Cooper, actress, after a iuar rel with her husband, killed herself bv drinking carbolic add. (ieorge Iiangler. a rich merchant, killed him self because be feared that his wife would tile from an operation. Wil liam Kramer entered a street car, bipod gushing from a pistol shot wound In bis arm. hen arrested lie re fitted to give the name of the nssnl!' nnt. "I would get a girl whom I love Into trouble." was nil the police could learn from him. Wife Deaerllon Man Increased lit the face of this extraordinary list of violent deeds on the part of despair ing lovers It Is of passing Interest that wife desertion lu New 101k has in creased lu the past year In an alarm ing degree. 'The records of the de partment of charities show l.'"J7 case for the year. It Is estlmnted by the olllclnls of the department that only about mic-third, of the cases of deser tion nre. record etl nt the charities bu reau. This would make the total num ber of tvife desertions more than 4.-CM). Irst Structure of Burlington Across the Missouri River to Nebraska Goes To Burlington, Iowa. The first bridge of the Curllngton railroad to span the Missouri river at this place, ami which was replaced about three years ago by the modern steel structure, will be taken to Curl- ington, In a few days to be used on the Piiirllngton system In the east. Since it was removed to make way for the more up-to-date structure the old bridge has been stored In the hical shi ps. The work of loading the bridge on nine tlat cars Is In progress today by a bridge gang under Foreman Av ardson. I). C. Woodrlng, superintend Funeral of Jno. W. Jemtlng . The remains of John W. Jennings, ex-county clerk of Lavs county, and a ploneer.settler.arrlved Friday morning In this city over the Missouri Pacific from the late home in Atchison. From the train the remains were con veyed to the undertaking rooms 0.' Michael Illld, from which place the funeral under the auspices of thet;. A. 11.. tif which he formerly was com mander of the local post, occurred this afternoon at :;io. At the Oak Hill cemetery the last services were conducted by Canon Itur gess, after which interment was made. GOVERNMENT BUILDING SUE ent of bridges for the Islington, 8 What Pollard Did tO SeCUft an Appall- at the local shops today supervising the labor preparatory to shipment. This bridge, which was begun In 1S79, was completed In issi-tho first train crossing on A ugust M. The cost of this Ktriict.nrn. which wns thn first to be constructed by the Curllngton "-" appropriate.! rutin tnK.hm.bi hnllt.t.,, a.nnnrfl. "r VU"K UUIIUIDg III UI1S CUV. 101 tlon for Plattsmouth. The people of this community know that, for tho past llfteen years, at every session of congress, our congress men from thlsdlstrlct have made vain turo of roo,ooo, and now It will be put Into service again over the small streams in tho east. Former Plattsmouth Lady Dead. The remains of Mrs. F.llabeth llolschnelder arrived this afternoon at :i:3d o'clock from Harlan, Iowa, for burial in the Oak Hill cemetery near this city. From the train the bier was conveyed to the cemetery where the last services were conducted ly Kcv. honghorst. The deceased was a resilient of this city about llfteen years ago, and was belter known as Mrs. Shaffer. After conducting rest u rant for several years In the building recently occupied by John Cory, she married Mr. Holschneldcr of Harlan, Iowa, to which place she removed and made her home until her demise. tiulttr of Manslaughter. Ne-.v York. Nov. 7 Miss Florlnda Illarlo, who hail been on trial In the Somerset county court at Somerset. N. J., charged with the murder of Alex finder IHnoalo, was found guilty of innnshiuirhler bv the Jury. It was brought out during the trial that Hip oalo had squandered nil of her money, Tho defense contended that the shoot lug was accidental. Sentence was de fer ml. The best treatment for Indigestion and troubles of the stomach Is to rest the stomach. It can be rested by starvation or by the use of a good dl- gestant which will digest the food eaten, thus taking the work olT the stomach. At the proper temperature, a single teaspoonful of Kodol will wholly digest .'1,000 grains or food. It relieves the present annoyance, puts the stomach in shape to satisfactorily perform its functions, (ioodfor hull gestion, sour stomach, llatulence, pal pitation of the heart and dyspepsia Kodol is made In strict conformity with the Katlonal Pure Food and Drug haw. sold by r.d. rrlckc u Co. and Oerlng & Co. Death of I. S. Wilkinson. Through a telephone message to Su perintendent Kouse, the sad news of the death of I. S. Wilkinson from heart trouble, at half past nine o'clock this morning, at his home in Weeping Water, was conveyed to friends In this city. The deceased was about Ufty years of age, and leaves a large family, who will receive the sympathy of the many friends. Mr. Wilkinson had been a resident of this county for many years, being engaged In the mercantile business In Weeping Water until sev eral years ago, when he retired on ac count of his health. The funeral will be held from the home near Weeping Water on Wed nesday afternoon at half past two o'clock. IiOoka More I.iko Aberration. Sheibyvllle. Intl.. Nov. 7. Miss rthel Tucker, aged 'JO. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Tucker, near Men gal, tblta county, committed suicide by hnnglng. No cause is known. A ru mor that she quarreled with her suitor. Virgil Williams, Is not coufirmed. She left a note to her parents saying she loved them. "I know It Is wicked, but I cannot helit It. I must." the note read. Three Myaterloua Plraa. Mason. Mich.. Nov. 7. Thomni Sweeney's farm house north of Dans vl'le was destroyed by fire with a loss of $1,80, with $X Insurance. This Is the third fire lu the vicinity in th past two months, a large barn owned by Charles Inkln and two dwelling houses belonging to Tliomiw Ijimbert lilting been burned. The cnuse of all of the fires Is unknown. Debate In tha French Chamber, Paris, Nov. 7. The debute in the chamber of deputies on the church r.:.ri state separation bill was continued. War Minister Plcquart. who mounted the tribune for the first time to an swer an Interpellation regarding the bill reducing the term of service In the army to two years, was greeted with n burst of applause from the Left party. The Kstretne Left demanded that the final transfer of the church property take place Dec. 11. 10Od, In stead of Dee. 11, 11)07. Widow of Dr. Norvln reen Dead. lonlsvllle. Nr.. Nov. 7. Mr. Mar tha (ireon. widow of Dr. Norvln (recti, formerly president of the West em I'nlon Telegraph company. Is dead nt the family resilience here. Was Too Despondent to Mve. P.dwnrdsvllle. III.. Nov. 7. Iteeausc of despondency William J. Schwartz ngrd OS. n well-known Democratic politician, threw himself under a train and was killed. F.i-Gam Warden Violate the law. l'ort Uurou, Mich., Nov. 7. Harry llnbcock. ex game warden, was arrest ed by Deputy (lame Warden Avery on a charge of shooting ducks from a napthft launch after nn exciting chaw In another launch. THE WEATHER Following Is the official weather forecast up to 8 o'clock tonight: Illinois. Indiana and Lower Mlclil jfun Probably showers. Wisconsin Showers; cooler In west portion. Iowa Threatening with showers la east and central .portions; cooler. lard Introduced at last session a bill for this purpose, but It was not passed. In fact, It was not even considered. Senate Hurkctt Introduced In the Sen ate a similar hill, which met with like result. The Senate committee on postoiiicc and post roads formulated a hill and through tho work and Influ ence of Senator Millard Plattsmouth. with other titles In this state, was fa vored with 7,:i0o for a building site. Thlsblll makes appropriations of num erous and varied amounts, for many cities, In a great number of states.and of courso was a popular measure. It was called thcOmnlbus hill, and passed both houses with votes from all over the F nlted States. Pollard's helii was not needed -Indeed he could not have prevented Its passage had he tried. And this is the truth about the build ing site appropriation of 7,.riOO. Pol lard did not do anything when the op portunity presented itself or ho would have procured an amendment, when thlsblll was being considered In the house, raising tho amount from $7,.r00 to 7',(X or $100,000 for both a site and building. Pollard must think his chances are slim when he tries to fool the voters by representing that he has done so much fur us-more than his duty, and accomplished more than his predecessors. We owe him nothing. In the passage of bills of this nature, politics does not figure and no doubt a democrat would have done as much, yes more than Pollard would, or could. When Pollard does any thing for this city It will be when he cannot do oth erwise. P. E. 0. SOCIETY ENTERTAINS The First Carriage In Cass County, Uncle Sam Thomas, who has been hero for the past week visiting old time friends In Cass county, was In Louisville Saturday. He showed the Courier a relic In the form of a brass carriage hub band which has quite a history. It was from the flrst car rlage brought to Cass county by T. J. Ucrger Id 1857 and was afterwards sold to Thomas Thomas for I'JOO In gold and was used by the Thomas' until it was worn out. Mr. Thomas was tak ing the hub band to Mrs. J. I). Fergu son, a aaugnter or Air. Merger, wno Pleasant Educational Gathering Tiiursdai at Home of H. N. Dovey. The hospitable home of Mr.andMra. H. N. Dovey was the rendezvous of overelghty peopleThursday evening In response to invitations Issued by the P. K. O. to spend the evening at an entertainment In honor of the city ministers, the teachers, board of edu cation and their wives. Yesterday was Educational Day with the P. E. O. society, and the entertainment was given In order that the guests might become acquainted with the members of the society, and understand the na ture of the work that Is being accom plished by them. The excellent program provided for the occasion was Introduced by a solo by Mrs. J. W. Gamble, who rendered the selection In a very charming man ner. This was followed by a humor ous reading from Eugene Field by Rev. J. II. Salsbury, who more than gra tilled the anticipations of his audi ence. Mrs. E. II. Wescott then fa vored the gathering with a solo, that was highly appreciated. The principal feature of the enter tainment was the readings by Miss Katherlne E. Clark, of South Omaha. will orl.e It verv hlirhlv as a relic of the earlr history of Cass county.- The flr9t number, a reading from Hop Louisville Courier. Kin-mnn, was very enmusiasuciuy encored, and id response the gathering rroaram or wnuron waattnj. WM fa.orc(j wilD another entertain fni . L i i M i r I ine iteorasna iirancn oi me no- ln readlnff. Mr. E. n. Wescott fa- mao'i Auxiliary to the Board of Mis- vored the comDanv with a very oleaa- Slons Of the Episcopal Church Will i- m,,,,!-.! B1ect.lnn after which Mia hold its quarterly meeting in this city Kave a jcCOnd reading that pro- at M. L.UKe8 cnurcn neanesaay, dnced much merriment and brousht Novemocn. Une following program fnrth the annlause of the oatherlnir. which was not content until the reader returned to render a fourth number, which concluded the program of the evening. The evening was then spent In a social time until a late hour, when de licious refreshments were served by the ladles of tho society. A punch bowl in the dining room was also a fa vorite resort of all, and It was with regret that the social time might not be prolonged indefinitely that the par ticipants began to wend their way homeward at a late hour. This entertainment was a novel one and proved to be very edifying, as well has been announced: Holy Communion H. ni Ailtlrr of Welcome.. Tlie l.t'v. Canon Hurin-'w lliislni'v, Mei'tlmr 10 a. m. I.inii'lieoii I l. in. Mlvilonai'v Mii'ttnir " t. in Address -"lilocesiin Work". . . IIWioii V llllnin "lilm-csnn Work "..Mrs. Joint lllliiitis.l iiiali HeiKirt of tin- MlniH'ftlioll Conference. .. Mrs. Cliit wood Hamilton. Oinnha Aililivs The U v. I'dtlicr Nnltli. Lincoln "Woik I ti 1 ! iMimestlc Field" Mrs. .lame Wise, Soittli Oiniilm All members of St. Luke's church are urged to be present during this cn tire meeting and a cordial invitation to the general public Is extended. Chapped Hands. Wash your bands with warm water, as enjoyable, to everyone. dry with n towel and apply Chamber laln'i Salve lust before going to bed, Taken as directed, it becomes the and a speedy cure U certain. This greatest curative agent for the relief salve is also Invaluable for tore nip- of suffering humanity ever devised. Dies, itching piles and skin diseases. Such Is Hollister's Rocky Mountain vat axle, bv F. O. Frlcke A Co. and Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Oer- D'Menfi. I ing A Co., druggists.