THE CITY. I'rtmi Pitlurriuy'i llully. county seat on business today W. J. Jones of South Ilend was trans acting business In the county today. A. Culbcrtson, from the vicinity of Murray, was In Plattsmouth on bust ness last evening Col. J. U. Scybolt of Murray was a passenger from this station to tonne. 1 Jiluns this afternoon. Miss Pearl Woodward of Kim wood is visltli.K In the city, the Kuestof the family of W. h. Kusencrans. Dr. II. V, Itrendel, wlfo and dauirh- ter of Murray were passengers from the county scat to Omaha on the fast mUltiHlay. Win. r.rautner and wife departed this morning for Atchisun, Kan., carpenter business. afternoon for Lincoln In response t a message statlnu that her son, J. K. , , i 11, ' .... Mr. and Mrs. L.I'. Lnnuliorst and uauLiitr i i'i in i 'timj 1 ji in uvu ait lnlnWnn..nm1K..n.l.vIM. r'nnn.J. Clerk and M rs. W. K. Kosencrans. ' t-... 1 . Vl. . W , Mrs. ancy Khodeu departed this afternoon for trcmont, where she will spend the winter. (J. W. Kliodcn, nitu wiiuin uk niuLiicr nun uuun visa inir, accompanied her to Fremont. Through a letter that lias been re reived by A. House the news was con vcyed that his sister, Miss Nannie, re cently had a very narrow escape from a horrible death while working In a cannlntr factory In Richmond, Cal. She stepped too close to a lly wheel, arid her clothing was caught by the machinery which tore nearly all her clothes off, and caused several bruises before she could escape. The only In- Jurles sustained, besides a bad fright, we c numerous oru.scs about the body and a sprained limb. A cold taken at this time of the year isicnerallvhard to t rid nf hLit . will not be able to withstand Kec's T.fltfltlvA llnnavonrl Tnr Im mill -- w. w mwiiv; nuu ui A UUU "III cure all colds, cough, croup, whooping cuukh, cic, oy urmng mem oui through the bowels. If you have a cold, try It and If not cured get you money back. No opiates. Sold by Gerlng Si Co.'s drug store. Kmin MomlHy'Nliitlty Miss Dora Horn was down from the metropolis to spend Sunday with rcla tlves. Will Noxon of Cedar Creek spent Sunday In the city visiting with friends Mrs. Geo. M. Porter and sister, Mrs K I. l.,,,n c........... ,...., u. ffiuuKUM,.,, u is., were vtcltlnir In Mia mAlriiullii , nl. I visiting In the metropolis today W. S. Waybrlght, a llurllngton en mincer, running out of Lincoln, came in this morning for a brief visit. Mr. Waybrlght Is a brother of Morgan Waybrlght, and, like his brother, Is a rock-ribbed democrat. Frank Novatny and wife, who re cently departed for their future home In Chickasaw, Ind. Ter., writes that they arrived safely at that place, but that their household goods were in a wreck. J. S. Lindsay, who has been suffer ing with cancer of the throat for some time, and who has been confined at Hie homo of his son, Pete, is very weak today, and is not expected to live through another day. The corn husking record was again broken recently at Cedar Crcek.Ncb., by George Horn and II. K. Pand, who husked and cribbed 210 bushels in 61 hours on the farm of W. J. Schneider, the com averaging sixty bushels per acre. Our old friends, W. J. and II. V, Laughlin, or Greenwood, came down tills morning to hear W. J . Hryan to night. They are both democrats of the old school, and vote the straight ticket on every occasion. They fa vored the Journal with a pleasant call. C. L. Allerman of Omaha, vice presi dent of the Standard Oil company In Nebraska, was In town today consult ing with their local agent, II. C. Mo Maken, In regard to building a new oil house In this city and making other much needed Improvements on their property in this vicinity. F. C Metgar of Merrlman, Neb., accompanied by hit bride of three weeks, Is here for a visit with home folks. Mrs. Metgar, who was form erly Miss Jennie Crow, Is a native of Wisconsin, but for some time previous to her marriage was employed in the Anchor Bank of Merrlman. Mr. Met?. ger will continue to make his home In Merrlman where he has been located for the past six years. Mr. Metger was a welcome visitor at the Journal ortic today, and while here Informed su that his hr.'tiicr, M. o. is acan l' PLATTSMOUTH AND VICINITY. date i.n the rienwieritl, ticket f.,r ron. ... . v.v, ... .V. .vK ( resentutlve, and althoukrh the odd1 were against him In that section, tiiere was still a Kood chance to win out. From TucMlsy's Itulljr (Jeo. Polsall, Jr., Is home from Em erald, Neb., to assist In the election today. Wm. Neville was down from Mil- ford, Neb., today to cast a vote In the election Col. j. . Tnrasher made & buslness trlD t0 the metroDolls on the morning train todnv. j. Mc,;r,(lL. came ,n from Souf n mI,i,ft i.lllt ..,..,i t ,i, the election tmlaw. Mr.amlMrU. i. i .n,i dmnriiter in Inir for ftlmwnnrl ., ,, Ri n . c I- UMtl I UltiVl III 11UUJ OUIJblJ Il;li9h!l last. AVunlno ..., htu w. n tj,e election today. .,. , ,, ,. , '.,,, , . mis. juiia iio a i 01 u enwooa, ia.. It B I nil In Mill ..II.. II,. ..t Mr Hurl 1 ra 'nrvrad C tli 1 t ix I ' .......iti li' HIII.1 Vltj illU KlllSt Ol Mtiva I'll. win(ii titlllULl I I 1 1 i . i . , . . ",rV ''"' CamC 10 laSl nlK'"t If - ,, - ., 4 111- a.L.I L - - . I & I 1 ' . , '. J ' , V 7.1 " par cuio, mi. noii .urs. j. j, i uicrsun. .it, m .,i,n .1.1.. - ..v. aivnv nvuu 'Ilium tlllA niornlnjj lx consult with Dr. Hi fiord In reirard to theeve which lninr,.H several (lav TLtt J ' '-ft Mrs. Harry Neuman, who has been enjoying a visit with relatives in this city, returned this morning to her home in Omaha. D. (). Dwyer departed this after noon for Denver, in answer to a tele gram demanding his Diesence on a trial In court at that place. Through M. Archer, Jamc9 An- thony's pension has been Incrcai-ed from $14 to 17 per month. Mr. An- thony's home is In Glenwood, Iowa Mrs. s. L, ManMi w(0 ,)M en Joylnj a vslt wlt Uic famy Qf her 2,?,"?; V C; Yrk,' h s morning for her home In Watson, m wniir J - M. Stnnn A nil .1 WnnHnrllnli w - - u umuiiiviI) of Nehawka were here last evening to ""i uuuicso ivt'inau oi inem an Hon. W. J. Bryan last night. Hoth are rock-ribbed democrats Don't let the baby suffer from eczema sores or any Itching of the skin. Doan's Ointment gives Instant relief, cures quickly. Perfectly safe for children. AU driWlsts.sell It Kmiii WYlnes(Uy's dully. Out Hell," the favorite cigar, Dr. II V. Hredel passed throuirh the city today enroute for Omaha. I I - T i.l n au Km....I. I I I . . , u.uuKiit iiiiiie e.ecuon returns from Louisville today. J. W. Wiseman was In town from Weeping Water on business today. J. P. Falter made a business trip to the metropolis this morning. Mrs. Matt Spader was vlsltlnz in the metropolis today. Claude Shumaker was a business visitor in Omaha today. Bert Paulson of Nebraska Cltv was in the city on business today. Mrs. Geo. Dovcy was an Omaha Das- senger on the fast mall today. Frank Benfcrmadc a business trlD to the metropolis this morning. The Woman's club will meet, with Mrs. L.A. Moore tomorrow (Thursdavl afternoon at 2:30. C. A. Itawls went to Lincoln this morning to attend to some matters In the supreme court. Philip Sauter Of the suddIv dnart. ment of the Burlington In this city Is off duty today on account of sickness. Mrs. L. W. Barger who has been visiting with her parenU in this city, departed this morning for her home In Lincoln. W. 11. Wynn departed on the fast mall for Salt Lake City, and Idaho, on a visit to relatives and friends, and expects, to begone about three weeks. Post master A. L. Baker and Krnest Carroll from Murray were in I'latts mouth on business today. A. J. Porter, S. M. Copenhaver and George M. Porter went to Omaha this morning to spend the day. H. F. Kropp of Nehawka was In town today, to turn over the election returns from that vicinity to the county clerk. "Had dyspepsia or indigestion for years. No appetite and what I did cat distressed me terribly. Burdock Wood Bitters cured me."-J. II. Walker, Sunbury, Ohio. 300 Good Warm Coats at 98c for ladles and children's style little off but 13 to II.) quality at closing out sale of Ilerold's stock. HelplHelpI I'm Falling Thus cried the hair. And a kind ncihbor came to the res cue with a bottle of Aycr's Hair Vigor. The hair was saved! This was because Ayer's Hair Vigor is a regular hair medicine. Falling hair is caused by a germ, and this medicine completely destroys these germs. Then the healthy scalp gives rich, healthy hair. The beit kind of a testimonial "Bold for over lixty years." A Had. Ui w J (.' ...wl'n I A.Bll M ... AIo mnufbflturr of 9 SAISAPAtlttl. yers 1 PILLS. ' CHtKKV PtCTOIAL. Mrs. Pete llanrahan went to Omaha this afternoon. J. P. Falter was looking after busl ness in Omaha today. Harry Kuhncy went to the metrop oils on business this morning. Perry I'tterback was among those to take No. " to Omaha today. S. M. Chapman was looking afttr legal business In malia today. Mrs. T. M. Patterson was visiting In the metropolis this afternoon. Geo. Thomas made a business trip to the metropolis this afternoon. Miss Mae Murphy was an Omaha passenger on the fast mall today. Just arrived a new line of Klite glove lining petticoats at Dovey's. Jesse Brady, who has been vlsitlnir In Watson, Mo., returned home this morning. Dcltrleh Koster.froin the vicinity cf Weeping Water, was In town today on business. Carl Kunsinan was a business pas senger to the metropolis on the after noon train today. Miss Elizabeth Mason, who has been teaching school near I'nlooJs at home on account of sickness. Mesdamcs II. W. Clements. T. 1 Livingston and Kate Miner went to Omaha this afternoon, Frank Benfer and Claude Shumaker were business passengers for Omaha on the fast mall today. Chas. Truman went to Omaha this afternoon, where lie expects to work at nis trade of brick mason. Mrs. Albert Dutton of South Omaha Is In the city for a visit with ber par ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Osborn. 0. S. Morer, who Is emulovcd in the local shops, went to Gretna this after noon to spend Sunday with his folks. J. Bitchle. manaircr of the Ne- oraska Lighting company, was a busi ness visitor In the metropolis today. J. M Craig from the vicinity of Uurwell, Neb., Is in the city on busi ness, and for a few days visit with friends. Mrs. Marv Andrews came In t mm Denver, Col., last evening to attend the last sad tributes to her fat ier, J. S. Lindsay, A petition to sell real estate was Hied by Carl A. Johnson vs. Keu'ien Ltrson. et al , Intne district clerk' othce today. C. S. Stone, cashier of the Murray State hank, was In Plattsmouth a lew hours last night, endeavoring 1 1 con sole democrats. If you have any property to ex change for lands In this slate or any where else, don't forget to see Falter In the Coatcs Block. Fred Shaffer and wife, who have been on their rinoh in the vicinity of Burvell, for the past three months, returned home last night. A board composed of W. A. Swear Ingen, Bernard Wurl and County Clerk Uoscncrans are busy today can vassing the vote of the various pre cincts and wards of the county. W. A. Thomas Isenjoylng a vacation from his duties at the store house of the Burlington lohn Ciwpnian Is hlllng the position temporarily. Sour Stomach No appetite, lost ef etrerf th. nervou neu, hetdtche. comtlptiicn, bd breath. neral debility, tour rlslrji. and catarrh of the itomach art all lue to Indication. Kodol cures Indlf.itlon. This new dlacov ry represents the natural juices of direc tion m they silst In a healthy stomach, combined with the createit knovn tonlo and rocot jtructlvo properties. Kodol Dys popsla Cure dees not only cure Indlrejtioa and dyspepsia, but this fsmous remedy curea ail stomach troubles by cleenslni purlfylnc. sweetenlnf and strenfthenlnf the mucous membranes llninr the stomach. Mr. S. S. Bait ef IUnttwo W. V mu stLT' w,l!l ,pfl"tfc c Ko4ol DljrttU Wnai Yon tat ottlea enly. 1 1 .00 Site tieUlnt JH timti the mrf Site, whkh Milt rot to rrt. Prepared bf I. 0. OeWITT 00., 0MI0A0O (icrint; & Co. We are headquarters for Wool Blankets, ri G. Dovey Si Son. For bright styles and prices In milll nery, call on Mrs. Julia C. Dwyer. cor ner of Sixth and Pearl street, Platts mouth, Neb. Halsey II. Duke, whohas been work ing as machinist on the Northwestern railroad at Sioux City, Iowa, is in town lor a visit with home folks. The Journal is Informed that Jake Votava, aSeward county man who was murdered about a week auo at Pleas ant Dale, Neb., was a cousin to Mrs. Jas. Sochorof this city. Our old friend, John Luhns, came down from Louisville this mornint; with the election returns from that precinct and gave the Journal a cal) just before departing fos home. The Presovterlan rummaire sale will be open tomorrow at nine o'clock. An elegant line of "rummaire" will be dls played something there foreveryone. vlsltthesalc at Snyders old stand. George Carnahan. In comDanvwIth SI Mairs. the liveryman of Elmwood, drove over this morning with the election returns of Stove Creek Die clnct. They returned this afternoon. Mrs. S. K. Hardesty and dauirhter. Miss Lmma, who have been enlovinu a visit with the family of her sister, Mrs. Fred Kunsman, departed this morning for her home in Corning, la. For Sale - 171-acre farm: 115 acres under cultivation, balance In pasture; located between Plattsmouth and Murray; fair Improvements. Price $10.00 per acre, if taken at once. In- lulre of J. P. Falter. George Ileitter of Eairle came in last evening on business, and was a caller at the Journal headquarters Mr. Ileitter Is a republican but says he likes the Old Reliable, and re newed for another year Mrs. A. II. Utter Is visiting In the city, the guest of Bev. and Mrs. A. L .ink. Mrs. Utter stopped off In this city for a few days' visit with her old friends, while enroute from Zanes vllle, Ohio, to her home in Edgmont. The ladies of the Presbyterian ,,. , . . , tmiri-tlk 1111 (TAHIt Knoll rnrlnn mhoa ....1 .c tlJr uuajr luudjr icucivcu uiiiiKs lorine junnmage sate, wnicu will betfln tomorrow. A tclenhnne bas been placed in the building for the convenience or me lames. For the next two weeHs H. E. Weldman & Co. will offer special In ducements to their patrons. Be sure and tekt advantage of their offar. 1 have several good propositions in quarter and half sections In Duel and Cheyenne counties at a bargain. Lands are Increasing very rapidly in value In that country so you had bet ter buy now if you want to buy cheap land. J. V. Falter. Joe V. Sins, who has conducted a blacksmith shop In this city for the past twelve years, recently disposed of k- I . . s. f . . I . . . . . I uis imeresL in r,n rm rn wr var.n mn. win will afrnr tUa KiicinAo In M. fiitnro M, c,ne ii einecttomove tn PnWadn h l- Will onirntrn In farmln.r r w -iiviv H ..... V.HW .L, WtUJIIIf,. Impovcfisliril noil, like itnpov tisliol Moo)l, nccdrt n jii'ojkt I'ttilizcr. A tlifinis't liv niuilvz nr llif soil i nn tell von what ti;! to use for iliffemi, m MliirtH. If vour Mooil is iinjiovt'i'iKlioil voi:r tloctor will tt-ll von wlmt von liffil to fertilize it nnd pvo it 1 ho ikli, let! .corpuscles tlint jit liickin;in it. It may Uyo'i nifil n tonic, but inoir likt lv von titfil n oonrrntrntci fut fooil. 11 ml fat is the element Im-kiii;: in vour svKteni. Tlicre is no fnt food t lint i so eiisih- 1 1 lasted nml nssimi In I cd ns Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil It will nourish nnd Ktivngt lien the lioth- when milk nml treniti fail to do it. Scott's Kninlsion is alums the same: nlwavs lalatnlile and always lietiefirinl where the body is wnstiii-r from any cause, either in children or tidiilts. We will send you m tumple free. li sure Hint, tins nie Mire in tin' form o( 11 liiln'1 Is on the w rniH'r of every liotth'oi Limit hion you Imiv. scon & eowHE rilLMISTS ? 409 Pearl SI.. Mew Tort .Vie. 11 lid f 1.W1. All I'l'iciristf. - - SI (ipmisw Soil Epilepsy Fits St. Vitus Dance Arc nerve diseases, and unless checked, lead to destruction of both mind and lodv. The weak, shattered nerves must have something to strengthen and build them back to health. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine is a remarkable nerve tonic and stimulant. It strengthens the nerves, relieves the nervous strain, and influences refresh ing body-building sleep and rest. Persistent use Mldnm fails to relieve these affl ict inn "I wn taVn with rpllcptlo fits; hint Jlfv-n In Iiwr than 12 luiiu-x. My father Hfnt fur nn. f....,nu ..i i..i.. . . . . . , ...i.ii.j ,'iij niuillll. liut he could do very little for me, and J crew wiime every day. and at lust they hud three doctor with me. nd I Mill L-ot Horse )l,. k..,.i .. lr. Mllex' nierilrliieH uiid bought a bottle of Nervine unr) .. I... ... v nd Mver 1'IIK I m,i tiiken o'nltf few dimcK until I begun to fei-1 better I took 12 bnltles. nml It cured mo pound nnd well. It luis been worth nil the worlil to m.. I 1 i. , . - ' "llllll.-lIU 1L wherever I no. ou mny use this in a lire-long testimonial to the merits of your medicine, for I am enjoying the best of health, nnd feel that mv life anil hfnllh Im ilna i. l,iu i medicine." l.lCVY WII.I.Iams K. F. Jj. No. 2. JJuston, da. Dr. MUCH' Nrvln I. 1.4 k.. . druggist, who will guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. If It falls, he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Humor m5 Philosophy By DUNCAN M. SMITH PERT PARAGRAPHS. Although the world Is votir ovster. you sometimes have to dive Into a sen f trouble to brinjf It to the surface. 'l" 11 u,slm,ld 1 " "'H'icss instrument, tor I fommunicutliig with tlielmnk. If the child were really the father to the mini he would take the old cent Into the woodshed occnsionallv and (five him r talking to. lhm't tell your hard luck storv to tin- 'uul '"' ""'.v send the loud up C i k ft - w 9 Idle dead men tell no talcs, a dead V,e wm olle ,,,s,Kl " ,t,""", ,u y 11 till litIi IfAwl lilvt.O'e " "'"""J Rheumatism. - - - - - "... . . .iuiij r,i niRHHK oi .iiiprt. htalrd Air. KU rtrifiiw ...( .11 . mtit ...f.s...f..n. I . t- " t nronic Khuniatiin. ( hioi.ic Kl-cmim A r Mil lift. Nf liSllfrs sun I hr,,n. I ; ., . T -. . . . 1 I Writ fm r.,11 i..frt. . 1 to ftnr Spiiiiff" iieaiiiicni. TMfi I, S. A. LAnOBiTOBY. i I 104 RamgtBldff.. 'PMAIIA, Nrbr. Thrt Thy Are. "There aren't nny old women iiowa tlnys." "Wlmt. Is mortality tlmt grentV 'Mortality noth Inc: TliOKe that sreu't HoiiliiettiiiK re till In soi'lety." His Bitter Regret. Koine whs Inirnlng n way merrily, urn! Nero whs scrspiui: ny nt the nutii Uhir tune Theie ll He ii lint Timu til th old TiMvn Tutilglit" w hen toulileiily he In Id dow n his fiddle snd burst Into tonrs. "Wlmt Is the cmise. your hiKlmess, of this siiildi'ii shower?" uskiil n enn tlous niteiiihint. "Isn't Home tunulnc flue nml ilniuly nml nln't the mlsi'rat;' InhnliltHiits ronstltiK to deiitliV' 'True erouith." replli'd Hie tyra it throuuh his tenrs, "ami I flioiild he Hie happiest mini 11 live, hut. oh. there N oe ttilni: hii klng!" "What Is It. u few hum-Is of ki'tit aener' "No. It Is not that. Her)- I am doln the Is'st I can with this inlseruMe til die when 1 could add so much t 1'." misery of Ihe people If Hie phon i-niili had Imnmi Invented and I had mm run nine on every mrner." Poland Chinas for Sal. Poland China male hou'H for sale. Your ili'ilcc for lit). For further particulars, call or write C. MConlc i'lat turnout li, Neb. 50 per tint Discount of Dress Trim's at closing out sale of Ilerold's atovk. (Ill Dress Goods Less Than Cost at Closing out Sale of Hepild's stock. .1 1 f v'. l.'T 1 !,7iit ; li HAiK tii I ... the SXl, r' OF INTEREST TO PATENTEES City Councils Cannot lift Contracts by libit ini; When One Firm's I'rtMluct In Ml')tte. Srinv.rirM. 111., Nov. S. In nn o'.a Ion Imiiili'd ilown lij- tin' Kiiii')'uio court in the i ae )if Slc vs. tli city C-f Clll)ilU'. It Is Id IiI l:;it l ily cullll- ril or ImiiidIs of luciil linirov)'inci,ts ciililiot legally siifv atciit niv( llll'llts IT 1 lit )')lltl'll('t Is to I'i- Ict to tin lowest Uihlci. Tin- city council of l'lilciii;i passed an oidiiiaiu e to pave WtMNlla it iivcnii)' finin Sixtieth to Sixiy-wvt'iitli ntrc) t, nml sK') irl)Hl that tli W)'iii-ii,'Mii fiicc slioulil li the War ren liitluilitl)', u iit)iit contiolliM by otn firm. The Jmknicnt for tlie s8)i ini'iit was continued In 1 lie lower court, nml IId piiiHTty owiD'i's appealed i the Kiipii'iiD' )-)iii-t. It was nialnlaliD'd that when tho council t'i titil tlit patent pavement It was Impiissllilt t) have coniMtitlve lihldinir. TId' supii'inc court Kustn!nn the iosiii)iii of th' property owners ami miyw that unless the )-oiuicil liy a two tlilrds vol)' mithoilzi's tin proper offl i'er or tioanl to enter Into n contract for a patint to be used in a public Improvement It is necessary that there tie free and open competition nnd that, tliiTc.nre, the specification of any patent uhicli restricts liiildiiiK la We ll 1. GYPSIES STOLE HIS DAUGHTER Chun;;e Made by a Chicniro Ulan Who Acted as His Own Sleuth. Salem, Mass., Soy. N. John Adam, who said his home amis in Cliicngo, a plh'd in tin' ilistrict court for n war rant for Hie ancst of si'vernl inem liersi of a hand 0f tlypsles In winter nttarti'i!) nt South Salem on the cIiiiito of liavinir aliductcd his (laughter Itosie, 1.1 yoavs old. n year tigo. Adam told tho police that In- was a Kussian. and tlmt while he was llvnlrr In ("hieaffo ii'iout n vcur !iKo his daiiKhicr sudden ly disappeared. Ilelnjr convinced that she had la-en I'tirried off by (lypsles Adam decided to si'iirch for her liy joinlin; tlie fiypslps. Ho and Ids wife, therefore, became ntt'K hed to n trllio which lnndi'd In So:nei villi' recently, nnd n week nso 1'P found his ehilil with mint her I in ml at South Salem. When he tried to take her away he nllepes that the Oypsles threatened to kill both lilni nnd hn d-.iiu'litcr. 'Die jiolice lieliiR in formed of the case took the child away from thr ciiiiip pending un Invratlga tlon. MOODY TO THE HIGH COURT Present Attorney Grnrrnl Appointed to Succeed .lust Ice Ilrown. Who Ketiretl Some Time Ago. Wflshlnpton, Nov. 8. The president hm iiniiouni ed the iiolntinent of At torney General William rienry Moody, of Massachusetts, as Justice of the mipretne court of the I'tilted Shitos o nceeed Justh Henry HIHIiijm Hrown. who retired some time nj;o. Moody hn tllliil tl'e ottice of attorney general alnce July 1. V.M. Previous to that time he had served for more than two yenrs as secretary of the niivy. He had also represented his state In the Hrty-i mirth. I'lfty-Hfth. I'lfiv lxth nml I'ifty sevi'iith contrresses. It la Kenernlly expected that Moody will retire from the department of Justice' the latter part nf J ipcemlier. FIRE AT HAMILTON Ohio Town Ixtses IlullilinKs nnd Stock Worth S:.V,000-Unk One Suflerer. Ilaiiilllou. (., Nov. 8. A loss of more than Jf.TiO.iiu win Incurred hy a flw which Minted In the heart of the business portion of the city. Theflnniea ttarted In the millinery department of the O. 1. M utiles company 'a atore, which la located In the Mehrun lmild Inmr iN'loiiBlinf to the Henry Freehllui? eatnte nml tJeorire P.'Soeliiiffen. This Is the finest tending n the city ami whs i-ompletely liurned out. Next It spread to the Mllliken hullduijr and the Second National ltauk Inilld Ina; In whli-h Is the dry jrooda atore of T.V. Howell. Here It waa checked be fore the Iniilillnirs were detroye)!. r:iecttona n Hawaii. Honolulu. Nov. S. The election re tttrna so far as reeelvetl Indicate tlie re-eliMtlon of .1. K. KulHiiiiimiliie (Kep.i, as deh'Kiite to ioiirress hy mi Ineniimsl majority. The territorial' lep Istntiue will lie Hepuhlleiin. The local Itepuhlicitn ticket lina Ioh-ii defeate)!! with the exception of A. M. Itrown, who Is el)'cte slo'iin" hy it majurlty of 10 over P. lauUeii, his I icinocrath OflIOUl'llt. CtiepMt MakiiiK in Wlsutnain. Mmllsnu. Wis., Nov. S. -One humlreil and ten milllun poinnls of cheese wi-re made In Wisconsin hist year, nln.oM twice as iiiiiih us was pinilinl V( years a:o. nii-ordlnir to th) t'nlverslty of Wisconsin tilillctin. Hexliles the lii crease In piodiii tion from M m .x tr pounds of cheese In r. to 11ll.INNI.fss) In 1!Ml.i statistics show an addition of US new cheese factories. I'mldsat RmIi's llsnrli. The Northern Pncitlc road has taken ottlciil mil Hi- of the f.nt that Prrsi. dent KooM'velt ns ii citlen of North lnkota )ince niiimeil on t ImcklTii: bromii over th)- imrii col. ned knolls and lliriiiiuh the little valleys of the UilspiMkalile had hinds. The tnllrii)l roinpany, for the Information of pn. aenuers. Im lmllni: the rnuiiiiitle tourif.t f the fur east. hasN erected a slpi. beanl mar the track at Meilorn which hears th)- fotlnwlnit li'iD-nd: "l.ltlle Missouri river. Theodoif i;oo)') lt once nun lu.d n!,.j. ' .tnnii'io! n A'ert j