The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 01, 1906, Image 8

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The County
lfnt Af Cmril Iflttritt $ilirtii
fiMv laniifi (
From Die Courier.
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Lester Slan
der, October ".M, a Kirl.
Miss Ialsy Twlss returned liomc
from New York Sunday, whero she
went to attend the National conven
tion of the Clirlstlat) church. She re
ports a very pleasant trip.
Dr. N. A. Hitchcock of this city and
Miss Nona Wood of Washington, D.C.,
were married at the home of the
groom's mother In l'leree, Neb., at
high noon on Monday, Oct obi-r Jl'.I'.mmi,
Kcv. KoLoiik' Olllclatlrik'.
Arthur Palmer, the Louisville hoy
who Joined the navy and went to San
Francisco, Is home on a furlough visit
ing his parents. Arthur says he Is
well pleased with his position. Ills
leave of absence Is but a few days as
he must report In San Francisco by
the fifth of November.
L. F. Lan'horst of Kim wood, demo
cratic candidate for representative,
was a caller at this oil Ice Tuesday
morning. Mr. Lanhorst unfortu
nately belongs to the minority party
In Cass county and realizes, as he
must, that before he can expect to be
elected lie has a big republican major
ity to overcome, yet hols making a
manful light and should he be elected
lie will have much to congratulate
himself over.
lion. S. L. Thomas came In from
Akron, Colorado, this week to visit a
few days with his old time friend, J.
I). Furguson. Mr. Thomas has u
homestead near Akron, the dry farm
ing region cast of Denver, and left a
sample of fall and spring wheat at the
Courier oillce. lie says crops of all
kinds are good and thinks It will be
but a question of a few years when
every foot of the thousands of acres
of land there will be farmed. Many
men of small means are going there
and taking homesteads and purchas
ing land adjoining, which is selling
&s low as ." per acre.
Poland Chlnaa for Sal.
Poland China male hogs for sale.
Your choice for 110. For further
particulars, call or write C. R Cook,
I'lattsmouth, Neb.
From the I.miler-Kolio.
Cass county chicken show at Elm
wood December 1, 19 and 20. Do not
forget it.
The whipping post should be set up
in every county jail for men who beat
their wives and unmercifully beat
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas, of Wabash, Tuesday.
Mr. Thomas is the new Mo. Pac. agent
at Wabash.
Miss Edith Durbln, who suffers so
from quinsy each winter expects to
escape that suffering la the future,
having had Dr. Munger remove her
tonsils Friday.
and look in the glass
You can't help puckering it make you pucker
to trunk o,f tasting it
By the use o( so called cheap Baking
Powders you-take this "puckering, injurious Alum
right into your system you injure digestion,
and ruin your stomach
6; plainly
Roval is made from
11 . '7. .
v xuan mum out vou nave
frin flit Pntuwnt if PARtimftf.r..rUt
ihv miui; vi vvuttiuywiillC 0
Mrs. Win. DclcsDernier Is recover
ing nicely from her severe operation
at the Everett sanitarium in Lincoln.
It Is thought she Mill be able tore
turn In line in a few days.
We notice In our exchanges a num
ber of towns ate having heavy penal
ties to pay on account of damages sus
tained by dilapidated sidewalks. A
broken b iard In the walk cost one
tiwn ti.Iiort. A word to the wise Is
Miss llael Noyes, who was oper
ated upon for appendicitis at the
Everett sanitarium In Lincoln several
days ago, is not getting along well at
all. At last reports she was very low
with but slight hopes of recovery.
J. (i. Stark received a telegram Fri
day from Kast Lemon, I'cun., an
nouncing the death of his mother.
Mr. Stark returned just last week
from a visit to his mother. Her
health was very poor then, blither
death was not looked for so soon.
( I'ioim I lie lliai'oii.)
Ccorgc Wcstlake has bought the old
home 80 of his father, near Avoca, and
will move there next week If the
weather permits.
Charlie Carper came down from
Omaha last week on account of the
death of his brother Dell's wife. He
returned to Omaha Tuesday morning.
Conrad Kausch has been suffering
almost unbearable agonies from a felon
on one of his lingers on his right hand
lately. He had the linger lanced last
Henry Wctenkamp has Just com
pleted a new addition to his house
west of town, and now has one of the
finest farm residences In that neigh
borhood. It is fitted throughout In
the most modern way.
Mrs. Sarah Crosier arrived here last
Friday evening from Charlotte, Mich.,
and will make her homo with her sis
ter, Mrs. J . D. Summer. Mrs. Crosier
was accompanied by her niece, Miss
Cora Crosier.
W. It. Young received a letter Wed
nesday from W. C. Ahrcns, who lives
on a farm in Nuckolls county, which
Mr. Young has rented for next year,
stating that the large barn on the
place was recently destroyed by lire.
Mr. Ahrcns lost three head of mules,
six head of horses, 700 bushels of oats
and about 25 tons of hay, harness and
other articles. It Is not known how
the fire originated.
Give children a remedy with a pleas
ant taste. Don't force unpleasant
medicine down their throat?. Ken
nedy's Laxative (containing) Honey
and Tar is most pleasant to take.
Children like it, and as a relief for
colds, couttbs, etc., there Is nothing
better. So opiates. Conforms to
National Pure Food and Drug Law.
Sold by F. G. Fricke Jk Co. and Gerlng
and Co.
you will see the effect
r "v v,vu'" wi
me oro it ot nua. ttv. th nmfir rj tut. i i
r t
Oli'iwnivr.) j
K. S. Chandler and family returned
last Monday from I'lattsmouth, where
they enjoyed a brief visit with friends.
Mrs. M. F. Lohdell, of I'lattsmouth,
and her sister, MtaiShaw, were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. U. J. Jones
this week. They go from here to
lielolt, Kan , for a visit with parents.
II. W. Card, of the Darlington
shops, was married in Geneva, Neb.,
last Tuesday. He seems to have found
it a little lonesome In Havclock and
has decided to remedy the matter in
the right way. Mr. Card has only
been in our town a few months, but
has proven himself a steady, industri
ous and honorable man, and we ex
tend a hearty welcome to himself and
bride as permanent residents of our
The H. & M. Is making a change In
Its local agent today. G. II. Murphy
will be made extra relief agent with
headquarters at Lincoln. He will be
succeeded In the local oillce by F. 13.
Young, who formerly held the position
but was transferred to the oillce of
Stipt. Ackerman at the shop9. Mr.
Murphy was a pleasant and edlclent
man, whom we regret to see go; hut
are pleased to note that we get a good
man In his place, whom our people
know and appreciate.
The Havelock Messenger thinks the
Republican is trying to steal Foreman
Young of the shops at that place for
the foreman of the shops here. But
the shops here have one of their own
and If J. D. Young, foreman at Have
lock, Is as good as J. D. Young, fore
man of the machine shop at McCook,
he's all right, so send him out here.
Tho new foreman here Is not a new
man at McCook as he came from Fair
bury about a year ago. McCook lie
publican. Union
From the Ledger.
Mrs. Ellen Faris, mother of John
and Lee Farls of this vicinity, arrived
from Virginia last week for a visit
with her sons.
Mrs. Nettle Turner, teacher lu the
schools at Elmwood, was home Satur
day and Sunday to visit her parents
and other relatives.
Mrs. J. II. Teegarden of Hickman
was here Monday, going to Platts
mouth to visit her parents, Post
master C. H. Smith and wire.
The report comes from Wabash
that Harry Thomas and wife are the
parents of a Hoe little daughter born
Monday night, October 22.
Grandma Kobb went to Omaha
Wednesday morning to attend tbe
wedding of her grand-daughter, Miss
Bessie Fenn, which occurred that
Munroe Martin and family, who
moved from here to Omaha a few
weeks ago, returned the first of this
week, locating on one of the Taylor
farms southeast of town.
Hugh Townsley has leased the Gru
ber building west of Ledger ottlce,
and will operate a lunch and short
order eating house, also will handle
cigars and confectionery.
II. L. Oldham of Murray, the 225
pounds of pure democracy, was in
town last Saturday to meet some of
his Union friends and to contribute
bis share of enthusiasm at the politi
cal meeting.
WW f A
anal v-usis more
v iitmin.
Thought to El Insane tnd Mi) Be Sent
to the Asylum.
Two months or more ago t'ie Jour
nal printed an account of the queer
actions of iVnnls Delaney, an old
time Burlington engineer, and who
Is well acquainted w ith the older citi
zens of I'lattsmouth. His run at that
lime was from Lincoln to Omaha,
where he made two trips a day. He
and his entire crew, with the excep
tion of the conductor, were discharged
for drunkenness. The following from
the Lincoln Journal will no doubt be
read with considerable Interest by
those who knew the unfortunate en
gineer while he lived In riattsmoutb:
"City Physician Slattery paid a tlsit
to the county jail yesterday to ex
amine Dennis Delany, for many years
a Burlington engineer, who was con
fined because It had been reported that
he was Insane. Dr. Slattery thor
oughly examined the man, who had
recently been under his care at St.
Elizabeth's hospital and decided that
the man Is not Insane, but suffering
from melancholia. He had been asked
to tile a complaint against Delaney,
but did not do it for tho reason that
he was sure the board would not find
the man Insane 'Wh?nl talked with
him he was entirely rational,' said Dr.
''Delaney was taken In charge
Thursday night by the police on com
plaint of John Robinson, who said
that Delaney was insane and had
threatened to kill himself. Investi
gation showed that recently Delaney
had been brooding over his troubles.
Be was until two months ago a prom
inent Burlington engineer, but was
discharged by the company for drink
ing on duty. The story of his troub
les as told by those familiar with De
laney Is as follows:
'"Delaney began working on the
Burlington as an engineer in Febru
ary, 1S88. He came here from Platts
mouth, married, and settled down.
About eight years ago his wire died
leaving several small children, which
he has kept in a boarding school. He
worked up in the railroad business,
becoming one of the highest standing
engineers on the division. He had one
of the best runs to be. had, making a
double trip between here and Omaha
each day. One day about two months
ago on the way between here and Om
aha, he, the fireman and brakeman all
took a few drinks, became Intoxicated,
and while the conductor was waiting
at a station for orders, pulled out and
ran to Omaha without a conductor.
The crew, with the exception of the
conductor, was discharged without de
lay. Delaney, who had put his whole
being Into running his engine, was
well up in line for promotion to a pas
senger run, was deeply affected by his
dismissal. For two weeks he lived
about the city with his friends. Then
he became sick and was sent by the
brotherhood of locomotive engineeis
to the hospital for treatment, and Dr.
Slattery was detailed to care for him.
When be was able to leave the hospi
tal be went to the boarding house at
209 North Ninth street, where he now
''Since he left the road he Is said to
have put In much time brooding over
his trouble. Some time ago he was
given a position on the fire deparment,
but be remained there but a tingle
day. Since then he has done nothing,
but has continued In his gloomy mood
and It was claimed that he threatened
to kill hi mscif when the police were
asked to take charge of him."
"For years I starved, then I bought
a M cent bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure, and what that bottle benefited
me all the gold In Georgia could not
buy 1 kept oo taking It and In two
mouths 1 went back to my work as
machinist. In three months 1 was as
well and hearty as I ever wa. I atHI
use a little occasionally as I find It is a
Hue blood purifier and a good tonic.
May you live long and proRpcr."-O.N.
Cornell, Roding, Ga., Aug. 2;, NOG."
Kodol U&old here by F. 0. Fricke .
Co. A Gerlng & Co.
EnUrterUined at Henry Meltsinfer't.
In response to the Invitations to
spend Sunday, some seventy-five peo
ple assscmblcd yesterday at the hospi
table home of Henry Mclslngcr, two
miles south of Cedar Creek. Tlie day
proved to be a most delightful one for
the occasion, and a social time that
will long be remembered, was enjoyed
by everyone, who joined with one ac
cord In pronouncing their host and
hostest to be most royal entertainers
and providers of all that Is good and
tempting to the palate.
Those to partake of the excellent
dinner were, Adam, G. L., J. J., An
ton Mclslngcr and their families
Messrs and Mesdamcs Sallsber, Louis,
Born, P. II., Henry, J. II. and Kniil
Mclslngcr, and Henry Fornolf, besides
forty-four grand children, and Antone
II. Koubek, J. W. Bookmcjcr, Phil
Sautcr. A. Glcsc, Joe Llbcrshal, Wm.
HIcks.A. Bajcck, and AlG UIn from
Are Never Without Pe-ru-na in the Home
for Catarrhal Diseases.
A a J ' Y 111 l w
MR. R. P. FOSS, 118 S. E. 6th street,
Minneapolis, Minn., writes :
I wish to congratulate you on your
medicine, I'eruna. 1 have been a suf
ferer with catarrh of the stomach for
orer two yearn, hut since 1 have com
menced to take your
remedy 1 hare been
steadily Improving I can safely
say 1 feel no more of
my old trouble, and as a matter of
course, I will always have a good word
for reruns.
1 recommend 14 to alt My friends."
Mrs. Magdalena Winkler, Rout 4,
Westminster, Md., writes:
'I thank you very much for your ad
vice. I can safely say that I'eruna and
Manalin have saved my life.
'When 1 wrote lo you the first time,
asking your advice, my condition was
opoor that 1 did not
expect to live throngh
the winter, but now I
am perfectly healthy.
I cannot praise your
medicine enough and I recommend it lo
T. T. Markland, a well-known busi
ness man of Cincinnati, O.. writes from
4100 Wood burn Ave., as follows t
Celebrate Sixty-Eighth Birthday. I
At the home of Henry Hllbert, two
and one-half miles south of this city,
a pleasant gathering occurred yester
day afternoon, in response to invita
tions to assist Mrs. Hllbert celebrate
her sixty-eighth birthday anniversary.
Various amusements, Including mu
sical and vocal selections, were In
dulged in by those present, and a rare
social time was enjoyed during the
several hours spent with the hostess.
An elegant supper was served at a
welcome hour, and to this each did
justsce. The table, on which covers
were laid for twelve, was tastily deco
rated with chrysanthemums.
It was at a late hour in tbe after
noon that the ladles wished the! r host
ess many more happy returns, and de
parted for their homes.
Heie is our condensed opinion of
tbe Original Laxative Cough Syrup:
"Nearly all other cough syrups are
constipating, especially those contain
ing opiates. Kennedy's Laxative (con
taining) Honey and Tar moves the
bowels. Contains no opiates. Con
forms to the National Pure Food and
Drug Law. Sold by F. G. Fricke k
Co. and Gerlng & Co.
For a mild, easy action of the bow
els, a tingle dose of Doan's Regulets Is
enough. Treatment cures habitual
constipation. 25 centt a box. Ask
your druggist for them.
'titan's Mw
"I was a total wreck," writes Mrs. Beulah
Rowley, of Champoeg, Oregon, "from pains I had
suffered, for 4 years, every month. Sometimes I
would be unconscious for 12 hours at a stretch. I
did not know that anything could stop the pain
entirely, but Wine of Cardui did. I advise all
women suffering with painful periods to use Car
dui and be relieved."
It does this by regulating the functions and
toning up all the Internal female organs to health.
It is a pure, specific, reliable, female remedy, with
a record of 70 years of
success. It has bene
fited a million others.
Why not you? Try it.
Sold by Every Druggist in $1.00 Bottles.
"I find that la my easo I'eruna Is a
flesh builder. I am now at work every
day, and have gained
ten pounds. I took
your Peruna accord
ing to directions, and
the result was rcoro
10 LBS. IN
than I expected.
"I can now breathe with ease, and
also my cough Is stopped. I had it for
six months before I tool: down with the
'l took no other medicine but Peruna
and it accomplished all. You told me
In your first letter that Peruna would
cure me and it has.
"I nmeventy-three years oldand can
attend to my work and business as
Mrs. Theone Mlkkelson, Brlgham
Clty.Utah, writesj
"I wish to thank you for all the good
Peruna has done me. lam entirely free
from thecough which used to bother me
so much every winter.
"My kidneys are also In good condi
tion, and I feel
stronger and better
all over. For all these
I give the credit to
your excellent medi
cine, Peruna. I am pleased to rtvom
mend it to everybody."
Don't allow money to lie around. It
is easier to spend it and easier
to lose it.
by keeping It In a safe place such aa
The BanH of Cass County
Capital Stock 150,000, Surplus 115,000
Cliss. C. I'unuele, 1'res., Jacob Trltach, V-P.
T. M. Patterson, Cash.
You can give a check for any park of
It at any time and so have a receipt
for payment without asking for one.
when you have a bank account you
will be anxious to add tolt rather than
spend from it. Don't you want to
know more about it.
VtH u a ltitr dfvtlMrt ll
vntir MlTtptom, tnjn Kill .nj nu
I rr Ajw.f, In r-'"fi ,r,lrj fmriof.
AJJrrs: I j AdU.ofv lr paMmrnt,
1 hrl.lKiianuugi AUJuInf Ln.,Clmi
nouta. If nn.