The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 18, 1906, Image 8

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    The County Exchanges
Hint Bf fin'll Intend Selseflll frnm ths fnlnmnt if rnntemnnrirlee
Kroiu tlia Ledger.
Mrs. Anna Young of Ottumwa.Iowa,
aunt of Mrs. II. II. Frans, arrived Tues
day evening for a visit wllh relatives
here and in other parts of the county.
Hun. Charles W. Dempster of liutte,
Mont., arrived here yesterday and
drove out for a short visit with rela
tives east of town. He has a host of
friends hero who always give him a
cordial welcome.
Mrs. J. W. Gamble, who kindly con
sented to "sub" until the school
board secured a permanent teacher,
visited Sunday at home In Platts
mouth, and came back for the work
this week, the new teacher, Miss
Craig, being unable to take up the
work before next Monday.
U. II. Struve of Gcddes, 8. P., was
here Wednesday and Thursday for a
visit with his grandparents, , Mr. and
Mrs. 1'eter Gruber. Mr. Struve was
enroute home from Oxford, Neb.,
where he had been on a sad mission
taking the remains of his wife back to
her old home for Interment.
Mrs. John Sumner of Eagle was here
Tuesday, the guest of her old friend,
Mrs. Sarah Lynn, and went from here
to l'lattsmouth. Those two ladles
were Intimate friends In early days,
the Lynns and Sumners having come
here together In lNfiit and locating
near where this vitiligo was platted
In later ycare.
Miss Jennie Craig of Greenwood has
been secured as teacher In the Inter
mediate department of our schools, to
succeed Miss I alsy Fowler, who con
cluded she would rather bo a wife
than teacher. We are Informed that
Miss Craig Is a competent teachcr.and
she will be here to begin her duties
next Monday morning. Mrs. Gamble
had charge of the Intermediate de
partment again this week, pending
the arrival of Miss Craig.
Wound, Bruises and Burns.
'ty applying an antiseptic dressing
to wounds, bruises, burns and like In
juries before inllamatlon sets in, they
may be healed without maturation
and In about one-third the time re
quired by the old treatment. This Is
the greatest discovery and triumph of
modern surgery. Chamberlain's Tain
Balm acts on this same principle. It
la an antlceptlo and wlion applied to
such Injuries, causes them to heal very
quickly. It also allays the pain and
soreness and prevents any danger of
blood poisoning. Keep a bottle of
Ialn Halm In your home and It will
nave you time and money, not to men
tlon the Inconvenience and suffering
such Injuries entail. For sale by F.
G. Frlcke & Co. and- Gerin &
(i'rum tln Ih-acon.)
Mrs. W. II. Hetts came ud from
A voca Saturday evening and Is visit
ing her son Kd and family.
There Is not much change in the
condition of J. P. Hurdlck, who has
been confined to his home for some
weeks past, and little hopes are enter
tained by his friends for his recovery
The happiest man in town at the
present time Is illlc Latrom. all be
cause of a line girl baby which arrived
at his home last Tuesday morning
Grandpa Latrom feels his oats a llttli
too, and declares It is the nicest baby
nc ever saw.
Mrs. Tim Donovan, who has been
KutTering with consumption for several
Royal does not contain an atom of
phosphatic acid (which is the
product of bones digested in sul
phuric acid) or of alum (which is
one -third sulphuric acid) substan
ces adopted for other baking pow
ders because of their cheapness.
stars oesesee)s)tl
years past, died at her home, four and
one-half miles south of here last Fri
day morning. The body was laid to
rest In the cemetery at Palmyra on
A deal was closed this morning
whereby Geo. TrunkcnbolU becomes
owner of the ltctts elevator and will
take possession of It the first of No
vembcr. We have not learned what
Mr. Hetts will do, but he will probably
engage In some other business In Eagle.
A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Head on Thursday, Oct. 11.
Had this child been born six weeks ago
he would have been a subject of King
Edward, but as It Is he Is eligible to
be president of the United States.
Mrs. Head is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Ilunten, living south of town, and
Just arrived here with her husband a
few weeks ago.
Nothing to Fear.
Mo triers need have no hesitancy. In
continuing to give Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy to their little ones,
as It contains absolutely nothing in
jurious. This remedy is not only per
fectly safe to give small children, but
is a medicine of great worth and mer
it. It has a world wide reputation
for Its cures of coughs, colds and croup
and can always be relied upon. For
sale by F. G. Frlcke & Co. and D'Ment.
From the Leader-Echo.
Dr. Mungcr reports a boy at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hrunkow,
born last Tuesday.
Word was received hero this week
from Eugene, Ore., that Grace Hobbs
has suite red a relapse and was In a
very critical condition. The many
friends of the family here are earnest
ly hoping that she may recover.
Mrs. Wm. Deles Dernier was taken
to the Everett sanitarium at Lincoln
Wednesday evening, where It Is ex
pected she will undergo a very critical
surgical operation In a few days. The
many friends of the family here sin
cerely hope she may successfully pass
through the ordeal.
Thos. Cromwell Is building an im
mense barn on his place live miles
southeast of Elmwood. The structure
will be 64x24, ".Moot posts with a shed
20 foot wide on two sides and one end.
C. P. Clapp received a letter from
his father at Clayton, Indiana, stating
that he wished to come home, and ask
ing his son to come after him at once.
It Is Inferred from this that he is In
quite poor health, and Charley left for
Clayton Monday morning to bring him
While digging sweet potatoes for
Pelmar Saxton Wednesday James
Hendricks unearthed oneof prodigious
size. It is now on exhibition at this
oillce and Is the largest sweet potato
we ever saw. It measures lfx21
Inches, weighs 5i pounds and is of the
Red Burmuda variety. Charley Rlvctt
will please sit up and take notice.
An Awful Cough Cured.
"Two years ago our little girl bad a
touch of pneumonia, which left her
with an awful caugh. She had spells
of coughing, Just like one with the
whooping cough and some thought
she would not get well at all. We got
a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Rem
cdy, which acted like a charm. She
stopped coughing and got stout and
fat," writes Mrs. Ora Russart, Hruba
ker, 1 11. This remedy is fur sale by F.
(1. Fricke Co. and D Mont.
'Fifty Years the Standard
A Cren cf Ttrkr Pcsdci
C:i3 frca Crc;:
True and tried friends of the family
-DeWltt's Little Early Risers. Rest
for results and best to take. Rosy
checks and sparkling eyes follow the
use of these dependable little pills.
They do not gripe or sicken. Sold by
F. G. Frlcke & Co. and Gerlng & Co.
from, the Courier.'
Uncle George Schoeman was up
from riattsmouth Thursday.
C. W. Spcnce has returned from
Friend where he went to witness a
rabbit chase. -
Harold Koop lias demonstrated the
fact that he is deserving of the name
"Louisville's Juvenile Cartoonist."
Ills latest drawing represents the boy
sweating over the task of learning his
lesson during the autumn days.
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Scblatcr were
up from riattsmouth this week visit
ing with their old time friend and
neighbor, John Ferguson, who Is still
suffering severe pain from Injuries re
ceived by falling from a load of hay
some time ago.
L. F. Langhorst, democratic nom
inee for representative, and George
Carnahan of Elmwood and George A.
Towle of Wabash were callers at the
Courier oillce Friday. They were
here attending the democratic central
committee meeting.
The Missouri Pacific has at last
completed a side track to the new
sand stone quarry south of town and
now they are able to dispense of the
long haul by team In order to load
cars. The new quarry employes a
goodly number of workmen and will
put on more as soon as they get their
stone saw in full operation.
Miss Daisy Twlss left Wednesday
evening for Buffalo, N. Y., as a dele
gate to the national convention of the
Christian church. She Joined the Ne
braska delegation at Ashland. They
stopped over at Chicago , Thursday
where they enjoyed a trip on the lake
and from there proceeded to Niagara
Falls where another day will be spent
sight seeing before going to ButTalo.
Blood Poiaonlnf
results from chronic constipation,
which Is quickly cured by Dr. King's
New Life Pills. They remove all
poisonous germs from the system and
infuse new life and vigor; cure sour
stomach, nausia, headache, dizziness
and colic, without gripping or discom
fort. 2oc. Guaranteed by F. G.
Frlcke & Co., druggists.
A Job In South Omaha
Ex-ShcrllT John D. McBridc has ac
cepted a position with the Ralston &
Fonda live stock commission house In
South Omaha, and entered upon the
discharge of his duties several days
ago. Mack was In the live stock bus!
ncss a number of years previous to en
tering tUc sheriffs ofllce several years
ago, and fully understands the bus!
ness. lie will be an excellent helper
to this Arm, as he Is well knovui all
over the state of Nebraska. He will
not remove his family to South Om
aha, but will continue his residence
In l'lattsmouth.
Off for Oklahoma.
Several prominent citizens and pros
perous farmers, composed a party that
took the fast mall on a trip through
Oklahoma and Indian Territory where
they will visit with many Cass county
people who are now located in the
south. Among those going were:
Ferdinand Hcnnlngs, Henry Hay-
flicker, Justus Lilly, Albert Shaffer,
Fred Egcnbergcr, J. W. Sage and
wife. The most of them expect to re
main about ten days.
This is the season of decav and
weakened vitality. Nature Is helnir
shorn of Its beauty and bloom. If you
would retain yours, fortify vour svs
tern with Holllstcr's Rocky Mountain
Tea. 3.r) cents, Tea or Tablets. For
sale by Gerlng & Co., druggists.
John D. Young1 In Havelock.
About two or three weeks ago the
Lincoln papers published a statement
to the effect that John I). Young had
been transferred to McCook and made
general foreman. This was copied by
tho riattsmouth papers and last week
by one at McCook. This proves to
have been a mistake as Mr. Young Is
still foreman of the machine shops In
Havelock and knows nothing of the
Ttiej are Found In Eisrj Part of Plitts-
Many citizens o' l'lattsmouth have
good reason to be thankful for burdens
lifted from aching backs, which they
bore patiently for years. Scores tell
about their experience publicly. Here's
a case of it:
Mrs. M. S. Burk, living at corner
Third and Dyke streets, l'lattsmouth,
Neb., says: "The quick relief from
pain in my back, which followed the
use of Doao's Kidney Tills proved
them to possess remarkable curative
powers. For years I was subject to
attacks of kidney complaint and some
of them so severe that I would be con
fined to my bed. My condition was so
bad that I could not even turn over
while lying down without grasping
bold of something for support. My
husband procured Doan's Kidney Rills
for me at Gerlng & Co.'s drug store
and their use absolutely relieved me
of all pain and Inconvenience. I place
great value in Doan's Kidney Pills."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50c.
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y
sole agents tor the United States.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Whit i Rt;:Mlcn Faptr Mas tt Sijf III
ird!:j Stiti Cindlditit.
(Blair I'llot, n'pulll-n.)
The Pilot Is not responsible for the
nomination of Norris Brown, George
L. Sheldon or Congressman Pollard.
We believed these men were fake re
formers and our opinion was based on
their entire lives of collusion with and
subserviency with the corporations,
and for this reason we opposed their
nomination. We did not oppose the
nomination of Ilinshaw, but had we
known at the time that bis son was
franking automobiles and trunks on
the pass of Tom Piatt and that this
same son was drawing $1,200 a year as
private secretary and at the same time
a student in the Columbia law school,
we certainly would have opposed the
nomination of Mr. Ilinshaw.
There Is no defense to such conduct
and the political party that places
such men on the ticket deserves to be
taken to task by the people. To have
clean, honest government we must
have clean, honest men. To have
wholesome laws, laws that will pro
tect and safeguard the people's Inter
ests, we must elect men to ofllce who
are in sympathy with the people.
The people complain of unfair treat
ment and wonder why they do not
have their wrongs righted and go
blindly to the polls and vote for men
who refuse to right these wrongs.
So long as partisanship shall be the
sovereign over the judgment and con
science of men just that long will
grievances go unsatisfied. If the peo
ple would lay aside their partisanship
and vote for the man rather than the
party the wrongs which they complain
of would be soon righted. Nothing
will bring a political party to its senses
quicker than adversity at the polls.
When a horse Is so overworked it
lies down and in other ways declares
its inability to go further, you would
consider it criminal to use force. Many
a man of human Impulses, who would
not willingly harm a kitten, is Kullty
of cruelty where his own stomach Is
concerned. Overdriven, overworked.
when what it needs Is something that
will digest the food eaten and help
the stomach to recupcrata. Some
thing like Kodol For Dyspepsia that
is sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. and Ger-
ngm Co.
W. M. Sweet has resigned bis place
at the shops and he and his family
moved to a farm near Greenwood this
week. We regret to see them go.
Their work and influence was always
on the right side and In tho Interests
of the community. They have many
warm friends In Havelock. Havelock
Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar, the
original cough syrup, acts as a cathar
tic on the bowels. It Is made from the
tar gathered from the pine trees of
our own country, therefore Is the best
for children. It Is good for coughs,
colds, croup, whooping cough, etc.
Try our free offer. Sold by Gerlng Si
Co.'s drug store.
No appetite, Iom of strength, nervous
nM, headache, constipation, bad breath,
feneral debility, tour rlalnfi, and catarrh
of Iht itomaeh ere all dua to Indigestion,
Kodol euraa Indigestion. Thla new disco?
ery represent! the natural julcea ol dlgea
Hon as they eiltt In a healthy atomach,
combined with tho greatest known tonld
and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure dees not only cure indlf estloa
and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy
cures all atomach troubles by cleansing,
purifying, sweetening and etrengthenlng
the mucous membranes lining the stomach.
Mr. 8. 8. Bill, o Rivtniwoed. W, Vi., ss?s.
" I wti troubled with sour Hemic k lor twenty years.
Kodol cured me mi we ere now uiln( it h -Alia
Kodol Digests What You tat
ottlee only. $ I CO Sit hoWInf 7i timet Iht trial
slit, which Mil for SO cent.
Prepared by I. 0. DeWITT 00., 0HI0A0O
(ierin: & Co.
State Superintendent Says It Is Up to the
County Superintendents.
Advises Then to Look After the Matter
Rlgidlj and Keep a Tru
ant Record.
County superintandents must en
force the compulsory education law.
So State Superintendent McBrlen
writes in answer to the many Inqui
ries he has received on the subject.
It Is the duty of city superintendents
and boards of education to report any
violations of the law to the county
superintendent. He must Investigate
and give written notice to the viola
tors. The further duty of the county
superintendent la expressed In the
state superintendent's letter as fol
lows: "And If one week from the time of
said notice such parties are still living
in violation of the law, then the coun
ty superintendent shall appear In the
court of the county judge and file his
complaint against such parties violat
ing the law. The county judge shall
at once issue summons against the of
fending party or parties. Such sum
mons shall Deserved by the proper of
ficer as by law prescribed, which offi
cer will be the sheriff of the county or
the constable of the precinct or town
ship, as it may please the court. It
will not take many executions of the
law to awaken all offenders. It is the
certainty of execution of the law that
will bring the parents or guardians to
a proper observance of the law.
"I hope you will put forth every ef
fort for a rigid enforcement of this
law In your county. Many county su
perintendents are now waginga stren
uous campaign for the enforcement
of this law. You are, of course, at
liberty to call on high school princi
pals, teachers and boards of education
to give you prompt notification of any
violation of the law. A plain state
ment from you to the offending party
or parties will, in ninety-nine cases
out of one hundred, have the desired
effect without further prosecution.
Let them know that tbe sheriff will
be after them if they fall to comply
with your notice. I would suggest
that you register, at the expense of
the county, every letter you send to
any parent or guardian living in vio
lation of this law. I reccommend
that you keep a truant record, show
ing dates and persons notified, as well
as your final action In the matter and
the decision of the court (if any.) It
is not necessary for you to personally
investigate such cases. You have suf
flclent evidence for notice to parent
or guardian upon information from
any person whose duty It Is to notify
you of any violation of this law."
A Badly Burned Girl
or boy, man or woman, is quickly out
of pain if Bucklen's Arnica Salve is ap
plied promptly. G. J. Welch, of Te-
konsha, Mich., says: "I used It in my
family for cuts, sores and all skin In
juries, and find it perfect." Quickest
I'ilc cure known. Best healing salve
made. 25c at F. G. Fricke & Co's
drug store.
Poland Chinas for Sale.
Poland China male hogs for sale.
Your choice for $10. For further
particulars, call or write C. K. Cook,
Plattsmoulh, Neb.
tors and medicines without obtaining relief. I at last
found, in Wine of Cardui, a golden medicine for all my
ills, and can recommend it above all others for female
Cardui furnishes safe relief for backache, headache,
periodical pains, irregular, painful or unhealthy cata
menial flow, and all ailments from which sick women
suffer. A perfect tonic for delicate women. A pure
vegetable medicine for girls and women who are subject
to the complaints peculiar to their sex. Has benefited
over a million who used to suffer as you do.
At every drug store, in 51.00 bottles.
ariblnt fully an your tvmrtomg
tni milt Iftil you Ttt Advke
In r-LIn envelop. Lidlet!
AJvliory Opt,, The Ihtttanonts
Mfiidne Co., Cheiunoof , Tenn.
Mr. J. H. Eskew, Chandler,
Okie., wrtten 'Let me thank
you for what your wonderful
curative mediclnetPeruna,baa
done for me. I bad suffered
from catarrh for ten years be
fore I took your medicine."
Miss Marie Pofrel, Ptne City, Minn .,
writes: "I had catarrh of the throat
for nearly three months and have
been using different kinds of medi
cines, which did me no good. A
friend advised me to take Pcruna,
which I did, and after taking two
bottles 1 was cured. I cannot say
too much In Us praiee."
Amateur Get Worsted at Peru.
The Amatuers played tbe state nor
mal team at Peru, Saturday, which
resulted in 44 to 0 in favor or tbe nor
mal team. Several of the boys return
ed home pretty badly bruised up, but
they report excellent treatment from
the Peru boys, In a social way, before
and after the game.
Don't allow money to lie around. It
ia coaicr w speuu lb ana easier
to lose it.
bj keeping it in a safe place such as
The BanH of Cass County
Capital Stock $50,000, Surplus I15.0C0
CIihs. C. Purmele, Pres., Jacob Trltseh, V-P.
T. M, I'uttorson, Ctuh.
You can give a check for any part of
it at any time and so have a receipt
for payment without asking for one.
When you have a bank account you
will be anxious to add to 1 1 rather than
spend from it. Don't you want to
know more about it.
IfA A It
WW 1
'ffJMt I
imwk,, 1
do I take Cardui"? writes Mrs.
Jclemma Mullins of Odessa, YV.
Va. "Because, after suffering
for several years with female
trouble, and trying different doc
wine p n o
of him
change.-Havelock Messenger.