The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 10, 1906, Image 8

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The County
Items ol General Interest Selected
(I'mm tlif Ih'soon.)
Wm. Hodman Is building a new
huuse lx'.Mon his farm. L. Petit has
the contract.
C. II. Hudson Is having a new house
18x24 erected on his farm, occupied by
his son Will.
Oscar Anderson killed a rattlesnake
the other day which ho found sun
ning Itself In the driveway of Petts'
JoshSutphln who has been clerk
ing In Swarts' store, left Wednesday
for Nehawka, where he has bought a
half Interest In a harness shop.
Canadian physicians are consider
ably puzzled over the case of a Mrs.
Day, who has given birth to twins,
one being white and one black. One
never can tell what a Day may bring
We are glad to state that there was
no truth In the report that was circu
lated on our streets last week about
Wm. (iulnn losing one of his hands In
a threshing machine. Mr. (ulnn was
In town Sat urday and said ho knew
nothing about how the report got
Wednesday afternoon at the north
German church In Eagle, Kcv. Ilaak
spoke the words that forever united
Mr. Dledrlch Schwegniann and Miss
ParbaraLcldlg. After the ceremony
a reception was given at the homo of
Mr. Fred Lcldlg, also the home of the
bride. The happy couplo will at once
retire to the farm home of Hie groom
south of town.
A Badly Burned Girl
or boy, manor woman, is quickly out
of pain if llucklcn's Arnica Salve Isap
riled cromptly. 0. J. Welch, of Te
konsha. Mich., says: "1 used It In my
family for cuts, sores and all skin In
juries, and tlnd It perfect." Quickest
Tile cure known. Host healing salve
made, 2To at F. G. Frlcke & Go's
drug store.
From the LedKer.
Geo. E. Chapman and wife, of York
town, Iowa, made a few days visit
with their relatives, the Swan fami
lies, northeast of town, returning
home yesterday.
. The Missouri Pacific sections at this
place took on some changes Monday.
Joe Marshall was transferred to Platts
mouth and moved there the first of
week, John Saxon taking his place
here. C. Newlon gave up his place
here and joined the bridge crew at
Atchison, Joe Chldcster taking that
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. N. La Rue left last
Saturday morning to make an extend
ed visit with Joseph Lynn and family,
near llartlngton, Neb., and will visit
a number of the other ex-Unlonltes,
who now reside la that part of the
The largest apple shown at this of
fice came from the orchard of James
Darrough. The apple Is ot the "Wolf
River" variety, weighs 23 ounces and
measures 10 Inches In circumference.
It is a beauty and we are waiting to
see the one that will beat it.
Mrs. John P. Todd came from Lin
coln last Saturday to spend a few days
with relatives and friends and to over
see the shipping of the household goods
to Lincoln, where they will "live at
Healthful cream of tartar, derived solely from
grapes, refined to absolute purity, is the active
principle of every pound of Royal Baking
Hence it is that Royal Baking Powder
renders the food remarkable both for its fine
flavor and healthfulncss.
No nlum, no phosphate -which are the
principal elements of the so-called cheap
baking powder and which are derived
from bones, rock and sulphuric acid.
Exchanges 5
from the Columns ot Contemporaries J
home." Mrs. Todd recently returned
from her summer's visit In Colorado,
and her many friends are pleased to
notice great improvement In her
Nothing to Foar.
Mothers need have no hesitancy in
continuing to give Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy to their little ones,
as It contains absolutely nothing in
jurious. This remedy is not only per
fectly nafe to give small children, but
Is a medicine of great worth and mer
it. It has a world wide reputation
for its cures of coughs, colds and croup
and can always be relied upon. For
sale by F. G. Frlcke & Co. and D'Ment.
From the Leader-Echo.
F. A. Ilakcr entered upon his duties
Monday as It. F. D. carhr No. 2.
Frank Hose no has rented a farm
two miles cast of Murdock for the
coming year.
J. S. Hollcnbcck and wife of Ard-
more, S. D., were guests last week at
the home of his brother, I. II. Hollcn
Dr. Ilohannan went to Omaha,
Tuesday, to meet his '-best girl," and
now wears "the smile that won't rub
off." Mrs. Ilohannan reports a very
enjoyable visit at the old home In
An expert bollcrniakcr from Omaha
Is putting In new llucsandancw boiler
In the large engine at tho mill. The
work will be completed next week and
tho mill will be run full blast, as or
ders are now in for three weeks in
Died On Tuesday evening, October
2, l'.ioti, William Joseph Nicholas,
agcd2:iyearsand2. days. Again has
the death angel invaded Elmwood and
removed from our midst one of our
best, brightest and sturdiest young
Dr. Mungcr was called over three
miles northwest of Murdock Wednes
day evening to see Mr. Aug. Seel
ophouf, a German farmer about fifty
years of age, who was badly injured In
a runaway, having his right arm bro
ken, two ribs fractured and severely
cut and bruised about the head. The
doctor dressed the numerous wounds
and he Is now resting nicely and do
ing as well as could be expected.
An Awful Cough Cured.
"Two years ago our little girl had a
touch of pneumonia, which left her
with an awful caugh. She had spells
of coughing, just like one with the
whooping cough and some thought
she would not get well at all. We got
a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy, which acted like a charm. She
stopped coughing and got stout and
fat," writes Mrs. Ora Bussart, Br u ba
ker, 111. This remedy Is for sale by F.
0. Frlcke & Co. and D'Ment.
(From tin- tictfisifr.)
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Nel
son, on Saturday, September 2i, a son.
O. F. Schllchtemelcr has returned
to University Place to resume his
studies there.
Mrs. Maude Hickman has returned
to her home in St. Louis, after an ex
tended visit with her sister, Mrs. J. I.
Over one hundred tickets were sold
at the Nehawka station to people go
ing to (.i:al:;i to the Ak-Sar-P.i'n f. v
Initios Welnevlay. ;
J sli Sutphln and J. T. Dale hive ;
purchased the Hates storo building to-:
gether with Its c utents. We under-1
stand t hey will inwve the harness slion
to that building and will also carry a!
line of groceries and slices.
From the Courier.
Mrs. John Kahler Is In the St.
Joseph hospital where she will under
go an operation.
Misses Mabel Murdoch and Daisy
Twlss were passengers to Council
liluffs Friday morning where they
will visit with friends.
C C. IIouscl will move to Chicago
the middle of the month and Dr.
Hitchcock and bis mother will occupy
Mr. Houscl's property here.
William Petersen was down from
Lincoln last Saturday. Will has just
returned from a trip to New Mexico
and was much pleased with the country
News of the death of John Snod-
grass, a former well known resident
of Springfield, has been received. Mr.
Snodgrass" passsd away Sunday at his
summer home at Hubbard Springs,
M. L. Williams moved his family to
town Thursday. Mr. Williams found
that to live on a farm and look after
his elevator In town was up hill busi
ness. They occupy the Detrlch house
In the south part of town.
Lafe l'ettlt was the victim of a very
peculiar accident Thursday. He was
tishlngonthe l'lattc river with some
throw lines and In attempting to cast
ono into the water one of the hooks
caught In the index linger of his right
hand. lie was unable to remove it
and came to town and had It cut out
by a physician.
"Turn the Rascals Out" That the People
May Know for Once In Six Years
Where the Money Goes.
For six years the republican party
has controlled the legislative and ex
ecutive affairs of this state. They
have made the appropriations, equal
ized the assessments, made the levies,
collected the state taxes, and spent
the money. They have absolutely
controlled the finances and must be
held entirely responsible for the low
taxation on railroad property, the
high taxation on other property, in
creased state taxes levied upon the
various counties of the state and the
extravagant appropriations made by
the various legislatures. r
In DK)0 the amount of taxes charged
by the state board of equalization for
the maintenance of state government
was II, 208,984.94; this year, 1906, the
present state board (of which Searle
and Eaton, who are running for re
election, formed a partjhave Increased
the state taxes to the enormous sum
of t2.191.421.85; nearly a million dol
lars more. No reasonable argument
can be advanced for this high taxation
and it Is doubly aggravating when It
Is noted that 11,856,744.48 is contrib
uted by all other property and the
balance is assessed and will probably
not be paid, but fought by the rail
roads as In 1903, and later. State
taxes are steadily Increasing year by
year, with no decrease of the outstand
ing Indebtedness. Look at the figures
as shown by the state auditor's report:
State taxes, 1900 $1,208,984.94
1901 1.232,1191.92
" 1902 1,131,194.61
" 1903 1,513,316.38
" 1904 I,7ti8,(!75.24
1905.. 2,131,296.69
" 1906 2,191,421.85
So much for partisan politics, as
may be claimed, but there Is no dis
puting the above figures unless the
official books at Lincoln are wrong.
In Missouri there is a lively fight on
between the democrats and republi
cans, and taxation is one of the lead
ing questions. The Jefferson City
Tribune has ascertained the state levy
for the states in this Immediate vicin
ity, and here is the result:
Iowa, republican, 35 cents.
Nebraska, republican, 65 cents.
Illinois, republican, 52 cents.
Kansas, republican, 52 cents.
Missouri, democratic, 17 cents.
Is not that a lesson for the taxpay
ers? Nebraska the youngest state in
the group, pays by far the largest tax,
and almost four times as much as Mis
souri. Th.nk ot It, you who pay taxes.
When tho fuslonlsts were In power
in this state they reduced the state
debt and put tho outstanding war
rants at par. Since the republicans
have had charge of affairs they in
creased the debt. If the people want
to continue this system of financiering
all they have to do Is to vote the re
publican ticket. If they want the
taxes reduced then vote for the dcrn-
crats. "Hy their fruits shall you know
True and tried friends of the family
-DcWltt's Little Early Risers, llest
for results and best to take. Rosy
checks and sparkling eyes follow the
use of these dependable little pills
They do not gripe or sicken. Sold by
F. O. Frlcke & Co. and Gcrlng & Co.
Robust Women Who Owe Their Restored Health and
Usefulness to Peruna.
Read the Letters of Grati
tude From Women Who
Have Been Benefited
By Dr. ilartman's
A Multitude of Such Letters
Are Received Every Year.
Mrs. Carry Pedunl, Llnstad.N. Pak.,
"I take pleasure In telling you thai
through your wonderful medicine I
mm entirely cured of catarrh of the
stomach and pelvic organ.
"I w to rundown on account of my
illness that I could no longer attend to
my housework. I could not et or
sleep and had terrible pain in my back.
"1 took Peruna and in five monthi I
waa well. I have not felt so well for a
Ions time.
"I wish everyone who is sick would
take Peruna and thua recover their
"l Dare rerun a in tho house con
tinually. I thank you for all that you
have done for me."
A Medicine of Merit.
Miss Katie A. Washer, 1706 Prentice
treet, Louisville, Ky., writes:
"As mv exoerlenca hat heen mn
favorable from the use of Peruna, I
unhesitatingly state that I believe that
It Is a medicine of untuiestlnnerl merit
for all the Ills that we women suffer
"1 find that it strengthens and in
fuses new life Into tho system, and
whenever I feel rundown or over-tired,
n few doses of Feruna will strengthen
mo again."
Found a Friend In Need Pe ru na.
Mrs. Florence Altkcns, 1101 Front St.,
Toledo, Ohio, writes:
'Peruna cured me ot catarrh of the
uterus. I took about tour bottles when
I noticed an Improvement and five
bottles cured me.
"I do not know what I would have
been like to-day had I not obtained
Peruna, for I was In a terrible state.
"I had pains all over and was cross
and Irritable. I waa losing hope of ever
being well again.
"I am to-dava well vmnnii mut
tering tor Ulna month. I rmnnnt tell
you how happy I teel, but you will
"Peruna is the best medicine on earth.
"My husband is now taking It and I
will always keep Peruna in my house.
"Peruna is the best friend I ever had.
It cured me,"
Scores of Plittsnouth Citizens Hiti
Ltirned It.
If you suffer from backache, there Is
only one way to cure It, the perfect
way Is to cure the kidneys, a bad back
means sick kidneys, neglect it, urinary
troubles follow. Doan's Kidney Pills
are made for kidneys only. Are en
dorsed by Plattsmouth people.
Mrs. Alice Sharp, living at corner of
Third and Dyke streets, Plattsmouth,
Neb., says: "For a long time I had
trouble with my back and kidneys.
The pain across my loins was of a
drawing kind and It fairly seemed as
If it would pull me over at times. I
felt it ail through the loins and hips
down Into my limbs. I doctored and
tried various kinds of medicines but
nothing did me any good until about a
year ago when I procured Doan's Kid
ney Pills at Gerlng & Co.'s drug store.
They helped me from the very start
and In a short time brought positive
and complete relief from all pain and
distressing symptoms."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50c.
Foster-Mllburn Co., Ruffalo, N. Y
sole agents tor the United States.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Blood Poisoning
results from chronic constipation,
which Is quickly cured by Dr. King's
New Life Pills. They remove all
poisonous germs from the system and
Infuse new life and vigor; cure sour
stomach, nausia, headache, dizziness
and colic, without gripping or discom
fort. 2."c. Guaranteed by F. G.
Frlcke & Co., druggists.
"Dad's Side Partner."
Mazle Trumbull and her fun crowd of
laui:h-maklng comedians will be
seen In this city on Friday, October
12, l'.H)t, at the Parmclc. The vehicle
selected this season by Mr. Joe W.
Spears for the display of the little
lady's well known comedy talents Is a
comedy farce entitled "Dad's Side
Partner," which has tecn written ex
pressly for Miss Trumbull. It Is full
of quick action from start to finish,
there are no long stories to weary the
aildlcucc, its dlaloguo is at all times
crisp and unlike the majority of farce
comedies, It contains a reasonable plot
which holds Its Interest until the last
word Is spoken. Songs, dances and
other specialties are plentifully dis
tributed Into each act.
Dr, Elster, Dentls,
Waterman Block
complicate of
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America Is the Land of Nervous
The majority of women are nervous
because they suffer from some form of
pelvic catarrh.
The greatest obstacle in the way of re
covery is that they do not understand
that catarrh la the main source of their
Women who are in doubt as to their
ailments should write to Dr. Hartman,
President of The Hartman Sanitarium,
Columbus, Ohio, who will give their let
ters prompt attention, without charge.
Democratic Candidate.
The democratic county convention
held at Plattsmouth Wednesday saw
fit to nominate our fellow townsman,
L. F. Langborst, for representative,
and should it fall to the lot of a dem
ocrat to fill this responsible position
we know of no democrat we would
like to see elected more than Mr.
Langhorst. He Is one o our pioneer
business men, having conducted a very
successful general merchandise busi
ness In Elmwood for the past fifteen
years, and is a hustler in every sence
of the word. Lou is a mighty fine
fellow, excepting his democracy and
fondness for apples. During the past
four years Mr. Langhorst has made a
great apple and potato market for the
farmers of this community, during
which time he has paid them for ap
ples alone close to 120,000. Elmwood
Ree's Laxative Honey and Tar, the
original cough syrup, acts as a cathar
tic on the bowels. It is made from the
tar gathered from the pine trees of
our own country, therefore Is the best
for children. It Is good for coughs,
colds, croup, whooping cough, etc.
Try our free offer. Sold by Gerlng Si
Co.'s drug store.
-tJomon's Fains
'I was a total wreck," writes Mrs. Beulah
Rowley, of Champoeg, Oregon, "from pains I had
suffered, for 4 years, every month. Sometimes I
would be unconscious for 12 hours at a stretch. I
did not know that anything could stop the pain
entirely, but Wine of Cardui did. I advise all
women suffering with painful periods to use Car
dui and be relieved."
It docs this by regulating the functions and
toning up all the Internal female organs to health.
It is a pure, specific, reliable, female remedy, with
a record of 70 years of ,
success. It has bene
fited a million others.
Why not you? Try it.
Sold by Every Druggist in $1.00 Bottles.
." V.Utie Wash!
Miss Anna McGinn, 161 Plain street,
Providence, R. I., writes :
"I wish to let you know of the good
your medicine has done for me.
"I had what the doctors called heart
trouble. I had been doctoring for a
year before I tried your Peruna.
"I got a bottle of your Peruna and
after a week's use of it I began to feel
better. I could not eat, sleep, or work,
but 1 hare at last found that the medi
cine that will cure me is Peruna."
Don't allow money to lie around. It
is easier to spend It and easier
to lose it
bj keeping it in a safe place such as
The BanH of Cass County
Capital Stock 850,000, Surplus 116,000
Chug. C. l'armele. Pres., Jacob Trltscb, V-P.
T. M, Patterson, Cash.
You can give a check for any part of
it at any time and so have a receipt
for payment without asking for one.
When you have a bank account you
will be anxious to add to 1 1 rather than
spend from it. Don't you want to
know more about it.
Writ hi Irttar ducrlWnf ill
your nvmptums, nj will trnd you
hrr AJwi.ln plain ,flfj fnvflop.
AJJrfss: l.aJm' Advisory lfPitimnl,
The LlKtUnovti Mtdicin Lo., Clitu
nooga. lrnn.