The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 10, 1906, Image 4

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    The Plattsmouth Journal
It. A. MATES, Puklimirii.
nterwi at the ptMtoffloe at PlalUmoulh. Ne
braska, aiaoconili'laiu mitlcr.
TiiK democratic county ticket is
a winner.
TiiK man who worries alout the
wore will soon have a rest. So will
other icorle.
A m an in Nebraska City died af
ter eating a pound of Umbcrger.
The cheese was stronger than his
constitution. .' ..
li' you wont men in the next leg
islatttrc who will represent the true
interests of all the people you will
vote for Dr. Jester, I,. V. Langhost
ami 1 M. Massic.
Kvkk y unprejudiced voter knows
that it is not best to have the board
of commissioners so strongly repub
lican. Those who believe in this
vill vote for George W. Snyder, as
a matter of right and justice.
A I'Kominknt republican .stated
yesterday after the democratic
nominations were made, that it was
one of the best tickets ever put up
in Cass county. Some republicans
arc unbiased in telling the truth
It's pretty tough on President
Roosevelt to have to take possession
of Cuba just after declaring to the
South American republican that
"the American people entertain no
lust of annexation."
Tine re-election of Miss Teresa
Ilemnel for the fourth term as
Grant! Recorder of the Degree o
Honor is an honor bestowed up
on a most worthy lady and an cf
ficient and faithful official. Platts
mouth is proud of her.
Tins will be an off year for re
publicans. The farmers of this
county who have paid their taxes
during the past two years will re
member how promptly the railroads
refused to pay their taxes and still
refuse. How much better will the
state board of assessment be by
electing the present nominees on
the republican ticket. It will be
the same old dose only it will seem
more bitter to you. The farmers
of Nebraska should assist with their
votes and bring about a general
housecleaning all along the line.
You know the state needs it and by
your votes you arc in a position to
demand it.
Bryan in speaking of the fusion
nominee for governor of Nebraska
remarked with a feeling of glad
ness: "Shallenlcrger is a good
man and a true democrat. I hope
he will be elected, and I shall do
everything I can to help him." Do
you think Bryan would support a
"railroad candidate" as the repub
licans would have you believe Slial
lenbcrger is? Don't you think Mr.
Bryan knows how Mr. Shallcnbcr
gcr stand3 on all reform questions?
You know Bryan well enough to
know that he is firm and sincere
enough in his political work to not
give endorsement to any man, even
he be a democrat, who is not pure
politically, and a man fighting for
the righteous causes of reform.
The Choral Union of this city,
under the management Mrs. Lillian
K. Hasse, is a musical organization
that is intended to do the greatest
good to the greatest number of the
vocalists, both old and young of thi.
city. A.-t the Journal understands
it none of the singers of rialtsmouth
wire Inrroil from becoming members
of the Union, but it was originally
started tor the leneiit ot the younger
class from 14 years up, who are the
very ones who should take a deep
interest mi the instructions they re
ccive at these weekly gatherings.
Mrs. Hasse is a most excellent in
structor, and her efforts to improve
the vocal tallcnt of Plattsmouth
should le encouraged by a large
me- ip.
Tin; renovated Monroe doctrine
is very much like renovated butter.
It is a mighty mixture of rottenness
and coloring matter.
Tin- republican congressional
committee are seriously considering
whether it will not I better to ad
vise Old Joe Cannon with his vote
losing speech to keep to his own
congressional district. We hope
they won't do that. Send him to
Nebraska tohelpthe democrats out.
W. A. Poyntkr, former governor
of the state of Nebraska, is support
ing Mr. Sheldon for office this year.
This may and it may not be a good
thing for Candidate Sheldon. There
are a great many people who recall
V. A. Poynter as a man too small
for the job that he was entrusted
with. That's the nature of all ren
egades. The democrats of Cass county
will not be without a candidate for
senator but a few days, There are
too many good and capable men
within the ranks of the grand old
party in this county to let the va
cancy go by default. Then, again,
the opportunity to elect a full lcgis-
ature is too flattering. The Jour
nal will be able to announce the
audidate Monday or Tuesday.
Tm; New Yorkers are getting
alarmed overthe financial situation.
The Times says that in both the
city and the nation the percentage
of reserves to either loans or de
posits is lower than it has been
since the beginning of the era of
activity now in progress. Turning
over the United States Treasury to
Wall street doesn't mend matters
much, after all. It looks like the
result of Roosevelt's policy is to be
a panic.
hVERY corporation striker in
Nebraska is plugging for Sheldon
and the republican ticket, but we
do not know of a man who makes
politics a business and draws a sal
ary from a railroad, who is plug
ging for Shallenbcrgcr and the
democratic ticket. This fact proves
that the corporations desire the
success of the republican ticket be
cause It will give them the contro!
of the state board of equalization
and assessment. Sutton Register.
1M.ECT l. J. Doyle to congress
and you will elect a man every inch
a gentleman, and. one who stands
up for honest government and
against corporation control of our
congressmen. How do you expect
to get the reins of government out
of the hands of express companies,
railroads and other like corpora
tions if you continue to vote for
such salary-grabbers as Easy Mon
ey Pollard? A vote for T. J. Doyle
means a vote for the proper man
for congress. Turn the rascals out
and elect men who are for honest
government, who do not believe in
filching money from the United
States treasury when not entitled
to same.
When Deitrich made a "blun
der" in his high office a few years
ago 'twas hoped the cup of bitter
ness, mortification and humiliation
of Nehraska would not be filled any
fuller and that her sons sent forth
to represent her in the future would
take heed and bring no more dis
grace upon her fair name; that in
the nation's capital they would
measure up fully to the standard
of morality and honesty set by her
citizens. Such was not to be how
ever and we have had the spectacle
of another representative being
branded so that all men seeing him
would know he had lccn found
wanting in the basic principles of
honesty, and Kasy Money Pollard
of our own conntv of Cass, who
brags of taking $1,900 that did not
belong to him, will go down in his
tory as another very cheap politi
To HKi.r out the Wall street
speculators Secretary Shaw has
deposited $26,000,000 more with
the favored national banks without
interest. This makes a total of
$153,971,091 on deposit with the
banks on the same favorable tcrnrs.
But then this is a reform administration.
Thk government is proceeding
carefully, says the Washington
Tost, in dealing with the Standard
Oil trust case. Yes, that is the
trouble; the administration is too
careful with the trusts.
Str pose Katon and Searle should
be elected to succeed themselves as
members of the state board of as
sessment. Does any voter in Ne
brxska believe Katon and Searle
would raise the valution in railroad
property? Not on your life.
George Sheldon should be giv
en credit for one stunt he has made
in this campaign. He had sense
enough to refuse to meet Shallen
berger in joint debate upon rail
road regulation, taxation, or any
other reform issue. That little tilt
down at Syracuse was enough for
Speaker Cannon declares he is
not a candidate for the presidency,
for if the house is not republican
there will be little chance for a re
publican candidate to be elected
president." That looks as if Old
Joe was very dubious of the election
of a republican majority of congress
and should spur democrats to their
utmost to elect Hon. T. J. Doyle,
the democratic candidate in First
district, than whom no better man
for the place can be found in the
district. Remember that the result
of the election may be so close that
one vote in this district may deter
mine the complexion of the organ
ization of the next house of repre
sentatives. As will be seen by a card else
where in this issue, Mayor Gering
declines the nomination for state
senator, tendered him so unani
mously by the democrats of Cass
county in convention last Wednes
day. Mr. Gering was not at home
at the time the nomination was
made, but ere he departed for
Hastings, he told several of his
intimate friends that he could not
accept any position for other than
political reasons. Henry R. Ger
ing, we all know, has done valiant
work for the party in the past, and
his declination for the position
which he is so abundantly able and
capable to fill, is no indication that
he will not accept a place in the
ranks of the democratic party of
Cass county and fight its battles
just as hard as though he were on
the ticket as a candidate. He has
served several terms as chairman
of the democratic central com
mittee, and not only worked un
ceasingly for the success of the
ticket, but assisted lavishly of his
own means in defraying campaign
expenses, l he Journal is satisfied
Mr. Gering could be elected, but
at this time urgent businessmatters
deter him from making the race.
No one, who understands the
situation can blame Mr. Gering for
his action in the matter.
Tlit Tariff Business.
All dictionaries agree that a tariff
is a tax.
A high tariff is a higher tax.
What is a "protective tarifl?"
It is a high tax under a mislead
ing name.
The word "protective" is the su
gar coating on the pill. It is fixed
that way to induce the people to
swallow it readily.
If it is a "protective" tariff whom
docs it protect?
It protects the high prices of the
millionaire manufactures, the trust
magnate, the Standard Oil company,
etc. They never drop.
Does the high tarifl (high tax)
make the prices of farm products
go up? Hardly. Wheat has drop
ped more than 25 cents a bushel in
the last few months.
Some republicans said when wheat
was high, that the republican high
tariff tax put it up.
If it did, why didn't it keep it at
a high price?
The tax is just the same, but the
price of wheat is not.
Have the prices of manufactured
articles taken a drop?
Not that anyone can notice.
What is the conclusion?
There can only be one conclu
siou that the tariff makes the con
sumer pay more for all manufactur
ed articles, but docs not help him
to get a better price for the pro'
ducts of the soil.
Sli Ycirs of Republics Control.
For six years the republican par
ty has controlled the legislative and
executive affairs of this state. They
have made the appropriations,
equalized the assessments, made
the levies, collected the state taxes,
and spent the money. They have
absolutely controlled the finances
and must be held entirely respon
sible for the low taxation on rail
road property, the high taxation,
on all other property, the in
creased state taxes levied upon the
various counties of the state and
the extravagant appropriations
made by the various legislatures.
In 1900 the amount of taxes
charged by the state board of equal
ization for the maintainance of
state government was $1,208,
984.94; this year, 1906, the present
state board (of which Searle and
Fat on, who are running forre-elee
tion, formed a part) have increased
the state taxes to the enormous sum
of $2,191,421.85; nearly a million
dollars more. No reasonable argu
ment can be advanced for this high
taxation and it is doubly aggravat
ing when it is noted that $1,856,-
7H.48 is contributed by all other
property and the balance is assessed
and will probably not be paid, but
fought by the railroads as in 1903,
and later. State taxes are steadily
increasing year by year, with no
decrease of the outstanding indebt
edness. Look at the figures as
shown by the State Auditor's re
State taxes, 1900. .. .$1,208,984.94
1901.... 1,232,391.92
1902.... 1,131,194.61
1 1
1 1
1 1
1903.... 1,513,316.38
1904.... 1,768,675.24
1805.... 2,131,296.69
1906.... 2,191,421.85
The following is the list of the
officers elected by the Grand Lodge
of the Degree of Honor, in session
at Hastings this week: Grand
Chief of Honor, Mary Latky, of
Lexington; Grand Lady of Honor,
Maria Smith, of Holdredge; Grand
Chief of Ceremonies, Emma Smith,
of St. Edwards; Grand Recorder,
Teresa Hempel, of Plattsmouth;
Grand Receiver, Katie Schmitt, of
Omaha; Grand Usher, Castello
Foot, of Hastings; Grandjlnner
Watch, Marion Mason, Long Pine;
Grand Outer Watch, Carrie Lang,
Geneva. Mary Miller of Diller,
Mary Latky of Lexington, and
Adelia Harding of Hebron, were
chosen Superior Lodge Representa
tives in the order named. Dr. Ada
Ralston, of South Omaha, was
elected Grand Medical Examiner.
Do Too Beliefs?
Do you believe railroad freight
rates are too high in Nebraska?
Do you believe passenger rates
ought to be reduced to two cents
per mile?
Do you believe township assess
ors ought to be elected and not ap
pointed? Do you believe the entire pass
system and every branch of it,
ought to be wiped out by law?
Do you believe the legislature
ought to give the new railroad com
mission power to fix rates?
There is only one way by which
the people of Cass county can prove
that they believe in these things.
They can prove it by working and
voting for the election of demo
cratic candidates for the legislature
in Cass county.
These men are pledged to cast
their votes in the legislature for
bills to bring about these reforms.
It will be idle to say that we be
lieve iu such reform legislation un
less we work and vote for the elec
tion of legislative candidates who
will favor such legislation. These
candidates have promised that they
will do all they can to bring about
legislation of the character above
indicated. They are men of their
word. They can be trusted.
What will the republican candi
dates promise to do?
The republican spellbinders will
have a hard job to convince the
voters that advancing prices and
stationary incomes is prosperity
for them, if it is of the utmost ad
vantage to the tariff protected
If we were not afraid that we I
might be criticised for getting into
partisan politics, we would like to
ask Candidate Sheldon how he is
going to secure better freight rates
for farmers by "standing by the re
publican candidates," when the re
publican party has had control of
the state for all the years in which
the abuses complained of have
grown up. But we are not running
a partisan paper, and if the people
like to be stuffed like the wrapper
of a sausage, we know no machine
that can grind the filling into them
better than Candidate Sheldon.
Beatrice Sun.
If the people of Cass county de
sire their interests well looked after
impartially, they will vote for Geo.
W. Snyder for county commission
er. Situated as he is on the east
side of the county, locality should
be in his favor, while the west side
already have two republican mem
bers of that body. It is no more
than right that the minority party
should be represented where all
the people are interested. Besides
Mr. Snyder is one of the best men
in Cass county for the position.
News from different sections of
the First congressional district, in
dicate the election of T. J. Doyle to
succed Salary-grabber Pollard, and
that the friends "Kasy Money,'
are becoming greatly alarmed over
the outlook. Mr. Doyle is a gentle
man who makes friends wherever
goes, while there is a sort of "frost"
pervades the atmosphere wherever
the $1,900 salary-grabber puts in
an appearance.
Taxing ourselves to help the for
eigners seems to be Secretary
Shaw's idea of one of the advant
ages of the trust-protecting tariff
Now it used to be the republican
cry that the foreigner paid the tax,
but times have evidently changed,
or have the exigencies of politics
compelled them according to the
cold-blooded Shaw to sing a differ
ent tune?
No wonder Speaker Cannon
had a chill when in Maine, he evi
dently had a premonition of the
coolness of the voters towards the
republican standpat candidates
He will strike more frosty weather
before November.
What are we going to do with
Cuba? Santo Domingo next.
Then Venesuela.
Osteooathic Physician
Ckrmlo DImmm Specialty
Coatei Block, room 23 and 22. Offlce bottn
t to 12 a. m., 1 to & p. m. and 7 to 9 p. m. by ap
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at Perkins Hotel.
All kinds of Dental work. Plate made that
It. W year experience. Prices reasonable.
Work guaranteed.
OFFICE Fitsoirald Block.
Purc Groceries
The requisites with us are qual
ity, purity, freshness. We cater
to tlioso who Insist on a health
ful standard or living. Tho
best sod people are the happiest
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(or you to be amount the num
ber for wc eliminate tho extra
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better for less money than
thoso who buy elsewhere.
A. G. Bach & Co.
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With some people smoking is a
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We use only the best tobaccos
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Cool and Refreshing
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Proprietor Plattsmouth
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Dell Phone 25 Platts Phone 22
, V 1