THE CITY. PLATTSMOUTH AMD VICINITY. From Krlil' Unlly. 1kii Vallcry was a business visitor In the metropolis this morning. Misses Florence and Helen Waugh of Lincoln are visiting with friends In this city. John McNurlln who has been out to Louisville the past few day returned home this morning. Sheriff C. I. Qulnton was out In the vicinity of Murray yesterday after noon to serve some papers. James Newell and wife came In from Alliance, Neb., laat eveotog for a visit with relatives In this city. Mrs. Geo. Kempster, who has been visiting In the city, the guest of the family of her brother, Thos. Kemp ater, departed this afternoon for her home In Little Uock, Ark. Dr. Kent Hasting, wife and son, Wynne and daughter Miss Margery arrived last evening from Cleveland, Ohio, for a visit with the family of Jlr, Hastings cousin, Judge II. P. Travis. A.S. Will departed this afternoon for his ranch near Akron, Colo. He expects to ship several cars of cattle to his place near Mynard, where he will feed them before sending them to market. Miss L. 0. Ballard of Oilier and Mrs. J. C. McClayof Falrbury, who have been enjoying a visit with the family of their brother, It. K. Ballard, de parted this morning for their respec tive homes. In the case of the First National bank of this city vs. the estate of Fredrick 1. LehnholT, deceased, the supremo court has reversed the dc clslon of the district court and the cause was remanded for a new trial. In police court today, John Lassny was arraigned before tho Judge on a charge of driving his wife away from home. He plead guilty, was assessed 10 and costs, and after receiving some advice from the Judge, was allowed to return home. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Horn, living southwest of town, are rejoicing over the advent of a baby girl at their home Wednesday morning, October 3 The little one, we hope, will live to be a great comfort to her parents as old age comes creeping on. House, as he Is known In Cass county, homesteaded near Crecnwood In IW7. He went to Nuckolls county In 1S8X but has always been Interested m the development of old Cass. Noel B. IUwl8,tbe Journal reporter, who has been off duty for the past month on account of his eyes, and en tered upon tils duties last Monday morning, Is compelled to lay off again today from the same complaint. It Is hoped that by remaining Indoors and taking treatment today and tomorrow he will be able to report for duty Monday morning. which I'lace site will enjoy a vKlt with her sister, Mrs. Andy Morrow. Jas. Speck accompanied his daugh ter, Miss Nannie, tu Omaha thU( morning, where she expects to enter a j hospital and receive treatment for an affliction of her ear. I II. M. Darker went tuO.naha this i morning to accompany home his brother, Horatio, who underwent an operation for appendicitis about two weeks ago In the Immanuel hospital. Mrs. Frank l'eacock, who has been enjoying a visit with the family of her son, Chas., departed this morning for Kansas City, where she will spend a few days before returning to her home In Hlgginsvllle, Mo. From PitturcUy'f Unlly. Mrs. A. F. Scybcrt of Cullom was a visitor In l'lattsmouth today. Mrs. Clay Connor of Elm wood Is In the city as the guest of Mrs. Ferry Utterback. Orlando Tcfftof A voca Is In the city today attending, to legal matters-In court. Noel Tyson of Kim wood came In this morning to spend the day with old school friends. Chas. Patterson of Arapahoe came In last evening to visit a few days with relatives and friends. Catherine Dovey and Kllen Pollock are taking In "Forty-five Minutes from Broadway" at Omaha today. Kd. White who have been attend ing the state university came down last evening to spend Sunday with his parents. The motion for a rehearing tf the Murdock bank case was overruled by the supreme court yesterday. Thlsset tics the matter for once and for all. Fred Wynn, we learn, Is now at work in the Burlington shops at Sheridan, Wyoming, In the blacksmith depart ment. He Is well pleased and In better health than he has enjoyed for some time. Akogl, a Japanese student of the state university came down from Lin coln this morning to make a study of the large Burlington bridge at this place. K. O. Streeter and wife of Central City, Nebraska, who have been visit ing his brother-in-law, Kd. Mason, and wife, the past week, left this morning for their home. Ambrose Ncllghwas In the city over night visiting his "chums." He came to Omaha to sec the fun, and thought he would come on down to his old home. "1'cte" is working on the Tost at Fullcrton, Neb. Frank Smith, one of the Journal's intelligent compositors, accompanied by Grosvcnor Dovey, were passengers on No. " for Omaha. They will take In the play, "Forty-live Minutes from Broadway.' Mrs. Hans Goos and children left this afternoon for their home In Plain view, Neb., after a very pleasant visit with relative! and friends for a week. Her husband preceded her and they will meet in Omaha, where they take the Northwestern railroad for home. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bouse of Esborn, Kansas, are visiting with the family of their son, E. L. Rouse. John D. From Mondav'ttDikily. Mrs. J. W. Gamble departed last night for Union, where she is assist ing in some school work. Mr. J. W. Brewster, ofilclal court reporter, came In this morning from Lincoln to attend the remainder of the present term of the district court. He was Informed that Judge Jessen had adjourned court until the 22nd, and he returned to Lincoln this after noon. Mr. A. J. Ingrim and wife, the for mer agent for the Burlington road at Salem, Iowa, who came in the latter part of last week for a short visit with the family of M. S. Brlggs, departed Saturday for Denver and other Colo rado points, where they will visit for a week before returning home. Wm. Stadleman and wife of I Kear ney came In Saturday evening to spend Sunday with his parents. Grandpa and Grandma Stadleman will cele brate their golden wedding next Wed nesday by visiting with their grand son, Paul, who is In the hospital for treatment. "Billy" and wife thought they would celebrate the event by vis iting the old folks over Sunday. John Melslnger, living near Mynard, brought to the Journal olllcc several samples of potatoes last Saturday, that will undoubtedly compare favorably with any potatoes raised in Cass coun ty this year for size and quality. Mr. neiBinger also left a branch from a buckeye tree, on which were several full-grown buckeyes, which docs away with the Idea that buckeye trees can not survive In this county. Mr. J. M. Ilowland, a machinist at the Dead wood Burlington shops, and a former Plattsmouth boy, arrived in the city last evening for a brief visit with friends. lie was accompanied by Uoadmaster J. A. Strombcrg, of the Dead wood division, and both gentle men favored the Journal with a call, accompanied by Prof. Eddie Schulhof, of Glenwood. Messrs. Ilowland and Strombcrg came In from Dead wood to visit Ak-Sar-Ben, and left this after noon for Denver, where they will take In the sights a few days before return ing home. From Tm-ndity's Dally Gottlieb Sprleck of Stanton, Neb., Is In town for a few weeks visit with his many friends and relatives in Cass county. Sheriff (julnton departed for points over In the west end of the county to day to serve some papers and put up election proclamations. J. W. Manners was In the city a short time last evening, and let the light of his good natured countenance beam In upon the Journal force. The sheriff has received a card from the authorities at Lincoln, offering a reward of 175 for the capture and con viction of the thief who stole a sad dle mare off of the street of that city a few days ago. Our friend, George W. Shrader, one of the prominent farmers of Cass county, was In the city today for the first time In several weeks. For over a month Mr. Shrader was a very sick man, but the Journal Is more than pleased to see him out and looking so well after the siege he went through. Mrs. D. O. Hewett, who has been visiting friends here for a few day?, and whose home was formerly at Have- lock, departed for her present home In McCook, today. Mr. Hewett Is an old employe of the Burlington, and has been railroading for about thirty years. He Is at present an employe of the machine shops at McCook. Mrs. J. W. Holmes and Miss Gussle Bobb of Murray were visiting In the county scat last evening. It Is a source of regret to the many friends of the family of II. A. Schncl iter to learn that they have been placed under the quarantine rcstrlc lions, on account of diphtheria. "Gut Hell," the favorite cigar. Dr. Marshall, Dentist, Coats' Block. W. II. Coombs of Akron, Colo., is visiting in the city. C. S. Polk went to Llncaln on legal business this afternoon. Byron Clark made a business trip to Lincoln this afternoon. D. O. Dwyer went to Lincoln this morning on legal business. T. E. Parmele was looking after business In Omaha this afternoon. II. N. Dovey was a business pasen ger for the metropolis on the fast mall. A. W. Beach of Weeping Water was a business visitor In the county seat today. Mrs. Grace Thomas and Mrs. Ed. Todd were among the Omaba visitors today. Mrs. Martha Hestcn and Mrs. Ag nes McCardle of Omaha were In the city on business today. John Thomas and Fred Melslnger were among the nassenirers for the metropolis this morning. Frank Schlatcr and Ed. Fitzgerald departed last evening on a business trip to Forest City, Mo. Geo. Lohnes, a prosperous farmer in the vicinity of Eight Mile Grove, was in town today on business. Mrs. W. 1). Wheeler and daughter, Miss Lillian, were among the passen gers for Omaha this afternoon. Kob't Windham, who has been en Joying a visit with home folks, re turned this morning to Arapahoe. Gus R. Olson went to Vllllsca, la., this morning to do some photograph work for the people In that vicinity. Mrs. Jack Pearce who has been visit ing with friends in this city, departed this afternoon for her home In Lin coln. The many friends of the family of II. A. Schneider will be pleased, to learn that their little son, Carl is Im proving. f : I M. S. Brlggs and family, who have been attending a golden wedding an niversary in Salem, la., returned home last evening. Joe Stucker, who has been visiting with County Recorder II. A. Schnei der, departed this afternoon for his home In Kremlin, Okla. Jas. Newell and wife returned last night from FalrHeld, la., where they enjoyed a visit with Mr. and Mr?, Ilenry Snyder. John, and the twin brothers, Byron and Burton Gorton, have been con fined at home for some time with In termittent fever. Mrs. McElroy and four children who have made their home in this city for some time, departed this afternoon for San Francisco, Calfornla, where they will reside. Dr. S. R. Patten, W. R. Butler, su perintendent of the Burlington mall service, and R. L. Kendall, a Union Pad tic mall clerk, were In the city to day to Inspect the mall catching dev ice, patented by the first named gentleman. From Vihicilny'i dully. J. D. Sumner of Eagle was In the county scat on bdsincss today. Miss May Gallery returned to her home near Mlnard today, after attend ing the Patterson-Dovey wedding last evening. Mrs. c. F. Vallcry departed this morning for Burwell, Neb., near One Cold anafinoifier The season's first cold may be slight may yield to early treatment, but the next cold will hang on longer; it will be more troublesome, too. Un necessary to take chances on that second one. Scott's Emulsion is a preventive as well as a cure, lake WS EMI! when colds abound and you'll have no cold. Take it when the cold is contracted and it checks inflamma tion, heals the membranes of the throat and lungs and drives the cold out. Snt for frtt tmptt. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists 401-411 rearl Strrrl. Xrw Trk SOcantf 11.00 Alldrutflrtt EVEY2Siln Coo-pets, Rugs, Draperies and Curtains CARPETS AND LINOLEUMS! CARPETS! Never before have we have shown such a large assortment of all grades in all grades in beautiful decorative effects from the cheapest .to the best Ingrains,- inboth-2and3-ply. -Velvet Brussels and Axminsters. LINOLEUMS! Our stock of Linoleums comprises some splendid pat terns in the 6 and 12 foot wide. Some beauties, and just the thing for your kitchen or dining room. Floor oil cloth in 1, and 2 yards wide. Domestic Rugs! Some handsome patterns in the 9x12 size at $13 50 $16.50. $17.50, $19.00 and $24.00. These are all GOOD ONES.1 ' ' 2 SHOES HOSIERY We have just gotten in a full line of the' We have an endless variety of Hosiery, famous Red School House Shoes for To provide for your wants we buy Hoys, Misses and Children. These from one of the largestjhosiery con are the Best ever, and while they cerns in the United States, assuring cost a little more than the ordinary us the best things at the lowest shoe, the quality more than pays the prices. And the benefits that we difference of first cost. get we give to you. New Fall Dress Goods, Silks and Trimmings TOVEY DC DC 30 Weeping Water Krom the Herald. Mm w A.PniOizer and two chil dren, of Newklrk, Okla , arrived here Monday evening, and will visit wun relatives until after Christmas. Dr. J. B. Hungate Is making prepar ation to take a post graduate course in St. Louis, and Dr. Harger will care for this practice during his absence. Geo. Close has been quite sick of late, and it Is expected that he will be taken to the Military Home for care as soon as word Is recti ved as to his admittance. Mrs. Charles Phllpot has moved to town and rented the Mrs. Corbet house on Eldora Ave. She wants to school her son, and as Mr. Fhilpotte out on the ranch so much, she thought It bast to reside in town. . One of those very happy weddings which It Is a pleasure to make men tion of, occurred in Omaha last Wed nesday. Dan W. Cotner and Hattle A. Durlleld, both of Weeping Water, were united in marriage. The groom registered as 53 and the bride at 43 years. They arrived borne Thursday night and are keeping house on the South side. The new switchboard fur the Inde pendent station Is now in place, and will accommodate 300 'phones besides the farm lines. It Is a dandy and gives good service. There Is one mis take, we believe, and that Is the board ought to have been large enough for 400 phones, as It will soon be tilled, but the telephone company are entitled to much praise for the excellent service. James P. Johnson's little girl, aged about eight years, met with quite a serious accident last Thursday. She was riding on a wagon with Feter Olson who was hauling a load of oats, when she tumbled off and one hind wheel of the wagon run over her body, breaking the collar bone and bruising her quite badly. She Is reported as recovering. Farmers, mechanics, lallroaders, laborers rely on Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil. Takes the sting out of cuts, burns, or bruises at once. Pain can not stay where it Is used. Barn Burned. The barn of Mrs. M. Kennedy, two and three-fourth miles north of town burned Monday night. It is not known how It caught fire, but is supposed to be the work of an Incendiary, or the result of of some one sleeping there. No stock of any kind was In the barn. It was a large structure and Is quite a lost-Weeping Water Ilerald. Bilious? Feel heavy after dinner? Tongue coated? Bitter taste? Com plexion sallow? Liver needs waking up. Doan's Regulets cure bilious attacks. 2c at any drugstore. Would Not Listen, Joseph Chamberlain, the nearly all mlght premier of England, is on his death bed. His physicians tried for a long time to persuade him to change his unhygienic way of living and to do some physical exercise, but he would not listen. It is the same with nearly all of us; we wish to enjoy life and de pending on our. previous health and strength will never listen to a sound advice, until nature will stop us. To preserve our health, It is only neces sary to pay some attention to our body and to Its functions. As soon as the slightest irregularity Is noticed, especlall loss of appetite, change in the complexion, coated tongue, disin clination to work, Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine should be used which will cut the attack of the ap proaching disease short. It acts di rectly on the stomach and the Intes tines and builds new blood. Your omplexlon will be made healthy nd rosy. At drug stores. Jos. Triner, 799, So. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. If an article Is imitated the origi nal is always the best. Think It over, and when you go to buy that box of salve to keep around the house, get DeWltt'a Witch Hazel Salve. It is the original and the name Is stamped on every box. Good for eczema, tet ter, bolls, cuts and bruises, and especi ally recommended for piles, Sold by F. G. Frlcke & Co. and Gerlng & Co. WW 8 0 jS;' if 1 am BUY it MW THIS is the season when everybody commence to 1 look around for their fall and winter clothing. The early buyer usually gets the choice of the new styles, and the best goods. We would there fore suggest that you Call at our Store Early in the ; Season s . and let us show you the many new '.things wc have in Men's and Hoys' Clothing, and everything in their wearing apparel from shoes to the hat. Our line this season in every department is much larger than ever before, and wc earnestly request you to call and "look us over." , , " Wm. Holly i