The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 10, 1906, Image 1

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Short Paragraphs Prepared and Purloined
Far tbi Readers ol tbi Jounal.
The frost Is on the pumpkin,
And the fixUWr' In the Hliock.
Virtue becomes a vice as you begin
to boast ot it.
' Sometimes a man's warmest friend
is his cold cash.
Only a foolish person is sensitive to
the ridicule of a fool.
The phonograph Isn't to blame If it
has a bad record.
Much of the queerness affected by
humanity is cultivated.
With some men life Is but a hog
path leading to the cemetery.
Sarcasm is a weapon that' should be
drawn only in self-defense.
Hard facts do not always make an
impression on a soft headed man.
Probably more Intellectual women
would marry if they were asked.
Occasionally we encounter a wise
man who causes us to admire a fool.
A woman cares not who has the first
word provided she has the rest of them
Other things are as scarce as the
teeth of a hen a rooster's for Instance
Every time a man gets it in the
neck, he realizes how little he amounts
The watermelon season is about
over, yet there are a few on the mar
A bird in the bush Is worth three In
the hand if the game warden catches
When a woman gives a man a piece
of her mind he doesn't appreciate the
You need not fear that a man can't
hear a word of cheer if it's pronounced
Toe Supreme Court Sends the Matter
Back (or i New Trial.
Seens to bt the Only Cause for Sending;
the Cast Back Here.
A special from Lincoln contains the
following: "In the case of John Se-
besta and others against the Supreme
Court of Honor, the question of pay
ment on a policy of insurance where
the case ot death wts alleged to be
suicide, is involved. . The state su
preme court holds against the lodge,
reversing the judgment from the dis
trict court of Cass county, saying that
to avoid payment on the policy the
fraternal society must prove that the
policy holder committed suicide In
tentionally. Sebasta accompllscd his
suicide by soaking match heads in
water and drinking the lluld." The
readers of the Journal perhaps remem
bertheclrcumstancessurrounding this
suicide, if suicide It was. It would
have been hard at the timo to have
convinced the neighbors of the vlcini
ty In which he resided in this city, that
it was not Intentional suicide. The
deed was committed four years ago
and the case has been hanging lire In
courts ever since suit was brought.
The case Is sent back to the lower
court for anewtrialon account of
some descripencies In the evidence
needed from Bohemia. The olllcers in
that country failing to have the wit
nesses properly sworn.
Another important ruling of the
same court is in the case of Dennis A.
Weddinf at Eagle.
Mr. lUedrleh Rutland Miss Alber-
tina Wenel were united In marriage
in the presence of many of their
friends at the north German church
in Eagle on Tuesday, Oct. 2, Ret.
Haak officiating in a very solemn and
impressive manner. The happy couple
then retired to the home of the bride
and were tendered a hearty reception
by relatives and friends. Wednesday
morning they took the train for Lan
caster, Kansas, and In a few days will
return to their farm home near town.
Eagle Beacon.
Driscoll against the Modern Brother
Even a graceful man looks ridiculous hood of America the court holds that
when he attempts to pat himself on
the back.
Ia the case of the police magistrate,
tome one has remarked that his work
is a fine art.
Only the wise girl selects for a bus
band a man whose mother didn't know
Don't make yourself common; the
world only sets up and takes notice of
the uncommon
Follow the dictates of your conscience
and It's doughnuts to fudge you'll
never land in jail.
Even the young man who is able to
hold bis own may prefer to hold the
hand of a pretty girl.
A woman is always wanting a man
to tell her that he loves her and she
doesn't believe him If he does.
All cases of sickness that are conta
gious should be reported to the proper
authorities to prevent spreading
A woman can do a thing she doesn't
want to do without making unprint
able remarks, but few men can do it
It is about time some of those side'
walks on South Sixth street are being
put In condition. Don't wait till cold
"Jack the Hugger," has not com
mitted any more of his depredations
since lying in jail for a short time for
so doing.
Girls who make a practice of walk
log the streets after night, are evl
dently not afraid of "Jack the Hug
irer." or any other person, for that
But for the headache a man has In
the morning he probably wouldn't re
member the good time he had the
night before.
What this town needs now Is men
who talk less and do more work, that
their families may not suffer when Old
Winter Is here
The Ice-man continues to make the
chunk he leaves at your door a little
larirer each morning as Old Winter
comes creeping on.
The man who finds fault with neigh
bors and everybody else, will soon be
visiting the merchant with glib tongue
and occupying a chair at the stove
Intended for customers, and not loaf
Several young girls continue to loiter
in the postoffice lobby nearly every
evening when they should beat home
Thcv should remember that such is
prohibited by the postotllce depart
The "thing" that sat on the steps
Of the riattsmouth State bank the
other nlL'ht emiac-cd In cursing the
town, and almost everybody In it,
should be asked to pack his duds and
get out.
The dlptherla is one of the severest
diseases that could possibly a ill let any
community, and as there seems to be
several cases In our midst our citizens
should be very careful and prevent Its
spreading If possible.
the secretary of a subordinate lodge
has no power to bind It in accepting
payment of dues where ordinary con
ditlon8 have not been complied with.
The ruling is that where the const! tu
tlon of the association requires the in
ltlatlon of a member before he is en
entitled to a beneficiary certificate, tbe
delivery of such a paper by the local
secretary In advance of the ceremonial
does not operate as a waiver on the
part of the order. Driscoll obtained
a $3,000 policy In that manner on April
30, 1904, after paying his membership
fees. On May 19, following, be met
with an accident which destroyed his
eyesight. In the meantime tbe fees
he had paid In were remitted to the
head officials of tbe order, but he was
not Initiated till two months later
nis claim for indemnity was rejected
on the ground that liability on the
certificate bad not commonccd at the
time of the accident, and the money
he had paid in was tendered back to
him. The case came up from Lincoln
In Honor of the Bride-to-Be.
Miss Florence Dovey delightfully en
tertained a number of her young lady
friends at her home on North Fifth
street Friday. It was in the form
of a "kitchen shower" upon hercousln
Miss Elizabeth Dover, who is to be
wedded next Tuesday.
Tbe Invited guests assembled at the
home last evening at five o'clock, and
Immediately sat down to an elegant
four course dinner. After dinner they
showered Miss Elizabeth with useful
kitchen utensils, ranging from a par
ing knife to a dish pan.
Various games were played and one
especially was arranged to tax the
knowledge of the bride-to-be. Tbe
young ladies were asked to see how
many kitchen utensils they could
name. Miss Florence White succeed
ed in naming the most and the bride
to-be in naming the least.
Several musical numbers were rcn
dered during the evening by the guests
and at a late hour they all departed
after spending a very social evening.
Committee Meeting.
The democratic county central com
mlttce Is hereby called to meet
Louisville, on Friday, October 12, inoo
for the purpose of placlngon thecoun
ty ticket a candidate for state sen a
tor, in place of II. It. Bering, who, on
account of private business matters,
refused to make the race. As other
business of Importance will alsb come
up for action, It is highly Important
that every member of the committee
be present. W. B. Hanxinh,
M. A. Batks, Chairman.
Will Fight of Akron, Colorado, who
Is accompanying a car load of horses
to New York, shipped from Colorado
was visiting in tho city today. He
left the horses at Lincoln, and ex
pects them to pass here sometime this
evening, wben he will finish the trip
tiling of Interstate Commerce Commis
sion Pronounced "Ridiculous."
Newspapers are interested In a ri
diculous ruling made by the Inter
state Commerce commission. This
forbids the exchange of newspaper ad
vertising space for railroad transpor
tation, even when both are given at
the full rates. The great newspapers
will probably welcome the ruling, as
It will compel the railroads to pay
in cash for all their publicity, but
thousands of little newspapers scat
tered throughout the country, which
have always exchanged advertising
space at regular rates ror raiiroau
transportation, will rebel against the
ruling of tho commission. All -these
papers have a lixed price fur their ad
vertislng space, and It has been the
custom for them to exchange this
space not only for railroad transpor
tatlon, but for duebills on hotels and
merchandise accounts. When the great
annual gatherings of the National
Editorial association are held, hun
dreds of the delegates pay for their
transportation to the place of the con
ventlon by an exchange of space at
regular rates. What there is ufalr or
in the way of discrimination In this Is
beyond comprehension. The news
papers have something to sell, and so
have the railroads. Newspapers could
pursue the roundabout course of sell
ing space to the railroads, receiving
checks or cash in payment, and turn
ing tbe money back into the railroad
office for tickets, but this circumlo
cution is unnecessary when Inter
changeable values or commodities are
involved. The ruling of the Inter
state Commerce commission, there
fore, Is utterly indefensible. We have
no doubt that the newspapers will
voice their opinion of the matter in
way that will be heard at Washington
before the next session of congress.
Mitt Jotephlne Svoboda Entertain
Miss Josephine Svoboda delightfully
entertained a number of her friends
Friday, at the home of J. J. Svo-
bona, jr. It was a farewell party
honor of Miss Marie Nesladek, of Iaw
son, Neb., who has been visiting for
some time past at tbe Svoboda home
During the evening various social
games were Indulged In and a general
good time was enjoyed by all. Janda
orchestra, consisting of the following
musicians, Frank, John and Slava
Janda and Roy Holly, furnished the
music ror the occasion, wiiicn was
highly appreciated.
At the proper time the hostess In
vited the following guests to partake
of refreshments: Josle, Anna and
Marie Ptack; Jesse and Joe Warga
Anna and Louis Janda; Frank and Tom
Svoboda: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hibe
and the Janda orchestra.
The hostess was assisted in enter
talningthe guestsby W. J. Bookmeyer
and wife and J. J. Svoboba and wife
At a late hour tbe guests departed
bidding Miss Nesladek farewell and
wishing that many more such pleasant
evenings could be spent together this
Dittrict Court
Judge Jessen returned to his home
Friday, leaving the matter of Mc
Cullough vs Dunn In the hands of the
jury. The Jury was out all night, and
nearly all day and at the hour of going
to press have"agreed to disagree, "and
have been discharged.
Two Cent a Mile.
The sentiment for a Hat rate of two
cents a mile passenger fare Is growing
throughout the country and it will be
only a few years before that uniform
rate will be generally adopted, the
time of its adoption in Nebraska will
depend largely on the verdict of the
people In the approaching election.
Do they want a two cent passenger
rate In Nebraska? If they do they
can get It by electing the democratic
ticket, whose candidates aro pledged
for it.
If the people do not want it they
should vote the republican ticket, be
cause the republican convention re
fused to put the two cent plank In the
republican platform.
spirants For the United Stales Sen-
atorchia Must be Entered
On the Ticket.
Tli j proper location of the names of
the d ndldates for United States Sen
ator on the official ballot has caused
considerable discussion at the state
bouse during the last few days, savs
the Lincoln Star. Some of the state
officials believe the names of Norrls
Brown and W. H. Thompson should
not be placed on the ticket at all
while others declare the statute
plainly Insists on It.
Attorney General Norrls Brown
wlU be just as well pleased If bis name
is left ot! the ticket entirely. He has
secured the republican endorsement
and expects to have tho votes ot all
republican members of the legislature
whether the pcoplo vote him as their
preference or not. However, Deputy
Secretary of State Miller will put the
names of the senatorial candidates on
tho ticket whether they desire It or
not. Two years ago, E. J. Burkett,
tho republican candidate for the office,
requested his name be left off but Mr.
Miller insisted on placing it on the
ticket. He argued that he had no
choice in the matter. Mr. llurkctt's
name was on the list fi led by the chair
man of the convention and it could no
more be left oil by the secretary than
could that of Governor Mickey.
Citet Legal Reason.
Mr. Miller quotes Section 9 of the
Election laws to support his refusal to
leave the senatorial candidates off the
ticket. This statute declares that,
'At the general election immediately
preceding the expiration of the term
of a United States senator from this
state, the electors shall, by ballot, ex
press their preference for some person
for the office of United States sen
ator." The statutes also provide a
form for the ballot which the secre
tary is Instructed to follow. This
form places the names of tbe candi
dates for senator above those of nomi
nee for state offices. The names of
the candidates for congress follow the
state ticket in tbe form.
Harry C. Lindsay believes tbe name
of senatorial candidates are misplaced
when at the head of tbe ticket. The
governor is the head of the ticket this
year and on his vote the political esti
mates In the parties will be made up
next year. Tbe candidate for gover
nor who receives the largest vote will
also be able to have his ticket placed
first on the official ballots next year
Since tbe governor is tbe head of the
ticket, It follows logically, argues Mr.
Lindsay, that his name should be In
the lead. The vote on the senatorial
candidates is of little consequence at
the most.
Seriously Injured.
Frank Band was seriously Iturt last
evening after dark In the west part of
town by having a wagon that he was
driving turn over on him. He was
driving Barclay's wagon, containing
some "wet goods" for the people in
that neighborhood, when he reached
the home of Frank Svoboda, where the
road could not be seen on account of
darkness. He stopped a passer-by and
asked how the road ahead of him was,
and was told that It was all right. So
he started ahead, and striking a ditch
about three feet deep, which caused
the wagon to overturn with him un
derneath. Band Injured bis buck so
that this morning he could not get out
of bed and was unable to resume his
duties. This Is another Instance that
shows the necessity of lighted streets.
Removes From Our Midst One of Our Most
Prominent Attorneys.
And the Flower of the Family of
Schneider, County Recorder.
H. E.
Blf Vote for Rotewater.
Before the parties In Nebraska had
become accustomed to nominating
candidates for senator, tbe place on
the ticket was used to place the names
of senatorial aspirants. Edward Rose
water secured a place on the ticket
six years ago and received alarge vote.
It, however, resulted In no gain to
him as the legislature did not heed the
popular votes cast for him.
Educators to Meet.
The annual meeting of the supcrln
tendents and principals' association,
which Is to be beld In Lincoln, Octo
ber 13, 19 and 20, usually draws a large
attendance. The railroads have
granted a one a one-third fare plus 2
cents, on the certificate plan, for the
round trip, from all stations In Ne
braska. The date of sale of tickets Is
October 1G to 20 incluslve.rctum limit
October 21. Tho officers of the asso.
elation are E. B. Sherman, president
E. L. HolT, Humboldt, vice president
E. E. Magce, Ashland, secretary. The
annual banquet will be held Friday
evening at the Lindell hotel. Super
Intcndent ('. A. Fulmer of Beatrice
will be the toastmaster. Supcrlntcn
dent Bouse of the riattsmouth school.'
Is down on the program for an address
on "Time of Service as a Basis."
A. J. Gravel.
After a lingering Illness of nearly
one year, A. J. Graves passed away
at his home In this city about -I o'clock
.Sunday afternoon. 1 1 Is death was not
a surprise to friends and relatives, as
his condition lias been serious for
many weeks.
Jack Graves, as he was known by
his most. Intimate friends, was a most
exemplary citizen, and has been a res
ident of Cass county for many years.
He was born in Tennessee on the 10th
day of July, 1ST0, and came to I'latts
mouth with his parents In 1M4, where
the parents lived for some years and
then removed to Rock Bluffs, where
the father, W. W. Graves, died In
1891, and where the mother still makes
her home, at the advanced age ot 8'
The deceased spent several months
In California in the hope of regaining
bis health, , and after-returning to
this city has been confined most of the
time to his home, feeling that it was
seemingly a question of time when he
would pass over to the Great Beyond
to receive a reward that but few men
are better prepared to meet than the
Mr. Graves was an honorable, up
right citizen, and wben in good health
enjoyed a very lucretlve practice at
law, and enjoyed the honor of serving
two years as county attorney, in which
capacity he proved very efficient in
performing the duties required.!; He
was a member of the A. O. U. W. and
the Royal Mystic Legion, arid through
out his entire life has proved himself
a most honorable citizen In all of his
business transactions, and a man
highly respected by ah who knew him
The funeral will occur on Wednes
day afternoon from the Methodist
Episcopal church at 3 o'clock, and the
services will be conducted by the pas
tor, J. E. Houlgate, assisted by Elder
.Ink of the Christian church.
The Journal Is requested to state
that all persons who desire to view the
remains can do so on Tuesday from
2 to .", p. m., and on Wednesday from
10 to 2, as the casket will not
opened at the church. The pall bear
ers have not yet been announced, but
will be selected from members of the
bar with whom the deceased has been
so long associated.
F. C. Weber Resigns.
F. C. Weber lias resigned his posi
tlon here as manager of the Nebraska
Lighting Co., and Ralph Ritchie of
Omaha will assume that position. Mr
eoor in the past has made many
friends here, and has very ably man
aged the business of the Lighting
company. He has secured a po
sition with the Western Electric com
pany as general construction foreman
out of Omaha. Here Is our best wishes
for his future success.
When you aro ready to select your
new fall or winter suit call and see the
new line carried by Wm. Holly.
have become In one sense regular
cigarette tlendj.
With the passing of Walter Ed
mund lcnson, is a young man who
was In the very prime of young man
hood and at the time of his taking
down sick weighed 187 pounds, and a
young man. who might have lived to
be an honor to society and become a
most useful citizen but for the habit
which had gradually grown upou him
for a number of years. The Journal
extends sympathy to the liereavcd
parents, In this hour of their ttereave
mcnt. The funeral occurred from the resi
dence of the parents Monday
afternoon, and Interment mado In
Oak Hill cemetery.
Florence Schneider.
The Journal Is called upon to chron
icle the death of Florence, daughter
or Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Schneider,
which occurred Monday morning from
meiniiraneous croup, at the ago of ft
years, II months and 11 days. Thin is
tho hardest task that an editor Is
called upon to perform, for In tho
eath of little Florence removes from
our midst one of the brightest Mowers
n our city, and leaves not only tho be
reaved parents but a tarc circle of
friends who deeply sympathize with
Little. Florence had been ailing fur
week but nothing serious was
thought until yesterday, when her
condition took a change for the worse.
Every thing possible was done to save
the life of the darllnir daughter, but
without avail. The Journal, and
everyone who has seen this bright
Mower, will regret that It Is among us
no more, and be happy In knowing
that the reward of the Innocent will
be her lot on the shore where angels
Interment will be made at the Wal-
dradt cemetery, near Louisville, Tues
day afternoon at 2 o'clock, and the
funeral services will be held in tho
church nearby.
Called to See Mr. Ferguson.
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Schlater were
called to Louisville Monday to see Mr.
John Ferguson, who recently fell
from a load of hay and injured him
self very badly, and the Journal fears
Its old frlcn- Is In a more serious con
dition than was anticipated. We
hope not," but will hear from him as
soon as Mr. and Mrs. Schlater reach
his home.
W. L. Cooper left last Monday for
riattsmouth, where he succeeds Thos.
Kempster as storekeeper. This Is our
loss and Tlattsmouth's gain, for Mr.
Cooper l not only efficient In his work,
but Is a pleasant man to meet and
one who finds many friends wherever
he goes. Havelock Messenger.
The Seediest Watermelon.
The seedless watermelon is on the
market, and while It Is too late to
raise them for this year we will
through the courtesy of an exchange
let you on to the procedure for their
"These watermelons came from New
Mexico, and the process of reaching
the condition is thus described: 'Af
ter the vine has grown four or five
feet in length, the end Iscovcred with
earth. When this end takes root it is
cut loose from the old root and the
early blossoms are pulled. Melons
grown from the second blooms are
seedless.' Such Is the prescription,
arid It would seem to be worth trying
next year by those who covet a desir
able result."
Lay this receipt aside for a trial
next season. It seems worth trying.
Walter Ed.mind Denton.
Walter Edmund Dcnson, a young
man just budding into manhood, died
at the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. R. Dcnson, at 3 o'clock Sunday
morning, after an Illness of about
seven weeks. On the 12th day of last
June the young man passed hlsr.'th
A few days previous to his confine
ment the deceased was engaged in
picking bis teeth with a piece of what
is termed Fox-tall grass, and swal
lowed a small portion of the same. In
a few moments ho became deathly
sick and began to vomit. From that
date he has been gradually growing
worse until relieved by death. He
was an inveterate smoker of cigar
ettes, and was scarcely ever seen on
the streets without one In his mouth,
and his relatives and the attending
physician believe that this was the
true cause of his death. It the cx
ccsslve use of cigarettes Is the cause of
the young man's death, which sccras
to be the case, the dcmlso of the
young man should prove a warning to
many other young men In riattsmouth
who arc addicted to the habit, or who
Wounds, Bruises and Burnt.
By applying an antiseptic dressing
to wounds, bruises, burns and like in
juries before lnllamation sets in, they
may be healed without maturation
and in about one-third the time re
quired by the old treatment. This Is
the greatest discovery and triumph of
modern surgery. Chamberlain's Fain
Halm acts on this same principle. It
Is an antlccptic and when applied to
such Injuries, causes them to heal very
quickly. It also allays the pain and
soreness and prevents any danger of
blood poisoning. Keep a bottle of
Fain Balm In your home and it will
save you time and money, not to men
tion the and suffering
such injuries entail. For sale by F.
G. Frlcke Si Co. and D'Ment.
will Fill the Bill.
At the democratic county conven
tion held at riattsmouth Wednesday
Frank Massle, of Mt. Fleasant pre
cinct, was nominated as one of the
representatives. Mr. Massle will do
credit to himself and his party if
elected to tho position. Nehawka
I can sell you lands In South Dakota
In tho best part of tho state as cheap
as anybody. See Falter.