The County liens of General Interest Selected NehaLwkoL (Krvmi tin- Hi'kMit.) Word lias been received here tliat !r. Johnson was quite seriously hurt In a runaway at his home In l'awuee 01 ty. 1 , .j . : o Mrs. K. C. 1'ollard Is enjoying a visit from her mother, Mrs. Head, of La fayette, Mo., who arrived the llrst of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, of Marquette, and Miss Cora Walker.of I'lattsmouth, aro here visiting their relatives and friends. At F. Sturm, of this city, has been chosen chairman, and C. K. TcITt, of Weeping Water, as secretary, of tho republican county central committee. Mr. and Mrs. K..A. Klrkpatrlck re turned Wednesday from their visit with their son atTacoma, Wash. They say Nebraska Is still the best place gn earth. ( ,;), r 'i N. L. Bollard has ' arrived safely at Schenectady, N. Y., and was fortunate in escaping a serious wreck, on the road over which he was traveling, by Just a few minutes." "" ' ' Mrs. II. August returned home from Missouri last Friday evening. She was very much pleased with the coun try, and, we understand that she and her husband have decided to Invest In land there. i.A l'rof. A 11 wood, who has been doing eipcrlmental work at the cider fac tory of Pollard & Sons for the past few weeks, has returned to bis home In Virginia, l'rof. (lore expects to re main two or three weeks longer. An Awful Cough Cured. "Two years ago our Utile girl had a touch of pneumonia, which left her with an awful caugh. She had spells of coughing, just like ono with the whooping cough and some thought she would not get well at all. We got a bottlo of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy, which acted llko a charm. She titopped coughing and got stout and fat," writes Mrs. Ora Hussirt, Bruba ker, 111. This remedy Is for salo by F. O. Frlcke & Co. and D'Ment. Eacgle j I (I'nun tin' Hrni'on.) Tom Hahr caught a young coyote In a trap ono day last week. A sister of AVm. Runtcn arrived the llrst or tho week from England, j - Born on Sunday; Sept. 2;i, to Mr. and Mrs. Kd. Ward, a daughter. The quarantine was lifted from Frank Lannlng's homo this week. Hb boy, who had diphtheria, has fully recovered. The Woodman goat brokcout of the hall and got down on the streets last Saturday night while they were Initiat ing Kd Betts Into the mysteries of the order. . On Wednesday morning Dr. Nceley, of Elmwood, was called Into consulta tion with Dr. Jester In the case cf J. P. Hurdlck, who has been falling very fast lately. It was reported here , that , Win. Qulnn lost ono or his hands in a thresh ing machine last .Saturday, but we have not been able to learn any of the particulars of the accident. By his own request Dr, Jester - who taught a class In physiology In the Lincoln Medical college -last year ' has been made r instructor In, pathology this year.. ' H, was iip .Wednesday rooming to begin the school work for the year. v n 1 ' i.. i "j.. Absolutely Pure, A CreAro of ircc irom aium or pnod- V ! r. mm S .7 1 LXUL 2 vil M) Exchanges from the Columns of Contemporaries Louisville from Ilia Courier. Cbas. Helm went to Omaha Friday to visit his mother at the hospital . Mrs. Geo. Frater and daughters are visiting with" Mrs. ' . lohn Gorder of I'lattsmouth this week. ' John Jackman of Worthlngton.lnd., Is visiting old friends In Louisville this week. His mother, Mrs. Jackman of rtlcals with him. , W.F. icrs and wife returned Thurs day from a two weeks recreation In tho western part of the state. Mr. Dicrs reports chicken shooting fine near Walbach.- Uev. James K. Maxfield, the new pastor at tho Methodist Episcopal church preached his Initial sermon last Sunday morning to a large and appreciative audience. Invitations have been issued by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stratraan of Sarpy county announcing tho coming mar riage of their daughter, Llllle Mae to Mr. Henry Jochlm of Cass county, on Wednesday, October 3d at 2 o'clocR p. m." " The many friends of Mrs..Theodore Helm will be pleased to learn that she Is recovering nicely from her opera tion for appendicitis. On account or her advanced age the operation was In doubt for several days. . . Her many Louisville friends hope for her speedy recovery, , , . ,.!' ., . . . Nothing to Fear. Mothers need have no hesitancy In continuing to give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to their little ones, as it contains absolutely nothing in jurious. This remedy is not only per fectly safe to give small children, but Is a medicine or great worth and mer It. It has a world wide reputation for Its cures or coughs, colds and croup and can always be relied upon. For sale by F. 0. Frlcke & Co. and D'Ment. Elmwood From tho Leader-Echo. A line baby boy was Ijorn to Mr. and Mrs. John W, Mcndcnhall on Friday, September 21. Joo Nichols Is still very low and get ting weaker. The announcement of his death Is looked for at any moment (iuy Reed stepped on tho wrong end or a nail Saturday, the point pene t rating his foot for quite a depth, mak ing a very painful wound. , The good news comes from Eugene, Oregon, that Miss (irace Hobbs, who was dangerously 111 with typhoid fever, Is much better and considered out or danger. . , On Wednesday morning, October 10, at 8 o'clock, at St. Mary's Catholic church, Elmwood, will occur the mar riage of Miss Adole U. Hussell to Mr James Edward Toblo, of DctJueen.Ar kansas. Frank Baker was severely kicked by one of his horses Saturday niornine when hitching up the team to drive to Gretna. Both hind feet of tho horse struck him on the body and bruised him terribly, but fortunately no serious Injuries resulted. Hazel Noycs, who was taken to the Everett sanitarium at Lincoln Thurs day evening of last week, sutferlng from appendicitis,' was operated upon at tho hospital that evening, her con dltlon being very serious. She passed through the ordeal nicely and at last reports was rapidly recovering. u v:iv ill J: Tartar Ponder 7 1 Mhnt n 4l4 I ,"in' . v.-.LX LIME EVERY MORNING A Bad Back Is Always Worst Id tho Mora lng. Plattsmoutn People are Find- " ing Relief. A back that aches all day and causes discomfort at night Is usually worse in the morning. Makes you reel as If you hadn't slept at all. Can't cure a bad back until you cure the kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys make you feel but ter, work better, rest better and sleep better. : , Permanent cures In PlattsmoutU prove the merit of Doan's. . . : Herman Tlekoetter, carpenter, liv ing la the northwest corner of Ninth and I)ey streets, I'lattsmouth, says: "I never had medicine which gave me the permanent benefit i derived from Doan's Kidney Pills. My kidneys caused me much suffering and In convenience. I did not have sharp pains, but there was a dull tired feel ing across my loins that distressed rac a great deal of tha time for a couple of years. If I stopped or straightened my back It would hurt and In the morning when I would rise, I was as tired and unrcfreshed as when 1 re tired. The secretions from the kid neys were unnatural which was shown by their high color and too frequent action. This annoyance was most notlcable at night. Hearing so much In praise of Doan's Kidney Pills, I pro cured a box at Gerlog &,CcVs,clrug store!" LTliey banished every sympton and did It prompt and thoroughly. I certainly recommend "DoanVKIdney Ills io others with' pleasure and con fidence." ,; " I :; ' ; For sale by all dealers. ' Price 50c. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. , Y., sole agents for the United States. Remember ' the name Doan's and take no other. ' ; ' ,VERE THEY DISCHARGED? eport From Al Hence Says Hill Was Felt. Wrath of A special from Alliance says that on tho night of September 2i a tele gram was sent from Newcastle, Wyo., to James J. Hill complaining of the service on the Burlington, referring to Mr. III11 In uncomplimentary terms, and signed "The Dear People." The pedal says: This telegram was sent 'D. II.' from Newcastle at about D o'clock at night and was delivered to Mr. Hill In St. Paul, He got busy at once and wired to all the superintendents to discharge all the operators who had anything to do with the receiving and transmission of the message. One op erator at Newcastle, two here, two at Omaha, two at Chicago, and one at St. Taul, have already received their walking papers and others are to fol- ow. An Investigation Is being held to And out who the sender of the mes sage Is. It is supposed It was sent by a traveling man buthow it came to be deadheaded is not yet made plain." Nothing Is known of such a hap pening here and the Burlington peo ple are inclined to doubt the authen ticity of the story. Action Full of Law Points. The caso of Clark vs Fleshman has occupied the district court's attention the greater part of the day and prom ises to last for some time, as tho Jury has been ! recalled to hear the case which bristles with points of law on every line. Some of, the many ques tions have been argued by the coun sel for the plaintiff and defendant. The suit is brought to secure pos session of of an eighty acre tract of land, which, after tho death of the piainuu s lauier, wassoia oy an un cle who had been left In charge of the estate.. The Jury will Ukcly - hear the evl dence in the case tomorrow morning, . Daath of LlttU Daughter. , After a lingering illness of several weeks, Elsie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rae Reynolds, passed away last night at the at;e of 1 year, 2 months, 5 days, The funeral will be held from the residence at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, the services to be conducted oy uev. a. U Zlnk, after which in terment will 1m) made in Oak Hill cemetery. - Use the Telephone.' Jf you are entertaining friends from a distance at your home, or have been entertained, how much trouble would it bo ror you to wrlto a note telling us about It? It Is your duty to your guests, besides it is a favor you are doing the Journal when you do so, use tne iciepnone lr you don't want to write it down ana we will take it down oursclf. City people can tele phono without much trouble, if they will do it. The Journal wants the news, and you can bolp us getj lt. '.': , Mortgage ReooroV 1 ' : Ple record of tbe county register ol deeds for tho month' of September show the following transfers tit farm and (ItJ property: ,A KAItM MOItTU Au t 'lied, 8. Amount r..t. Kelcasca li-jr i .t, . ll,83 INHERITANCE TAX MATTER Correspondent Says the. Same Was Started by i Republican, and Not by i Democrat. The blowing communication ap peared In the Sunday World-Herald, and Irom w hat the correspondent says, lie seems to know what he Is talking about: I'lattsmouth, Neb., Sept. 27.-TO the Editor of the World-Herald: In this morning's World-Herald, I note that Mr. George L. Sheldon makes a defense to the "insinuation" that the Sheldon heirs are endeavoring to evade the payment of the Inheritance tax due Cass county from their fath er's estate. , It has been said that "a poor excuse is better than none," and certainly Mr. Sheldon has offered nothing more here. Is It good busi ness acumen to allow a claim to in crease at 7 per cent per annum, when there Is plenty of money on hand be longing to the estate with which to pay It, or when money could be bor rowed at 5 per cent? It is said that the personal estate, money, etc., has beenMlvldcd or Is being divided out side of c6urt, and this might have been used to pay this tax. And while the question of tax evas ion Is being discussed It may be perti nent to refer to another attempt to evade the payment of a just tax. The legislature of 1003, It will be remem bered, passed an act known as the "Scavenger . Act," the purpose of which was to gather or clean up all back taxes on real estate, and I pre sume Mr. Sheldon, then a senator from Cass, voted for the act. When the act was put Into force in this county, Mr. Sheldon, on behalf of bis father, was one of the first ones to file an answer In district court in (he state tax suit of 1904, brought under the law with a view to evading the payment of the taxes claimed against the Sheldon lands for the year 1861, amounting to 5500.86. with interest, alleelnir as a reason for the non-payment of the tax that the assessment was Irregular; that the assessor appointed by the county board did not give a bond, and that the assessment was made by a deputy appointed by the assessor and not by the assessor In person. There was no claim that the assessment was ifnjust. They lost the case, as they should, and paid the taxes that ought to have been paid more than forty years before. There are some people in Cass county who see very little dif ference, If any, in the defense put up by Mr. Sheldon In the tax suit from that made by the railroads in their at tempt to evade the payment of their just taxes. It may be said that this is not the affair of Mr. George L. Sheldon, republican candidate for gov ernor, but his father's, but the writer happens to know that Mr. George L attended to all the business of the de fense and attempt at evasion himself in person. Some republicans here feel sore that this matter was stirred up against Mr Sheldon, and for their benefit 1 will state that It was started by a republi can, who is anxious that wealthy peo "pie pay their taxes. Your truly, C. B. O. Marriage Bells. Cupid is again , on the wing. This time he has tired his dart at, and has captured Mr. George W. Matthiasen and led him to his shrine at the home of Miss Maud May . Messersmith, where they were united In the bonds of holy matrimony by Eev. D. W. Wilt, at 2 p. ra., last Tuesday.Sept. 2.1, The ceremony, which was beautiful In its simplicity, was witnessed by about fifty invited guests, who after ward partook ot delicious refresh ments. The newly married couple have gone to Denver to spend three or four weeks. They will make their home In Uavclock, where a property has been : purchased by the groom, The groom is a young man of thrift and 'industry. . The bride is a young woman of many accomplishments. The Messenger -and a hose of friends heartily wish them the best in life. Havelock Messenger Runaway Last Night. About 10 p. m. Thursday John Gordcr was at the Burlington freight house with -his team to load up some freight. In dropping a bundle or something In the bottom of the wagon bed the horses became frightened and dashed up Main street at a two-forty (fait. ' As they passed Socnnlchsen's grocery store, some heroic Individual, whose name we failed to learn, jumped Into the wagon, but falling to get hold of the lines, which seemed to be dragging on tho ground, ho Jumped but when the team turned up Wash ington avenue at Strelght & Strelght's furniture store, and they continued their (light out past tbe cemetery. We understand that no damages re sulted. Blood Poisoning results from chronic constipation, which Is quickly cured by Dr. King's Sew Life rills. They remove all poisonous germs from the system and infuse new life and vigor; cure sour stomach, niusla; headache, dizziness abd colic, without gripping or dlsoom- tort. 2.'. Guaranteed . by F. G. Football MUn Tonight Now. that' the season Is on, the skeptics begin to "get into the game," so to speak, in their way; their way and aim is to try to discourage any en thusiasm which may rise toward the game. Now, whoare these skeptics? Well, we all know who they are, generally, persons who know little of the game. You very seldom hear a person who is familiar with the game trying to run it down and for the reason that it is the duty or these prejudiced persons to Investigate and perhaps consider before they make rash statements. Acurate statistics compiled by an ardent admirer and defender of both base ball and foot ball show that there are a larger percentage of casualties credited to the game of base ball than foot ball, (this Is an accurate state ment and can be proved.) Yet at one and the same time, foot ball Is de pendent upon spirit It is played ln:the better spirit the less brutality, and it certainly cannot be denied that when foot ball Is played in accordance with tbe new rules, and In the right spirit then is the danger reduced to a min imum. Now, hoys, there will be a meeting of all of you that are at all foot hall inclined, at the Turner Hall tonight, (Tuesday,) and get enthusiastic and come out and help organize a team that Plattsmouth skeptics will have to admit Is all right. Come out allot you, get enthusiastic, don't be a dead one. Tonight at 7:30. Wounds, Brulae and Burns. By applying an antiseptic dressing to wounds, bruises, burns and like In juries before Inflamatlon sets In, they may be healed without maturation and In about one-third the time re quired by the old treatment. This Is tbe greatest discovery and triumph of modern surgery. Chamberlain's Pain Balm acts on this same principle. " It is an antlceptic and when applied to 8Uch ,nJurles. causes them to heal very lUICk,7' n aiso aiiays me pain ana ,reness and prevents any danger of Olooa P0111"'- eep a DOtuo or ralnlUlraln your home and it will save yu tlme and money, not to men- uon ine inconvenience and suffering sucn injuries entail, t or sale oy i G. Frlcke & Co. and D'Ment. A Welcome Result. About three years ago J.A.White fell on a sidewalk in Elmwood dislo cating his right shoulder. A doctor set the Injured member but ever since the ligaments have been still so that he could not raise his right hand high enough to comb bis hair or take a drink of water. Just two weeks ago today ho was at work witli his bees, The bees resented his intrusion into their territory and stung him severely. When the swelling went down James discovered, much to his delight, that the stiffness was all gone and that once more he could clve the trrand balling sign of distress with his right arm. Elmwood Leader-Echo. A Badly Burned Girl or boy, man or woman, is quickly out of pain If Bucklen's Arnica Salve isap plied promptly. G. J. Welch, of Te konsha, Mich., says: "1 used it in my family for cuts, sores and all skin In Juries, and find it perfect." Quickest File cure known. Best healing salve made. 2.'c at F. (1. Frlcke & Co's drug store. Fred Dreeson, accompanied by his wife, drove up from Unadilla, Otoe county, yesterday to visit at the home of J. B. Melsslnger and family, and Mr. Dreeson and Mr. Melsslnger were In the city today. "While here Mr. Dreeson called and renewed his sub scription to tho Journal and also for another year for J. J. Biets, at Doug lass. Mr. Dreeson lived near Platts mouth for many years, and his friends are always glad when he comes to see them. fffemalelMnesssi', "Last Fall," writes Mrs. S. G. Bailey, of Tun nelton, W."Va., "I was going down by inches, from female disease, with great pain. After tak- ' ing Cardui, Ohl Myl How I was benefited I I am not well yet, but am so much better that I will . keep'on taking Wine of Cardui till 1 am perfectly cured." Despite the envious attacks of jealous enemies and rivals, Cardui still holds supreme position today as in the past 70 years for the relief and ,cureof female diseases. It stops pain, tones up the organs, regulates ''"the functions, and aids in the replacement of a misplaced organ. At Every Drug ktore In $1.00 Bottles. VIIIE j OF OF VITAL INTEREST TO EVERY CITIZEN. ' MR. HERMAN ROCSC. A Man of Prominence in School Circlet and Overseer of the Poor Says re-ru-na Has Proven a most Efficacious Remedy. Herman Rocse, 18 New Butternut 8t- Syracuse, N. Y., Is President of tbe Board of Trustees of Webster graded school, Dist. 8, in the town of Salins, He Is aUo Overaeef of the Poor, which position has afforded blm ample opportunity lot noting the causes cf disease, as well as the best means of prerentlng and curing the same. V " He expresses his approval of the use of Peruna as a very effective means of : solving a problem of such vital Interest to the community, as follows J ., "Exposurt items to affect tbe lungs madkUaeyt ot the poor mb4 I htve teen hundreds ot these who wen brokeadown la health Irom this cause. 'I ant pleased to tell you that Peruna has proven a most efficacious remedy In number ot cases where on other medicine was used. " consider It a specific for any dls orders ot the respiratory organs. " Don't allow money to lie around, is easier tt spend it and easier .to lose it It S MONEY by keeping It in a safe place such as The BanH of Cass County Capital Stock 850,000, Surplus 115,000 orricsKS: Chas. C. Piirniele, l'reu., Jacob Trltch, V-P. T. M. I'atterson. Cash. You can give a check for any part cf it at any time and so have a receipt for payment without asking for one. When you have a bank account you will be anxious to add to it rather than spend from It. Don't you want to know more about it. WINDHAM INVESTMENT COMPANY PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Lands, Bandies and City Real Estate In Nebraska and elsewhere bought sold and exchanged. ' ttuntalg, Insurance and Abstracting of . , Titles. Money to loan at a low rale of , . Interent on Imprtmul farm. HuslnPHN ; corresixmdents In all Important cities and towns la the United yiatcs, 7lehens No. 0 n.e. R. B. WINDHAM, President W. W. WINDHAM i Secretary FRKX ADVICE : ' ' L ; . Writ ul a itM dnnlMit 'l rM kvmpwmi, ind l'l If ml you re ptWjlM fnvefcuw. Adjrrti: I tflrt AJvtwry DriMilnwnt, TlChitUnu(a Mf d!rlnCo.,,Clitt-'. noof. Itnn. -' IT IV J15 f 1 i I MIT 1 s- I I I II I i 2 III I I I ll I i A. II I 111 1 1 .. . . . teM .'r! 7' Filed IL.Amount ,i,,t.. Be leased 1. " .... 8,032 Frlcke A Co., druggists.