The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 04, 1906, Image 4

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The Plattsmouth Journal
r-7 : r-r rjrr-srr
U. A. HA1T.S, ruiiLisiiEit.
ntervd t th posUiffl'Hi I'lHUmoulh. Ne
braska. vouIi'Imi mittKT.
t i i i j .j. - 1
IlKMiRT ' don't forgvt your
ward priiu'nriH to-uijttit to select
delegateirto tfie County convention
next Wednesday
Gov. Ci'MjiiMS, o( Iowa, does
.t ' . . i
not seem to lie calling me sacrcu
tariff schedules all aorta of rob!)er
baron names how, but is trying to
conciliate thu Y stafal-patters."
IIknry WATTi; RSON i says that
President Rooseveltls" much too un
certain for nn'y '"prudent man to
gamble on. . That's what the repul
lican tariff revisionists now think.
Sj'XKi-TARY Shaw sayB the detn
ocratic party has 110 principles.
The trouble with that cold-bloode
rooster is that his principles arc so
foolish that his own party won't
stand for them.
our .Ut funds. How can you ex-
Iect a decision at this time w ith
Norris lirown, the State Journal
candidate for United' Mates sen
ator, as the attorney general for our
Sheldon's Inheritance Ttx. -
Mr. Sheldon, republican candi
date for governor, owes to himself
to state his position on the inherit
ance tax law of Nebraska.
The report from his home county
I .1... .1. . .1 1 1 At 1
teacher has I lIlal me uirvc nuuurcu i:iuuunu-
No Third Tern.
It would divide and disintegrate
the republican party, if President
platform the other day, down in
Syracuse, in Otoe county.' And
something happened to Mr. Shel-
tenn, for a majority of that party
declared when the Conkling ma
chine tried to nominate General
('.rant for a third term that to do
so was to invite defeat. But lay-
Ovi-r in Indiana a
. . i n . e a
been dismissed from his position U0U3r "ic.oiwmca neis one me
heirs, has thus far avoided paying
' . Lt... incr aside the nolitieal results of
seem to encourage a came which 1U1:"W" ia imuviuw ------ - . - - --
has furnished so many apt express- tions:
.',, (r.r i.u. in tWi; ' I he a tax-dodger?
... ... .... . 1 1 . e f r 1 t.l.
i Is he acainst the inheritance tax? i ot wwn going u.
Thosk delegates who come to the if the facts renortcd from Cass upon his expressed promise to the
overriding the unwritten law of the
republic there is the personal mat
convention Wednesday, and desire COunty are correct this inheritance people not to be a candidate for a
uiso iu uueiiu jnnauv; i tax should hive been paid Over a i"u. icriu. . imweu iuicuiciulk.-!
Omaha the same night, can leave vear ag0 flie ract tjjat jt wa3 not just what he gave out to the public
Plattsmouth on a special tram at 7 paitj, and that Mr. Sheldon and his on the night of the election in 1904
0 clock m the evening. . co-heirs have avoided nrohatinc the when he said:
estate, raises the nrcsiimntion ' I am deeply sensible of the
Si-nator W. A. Clark, of Mon- , . ti1PVflrenttemntiny to evade honor done me by the American
tana, couldn t attend his daughter s the ,aw anJ QvoiJ the payment people in thus expressing theircon
weuuing inues monies, iova, so c ....wl, stifled t rWavJ fidence in what I have done and
he telegraphed an order for $10,000 ....... t . u , pnt:t,p,, we tried to do. I anoreciate to
to the payment of taxes which rail- the full the solemn responsibility
roads are attempting to dodge. this confidence imposes upon me,
gain, Mr. Sheldon should tell and I shall do all that in my power
Dr. Ham. was unable to down the people how he stands on the in- lies not to lorteit it. un tue -nil
la. . I 1 .Villi
the Plattsmouth ring. They were heritance tax. It is one ot the cay oi luarcu next i snail nave
too many for him this time and wisest and best laws ever put upon served three and one-half years and
they downed him yesterday at the r statute books. It compels this three and one-halt years con
Louisville convention of which those who receive large inheritances stitutes my lirst term, ine wise
a .... . . . . 1 1 .1. 1'.. - if 'I i
thev had full control The r nc to contribute a small tee to the cu:.tom which uraus me presmeni
Tin-Omah.i News report that a well onr.iiiized airainst the common fund. 1 he laws ot civil- to two terms regaras tne substance,
as a nuptial gift. The bride was,
therefore, delighted with his pres
ents desjute his absence.
man had died from eating a rail
road ham sandwich. If there was
such a thing as a man dying from
a railroad handout, there wouldn't
be a republican state official alive to
tell the tale. '
doctor. lzctl society make it possible tor ana not tne iorm, ana unaer no
them to inherit and the same laws circumstances will I be a candidate
Ni:vs from Hastings is to the justified in nrovidintr that a for or accent another nomination."
w... .A-vua v.w... ... i reisotia.lJle amount shall be paid to Tins promise that under no
sulking in his tent and will not give Li, t ,,i.n Lirenmcf-inepo" wnA b h o rr.
IllS active SlippOl t tO tne replimiCan ...Il.l., Midnte -n n1n n nrnmiw tft Vip
ticket. Say, wouldn t that jar you.' n : .,..l:.,i ,
irtainlv not too much to other ambitious men of the republi"
. . I i.'-i.i. i. i tv.:4:i. ..i.4 ' ...,.
Mr. 15 r van is well pleased with iX luu ",lu JUI Ulil:u uui'u ask that the man who seeks to be can party that they could seek the
the nomination of Hearst for gov- 10 De as aracue as a niuPLrger govcrnor 0f Nebraska should pay to nomination without -his being in
cmor of New York. In an inter- adwich. Cass what he owes as his share of their way. Cannon, Taft, Fair-
view yesterday he said he wished Wu.VT the People demand is com- the inheritance tax on the great es- banks, Root, Cummins, took the
Mr. Hearst success, "and would do ... ' honesty official place Men tate which, by act of law, was hand- president at his word and are more
all in his ower for the election of I wjI0 are ,l0t honCcit in their private I down from the father who had or less intent aud trying to con-
the great journalist.
Tin? republican railroad pill,
with the Sheldon sugar-coating,
may look good to those in the habit
of taking medicine, but the after
effect will le the same old griping
when it comes to the assessment of
n(Tnir luve tmel.iim iinnn the nidi- fathered it under the protection of vince the republican voters that
- - - .
lie for political preferment. Men law to the children who became the they would make the ideal candi
who attempt to deceive the people the beneficiaries.
in order to get office, like the repub
lican state candidates are doing, Mr. Sheldon's Promi.
are not trustworthy when in omce. In reniv to the ai,ove from tilc
Doha it sound cood to hear re- 0malia World-Herald, Mr. Sheldon
I 1.1f11 ! . i . il 1 i
the railroad monertvbv the board publicans howl reform and at the selKls llie snowing to tne euitor oi
1 .1 .
of canalization. Geneva Gazette, same time ask you to support such uuu PaPcr-
men as Soarle, ICaton and lirien?
Nehawka, Neb., Sept. 26. To
r yi' i.j ir 1.1.
1.1 . . . . . .. r -.. iue i.uuui 01 ine n unu-ni.-i.uu
uciegaies w..o we.u 10 u nat uo tne tanners 01 i.ass conn- . ... . a 1 WM de..:eJi
i,ouisviue ycsieruay wuu i.anners ly tnuiK ot such leiiows as earle articlc that appeared yesterday in fore an issue that need not bother
n. f- 11:11.. r. :..,t... 1 , 1 1 I . ... ......
11 j ing ivi imiy ei.ei iui uniiuiiv nuu j .aion w no nave pccu memi)ers tne w orid-llerakl, purporting to us aj this time but it is always well
to remember that eternal vigilance
on the part of the people is the
price of liberty.
sioner, returned with them trailing of our state board of equalization? come from Plattsmouth, in which it
in the dust, lie didn't suit the Tl.v Inv.. l..n miWul tnr: n is insinuated that the Sheldon heirs
ring. The date made by the ring
1 lev have been railroad toois. as
f. ,ccc f i-1., Mnmrn. arc f'Hleavoring to evade the inher
.III ... ...11. b 41... 4i.. 44.VS44..444. . P t t ,
...... 1. . I 11.W44.1. I,.4. 44L.M41 kt4.41 1.1L114.1 a V. 3
mu.i in i i.Hi.-Miiwuui ..uiilu fu, aim now can mc pcopie expeciu-itc
uui inn uuit m mc ituu. renei ii ;ms same oiuiu is eieeieu it is absolutely raise to assume
that I do now, or ever have, desir
1 in? foreign trade of the Tinted ej to escape that tax
In their death struggle for more
graft the State Journal and its echo,
The senate the Lincoln Evening News, con-
Siates in the twelve months ending uvur m lowa the railroads are journal for 1905, page 631, will tinue their lying about Hon. A. C.
with August amounted to $S,QIS,- fiftliting the re-election of Governor show that I voted for the inherit- shallenberger, the democratic can-
8,7.63,. T,inur re,,,,,,,! -.nlf Sr'" 'c,o, The captain
1,254,399,735. and the exports any railroad fight on George L.Shel- q wccks aftc'r m father.s of the old hulk is grasping onto the
51,759,417,898. Both were the don.iu Nebraska, have you? Nor dicath- guy ropes in the hopes of saving
heaviest in the country's history, the great pass distributor, Buster It has seemed Undesirable to pro- himse(f and his piratical crew. The
Uncle Sam is a great convenience 15row' the. republican candidate bate the estate up to the present rotten old shell has seen its best
both for those who want to buy and for United States senator? The rail- da'3 lasting upon the peoples'
those who want to sell for cash, roads know when they have a good 1 receive every ceut it is entitled grub, and its own party managers
thing and they are letting well t0 ..ndcr the law - are viewing the Journal's trraftine
Tmi Lincoln Star, the only daily enough alone. Sheldon and Brown I hope and trust that vou will linon the -tiyn.ivprs of Nehrn;l:.i
. . . .i . i -
Roosevelt was nominated for a third ! don right then aud there. Mr.
Shallenberger called attention to
the charge that he was a railroad
man, and that Mr. Sheldon was a
railroad fighter, and then he made
the following open proposition to
will agree to retire from the race
for gov ernor if I have used a rail
road pass since Mr. Sheldon used
one, provided he u ill agree to with
draw if it be shown that he has used
a pass since I have. ;
Did Mr. Sheldon accept the chal
lenge?, . , . , t, ,
CNot much, t k- -
, He crawfished, and did a poor
job at it,,too.,; v.'.;:;" i .:i
Here is a fair picture of . the two
men who are seeking the suffrages
of the people .in the present cam
paign. ; - When nominated for" gov
ernor, Mr. Shallenberger frankly
admitted that he had used railroad
passes in other years, but that some
years ago he became convinced the
pass business was a bad business,
and that ever after he had refused
to accept any such favors.
How different the conduct of Mr.
Sheldon. Very recently he was a
member of the Nebraska legisla
ture, and he carried. and used rail
road passes during the session.
Now he accepts a nomination for
governor and permits the republi
can press to advertise him to the
world as a man so clean that his
pocket has never been polluted by
a pass. He pennitted his own par
ty friends to shamefully lie about
Mr. Shallenberger, hopinglthat he
mightreceive benefit from the lying
; But he is cornered now. He
must fish or cut bait. He must
shoot or give up the gun. He
must accept the challenge hurled
in his teeth by Mr. Shallenberger
or be branded as a fake reformer
of the Norris Brown andTige Har
rison stripe.
The cowardly conduct of Mr
Sheldon is inspiring his own repub
lican followers with disgust. The
bold honesty of Mr. Shallenberger
is filling his friends with new ad
miration for the man, and new
hope for his success in the pres
ent campaign.
An excellent, authority once
said: "God hates a coward." The
sage must have been thinking of
Candidate Sheldon when he said it.
Mr, Sheldon has played the part of
cowaru in tins campaign. He
has permitted his party friends to
lie about Mr. Shallenberger, never
raising a voice of protest. 'He has
permitted his friends to brand Mr.
Shallenberger as a "railroad tool,"
and, then, when face to face with
his brave opponent, he dare not ac
cept a challenge, the accepance of
wnicu would compel his withdraw
al from the gubernatorial contest
in disgrace. Fremont Herald.
date. It is impossibly to believe
that the president secretly cherishes
the hope of a third term, and it is
more impossible to imagine that he
would commit such an act of per
fidy as to throw his political asso
ciates overboard for the sake of his
own ambition to accomplish what
Washington refused and Grant
A third term is there-
.Tle a string around your
finger, so as : to remem
ber to order a case of our
. ; t . . .
beer. It is something
above the average. In
fact you'eannot very well
do without it. We want
you to favor us with
your order.
Phil Thierolf
Telaphon No. 263
Osteooathic Physician
Chronic Diseases a Specialty
Contes Mock. nxraislKo andiX Ofllcehourt
9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 5 p. in. anil 7 to 9 p. m. by ap
pointment. Telephones, otllce 34 1; residence
at Perkins Uotel.
pit. MARS 11 ALU
All kinds of Dental work. Plates made that
fit. 2d years experience. Prices reasonable.
Work guaranteed.
Telephone No. 8 or47
"Always Reliable"
paper at the state capital that pre- suit the railroads and they will pull give this the same prominence in with alarm Voters are getting tired
tends to tell the truth, complains every string possible to bring about "X? of suchacts asthe Jomnal'sSSS.OOO
about the supreme court adjourn- their election. Norris Brown was Jct fiilly G eo Siikldox graft, which that paper has been in
ing without handing down a decis- raised on the railroad bottle since a Tq World.Herald aJj9 yited to return to the state treasury,
ion in some 'very important cases suckling and he's not going to be- the followin "The above is rath- where it properly belongs. The
that have been hanging fire for tray them now. mi satisfactoryi gang that has control of J the State
some time. Among them the State . TnE prohibition candijatc for but the promise will be welcome to Journal ave thrived so long upon
Journal case in i which ithe state and gomo, has challenged Mr. Shal- the people of Cass county. In that graft furnished by the state officials
people are asking $84,000 that ienbcrger for a joint debate on the the belief had evidently become without being discovered until re-
rigntiy Deiongs somewhere among prohibition question. . This is very general that the extraordinary'de- cently, that they think they own
r,.A.M.rf.'' J-. Hkelyajob put up on the demo- lay in the probating of the Sheldon the republican party, and state
. .. .. .. , . .. ... rrnticr.inHi(t-it( hv fhe rpniiMir. pstflte ami in the navmpnt nf trie hOUSe thrown in. 1 lie democratic
ngmsioaii ana special privileges ": . . r " 7 . " L-ju...
. , - ... . .
schemers. It would probably- be a inheritance tax could mean nothing candidate tor governor nasja record
very wise and proper thing for Mr. but ati attempt to dodge the tax. which the Journal roustabouts have
Shallenbarger to accept the chat- It is hard to imagine any family been unable to tarnish in the least,
tenge, ' provided ' Mr. Sheldon ; be reasons why an estate should not an1 lucv: know that xt be is elected
made a party to it and make it a be prob.ated within two years. In governor their grafting will be cut
three cornered discussion so that fact, air family reasons would olT entirely in the future and that
all parties may have a show. If the ordinarily hasten probation, but tne $85,000 they have already, will
prohibitionist was honest in his Mr. Sheldon's explanation is en- ,iavc t0 1)0 returned to the state
challenge he would include Mr. titled publicity." treasury, where it properly belongs.
Sheldonnn it. Yet as Mr. Sheldon : ' This is why the poor old Journal
supported the county option bill in Danjer From the Plague. and its echo, the News, are just
About the strongest areumcnt the last legislature and has often There s crave danger from the now engaged in lying so hard on
yet presented in support of a polit- shown very strong prohibition in- "au? UI w,u"s Bnu v-oms u,ai re s, Mr. Mialleniwrger.
ical revolution in Nebr.aska is found dilutions, possibly the prohibition- ....
in the republican papers that are ists feel that they have him' with coutths and Colds. Mrs. Geo Walk' RlgM IB HIS 186111.
- ...I.- ... .1 I
demanding reform. The republi- them any way and there is no need of Forest City, Mc., writes: "It's a The republican press of Nebraska
cans have been in control of affairs to have him further declare him- Godsend to people living In climates jm kccn painting George Sheldon
to none. 1 Its special mission is to
enforce that doctrine. . It has ' no
quarrel with riches that are houest
ly earned, but it has, and ever will,
if it is to live as a political party,
irown upon corruption, enjoin
grafting and make the corruption
ists and grafters disgorge, if it is
given the power and lives true to
its fundamental principles.
It Is a well known medical fact that
pine resin is most effective in the
treatment cf diseases of the bladder
and kidneys. Sufferers from backache
ana otner troubles due to faulty action
of the kidneys find relief In the use of
rine-ules. tl buys 30 days' treatment.
hold at uerlng & Co.'a drug store.
Summer time
You want to save your
money to buy your
Coal Yards.
Full Weight Guaranteed
Best Threshing Coal
All Kinds of Feed
J. V. Egenberger
Proprietor Plattsmouth
Coal Yards
Corner Third and Main Streets
Bell Phone 25 PlatU Phone 22
for the past six years and have sud- self.
denly arrived at the conclusion that
where coughs and colds prevail. 1
find it siulckly ends them. It pre-
as an angel with two harps, and at
.... . ...
a .r,M t n . ,. ...l vrnt nneumonia. euros laiyrinnn oivna tne same time trying to make it ap-
the party needs reforming. The , . d toeetrldof. but it wonderful relief In asthma and hav pear that A. C. Shallenberger is a
people believe the best way to bring will not be able to withstand Bee's fer. and makes weak luns strong railroad devil with two horns,
about these reforms is through the Laxatlte IToncy and Tar. That will enough to ward off consumption, tT Shallenberger has been pic
tured as a railroad pol
itician, and Sheldon as a profess
ional fighter of railroads. -
Well, the two candidates for gov
ernor got together on the same
democratic party, the only true re- cure a11 cold8' C0UKn crouP whooping coughs and colds. foc and . i
, ' . v i . ,i .1 . couh, etc., by drlvlnir them out ntecd by F. 0. Frlcke 5s Co's
form party, lividently there must
be something very totten on the
through the bowels. If you have a store. Trial bottle free.
ue someiuipg very . xowen on iuc Coldi try lt and not cured (ret your FUt' Dmntl,
inside when a party tries to reform money back. No opiates. Sold by c,lilvr '"t
Qerhig St Co ' druB store.'
Waterman Block
Filling Fountain
r Thumb
it the initiniin-
.rjl tnui clttnlni and
liiilnfdevicD which
putt Ihii rn in
distinct ciist by
"The PenThat Fills Itself;
MANVFAcrvnn trt
TjuConkun Pen Co .Toiido.Q
Guarantee to Give Perfect Satis
faction or Refund Your Money.
; i . - "