. - 1 - NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. !n V . 'U ' rt f -.i! - v. . ' i.rVa. 1 1! ' n.:u t i'f liv :' of l.t '.r : ,.... arv tw-n y i.'.nt-l Uiat a . i . ! 'st l-M S:'. H Hi T1vil .. i 4 v 1 1. !'. ..i aini W ,:, f.ir .:!.. rati-n t.,.ti r.;r. I. a:M 1. i! . -rx in '! wi i k-.! r 1 '. i in ,. k;::!.v ! tl. IM ''11 ; l! a; ar a; a'J l-i iui l1';-'. l.t i ti-n. rttt ma ar"l tin's:!- t ! .rra!. a Mii!'.:ritHn os!l XX iU r A. l-ii.-ii.. u U)r s.i:i''l ir-r ti mil i'rx-i-rU li i IURVET I. TRAY!. LEGAL NOTICE. St t or iBHk. , n tum v t lurt. . as llHTXTT. In tt ma'.trr of fstsre slfnsl VI,--lirrnwd. iWs--a--i. N. )," il l-Ution fur u-nmiiim-nl of aJmiiiMralor. Not- ts his-f r lo Vrank V MrlH-r- mi-ii. J.n XV. M.-Wrnk-d. Insvrv F- M.-lrr-' rrw-J. Orif-ier M.-l-rmrsi. V aj.w M-rry atxl Mail E-Maanlin. ainl allounr i-rHMii-rt-sitsl In 1t -Mali.iliat a l-utu.n lias l-.n ttfi In lln- isjumy court oJ I a. ixMimy. l l'rii.lrV'tV 'I aiHimniiii if in 'a.immitrur for tin" riM ut said A If ml Mils-raws!. iiss-as-d. and tint a hftnn will l nm at I'lmtt-rfiKKitiu l"viHinly. N. LmNkv lii tli a'U oy i' k-tol"r. A. l.. l 1 iiYVvk. - m.. ht ru r rwiulml to sJkw rauM 'iiit iil l-ittion on or t-fon-it- lour of a- nu on said U) of K'tu r. 1 Vn wltw-w wJxriwf 1 liar trvtoset my Inrxl aril tlir seal of i)iMutit.v iurtof l'i.Mum,t. NurakvUib.Sili' of S-im-mtr. A. 1..I. Hahvet 1. Tkavi. ''lAUl County . I u.lsv. Avoca (?pt-cll CorrespoDdtnoe.) Sheriff Quinton wis in town Satur day evening. Wm. Knabe and wife ere up from Berlin, Sunday. Mrs. W. A. Hollenberger left Wed nesday for Lincoln. J. W. Brendel enjoyed a Tlsit from Murray relatives, Tuesday. rtirmnn Bros, orchestra was at Murray, Saturday evening. Mrs. Ora E. Copes spent a few days this week visiting at Cook. Jas. Seacat is having the founda ticn built for a new residence. The Avoca foot ball team has been organized and are now open for games. w. a. nollenbereer and O. Tefft had business at Louisville, Tuesday. Jno. Seabloom returned Sunday evening from a trip to Stockton, Kan L. W. Fahnestock has sold his res- Honeo rrrrxrtT to Mr. TrOOk Of i .dt-vwv r J Union. . M 1 111 The Ut:i 01 sepienioer iul. rpi-prr.bered by Mrs. M. J. Betts and family as one of the happiest and best of their many family reunions. The day marked another mile stone in the life of Mrs. Eetts, and also of her niece, Miss Mullen Chastain of Coffeyville, Kan., who is visiting at their home. A sumptuous birthday dinner was prepared by the daughters andbroujrht as a surprise to their mother's home. All the good things of the season were in evidence, and each truest did justice to his share. As a souvenir of the day a picture of a!l nresen twas taken. Those present were: Mesdames. Mary J. Betts. Lena Betts, Anna Jacobson, Sarah Carter, ES;e August. Lottie Shackley, Sadie Duncan of Denver: Messrs. v. n Eetts, sr., W. II. Betts, jr., Clarence Betts. Charlie Jacobson, Vern Dun can of Denver, CoL, Ernest Carter, TA Shackley: Misses Rosa Peters, Mullen Chastaine of CoSeyville, Kan., wirr.a Betts. Celeste May Jacobson, Annie August, Gladys August, Muller TharVlev: Masters Vincent Betts, r.ll Jannhsnn. Lovd AUSTUSt. Willie August and Virgil Duncan of Ien ver, CoL NehaLwkaL Weddlnj 8ell. (a Wed-eviay. ep:-T.tr 1 1 ., at tv.e tixs ot Mr. and Mrs. JoLu Beceche. occurrei one vt the prettiest huxe weidicTS0f the sa n, Iien Miss Kmrca Ieneche of Avova xxa united in marriive u Mr. JUn Behrns of Xebawka. Atuhree o'cl ck to the strains of Mendlessohn's wed-! ding march, played ty Miss Lyd.a Nutzxan, the bridal couple entered the parlor and were united in the holy bonds of wedlock by Rev. Spriegel. The bride as becomingly gowned In white silk and carried a bouquet of bride's roses. The bridesmaid, Miss Carrie Moore, wore cream silk. The groom and groomsman, Mr. Albert Beneche wore the conventional attire. After the ceremony a bountiful wed ding dinner was served, and not its least attraction was the beautiful and delicious wedding cake, which graced the center. Tee bride is the accomplished daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Beneche, and has a host of friends who wish her all the best of happiness. The groom is a prosperous farmer living four miles northwest of Xehawka. and has the respect and friendship of everyone who knows him. Many beautiful presents were bestowed on the young couple by two hundred invited guests. Mr. and Mrs. Behrns left Thurs day morninc for a wedding tour Xaj Colorado and other points. A host of friends extend best wishes lor a happy and prosperous' journey through life. i, s mmw QiBi) (fife yM!, .1l isssssas mm. WE can SN. 7T nJUrsm l&MyM Beer, but cannot magnify the CX 3 I f vj I XjJI iX-'f quality o the beer. It's absolute puri- " I r Vv! J J ty, the right v.-ay in which it U made, the Xv . Ti BlIRYOI) US. exceptionally highlass materials that go into it, XV U ' TtZZ rNT f V'V.'J the proper ageing-all these make Beer in NVt 4gDgUGP every respect the one perfect beer. O w Sy : pt It is pale, light and nutritious. It is always uniform made SaS. .yffi.n -rt just the same way all the time from the best Bohemian hops selected V Tfi0UfU ij:, m-r1r fmm the best barlev crown. The Bohemian hops s'1 ' ri'rv"r''v '- ilh''t i;iuuum-i" j - t ' v Ji - - VA'n' Vjt j ,.c ... cp'w'p anrl Jmrvirted eoecial!v for brewirv' (hl'lr'' ' rA ik ? ana inuii iuc t ut nviw j r-- y L!fc vf 1 L-vtel v av m ! wm. H 1 Miss Muriel Mark was on the sick list last week. Elmer Phllpot shelled a large crib of com Monday. L. C. Todd has the largest sweet apples in the country. Miss Wunderlich visited home folks Saturday and Sunday. Dr. Wilcox is the new doctor in Ne haka, since Dr. Lynch departed. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Behrns, sr.. Sundayed with Freddy Schomaker and folks. Simon Hansen i very sick. A doc tor from Weeping Water was called out on Tuesday and Friday. Mrs. Wm. Davis and little daughters left for Dakota last week. Mr. Davis says batching goes pretty good. Mrs. Chas. llensen was the guest of her sister, Miss Eeckner, last week, returning to Weeping Water Saturday. Edith Schumaker was very unfortu nate Tuesday by breaking a fruit jar in her hand, cutting a deep gash in her thumb. Little Gale Stcrm was a suferer with a bad hand last week. Dr. Wil cox found it necessary to have one finger lanced. He is no getting along nicely. Miss Stella and Ralph Opp attended a surprise party on Harry Nuuman at Avoca Monday evening, returning the next morniDg. We are sorry Dora couldn't go. Gust Hansen is suSering with b'.uod poison which he thinks was caused by wheat grains being in his shoe and presf.ng under his foot. He has had it lanced several times. The last heard he is s:ow!y improving. Gust's many friends wish him a speedy recovery. It has a finer flavor than any other beer because it is made from the Lest material the four quarters' of the earth produce, and made right, by the highest skilled brewers in the world. Then aged to a perfect ripeness. Try this delicious bottled beer. You will find it all we claim for it and more. Order a case today for your home. If your dealer cannot supply you, send your order .to us direct and we will supply you immediately. COMPANY OMAHA, NEK Murdock (By G. A. L-!.) I'Ui'DIHE M AKKET") fY.r'wtorl wppV't fcv Martin i; T.ol. who pay the highest prices for produce i and guarantee sat!s;aciion. Pattrr : !i f iz H !.... c or.DC rrfOi a 1. lit : o. i l Ho CkU fljiaod HO oBAIS JCAKK ET. On WlMt 1 " " Oau 3 R;ck Island Time Table. Murdock Station. wE-T in"D. No. 41, mail 'o. i, local No. S. mail No. 31, man EAT B0O"D. No. freight No. 3, mail No. 'A, Loca'. No. 6, maii short visit with the families of II. V. McDonald and II. A. Tool. A pirty was given at th h'me of J. Stroy. sr., on Thursday evening of lat week in honor of Mr. Stroy's birthday. John Westlake and wife were down fr m Eagle and visited Sunday and Monday at the h-;me of H. Westlake aiid family. Millinery opening at Mrs. G. L. Colbert's Friday and Saturday, Sep tember 2 and Mh. Prices reason able and satisfaction guaranteed. I m fnl Up. 'H j tdm Mn 111V j Tuesday morning, and run into the Are you troubled with piles? One application of ManZan will give you immediate relief. Sold by Gering & Co.'s drug store. DR. J. 0. BRUCE Osteooathic Physician Picesalve cleanses wounds, is highly antiseptic, unequaled for cracked hands. Cood for cuts. Sold by Ger ing & Co. 's drug store- team of Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Iast, (smashing their bu-gy and badly bnis :1." a. m. ing the occupants. 3n'm TbeMurdxkba.se UH team went LA', p. m! i over to Elm wood on Thursday Septem ber 3J, and showea iue lei.cwi uver there bow to play ball. Eimwxd had imported a pitcher from Lincoln; also, a center fielder, and were feeling juite jubilant over the results, until after the battle, which ended in the seventh inning, on account of rain with the score G to ' in favor of Murd xk. The fans were there to cheer our try on. Our old friend, A. A. Wallinger. was 12:.yi a. m. 10:-) a. m. , 1:14 p.m. rkronie Mitatet Soecltlty w,m??i andiX. Office bour Prklss BuU:L QR. MAKHALX. DENTIST All klDdiof Tirratw Work rua ran tl. OFr'ICE FiTxerRi-i BuCi. TLrBOKfNo.!o7 Ie's Laxative Honey and Tar, the original cough syrup, acts as a catLar- tic on the bowels. It is made from the tar gathered from the pine trees of our own country, therefore is the best for' children. It is good for coughs, colds, croup, hooping cough, etc Try our free offer. Sold by Gerin L Co.'s drug store. Sold on Easy Paynjeqts This Stan; dard Edi on Phono graph and 12 Genuine Edison Gs!d- for onlv $24.20 - - See the Genuine VICTOR TALKING MACHINES r,roi'y!lft. UrfirV.et rsatl.av: PHIL SAUTER. PHits-oslii BUY A HOME Vftiihjrlcni time mak ing up your mind to buy a farm of youron. but once you mate x ,tttnTi,u will reirrtt tlie time you have ated ar.Q be impatient r prt settled on the r.w premises. -If I had cn'y done this tve or fix rpj'c .-n." an exrressi jn e Oft- n 'r.r. No u,e to brood t ver rast mistakes, but make up vcur rini f. bfa-:n riht row. We have a Lumber cl chc ;ce pieces cf land in ti-lt: c-irlsof Ntv n.-a. allto- ,!it anllct LStrllr. u hat f have Martin & Sires. PLATTSYOVTH. - X3RASKA Sam Cox visited in Louisville Tues day. Geo. Mills is entertaining bis brother this week. Iell Austin as over to Manley Fri- i also there with the goods, along w ith day and Saturday.1 I aT oUier t-x Ian A. S. Iepner visited in Ashland the forepart of the week. Mrs. J. M. Leis was on the sick list the forepart of the week. Martin & Tool shipped out-four car loads of apples this week. Wm. Knaup lust a valuable liOrse last week with lung fever. Chas. Gorsage is up from Auburn for a short visit with relatives. Ease ball Saturday on the Murdock diamond: Murdock vs. Wabash. Frank Moulton is having a car load of rock hauled up from Wabash. Mrs. Dr. McArthur is entertaining her mother frpm Omaha this week. MissEuena IeMuth is visiting at the home of F.ev. Garries this week Mrs. O. H. Ea'slestcn entertained the Kensinjtoa Wednesday afternoon. The Germans, southwest of to n.are I holding their annual camp meeting at 1 present. Ir. McArthur was called in consul-1 tatk'n with Ir. ircen. of Mar.ley last 'ThursJay. John and Harry NuU2.an and Louie Eich'.ers. ofAt'ca. visited ;th Rugbe over Sunday. Tl.e social dance at August Glaubitz Monday evening, was well attended i and enjoyed by al. A b'juncing Uby toy was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Henry LumVow, Wed 1 ncsday, September ). ! The Unitm I"aclc surveyors are again in this ncightxThoxi. and their '. new survey n north . f their old ones. Wm. Ileiers'tVy has Uen on the I I y l i.- Nothing Ever Made rn this stvle cf S'.t .? cqjals the Riverside Base Burner I: .'' ait c.rcs'jr.r.g: 5uf ,' :. ctt'iuY.r nadeari t-.".ed. li"! :. fr.-f t svrr.cr ati ins . i tr: t;.,f ie:r. frd tl tby '.i.t (u.'iv; n .:. '.lj!. Every Ar- r t'i'? r. !: n 1 1 sel ifr. ii. '. .ra :-r : .t ( t rtre ni ireare i: f .: .: r'. .it lck.f -.i ca "Bfcrc E'jrTr Goodness John Bauer, Hardware Stoves. &c Weeping Water l rom Uie Hrra.d. Chas. Gilmore has yuit working at Ilavelock and returned to Weeping Water. Weeping Water is a great apple maiket. Thousands of bushes are coming to tewn and being barreled. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Iuvis re turned yesterday from Colorado, here they had been on their wedding trip. Tlie four months' old baby of Mr. ana Mrs. W.T. Allen died Tuesday morning after an Illness of veral days with cholera infantum. C. A. Webster concluded that this was a pretty good old world, and he was going to enjoy it for a sean longer. He ts improved rapidly the past wee . Miss Anna Lyman left for llcnt.a Harbor. Mich., la.'t Thursday, she will make a short visit there before sroinj t'j Mobile. A'.a.. where she teaches music the coming year. Mrs. Geo. Spohn. who hasfx-en mak ing an extended vis;t here withher parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Ilart.lcft for her home at Eatkus.Micn.. Friday morning. Mrs. Hart accompaniel her as far as Omaha. Eui'.ding is progressing in the o un try a little, Chas. Ijigelkcmeicr is putting up a barn, and August Kegel kemeier an addition to his house. L. 1. Switzer a barn, also Wx. s p-r.. '.cr a birn en his farm. Mr. and Mrs. F. I', lllakem re THE AK-SAR-BEfi FESTIVAL HAS MADE CM AHA TAMOUS. "SOMETHING DOING ALL THE TIME" J i HAIF FARE CCctcSer 1st ta Sth All RAILROADS DAY PARADE npj Q DAY PARADE ppT f. FLECTR1C PAGEANT ppT Q CORONATION BALL PpJ H Ccme And See The AlrS!iip-20tb Century Kcsdcr -t j . .'4. wu J 'J-v a . A . - sick list lately, hut It. McArthur !.asjrartcd Saturday fr-rCl-icv.. Mrs. li the little cr.e on the read t j r:cDvery. j ) k.r, fr m the re to Mi 3 Ik bury. In J , Mr. ml Mrs. A. s. We'.lr. k le-1 wl.Te bor n.'-the r resil-rs. The latter ir.ed f?r thrir h-rr.e at Newton, Ja., j R in v:rj ',-.: hc-lth. ar.1 her Li g'. tl.c httcr pr.rt f Jan week-. aft-T t.'-r w.U visit a-1 csrc f.-r J.r. HUE! till jarfced;tinenltrt. rctlCStCX MCI. G Au in a lave jif ptrw'J :?h cs. 3 Diil"a We s!1 EvcntMct for sica to Kwr. H atrcAntJtw dno. pHay 6 CO.. tt