THE LAST DAY FOR NATURALIZATION PAPERS For the Past Month Courts Han Been I sieged fej Aliens Who Wish to Becomt Citizens. UW 60ES INTO EFFECT THURSDAY It Won't bt So Easy to Becost i Citi zen of This Fret America After This Date. For the first time in tbe history of this great "land ot the free and home of tbe brave," Uncle Sam will take a hand in the making of his citizens. Tomorrow (Thursday, September 27, 1906) will be the beginning of the troubles of the future would-be Amer ican. Then, to quote a local official, "It will be easier for the proverbial camel to go" through the eye or a needlo than for an alien to become a citizen of the United States."" The sweeping changes about to be inaugurated by Uncle Samuel in the naturalizing process have become widely known, and in consequence the district courts of Nebraska have been swamped daily for the past month by declarations of Intention known as the "first papers" and applications for naturalization termed "second pa. pers," and the final court proceedings The Cass county district court com menced two weeks ago last Monday, and almost dally,, from the first day (or when court was In session) an average of about a half a dozen aliens per day have appeared before that tribunal for citizenship papers. At least one hundred In Cass county have ap plied for their papers and have been sent on their way rejoicing at the re muneration of another yoke for tbe protection and civic rights afforded by the Stars and Stripes. After tomorrow this protection and these rights can be obtained by the foreigner desirous of wielding a ballot but the modus operandi will be a far different affair. If be happens to en ter port subsequently to that date, he will imagine he is being sized up for the rogues' gallery. After taking his name, a list of his family, his date of arrival, bis last residence, intended place of abode, and the name of the ship he came on, a man will face the aspirant for citizenship toward the light and gaze Into his eyes. It is not an experiment in hypno tism, however, although, if fear could produce the effect, the alien probably would straightway lapse into catalep tic regidlty. The government official of the new department, to be known as the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization, is simply trying to ascertain tl.8 color of the new arrival's eyes. Then his hair undergoes a scrutiny, and, with the alien's complexion, is classified by a man who has made a study of the spectrum. His height Is next measured, and the foreigner who wonders, perhaps, why the Bertlllon measurements are not taken also, then receives a copy of his identity. If he has answered the questions put to him, he gets his "first papers," and Is allowed to live in the United States five years before taking the next step In the process. But the worst is yet in store for the ambitious alien. When he comes back at the end of the prescribed years of residence, the paths he must tread before he becomes a full-fledged Amer lean citizen are devious and tortuous, not to mention the possibility of their being expensive. For Uncle Sam re. ' serves the right to subpoena witnesses, if he sees tit, at the expense of the ap plicant, to disprove his claims to cltl zensblp. When tbe new enactment becomes effectivo tbe alien must speak tbe English language before he can get his final papers. There will be fewer courts with Jurisdiction to naturalize and a string of formalities that will make the goal of citizenship appear a long way off to the discouraged appll cant. This has been one great cause for the grand rush to become naturalized and the rush has not only occurred in Casscountv. but all over the state of Nebraska. There will be but few aliens in this county who have not taken advantage of the old law, and it Is very doubtful If there Is one in the county after today who has not taken out his papers. When two stronir men come to bio s, even If they are well matched, It Is not a pleasing sight, but if the man who gets the worst of It will use De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, he will look better and feel better In short or dor. no sure vim net De Witt's. Good for everything a salve is used for, In cludlnir Dlles. Sold by Frlcke & Co, and Gerlng & Co. Mont disfiguring skin eruptions, icrofula, pimples, rashes, etc., are duo to Impure blood. Burdock Blood Bitten ii a cleansing blood tonic. Makes you i!rar-ryi.'d,cW'ar-lraliicd.clt,ar-sklnicd Wouldn't It Seem Queer? The revival of steamboat days is all the talk row days in ti e principal Missouri river cities, and many believe that boats will be plying up and down the "Big Muddy" unloading and taking on freight as In "the days of yore." It will seem queer to see the steamboats plying the Missouri river, but the movement In the direc tion of lower freight rates seems to point In this direction. Halt a cen tury ago the boats on the Missouri river were a spectacle to behold. As the big packet would land at the wharf everybody and the children used to go to the landing and watch the roustabouts carry off tbe merchan dise freight and load tbe boat with corn, cured meat and other products. If a line of steamers Is put on be tween St. ?oe and Omaha, .it will be tbe making of the river towns. A LETTER FROM OREGON C. W. Sherman Writes an Interesting Letter to an Old Friend. Our old friend, Conrad Schlater, re ceived a long letter from C. W. Sher man a few days since, from which we are permitted to copy a part. It is a very interesting production, but being quite lengthy, we are unable to pub lish the same in full. Mr. Sherman was for many years editor of this pa per, and while thousands of miles away at the present time, ne still takes quite an Interest in Nebraska affairs. We may, however, publish other extracts of the letter later. In speaking on the political affairs, Mr. Sherman says: "Well, time (lies, and Nebraska peo ple are in the midst of another state campaign. It is interesting to me a far away onlooker to note the fact that the republicans have at last par- tlally awakened to realize that the railroad bosses have been making fools ot them long enough, and they have nominated a real good man for governor, who isn't afraid to call his soul his own! I know Captain Sheldon and always liked him. Have been sorry to see him In such bad company, ne is naturally a democrat, and ought to be In that party. Ills surroundings are not suitable to such a character as his. He is like a trout in a mud pud dle. But the railroad manipulators still had enough power to get two of their creatures on the board which as sesses their property, there Is no hope of making the roads pay their share of the taxes, unless the democrats win this fall. "It has doubtless made your heart glad that Mr. Bryan is again at home, and that the people are coming to recognize him for what he is worth to the state and the nation. To you and I, who have known him personally for so many years, he is the same, com mon, whole-souled, earnest, conscien tious and sincere man, whose heart '.s ever warm to the woes of the masses, whose life is free from guile.and whose heart's ambition is to lift up the na tion to a higher ideal of civic right eousness. We know blm as a plain, candid, honest democratic democrat, who loves his fellow man with a sin cerity that no man can question; who cares far more to be in the right than to hold tbe highest office In the world. And the whole world Is coming to our way of thinking. The distinguished consideration shown him abroad, and tbe great reception recently tendered him In New York, shows this. We love him because we know he is a trua man true to us, true to every prin ciple he ever avowed, and true to the people whose confidence he enjoys and whose trust he has never betrayed. We love him, too, because of his su preme moral courage, tbe courage to face a nation for tbe sake of his con victions of right and duty. And, per haps most of all, we love him because In him the people have a leader who Is not afraid to lead, and who Is pure and above reproach. That he will be nominated for president next year seems certain; that he will be elected depends solely upon the question whether tbe money power can corrupt tbe ballot enough to defeat him as it did In '90." Not Claiming So Much Now. In an Interview with the republican candidate for governor by a Lincoln News reporter the other day, Senator Sheldon said: "I don't want republl cans to get so confident that they will think it unnecessary to go the polls and vote. While everything looks favcrable to our ticket and I do not see how we can lose, but there Is a hard light still to make. The democrats will leave nothing un done to win. Mr Shallcnbcrgcr, espeel ally, Is exerting every effort to do so." Since the returns from Maine, the re publicans of Nebraska are not claim Ing as big a majority for Sheldon as that received by Roosevelt two years ago. They will bo willing to accept, even a small majority by the time the election rolls round. The democratic candidate for governor Is a vote-getter and on the stump is a power. Might Have Proven Serious. Mrs. T. P. Livingston experienced a slight runaway this morning that might have proven quite serious. She wasoutbugtfy riding with the gentle family horse that she drives so much, and in passing down Oak street, on the hill side near the Oliver Dovey res idence, the harness In some way broke and the horse started to run. Mrs. Livingston held tightly to the lines and kept the animal in the road, but was unable to check his speed until they arrived at Manspeaker's livery barn. Most women would have been so frightened that the animal would have gotten away, but her presence ot mind saved her from any injury other than tbe shock from the thought of what It might have been. Why Not Visit Plattsmouthf .While C. S. Sherman Is so busy In visiting other cities of the state in an effort to organize a base ball league, many of the sports are wondering why he should give Plattsmoutu such a wide berth. We have Just as good ball players in Plattsmouth as they have In any of the cities he Is visiting, and the Journal also begs leave to ask tbe question why he thus gives his old home town the "shake?" Mrs. W. P. Keeler, of Spokane, Wash , who has been visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. C. Rln hackle, in this city, will depart the fore part of the week for a few days visit In Belle Plains, Kan., after which she will return to Plattsmouth before going to her home. In company with her brother Louie she visited with friends In Omaha yesterday. Mrs. Edward Stamm and Geo. Stamm and wife, of Havelock, spent a few days at the Reinhackle home during the visit of Mrs. Keeler at her old home. Blind" Caused by Alcohol. Ir. R. K. Djohttle of New York analyzed a number of advertised rem edies and found that many of them contain wood alcohol which Is a deadly poison. On? case was reported of a girl who last her eyesight after using such a preparation on her face. Un scrupulous manufacturers do not only use wood alcohol for liniments, but also for flavoring extracts and for cheap whiskies and cordials, which must In every case destroy the stom ach. The only remedy for a sick stomach Is Trlner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine, which contains pure grape-wine and selected herbs only. Not a drop ot any chemicals. It will cure every stomach, wherever a cure Is possible; It will enable it to accept and digest all food. It will make new, pure blood of the thoroughly di gested food. It will strengthen the nerves and make the complexion bril liant. At drug stores. Jos. Trlner, 799 So. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. Mist Ruth Johnson Entertain. Miss Ruth. Johnson entertained a number of friends at her home In the north part of town last evening, In honor of her friend, Miss Francis Weldman. The occasion was given In honor of Miss Weldman's eighteenth birthday, and was a very enjoyable af fair in every particular. lkulte a num ber of young friends were present. At the usual hour liyht refreshments were served. All present pronounce Miss Johnson a royal entertainer. Mission Feast and Harvest Home festival at St. Paul's Evangelical church next Sunday. Services will begin at the regular morning service, and again at 2::io and 8 p. in. Several outside ministers will be present to take part In the services. I ).' i. . : . ' )., 1 ' r, , r .. ' .-. '-.';,'.;.";';.. ' , 1 ;'.';,,''' ' : ' . - ( . .- ... ' ' - ' '. 'W ,-. ". '. :' . '''.! 1 ' " i ' '" t ' , " ' " ' ' v".--'-'- : y'; , "' ' ';:'- M,. r:-: ..... V.vl .... : i . ; ; . . - r ' s- .' .:. , ? -., J v, " i -i,': - . - .f1 V:-V V . : 1 ' ' , '"' ,-' J f '"' ' " A1 ' r'-. A' ' "STRONG ARM" IN OMAHA Plattsiptli Man 6ets Behind the Notori ous Midway Saloon and Meets His Waterloo. Early yesterday morning, savs the Omaha Bee, James Bajeck of Platts mouth came rushing Into tho police station and complained tliatMie had been held up back of tho Midway sa loon, Twelfth and Capitol avenue, and robbed of t-X He said ho was a stranger In the city and was looking over the sights when he was accosted by a colored man and woman who sud denly took him unawares and per formed the "strong arm" act on him, separating him from his portable worldly possessions. Officers Davis and Llckcrt were sent out on the case and arrested Charles Mitchell, 1009 Davenport street, and Henrietta Hicks of Topcka, Kan., on thechargo of having committed the offense. Their cases are set for today (Thurs day.) Bajeck said it was dark and he could not Identify his alleged assailants. c CARL R. GOCICMER nf Wahoo, Neb., Democratic candidate for Secretary of State. For Sale. Ten-room house and live lots near tho M. P. depot for sale. A bargain. Apply to J. II. Thrasher, room 20r, Coates' block District Court News. The wheels of justice were started grinding in the districtcourt Tuesday morning, and the first case on tbe docket has thus far taken up the en- fire day, that of Wm. Deles Dernier, et al., vs. Carrie Carroll. This case Is the result of a controversy In which the plaintiff alleges unpaid attorney fees for services In some legal matters adjusted for tbe defendant some time ago. The plaintiff has levied upon some real estate out at Elm wood, the former home bf defendant. Byron Clark appears for the plaintiff and A. N. Sullivan for the defendant. A few more naturalization papers were Issued Tuseday night, Wednes day as follows: Albert Thicl, J. II. Miller, Gustar Ileldeman, August Hahn, Wm. Bartolo of Cass county and nans Goos of Otoe county. Aott Chamberlain's Cough Remedy on Nature's Plan. The most successful medicines are those that aid nature. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. Take It when you have a cold and It will allay the cough, relieve the lungs, aid expectorations, open the secre tions and aid nature In restoring tho system to a healthy condition. Thous ands Imvo testified to'lts superior ex cellence. It counteracts any tendency of a cold to result In pneumonia. Price, 2 cents. Largo size, "0 cents. For sale by F. U. Frlcke & Co. and A. T. Fried. Foil RKNT-two nicely furnished rooms, modem and convenient to tow n. Suitable for two or, four young men. Enquire at the Journal. Call and see the beautiful Vesta Tlllcy, Peter Pan, Parma, Otero, Mil lcr and Georgette hats at our opening II. E. W. idmitn &K Car Shortage in the West. A special dispatch from Chicago says: "There is not a railroad in the west that Is able to furnish enough cars and motive power , to handle Its freight traffic with promptness called for by shipping interests. The move ment Is unprecedented, and promises to keep up for months to come. This Is due to tbe practical making ot the corn by recent good weather, and to the Increased feeling ot confidence that prevails owing to the good crops. More goods are being bought and paid for with a readiness than Is seldom seen. Shippers are complaining rrom all sections that they are unable to get cars; and much buying of goods has been done ahead of the regular time In order to secure deliveries. Grain men In the Interior complain that they cannot get cars, and ship ments are delayed. The extent of the car shortage can be measured from a statement made by an official of the St. Taul road, who says they are short 3,000 to 5,000 a day In their orders for cars." Sarah Barnhardt's Great Play. Strange as It may seem, the play In which, (next to Camllle,) Madame Earnhardt made her greatest success has never been played by her In any country but her own. This play Is "Woman of Mystery," (Uno Femme Mysterlcuse.) The American rights have been secured by Mgrs. Walters Sc Way and Miss Couttenay Morgan has been chosen to." the rtleof Ayshca Knowing the success Miss Morgan his made of Earnhardt roles In the past we can knowingly look for something beyond tho ordinary In the above pio- ductlon at the Parmclo Theatre on Monday, October 1, i;wi. The next time you want a good smoke, call for the "Eagle,'' the best on tho market. A Narrow Escape. In a letter to Conrad Schlater, Jas Stander tells him of a narrow escape that happened to the Journal's old friend, John l. Furguson, who lives four miles south of Louisville, yester nay anoui noon. Mr. lurgusou was engaged In hauling hay and fell from the load down between tho horses. Ills right shoulder was dislocated, and he was otherwise bruised. Dr. Wort man and Green were summoned, and fixed him up as well as possible, after which he seemed cheerful and thought he would get along nicely, and thought he ought to he thankful that his In juries were not worse. It was Indeed a narrow escape, as nine times out of ten, such an accident would have re suited In a great deal worse Injury, If not Instant death. Tho Journal hopes he will soon bo himself again. District Court Doings. The case of William Deles Dernier, et. al., vs Carrie Carrol, wherein the plaintiff seeks to recover about J.'IOO attorney's fees, which occupied the attention of the court yesterday, was given to the Jury about 5 o'clock last evening. The Jury was locked In the Jury room over night, and this morn ing returned a verdict for the defend ant. The matter will be appealed to the higher court. Naturalization papers were Issued today to Peter Johnson, Oscar John son and Peter Ott, Henry Eichel. Sheriff iulnton today served the pa pers in the case of George D'Ment against A. T. Fried In which the plaintiff asks for equitable relief from a transaction In which he recently be came possessor of the Fried drug str re In this city. The suit was brought In the district court of Johnson county and the case will be heard In Tecum sch, Mr. D'Mcnt's former home. The case of John U. 1'opc vs. Geo. Oberlc, et al, was called immediately at the re-assembling of court this afternoon. This Is a matter wherein the plaintiff sues for damages sus tained in a runaway, in which he had a limb broken. The defendant at the time the accident occurred was run ning a saloon In Greenwood. The plaintiff lives a few miles from Green wood, and had been to town for a load ot lumber. It Is claimed be imbibed too freely of Mr. Oberle's "red eye," and returning home, was unable to man age his team, and tho horses ranaway throwing him to the ground with the above result. The Jury selected in the case is composed of the following J. M. Vondran, Joseph Mullls, C. S Stone, D. L. Amlck, Wm. Atchison Henry Knabe. S. V. Glrard, J. F, Froellcb, E. O. Loucks, Walter Jen kins, S. O. Cole and D. J. Pitman. White or Fancy Vest will tone up your appearance for the Fall Festivities. Iiuy it "where Quality Counts." Price $1.25 to S3.50 C. E. Wescott's Sons "Whin Quality CounU." McClnnahnn W.-irrtMl Nuptials. Among tho passengers on the early morning train for Omaha this morn ing were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Tavlor. who were accompanying a happy couple to that city to be made man and wife this afternoon. The happy couple were none other than Miss Margaret Warren, one of Plattsmouth's most popular young adles, an excellent musician and leader of the Parmclu orchestra, and Mr. Robert McClanahan, a popular young man, formerly of this city. The couple will he married and re turn home on the evening train. The news of the wedding will be a great surprise to Miss Warren's friends. Here's hoping that their sail upon tho matrlmonlalsca will be without squalls and the Journal joins their many friends In wishing them the best of the future. Marriage at the Court House. After securing the necessary papers to Join themselves In the holy bonds of matrimony about 2 o'clock this afternoon, Frank Bergman of Wabash and Miss Henrietta L. Sorenscn of Manlcy, were made happy by Judge Travis, In his usual manner of joining together two happy hearts. There was quite a number ot tbe "curious" pres cnt when tbe marriage occurred. Speolal Train to Omaha. On account of Ak-Sar-Bcn Electrical Parade, Wednesday, October 3, the Burlington will run a special train leaving Plattsmouth at 7 p. m.; and returning, leavo Omaha at 1 p. m Fare 73 cents for the round trip. W. L. Pick ett, Agent District Court. There has been no new cases dis posed of. The Tope vs. George Oberle case, mentioned In yesterday's Jour nal, is still on, and Just as we goto press the Jury has been granted a va cation for a few moments, perhaps to get a fresh start for an all night selgo In the jury room, when they get charge of the case. A Good Ball Came. Tbe Red Sox will cross bats with tho Fort Crook team again on next Tuesday, October 2. This promises to be an exciting game. The 30th In fantry band will accompany tbe Fort Crook team to this city, and during the day will give a concert. Don't fail to attend both concert and ball game. Notice. The annual meeting of the Cass County Farmers' Protection Ass'n will be held In Louisville on Saturday, October r, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing officers for the en suing year and transacting such other business as may come before the meet ing. J. G. Mkikixoek, Secretary. The Presbytorlan Market. The ladles of tho Presbyterian church will re-open the Market In tho first week of October, and will bo In chargo ot Mesdamcs J. N. Wise and P. E. Ruffncr the first month. The Market will occupy tho samo quarters as last year In tho Riley hotel block. Pale, Thin, Nervous ? Then your blood must be In a very bad condition. . You certainly know what to take, then take it Ayer's Sarsa parilla. If you doubt, then consult your doctor. We know what he will say about this grand old family medicine. Thli It tho flrtt in.tlnn f nnf rtiwlor wnoM 4.k: "Am ;mir b..wfl. rritularT" It" knowa thtft ilntl Kfllnn of til 1hiwi.Ii It mtMtultltlT ntul to rr"rf. Ki foot lir .-ti ml ymir hniu ri'fultt ('7 Uklug litW du! vi Aytt nut. d ky O. rr Co., TiMtl, aim uiiilkgtiinri t yers IUI! VHIOR. Alice a ve. CHIRRV rtCTORU. Wt htT Mrt I Wt pubiuh tht roraalM of til oar aitdioiitM.