The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 27, 1906, Image 2

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Hon. S. L.
ternoon fur
from I rliluy . llly.
"Gut Hell," the favorite clar.
Dr. Marshall, l)ontlst, Coats' Cluck
(lien Hawls, of Murray, was a busi
ness visitor In the city today.
Postmaster A. L. linker of Murray
! attcndlnn court liore today.
Tlios. Murray, of Otoe county, was
granted naturalization papers by
Judge Jcsscn today.
I). L. Amlck, of Murray, was at
tending to (ui business matters In
riattsmoutl) today.
Mrs. J. T. Twld, who has been visit
ing home folks for a few days, re
turned to her homo In Wahoo today.
Chas. Weldcman, who has lcen a
member of the jury this week, being
excused until Monday, departed this
afternoon for hU home In Greenwood.
The man who has raised the tallest
stock of corn and the largest ear of
corn has the floor now, but Just wait
until the corn husking liar comes to
the front.
Thomas departed this af
rits ranch, near Akron,
lie was accompanied
by his grandson, Cecil Thomas.
Tbe rains of the past week has do
te red the building of sidewalks, and
a great deal of the grading done, for
that purpose has been considerably
injured by washing out, and will have
to be done over.
Clarence Fofbcs, a painter In the
local shops, who has been oil duty for
some time, Is not Improving very much
with his lame knee. It had to be
lanced yesterday morning on account
of an abcess setting In the knee joint.
Noel II. Kawls, who has been con
lined to his home for several days, on
account of his cyes.sccms to be getting
some better. And It Is hoped by care
ful treatment lie will soon bo himself
again, and that his smiling counte
nance will be visible upon the streets
and among his many friends.
(eorgelvites.woll known In this city,
was nominated for representative from
Mills county to the state legislature by
the democrats yesterday at Silver
City. Mr. Kstes Is quite popular, but
our neighboring county across the Itlg
Muddy, Is somewhat like our own coun
ty of Cass, It takes a strong pull to
elect a democrat.
From Sutunlny'M liully.
Clayt iloscncrans returned from his
visit at Klmwood last evening.
W. C. and 1). W. Do Lashmutt, of
J'acltlo Junction, are looking after
some business matters In 1'Iattsmouth
Ernest Horn, a high school st udent,
left last evening for Cedar Creek,
where he will spend Sunday with his
home folks.
Frank Fisher of Cedar Creek, who
lias been here the past week, left for
Cedar Creek last evening to remain
over Sunday.
Mrs. John McNurlln, who has been
visiting with relatives InMt. Pleasant
and Eight Milo drove precincts, re
turned home last evening, much to
the delight of her husband. Mrs. Mc
Nurlln has been gone about a month
Mrs. A. F. Seybert, of Cullom, came
In on the delayed Schuyler passenger
last evening, which should have reach'
ed here at 10 a. m. In consequence of
which she was compelled to remain
over until this morning s freight to
get home.
A sour stomach, a bad breath, n
pasty complexion and other consc'
quences of a disordered digestion arc
quickly removed by the use of King's
Dyspepsia Tablets. Two days' treat
ment free. Sold by tiering & Co's
drug store.
Mrs. R. Ar llarrett, who has been
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Frank McNurlln, of Mt. leasant
precinct, will return to her home in
Havclock tomorrow. Her mother has
been on the sick list for sometime, but
Is much better.
J. E. Worlcy eamo down from Lin
coin last evening on a brief visit, and
will return tomorrow with his wife
and baby, who have been visiting with
Mrs. moneys parents, tor a week or
ten days. The many friends of Jay are
always glad to sec him, and especially
his old chums the printers.
Frank McNurlln of Mt. Pleasant
precinct, was In the city today, aud
gave the Journal a pleasant call II
brought his wife and two daughters
Including his married daughter, Mrs
M. a. liarrctt, oi naveiock, as far as
Fred Wens', south of the city, where
nicy spent tnc day, wniie l rank was
taking In the sights in 1'lattsmouth
Mrs. H. Wurl and son, Ernest, re
turned from their trip to Byron, Neb,
where they had been visiting Tan
wuri. nicy wero caiica nomo on
account of the serious Illness of
Wurl, sr., who was seriously 111 with
stomach trouble Wednesday night
Mr. Wurl, at the present time, Is Ini
proving nicely and on the road to re
From Miimtny' Kully.
J. M. Bobcrts an j family spent Sun
day with his brother and family, near
Olaf Lunburg came up from Netiaw-
ka today to take out naturalization
Mr. and Mrs. Will Truclson, of
Omaha, spent Sunday with relatives
near Mynard.
Frank P. Sheldon and Jos. Malcomb,
of Nehawka, wcre.buslncss visitors in
Plattsmouth today.
May Vallery, who has been very 111,
Is much improved. Dr. T. P. Living
ston Is her attending physician.
EJ. Reynolds, of Ashland, who has
been visiting a few days with his par
ents hero, returned to his home Sun-
lay afternoon.
Fred Sullivan, formerly a cigar-
maker of this city, is now an employe
of the Her Grand hotel In Omaha to
which place he went this afternoon.
Phil Sauter Is moving his phono-
graph stock to the old Bennett &Tutt
building today. He will have a much
nicer store than when he was located
on Sixth street.
The new barber shop to be conduct
ed by Chas. Martin and Jesse Perry in
ono half of the old Bennett A Tutt
building opened up Saturday. They
have a neat and clean little shop, and
report an excellent business on the
opening day.
From Tuvstliiy'i Dully
D. L. Amlck, of Murray, was trans
acting business in Plattsmouth today.
Geo. Wood, of Louisville, was look
ing after some business matters in
'lattsmouth Jast evening.
O. A. Davis and B. A. Root of Mur
ray passed through Plattsmouth this
morning enroute to Louisville.
Mrs. H. R. Ncltzcl and children
came In this morning from Murdock
to visit with her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. F. R. Guthman.
Fred Wynn left this morning for
Sheridan, Wyo., where ho has secured
employment. lie will be Joined at
Omaha by "Buster" Graham.
John Chapman, formerly employed
as baggage master here, has accepted
position at Ashland, and he left for
that place yesterday afternoon.
The young men's gymnasium class
will organize tonight. Beulnnini;
promptly at 8 o'clock. The class will
meet every Tuesday and Friday night,
at the Turner hall.
Feel languid, weak, run-down?
Headache? Stomaoh "off" Just a
plain case of lazy liver, Burdock Blood
Bitters tones liver and stomach, ifto-
motes digestion, purities the blood.
J. D. Graves and wife, of Peru,
stopped in Plattsmouth yesterday
evening to see Mr. Graves' brother,
Jack, who has been quite sick at his
home In this city. They wero enroute
to Omaha.
William Neville came down from
Mllford last evening to pay his home
folks a visit, and gave the Journal a
call. Mr. Nevlllo says the Platts
mouth boys with him are all well, lie
will return today.
News reached this city this morning
that Jacob Bcutler,editor of the Staats
Zeitung, published in Nebraskl City,
is dead. He had been 111 from heart
trouble for several days. He was well
known to many of the Germans In
Cass county.
When you have a cold It Is well to
be very careful about using anthlng
that will cause constipation. Be par
ticularly careful about preparations
that contain opiates. Use Kennedy's
Laxative Honey and Tar, which stops
the cough and moves the bowels. Sold
by Frlcke & Co. and Gerlng & Co.
J. T. York, who has been confined
to his home for nearly two weeks with
an abcess on his right side, was down
to his barber shop this morning for
the first time since his confinement.
He is still hi a very bad condition,
ana hardly able to get around. The
Journal hopes he may soon bo his
former self.
ManZan relieves instantly the pain
caused by those blind, bleeding, itch
log and protruding piles. It Is put up
lu collapsible tubes in such a way that
It can be applied where the trouble
originates, thus stopping the pain Ira
mediately. Try one bottle, and If you
are not relieved, your money will be
refunded. Try our free olTer. Sold by
Gerlng & Co.'s drug store.
No one would buy a sailboat with
sails that could not be reefed. There
Is always that possibility of a little
too much wind that makes a cautious
man afraid to go unprovided. The
thloking man, whose stomach some'
times goes back on him, provides for
his stomach by keeping a bottle of
Kodol For Dyspepsia within reach.
Koclol digests what you cat and re
stores the stomach to the condition to
properly perform Its functions. Sold
by Frlcke Co. and Gerlng & Co,
Krom Wtrdu-y't dully.
Mrs. T.J. Khuden and Mrs. John
Lloyd of near Murray, were passengers
for Omaha this morning.'
J. A. Walker, the veteran demo
crat of Murray, was in the city today
onbuslnevi, and gave the Journal a
pleasant call.
A marriage license was issued today
to Fritz Hillman, of Elm wood, Cuv
county, and Miss Anna Ottens, cf Ber
lin, Loc county.
Henry Elchel, of Avoca, was In the
city today to get his naturalization
papers, and while here enrolled his
name for the Journal.
Tone the liver, move the bowels,
cleanse the system. Dade's' Little
Liver Pills never gripe. Sold by Ger
lng & Co.'s drug store.
The many friends of Noel U. Rawls
will be pleased to learn that his eyes
are still Improving, and that his eye
sight will be a9 good as ever in a few
Our old friend, E. B. Craig, of Green
wood, Is here today attending court
as a witness, and gave the Journal a
pleasant call. We are always glad to
meet Mr. Craig.
George Oberle, of Eagle, came in
this morning on business In the dis
trict court. Mr. Oberle gave the Jour
nal a call this morning and renewed
his faith In the Old Reliable another
Cards are out announcing the forth
coming marriage of Mr.'Rea Francis
Patterson and Miss Elizabeth Ann
Iovey. The ceremony will occur at
St. Luke's Episcopal church on Tues
day evening, October 9, PJOfl, at 7
Mrs. Bertha Carey and . three chil
dren departed last night for Wenat
chcr, Wash., where they will visit her
mother, brother and sisters. She ex
pects to remain several months. Mrs.
Carey orders the Journal sent to her
address during her stay.
William Wynn, sr., laid on our table
today a mammoth apple which will
weigh atout one pound. Mr. Wynn
says he has two trees on his place
south of town bearing this fruit,
which will average up pretty well
with the specimen he left with us.
Mrs. Ed. Stamm, of Havelock, Is
here 'for a few days, visiting with her
mother and sister, Mrs. Relnhackle
and Mrs. W. P. Kcelcr, the latter from
Spokane, Washington. Their visit
will no doubt be an enjoyable one, as
the sisters havo not meet for several
T. .1. Rhoden departed this morning
for the Burlington Junction Mineral
Sdrlngs, where ho will try tho me
dicinal properties of the water'at that
Institution for rheumatism, with
which he has been allllcted for some
time. The Journal hopes M r. Rhoden
will return greatly Improved.
Mrs. Kate Mary, and her sister, Miss
Agnes and brother, John Neville, are
engaged today in bidding their many
Plattsmouth friends farewell, previous
to their departure tomorrow for Seat
tle, Wash., near which place Mr. Mary
Is engaged In railroad lousiness. They
are most excellent people, and the
Journal, along with the balance of
their friends, regret to see them leave.
0 E. . E)VIY fg j
TH E generous patronage given our Dress Goods and Trim
mings Departments is pleasing evidence to us that our
efforts to place before our customers goods which are
up-to-date in every particular is appreciated. Our selections in
these lines, as well as all other iines, are from first hands.
36 in. Black Taffeta, Guaranteed, at SI. I
For the fall we have
added some beautiful
patterns In 3-ply all
wools at tl 00 made up.
2-ply all wool at 7'c and
80c made up. Choice
patterns in cottage and
sanitary carpets at 'J."c.
Velvets and Moquettes
and some tine patterns
After wearing a pair of "Queen Quality" shoes you
will recognize their superiority over other makes.
Their perfect fit will free you from the annoyances
of foot troubles and will revel in delightful ease nev
er before experienced. They give the comfort lack
ing in so many Shoes. Ladies' Shoes from $1.65
to $2.25, best bargains in this market considering
the heavy advance in all lines of shoes.
Fine line of Children's and Misses' School Shoes.
The Leading Shades fo.i Fall Wear
Panamas, all wool, at frpm , 50c to Sl.00 per yard
Wool Taffetas 45 inches wide, in nice line of colors 1.00 . per yard
Shadow Checks, so popular this season, in grays, 40 in. wide. . .40 per yard
Shelma Cloth, will not wrinkle, so largely advertised, 1.50 per yard
Serges, Chiffon Panamas and a nice line of Plaids '
0)VEY s
Wm. KaulTman made a business
trip to Omaha, over the Missouri Pa
cltic, yesterday evening.'
Jay Dietrich, assistant superinted
ent of motive power, is In the city to
day on company business.
Mrs. C. C. Miles left this morning
for Spring Ranch, Neb., where she
will visit with her daughter, Mrs. J.
M. Combs.
Dr. B. F. Brendel and wife, Mrs.
A. L.. Baker, and Mr. and Mrs. Parr,
ana nir. ana Mrs. jomis, came up
from Murray this afternoon and took
the train for Omaha.
Wm. Case of Weeping Water, is vis
iting this week with his old-time
friend, L. B. Brown, south of Platts
mouth. Both gentlemen were In
Plattsmouth, today.
D. D. Spald, who stopped oil in this
city on his way from Indiana county,
California, to visit the family of C. C.
Miles, departed this morning for his
home In Oakland, California.
Mrs. E. A.Kirkpatrick,who has been
spending her vacation in Oregon for
the past month, returned yesterday,
and after a few hours' visit at the
home of her sister, Mrs. P. E. Uuffner,
returned to her home in Nehawka yes
terday morning.
Mrs. L. W. Nelson returned from
Peru last evening, where slio went
Monday to make arrangements for
daughters to enter the state normal
for tho wluter. The young ladles,
Misses Jcanctte, Geneve and Doris,
will go to Peru Monday of next week.
It Is a well known medical fact that
pine resin Is most effective In the
treatment tf diseases of the bladder
and kidneys. Sufferers from backache
and other troubles due to faulty action
of the kidneys tind relief in the uso of
Plne-ules. U buys 30 days' treatment
Sold at Gerlng & Co.'s drug store.
A cold taken at this time i f the year
is generally hard to get rid of, but it
will not be able to withstand Bee's
Laxative Honey and Tar. That will
cure all colds, cough, croup, whooping
cough, etc., oy driving them out
through the bowels. If you have a
cold, try it and if not cured get your
money back. No opiates. Sold by
Gerlng & Co.'s drug store.
Will and George Stohlman, of Man
ley, are here today on court business.
Julius Till Is attending to some
business matters in Omaha this after
noon. , 'tf
Ed. uTisiow, general car inspector,
is attending to company business In
the city today.
John Beeson, clerk In Fanger's
clothing store, is off duty today on ac
count of sickness.
Mrs. Hoy Dodge came down from
Omaha last evening for a few days
visit with home folks.
Mrs. Ella Hostetler of Shelton,
Neb., came In this morning to spend
the day with Mrs. Frame Morgan.
Mrs. John Waterman and daughter,
Elma, went to Kansas City yesterday
morning to spend a couple of weeks
visiting with friends and relatives.
Never can tell when you'll mash a
finger or suffer a cut, bruise, burn or
scald. Be prepared, Dr. Thomas'
Eclectric Oil Instantly relieves tho
pain quickly cures the wound.
Mrs. Ernest Wilbur, formerly Miss
Delia Orr, of Buena Vesta, Colo., and
a niece of Mrs. J. C. Petersen, is visit
ing relatives In Plattsmouth.
Miss Hazel Cline, of near Murray,
was in the city yesterday doing some
shopping, and was the guest of W. II.
Wynn, on South Sixth street.
llaleigh Hale, day operator at Mal
vern, Iowa, spent yesterday In the
city, visiting his uncle, Richard Hale,
who Is operator here for V. D. Day &
Mrs. J. W. Johnson and daughter,
Miss Hutu, went to Mynard this morn
ing for a couple of days visit at the
Glllispie and Adams home, near that
Miss Belle Mason went to Union yes
terday morning to assist her sister,
Miss Elizabeth, in her school work.
Miss Elizabeth has been sick for the
past few days.
u you warn a real estate loan at
reasonable rates; or a rellaMe abstract
of title, Insurance policy, security
bond of and kind, or a contract, drrd
or mortgage drawn, see John M. LeyrtH,
Gund building. Work promptly aud
neatly dorrs and charges reasonable.
Have you backache? Get a box of
Kidney-Ettes the most wonderful
remedy for all kidney troubles, and
they will make "you right. 2.c. Gor
ing & Co., druggists.
Mrs. Alice Collins will open a night
school for Instruction in short hand,
the second week in October. For par
ticulars call at riattsmouth Tele
phone olllce during the day, or resi
dence at evening.
Danger Is near at hand when the'
kidneys are sick. Kldney-Ettes will
purify and strengthen the kidneys and
restore them to their normal and
healthy condition. 23 cents. Gering
& Co., druggists.
The regular monthly business and
social meeting of the Epworth League
will meet on Friday evening, Sept. 28.,
with the Misses Batton on Winter
steen Hill. All are invited. Come
and bring your friends.
Frank Warren, manager of the Red
Sox base ball team, has received word
from the Fort Crook team that they
will be here next Tuesday, October 2,
to play ball. The 30th Infantry band
will accompany them to the city, and
during the day will give a concert.
Duroc Ha Poland
Jerseys' f-w f Chinas
Will be held at the farm of the undersigned 5 miles southwest of Louisville, Neb:
beginning at 12:30 p. m., Sharp II
1 cr rI IHAT icnrcvr nmn rt ji im nm m - U
Duroc Jerseysy- f p0iand China sin bvic,
he bv Tnc So.OOO TmTonAotc her: four H
sows with litters at side. Litters sired by ! MM 1(", the largest yearling in the
Prince Echo, one by Iona Model. All : 0.untr, a"dt llllsca ny 41087 Xo
Feb, and March farrow with nlcntv of i1 .)C"t.or Ino"n to brml A fcw
bone and size. ' '' I'tters by Black Acmo 41i66.
" Col. T, C.
frCol. J. P.
if H A IP I If I
Col. Ti C. Callahan. OiU.tLyiMIC.DLlL.. UWlier
Spearman, Auctioneers . Ceo. H. Wood. Clerk. fl
-Tf . fT'JTP Tb medicinal Tlrtne of tie crude juras saS resins
v aartDt hi . - - 1 JLl.v:! oMitaed from the Native Pine have been recognized
U HTh rfq.tL.TT U M VJ by the medial proiM-iion for ceaturie. Tine-ulei
A M t! .v, 1 J fl tvTl T ConTamthsTiitursottheNfltivePlnotliatareoitMluelnrflieT.
tag Backache, Kidney, tlooJ.Bla J J,t end Rheumatic Troubles.
Sold at GERING CO'S. Drua Store