The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 13, 1906, Image 7

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Opens the Caaipalgn With i Fine Speech
and in Enthusiastic Attendance.
A special from Columbus, Neb , In
speaking of the opening of the cam
paign In Platte county Monday, says:
"Uefore an audience which packed
the North opera house to the doors
George W. Berge of Lincoln opened
the democratic campaign In this city
last night. Not only was every voter
posslblo seated in the hall, but the
stage and every bit of standing room
was occupied by men who believe that
the state should be wrested from the
grasp of corporations.
"Judge Graves was followed by Mr.
Berge, who delivered one of the sound
est and most appreciated speeches on
state politics which has been heard in
Columbus in years. He handled with
out gloves the iniquities cf the pass
system and gave the inside of its work
Ings and told of the bribing of legisla
tures through this means. Every few
moments Mr. Berge was Interrupted
by deafening applause. Ills entire
speech was grand and the meeting
will prove the entering wedge into the
domination of republican misrule In
Nebraska and in l'latte county.
"Fully 500 out-of-town people came
In on the train from the north and by
vehicles from the surrounding coun
try, many of tbem, unable to lind
seats, standing throughout the entire
meeting. Many prominent Platte
county democrats were given seats
upon the stage."
As a dressing for sores, bruises and
burns, Chamberlain's Salve is all that
can be desired.. It is soothing and
healing in its effect. Trice 25 cents,
For sale by F. 0. Frlcke St Co. and A.
T. Fried.
In llie County Court of Cass County, Ne
braska. In re estate of Tlieo-1
ilora Druminoml unci I - .. f n,.al.i.lir
Amelia C. Ilruinmoml, ml" r uiuu..
Minors. J
To nil persons Inlerestoil:
Notlre Is hereby jrlven that a petition lias
Ikmmi tiled for the npiiolntmeiit of ienw W.
Vallery asCiuaiilliin of the estate of Theodora
Drunimoiicl nnil Amelia C. Druiiiinoiid, non
resident minors:
That said cause Is set for hearing at my oftli-p
at nine, o'clock, a.m., on the attli day of Sep
tenilier. A. D., Wnti. nt which hour cause must
lie. shown why said iiellllon should not lie
wanted. IUhvkt l. Thavis.
Iskal. County Juiltn.
Ladies, read this catalogue of
charms. Bright eyes, glowing cheeks,
red lips, a smooth skin without a blem
ish, in short, perfect health. For sale
with every package of Nollister's
Rocky Mountain Tea. 3T cents. Ger
ing & Co., druggists.
You bane been a long time mak
ing up your mind to buy a farm of
your own, but once you make the
the step you will regret the time
you have wasted and be impatient
to get settled on the new premises.
'If I had only done this live or six
years ago," Is an expression we oft
en hear. No use to brood over past
mistakes, but make up your mind
to begin right now. We have a
number of choice pieces of land In
various parts of Nebraska, Call to
day and let us tell you what we have
Martin &
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Aott
on Nature's Plan.
The most successful medicines are
those that aid nature. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy acts on this plan.
Take it when you have a cold and it
will allay the cough, relieve the lungs,
aid expectorations, open the secrc
tlonsand aid nature in restoring the
system to a healthy condition. Thous
ands hve testified to its superior ex
cellence. It counteracts any tendency
of a cold to result in pneumonia.
Price, 2" cents. Large si.e, "i0 cents.
For sale by F. G. Frlcke & Co. and A.
T. Fried.
Magpie Grove
(Special Correspondent.)
Quite a number from this locality
attended the state fair last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hlld returned
last week from Pekin, Illinois.
Herman Gansemer made a visit with
relatives in Ilallem, Neb., last week.
Mrs. Martin of riattsmouth visited
at the home of Chas. Kngelkemeler
last week.
August Engelkemeler started to
building on his new house this week
Mr. Tiekoetter Is doing the work.
The platform dance was not largely
attended last Saturday night, but a
good time was had by all.
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Will are going to
leave the farm and move to l'latts
mouth. We arc sorry to lose Mr. and
Mrs. Will from our midst but our loss
will be Plattsmouth's gain.
Quite a number visited at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. William Tuls' Sunday
to assist in celebrating Mrs. Puis birth
day anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Young passed
through this city Sunday.
W. II. Puis started the foundation
for his new home this week.
JT. Teeth $5
Cold Crowna ami Hridse Tth t up Porce
lain Crowni tvto ul. pilline oc en. aeth
tiiracieii fainlota. New tet (kind dry
BAILEYThe Dentist,
EUblliht4 1888. Pastes BIk. OflAMA,
SyfOltt!CVrriiomlent.) .
Miss Stella Opp has taken charge of
the Nebawka switch board.
L. G. and Mark Toild are attending
the Ne'.iawka school this year.
W. II. Sehumaker purchased a fine
thoroughbred calf at Lincoln Thurs
Mr. Kopp, Mr. Schlichtemeler and
son.Omer.departed Tuesday, the 11th,
for Canada.
Some Avoca farmers are hauling
peaches to Lincoln for "5 cents and
tl a bushel.
Mrs. Bert Tucker has been quite
sick for the past two weeks but Is con
valescing slowly.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Schumaker vis
ited at the latter's parents, near Syra
cuse, Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Lottie Wunderllch is teaching
her first school this year at "Pleasant
Hill," having nineteen scholars en
rolled. All are wishing her much suc
cess. Dr. Lynch and family left Nebawka
Monday evening. Dr. will go to Chi
cago to take up some work, and his
family will go to Michigan to visit
at Mrs. Lynch's home.
Cards are out announcing the mar
riage of John Bcbrns and Miss Emma
Bculche, which will take place at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Beulche, at Avoca.
Misses Julia, Rosa, Dena and John
Nutzman, John Elders, of Avoca, and
John Ruge, of Murdock, visited with
Bertha and Edith Schumaker Sunday.
Miss Dena accompanied John Ruge to
Murdock, where they will attend a
wedding this week.
In these days of rush and hurry
courtesy is often forgotten. In the
mad, pell mell rush of our life little
things are done to offend that we
rether remained undone. A hastily
eaten meal and Its resultant headache
may cause us social or llnanclal loss.
The wise man or woman is the one
who relieves little Ills of this sort by a
little dose of Kodol For Dyspepsia. It
digests what you eat and puts your
stomach back into shape. Sold by
Frlcke & Co. and Gerlng & Co.
Weeping Water
From the llcriild.
MissMayme Lacey began teaching
In the Lirxoln public schools, Monday.
August Englekemeler Is building an
addition to his house 14x18, and also
two porches.
Geo. Close has been unite sick for
the past two weeks, from rheumatism
and stomach trouble, and for a time
his condition was critical.
Cards are out announcing the wed
ding of Miss Florence Cromwell and
Frank J. Davis, to be held In the
Methodist church on Wednesday even
ing, September lit, at eight o'clock.
F. II. Peck, the new proprietor of
the meat market, took charge Mon
day. He comes from Coleridge, Nebr.
Messrs. Henderson & McCauley will
remain a few days straightening up
Louis Fischer, whom the Herald
mentioned last week as sick with ty
phoid fever, is getting along nicely.
Max Girardct Is another patient suf
fering from typhoid, and Is receiving
every attention.
Dr. J. C. Fate brought suit in Jus
tice Barnes' court last week to oust
Wave Allen from the building he oc
cupies with hisjunk. Wave has for
six months failed to liquidate for rent
and seems to think that he is a per
manent fixture.
Hans Johnson received a letter Sun
day, stating that W. W. Powell, who
was a few months ago taken to Red
Oak, Iowa, to reside with his sister,
died last Friday, and the funeral was
held Sunday. Mr. Powell suffered a
great deal before he died. He was 82
years old coming October 3. He had
been in poor health for years and when
be left Weeping Water and practically
helpless. His death came as a relief.
Sold on Easy Paynjeijts
Aa aksslste (aMlfll til aall-Mftlt tsf ,
aratlea fw Ml SJaat el
cncniAiiiaLS. mnoru mirun,
A tar tar tee Haarsaaaaa, TaaafftUa, Qaean
laaan. Clean U4 ssS Catarrhal tare Threat
A svaraaMva at Cfaaa, Wfeeeelag faantJ aaj
rvauFTiira mtusM Mora-a
ytaalfaMMaaMffulBaalki '
GRRJNG & CO. druggists
2 .... nF"
This Stan
dard Edi
son Phono
graph and
12 Genuine
Edison Gold
Moulded Reeords
for -only
Sec the Genuine
for only (10. Larger Victors at Larger
. I'riccs.
PHIL. SAUTER, Plaltooih
j Mother's Ear
: wono m siorMaava mnmrn
J " m iMr, ah a im rum
. '"' that com aacoaa that
J auu.a th. airs r.arM ahc
ftOumaxMamr mo iciinar rom
y I Sf nj lor fit Minplc.
2 "''J Slti. Kw Vork. 3
Sue. and i uo all druguu. J
(Spivlul Correspondence.)
Louis Hunkak returned last
from his trip to New York City.
John Smith was at Omaha Tuesday
on business.
Mrs. Kd. Ret Is and daughter were
down from Eagle Sunday.
C. StelTens and family of Lorton,
were visiting at the home of I.
StelTens Sunday.
Alfred Marshall was down from
Weeping Water Tuesday.
J. W. Rrcndcl, A. E. Cutter and
Freddleason made atrip to Omaha
the first of the week.
A number of Avoca people were at
Lincoln Wednesday of last week to
see W. J. Rryan.
Jas. Fleshman, .Richard Fleshnmn
and Loren Mlckel returned Monday
evening from a trip to Canada.
A Royal Neighbor camp was organ
ized here last Friday evening.
E. Nutzman made a business trip to
Omaha Tuesday.
L. .1. Marquardt and family spent
several days last week visiting Utlca
Geo. Rowland and wife are the
happy parents of a baby girl born Sep
tember Hth.
G. Russ was a Lincoln visitor Thurs
day. A hoy arrived at the home of Fred
Retts, north of town, September nth.
Mora Horses.
Perry Marsh attended the horse
sales In South Omaha yesterday, and
In consequence thereof has a car load
of good horses in Plattsniouth today
that he is selling out to those in need
of such animals. In conversation with
Mr. Marsh he tells us that the horse
market was on the boom yesterday and
Cass and Otoe counties bought the
live car loads of the various grades
that topped the market.
We want to Ret ac.juainU-,1 with more tK-ople in the outlying
country in the went. We want more ,.o,.le to grt acqulntr,l with our
biff store. Wa want more flrenldr. of this nrttrru country to ,.rotit by
theKreit values this big store buys ami sells every day In the year.
W ara olnn lo mk . proposition so thsvl you clI visit
Omaha without spending a cant for rtllrond fara,
Listen Attentively!
U AK-SAR.DPJN FESTIVAL is the most j-lorious event that
was ever celebrated. This year it will be grinder and on a much Urger
scale than at any time in ita history. It gives you aad your family an
opportunity to come to Omaha and have the time of your lives. Dur
ing this great event the railrosda will make special rates for October 1,
2, 3, 4 and f, on all trains coming into Omaha,
If You Intend Coming to Omaha
and wish to know all partlcularsabout our free traimttortation offer fill out
the Coupon below and we will, by return mail, send yon all Information
Please send mc particulars regarding your Free Transporta
tion Oltar.
Tow ii .
Cumil y . .
.. . .
i .j
PnmO In I Maybtyou are not
UUIIIG III i ready to buy that
watch you've bad In mind, but
there's no harm In letting us
show you some of t hese beauti
ful new hand engraved cases. In
gold tilled and solid gold. It Is
always a pleasure, too, for us to
explain the different movements
and explain the broad guarantee
covering both can; and works.
Late beautiful ilTccts In Indus'
A cold taken at this time of the year
Is generally hard to get rid of, but it
will not be able to withstand Hue's
Laxative Honey and Tar. That will
cure all colds, cough, croup, whooping
cough, etc., by driving tbem out
through the bowels. If you have a
cold, try It and If not cured get your
money back. No opiates. Sold by
Gerlng & Co.'s drug store.
Breeding a Case In Court.
The Missouri Pacitlc R. R. is breed
ing a big case in court, in endangering
the lives of railway men and passcn
gers. They take no heed of the past
wrecks and killings, but seem deter
mined on wholesale work. Of late the
heavy engines are being run over the
road through here. It Is said one of
their big engines pulled the excursion
train down from Lincoln. Not a rail
road man but fears them and knows
they are unsafe, and are not afraid to
say so openly. The track is unsafe for
small engines, and as the late "Peggy"
Young said, who went down with the
battleship, "Roys, I will make one trip
too many with this engine," bo others
feel in driving these monsters over
rotten timbers and light rails. The
road Is a paying one, docs all the bust
ncss they can handle, and yet pays lit
tle attention to keeping the track In
repair. Weeping Water Herald.
if you want a reai estate loan at
reasonable rates; or a reliable altinct
of title, Insurance policy.' seen my
bond of and kind, or a con trait, ded
or mortgage draw n, M-t John M. Ia
Good building. Work prompt!) and
eaMjdorsinfl charges reaxonan!.
I ) K.N T 1ST
All kinds of Drntiil work. IMatwi mitrtethst
tit. 'M yt-itrs xMTluuee. Prices reimonslils.
Lands, ranches and City Ileal Estate
In Nebraska and elsewhere bought
sold and exchanged.
lierituls. Insurance hikI AlistrHctlnif of
Titles. Money to limn lit u low riitx of
Interest on Improved fiirms. Iliislnesit
correspondents In nil linxrtiint cities
and towns In tins United Slittes.
Tslophenas No. 0 and .
R. B. WINDHAM, President
W. W. WINDHAM, Secretary
Camping Out
delightful the old
shade tree Is. The
mall comes In and
eagerly we peruse
our letters.
are valuable as
sets on ocaslons
like these. This
tank Issues them
to Its depositors,
as well as honors
their checks.
Rank here for first
class accommoda
tton at home and
The First Na
tional Bank
Of course you are going to wear un
derwear next summer, and they're
goods which are subject to little
change of style, especiallystandard
balbrigguns. While our extra low
prices, extending to every article
of hot weather wear are In force,
you can save a pretty penny by re
pletlng your wardrobe for a year
hence. We roust have the shelf
space for fall stock. Many men who
enjoy the distinction of being well
equipped In furnishings, manage to
make this item of expenditure econ
omical by opportune buying. ,
Department Store
M. FANGER. Prop.
W irni tiicccMfully b mrant of Super
heated Air, l-.lectrlciiv nut Minif all ru-
of C hronic Klitumaliiin. Chiunic Khauii anr
Arihitit. Srnliri and( hiunic luiniTrout.le.
Write for lull iiilurmation; roultt lupn.oi
to any "Sprinta" Iteaiiiient.
VH Kinie. Illdi . OMAHA, Nebr.
the hlKliest grade and most up-to-date
furniture and anything you Imy of us
Is of regular standard stack. Wc nev
er ship in anything cheap and run it
on" under the guise of u bargain. One
of our specialties Is rich dining room
furniture. Nowadays the dining-room
receives greater attention from the
from the stand-point than any room
In the house. We show you the beau
tiful, popular dark finishes of wood.
Michael Hild
OsteoQQthic Physician
Chronic Dlsssscs s Specialty
CoKtes lUock. rooms 2 and 2Un. Ofllcehourt
ttiilja. m., I to i p. in. mill 7 to H J. in. by ap
pointment. Telephones, office 34. ; residence
si I'erklns Hotel.
Plnesalve cleanses wounds, Is highly
antiseptic, unetjualcd for cracked
hands. Oood for cuts. Sold by Ger
lng St Co.'s drug store.
This Juvenile
Kvery purchase of
$1 entitles you
to a chance
it Is 4ft 4 in. long
1 ft in. high and
'.' ft .1 In. wide
Has rubber tires, ball bearings, two lamps, friction
brake, signal horn, leather upholstered, worth $35.00
Oct busy, boys and girls, you may be the lucky one. It's a Prize.
SSS! Sherwood & Son
The medicinal virtues of the erode corns and reiloi
obtained from the native Pine have been recognised
. by the medical profession for centuries. Pine-nlea
Contain the virtoet of the native Pine that are of value in relief
log Backache, Kidney, Blood, Bladder and Rheumatic Troubles,
Sold at CERING i CO S. Drug Store