THE CITY. PLATTSMOUTH AMD VICINITY. V! I In the Interest of that company. Mr. ' (iuthrr.aii wa a resident of FlUlv mouth years ago, and run a saloon la (llie room now occupltd by tlie dejirt ment store of M. Fanger. t ( r. iu I rl.luy' lai:y. S. I.. lUtUr, of F.lght Mil'' i''ove, wis In FlatlMiwuth today. (ieo. I.lod, from m ar Muiuy, was in Flattsmouth today visiting with his brut tier Jot'. Jos. liurtou came up from Murray this morning to take the liurllngt"n train to Omaha. 1 van Lungwort li ami Iff, w lio came down toBtteml the Murray wedding last evening, returned to tlielr home JiiOmuhatliis morning. W. K. Uoencraiis went to Lincoln this afternoon, where he will meet hi wife, who has bi'i-n enjoying a vl.slt In Denver ami other iolnl8 In Colorado. Mrs. Ilerllia Martin, of Faclllo J unction, was called to this ell y owing to the serious lllnehs or the little child of Mr. and Mrs. C. L Hennett. Mr. Hennett Is a hrolhcr of Mrs. Martin. Have Wallciigrcn, who husheen In Lincoln for the past few days, was called homo yesterday on account of hlckness In his family, and returned to that city this morning to resume his duties. The children of Jos. llawkswoith, who have heen visiting with their grandparent hero for a few days, do parted this afternoon for their home In Alliance Mr. D. llawksworth ac companied them as far as llavclock. The Lincoln division gets l'.'tl en gine out of the 4t7 assigned to the lines west of the river by tho Hurling ton motive power department. These engines are divided among tho six di visions. Tho McCook division gets the next largest number, nlnety-Keven. W. 1'. llamscy camo down from Lin coln last evening and remained over night, returning to tho capital city this morning. Hilly Is ono of those young men who Is very popular among those who know him. lie called a (ew moments at the Journal mllco, and re ports his father, JmU-e 11. S. llaniscy, gottlng along nicely. Mrs. J oo 11 Iher and sister, Miss Anna Jauda, went to llavelook this after noon for a few days visit Willi their sisters Mrs. Kern Fogerty and Miss MaryJanda. MUs Mary Janda who has heen In llavelock for some time will return to FlattsimmlU with her sisters the forepart of next week. She has heeiujulte seriously 111 for some time and will remain at home until a change Is made for tho belter. from Nitturtluy's lully. "Gut Hell," tho favorite cigar. Dr. Marshall, Dentist, Coats' Hhvk Mrs. Joseph Shera of Kock HhilT was a county seat visitor today. Mrs. A. F.Soyhertof Collum Is visit lug In riattsnumtli today. J. 11. Norrls, of near Nchawka, was a business visitor lu Flattsmouth to' day. J. W. Lowther, of near Mynard was a business visitor lu riattsmouth to day. A. M. Holmes and son, Harold, of Murray, were visiting friends in riattsmouth today. F.rnest Horn of Cedar Creek Is lu the city today, making preparations to attend high school here. Miss Jessie Drost, form near Murray is visiting at tho homo of Miss Edith 1'IU, south of riattsmouth today. John Creamer, who has Wen the cashier of the Wabash bank since Its luccplency, has retired, but we have not learned tho uaiuo of his successor Mrs. J. Y. Holmes and son, Ralph, of Mynard, accompanied by her friend Miss Stella Chase, of Omaha, spent to' day iu riattsmouth, the guests of C.A. 1U wis and family. H. K. Heckerand George Walllnger departed over tho M, 1. this morning for a trip to Piereo county, to seo the country and visit with Cass county people already located there. County Clerk Uosencrans and Chas, Hart of Klin wood left this afternoon for Minneapolis, where they w ill spend a week tlshlng in tho surrounding lakes. Look for the big tishes that they got. when they return. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. YVeseott departed this morning for a three weeks' vlsi lu me west, mey will vis.t many points of nolo, such as Portland, Van couver, and will return via the Can adiait Fuel tic route, and will make short stay In St. l'auland Minneapolis. We hope they may have a pleasan time and a safe journey home. County Judge H. D. Travis went down to Burlington Junction, Mo. last evening to remain at the springs a few days for tho bene tit of his health. Tho judge has been feeling pretty poorly again for tho past few days, and he has hopes that a few days at tho springs will bo a benefit to him. lie will return about the middle of next week. J. T. Fortcr and family were In the city today on business. There Is noth tig strange about John coming to I'lattsiiioutli, for he dxiies often, hut this time he brought the Journal a tamp!e of H.aches and pears that beat anything In this line of fruit we have seen this s a.v n. me thing to John' credit is that when he lias anything good he never forget the Journal. I miii Muuilny'1 Dully. Zetta Hrown was an Omaha visitor Sunday. Kd. llar.stow, chief car Inspector was n tho city today. John Chapman and Koy Mile were luiaha visitors Sunday afternoon. Wade Minor, employed In Murray, spent .Sunday In 1'lattsmouth visit lug friends. Frank Wagner and wife of llave lock, spent Hunday with relatives lu tlilsclty. William Delles Dernier, the Klm- wood attorney, camo over t his niorn- ng to attend district court. A marriage license was Issued last 'rlday to Kd. W. Thlmgan and Mar- tha 10. K lichen, both parties of Mur-dock. Dr. J. F. Hreudell came up from Murray this morning accompanied by iIh sister, Miss llessle, who will enter the high school. Kra Crablll and family have moved nick to l'lattsmoulh from Nehawka. They will make their home with Mr. Crablll' mother. A healthy man Is a king In his own right, an unhealthy man la an un happy vlave. liurdock ltlood Hitters builds un sound health- keep you well. Conrad Schlater, Jr., who spent the summer on his mother's ranch In Colorado, returned Sunday to resume lis studies In tho 1'lattsmouth High school. Hilly Neville came In from Mllford Saturday evening to spend Sunday with his family. Mr. Neville has a contract on tho new Burlington lino being built from Lincoln to Mllford, and has several 1'lattsmouth boys In his gang. Mrs. A. M. Katon who has heen visiting at tho Metgar homo near Cedar Creek for tho past six weeks, re turned to her homo In tlilsclty today. Sho was aecopmanled by her mother, Grandma Uees, who has been visiting at the same place for the past week. wis in : Krum WYlii-vl.iy' iUI!y. Miles Standish of Murray town today. Will Jean was transacting buslines In South Omaha yesterday. II. II. Neit.el, the M unlock banker, Is In the city today on business. The f'it ball season will soon cpi n. Then lookout for bloody nose and broken Hint. AndySeybert was In from Cullom today, and reports a good rain out In this neighborhood. Are you troubled with piles? One application of ManZan will give you Immediate relief. Sold by Gerlng & Co.' drug store. The Burlington paymaster was here today, minus the regular pay tar. Tho boys were Just as glad to see him on foot as on the coach. Tone the liver, move the bowels, cleanse the system. Dade'a Little Liver Fills never gripe. Sold by Ger lng ,t Co.' drug store. Judge. C. M. Sklles of David City, county judge of Hutlcr county, was In tho city today on legal business and also meeting a few college, friends. Little l'aul McHrlde who a short lime ago fell, spraining his leg, Is Im proving nicely and will soon be able to get around without tho use of his crutches. Judge Travis returned from Burl Ington Juncton, Missouri, Mineral Springs yesterday, and Is feeling much better from hi few days tarry at that well known resort. l'aul Koesner and wife, of Lincoln, who have been visiting relatives here for a few days, left for their home this afternoon. Mr. Koesner Is an engineer out of Lincoln on the Burlington. Mrs. George Evan left this morn ing for a visit In Omaha where she will ho Joined by her husband, when they will go to a vl.slt to Heaver City for a few days. Harve Manners, ono of tho most eillcient employes of tho l'lattsmoulh Telephone company, now located at Weeping Water, was in tho city today on telephone business. Mrs. W. 1'. Keeler, of Spokane, Washington, arrived this morning on a visit to her mother, Mrs. C. lieln- hackel and family, and will probably remain several weeks. It arouses energy.develops andstlm ulates nervous life, arouses the cour age of youth. It makes you young again. That's what llolllster's tlocky Mountain Tea will do. 3.' cents, Tea or Tablets. Gerlng & Co., druggists. From TiH'Miluy'n I lull y W. II. Hell, of Klght Mile Grove, was a business visitor In 1'lattsmouth today. Benjamin Wurl, in thodistrlct court yesterday, was granted his second naturalization papers by Judge Jessen. Louis Boru from west of town was a pleasant caller at the Journal oMee to day. Harry D. Heed of Weeping Water was transacting some buslnss matters In 1'lattsmouth today. Attorney C. E. Teft camo up from Weeping Water yesterday evening, having some business matters in 1'lattsmouth. Attorney W. L. Browne, of Lincoln, camo in this mornhur to attend to some leual matters, and registered at this uMlee. Bert Thrasher while employed lu repairing some wires for tho Nebraska telephone company, fell oil a pole, sus taining two fractured boues iu his wrist. Frederick William Habermau was granted his naturalization papers Mon day by Judge Jessen. He was former ly a subject to the Kmporer of Ger many. This vicinity was visited by a most refreshing ratu this afternoon, which was a most welcome one. Reports say that It was general south and west for a considerable distance. "Dud" DeLashmutt, formerly of l'acltlc Junction, but now a resident of Denver, was lu the city yesterday for a few hours, tho guest of his old time friend, Ferry I'tterback. Mrs. L. B. Bennett, formerly of this city, but now a resident of California', came in Monday evening to visit with friends and relatives in this city. On her way here she spent a week In Lin coin visiting with friends. C. J.Gaebel was In the city today posting bills for his big hog sale Tues day, October "J, and called at, these headquarters, Charley Is one of the best fellows In the world, and we are always pleased to meet him. Tho many friends of Mrs, B. Spur lock, formerly of this elty, and mother of George M.Spurlock, will regret to learn that she Is now an Inmate of the state Insane asylumn at Lincoln. She was conveyed from her homo la York, Neb., to that institution last Thurs day. Sam Guthmau, traveling for the Mountain Distillery company, of Cin cinnati, Ohio, Is In Flattsmouth today TH E generous patronage given our Dress Goods and Trim mings Departments is pleasing evidence to us that our efforts to place before our customers goods which are up-to-date in every particular is appreciated. Our selections in these lines, as well as all other iines, are from first hands. 36 in. Black Taffeta, Guaranteed, at $1. jj Carpets For the fall we have added some beautiful patterns In :t-ply all wools at tt 00 made up. 2-ply all wool at "rc and hoc made up. Choice patterns In cottage and sanitary carpet at -'c. Velvets and Moquettes and some line patterns LINOLEUMS AND FLOOR OILCLOTH "QUEEN QUALITY" SHOES SUPBR10R1TY After wearing a pair of "Queen Quality" shoes you will recognize their superiority over other makes. Their perfect fit will free you from the annoyances of foot troubles and will revel in delightful ease nev er before experienced. They give the comfort lack ing in so many Shoes. Ladies' Shoes from Si. 65 to $2.25, best bargains in this market considering the heavy advance in all lines of shoes. Fine line of Children's and Misses' School Shoes. TKe Leading Shades foJ Fall Wear Panamas, all wool, at from 50c to $1.00 per yard Wool Taffetas 45 inches wide, in nice line of color's. 1.00 per yard Shadow Checks, so popular this season, in grays, 40 in. wide. . .40 per yard Shelma Cloth, will not wrinkle, so largely advertised, 1.50 per yard Serges, Chiffon Panamas and a nice line of Plaids " thereto. Wouldn't Charley Brlnkman went to Omaha this afternoon. O. C. Betty, of Nebraska City, Is In Flattsmouth today. "Bert" Bollock was a business visi tor In Omaha today. B. A. McKlwaiu was an Omaha pas senger this afternoon. W. X. Gaumer of Nebraska City Is in Flattsmouth today. Carl Kunsman was a visitor to the metropolis this afternoon. Louis J. Waldo of Lincoln is a busi ness visitor In our city today. Miss Kliabeth lovey was a passen ger for Omaha today on No. ". Merge Miles and his mother were passengers for Omaha this morning. A. T. Fried and little daughter were passengers for Omaha this morning. Chas. Carroll and son Ernest, of near Union, wero In Flattsmouth to day. Miss Lena Fricke left this morning for a visit with friends In Ashland, Neb. Koy Fepperberg wasluGleuwood to day In the luterest of the "Bud"' cigar. Xoel B. Bawls went to Omaha this afternoon to consult lr. GltTurd con cerning his eyes. Mrs. Louis Latky, grand chief of honor of the D. of II. of Nebraska, Is here on busluess today. Ask any '"JAP"' that you may see, "Why tho Oar, with B(.u hehlnd,", had to climb a tree. The Yanks. God bless the Yanks, savs ho, They gave us Ilocky Mountain Tea. Gerlng & Co., dniKgists. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar, tho original cough syrup, acts as a cathar tic on tho bowels. It is made from the tar gathered from tho pine trees of our own country, therefore Is tho best for children. It is good for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, etc. Try our free olTer. Sold by Gerlng & Co.'s drug store. While It is a little late to register any kick against the Ice man, it will be in order perhaps to state that the county oitlces are doing without this necessary article, because tho county commissioner refuse to be 'hons woggled'' by the monoply. Last year they purchased a book and paid for It. The most of this was left over to this year, and now the "monoply" refuse to redeem the same, which calls for so many pounds of Ice unless the advance price Is added that cork you? C. A. Ffawls, Lowyer. Pro bate and general practice. Of fice of Cauntv Attorn" Kd. Gallagher and wife wero pas sengers for llavclock this morning, where they will visit for a few days. Mrs. A. X. Sullivan and mother, Mrs. Jean, departed yesterday for a few days visit with Mrs. Jean's sister In Farls, 111. Stops Itching Instantly. Cures plies eczema, salt rheum, tetter, Itch, hives, herpes, scabies lean's ointment. At any drug store. Mrs. J. G Bichey left this morning for Lincoln, where she will make arrangements for residing thcie dur ing the school year. A. S. Will Is arranging to remove from his farm to Flattsmouth In a few days. The Journal extends to this ex cellent family a cordial welcome. Harry A. Lottman, w ho has beeu In the city for a number of days In the Interest of the Jell-o company of Le lloy, X. Y., left for his home in Fe oria last evening. Have you backache'!1 Get a box of Kldney-F.ttes the most wonderful remedy for all kidney troubles, aud they will make you right. L'."c. Ger lng & Co., druggists. "Dr. Thomas' Kelectric Oil is the best remedy for that often fatal dis easecroup. Has been used with suc cess In our familv for eight years." Mrs. L. Whlteacre, Buffalo, X. Y. Miss Edith Gray, who has been visit ing her young friends since Sunday, returned to her home In llavelock this afternoon. For a mild, easy action of the bowels a single dose of lean's Hegulcts Is enough. Treatment cures habitual constipation. 2.c a box. Ask your druggist tor them. ine l'egree or Honor win now a reception Thursday evening at Coates' hall to which all frleuds of the Fegrec of Honor, especially the members of the A. O. C. W. and ' their wives are Invited. Bertha Feterson, recorder. John lliber was an Omaha passen ger this afternoon, where he will enter the employ of a jewelry tirm. The Journal forgot to mention that Miss Georgle White, who has been visiting frienes in Omaha and Have lock for two weeks, returned home In time to take up her studies In the High school. Danger is near at hand when the kidneys are sick. Kldney-Ettes will purify and strengthen the kidneys and restore them to their normal and healthy condition. 'J.j cents. Gering & Co., druggists. Heavy Impure blood makes a muddy, pimply complexion, headache, nausea, Indigestion. Thin blood makes you weak, pale sickly. Burdock Blood Bitters makes the blood rich, red, pure restores perfect health. The Ladies of the Degree of Honor have full possession of Flattsmouth today. There is about one hundred delegates to the district convention besides a number of visitors. Many of them are young and handsome. G. M. Marks and wife, of near Xe hawka, were in the city today, accom panied by J. W. Lowther and wife, who live south of Flattsmouth. While here Mr. Marks and Mr. Lowther were callers at Journal headquarters. We were pleased to make Mr. Marks' acquaintance. J. F. Wellington, special agent for the New York Life Insurance Co. whose home is at Jennings, Louisiana, arrived in Flattsmouth yesterday even ing on a combined business and pleas ure trip. Mr. Wellington is well known to many of the older residents o' Flattsmouth as he married a Flatts mouth girl yea ago prior to his re moval to the south. While Mr. Wel lington never made Flattsmouth his home, he was here a great deal and has hosts of friends who are ever pleased to see him return. Mr. Wellington Is ForCoigf&l land Coldsl There is a remedy over sixty years old Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Of course you have lieard of it, probably have used it. Once in the family, it stays; the one household remedy for coughs and hard colds on the chest. Askyourdoctoraboutit. Th? beat kind of a testimonial " Sold 2or over sixty years." Am br J. C. Ayr Co., Lowall, Mill o manurMturDra or yers SARSAPAKILLA. PILLS. IIAIK VIGOR. V, hMTo no scret! Wt publiih ti rornulu of all our mediotnes. r s Pills increase the activity of liver, and thus aid recovery. a genuine gentleman with whom it la always a pleasure to meet. Apprentice Girls Wanted. Several apprentice girls are wanted at the Department store of M. Fanger, In the Millinery establishment. This department will be under the manage ment of one of the finest trimmers ever employed In Flattsmouth, and will be an excellent opportunity for apprentice girls to gain more experi ence In the millinery art than ever be fore. If you desire to accept a posi tion of this kind, call now. M. Fanuer.. New 5c Cigar The leadln? 5c elgar DENVER SPECIAL. They are made of the finest tobacco, by expert workmen and In a healthy factory. Try One ill deduce Your lice I By purchajiriL; ono of those high-grade Refrigerators Below Cost GASOLINE STOVES, of best makes at prices that are WAY BELOW COST Come in and see nic wnen you need these goods and get prices on many other desirable articles in the line of Housefurnishing Goods. FUHTOE b plAKLuVuAlRIl STOVES, &c