The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 06, 1906, Image 8

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    The County
Items ot 6eneral Interest Selected Iron
iKmn Ih" UtxlHKT.)
John Ivan has gone to an Omaha
hospital with ahMiK'Iplcotcaso pf ty
i phold fiver.
Victor (uley, who had been vlslt
lnir with l!s grandmother1,' Mi. 'Levi
IVllard, all summer, left for Ills home
In Oklahoma Thursday morplng.
Henry Vollard'a little son, George,
fell from a'l.ddar In the barn Sunday,
cutting a two l,hch fcash to the skull.
He stood tho few stitches It was found
necessary to take, without a whimper.
We hour that,, Kriice Stone has sold
Ms Murray farm. He gets the rent
for tills year, whli:h with the price of
the farm, will give him a nest egg of
: about I:!,ohi, which Is not so had for
a young man. f 7 j
Alice, daughter of Will Davis, Svas
kicked on the forehead hy a colt Mon
day, and a KBsll two or three Inches
long cut to tho skull. The doctor
sewed up the cut and says, the little
' lady bore, 1 bravoly.j scalfcejy making
a cryV " :
Mrs. Dysart was the victim of a run
away home last Friday,, and tb? same
thlnir 'happortcwliwalo'VFrlday) piiJ
vtktA m,x i Wn iVinrua ' nnt finlv . ' f ft. tl
away but smashed the; buggy rid far.
neas.,, cltUyrlrs. Ji. nqr ncr aaugn
, ter, Amanda, who was iu the bum
" wlth'hcf.-wcre-lilirt: "
We regret to state that W. K. Cra-
- bill and wlU will olow.wpOha jowelry
store and -g ve up- the telephone cen
tral here on September 4th. They
; will move to riattsrboulh( whfcre he
has an opening In which lie cart do
much better llnauolaUy than here.
We are sorry to lose these good people
but glad they will be bettered by the
change. Rev. Hulso will give 'up
nreaehlmr and ho and Ills wife will
look after the wants of the patrons of
the telephone company. Miss N'cal
Humphrey will assist them a month
at llrst so we know they will get
started off right.
"To Curo a Felon."
says Sam. Kendall, of . I'hllllpsburg,
Kau "Just cover It over with liuck
lcn's Arnica Salve and Mm Salvo will
do the rest." Quickest cure for burns,
Holies, Sores, Scalds, Wounds, Flies,
Eczema, Salt lMieum.Chapped Hands,
Sore Feet ami Sore Eyes. Duly -Oc at
V. G. Frlcke & -Co.,1 drug t store.
Guaranteed.. ' ,"j r ' ' V V
From tli I.iartir-Ki'lit.
A daughter was born to Mr
Mrs. Wm. John Wednesday,
2nd. ,
J. II. Kogge and son Freddie re
turned Monday evening from their
trip to Germany. ; ' .
SI Malrs Is building a large addition
to the west wing of the livery barn.
The foundation has Just been com
pleted for tho erection of a tine largo
barn at the farm residence of J. 1.
Wm. McCalg. of PoncaClty, Okla.,
arslved last week and Is visiting rela
tives and his many friends In this
' D.L. Wiwd Is building u large ad
dltlon tu the farm yesldence occupied
by his son, (j. V.' Wood, Tour and one
half miles west of Kim wood.
Fred Schneider had the misfortune
ot being thrown from his bicycle Sun-
, day evening, near he-German Evan
Vuellcall iarsonatief iff suiting in a
. . JbrpKeaj aU4LAPJDS---
Miss Soohla Welshelt. who was
operated upon for appendicitis at St
Joseph's hospital, Omaha, somo weeks
: kso. is rapidly recovering and Is
expected home this week. '
Attorney Howard Saxton lias sent
in his resignation as clerk In the pen
slon department at Washington, I)
C. and will locate In Omaha. Ills
many Klmwood friends wish him sue
Mrs. Fred Kear, who has teen in
Lincoln hospital several weeks and
recently underwent a critical opera
tlon, is rapidly recovering and Fred
went to Lincoln Wednesday evening
to bring her home.
John Gerry Stark received news
this week of the serious illness of his
mother at Kast Lemon, Ta. Mr.
Stark will probably go east In a few
days, as the doctor gave but little
hopes for her recovery. ' '
A bath cleanses the skin and rids
. the pores ol ictusc.X bath males loi
, better fellowship', and, "citizenship:
.4!Kot 'ouly .kUpuld, iie",uiiUidc,.tf ,the
j ' body be cleansed,' but occasional .Ube of
'a laiatrvci ni cathartic penl' the
" bowels arid cle.lrs'tTie sys'te'rh ofefTfte
"Vtiattcr.r B6?fU for this are'fK Witt's
tittle-Early Jllsw's. .ricasarjt little
w. puis that do not gripe or steka.'Mo)d
by Frlcke & Co. and Gerlng & Co.
thi Columns ol Contemporaries
.'out- tLalleaOUD. J
.Mrs. 'Helen ' Shaw,1 ' of Colorado
Springs, Colorado, a cousin of A. L. j
McDonald has been visiting hlni the
past week. 5- " : ' i
JIvcretty Morgan,'," who had his kg
broken' a' few weeks ago, is getting1
along nlcojy., The splints were takpn
off Wednesday:, :;;v j j
A l)oy living with Albert Maabshful
hulli bones of ills right forearm broke,
while raking hay one day last wqck.j '
Miss Maud .lack" left' Wednesday
morning for Washington, I. C, aftjer
a couple of month's visit at lionlc.
Her parents accompanied her as far 'ps
Lincoln. . '." '.,''. '.. '.' ; j
While plowing last Friday afternoon
Ilughey forrls turned out a humble
hues ncsV . Several o them hunded
him a hot package, between the eyes
and In a short time both Hiokq orbs
were swollen shut. With the doctors
assistance Llughrj soon got all right,
but says be don't want any more deal
ings with the little bee. ,
, On Tuesday, August 2, M t. Iljah
D. Grove 'ot Alvoand Mlss Alria P.
Anderson of Holdrege were married
In Lincoln. ln tho evening a j-eccp.
Mpn was given them at the.Jjome of
Mr. Grove's brother near Alvo. They
wilt' make' their home' -on' K.'!land
rock's place three-quarters of a mile
west of townr Mrs. Grove will 'teach
the lien, school. Mr. u rove. is a
brother of Mrs. John Mullen. 1
. Th Brath of LIU. 1
It's a slgnlltcant fact - that) the
strongest animal of Its sl.c, the gof Ilia
also has t,ho largest lungs. Powerful
lungs means powerful creatures. Jlow
to keep tho breathing organs right
should be man's chlcfest study. Like
thousands of others, Mrs. (ra A.
Stephens, of Port Williams, o. has
learned how to do this. She writes:
"Three bottles of Dr. King's New
Discovery stopped my cough of two
years and cured me of what my friends
thought consumption. Oh, It's grand
for throat or lung troubles." Guaran
teed by F O. Frlcke & Co., druggists.
Price r,oc and n. ' Tilat bottle free.
The Packers' Defense.
The Journal Is In receipt of a work
entitled "The Packors, the Private
Car Linen and the People," a book Is
Rued by J. Ogden Armour giving the
packers' side- rf the case as taj the
barges recently made against them
relative to unsanitary methods in
packing beef products. It Is a hook
ofliso pages, with Illustrations,! and
white as yet we tiaven't had time to
read tt It looks as If it might be jlntc
resting. The retail price Is l."o( and
to those who wish to know both sides
it ought to be valuable. We are will
ng to lend our copy to any responsible
party who wishes It and will call tor It
Pain from a Burn Promptly Relieved
by Chamberlain's Pain Balm,
A llttlo child of , Michael Strauks, of
Vernon, Conn., was recently In treat
pain from a burn on the hand, and as
cold applications only Increased the
Inflammation. Mr. Strauss came to
Mr. James N. Nichols, a local -n
chant, for something to stop the pain
Mr. Nichols says: "1 advised hlro to
use Chamlterlaln's Pain Halm, anfl the
first application drew out the liulam
mation and gave Immediate relief. 1
have used this liniment myself! and
recommend It very often for cuts
burns, strains and lame back.ahd.have
never known. It to. disappoint,.",! For,
sale by F.'G. Frlcke ft Co. and A. T.
......... ii i wii.i. , i
A. S. Palmer,' representing the
National Cash Register company, of
Dayton, Ohio, came down j from
Omaha yesterday to place the, new
register recently Installed la Gerlng
& Col's drug store, In operation. The
clerks had no trouble In balauclng up
last night to a penny. The machine Is
a great success for accuracy.
F rc s h
; Oysters
in any style
Shorti Orders K
Our Sot-
II I i H sai
Jf yoft ire huncTT-we wnj auptlyj
tou With the pick of , the market
from lb Courier.
C, J. Gaebel received a tine Duroe
Jersey pig from Cedarvllle, Ohio,
Wednesday. He Is a son of the t-.""
Kant lie Heat and Is valued very
highly by Mr. Gaebel.
II. I. Harker succefded Thursday In
raising and kafely landing toe. loo
horse-power engine at the Lyman
sand pit near Orcapolls which fell into
the river a few months ago. .
J hn Thomas came in from the w ilds
f western Nebraska this week for a
short visit here with former school
mates before going to Omaha where
i will attend medical college.
' ! i t ....... ,
On account of scarlet- fever the
public schools will not open next Mon
day. A, nnraber ot, school children
ave been exposed and, It was thought
advisably to postpone, the opening of
the sobopl for another week.
Louisville has, Tor. a great many
ears received compliments from all
Isltorson the beauty Of her streets.
"erhaps no town in the state of Louis-
i lie s sl?e can boast of a nicer paved
main street than Louisville maintains.
This yetir In addition to putting in
cement walks a number of car loads of
Stone dust, aro bcln put on the street
which adds greatly to Its appearance
Mrs. J. T. A. Hoover and daughter,
Mrs. .lohnSchual left on Wcdnesdny
of last week for Jeep Water, Mo.,
where Mrs. Hoover goes to visit an
only sister whom she has not seen In
years. Hefore reaching Kansas City
they encountered a rain storm that
delayod their train more than six
hours. After leaving Kansas City they
ran into another Hood and was twenty
four hours traveling 100 miles.
.1 ..:! u, - ' ' I. '''
itun 61m Timely Warnings Nit No
' Plattsmouth Citizen Can Afford to
-i.i. Ignore. m-
Danger signal No. 1 comes from the
kidney secretions. They will warn
you when the kidneys are sick. Well
kidneys excrete a clear, amber lluld.
Sick kidneys send out a thin, pale and
foamy, or a thick, red, ill-smelling
urine, full of sediment and irregular
of passage.
Danger No. - comes from the back
Hack pains, dull and heavy, or sharp
and acute, tell you of sick kidneys and
warn you of tho coming of dropsy,
diabetes and ltrlght's disease. Doan's
Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys and
cure them permanently. neres
Platttsmouth proof.
W. T. Cole, of 008 Locust st. Platts
mouth, says: "I contracted kidney
complaint In tho army and have felt
the effect of the trouble oil and on
ever since. My back never caused me
any acute suffering but there was at
times a dull heavy aching and lame
ness across the loins that annoyed me
considerably. Retention and scanti
ness were evident with the kidney
secretions and they were occasionally
accompanied with pain. An adver
tisement about loau's Kidney Pills
camo to my notice and being favor
ably Impressed with the claims made
for the medicine, 1 procured a box at
Gerlng & Co. 's drug store. 1 did not
take them regularly and used only
about one-half of a box, but 1 can say
they made a marked Improvement In
my condition, every difficulty being
relieved. I can vouch for Doan's
Kidney .Pills being a valuable remedy."
For sale by all dealers. Price Mc
Foster-Mllburn Ox, Buffalo, N. Y.,
sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Dr. Elster, Dent Is, .
Waterman Block
Summer Time
You want to aava your
money to buy your
Col Yards.
Full Weight Guaranteed
Best Threshing Goal
HII Kinds of Feed
J. V. Egenhcrger
V Proprietor Tlattsmouth
Ul Yarda
Oorne'r Third "and Main Street!
lull rhoru 25 ' 1 FlatU Pboae t
Catarrh and Catarrhal
Diseases Make In
vatids of More
Women Than All
Other Ailments Com
Considers Pe-ru-na the Best Medicine
In the World,
x M". J. jRrjanton, 210 Sherman
street, Dopnlnbn, Ohio, wrltei:
"I fo!lowod the direct tons you kindly
gave me and now I find myself entirely
cured. I think your Peruna In the best
medicine In the world."
Heartfelt Thanks For Relief Found
in Pe-ru-na,
Mitis Jessie S. Dword, 37 South Btreet,.
Passaic, X.J., writes:
"I took Peruna aa you directed. I
had a dry cough and after uning two
hottlesof Feruna, I found relief. You
linve my heartfelt thunkg."
A cough Is caused hy a catarrhal con
dition of the throat and bronchial tubes.
Kemove the catarrh and the cough dis
appear. Peruna is the remedy for all
catarrhal conditions.
. ;No appetite, jloss ef. atrenjth, nervous
ness, headache,, constipation, bad breath,
general debility, sour risings, and catarrh
of the stomach are all . due to indigestion.
Kodol cures indigestion. This new discov
ery represents the natural Juices of diges
tion as they exist In a healthy stomach,
combined with the greatest known itonlo
and reconstructive properties. Kodof, Dys
pepslaCur doe col only curs Indigestion
and dyspepsia, ' but this famous remedy
cures all stomach troubles by cleansing,
purifying, sweetening and strengthening
the mucous membranes lining the stomach.
Mr. S. S. Bill, of Rmnswood, W. V.. uyi:
" 1 wit troubled with (our stomach for twtnty jrtiri.
Kodol cursd m and w tra now utlnf It la Rillk
Kodol Digests What You Eat
Bottlai only. $1.00 Slie holdlnc 2H timet th trial
ilia, which Kill for SO cents.
Prepared by a. 0. OaWITT ft OO., OHI0AQO,
Gerinsr & Co.
The Plattsmouth 6, A. R. and w, r. c.
' art Highly Entertained and Return
Home Well Pleased.
The following account ot theKoldiers
reunion was prepared -by-one-of the
veterans, vlio attended on i'rlday, but
was. received at'-this -otllce'. too late
Saturday j for publication without
crowatnir out oiner matters or import.
anc. rieTii'c Us publlcatlort today:
i i"bout . o'cloclc , Friday morning
the rncmbers of the X. It. C. and (J
A. It." of this city and some of thel
frlcnd.s wended their way to the Hurl
tngton station, where they embarked
for Tacltic Junction, to attenp the old
soldiers' reunion.
..."After arriving at their destination
they were very cordially welcomed by
the fJlen wood W. It, (J., after which
they formed In line and were escorted
to the park where they were enter
tained. The hrst feature of the fore
noon session was music by the Ham
burg rtlrl'H band. Tbls was enjoyed by
all and the younir ladies did ample
credit to their work. lion. J. Y. Stone
of Glenwood then delivered a very
eloquent a.s well as enthusiastic ad
dress. ' A vocal solo by Miss Davidson
was next in order and enjoyed by all.
"The ladles of Tacltlc Junction then
served a sumptuous bean dinner to all
old soldiers and corps members. It
would be putting It to mild to say It
wal enjoyed, hi f very jiartlclpapu
(j'JThe ajtcjntaejstob began' with
music ty toe Dana, arter wdicd
IntermittR auaress was delivered by
...mi i.V
lie v id - I ' -; :
: . fMfr
: , "r?S$U
I iMN m
Permanent Benefit Followed Use
Pe-ru-na. " t . ,
Mlsg May Cray, H7 11th street, Brook
lyn, N. Y., writes :
"For more than fire years I suffered
from rheumatic pains in my Joints, and
in damp or stormy weather I waa
obliged to stay iu doors.
"Medicine seemed to be of no use un
til I started using Peruna.
"I took twelve bottles iu all, although
It is six months ago sluce I stopped.
"I have had no return of my old com
plaint, in spite of tho fact that I have
been out in all sorts of weather during
the scvero winter."
No better remedy was ever devised
by tho medical profession for the
mitigation or all climatic ailments tliau
Rev. Schlle of Omaha. The Glenwood
W. It. C. then served supper.
"The evening session was a complete
success. The features belnir a drill by
the "NY". (). V. and one by a class of
young ladies, being very artistic in its
design. The speakers of the evening
was Congressman V. I. Smith; of
Council HlulTs. At Intervals through
the day the people were entertained
by Col. Mcintosh, of Omaha. After
the evening session the Post and
Corps were escorted to the depot by
the Glenwood corps. After patiently
waiting two hours for a train every
one reached riattsmouth in uood
humor declaring the day a success."
John Sharp returned yesterday from
a trip from Furnas county, where he
visited with William Mackey and
brother. Mr. Sharp says these gentle
men are doing well, and that they
have one hundred acres of the finest
corn he ever saw in any country. The
Mackey boys have now over two hund
red acres of land, which is the result
of hard labor and their staying
qualities. They have many friends
In this city who will be pleased to
learp of their success.
is one of woman's worst afflictions. It always leaves
you weaker, and is sure to shorten your life and make
your beauty fade. To stop pain take Wine of Cardui and
it will help to relieve your misery, regulate your func
tions, make you well, beautiful and strong. It is a re
liable remedy for dragging down pains, backache, head
ache, nervousness, irritability, sleeplessnessdizziness,
fainting spells, and similar troubles. A safe and efficient
medicine for all women's pains and sickness.
Mrs. J. L. Broadhead of Clanton, Ala. writes; "I have
used Cardui for my disease, which was one peculiar to
women, and it has completely cured me."
' sWrfWif tiir4 ail WraJt!
. Aivyxy ItrV t Ihattanoat
V 111 V w
Pe-ru-na Used For , Throat Trouble.
Keeps the Remedy at Hand.
Mrs, J, A, Baker, 880 Locust avenue,
Amsterdam, N.Y., writes! " ' ' '
"Ifeellt my duty to write and tell
you what Peruna has done for me, so
that all those who aro troubled as I was
may find the same speedy cure.
"Pour years ago I lo6t my voice, so
that I was unable to speak above a
whisper for seven weeks. Our family
doctor could do nothing for me.
"After seven weeks sufferiDg, I read
some circulars in regard to Peruna.
"I bought a bottle at once and took it
in teaspoonful doses every hour, and in
two days I could talk. I will never bo
without it."
For free medical advico, write to Dr.
8. . Hartman, Presideut of The Han
man Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. -
Don't allow money to lie around,
is easier to spend it and easier
to lose It
bj keeping it In a safe place such as
The BanH of Cass County
Capital Stock $:0,000, Surplus I15.0CO
CIihs. C. I'urniclu, i'mi., Jacob TrlUcli, V-P.
T. M, Patterson, Cusli.
You can give a check for any part of
It at any time and so have a receipt
for payment without asking for one.
When you have a bank account ycu
will be anxious to add to it rather than
spend from It. Don't you want to
know more about It. - .