rKKl'AKKI) IN TIIK INTERESTS ( If ami f the muhn of the Journal know of a gneial trtnt or tin itrm of internet in W't want ail itant of interest. Editor Journal. Does Money Born a Hole in Your Pocket! Murray State Bank. Chas. S. Stone, Cashier, Murray, Neb. I'ni'lt! Tommy Campbell was In Mur ray Wednesday. L. It. Underwood Is attending tlic Stato fair this week. Grandma Nix lias been iulte sick for tlio past few days. D. C. Illioden wa9 attending the State fair Wednesday. Dave Amlck went to Omaha Tues day with a ear load of stock. Station Agent Martin was Weep ing Water visitor Wednesday. (J. M. Mlnford and wife were attend In tlio Stato fair Wednesday, (let my prices on farm wagons be fore buying. J. II. Cook, Murray. Mrs. John Farrls has been numbered with the sick for the past few days. Miss Carrie Allison Is visiting some friends In Nebraska City this week. Miss Ida lloedeker went to Omaha Wednesday morning to spend the day. Mrs. Henry Shoemaker and daugh ter, r.erlha, were In Murray Saturday. Warren Wiley and Nick Klaurens were attending the State fair Tuesday. Dave Young and W. W. Hamilton were attending the State fair Wednes day. Rev. Husch and wife, of I, Inn In, were visiting in Murray a few da this week. ignite a number from Murray and vicinity are attending the State fair this week. E.ra Murphy drove to Nehawka Wednesday to make some repairs In carpenter work. Mr. and Mrs. Wordeman, of Leigh, Neb., arc visiting with Murray friends and relatives this week. Mrs. A. M. Holmes has been suffer ing for the past few days with an at tack of sciatic neuralgia. Dr. Gllmoro received a new Invalid chair this week for Grandma Riser, who resides near Mynard. John Cook sold three buggies and two wagons one day last week. Not such a poor business for one day. Lester Stone after a few days visit with home folks departed Wednesday for his home In Cherokee, Okla. The dance given at the home of Wm. Fuls, sr., last Saturday evening, was a grand success Id every particular. Miss Etta Nickels and Mrs. Worde man were visiting with Miss Edith F1U near Flattsmouth Wednesday. Mrs. J. A. Walker and Miss Margie drove to Union Wednesday to take the train to Lincoln to attend the fair. E"SUy S&tlsfactoiyR&ivgc I would like the opportunity to demonstrate the merits of the J5he Monarch Malleable Range. It is not dif ficult to convince the most skep tical of its superior qualities. There's reason in the price, too. L. B. Underwo Murray Department OF THE FF.OFLE OF MURRAY Let us have it and voti will goon learn to appreciate that which you receive for your la bor and skill, the waste of which means that you are throwing away future comfort for yourself and family. Your savings ere safe in our hands, and if you only start with a dollar we are just as ulad to have you for a de positor as though you came with a handful. McCloud, the- painter, has been do ng considerable work In this part of the world the past few weeks. W. (). Wood and wife of liurllngton, Iowa, are visiting In Murray this week, the guests of James Root and family. Dr. Wm. Lough ridge, of Milford, was visiting his brother In Murray last Sunday returning home Monday morn ing. J. M. and Lester Stone were in Mur ray Monday, J. M. returning to Ne hawka In the evening and Lester went on to Omaha. Wm. Hendricks went to Flalnvlew last Saturday, where he goes with a view cf purchasing a farm, that Is if he finds one to suit him. John Cook handles farm wagons. Two of the best makes to select from, and the prices will be guaranteed as well as the goods. The entertainment given by Miss Pauline Oldham the latter part of last week was a grand success Ix)th social ly and financially. James Loughrldge and wife are in Milford this week visiting- with Mr. Loughrldge's brother. They will also take In the State fair at Lincoln. John Habel, who has been quite sick for the past few days, was in Murray Wednesday, and with the exception of being a little weak, he Is looking well. Misses Mary Finn and Bessie Mc Daniel, who have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mont Kobb, re turned to their home in Omaha Wed nesday evening. Joe Lloyd, who has been threshing In the vicinity of Murray this fall, RANGES Arc the BEST ON EARTH dies urra.y, Neb. AND VICINITY KSl'KCI ALLY FOR thi$ virinity ami will mint fitne to this went to Flatttsmouth Wednesday evening, and will attend the state fair a few days. Geo. Oldham and Mrs. Dora Moore, Flattsmouth, were visitors at the home of their brother, H. L. Oldham, la Murray Wednesday. James Martin, who has been enjoy ing a vacation with his parents in Michigan, returned to Murray Wed nesday and will resume his duties at the M. r. station. II. L. Oldham has been shipping his peaches the past few days, and already several hundred crates have been ship ped out. He will take a wagon load to Flattsmouth today. Five cars of stock were shipped from Murray to South Omaha Monday even ing as follows: Ren Dill, one car: Louie Todd, two; D. L. Amlck, one, and Chas. Fhllpot, one. Mrs. D. C. West and Miss Lottie Follard, of Nehawka, were visiting with Mrs. G. II. Gilmore Wednesday, going to Flattsmouth Wednesday even ing for a short visit with friends. Jos. Shrader returned to Murray last Friday night from Rapid City, South Dakota, where he was assisting his son, Wm. Shrader, stake out his claim, and make the tlrst improvements. Among the Murray people who are attending the State fair are Mrs. L. R. Underwood and sister, Miss Minnie Underwood, Less Hall, James Hatch ett, Fhll. Rrlsben and "15" Merger. Chas. Chrlswclsscr lias been partial ly laid up for the past few days with an infection of the ankle joint. He was a Flattsmouth visitor Wednesday, but the trip was made under ditllcul ties. D. M. Lloyd, who resides southwest of Murray, we are sorry to say is not Gel that New Suit Do you know that we can take your measure for a new suit of sum mer or winter clothing? We have a tine line of new and up-to-date samples and will take great pleas ure In showing them to you. We Ukc your measure and guarantee perfect satisfaction in every partic ular. Come in today and let us show you what we have. HOLMES & SMITH. MURRAY. NEBRASKA so well the past few days. He has been on the sick list the larger part of the summer, but a few days ago lie was on the road to recovery. Miss Eva Cook, of Stanton, returned home with tier brother, Adam, Tues day and is now visiting with her brother John and family In Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Deerlng, who were vis iting their daughter, Mrs. L. B. Un derwood, in Murray, went to Omaha Wednesday morning and from there will return to their home, near Grand Island. Val Gobbleman and wife are visiting relatives in the western part of the state this week. They were accom panied by Mr. Gobbleman's brother, who has been visiting here a few days from Illinois. Miss Bertha Fitman, who has been In Fasedlna, California, for the past few months, returned home the latter part of last week to spend a few days with home folks. She will return to California In a few weeks. Adam cook ana family, who were visiting with their father in Stanton returned to their home, seven miles westof Murray Tuesday. They report a very pleasant visit and everything in that part of the state looking tine Levi RustcrholU, who went down to Burlington Junction a few days ago to take treatment at the springs, re turned homo Sunday evening, feeling much better from the trip. He says tho water from these springs has great medicinal properties. The new born babe of M. and Mrs. Frank Llghtner, died at the home of lien Reckmau last evening. The little one was born Tuesday, and after a few short hours of pleasure and happiness it brought to the parents, the little one was called from them. Of course you know that J. II. Cook handles buggies, but perhaps you do not know the kind. Well they are the best on the market and the prices are right, ir you don't believe it just drop In and let him show them to you and be convinced. The Auburn line is the right line to look for. For Hunt -two nicely furnished rooms, modern and conven lent to town, Suitable for two or four young men. Enquire at the Journal. THE JOURNAL READERS. office it will uiijxar vmkr Ai heading. Insurance of all Kinds is a, good thing, and in our line we are prepared to in sure you a bargain in every Carriage, Boggy or Wagon you buy from me. Call to day and let us show you what we have. Every vehi cle fully guaranteed. J, H.COOK, Murray, Neb Mrs. nayden, who has been looking after the business of the M. r. at this station was released by the company auditor Wednesday, and she will go to Walton, Neb., where she takes a simi lar position. The Murray schools opened this week with a good attendance and Mrs. Lela Dugay and Miss Ina Miller as the teachers, under whose management we predict that the Murray schools will be a success this year. The Murray physicians and James and Wm. Loughrldge are the recipi ents of a case each of the popular Sho- go Lithla waterat Milford, which Is operated by Dr. Loughrldge. The water is claimed to have great medi : cinal properties. j Wayne Lew is, the son of Jell Lewis, who resides one and one-half miles east of town, was kicked by a horse Tuesday, ana wnue no hones were broken he received quite a painful in jury and will be laid up for a few days. The animal struck him on the leg be tween the thigh and knee. Mrs. A. L. Raker and daughter were In Omaha last Friday to consult an eye specialist in regard to little Ofa's eyes which have been troubling her considerable the past few days. The doctor discovered a growth of some sort on the eye, wldch was removed and the little girl has been getting along nicely since. She is attending school this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Farrls, who re side about six miles southeast of Mur ray are tne proud and happy parents of a bright eyed baby boy, arriving at their home Wednesday morning. The little stranger not only brings much Joy to the parents, but Grandpa Harris is the happiest man in the county, and anxiously awaits the hour when the little fellow will be able to call him by that name. The mother and tittle one are getting along nicely. Farm For Sale. Four and a half miles south of Flattsmouth, "40 acres, new house, seven rooms and panty; water in bouse; spring; milk house; barn and other buildings; fruit of all kinds, tf II. n. Rwr. Geo. Shrader Very Sick. Undo Geo. Shrader.who resides four miles southeast of Murray, and is per haps one of the best known men in Cass county, is a very sick man, being confined to his bed for the past few days with a serious attack of kidney and stomach trouble. Mr. Shader re turned from Oklahoma only a few days ago, pnd at that time was feeling in the test of health, but the attack came upon him the latter part of last week and since that tlmo he has been in a very dangerous condition. Most of the near relatives have been called home In case his sickness should result seriously, but all have hopes that he will recover. A Pleasant Affair. At the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Cole, of Mynard, was the scene of a happy gathering Sunday. An elegant dinner was served by Mrs. Cole, to which all did ample justice, and after having spent a very pleasant day all departed for their homes. Those present were Misses Rachel Liv ingston, Tearl Lewis, Lela Vallery and F.lrdella Cole; Messrs. Sherman Cole, Roy Cole, Oscar Hoback and Carl Cole; Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Cole and Mr. and Mrs. Cah L. Wiles. Myna.rd (SpevU! Correjni'en"-. Mr. and Mrs. Root. Fropst f oWin the State fair Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Verner Ferry attended the State fair Wednesday. Misses Mae, Grace and Lou Vallery were at the State fair Wednesday. Will Stokes and Will Richardson were State fair pasengers Wednesday. Thos. Ruby has gone to Omaha to take a course at Boyle's Business Col lege. Misses Dora and Fanny Will return ed Sunday from a visit to Nuckolls county. Frank Jean has accepted the prlocl palshlp of the city schools at Donl phan, Neb. Frank Richardson and family ac companled by Mr. Wycoff were visit Ing at J. It. Vallery's Sunday. W. B. Forter Is the first one of our townspeople to take on city ways by putting in a cement sidewalk. J. R. Vallery took In the State fair Wednesday and Thursday, stopping off at has stock at Valpaxaso, cn his re turn. Harry Northcutt and family of Oma ha and Miss Retha Kennedy of Flatts mouth were visiting Tuesday with W, T. Richardson. There is to be another wedding at Mynard Thursday and If reports are true, 'still there are mor to follow" in the near future. Fetor Ferry is having hauled the ma terial for a new house, unlike the most of the farmers. Instead of returning to the city. Mr. and Mrs. F. are prepar ing to retire on the farm. For Sale Two mammoth jacks, black with mealy spots, weighing about 800 and 1000 pounds each respectively, and are four and seven years old. For partic ulars call on or write to J. L. Young, Murray, Neb. 8-23111-1 After Bathing. During summer it is of the greatest Importance to bathe very often, either at home or in the fresh air, in order to keep the pores of the skin open. The body will then always feel comfortable and be free from disagreeable and painful eruptions. If we will also use Trlner's American Elixir of Rltter Wine regularly, the summer will be unable to attack us with Its danger ous diseases of the digestive appar atus. This remedy is absolutely reli able in all maladies characterized by weakness, loss of appetite and pale ness and it will always help, If taken in time. Even In chronic diseases of the digestive organs, which resisted all treatment, Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine had the best re suits. e hlgnly recommend it to nervous, sickly people and to those w ho wish to have perfect digestion. At drug stores. Jos. Triner, 7!t'J So. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. Apprentice Girls Wanted. Several apprentice girls are wanted at the Department store of M. Fanger, In the Millinery establishment. This department will be under the manage ment of one of the finest trimmers ever employed in Flattsmouth, and will be an excellent opportunity for apprentice girls to gain more experi ence In the millinery art than ever be fore. If you desire to accept a posi tion of this kind, call now. M. Fangkk. Carpenters Wanted. for Ilershey to Northport Line. western. jseoraska.. Wages, 12.23 to 82.85 per day of ten hours. Board 81 per week. Transportation furnished from Omaha. For further partlcu lars address S. E. echskll. General Foreman. Sutherland, Neb The Folks at Home, the Baby, you Friends, Pets, etc. In after years these pictures may become priceless and pleas reminders of good times gone by. It is not half so difficult nor people think. Come in and X?&3: GERING Nervous Worn-Out If you are in this condition, your nerve force i weak the power is giving out, the or gans of your body have "slowed up," and do their work imperfectly. This failure to do the work required, clogs the system and brings distress and disease. When the nerves are 'weak the heart is unable to force the life-giving blood through your veins; the stom ach fails to digest food; the kidneys lack! power to filter, impurities from the blood, and the poisonous waste remains in the system to breed disease. Nerve energy must be restored. Dr. Miles' Nervine will do it, because it strengthens the nerves ; it is a nerve medicine and tonic, that rebuilds. the entire nervous system. "Several years ngo I wns all broken down. I was nervous, worn-out, could not fleep, nnd was In constant pain. 1 doctored for months, nnd linnlly the doctor said hn could do nothing for me. I bepan taking Ir. Miles' Nervine, nnd used altogether eight bottles, nnd I been tne strong nnd healthy, und now weigh 170 pounds." II. C. CLXMNCHAM. 10S Ellsworth Ave.. Allegheny, I'a. druggist, who will guarantee thrt the first bottle will benefit. If It faili, ha will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind But Cured by Chamberlain's Colic. Cholert and Diarrhoea Remedy. "When my boy was two years old he had a very severe attack of bowel complaint, but by the use of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea emedy we brought him out all right," says Maggie Hickox, of Mid land, Mich. This remedy can be de pended upon In the most severe cases. Even cholera infantum Is cured by it. Follow the plain printed directions and a cure is certain. For sale bv F. G. Fricke & Co. and A. T. Fried. Birthday Surprise on Mr. Suiter. Last evening a large crowd of neighbors and friends gathered at the home of Mr. Sulser and gave him quite a surprise In honor of his 37th birth day. A large graphophone furnished music during the evening to a number, while others enjoyed themselves bv playing outdoor games. Ky light of Japanese lanterns refreshments were served by Mesdames Scott, Walters, .Shaefer, Stohlman and Misses Minnie Stohman and Walters. At a late hour all departed fur home, wishing Mr. Sulser many more happy returns of the day. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott. Mr. and Mrs. August Stohlman. Minnie, Willie, Arnold. Dorothy and Rose Ilolshuh, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thomas, Claire, Cecil and Glenn, Mr. and Mrs. John Schafer, Johnnie Shutz, John Isbel, Mr. and Mrs. Will Rouse, Sadie, Will and Lena Ilirz, Mr. and Mrs. Guy McMaken.Mr. and Mrs. Emil Walters, Edgar and Marguerite, and Matthew Sulzer. Hay Bailing. I have purchased a new power and lighting hay bailer and am fully pre pared to do all such work on short no tice. All work fully guaranteed. For further particulars see me. R. W. Forter. When two strong men come to blos, even if they are well matched, it Is not a pleasing sight, but If the man who gets the worst of It will use De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, he will look better and feel better in short or der. Be sure you get DeWitt's. Good for everything a salve is used for, in cluding piles. Sold by Fricke & Co. and Gering & Co. near so expensive as most let us talk to you about it, & CO,, Kodak Dealers,