r r , i ! - " " i - - i ,, :-'' r ... - I Tiit? f irHi,.ii ftn tii nr(fi(ri " The Plattsmouth Journal I'UAirSMOUTU. NEUHASKA. . K ; u. a. hates; ri ni.isiiKii. nliTv.l m III"' iw.xloni.'V nt rutltniKutl". N limskK. MWHVimli'hii nmlliT. TtiH Standard Oil Company .has been, induted on .counts by the iedcraf grand jury ht Chicago. Will the trust now 1C forced to take the count?" '-r,,tfA. i rrr? W'n.t.i Ijf RoSK, deputy attor ney fceticr.it, Juk ken chosen chair man of thd republican state central committee V Judge V. II. Hay ward, of ebraska City, wanted the position. IT is saul when Judge, 1 1 ay ward in. ntimud Hon. . I. Bryan as "tlie next president of tlie I'nitcd States," inliisseech at tlie old set tlers reunion at Union Saturdayjiis luai i-i s cheered lustilv. .Straws show which Iway the wind Mows. It woiild'sccin that the biggest lir,ht in the republican Jranks is between Kdward Roscwatcr anl the Journal-News Rang at Lincoln. As U twceii tlie two the Hoc hiau should be the favorite. The Journal-News deserves' everything that "Rosey" has given them, and too. )0 I. i ml in ore. Kx-Con;riS)wA J.vH.-Stkodk is to assist in holding lown" the attorney eiiend'A office, while the chief is paying slrieValteution" lolus disordered political fences and As sistant Attorney General Rose has chargcof the statecomtuittee rooms. And the taxpayers of Nebraska pay the freight, just ns usual. Tin' democratic candidate for Rovernor.llon. A.C. Shallenberger, is one of the ablest ukmi in Nebras ka, and the platform upon which he is running contains all that coin nion icoi!edeiuand. The two-cent passenger rate, which the republi can nlatformi omits, has been adopted in'Ohio, is working wel ami pleases the people. That great commoner, William J. Bryan, has arrived in New York. His Nebraska friends were the first to greet him; and, in .speaking of of the democratic nominee for gov ernor of Nebraska, Mr. Bryan re marked with profoiindeuiphasis: "Shallenberger' is a'good man' and a true democrat. Ill hoe he will be: elected, and I shall do everything I can to help hint." "- "Jimmy" Ti'KGAKnrtN, since lie has wisely concluded riot, to become, a candidate for the legislature, has, consented to accept the chairman ship of Pollard's congressional com mittee, after many others had re fused the "honor'' "Easy Money" will find out before .the ides of Nor vemltcr that thousands of honest voters are condemning him for tak ing that which he knew did not belong to him. : t -rif. ' Hon. G. M. Hitchcock was nominated for congrcss-'at ; Omaha yesterday. Mr: Hitchcocklrepre sented the Omaha district ohe term, but was defeated" two years ago' by the Roosevelt tidal wave that .swept, over the " country." Mr." Hitch cock is very popular and sf andean excellent show of again occupying a seat in the lower house of the na tional congress, whore he proved equal to the txsk. Here's hoping, G. M. Tmi death of Kdward Roscwatcr removes from earth one of the most noted men in the west, and a citizen who has done more in the way of Ituilding up the metropolis of Ne braska than in any other one person. Mr. Roscwater was also a power in the republican party of the state, and his great ambition for years has been to represent his state iii the United States senate, a position he was so abundantly able to fill, and his political enemies wiUim bis own party ranks is all that kept him from doing so. i-Thc deceased was the founder of the Omaha Bee, one of the greatest newspapers in the west. The New Naturalization Law. ! With all the red tape interwoven in the new naturalization law, it, nev ertheless, affords a means of pre venting many of 'the abuses that heretofore have characterized the m.ikini: of American citizens from ilitns. The statute becomes opera tive September 27,- and' will be a factor in the congressional elec tions, in whieh'its merits will be test ed 'fop tlie first time..- v. r " . . f Chief aiuQiig the law's commend able features' is the 'uniformity it wi 1 accomplish in the methods and records of 'naturalizations. 1 Under its provisions alieritf'lnar be natural ized onlj' irt United .'ftats Courts and court pf, record haying a seal,, a clerk and jurisdiction in actions at la? or equity, or loth, In which the, amount at issue is unlimited. These courts are required to have also jurisdiction over the applicant at the time he seeks naturalization. Another wise provision specifies that the name of the applicant tor naturalization must be posted in a public place for thirty days before the court's hearing of the petition, which, too, it is required, must not e more than ninety days after the tiling of the application. 1 his seems a proper safe guard against the disgraceful haste with which oreigr.ers in former years have usjied through teh .legal forms of naturalization and manufactured titb citizens, often without the most rinitueutary kiicfwiedge of their btigutions.. The time which elaps es between the petition for citizen ship and the' hearing by the court gi'es ample' opportunity for the in- vestigatio'u of the applicant's fitness . ) i ! ', tariff tax of 5S per cent on the salt he uses. Will some deluded protec tection fanner tell us wherein he is benefited bv a dutv on salt? What has become of "Uncle Joe" Cannon's boom for the presi dency? Terhaps it has gone to meet that of Secretary Sn nv, which took llight iminediatly after the Iowa re publican state convention. ' : Till' votes of confidence given to Mr. Bryan jby.narly vtry; (Jenlo-; cratic state convention held this year indicate sufiiccntly the cordial ity of the welcome that awaits hyn as he travels westward after receiv ing the ovations' that -the :east is eager to bestow. It is soon yet to say what the bolt of the Iowa standpatters will amount to, but it is a safe wager that there are a good many republi can leaders in close touch with Chairman Sherman's headquarters who would rather see Claude Por ter elected governor of the Ilawk eve state than Albert B. Cummins. ,4' " 2 ! ' for the suffrage. he .seeks. To pro mote the fullest inquiry the govern- inen may summon, at the petition er s expense, am- number ot wit nesses to disprove his right to nat unitization. Everywhere in the country the naturalization of aliens will be un der federal control. The examina tion of applicants, the records of their naturalization and the general procedure of the courts will be in accordance with forms fixed bv the 1 t H 1 II l Ml II it I ill I II ' . 1 J I: A if , I recent enactment, and there are heavy penalties for officials of the court ns well as the aliens them- ' selves when violations of the law j are shown. 1 Some of the, educational qualifica tions exacted of applicants, and particularly the information de manded for the record such as a pliysical description, tlie name ot the ship on which he took, passage to this couutrv seem to be more or less frivolous, if not humiliating, to the intelligent foreigner, but the intent of the Jaw is" good . and the methods, of, ijs enforcement .are adequate. ..; i i ), Tin: last great democratic gather- ing in New York was the national convention wnicn metouiue rourm of July, I8d8, and nominated Sey- mout and Ulair for a losing race against Grant and Colfax. The Democrats in New York yesterday made no nomination that is pract ically already done but they are more numerous and have better causes for confidence of success in the coining contest for the presi dency than those who were present at the nomination of the party's standard bearers thirty-eight years go. II unci; forth in the campaign democratic speakers will invite a comparison'of the P.ryan utterance on the tarilT issue with Roosevelt's easy dismissal of the subject in his recently published letter to Repre sentative Watson, of Indiana. President Roosevelt, after saying that the existing high-tariff system bears no relation to trust evils, straddles the issue and, while stand ing pat on protection, holds out an ultimate hope for revision when advisable. Mr. P.ryan holds that the obnoxious trust monopolies are fostered by the present tariff law and that the trust problem cannot be f nil v met until tariff schedules are reduced. '.I)r; Roskwater attributed the sudden death bf his brother' to the results which followed1 the excite- ... , . . . . incut attendant on a loag. campaign in which Mr. Rosewater was a prominent candidate for 'the nom ination' by the Nebraska state con vention for United States senator. TiiKKi,was a.11 increase ;m ,the revenue receips of the country -during July, 1906, over July, 1905, of over two and otife-Malf ttlllto'n dol lars.1 This looks good ds'a'fihaucial statement, but it simply indicates that the people of thflTnited States paid that much' hiojre' tax 'upon the foreign goods that they purchased last month.than they did.the corres ponding month of last year': A tar iff remains a tax just the same. i i It has Iweti announced that the two meuilers of the railroad taxa tion board, who were renominated, have concluded tint tliey made a mistake in not raising the rate of taxation on the roads. Their ex plauatiou is that they did not real ize until the assessors' returns were all in that other values had so much advanced, and that there was so great a discrimination against the people. It. is rather late to make such a discovery." In fact, the late ness of the hour leads one to believe that the confession is made for the purpose of catching votes? rather thnn from1 any inclmntiori to do god.,' The, people of(STcbraska are getting tired of ucath-bed repent anccs. Tin; greatest gathering of people that ever assembled in the state capital will le in Lincoln tomarrow to welcome home America's great est statesman, Hon. William Jen nings Bryan. U. S. Grant had been a great soldier and twice presi dent. He traveled around the world, and was shown great atten tion. but at no time at home nor abroad was he given the marked at tention that given Mr. Bryan The most instructive lesson of this is that the bitterness of partyism has died out. The people look more to men than party. The people of this country believe that Mr. Bryan ishonest in hisconvictions, whether they agree with him or not, and it is for this reason that they admire him and extend to him a cordial welcome, regardless of party or sect. C. A. Walsh, the gentleman who sprang into promience scvera years ago by being named as a member of the democratic uationa committee, has resigned. lie orig inated in the obscure pieneer town on the banks of the Des Moins river called Bentonsport, but finally drifted to Ottumwa, where hi cheek worked well and he was mad national committeeman, lie was made secretary of that body, a very lucrative position, and as long as he fared well the party was all right Two years ago his services as sec rctary were dispensed with and his "graft" ended. Now his resigna tion. This is Charles A, Walsh in a nutshell Men who are demo crats simply for graft, should get out of the party just as soon ns pos siable and go over to the graft party the republicans. Renegade democrats always fare'wcll in that party. The boiler jacket ct a locomotive exposed to wear, weather and heat is made of sheet iron, because for such purposes sheet iron is more durable than sheet steel. The Majestic Range is made of sheet iron not steel for exactly the same reason. It is a long step from locomotives to the range in your kitchen, but the material of which your range is made is of vital importance in your household economy less repairs. Sheet iron costs twice as much as sheet steel, but steel will rust, and cracks in your cook ing apparatus means loss of heat, wasts of fuel, and in a few years the range is ready for the junk heap. In the body of all Majestic Ranges we now use Majestic Old Style Charcoal Iron. The top and framework are made of Majestic Malleable Iron the iron that never breaks, cracks or warps, and is so thin that you can do all your cooking without removing the lids. The locomotive is compelled to stand up under severe tests ood looks will not draw a train of cars. A range built to endure and stand every test is the most economical range that you can buy, an d that range if The Majestic P&f Johmi Bauer PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. Broken Promises. The following republican prom ises have been broken: To establish reciprocity. To give separate statehood to Oklahoma, Indian Territory, New Mexico and Arizona. To enforce rigidly the civil serv ice law. To be economical in government expenditures. To modify the unjust and out rageous inequalities of the tariff. To reduce the Philippine tariff schedules. To put only honest and efficient men into office. To give every man a square deal. To stop the deficit in the rev enues of the government. To curtail the powerof the trusts. . To stop political grafting in the various departments of the government. These are but a starter of the many promises that Roosevelt has broken. Tht Farmer and Protection. The farmer or mechanic who votes for the high tariff republican party, is a greeny. The farmer pays $ 18 for a certain plow made in the United States. That same plow is shipped to South America and sold for $3 The farmer pays about $65 for a certain mower; it is shipped to South America and sold for $40. So on down the list, $25 hay rakes in South America for $17; $30 cultivators for $22 in South America. Mechanics' tools and iron goods accordingly. The manufacturers make a profit of almost $120,000,00 on these iron and steel goods. Then these same manufacturers turn right around and sell the same goods to foreign farmers and mechanics at a little over half the price at which they sell them to our farmers and me chanics. All this comes from the monop oly of manufacturing. And the nionoply of tnaufactttring is possi ble because of the protective tariff It is the rankest, meanest roblwry. Any statesman or politician who stands for it ought to lx votec home. Any farmer or mechanic who votes for the tariff supporters is not a fit guardian of his child ren's iuterests. : C A. Hawls, Lawyer, fro Mtt and general practice. Of flee of County Attorn?- Gov. Mickey on the Ticket, Here is what Governor Mickey said in an interview, just after the state board of equalization had as sessed the railroads, in reference to Oalusha, Katon and Searle: If those three fellows are nomin ated the republican party in Nebras ka is on the verge of defeat. As governor of the state board of equal ization, I will not endorse their action:, in the railroad tax assess ments. They are tied up to the railroads. The fanners of the state are against the railroads this year )ecause the other property in the state has been greatly increased in valuation w hile the railroads have remained practically stationary. Mark my words, if those three men are renominated tlie republican party is on the verge of defeat. Here is what Governor Mickey said after the republican convention had renominated Katon and Searle: If the republican ticket is elect ed, I fear the railroads will still have control of the board of equalization." The governor, treasurer, secretary of state, auditor and land commis sioner constitute the board of equal ization which assesses the railroads. Threeof the presentboard.jGalusha, Katon and Searle, opposed any raise in the railroad assessment, which called forth the above censure from the governor. While the republi can convention made a pretense of nominating a reform governor, it nominated railroad men for the bal anceof the ticket, so that according to Governor Mickey, the railroads would still have a majority of the state board of equalization. The republican party is trying to catch suckers with a reform candidate for governor and an imitation demo cratic platform, but has a ticket which will turn the state gover ment over to the railroads as in the past. Hon. W.J. Bryan's reception in Chicago was an immense affair In his speech he repudiates his en dorsement by the Illinois state con vention, which refused to request the aesignation of National Com mitteeman Roger C. Sullivan. Mr. Bryan is rignt in demanding the resignation of Sullivan. "lie who is not for us is against us," and Mr. Sullivan's past acts show for them selves. He should step down and out, and the Illinois democrats in convention made a great wistake in not requesting him to do so. Standpat in Nebraska The stampede of the standpatters has spread to Nebraska, were the re publican state convention has just admitted that the Dingley schedules are not sacred, says the St. Louis Republic. But that is as far as the republicans ot Nebraska go. They do not suggest as the re publicans of Illinois did in their platform, that special interest need not be considered in revision of the tariff; but they thoroughly agree with their brethren of the prairie state that nobody but its friends should be permitted to lay a reform ing hand upon the Dingley act. The significant lesson to be drawn from the Nebraska convention is that republican leaders all over the country are convinced that the dem ocratic party will reform the Ding ley tariff if they do not hold out the hope that the republicans will revise it. The standpatters are routed and standpatism, at least for the campaign, is as dead as a doornail. But these promises of revision are too sudden to be accepted as sincere, and they have always a string tied to thera. They do not promise reduction of the Dingley robberies, and, except in Iowa, they give no pledge whatever of such revision as would break or seriously check the greedy tariff monopolies. The Nebraska republicans say only that changes in schedules should followchanges inconitions." This leaves themlas free to raise the schedules as to lower them. And if the house should be controlled by the republicans in the Sixtieth con gross, we know in advance that the speaker would not suffer the Ding ley act to be amended in any man ner objectionable to the great mon opolies from which the republican party expects liberal contributions to the campaign fund of 1903. Convinced at last thatthe country wants tariff revision and means to have it, the republicans are making no false promises. They are simply making no promises that mean any thing. The schoolmaster has been abroad too long in the west to leave any larger percentage of voters green enough to be fooled by trickery and evasion like this. Has Mr. Roosevelt abandoned the presidential bee for the spelling bee? Y