The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 30, 1906, Image 7

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A Suggettion lor Merchata.
Newspapers have aUays Lad a l ard
time to persuade retailers to advertise,
and even today there are many mer
chants who seof! at it. The truth is
that merchants couldn't (Jo businesat i
all without advertising in s me way. J
They have all done It. They didn't j
know it was advertising. Their me-i
diums have been windows and the cir- j
dilation ttie passing crowds. Now, a
newspaper is nothing else but extend
ing your window advertising to a lar
ger circulation. Uy pictures of the
poods instead of the good sand printer's
Ink instead of brush and cards you
have only to apply the same principles,
and you succeed in the same way, but
in far greater proportion.
Don't drag along with a dull, billioui
heary feeling. You need a pill. Use
DeWltfs Little Early Risers, the fa
mous little pll'.s. Don't sicken or gripe
bat results are sure. Sold by V. G.
Fricke & Co. and Gerinir & Co.
Cass County W. C. T. U. Convention.
The Cass county W. C. T. U. con
vention held In Jfchawka Tuesday,
August 28, was fairly well attended
and good reports were given. Miss
Lloyd, of Nebraska City, read a good
paper and gave a good talk on Physi
cal Culture. Rev. Andrews of Weep
ing Water gave the lecture of the
evening session, and Mrs. West was In
charge of the music and other features
of the evening program. In the elec
Hon of otllcers for next year, Mrs. L
A. Moore, of riattsmouth, was elected
president; Miss Paine, Weeping Water,
vice president; Mrs. S. Harrison, Avoca,
secretary; Mrs. E. A. Klrkpatrlck, Ne
hawka, treasurer. Other members of
the board from Plattsmouth are Mrs.
E. L. Rouse, superintendent of purity;
Mrs. A. II. Knee, superintendent of
mercy and relief; Mrs. S. E. Kerr, su
perintendent franchise; Mrs. George
Dodge, superintendent scientific tem
perance instruction.
Every form f distressing ailment
known as Pile! originates internally.
The real cause of the trouble is inside.
ManZan is put up in collapsible tubes
with nozzle, so the medicine can be
applied where it will do the most good
and do it quickly. Guaranteed to give
satisfaction or money refunded if you
are not satisfied. Sold by Gerlng fc
fin 'a ftrncr ttn
New Cash Register.
Gering & Co. received a new Na
tional cash register this morning that
is one of the finest that money can
buy, and is up-to-date in every partic
ular. It )ias many new improvements
over the ones manufactured by the
same lirm a few years ago. K will
stand in the center of the store, and
will )'C fib Hit four to live feet high,
and contains six iira.vers, giving each
clerk a separate apartment, tellinj: the
exact amount i f business each man
doe;; during il.e, day. besides register
ing the amount of t-r.di cash,
it delivers a ticket U: the customer
and tells whether the good purchased
is for cash or credit. The new machine
will he placed in operation hy t'.ic first
of the month, when a representative
of the manufacturing establishment
Utjr U. A. l.-l.)
1 iiODl'l K MAKhKTS.
Corrected weekly by Martin & Tmo
who pay the highest prices fur produce
and guarantee satisfaction:
ttutlvr u,-
KlTi-t II.-
11,11 (
!-prliu's Ho
Crrimi No. I. ire: No. He
1 loirs .V
Caule il.j0itml3.uu
till A IN MAIikKTS.
Cnru... ml io
W lltHl S(H
Oals Sio
Rock Island Timk Tahlk.
Murdock Station.
No. 41, mall K:15a. m.
No. "5, local 8:55 a. m.
No. 5. mail :i:0 p. m.
No. 37, mall 5:47 p. m.
No. 90, freight 12:30 a. m.
No. 38, mall 10:55 a. m.
No. 76, Local 1:14 p. m.
No. 6, mall 2:35 p. m.
K. II. Davis spent Sunday In Mur
dock. Earle Cole was up from Weeping
Water Sunday.
II. A. Tool made a business trip to
Omaha Friday.
Ralph Morris was down fjom Green
wood Thursday.
Julian Blckert, of Eagle, spent Sun
day in Murdcck.
It. E. Nelt.el returned to his home
at Waterloo Friday.
Mrs. C. J. Leis was on the sick the
forepart of the week. ,
A. J. Tool and family visited at
Bennett over Sunday.
Miss Amy Westlake returned to her
work at Alvo Thursday.
Miss Edna Leller is visiting with
Miss Olive Long this week.
Wm. Gakemeier and Burnmastcr re
turned to Chicago Monday.
G. L. Colbert made a business trip
to South Dakota last week.
Mrs. J. Lemlng is visiting in Gage
county, Nebraska, this weok.
Miss Grace Jarvis Is visiting at the
home of D. Austin this week.
Henry Guthman, of Plattsmouth,
visited in this burg over Sunday.
Harry Hoffman and family visited at
the home of .1 . J. Gustin Sunday.
Mrs. L. Hoclt.el was visiting rcla-;
tives in Plattsmouth over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gakemeier 'cere
business visitors at tmaha Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Guthman returned to
their home at I'lattsmomh Tuesday.
Martin & Tool shipped a car load of
potatoes to the Texas markets Tuesday.
renee .larvis visited at the
). Austin, the forepart of the
thecauseof his death. lie was laid
to rest at the German Lutheran ceme
tery, two miles north of ton, Mon
day afternoon.
Ask Pro. Squires how walking Is be
tween Weeping Water and Wabash?
We have heard that it wasn't very
cood. but understand the Souire Is
pretty good authority on this subject.
couple of young ladies from Mur
dock, and a couple of young men from
Wabash, enjoyed a real "ducking" In
the Richard's park at Wabaslt the
other day. For furthe particulars see
G rover Otte.
Louisville and Manley crossed bats
on the Manley diamond Sunday, and
the result was 5 to 1 in favor of Louis
ville. Ratteries Ixnilsvlllc, Stilts
and Pankonln; Manley, Hultlsh and
Keckler. Umpire Sheehn.
No. 41, the local west bound passen
ger, was delayed for some time, at
Alvo Wednesday morning, on account
of the tender being derailed. The
section crew from Murdock were taken
up to help clear up the wreck. Tralllc
was delayed for several hours.
In regard to the survey that Is be
Ing made south of town, the World
Herald has this to say: "The Union
Pacific's Omaha-Lincoln short line,
running from Gllmore to Lincoln, after
being surveyed six times Is now a
settled thing, and as soon as the grade
can be approved work will rushed to
Its utmost capacity and trains will be
running by January 1st, of next year
It Is the Intention of the Union Pacific
to put on motorcars and as soon as
the track can be ballasted the highest
rate of speed In the west will be main
talned. It is expected that the
through motorcars will make the run
from Omaha to Lincoln In one hour.
The distance has been trimmed down
to a fraction over 55 miles, which Is
practically the same as the Purling
ton." The Herald also states that It
strikes Murdock In Casscounty, which
Is the only town It strikes between
Omaha and Lincoln. We wish to cor
rect this statement, for It passes Mur
dock three-quarters of a mile to the
south and It strikes Alvo within lifty
1 yards of the Hock Island depot.
ttie highest grade and most up-to-date
furniture and anything you buy of us
Is of regular standard stack. V e nev
er ship In anything cheap and run it
olf under the guise of a bargain. One
of our specialties Is rich (lining room
lurnlture. Nowadays ttie dining-room
receives greater attention from the
from the stand-point than any room
In the house. We show ymi the beau
tiful, popular dark Mulshes of wood.
Michael Hild
Tito Kliul You llavo Always Nought, nnl wlihh lias lutn
In nso for over HO your, linn lorne tlio tdirimturo of
and lias Immmi iniulniiiulor Ills mt
Nonal nii-rNlou tdncn Um Infancy.
Allow no oiio totWrivn you In Mil.
All Counterfeits Imitation and "Tust-iiH-cood" ar but
Kxpt-rlint-iitH that trlilo with and endanger tlio health of
Infant and Children rxerleno against Kxperlmeiit.
GVveilon'a 5(in V.'a'l
, 1 1,
Mrs. r
home of
Miss F.
I'" ' ii .i mis K. "
in) I ('Mill's mi ii:- li
IH'fl'.S II i VI ,!! I ! l .!.
"I U-i (l l ' K !;
'.Try f' T ( ''inIM';i' i. hi lli'
-u rs and ii. Li-ops ii'" .
li I - pit- I ha', t in" I in. I ;
ii for years had 1 i ,.
. Now ll ' yoi:e. " ( 'a I ' 1
i s, l.all ii''. ' i u: 1 1.
'i a nd i i- i - !'' .r
.. a hi I K.vr. I, .1 '
D.O. DWYER, Attorney-at-Law
Offce In building east of court
house, Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Float Convention.
The democrats of Otoe and Cass
county are requested to meet In con
vention at Nebraska City, on Monday,
September 10th, hxxi, at 1 o'clock p.
m., tor the purpose of selecting a can
didate for lloat representative. Otoe
county will be entitled to 18 delegates
and Cass county lit. The county con.
ventlons to select delegates to this con
vcntlon will meet on Saturday, Sep
tember H, at 2 o'clock p. m.
J. P. Faltkk, Chairman.
w ny suiter with jour kidneys? The
1i ri vrry of Kliliiey-Klts pinn-ii .
leg to thousands u kidney Mdh i
ho have iiecn restorrd to i , '"
I'll. These Tan. cli dine u.
".used germs nut of I lie S' si i i
'ir" !in si.; ers m uu
i i '; mil sin fi sslii. l.hlii.'v , .
1 I., i 'J.V, i '" a' A. ' o .!;.
The mad dog scare in the .Jean's
neighborly:! has ahont subsided.
Then! are no new developments, am
the animal that was bitten by the dug
is getting along nicely, and all symp
toms of hydrophobia seems lo h:ivMMi-
Cast or la Ih a liarnilcN Hiibstltiito lor Castor OH, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing- Sjrnps. It Ih l'leuHiint. It
i-ontaiiiH neither Opium, IMorphino nor other Narcotic
Mihstauee. Its ago Ih Its guarantee. It destroy h Wornm
liud allajH 1'eveiishneHH. It eurcH Diarrlnea, and Wind
Colic. It relieve! Teething Troubles, cureH Constipation
mid Flatulency. It assimilate the Food, regulates tlio
Stomach and Itowels, giving healthy ami natural sleep.
The Children's l'anacear-Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Siguaturo of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
el .Ink and Mi
anche ,
in this neighborhood
I at J',
'ik; and
i' i i
(I r I ;
Tlial Iv.i i :
Marshall visited
last week.
Will Ilcincmaun i!.-p:i.rlc:l Thursday
for a journey t!)rni;L;!i Uie nviimtains
of ( ;,ilorado.
Il'jrn lo Mr. and Mrs. . 11. Mc
Donald Suniiay, August l!'l, a bright
The cleansing, antiseptic r.nrl hr
ing properties of Pincsalve make
superior lo all family salves Sold
Gerinir .fe ('r.'
i a.
will be here to place
der. Cas'.i registeis
pensii-le, and Cerin
having the test. Cu
time next mu.ith.
it. in running or- i r
are almost hulls-!
: Co. 1).m
''.( it, :t:
111 i tin
i il baby girl.
Mis II. V. :
cDi'iiiid ei.terUincd
at home Wednes-
In !Sclf Dcfcn-o
! . ::i'ii, editor end man-.' t i;f
iiiit ii'iialist, Iluii'ieiH , K .,
lie was tieavly attacked, ! r
i0' i, by Piles, bought a U w!
n's Arnica Salve, of which i.c
"It cured mc In ten da) .u.ii
no t la.ublc since." Quickest healer of
Hums, Sores, Cuts and Wounds, -'s.
at F. C . Fricke & Co's druii store.
v, ere down from
triends and re la
; visit ing
'lock t he
Sont to Hie Asylum.
The insanity board, composed of I
County Attorney C. A. Haw 1 Hist rid j
Clerk James Kobcrtson and lr. llo-j
hanan, of Klmwood, who was ap-
nolnted In the absence of Ir. Cook, j
day afternoon.
1'.. .1. Hill and wif
Iloldredge visiting
tives lids week.
! Turner McKinnon, v. ,i
'lives and friends in Mur
; part of the week.
! Mr. Higginsand family, of Nebraska
i City, are visiting at the homo of Wm.
Wilkc ns this week,
i .li hii Carle has handed in Ids resig
nation as rural mail carrier on route
: No. "), out of Murdock.
I Miss Till ic Seherl came down from
e II' Mid.
;.!!. !ive ret iiine.l from a
with his parents at Indianola,
Thursday evening.
ll'U.tio Lyman hit for Venango.
Neb., Monday, where sin- will te.avh
school the coming year.
Arthur Kennedy 1,'aves t his morn-;
ing for Norfolk, Neb., where hew;:!;
teach in the High school the coming,
; Word was received from T. C. Kun- j
! kel that he had sold his half sect ion of,
'land near Venango a; an ndvauc of,
Miss Kthel Leyda. who has been vis-!
itlng with her cousin, Miss Aileenj
i livc, for several weeks, returned to ;
!y disappeared.
I Tou can sec the poison riiie-ulrs
clears out of the kidneys and bladder.
A single, dose at bedtime will show
you moro poison upon rising the next
mornlnff than can hs expelled from
the system in any other way. Pinc
ulcs dissolve the Impurities and lubri
cate the kidneys. C uaranteed to five
satisfaction or money refunded. 33
days treatment 81.03. Sold by Gerlng
tt C.n.'n drop storr.
, I.evimii W. lUU'M-;o:i of Narka, ii
i Kansas, wIki railed on the .louruulj!
yesterday, is anion,.' t lie earlie-.L set-ij
; tiers of Cass c ui,l y, owning and livin
I upon one "f the llne .L and le.-.t in
( . I p-( -'
I ' I
8 ':'.: I
PfimO In I Maybt von are not
UUIIIC III i re;i,y t() )liy uial
watch you've had In mind, hut
there's no harm In letting us
show you some of t hese beauti
ful new hand engraved cases, In
gold Idled and solid gold. It Is
always a pleasure, too, for us to
explain the different, movement:;
and explain the broad guarantee
covering bni h ease and works.
Late beaut iful e'eets in ladies'
KroeMer &
Krtiti your .-pnti:
vc c;irrv ;i r!:iii!'
iti tit.-
i id;
proved farms eight i
Plattsmouth. .'aim.- i
out and ni'iv-'d to f li-
Nation." Mr. I'.itter.v
Col. Thomas I'.itterv
original surveyor of !.
ai a
lOUt'l if,
) !o-:.f: 1 i
".ilat'! (it (.'arrie
.ou's father was J
n, founder and j
ick I II :
;it)(l tin-KVli.-il.K-
i ii
Mrs. Sid West, and after examination
found her to bo in a demented condi
tion, and that the proper place for her
was in the state asylum, to which
place she was taken yesterday evening
by Sheriff Qulnton. Mrs. West has
been falling In this respect for several
years, but the friends and relatives
had hopes of her regaining health
without resorting to the late steps.
Mr. West and family have been resi
dents of the city of Klmwood forsev
eral years.
If yOU ndlil ..
reasonable rates; n i
Of title, hisuraiii , v -
bond of and kern, .. e
or mortgage dm v
Gund building. W'.ik pomm '
neatly dorra an -I eimirff ii-hmhhu-1
Northwestern Captures Committee.
A special from Lincoln says: "The
Northwestern railway has captured
the republican state central commit
tee. 'Reub' Schneider of Fremont
last night dictated the organization.
Yesterday Auditor Scarle and Land
Commissioner Eaton stated that they
would not vote for W. H. Pose. They
asserted that they would bo for W. II.
Hayward, A. II. Allen or C IL Ander
son. Schneider called them into con
ference and apoke a doien word la a
aharp, incisive tone, ltoth officials
broke tbclr pledges to other candl
i dates and tumbled to Kce."
Lincoln Saturday and spent Sunday j her home in Plattsmouth Saturday,
under the parental roof. , MissC. M. Paine has Invested in the
oraCole find wife of Klsing City, building and lot she has ( ccupicd so
millinery store. In the
expect to see a nice htt !e
week. brick creeled.
7 Iscl v n c nm -O' 1 ycstdcvliltlnttlM ''" tliclr l"ir-1 as a
ZtZZmL or;1'''"'' Mts' A' M' I22"2
1'nclo Joe Gllmore cf Omaha and
Uncle Billy GUmoro of Plattsmouth,
were visltinff at J. J. Gustin's over
Kd. Thimgan, Kmll Kuchn, Miss
Martha Kuchn and Miss P.enna Pc
Muth were business visitors at Ash
land Tuesday.
(Jus. Horncmelor, Martin Home
meier, Chas. Melvin and Walter .ink,
left for the harvest liclds In the la
kotas last week.
Miss Violet Gllmore and Miss Clara
l'.erg returned to their homes at
( hiiaha Friday, after a wack's visit at
the home of J. J. Gustin.
Mr. Ian Kuemelln and Miss Martha
Kun. were united In marriage at the
home of the bride's parents, west of
Klmwood Tuesday afternoon.
II. U. Ncltcl and wife and Miss
Minnie Guthman of Plattsmouth, re
turned Sunday from their visit at
Icnver and other points in Colorado,
.1. P. Funk has sold his shop and
barber trade to Kmll C. Kuchn, who
took possession Tuesday morning.
Chas. West will assist Mr. Kuchn In
the shop for the present.
Died -Alfred Rcnnwanz, aged two
years, 10 months and 15 days, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Xlennwanz. The
little boy was severely scalded some
three weeks ago, which no doubt was
I', i . aiv !; '.- -i, an 1
'-.' ,. ..- 'i , i a ; p. :i;i
i" I,.- v.- ' .! v !,' I. v
Iti 1 i ;i-1 i',. , i-.i,.t (j ,il
ln-H-i -. .' old li-, I:
d.-ae .! ore.
ntion appiieri ana covererl with a
hot ch th I'ine.salve acts like a poult ice
P.est for burns, liruises, boils, cracked
hands, eczema, skin diseases, tetter,
etc. Sold by Gering&Co.'sdrugstoriv
A littlo daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Henry Ash, living south of town, was
bitten on the foot by a rattle snake
about a week ago. The little one suf
fered Intensely for a time, but Is re
covering nicely now.
At noon Tuesday, Carl liay's team
driven by Tom Christian and Dr.
Cowles, became scared while crossing
the track on Last street and started
to run. One of the traces came down,
and the elTorts of both men did not
succeed In stopping them until they
had run about six blocks, when the
buggy was upset and pretty badly
torn to pieces. Neither men were
hurt, but one of the horses was pretty
badly skinned on one of Its hind legs.
For bloating, belching, sour stom
Mb, bad breath, malasslmllatlon of
food and all symptom of Indigestion.
King's Dyspepsia Ttbletsare a prompt
and efficient corrective. Two days
treatment free. Sold by Gerlng A
Co.'s drug store.
For Infants and Children. -
Tha Kind You Kara Always Bought
Dear tht
fttgMturt of
Rheumatism. )
tfrat 'ifCf ssfnilv (v oi Sui
hfatrd Air. Mr'triritv ami '
of Chronic lili uinht;i. Clin
Attltitiv SrMiKi aiut ( lit ohm:
Write fm lull iiilnnnaliuti ; results htii
In ni,tf iliiiii . ' n .fmtit
( sn4 K.misn llUij., OMMIA. Nrl-r.
t OI ui"-i- ,
I all ' I
JlMilll". KtlMlll'.'t.i 1
1IIC J'llll! 1 t'.lll"' ' I
Buck's Steves
and RaEicjc:
kinds of Poofiug. I'.-i ,
anil Spowt in.
Am feMlata tMlft ami tl-Mptk t'V
ritlM hi Ml klltt at
QftLT A I110LB. TIUS011T lUMLm,
A tr tnn Im HufMtMA TMrttU QalMTi
Uia4, VlMrit4 tm4 CaUrrkal MnTkrMt.
A amaatlT ! Cra Wbaaala Uak al
rtairnira Atnr Mersmrv
IMwiM kf Ua Km BBtatat Tkmi l !
law la (an aaaairf .
WMkakaatlmaTarf kaaa, NMlieiaa
arg M4laU Ca tut SUtaa Ua
GERING & CO. druggists
A Freak of Nature.
A remarkable freak of nature was
exhibited by a I'acltic Junction melon
vender this morning In the shape of a
double Hocky-I'ord cantclope. P.oth
melons were well formed and develop
ed, but Joined together by several
inches of solid rind, rniiopcna mils
are not uncommon, but this Is probably
the lirst phllopena muskinelon on
Man Wonted!
Somewhere near I'lattsmnuth, to as
sist us In showing and selling proper
ties. No experience necessary, If will
ing to let us teach you the real estate
business. Salary JiiO.oo a month, to
honest man, willing to devote part of
his time to his business. Co-( iperatlvc
Land Co., Andrus I'.iiilding, Minneapo
lis, Minn.
The lircfst ant! hpM equipped carriage fac
tory in thi" state KutahlUhrd and located it
18th anil Iiaraey St.. over 20 ytiri.
Omaha, li now making iprcial price on high-grade
Ruoabiits, Csacsrds, Stashises, Snrreys, Traps, Phaetins, Family Carriages
Ueadciuartert for the Genuine CslimbtU BuJ Cs.'S Bu idles -0 ttylci.
33 to 75 Per Cit DUctuatl Now ia vonr chance to buy either a NEW
or SECOND-HAND high-grade vehicle CHKAP
A fine S450 Ceach Gear Trip $100
A 1400 haodiome Leather Top Carriage, $ )
Ak-Sar-Dei rltitora ahould see onr Carriages
tod Una Maroass before purchaaing.
. Th mtdlcinal rirtnta of tha end f ami and rtataa
abtained from tha Rati Pine tiT bea recotniitd
by the medical troltuion for centuriet. Pint-alt e
Contain tha Tirtuei of tha HaUra Pin that are of value lo rtlief
log Backache, aUdoty, Blood, Bladder and Kbenmatic Trouble.
Sold t GERING A CO S. DruQ Store