The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 30, 1906, Image 3

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    Buu Hair
at Auction?
At any rate, you seem to be
getting rid of it on auction-sale
principles: "rjoinj:, goine,
g-o-n-e ! " Stop the auction
with Ayer's Hair Vigor. It
certainly checks falling hair;
no mistake about this. It acts
as a regular medicine; makes
the scalp healthy. Then you
must have healthy hair, for
it's nature's way.
The bait kind of a testimonial
"Sold for over sixty year."
Mwls br J. C. Aj.r Co., I.ow.ll, Mm.
aim Banunotunr (
Brjan's Home Folks Given a Cordial Re
ception in New York.
What Col. Bills Has to Say About Nebras
ka's Favorite Son.
A special from New York, under
date of August 27, says: "New York's
reception to Nebraska's "Bryan home
folks" has been cordial. Scats, which
are In great demand, have been assur
ed the entire party, and the rooms of
Mayors Brown Brown and Dahlman
have been crowded with visiting dem
ocrats and Ncbraskans resident in New
York. The presence of the delegations
has started a movement among Ne
braskans here for the organization of
a Nebraska club. Trouble is being ex
perienced in securing permission to go
down the bay, except as a party and
meet the Princess Irene, and Mayor
Dahlman wired President Roosevelt at
Oyster Bay for permission, which can
be granted In emejgency. It was re
ported today that Mr. Bryan has been
delayed at some island en route, but
no confirmation of the rumor could be
secured. Tomorrow night the Ne
braska bunch goes to Luna park to
visit Skip Dundy and the next even
ing to see Ruth Bryan's play."
Our Mayor in the Swim.
A special from New York says:
'Norman E. Mack, democratic state
committeeman, gave an Informal
luncheon this afternoon at the Hoff
man House to the western visiting
mayors here to attend the W. J.
Bryan reception and to several other
state committeemen.
"Those who were Mr. Mack's guests
were Mayors F. W. Brown of Lincoln,
J. C. Dahlman of Omaha, W. F. Green,
of Nebraska City. Henry Gering of
Plattsmouth, F. W. Hunker of West
Point, R. E. Walzke of Humboldt, M.
M. Ulze of Holdrege and William
Burke of Friend. The national com
mitteemen present were: J. C. Dahl
man of Nebraska, D. J. Campau of
Michigan, T. E. Ryau of Wisconsin,
R. M. Johnson of Texas, Joseph
Daniels of North Carolina, John E.
Osborne of Wyoming, L. V. Baugh
man of Maryland, John T. McGraw of
West Virginia and Chairman Taggart
of Indiana. Tonieht the western
mayors took a trip to Coney Island."
From the above and other reports
from New York, the indications are
that Mayor Gering is 'right in the
swim" and Is enjoying himself hugely
Team Start for Horns.
The team of W. D. Warner, of Faci
flc Junctlon.broke the monotony Tues
day by taking a lively spin down
Main street without a driver. Mr.
Warner had brought over a load of po
tatoes and Just got the last "spud" un
loaded at Dovey's store when the bays
took It into their heads to hit the high
places for the ferry. Accordingly they
started without warning on the keen
Jump for the river road, dashing across
the Burlington tracks and down tne
steep and twisted trail to the bottom
road, miraculously making the steep
turn without tipping over the wagon,
and were stopped, well on their way to Fred Black. Neither
horses, harness nor wagon were Injur
cd In the least.
C. J. Gaebel'i Annual Salo.
C. J. Gacbcl informs the Journal
that his annual pig sale will occur on
Tuesday, October 2, looil, and that the
stock he will olTer for sale Is In the
virv host condition. Mr. Gacbcl Is
known far and near by all tine stock
breeders, and these pales are generally
very largely attendod. Charley Is one
of the best fellows In the world and
his hospitality on these occasions is
well known. The sales are very popu
lar from the fact that people know
that nothing Is offered for sale but
Brst-class, high-grade hogs. It will
be well for those who are thinking of
embarking In the breeding of .high
grade pics to get ready to attend Mr
Gaebel'i sale October 2, four miles
south of Louisville.
The Program Complete Seven Bands Se
cured for the Great Event.
A special from Lincoln says the pro
gram for the Bryan reception at the
state capital U all complete. The
program will begin at the capital
grounds at 7 o'clock. Mayor Brown
and Governor Mickey will deliver ad
dresses and Mr. Bryan will respond.
A mounted escort of 200 men will meet
Mr. Bryan at the depot. They will
accompany him to the capital grounds.
The executive committee met at the
Commercial club rooms this afternoon
and provided for the final plans regard
lng the reception. Chairman Arm
strong of the music committee was
authorized to secure seven bands for
the occasion. Chairman Sawyer of
the finance committee announced that
the otllclal badges were shipped yester
day and he asked all the members of
the various committees to assist In
the sale of them. These badges are of
handsome design. Part are of bronze
and part are of siher. The face of
Mr. Bryan adorns one side of the
medallion while a picture of the Bryan
home is displayed on the other. The
badges will be sold at II each, no more
and no less. They are limited to quan
tity and the committee anticipate
ready sale. The expenses of the oc
casion will be met with the money de
rived from a sale of the badges.
Chairman J. E. Miller of the decora
tion committee announced arrange
ments have been made to spend more
than $2,000 in decorations. Thirty
two blocks have raised the funds nec
essary to orilliantly light the streets.
Thousands of yards of bunting and a
myriad of Hags will wave in honor of
the wanderer as lie rides up the streets
of his home city.
Mr. Bryan will' ride In the front car
riage with Governor Mickey. Mayor
Brown and President Miller of the
Commercial club.
Insanity Case at Elmwood.
The Insanity board, comprised of
County Attorney Rawls, Dr. E. W.
Cook and District Clerk Robertson,
left this afternoon for Elmwood to In
vestigate the mental condition of Mrs.
Sid West, who is thought to be in
sane. Her physical conaition is
such as to make her removal to Platts
mouth Inadvisable and it she is pro
nounced insane Sheriff Qulnton, who
will meet the board at Weeping Water,
will take her at once to the Lincoln
A Very Sore Hand.
Dr. A. P. Barnes, while out at
Charley Countryman's, four miles
west of Murray, Tuesday, met with a
very serious accident. While saving
his vehicle from going over an em
bankment, he stepped on a round
stone, slipped and fell, lie struck the
ground on his left hand In such
manner as to bend several of the fingers
backward, lacerating the Inside of that
member and spraining several lingers.
The doctor suffers considerable pain
Id consequence.
Dr. Chapman Die.
Dr. E. J. Chapman died at his borne
In Missouri Valley, la., Monday even
lng of locomotor ataxia. Dr. Chap
man has visited In Plattsmouth upon
several occasions and was a brother of
C. D. Chapman, who lived In this city
years ago.
Carpenters Wanted.
For Ilershcy to Northport Line
Western Nebraska. Wages, $2.2" to
$2.83 per day of ten hours. Board f 1
per week. Transportation furnished
from Omaha. For further partlcu
lars address S. E. Russkll,
General Foreman.
Sutherland, Neb.
Stomach Troubles and Constipation.
No ono can reasonably hope for good
digestion when the bowels are const!
pated. Mr. Chaa. Baldwin, of Kd
wardsvllle, 111., aays: "I suffered from
chronlo constipation and stomach
trouble for several years, but, thanks
t Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets, am almost cured." Why not
crt a package of the tablets and get
.11 mid Slav well? Price 2uc. Sam
pit t fire. For salo by F. O. Frlcke k
km. ina a. i. urica.
The Plattsmouth Courant, Wentworth
Crites, Editors and Publishers.
ll'rom Juilirc l!iM'y' llhlorli.,"Scrai lkok."l
It Is not now generally known, but
some twenty-six years ago, a demo
cratic newspaper was published In
Tlattsmouth called the "Plattsmouih
Courant," then owned and published
by Wentworth & Crites. The senior
member of this firm, a number of years
ago, passed the boundary of life, but
his partner, Judge Albert W. Crites,
now of Chadron, Dawes county, Neb
still lives and Is one of the ablest and
most prominent attorneys of thestate
In the Issue of June 11, HSO, we find
the following resolutions, adopted by
the Nebraska Democracy:
"Resolutions adopted by the Nebras
ka State Democratic convention, held
at Columbus, March 31, 1 $):
"Wiikukas, In the presidential
campaign of l-O;, all of the historical
democratic policies of sound finance,
home rule and purity of administra
tion, were in Issue and at stake In the
candidacy of Samuel J. Tllden; and
'Whkkkas, In that campaign the
democratic party raised the only stan
dard under which it merits victory; and
"Whkkkas, In the republican
frauds by which the country was base
ly cheated of its wish and robbed of its
elected choice, the whole republic was
despoiled and our Institutions Injured.
Therefore, ,
"Rksolvku, That the democratic
nartv of Nebraska pledges Itself to
ceaseless exertion, pursuit and punish
ment of all authors, aiders,, abetors,
allies and beneficiaries of that fraud,
and promises to use Its strength to the
vindication of that majority rule,
which alone can perpetuate our demo
cratlc form of government.
"Rksoi,vki, That recognizing all
democratic leaders as pledged to right
the wrong done In the theft of the
presidency, we pledge to our standard
bearers our united support in sucli
measures as may again put In Issue the
great questions of lTii, and as may
provide for their most certain vlndl
catiun against the crimes, which In
W and 1ST", struck down our elected
president, despoiled him of his great
office and deprived the republic of the
beneficent results of democratic gov
eminent and majority rule during the
current presidency."
From the same Issue of this paper
the following appears:
The Plattsmouth Courant," pub
lished by Wentworth & Crites, Is one
of the very best papers in the State
and sound on the political question.
Beatrice Democrat."
"John Fitzgerald has taken a con
tract to construct one hundred and
seventy-five miles of railroad in the
mountains of Colorado."
State Superintendent McBrien Has Appli
cations for Hundreds of Them.
Six principals for graded schools and
about 300 teachers for miscellaneous
positions in Nebraska are needed by
State Superintendent McBrlen's office
to supply calls that he has received
from various places, says the Lincoln
News. The state superintendent's
office Is a sort of clearing house where
school boards and teachers are brought
together. It finds employment for a
large number of teachers every year,
and the prospects are that It will be
able to place more of them In good
paying situations this annum than
ever before.
At Nelson, Nuckolls county, a prin
cipal Is wanted, and the board of edu
cation Informs Superintendent Mc
Brien that it will pay $100 for the
right man. HyannlB Is after a princi
pal and offers IM as the inducement
to come there, At Mitchell, 175 Is the
wage limit, while Firth and Holmes
vllle are looking for heads of their
schools to serve at a $tiO stipend. York
has applied to the state superinten
dent for a male science and German
Instructor, who will be paid as much
as the board feels Ills services are
From $40 to 4.13 per month, accord
ing to experience and general qualifi
cations, Is the scale of remuneration
offered In localities where teachers
are scarce. Among the counties that
report a shortage are Gage, Saline,
Thayer, Nuckolls, Webster, Franklin,
Kimball, Hall and Hitchcock. On the
othe hand, Madison, York, Nemaha,
Cass and Wayne have a surplus of
"We always have a strong demand
for teachers at this time of year," said
Mr. McBrien. "I think there Is a
sufficient number In the state to fill
all the available positions. The only
problem Is to bring them Into touch
with the boards of education la coun
ties where they are needed."
Colorado Exhibit at Stste Fair.
Hon. S. L. Thomas eatv.e In last
evening from his ranch In Washing
ton county, Colo., and will remain
until Friday. After which he will go
to ti e state f-ilr at Lincoln as a repre
sentative of the small grain producers
of that county, of which Akron Is the
county seat. Senator Thomas was
chosen to attend the fair and exhibit
samples of wheat, oats, barley and
other small grains, grown on the nat
ural soil of Washington county, w ith
out irrigation. His selection Is quite
an honor to one of Cass county's for
mer citizens, and Senator Thomas de
sires all his Cass county friends to call
and see him while attending t ho fair
next week. Owing to the crowded
condition of Agricultural hall, Sen
ator Thomas will be located In a tent
at the north end of the building.
One of the Most Delightful Occasions of
the Summer Held in Mapes' Grove.
Tuesday was a gala day for the
youngstcrs-and the "oldsters" as well
of the Methodist Sunday school, the
occasion being their annual picnic.
At an early hour those In charge of
affairs went out to the grounds in
South Park, known as Mapes' pasture,
which Is said to be an Ideal picnic
spot, and put upswings, benches, etc.,
and while yet the day was young the
merry-makers began to assemble, and
the collection of lunch baskets and
lemonade buckets grew apace, and be
fore long one of the jollicst of times
was in full swlntr.
The program committee was both
able and energetic and all kinds of
races and contests were successfully
pulled off and prizes awarded to vari
ous winners. There were tugs-o'-war,
potato races, human-wheelbarrow
races, nail-drlving contests, and a
dozen other games of skill, with plenty
of contestants to make all interesting.
But the game In which perhaps most
enthusiasm was shown occurred soon
after the ladies opened the capacious
baskets and spread the bounteous
feast upon tablecloths laid upon the
grass. It was then that both young
and old "fell to" and demonstrated
their health and happiness In doing
justice to the wealth of a Methodist
mothers' picnic dinner.
All day the jollification lasted, and
at 5 o'clock those interested In base
ball repaired to the Chicago avenue
grounds and witnessed an interesting
game between nines "chosen up" from
among the seniors. Five Innings were
played and a score of 4 to 7 was the
result. The names of the players arc
not given because they don't care to
be pestered with offers to sign with
the league teams.
One of the largest crowds ever at
tendinir a Sunday school picnic was
out yesterday and it was pronounced
by all as the "best ever."
The Last Help.
We wish to submit to our readers a
letter showing how easily people could
get cured by selecting the proper
remedy. Mr. Ant. Skala, 517 11th
Ave., So. Lorain, )., says: "I am very
much obliged to you for the last help
which saved my life. I was very sick
and at last bought Trlner's American
Elixir of Bitter Wine, which Mr
Vlrant recommended tome, and am
enjoying perfect health now. When
all medicines will disappoint you, use
that Elixir and It will surely cure you
I wish to recommend it to all suffer
ers." In diseases of the stomach and
of the intestines It always helps; the
whole digestive system will be
strengthened and will work regularly
New blood will be formed and the
whole body will become strong and
healthy. You can give It to all mem
bers of the family; It Is perfectly pure
At drugstores. Jos. Trlner, 7!)9 So,
Ashland Ave., Chicago, LI.
is truly a refreshing
drink. ICvcrybody
speaks well of it.
Try it today and
you will voice the op
pi njon of others.
Phil Thierolf
TUhsnNs. tS
Those who are saining flash
anil slrenuth by regular treat
ment with
Scott's Emulsion
should continue the treatment
In hot waatheri smaller ton
end a little cool milk with It will
ilo away with any ohlectlon
which Isattachml to fatty pro
ducts Uurlnu the heated
Send 1t free ,mp1e,
4(r-4i) I'tatl sueet, New York,
jac. And fi on i all drusiait.
Two Games Dated.
The Townsend Gun company ball
team of Omaha will be here Saturday
afternoon to give the Be.1 Sox a tussle
to see which are the swiftest ball
players. This team Is said to bo one
of tho best amatuer teams In the me
tropolis, and a tine game may bo ex
pected. Next Monday (Labor Day) the fast
St ok team will cross bats with the
Bed Sox. This team is put In the
Held by the Stor. Brewing company
of Omaha and seldom meets defeat.
They have a great reputation and are
always In the game from the start.
Everybody who desires to see a good
swift game should be here on Labor
May, as this will be one of the hottest
ames of the season.
Was the Red Sox "E. Z. M.nks?"
The Glenwood Tribune speaking of
the hall game between the Haskell ln-
lansand the local teams, says: "The
Haskell Indian ball nine played in
Glenwood last Saturday, but It turned
out that the pale faces camo out of the
carnage with the most scalps -the
Glenwood Grays defeating them ii to ft
with a portion ofan inning to spare.
It was the biggest crowd of the season.
The net receipts were $147.40, some
:w tickets being sold, (julte a num
ber, of course, came in free. The In
dians were given 7" per cent of the
gross receipts, making their share
$10X2."). The Indians shut out Platts-
mouth the day before 1 1 to 0. They
remained in Glenwood till Monday
when they went to Stanton on No. 4.
They were defeated by Stanton Utol."
Troubles of Our Own.
Not infrequently do we receive sug
gestlons from friends who have edged
tools they wish sharpened, and who
give it as their opinion that certain
persons or existing Institutions In
this town should be roundly roasted
When these friends arc asked to put
their Ideas upon paper and sign their
names, they are wont to demur, and
request that their names be not men
tioned In connection with the affair.
Some people seem to think that the
editor is a lighting machine am) de
lights to expose and throw the har
poon into the unworthy. But we
have troubles of our own and do not
care to mix ours with those who should
be able to tight their own battles.
Eat one of Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets
after each meal and you will not suffer
with Indigestion. Sold by Gering A
Co.'s drug store.
Syracuse 9. Avoca 8.
Carl Graves, Blllie Fitzgerald, Chas.
Wilkinsand Ralph White, the three
former are members of the Platts
mouth Bed Sox team, went down to
Avoca yesterday to assist the team of
that place play ball with the crack
Syracuse twlrlers, and after the smoke
of battle had cleared away the Avoca
boys found themselves defeated by a
score of 9 to 8. The home boys claim
that they were unable to defeat the
umpire, his "club" was too strong.
Farm For Sale.
Four and a half miles south of
Plattsmouth, '240 acres, new house,
seven rooms and panty; water In
house; spring; milk house; barn and
other buildings; fruit of all kinds,
tf II. II. Risr.
Epworth League.
The regular monthly business and
social meeting of the Epworth League
will be held at the home of Mrs. M
Howland, ori Friday evening, August
31. A cordial Invitation Is extended
to all. After the business meeting
the following program will be rendered:
Dui't Mariratvt Maur.y. Zrlina Tuoy
Violin Solo Mlldml Cook
Uirllatloti ZrlinaTury
Solo Mrs. Mac Moriran
Instrumental Sulo Marli' llookmiwcr
litr It at Ion M ui ira ivl M uiif y
iMii't ('lava Mai Moivan.Marlal Sln-lirlit
solo IV C. York
There Is nothing s '-ntt
light, cliei'iful, ui o
xorld feeling when y..u mi,
ir breakfast. Th'Te In i,
.1 1
oii'luslve to gi'oil work ami .
n ts. The healtuy man with a i ,i
..Mid ami body Is a bi tter f '
better workman, a Ix'ttt r clU 1
the man or woman li Islami'i
by some disability, l.owver slv i
slight disorder of the stomaeh i i
ange your body, your thought md
otir disposition. Getaway fi"" i m
morbidness and the bluts Kti c 'mr
siomach In tune and both your i.d
iit.d body will respond. Little looi
cretlons of overeating can be emily
corrected and you will be Hurptivi to
s"0 how much better man jou are
Try a little Kcdol For DypL'om t -r
uiir meals. Sold by F. G. "kku A
Co. and Gering i Co.
Copyright 19(16
0. Kupi"nrimrl Co.
We can't directly inlhi
i iUY the opinions of peo
ple about you words, acts
or companions; but we
can make them speak
well of your clothes.
The superiority of the
clothing we sell is due to
what oes into them and
how it noes in. Materials
are high-class, staunch
and reliable; workman
ship is skilled, thorough
and exact. No part of a
garment is less import
ant than the rest. It's as
perfect as can be made.
Suits, Single and (IH in OR
Double Breasted, jlU IU )Z J
.,;,it,""":,'.,t!l.'"1: $10 10 $25
C. E.
"Whin Quality Counts."
Live Up to Your A lire e me tit.
Last evening we noticed that sev
eral business houses weie not quite aH
prompt as they should have been In
closing their doors at 7::i0 according to
agreement. It Is said that one gro
cerymaii has a habit of extinguishing
the lights In the front part of the
establishment and keeping a dim
light In the rear in order to wait on
those who come In after closing hours.
Ihls Is not right. If parties don't de
sire to live up to their agreement they
should not sign such papers. Others
are likely to follow suit.
Horses For Sale.
The undersigned has just shipped la
2.) head of the finest kind of Dakota
horses which he will dispose of at his
home in Rock Bluffs. The animals
are mostly young and in fairly good
shape, and arc the best lot of Dakota
horses that has recently been shipped
Into Cass county. The horses can be
seen at the Burlington stock yards in
this city tomorrow, the load arriving
today. I'kkuy Maiuii.
Can't look well, eat we'l or fee! well
villi Impure blood feedlrg your body.
Ceep the blood pure with Bunlnck
hood Bitters. Eat slmp'.y, take
verclse, keep clean and you wlli luva
"tU life.
Of course you arc going to wear un
derwear next summer, and they're
goods which are subject to little
change of style, especially standard
balbrlggans. While our extra low
prices, extending to every article
of hot weather wear are In force,
you can savo a pretty penny by re-
filetlng ynur wardrobe for a year
icnce. We must have the shelf
space for fall stock. Many men who
enjoy tho distinction of being well
equipped in furnishings, manage to
make this Item of expenditure econ
omical by opportune buying.
Department Store
M. FAN6ER. Prop.