The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 30, 1906, Image 2

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I'rviu I rldiiy'ii 1'ally.
A marriage license was Issued today
to Win. l. Kern, acd J.'i, and Miss
Minnie C. Cherlvrout, aged 2'- both of
Greenwood, Neb,
Mrs. Carrie Ackeson, of Lincoln, a
granddaughter of Mr. Henry Lehn
lioff, of Louisville, Is visiting with
friend la this city.
' Geo. J. tolitman, a prominent far
mcr living four miles south of Louis
ville, was In the city today on business
In the probate court.
Mrs. John Jackson and two (laugh
tcrs, who have been visiting Mrs. K.
K. Itarkus for a couple of days, re
turned to their home In (ilenwood,
Iowa, this afternoon.
Miss Nellie Sherwood, who has been
enjoying a visit with relatives In Louis
ville, returned home this morning.
Her sister, Mrs. Hoover, accompanied
her home for a visit with her parents.
Kcv. A. L. .Ink, pastor of the Chris
tian church, lias located Ills oftleo over
the Hank of Cass county, where he
will bo glad to meet tho church work
ers, and also any others who may de
sire to visit lilm In a social manner.
Mrs. Chas. McThcrson, of Grccly
Center, Neb., came In last evening for
a visit with her aunt, Mrs. Fred Lelin
holT. Mr. Mcl'lierson Is a merchant at
Grecly Center, but was for a number
of years engaged In business at Louis
vllle, Neb.
Our old friend, W. M. Wiley, one of
the oldest pioneer residents of Cass
county, was In tho city today and
called to renew the subscription of his
son-in-law, E. L. Manser, at lllalto,
Cal. Mr. Wiley says the corn crop Is
doing well and that he never saw It
In a better condition at this time In
the season since coming to the county.
l'ruiii Hulurilny'x Dully.
According to the superintendent's
report, (Hoe county needs about tiflccn
teachers yet to supply all the schools.
A marriage license was Issued today
to I'au Kueinelin, age 21 and Miss
Martha K. Ktiiw, age l'.i, both of Klin-
Conrad Wetenkamp of Cass county
claims to have raised the largest
peach of the season. It Is ten and one
half Inches in circumference.
Jason Fountain and wife, of South
llend, drove through this morning en
route f .r (Ilenwood, Iowa, to visit
friends. Mr. fountain tan led long
enough In t lie city to renew hU faith
In the Journiil Knottier jear.
Chas. (Uwarker was overcome, ly
the heat last Wednesday while sitting
in his cilice at the lumber yard in
Weeping Water. The attack lasted
about an hour.
Mrs. llattle Saner of 1 Vuel county,
Neb., came down to spend a day with i
relatives and lett. on the afternoon!
train fur York. Mis. Sarver owns a
cattle ranch In I 'cue! county.
Mrs. M. kiuidehiuh of Chapjul,
leuel count v visited herewith friends
and left today fur York. Mrs. K u le
liush i-i the wife i.f Win. );, udebush,
county tieasiucr of Ivuel county.
Our old Herman friend, John krae
ger, w;:sa county seat visitor today,
and while here renewed for the Jour
nal another yer. Mr. Kracger Is one
of Cass county's prosperous and enter
pricing friends.
After an eistciu of twenty years
the Congregational church at Tagle
has disbanded. .1. C. lien, ami wife
of the original thirty-eight members
are still living In the nelghhornood.
The church property has been sold.
J. S. Llndsjy, who has been at the
home of his son Tete In this city for two
weeks, went dow n to Murray yesterday
tolookaflersome business matters, Tor
several days Mr. Llndsey was In a very
precarious condition, and the Journal
is pleased to see him better.
The financial report report of the
teachers' Institute as compiled by the
county superintendent, shows that
receipts for examination and tuition
fees amounted to and that for
the Institute fjoo was paid out for In
struction, and K" for lectures.
Frank McNurlin, one of the Jour
nal's staunch friends In Mt. 1'leasant
precinct, was In the city today. Mr.
McNurlin says he Is so tired of thresh
ing that he concluded to take a clay
on ana came 10 nausmmiiii for a
The rural mall carriers who have
been In service as long as a year will
he given a vacation of two weeks with
full pay during the time. Those who
have not served so long as one year
will also be allowed a vacation, hut
not so long. It Is said to do this will
cost the government tsw.noo.
Our friend MlkeSwarUtlshcr was in
today to reucw the subscrlptldn of
Lorenz Itrau, who lives near Tocaasct
I.T. Mr. Jiwartzfisher recently vis
ited the Cass county boys in the Ter
ritory, and says they are all doing
well, and that they welcome the coming
of the Journal like alctterdlrect from
I rum Mniiiliiy'it linlly.
K. A Joy of Gretna was a business
visitor hi l'lattsinoth today.
Joseph Mauck from near Nehawka
was a county seat visitor today.
Will Noxenof Cedar Creek was visit
ing with friends in this city Sunday
Abe Kuplcy was up from Union Sun
day for a visit with his friends in this
Mrs. Anna Moore and Mrs. Knee will
represent the W. C. T. U.'s of l'latts-
moutli In Nehawka today.
Karl Itutler of Lincoln was spend
ing Sunday with friends In this city,
the guest of the family of Wash Smith.
J. W. Newell and wife who have
been visiting with their parents In
this city, Bcturncd to their home In
Alliance today.
J. W. Holmes and family and Miss
Anna Kecnan, came up from Mynard
hist evening for a short visit with rela
tives In this city.
Mrs. Daisy Hoover, who has been en
joying a visit with her parents In this
city, returned to her home in Louis
ville this afternoon.
George Craig departed for Denver
Saturday night to bring homo with
him Mrs. Craig's grandmother, who Is
quite aged and In poor health.
Miss Agnes Weckbach and Miss
Malono of Lincoln are visiting with
friends in the vicinity of l'lattsmouth
the guests of Miss Minnie Wills.
Matt Spader, who went to Seattle,
Wash., several weeks ago, is now In
the employ of the street ear line in
that city, holding down the position
of conductor.
Julius Kamge went to Murray this
morning to begin placing a new coat
of paint on John Buck's house. The
painting of the school house, was com
pleted last Friday by Mr. Ramgc.
Mrs. (i. W. Khoden departed this
morning for I'.urllngton Junction Min
eral Springs, where she will try the
curative propcnsitlvesof the water for
dropsy and rheumatism for a couple of
weeks at least.
The following rural route carriers
have been appointed for Cass county:
Khnwnod, route J, Frank A. Kakcr;
Wabash, route 1, John II. Wood. Mr.
llakerisa brother-in-law of County
Clerk Kosencr.ins.
Miss Alma Nelson came down ironi
Omaha Sat unlay evening to visit a
week at the home of Juiius and Miss
Kdith Til.. Miss Nelson is a charm
ing younu' lady and Miss Kdith al
ways makes her visits so plcis.uii. that
she delights In coming to see them.
home of J. M. Roberts, went to Weep
ing Water this morning for a visit
with friends.
Adam Heck went to Omaha this
morning, and thence to South. Omaha,
to look after some stock that was ship-
ed last evening. W. C. Gillespie went
with the stock.
Ir. and Mrs. Schlldknecht departed
thin morning for the Turlington Junc
tion Mineral Springs, where the Doc
tor will try the curative powers of
that well known resort.
Is there a melon trust In l'latts
mouth" One would think so, when
some of our grocerymen pay 15 cents
for watermelons and retail the same
for 30 cents home grown melons at
Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Vallcry, accom
panied by Misses Josephine Vallcry
and Florence Pitcher, departed this
morning for Hush vllle, Sheridan conn
ty, where they will visit friends for a
week or ten days
C. A. McReynolds, of near Murray,
was in the city today on business, and
gave the Journal a call. While her
Mr. McReynolds renewed Ids faith in
the Old Reliable.
J. D. Wardeman, who has been vis
iting his brother-in-law, Lee Nickels,
and family, for the past few days, de
parted this afternoon for his home In
Leigh, Neb. Mrs. Wardeman will re
main here for a few days' visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Horn, residing
three and one half miles west of
l'lattsmouth, are rejoicing over the ar
rival of a bouncing ten pound baby
boy at their home last Saturday morn
lng. Roth mother and little one are
doing nicely, and Henry Is the proud
est man In the precinct.
Will Robertson and Fritz Frlcke
went to Louisville today for a day's
tlshlng on the Mr. Robertson's farm
Lookout for the big ones that got away
when they return.
In county court, today was set for
final hearing on the estate of l'cter
Deters, but owing to the non-appcar
ance of many witnesses, the case was
continued until the l"th of Septem
ber. C. K. Fran.en and wife, of
Arcadia, Neb., were present.
Miss Rose Schall went to Omaha
this afternoon to meet Miss Lillic
Strune, of Chicago, who accepts a po
sition in the department store of Mr.
Fangcr, as head trimmer. Miss Strune
comes to Hattsniouth most highly
recommended to till the position in
every part leular. She was lately man
aj,'er of a large millinery establish-
incur in Munxi.iiy, ia. noiii lames
will remain In Omaha a few days.
Mrs. F. 11. Gulhman and daughter.
Miss Minnie, came in from Mnrdock
this morning, .where .urs. Gulhman
lias been visiting lor some time. Miss
Minnie has been enjoying a trip t
Denver and oilier points in o oraoio
in company of Mr. and Mrs. II. R
More About
There are a lot of people who use our Teas and
Coffees, and there are some who do not.
To those who do not we want to say they are
missing out on some Rood thing in these lines.
The l Sanborn brands which we
handle exclusively are The Best, and our mar
gin of profit is small in comparison with some
people's who sell Teas and Coffees.
As an inducement to have you try our Teas and
Coffees we offer the following combination;
Jl lb Granulated Sugar $1.00
1 lb lilend Coffee 20
1 C. & S.Jap TeaSlftings 20
8 bars Rest Soap-W. R., Swift's Pride,
Lenox or Diamond C 25
Large bottle KddysRlue.. 10
Cen K. D. Baking Powder 15
Try ."iO lb of our Ronita Flour, reduced
to 11.20
Half pound Liptou's Ceylon and India
Tea (quality No. 1) :t0
Large box Eddy's Pickling Spice 10
6 Pars Cocoa Castile Soap 25
1 can White Cross Raking Powder .15
I I I 1
: 1 E. . E)VEY & SQM 1 ,
" " " f " " " "
;upt .
.1. Y. Gamble went to Lin-! Nl'i,1,1 ''' Murdock. She ivrts a
coin last evening in response to a mes-; ""' rwaui i'iau;i oeais i
sage from Supt. J. L. Mcl'.rien, aiug ! i,l';i:;i,;i''' "r enjoying a pleasant
him toav-is! with the work in the'
state department this wed,. The 1 1 1 "" V'"'!'-'':'.V.
work in the Mat" superintendent's! Kolt-. I'ropst and wife of
ofllce Is veiv heavy juM at this t i:ne. j were passengers at this si at;
Mrs. Gamble will have charge of Mr. i mal:a this morning.
(.amiile s oiiice during tne weel;. c. Reiigcn and wif
Kugciie Tighe came in Saturday
in ap
I hue.
m for
from no ir My
ers for
veiling for a. visit over Sunday with
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Con-
ad Schlater. Mr. Tiglie Is now I -ated
at Sutlu rland, Neb., and Is
hlef clerk for Foreman S. K. Russell,
where a large rave Is now engaged in
constructing a new line for the 1'nioii
I'acllic lailnad, with present head-
liiarters at Sutherland. Gene is a
competent young man and the Jour
nal Is pleased to hear of his Miceess.
He returned todav.
Every citlen in this town will be
t entiled by every improvement that is
made, lie may not be a contributor
to the enterprise because he Is too
poor or because he Is too mean, but
everything that attracts capital to
Plattsmouth will help every citizen hi
spite of himself. While our city lias
more than her share of deadheads, she
will prosper in spite of them, and with
Plattsmouth's prosperity comes the
prosperity of every citizen. Get onto
the train. Don't ride the bumpers
when you can go lirst -class for so lit
tle money.
From Ttioilay's Oully
Arthur Raker of Murray was In town
on business last evening.
Dr. L. R. Raconof Pacific Junction
was a business visitor In Plattsmouth
this afternoon.
Joe Malcolm, the Nehawka miller,
came up last evening on a business
trip, returning this morning.
Miss Amy Oliver went ty Mynard
this morning to spend the day at the
home of Miss Harriet Murray.
Rryau's portrait in fireworks w 111 be
one of the attractions at Capitol Reach
during tho state fair next week.
Wm. Split and family were in the
city today and while here Mr. Split
called and renewed his allegiance to
the Journal.
Mrs. Mark White and niece were
among the passengers for Omaha this
afternoon, whera they will visit with
relatives for a few days.
Miss Ula Watcrbous, of Omaha, who
has been spending several days at the
nard, were among the passei
Omaha this morning.
Misses Jessie Rarlonand Alice bavis,
who have been visiting their many
friends in this city, returned today to
their homes in Lincoln.
F. !!. Guthman, who has been pen:l
iug several weeks at Mui d.r'.c, re
turned home last evening, neeom
panled by Henry, who drove up Satur
day afternoon.
Frank and Chas. Morgan, who have
been visiting friends and relatives In
Plattsmouth for the past two weeks,
departed this morning for their home
in Little Rock. Ark.
Hon. John C. Rtxldy, of Nebraska
City, one of Otoe county's oldest and
wealthiest citizens, was a business
visitor in Plattsmouth today. He is
accompanied by his daughter, Mrs.
Clarence K. Wltherow, of Thurman,
In the past few days quite a number
of Greeks have arrived In the city in
response to the large bills sent, out by
the Commercial Club for employes for
the Rurllngton shops. Also, a number
o'f Italians and Japs.
Noel It. Rawls, the Journal reporter,
has been confined to his home for a
com pie of days with a severe ease if
sore eyes, which have been bothering
him for a week or more. Tliey arc
improving however.
Byron Clark of this city has resigned
as member or me republican state
central committee, to which position
he was elected at the recent state
convention, and Orlando TctTt, of
Avoca, has leen chosen to till the va
The Reason seems to be ripe for cat
tlsh. Every morning fishermen can
be seen wending their way up Main
street with tlsh that weigh from five
to fifty pounds. One that weighed
seventy pounds was caught Monday
Frank Kdgcrton and son, who have
been here several days looking for
house in which to live, have rented
the Gorder property on Eighth street
and leave today for their present home
In Hamburg, la., where they will pack
up their household goods and bring
them and their family to Plattsmouth
to reside. Mr. l'dgerton and son both
expect to thiol employment in the
L. W. Patterson, of Navka, Kansas,
In company of his brother, Fred, of
Rock Rluli's. was a pleasant caller at
this oi'iice today. Mr. Patterson was
one of the early pioneers of this sec
tion of Nebraska, coming to Cass
coumy in Is')"). He removed to Kan
sas in I-si, where he has since resided.
lie arrived in Murray yesterday morn
ing and is no.v engaged in visiting his
old fi iends and relatives.
"Gut. lleil,"t,he favorite cigar
Dr. Maivhall, Dentist, Coats' I'.!. -ok.
G. 11. Ktes. of Pacific, Junction, is
buying mules in Plattsmouth today.
G. I'. MeXamce. of Fi.iou. was a
business visitor in Plattsmouth today.
Henry Maxwell came in from Oma
ha this morning to attend the family
picnic ,".t the Wills home.
J. R. Vallcry, of West V.u-.i ill nil's
prccino", was attending to business
matters in the county seat today.
Kverybody's friend Dr. Thomas'
Kclectrlc il. Cures toothache, ear
ache, sore thro'U. Heals cuts. bruises,
scams, mops any pain. .
I. K. P. Carper and wife, and Klmer!
Chapman and wife, from near Prion,
drove up this morning to attend the
funeral of Wm. Kikenbarv.
Miss K.lith Pit, and Miss Alma
Nelson went to Murray this morning
where they will spend the day w ith
their friend. Miss Jessie Drost.
Mrs. Gertrude Foxwell Richards,
who has been visiting for some weeks
with her aunt, Mrs; P.. S. Ramsey, de
parted this morning for Lincoln, Neb.
Miss Grctchen Walsh, of Lincoln, is
in the city, the guest of her many old
schoolmate friends. Miss Walsh Is a
graduate of the Plattsmouth High
Mrs. Bertha Crisman, who has been
visiting her mother, weut to Omaha
this morning, where she w ill visit a
couple of days before returning to
Itching, torturing skin eruptions,
disfigure, annoy, drive one wild. Doan's
Olnt ment brings quick relief and last
ing cures. Fifty cents at any drug
After a heavy meal, take a couple of
Doan's Regulets, and give your stom
ach, liver and bowels the help they
will need. Regulets bring easy, regular
passages of the bowels.
Mrs. R. C. Dill and children, who
have been visiting at the home of Mr.
Dill's parents In this city, and other
friends and relatives, departed this
morning for their home near Teka
mah, Neb.
Many ills come from Impure blood.
Can't have pure blood with faulty
digestion, lay liver and sluggish
bowels. Burdock Rlood Bitters streng
thens stomach, bowels and liver and
purities the blood. .
Sam Pitman, of Murray, was a
Plattsmoush visitor today.
Ren Dill, of Murray, was transact
ing business in Plattsmouth today.
F. K. Vallery came up from Murray
this afternoon to take the fast mail
for Omalia, but arrived in town in
time to see the train pull out.
J. J. Lohncs, from near Cedar Creek,
passed through l'lattsmouth this
morning enrout e to Omaha, where he
will try ami buy a car load of sheen for
..n jour I;: ii I . '
''ay wheo : ii ' '
' . :,v. 1 ox -f Ki I t' - :!
,,u.;:. -ud t ae next. 2ic. Uci vC
James Berger and family and II.
Berger and family, from near Glen
wood, caiiMMiver this morning to at
tend Hie; Wiles family reunion at the
homo T. W. Wiles today.
T. W. Swan and wifeand James Pit
man and wife, from near i'ni"n, drove
up this morning to attend the funeral
of Wm. Kil.enberry. Both ladies are
daughters of Mr. Ki ken berry.
G. S. I'pton and wife, and Mrs. J. W.
Pitman, S. M. Gilford and wife, and
Mrs. Clara and Mrs. M. 11. Davis, all
I'nion.are in Plattsmouth today to
attend the funeral of Win. Kikenbary.
Th.- intense Itching characteristic of
'hi urn and eczema is instantly nl-
1 s "v applying (.hambcriahrsSalve
' ' e , for skin diseases this s-ilv
'l ' ' " i or sine iy i . t. 1 1. ,i.
- and A, T. Pried.
Cass county was visited by the liist
genuine hail storm of the season last
evening. Report comes fromi down
near Rock Blutrs that stones fell al
most as large as an egg, but just what
damage was done we have l:en unable
to learn. !
J. M. Carper, an enterprising Cass!
county farmer, near Weeping Water,
drove over today to take In the county
seat sights for the lirst time in two
years. While here Mr. Carper called
and renewed his subscription to the
Credo Harris, from near I'nion.
passed through Plattsmouth this af
ternoon, enroute to Omaha. He drove
a team of mules up, and while here
met the boss mule man. G. H. Ites,
of Pacific Junction, and sold one of
them to him.
The Wiles families are enjoyim: a
family reutdon at the old homestead
south of town today. The entire fam
ily will member upwards in the hun
dreds, many of whom are present to
day. The Journal will give an account
of the pleasant affair tomorrow.
A hundred years ago the best physl
clan would glva you a medicine for
your heart without stopping to con
sider what effect It might have on the
liver. Even to this ood day cough
and cold medicines invariably bind
the bowels. This is wrong, Bee's
Laxstlve Oough Syrup with Honey
and Tar action the bowels-drives out
the cold-clears tbe head, and relieves
all coughs. Guaranteed toglvesatls
faction or money refunded. Sold bt
You ham: been a long time mak
ing up your mind to buy a farm of
your own, but once vou make the
the step you will regret the time
you have wasted and be impatient
to get settled on the new premises.
"If 1 had only olone this live or six
years ago." is an expression we oft
en hear. No use to brood over nast
; mistakes, hut make up vour mind
;j to begin right now. We havo a
; j number or choice pieces of land In
various partsof Nebraska. Call to
; day and let us tell you what we have
! Martin & Sires,
s ! Sold on Easy Paynjeijts
This Stan
dard Edi
son Phono
graph and
12 Genuine
Edison Gold
Moulded Reeords
for only
. .' f : '
Gerlog & Co.'s drug store.
Ik &m&'M.
See the Genuine
for only $10. Larger Victors at Larger
ould be scare in i ,i i u
" .
they be made to see.
giuce and beauty is combined
Hi cuing Rocky Mountain Tea.
tiering fc Co., druggists.
In this state it is no! necessary If
erve a five days' notice for eviction f
cold. Use the original laistlve cough
eyrup, Kennedyi Laxative Honey and
Tar. No opiates. Sold by f . 0. Frlcae
Co. and Gerlog ft Co.