The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 23, 1906, Image 8

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The County
Heirs of General Interest Selected
( Fruti ilir lit cWli r )
Mrs. (ieo. Porter, of I'lat tsmouth,
Suodayed with Will I'orter's family.
Mrs. Mosler, of Omaha, and Mis
Blanche Barry, of Weeping Water,
were guests of Mrs. Canning the past
Geo. Ingwcrson Is hauling himher
for a new harn :Mx:iG. Ceorge Is one
of our host farmer and will appreci
ate moro room for his Increasing stock
of machinery, craln nnd live stock.
Last Thursday Chalmer and
wife were made happy hy the arrival
of a sweet little daughter, horn that
morning. May she live lung and be a
blessing to everyone that known her.
Joe flehrns was paying more atten
tion to the threshing machine Tues
day than to his foot, with the result
that the wheel of the separator ran
over his foot, hurting two of his toes
badly and mashing the little one. Joe
will get a rest now.
D. U. West, the cashier of the No
hawka hank, didn't do as the presi
dent of the Milwaukee street hank of
Chicago did, commit suicide, but In
stead he went to Alberta, Canada,
Monday, where ho may be found try
ing to sell Irrigated land to Charlie
Stone and Harry Todd.
Inimmii Blarrheea In Children.
During tha Lot weather of the sum
mer months the first tjnnMural loose
timet a child's bowels should have
Immediate attention, 10 u to check
the disease before it becomes serious.
All that is necessary is a few doses of
Chamberlaln'sColIc, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Itemed followed by a dose of
castor oil to cleanso the system. Kev.
M. (). Ktockland, l'astorof the first M.
V.. Church, Little Falls, Minn., writes:
"We have used Chamberlain's Chole; a
and Diarrhoea Ilemedy for sevcni
vi iirsand llnd It a very valuable reim
dv. especially for Slimmer disorders
cMMren." Sold by F. 0. FrlckeK C
ud A. T. Tried.
r'roni tln l.riulrr-Krlio.
A bouncing baby hoy was born to
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bauer Wednesday.
A ten iniund baby clrl was horn to
Mr. nnd Mrs. tleo. Swarts, of Wabash,
last week.
Sophia Wclshelt was operated on for
appendicitis at Omaha Tuesday morn.
ing. At the present writing she Is do
ing nicely.
Mrs. Chas. Tlghe and daughter and
niece of Bancroft, are enjoying a visit
at 1 tic home of the former's sister,
Mrs. Win. Smith.
Will Cook Is preparing to build a
bouse on his farm. The house will be
30s:tt', 20 feet hluli, with a porch (is
leet long. L. F. Ihley has the con
tract. County Clerk Kosencrans was in
Klin wood all day Saturday. Ills
smiling countenance could be seen at
the tonsorlal parlors of Kaker A
Calder, where he was "cuttln' and
shavln" at the old stand.
K. K. Marr severely Injured his
right forearm Wednesday noon. He
was lowering a window when his hand
slipped and his elbow went through
the window pane, causing a large
lash. Sexeral stitches were required
to close the wound.
The End of the World
vt troubles that robbed K. II. Wolfe,
or lu-ar Grove, la., ot all usefulness,
wine when be began taking Klectrlc
Bnitrs. He writes: "Two years ago
Kidney trouble caused me great suffer
ing, which I would never have sur
vived had I not taken Klectrlc Bitters.
Tih-v also cured me of General Debil
ity." Sure cure for all Stomach, Liver
and Kidney eorrplalnts.Blood diseases,
llt vtacl e, Dullness and Weakness or
bmi;v decline. Trice 5oc. Guaran
teed hy F. G. s'rlcke A. Co., druggist.
in any style
Short Orders
Regular Heals j
Our Sot'
If you arc hungry we can supply
you with the pick of the market
Ztb dttr tati $f Cif C$. Bank
from the Columns of Contemporaries
Lewis Boot Is training his running
horse and getting him In condition for
entry In the races at the state fair.
Chas. Yourik' sold his dray team and
wagon to Fred Sphanleon Wednesday.
Charley expects to go to Nueholls
county to farm next year.
Bertha Adams received a telegram
Monday morning announcing the mar
riage of her sister, Grace Lewis, to a
Mr. Ira Blair at Aurora, Neb., at p.
m. that day.
Jaslel Forsyth threshed Ids oats last
Saturday. He says they made X hush
els of oats and about 41 bushels of
straw to the acre. Tho grain was of
good quality.
While watching a ball game west of
town last Sunday, John Smith was hit,
on the side of the head with a foul ball
which rendered him unconscious for a
short time. A good moral lesson might
be taken from this accident. What Is
Last Saturday evening while Bev.
and Mrs. Mueller were returning from
the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Herman,
where they had spent, the day, their
team became frightened and ran away.
Both were thrown from the buggy and
slightly hurt, hut neither sustained
serious Injury. Lou Sack brought
them home and the team was caught
near Fred Wulf's place.
Stomach Trouble and Constipation.
No one can reasonably hope for good
digestion when the bowels are consti
pated. Mr. diss. Baldwin, of Kd
wardsvllle, 111., says: "I suffered from
chronic constipation and stomach
l roubles for several years, but, thanks
to l'liambcrlaln'8 Stomach and Liver
Taoiets, am almost cured." Why not
k' t a package of tho tablets and net
uid stav well? l'rlce 'J.V. Sain
i'' dee. For sale by F. G. Fric'uc
-' mid A. T. Fried.
From Hie Courier.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Sam
ton, a girl, August 12th.
"Shorty" Schoeman Is tending bar
at Spcnce'g saloon, Tim Sehlater hav
ing resigned to go west to prove up on
his homest ead.
Miss Leila Boss returned from Malt-
land, Mo., last Saturday, where she
has been spending her school vacation
with her parents.
M rs. Sarah Jane Hamilton, for many
years a resident of Louisville and win
was taken to the county poor farm
and later to the asylum at Lincoln
died at that Institution Wednesday.
Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick
Stohlman, Thursday, August lth,
girl. Fred no doubt would have been
a lit; le better pleased had the new ar
rival have been a boy, as out of a fam
11 y of nine children eight of them are
girls, yet the little miss received
hearty welcome for all that.
Miss Ida Guthnian left on Thursday
of last week for St. Joseph, Mu., after
several weeks visit here with her sis
ter, Mrs. W. F, Krecklow. MIssGuth
man will visit one of the largest mil
llnory establishments of that city w ith
a view of getting pointers on the latest
styles in millinery.
About a year ago, a soldier, return
Ing from the riilllplnes, brought Mr
u linen, or the state fisheries, a cou
pie of native ducks. Their color
white with red top-notted heads
These birds are peculiar in that they
never go near water, and arc purely
lami uiro itieir reet, however, are
webbed, but they do not quack an or
dinary duck; they hiss like the goose
Mr. O'Brien considers his birds quite
a curiosity.
Prof. Tyler, of Amherst college snld
recently: "A man can live T.omf i i
My without brains: no man ever cvs
. I without a digestive system. T'
i speptlc has neither faith, hope u
charity." Pay by day people re.,
t lie Importance of caring for thel. n
gestlon; realle the need of the ns-
a little corrective after overeating. .
corrective like Kodol For lVl" . - '
It digests what you eat. Sold b 1 i
Fi icke . Co. and tiering & Co.
But Three In Line.
The Lincoln Star, In speaking of the
Nebraska veterans In line on the
parade at Minneapolis says: "The de
partment was accompanied by the
veteran drum corps from the soldiers'
home at Grand Island, and In the
ranks walked three of the original
members of he First Nebraska regi
ment: II. C. McMaken, William Chal
fant and John Hesse, who were muster
ed in at Omaha In 1M and were com
manded by General John M. Thayer."
The two first named are Cass county
From the r.
George Porter and wife of I'lat ts
mouth and Will I'orter and wife of
Nehawka were here Sunday, guests ' f
Blair I'orter and family.
Charles Moore and wife arrived '
Wednesday evening from Magnet,
Neb., to visit relatives and frsends in
this vicinity and will remain for the
old settlers' celebration.
J. V. Sweeney and hi assistants
were engaged Monday In placing tine
monuments at the graves of the late
Bvander W. Barnum and Dr. It. B.
Wallace, In the cemetery near the
Wyoming church.
Mrs. May Brown of Chicago arrived
here Sunday and visited her cousin,
Mrs. Blair I'orter. She departed Tues
day for Bandolph, Neb., to visit and
look after some property they own
Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Buck arrived
ome Wednesday evening from a visit
n the Big Horn Basin country in Wy
oming. Mr. i.ucK owns some guou
property there, and this trip was a
combination of business and much
pleasure for them.
Win. Chalfant and wife, Geo. N. La
ue and wife, D. W. Foster and wife,
Miss Mary Foster and Will Nlday
formed the Union delegation that left
list Sunday afternoon for Minneapolis
enjoy the National encampment of
tho G. A. B.
r !.. .". A
lucsuay evening ai 11:1a iwuoime
Missouri Pacific freight trains tried to
use uie same track ai ine same tune,
with the usual result. One train
headed south had stopped to transfer
some irc.Kiii. Bt me ucpoi, wncn a
train from the north came down the
llneand Itsenglne went plump Into
mecaooosewnicn was sunning near
me mam sireei crossing, uie uucks
were kiwckcu uiu ami ine caouose
1 I 1 4. 1 it.. 1 I
ill I
wasoaa.yiornup.ouuiucK.iy nooony
wus injured.
Mutt Havo More Holp.
The mat ter of help at the Burling-
ion siiops lninisciiy is uccoming a
serious matter, and some prompt
measures will have to be resorted to
In order to get as many employes as Is
at present desired. Two hundred men
can llnd permanent employment at t he
shops right now, and it seems almost
utterly Impossible to secure them.
U he business men of the city, In or-
der to relieve the demand for more
lelp, will Issue a large circular and
.... . . . .
send copies of the same broad cast
over the country In order to assist In
relieving the wants of the company,
1 he business men will he called upon
tomorrow for assistance to
defray the expense of printing these
circulars and mailing them.
a woman worries until she gets
wrinkles, then worries because she
nas mem. ir sic take.- IIo bwtpr".
Rocky Mountain Tea she would havi
neither. Bright, smiling face follow..
Its use. :t5 cents, Tea or Tablets
Gering k Co., druggists.
No appetlta, lost ol strength, nervou
nan, headacho, constipation, bad breath,
neral debility, sour rtslnp, and catarrh
ot tha stomach art all due to Indigestion.
Kodol cures Indigestion. This new discov
ery represents tho natural Juices ol diges
tion as may exist in a neaithy stomach,
combined with tha greatest known tonlo
and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure does not only cure indigestion
and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy
cures ail stomach troubles by cleansing.
purifying, sweetening and strengthening
the mucous membranes lining the stomach,
Mr. S. S. Bill 9t Rirtniwrad. W. Vi . un-
' I wit trmib'.td lth (our (tomtch (or trt yra.
KodcM curtd m ind ar now mint It In anllh
or MDy.
Kodol Digests What You Eat
sVMt; only. $ 1 .00 Sli hldln( 3 H timet trial
sua. whicn M ii lor so rnti.
VaMraa' bv I. a DsWITT OO., OHIOAQA
Gcrinjj it Co.
Summer time
You want to save your
money to buy your
Coal Yards.
FuIIWeight Guaranteed
Best Threshing Coal
All Kinds of Feed
Troprlf tor 1'lattsmouth
Coal Yarda
Corner Third and Main Streeta
Hell Tbone 25 DatU Tbone JJ
Mrs. Le Doui, the Murderess of Albert N.
McYicar, Who Heard Death Sentence
Without i Quiver, Much Depressed.
Counsel Hope to Sate Her bj Impugning
One of tho Jurors it Trial.
A special from Stockton, Cab, under
date of Saturday, August 1, says that
Mrs. Emma LeDoux, who was sentenc
ed to death for the murder of Albert
N. McYicar, which tragedy bore re
semblance to the Treller trunk mys
tery In St. Louis, seems to lie losing
her nerve. The special further says:
"She heard the sentence pronounced
upon her oy Judge Nutter without a
bit of emotion. Her face never paled
and her eyes never lost their steady
gaze as she heard the words which con
demned her to the gallows on October
l!t. She will be hanged then In the
San Quentln Jail unless the defense Is
able bv October 15 to show cause In
the bill of exceptions, which must be
presented bv that date, whv the sen.
tence of tfie court R,0..,d not be car,
rtKA int effort
,.T,.e DP(. upon whcn counRel
h0De t0 nanB a for f..rtlier
stheaeKCd misconduct of a Juror,
w,o Is said to have declared he would
vote n the Jury to Mng ,,er
,.0n the (ay of tll sentence tie
- ,,.. r., .B mi.ia u.niir
The majorty of tne auditors were
WOmen, and they showed more eager
nM. than tna to t-Iiohi
)irn i,f .. H0 t,.r ti.o ..niMnn
uivufiu wv iiuu a tiv v j'vvi-i ui v
WRS Kcnera, that wou,d break
down and crpfttp ft seen p. mid thpre
was manifest disappointment when
the little woman stood up boldly and
refused to show as much emotion as
some of the women who looked on and
U,o trembled and wept as she was led
forward to face the Judge.
"After sentence was pronounced she
walked from the courtroom with a tlrm
step and her old characteristic swag
Urer. In Judge Nutter's chamber. In
the rear of the courtroom, she met her
mother. Mrs. Marv Head. Mrs. Head
did not dare trust herself In the court-
room to hear the sentence of doom
passed upon her daughter. With wan
face and tearless eyes she waited In
the little ante-room to her the news
Us soon as they saw each other Mrs
Lei toux's face broke Into a smile and
she fairly leaped Into the arms of Mrs
Head. Mother and daughter kissed
each other affectionately, spoke a few
words of cheer and then parted.
"The motion for a new trial, which
was denied by Judge Nutter, Is based
on the ailldavlt of Charles I'. Murphy
who swore that Juror Bitter said he
Intended to hang Mrs. LeDoux. The
prosecution attacked the character of
the aillant, and the defense came back
with a mess of affidavits testifying to
the excellent character of Murphy and
showing that his reputation for verac
Ity was of the highest."
A My at try Solved.
t in keep off periodic attn. ks of
oiks and habitual cousin,. h tor,
i 'Mistery that Dr. King's New
I' Is Milvcd for me," write .Ifhn
. nt, of Magnolia. Ind. 'I lie
i. mi Unit arc guaranteed lOKive
.1 Mit Israel Ion to everybody or
v i funded. Only 26o al I'. 1
he Oil's druu store.
A New Jail.
Many of our farmer friends have re
cently expressed themselves favorable
to the crctlon of a new Jail. Of course
It Is a subject In which the taxpayers
and farmers of the county are as much
Interested as the citizens of Platts-
mouth. It has recently come to light
that the old bastlle Is Impure even to
place the lowest grade ot human be
Ings, and under existing clrcum
stances It may cost the county more
some of these days than a new Jail. If
ever a man Is Incarcerated In it for
any lencth of time, and that man
should have relatives who are tinan
dally well fixed and they should bring
suit against the county for pnttlng
their relative In nuarters like those i
the old bastlle. it Is the opinion of
manv that big damages could be re
covered. This Is one reason why
new jail should be built. Ye nnde
stand the county commissioners favor
the erection of a new one on that
ground also. The Journal would Ilk
to get an expression from the farmers
In various sections of the county In re
gard to this matter. We are no more
Interested In the building of a new
Jail than anyone else, but everyone,
and this Includes many farmers, who
have visited the old quarters, say It
would be a disgrace to any county and
docs not rctlcct much credit upon the
people of Cass county who w ill oppose
the building of a new one. Lot ns
hear from the taxpayers, and decide
upon the matter before it Is everlast
ingly too late to rrcvent the county
from getting into a law suit that will
perhaps cost them nearly as much as a
new Jail.
i Those Who Still Insist on Patronizing
Sears, Roebuck I Co.
Not many moons since one of Cass
county's gixxl housew ives came to the
conclusion that under trie present
outlook for excellent cmps of all kinds
she could afford a new carpet for her
best room. Consequently she pre
vailed upon her lord and master to
supply her desire. He in accordance
with her wishes sent to Sears, Roebuck
& Co., for samples. The samples of
course arrived In due time, viewed and
the one to suit the good lady's wishes
was ordered, the money of course ac
companying the order. Indue touise
of time the carpet arrived, was taken
home, spread out -upon the floor for
which It was made, and lo.and behold,
It was not anything like the sample
from which It was ordered. It was
packed up and returned to whence It
lb came- the "great" department store
f Sears, Roebuck Co., Chicago, Illl
nols.with a request that they send the
carpet ordered or return the money
But up to the present writing neither
the money or the carpet has been re
Moral Trade with those who you
know, and of whom you can get Just
what you want. With them you run
no risk for you see Just what you are
Amic attacks of colic and dianhoe
eiiiifiin without warning and prompt.
eiief must be obtained. There Is no
leei Hsity of Incurring the expenses of
a i'i.i.iclan's service in such cases if
Cbiimberlaln's Colic, Cholera and
anhoea Remedy is at hand. A dose of
Ibis remedy will relieve the patient
before a doctor could arrive. It has
never been known to fall, even In the
most severe cases and no family should
be without it. For sale by F. 0
Filcke & Co., and A. T. Fried.
Home Flrst-the World Afterward."
This Is a motto that the Journal has
always advocated, and we regret that
It Is not more strictly adhered to In
1'lattsmouth. Kvery kind of work
done In this city should be, given to
home workmen when they are able to
do It. We have as good mechanics In
1'lattsmouth as they have in any town
on earth, and those who make
heir homes among us should have the
preference over those of other towns.
A kick has been registered at this of
fice by several of our home mechanics,
who say that the county commission
ers, who Imported a boiler maker here
from Omaha to repair the court house
boiler, have deviated from this rule.
We have workmen In I'lattsmouth
who are just as competent to repair
boilers as any that can be Imported
from Omaha, and at the time the work
was lielng done there was a boiler
maker here w ho was not doing a thing,
and who had before been called upon
to do the same work. He Is a home
man and the family pay taxes Into the
county treasury each year to the
amount of $1(1.00 or $17.00. With all
due respect to the commissioners we
are not making this point directly
them, but it simply serves as an Illus
tration to some of our business men,
who complain about people going away
from home to buy goods, and at the
same time will employ outsiders to do
work that properly belongs to home
mechanics. "What Is sauce for the
goose Is sauce for the gander."
In Self Defense
Major ITamm, editor and manager of
tin- Constitutionalist, Kminence, Ky.,
when he was fiercely attacked, four
years ago, by Tiles, bought a box of
Hucklen's Arnica Salve, ot which he
ssys: "It cured me In ten days and
no t rouble since." Quickest bealer of
limns, .Sores, Cuts and Wounds. 25".
at F. G. Frlcks k Co's drus store.
"I was a total wreck," writes Mrs. Beulah
Rowley, of Champoeg, Oregon, "from pains I had
suffered, for 4 years, every month. Sometimes I
would be unconscious for 12 hours at a stretch. I
did not know that anything could stop the pain
entirely, but Wine of Cardui did. 1 advise all
women suffering with painful periods to use Car
dui and be relieved."
It does this by regulating the functions and
toning up all the Internal female organs to health.
It is a pure, specific, reliable, female remedy, with
a record of 70 years of
success. It has bene
fited a million others.
Why not you? Try it.
Sold by Every Druggist in $1.00 Bottles.
Evtry Woman m America It InltrtiUd
M I his IttmM t tJtfxrxenct.
Robinnon, 43 St. Felix Ht
Brooklyn, N
7 have taken Peruna and It did me
more good than all my two yean'
treatment by apeclal phynlclana.
"I can really say that I feel like
another person. No more awollen feet
and lltnt. No more bloating of the
abdomen. No more short ness of brent h.
No more Miff and sore Joints. Yon
have no idea what your treatment hu
clone for me. It haa prolonged my life
and made a new woman of tne.
"O, auch a blennlng I have received
through your klndncin, Doctor, and
the assistance ot the medicine which
you to kindly prescribed.
"I am able to work slnee I began yoor
treatment, but before I w an not able to
belp myself, murh Iron do any work.
AH prat is due to Dr. llur'anan acd
bis treatment."
The Democrats of Otoe.
The democrats of Otoe county met
in convention at .Syracuse, on Monday
last and nominated the following ex
cellent ticket: .State senator, S. II.
Buck: representatives. C. L. France
and W. W. Duncan; county attorney,
I). W. Livingston; county commis
sioner, L. J. Wilcox. The ticket Is
said to be an exceedingly popular one,
and the democrats of ourslsterconnty
expect to elect every man thereon.
Don't allow money to lie around.
Is easier to spend It and easier
to lose it
b$ keeping It in a safe place such u
The Bank; of Cass County
Capital Stock $."10,000, .Surplus $15,000
Clin. C. I'Hrmela, I'rwi., Jaeob Trltsrh, V-P.
T. M. I'Mternon, Citsh.
You can give a check for any part of
It at any time and so have a receipt
for payment without asking for one.
W hen you have a bank account you
will be anxious to add to it rather than
spend from it. Don't you want to
know more about it.
Wrlif in a IrttM dvrlhitif ill
your ftvmptomi. and t will nd vnu
r A4vicc. In plain tnlrj tmtlcr.
Addrnn: La Jim' Advltorv IVpanmrnt,
Thf Oit'unaof Mtdicln (o.,hln
noora, Ttnn.
"Pe-rwna haa prolonged my
life and made a new woman ol
me." Mrs. O. D. Roblnaon.
Mr. O. D.
. Y., writes:
i r n ( t r: