The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 23, 1906, Image 7

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    Icoal Hfcvcrtiecmcnts.
jn Tiir Ci'i'NTVf(.n:TiK vin .
tV, , l.!4l,n. l H. nuUlT ofjIlH -ttc
of I .i.-r IVt. rs. iWvl, AH tn:Ait iiit. r
M (tln -.aid cim,. ,,f vtlT vt. r. dovic d
lite iKHIiiiil itittt filial vul.m.'iit will
Unmade hv the atliulnisiruiiiror ilix (".laic of
1 flT IVler. licensed mi il. ,iy f Au-
g".it. mi. at lit .V..K a. m.. at tlie roumv
urt room at I'UltMii.iutli. ilium v. Xi-lrn-.ka.
Alliwnh-i iiiu-iv.le.1 tn said cm ate
rv i'cliiliviltoaiiraral villi lime and il.-v
antlniaWvulijcctidiiio tlm rrint (if kuld ail
RiiiiUtrutdr. If any tin y liavc, on -or licforc
nincoVlocK a. in. of said duv.
County Jurist.
In County Court of Caw. County. XVIra-kti
" matter of Uieortate of Manmi I.
Mt deceased. All partle Intrrexied In Uit
;Mate of MarqnU L. Vldu Uvrael. ir
lit rftiy notlMt-ri that a hearing will l had on
tlie Still (lay of August. ItKxJ, at 111 o Vlork a. in.
at th County Court Hoom, on the claim of
I harles Kennedy, Hied against tttld tttat. .
County judge.
You will find some attractive excur
sion rates that will interest you.
To Chicago and Rsturn $8.00 for the
round trip. On sale August 4 to ti,
. Inclusive. Return limit Aug. l."tli.
To New England and Canada Ilally
low round trip rates to Canada and
on August nth. and 22d to New Eng
land resorts.
G. A. R. Rates to Minneapolis and St.
Paul-August llth to i:i, Inc. $7.80
for the round trip, return limit Aug.
To San Francisco and Los Angeles
and Return nOly $,"0, direct routes,
and 102.50 via Shasta route and I'uget
sound, returning via Northern l'acl-tic-Burlington
line via Hillings. All
the attractions of the West Included
in this rate and route, Dally, Sept.
3d to 14th, inc., limit Oct. .list.
Denver, Colorado Springs, and Pueblo
For Pike's Teak celebration, one
fare for round trip, maximum $1.1.00
from the Missouri River, Sept. luth
Homeseekers' Excursion Frequently
each month, according to territory.
Ask your agent. Write D.Clem Pea
ver, agent Ilurlington's Homeseek
ers' Information Uureau at lool
Farnam street, Omaha, about get
ting hold of free section of Kinkaid
land. Thousands of acres of these
lands are being vacated, and we as
sist settlers in locating thereon.
Consult nearest Burlington Ticket
Agent about low rates for Summer
tours in any direction.
Acting Agent C. H. & Q. Ry.
G. T. A. Omaha.
the highest grade and most up-to-date
furniture and anything you buy of us
is of regular standard stack. We nev
er ship in anything cheap and run it
off under the guise of a bargain. One
of our specialties is rich dining room
furniture. Nowadays the dining-room
receives greater attention from the
from the stand-point than any room
in the house. We show you the beau
tiful, popular dark finishes of wood.
Michael Hild
Qalvsston's Sea Wall
makes life now as safe' In. that city as
on the higher uplands. E. W. GHd
loe.wbo resides on Dutton St., In Waco,
Tex., needs no sea wall for safety. He
writes: "I have used Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption the past
five years and It keeps me well and
safe. Rcfore that time I had a adigli
wiilch for years had been growing
worse. Now It's gone." Cures Cix hic
coughs, LaGrlppe. Croup, Whunnmir
Cough and prevents Pneumonia.
Pleasant to take. Every buttle mar
nntecd at F. G. Fricke's drug Mu.
Price 50c and II. Trial battle fioo
Aa sssslsis Mtfi ti jtatu araa
arttiaa . Ml BJaAa et
toil a t am lit nuivat nm re.
A tmf earn fat Hftasais, TMaWMa, Qalsar,
tsrliaiia. CUaraUS a4 Catarrhal MraTari
AtMMve et Crsa VaMaf
I a? tea at art aalaaa pjai
iwumminaa .IMM
G BRING & CO. druggists
(Uy U. A. I.c'.v)
I'Ut'I'l t E MAUKETs,
Corrected weekly by Martin & Too!,
wliu pay tl.p highest prices fur produce
and guarantee sat if actum:
Butt r it.-
K-g llo
liens.... N-
Springs lie
Crt-Hiu N. 1.1. la1; No. i Wo
Hogs itu
Cultle fl.jtf and aw
Corn 37 ami .UK'
Wheat .VV
Oals Sdc
ll(KK Island Time Taiii.k.
Murdock Station.
No. 41, mail 8:15 a. m.
No. "5, local 8:.VSa. in.
No. ft. mail 3:00 p. m.
No. 37, mail 5:47 p. m.
No. IK), freight 12:30 a. in.
No. 38, mail 10:55 a. m.
No. 70, Local 1:14 p. m.
No. 6, mall 2:35 p. m.
O. E. Eggleston was in Lincoln Mon
Allle Towie went to Ilavelock Tues
day evening.
George Utt returned from Mllford
Tuesday evening.
Mrs. O. .. .ink is entertaining her
parents this week.
Miss Bertha Goehry ! was visiting In
Minneapolis last week.
Jim Crawford is down from Lincoln
this week on a short visit.
A party was given at the home of J.
J. Gustin Monday evening.
Conrad Wirth was a business visitor
at the state capital Monday.
II. A. Tool was a business visitor at
Omaha Monday and Tuesday.
Mrs. C. J. Lcis Is visiting at the
home of her parents this week.
Fred Westlake was up from Avoca
visiting his parents over Sunday.
Chas. Lau and Gus Laehr are visit
ing friends at Fremont this week.
Dave Rager returned to his home,
at Fort Scott, Kansas, Wednesday.
Matt Kunz of Columbus Is visiting
at the home of D. Thimgan this week.
Rev. Lehman and family are attend
ing camp meeting at Cameron thU
Mrs. Kirkpatrick of Avoca, is visit
ing at the home of E. T. Tool this
MissLeta McDonald is visiting at
the pleasant home of A. A. Wallinger
this week.
E. T. Tool and wife visited with T.
McKinnon's family at Bennett over
Born to Mr. and Mrs. F. Roseno
Thursday August Kith, a bouncing
baby boy.
Miss Delia Newman, of Columbus,
Is visiting at the home of J. Goehry
this week.
Ferdinand Wendt stopped over at
Murdock, on his return from Milwau
kee Tuesday.
Was anybody Ashing over to Salt
Creek Sunday? Ask Dr. Trenholm or
Floyd Wolcott.
II. A. Gillespie returned Monday
from Ills threshing tour of the western
part of the state.
Mrs. Eggleston and mother visited
relatives in the western part of the
state the forepart of the week.
Chas. West was assisting Caulder A
Raker hi their .tonsorial parlors at
Elmwood, the forepart of the week.
Miss Ster. and Miss Rose Schneider,
of Elmwood are visiting at the home
of Mrs. August Borneraeler this week.
Arch Rager and wife, C. J. Leis and
family and Charles Rager and wife
visited relatives near Greenwood Sun
day. Mrs. A. Stachetsky returned Mon
day from a week's visit with her
daughter, who now resides at Lexing
ton, Neb.
W. Weddell visited at Ames a couple
of days last week, and during his ab
sence, Dave Thimgan took care of the
Miss Busch and Miss Stickler, who
have been visiting; at the borne of A.
E. Frashcr, left for their homes at
Omaha, Wednesday.
Miss Anna Goehry of this burg and
Miss Myrtle Tlmblln of Weeping
Water are spending the week at St.
Joe, Mo., In the Interests of the mil
linery business.
The county surveyor was out to
Murdock this week trying to locate the
division line between Stroy's and
KIcmme'8 farms and he finds out that
Klcmme has 23 feet of Stroy's land.
A gang of surveyors, supposed to be
connected with the II. P. railway,
lias been surveying from Louisville to
a point southwest of Murdock, for a
week past. Their first surveys struck
Blkli, Kupkc, Wendt, Lake and Bucll,
but the last survey Is a half mile
farther north and will strike Mr. A.
Long's farm, about a half mile south
of town.
For Infant! and Children.
The Kind Yon Han Always Bought
Bear the
Women Clerks to Examine Rec
. ords For Twenty Years.
InfoniiHIItia lialuril Ity C'p uaua i IcrUa
cut to rn VurW and F.vrrr Prin
cipal t'oaatjr la the lallrd Stair
Will Be l ard la t ranting a I ulfurat
DKorre l.nw.
Twelve of the brightest mul most
(Willful women clerk hi the tlepurt
meat of commerce unci lulior of the
bureau of the centum recently Invaded
the couuty courthouse at New York,
marshaled by William II. Jiavls, and
iuNtulled themxclwH iu the Hiirn.;ite'ti
court. They will hold posscsHlou every
day for koiiiu elijht week" when the
room Is not needed by the nurroxate.
Iu thut time they expect to go over tho
divorce records of New York county
for twenty years, oajs the New York
World. Uxuuiluatlmis of similar rec
ords will be made simultaneously Iu
every principal county of every stato
in the Uu I toil State for the purpose of
collating Information, which will be
used In framluK u bill for the federal
supervision of divorces. Just us there Is
u federal miporvlslou of bankrupts.
Another body of Washington clerks
was set to work In Brooklyn on tin
sume task.
Tlu unannounced appearance of the
young women created a sensation In
the courthouse, and there was a K'n
eral rush of clerks "to look them over."
There wasn't much to see except a doz
en coiffures bent low over u long ta
ble and many taper lingers going deftly
over u great mass of papers and n doz
en pencils making swift records.
When the news spread to tin; olllces
of lawyers who have been counsel In
divorce proceedings In which the evi
dence was sealed after the granting of
the decree there was a general inter
rogation ns to how far the federal gov
ernment would go in Its resea relies.
The head of the clerical force express
ed the opinion that ns a mutter of
courtesy the county would penult the
examination of the sealed bundles
which no man outside of the referees
nnd the judges had seen.
Although Mr. .Inrvis made It cle:ir
that no names were to ho copied In
the compilation of tho statistics, tho
mere announcement that the arcana of
divorce secrets were to be thrown open
to twelve women created consterna
tion. The men and women employed In tliu
census bureau are required not only to
possess Intelligence, but good memory.
Every employee Is under bond not to
reveal Information under pain of $."o(i
fine or a term of Imprisonment, or both.
The twelve women mul the eight men
brought on from Washington were se
lected with especial reference to their
fitness and their loyalty. Most of them
are from southern states and are es
pecially Jealous of their reputations for
being able to keep secrets. Neverthe
less the attorneys who have family
skeletons locked up were averse to any
aecrets being distributed among twelve
women, even If no names should bo
placed on record.
In the state of New Y'ork it is the law
that all cases not tried In open court
are sealed by direction of the court, and
this Is strictly enforced either literally
or presumably, sometimes the entire
record of a case being securely sealed
with big red seals nnd then tied with
red tape, with the exception of the de
cree. Then again It has often been said
tbot divorces have been granted to cer
tain Influential persons of sclal or
financial standing in the community
that have been secretly put away and
fiiardcd so that Information of iheiu
has never come to light. These will
bow be made subjects of a thorough
search and all the data regarding them
will be placed In the public records at
Washington. The secriMs thus disclosed
will not be for publication, but for the
use of the government only, no matter
bow sensational may be the character
of the facts revealed.
The examiners will make no record
f names except In their memories
but will file answers to the following
State or country In which married.
Date ot marriage.
Data of separation.
Data of mine petition.
'ho win llbellar.t husband or wife?
How wai notice aerved peraonully et
y publication?
Viam cae contested?
Was decree granted?
Data of drcrea or Judgment.
Wumber of yenra married.
Cause for which divorced.
If not direct, was Intemperance nn In
Jlrect cause?
Kind of dlvorce-absoluto or limited.
Number of children by this union; num
bar affected by decree.
TVas alimony nxked for?
Y'n alimony grunted?
Occupation of husband; of wife.
Residence, of llbcllee.
ft lulling For krniint minna.
Mrs. (illyeat, clerk Iu the state audi
tor's oflieo, Topeka. Kan., is making n
gofii pillow that will represent between
$12,000,000 nnd $l5,Oun,(MiO in bonds
which bnve lieen onnceled by the stato
school fund commission during the
time .Mrs. tJllyeat Las been In the nudl
Wis office, snv" I-osllc's Wcekjv. When
ouuti are paid or refuuiSM the audi
tor punches holes In them. Theso small
round pieces of paper Mrs. Gllyeat has
saved for tier pillow, and she Las kept
note of the value of the bonds can
celed. Khe now tins the clippings from
more thau 10,0OO,mw worth of the
run r4 Per Teellrr.
Experiments are twins; mado In Nor
way svlth nh.a food for poultry. If
successful, a new and profitable Indus
try Will t established.
My Hair is
Extra Long
Feed your hair; nourish it;
give it something to live on.
Then it will stop falling, and
will grow long and heavy.
Ayer's Hair Vigor Is the only
genuine hairfood you can
buy. It gives new life to the
hair-bulbs. You save what
hair you have, and get more,
too. And it keeps the scalp
clean and healthy.
The beat kind ot a teatltnonial
"Sold for ovar slaty years."
M4a tr J. o. ir" o., l-ow.u. mm.
aim mnu0lurri ei
cm m ptcToiiAL.
Weeping Water
I'rom the Herald.
Postmaster t!. II. Olive left last
Friday for a visit with Ills parents at
Indianola, Iowa.
Carl Fischer and son Herman left
for Oklahoma, Tuesday, to look at
land, and if suited will probably Invest
In a slice of it.
Chas. and Henry Meyers left for
liulTalo county, Tuesday morning to
look over the country with a view to
Investing if pleased.
Win. l'oul accompanied Peter Olson,
Louie Todd and two sons and Judge
II. 1. Travis to Chase ijouiity, Tues
day to look over land.
Word has been received hero to the
ellect that the new switchboard for
the Independent' exchange has been
shipped from the factory direct tothls
place, and may arrive at any time.
Curtis Askew hasacccptcd a posit ion
as night agent at the do pot, here. This
Is a good position for Curtis, and one
which lie will lill to the satisfaction of
Miss Ada Wilson lias resinned Jut
position as niu'lit operator for the
Plattsmoutli Telephone Co. Miss
Lena Morse has been secured to lill her
place. The company Is Indeed fortun
ate to secure Miss Morse, and we are
sure she will nlve satisfactory service.
The I. (). (). I', lodtfe of Avoca will
hold their third annual picnic in
TeiTt's nrove at Avoca, Wednesday,
August LMi. The Weeping Water
band will furnish the music, and the
committee In charge promise a good
line of sports to entertain all those
who attend.
Dr. II. Jensen was unable at the
time of leaving last week, to secure
anyone to take care of his practice,
and on that account says he may re
turn after the meet ing of the Ameri
can Veterinary association and remain
until he can secure some one. The
doctor has a large practice and feels
that it should be taken care of.
Plattsmouth Women are Finding Relief at
It does seem that women have more
than a fair share of the aches and
pains that'allllct humanity; they must
"keep up," must attend to duties in
spite of constantly aching backs or
headaches, dizzy spells, bearing down
pains; they must stoop over, when to
stoop means torture. They must walk
and bend and work with racking pains
and many aches from kidney ills.
Kidneys cause moresullerlng than any
other organ of the body. Keep the
kidneys well and health Is easily main
tained. Read of a remedy for kidneys
only that helps and cures the kidneys
and Is endorsed by people you know.
Mrs. Joseph II. .Smith, living at
corner Second and Diamond btrects,
Wlntersteen Hill Plattsmouth, Neb.,
says: "Owing to a derangement of the
kidneys, I have suffered a great deal
for years from pain in the small of my
back. I was troubled the most when
on my feet or from any over-exertion
Pifliculty with the secretions annoyed
mo and especially at night when my
rest would be disturbed. My husband
had his attention called to I loan's
Kidney Pills and he brought home a
box for mc from (lerlng Co.'s drug
store. I used them according to
directions and tho treatment did me
an infinite amount of good. The pain
was relieved and there was much Im
provement generally. I pronounce
Doan's Kidney Pills a most excellent
For sale by all dealers. Price ."oc.
Foster-Mllhurn C., Huffalo, N. Y
sole agents for tho United States.
ncmembcr the name-Ioan's-and
take no other.
AcCctable Preparation for As
similating the Food nmlKctf ula -ting
Hie b tumachs and Dowels of
Tremolos Dige3tion.Chmrul
ness and IVsl.Contaiiis m-itUr
Opimn.Morplune nor Mineral.
Not Nam c otic.
Alalia Siml
hUU .W-
A pilfer I Hcinedy rorronslipn
lion, Sour Stouwtth.UiarrlMwn
Worms ,( lonvulsions .Feverish
ncss nnd Loss of Sleep.
FacSinilo Signnture of
f7? '00
I ','' i - TV- 'If
Kroehler & Kroehler
In si'lectinj your spring needs, please hear in mind that
we carry a complete line of Builders' Material
in the Hardware Line. Also,
L mmm
We do all kinds of Hoofing, Repairing and Spouting. Call and see us.
First House West B. 6c M. Depot
We Solicit the Farmers Trade
and Guarantee Satisfaction.
When in the City Give Us u Call
J5he Perkins Hotel
. by ths
Costsia ths Tirtatg
Sold at CURING k CO S. Druo Store
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears tho
For Over
Thirty Years
Tmi oraTava qmmnt. acta vo oity.'
fifllllP In ' Miivbt you an; nut
UUIHC hi . rr.l(y )() hliy thllt
watch you've li.-ul in mind, but
there's no liaim In letting us
show you some of lhm In null
fill new hand rngraved rases. In
gulil lilled and si I ni olil H Is
always :i pleasine, (do, for us to
explain dilTeient, movements
and explain the broad ;Mi;inuilee
covering both ciise ami works.
Li'.te beaut iful i Heels in Indies'
and the old
Buck's Stoves
and Ranges
7 -w i -w- a aa a
Th medicinal virion of the ends ftimi tod rtilna
obtslosd f rom ths Rstivs Ptas Uts bssa rtcofaixsl
snsdical proftaaloo for csntuies. Plas-aJst
of ths HsUts Plot that ars of tslns i n rtlieT.
Backacht, BUdnsj, Blood,Bladder and Kheamatic Troubles.