The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 23, 1906, Image 4

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    The Plattsmouth Journal
11. A. HATES, ri iu.isiiKU.
nlir.'l ltlii p.wUifltrit ruilsimiutb. No
lirW. ccoiiIi-Iiih niitlUT.
Rkituucan tariff reform i as
a peek through a pee-a-boo waist;
now you sec it ami aain you don't.
In theleoming political campaign
for congress the republicans will
have one Cannon and a number of
snuirt guns.
Ckokc.K 1). l'l-KKiNi'.s, the de
featcd republican candidate for gov
crnor of Iowa, is trying to ease his
pent up feelings, ly telling a few
things in liis newspaper, lul n
one is paying niucli attention to
what he says.
Tiii.kk wotdil never have been
anv trust magnates, if republican
lnwsha.l not fostered them. There
fore change the laws instead o
standing pat as the reul)licans de
dare is their intention. The issue
is so plain that "way-faring man,
though a fool cannot err therein."
As Tin? republican leaders are
only asking for a dollar from their
active supporters for campaign pur
poses, they must have determined
to reduce the price for votes in the
elosc districts to nhout the same
figure. Kather a come down from
the usual price. Hut then the in
surance companies ore not put
ting up" this time.
Tiik Journal prints today the
declaration of principles adopted by
the democrats in convention assem
bled at Lincoln, and we want every
reader to understand exactly where
the peoples' party stands upon the
issues now confronting the people
of Nebraska: Don't fail to read
the same section by section, that
vou may get yourself posted on mat
ters upon which every voter is in
Tin; Englishman who was fined1
525 for uncorking a hiss when an
American flag was displayed in a
New Jersey theater will feci that he
got his.
Ri'K.M. mail carriers who have
served one year or more are now
allowed fifteen days vacation each
year, with full pay. Heretofore
they were not allowed day if they
took a vacation.
Tin: effort now being made by a
few damphools to brand the demo
crats as the corporation party is too
silly for sensible peor le to take any
stock in. It is simply the old gag
of crying "stop thief" to attract
attention away from themselves.
Win: AT is ten cents a bushel
lower in price than last year, al
though it is sti'.Cprotected by the
tariff rate of 25 cents a bushel.
The price of all the Jfarmcrs are
buying is however at the top notch,
and. in fact, the price of all trust
products protected by the tariff is
higher tins' year than last. I'u.
zel why do some farmers support
the republican tariff -trust policy
that plunders them?
Sonatok SniM.noN leads the van
in the gubernatorial race, and in
dications point to his nomination
I lad a vole been taken in the demo
cratic convention last Wednesday
morning at 10 o'cock George W
Herge would now be the democratic
candidate. Hut "there is many a
slip betwixt the cup and the lip,"
in all convention transactions.
A coon many men who voted for
Mr. Roosevelt have not yet paid
their Jl assessment, or the cam
paign fund would haveover $0,000,-
Oi)i), which is just about what the
trusts and insurance companies put
up in 180-1. for the Roosevelt cam
Whin Mr. (iotnpersaud the other
labor leaders presented the bill of
grievances against the republican
party to President Roosevelt, the
latter asserted with considerable
heat that the eight hour law had
been rigidly enforced. It is some
what disconcerting to now be in
formed by Mr. Roosevelt that from
this day on the law is to be enforc
ed. Somebody has blundered, but
of course it can't be the President
Tut-: few little editorial squibs
that appeared in the News last even
iug are indicative of the fact that
the editor was away from home,
and that the incubus hanging
around thought to display some of
his smartness in his absence. Ignor
ant as a new born babe on matters
political the incubus at the News
office is to be pitied when the boys
over there apply the word lazy" in
speaking his name. A lie serves his
purpose better than the truth anyold
T.J. Dovi.k, the democratic can
didate for congress, was reared on
a farm, worked his way through
school and college, and is an excell
ent tvpe of the self-made man. He
is a good lawyer, a close student of
politics and public questions, and
honorable citizen of unimpeachable
reputation. His campaigning abil
ities are well known, and it is cer
tain that he will lead an aggressive,
determined fight to save the district
from the disgrace of indorsing Kasy
Money Pollard with a re-election
According to the statisticians
the democrats are certain to win in
37 congressional districts that are
now represented by republicans and
have more than an even chance of
capturing the 20 other districts nee
essary for a majority. If those in
dependent and republican voters,
who want the trust fostering tariff
revised, vote as they talk, the
stand-patters will hardly have ale
to stand on.
Tine public is very wise "keeping
out of Wall Street," but therepnb
lican campaign fund collectors are
making many pilgrimages to the
headquarters of the trusts, the tariff
beneficiaries and the banking mag
nates. The Life Insurance com
panies are barred, this year, as the
policy holders are watching the offi
cials to prevent the funds being
squandered, as they were by the
subscriptions made to the Roosevelt
campaign fund in 1904.
TiiK democratic state convention
made no mistake in re-electing
Thomas S. Allen, chairman of the
central committee, and we were
pleased to note the great enthusiasm
manifested in his behalf. Tom Al
len has been an incessant wotker
in behalf of the democratic party
of Nebraska, and his unimous re
election is simply a recognition of
his true worth in the position he
has so ably filled for the past four
Tin; deposts in the National
Hanks, upon which thev pay no in
teresl, J unounted on July 23 to
$83,790,681 and Secretary Shaw
has promised the banks to let them
have most of the $30,000,000 which
will be forhcoming from the sale of
Panama bonds on the same terms.
This is a soft snap for the banks,
they subscribe for the bonds and
still keey the money, but draw the
interest which the bonds call for.
It's great financiering fer the banks
but ratherexpensive for the taxpay
hma&a cftho sajfldffl&tmlfriasHio
1 rfasSral Ifas2?i3l
I L. .till
t I mil
The boiler jacket of a locomotive exposed to wear, weather and heat is made o sheet
iron, because for such purposes sheet iron is more durable than sheet steel. The Majestic
Range is made of sheet iron not steel for exactly the same reason.
It is a long step from locomotives to the range in your kitchen, but the rcaterial of which
your range is made is of vital importance in your household economy less repairs.
Sheet iron costs twice as much as sheet steel, but steel will rust, and cracks in your cook
ing apparatus means loss of heat, waste of fuel, and in a few years the range is ready for
the junk heap.
In the body of all Majestic Ranges we now use Majestic Old Style Charcoal Iron.
The top and framework are made of Majestic Malleable Iron the iron that never breaks,
cracks or warps, and is so thin that you can do all your cooking without removing the lids.
The locomotive is compelled to stand up under severe tests good looks will not draw a
train of cars. A range built to endure and Stand every test is the most economical range
that you can buy, and that range if r
The Majestic iMSSSfc??
JoDddd IBaueif1
Titt-RK is no end to the extortion
of the coal trust and the price has
been regulary raised ten cents a
ton each month since spring and
yet the administration has made
no serious effort to punish the trust
magnates, who in combination with
the railroads are plundering the
Tut-: democratic state platform is
a good document, and appeals to the
voters of the state in a manner that
will attract all the citizens. Not
withstanding the "stop thief" cry
of a few little one horse papers,
the people understand why it is
done. They talk to thetvoters of
Nebraska as though they were ig
norant of such matters and did not
have sense enough to understand
the English language. But "stop
thief" is an old cry of the republi
In reading over the list of dele
gates from Cass county to the re
publican state convention next
Wednesday we fail to see the name
of R. H. Windham among the
chosen. Why is tins thus? Has it
leaked out that he is ferninst Sena
tor Sheldon? It has that appear
ance. Evidently the party main.
gcrs were so sure of his being a dele
gate that away in advance they
chose him as a mcmlwr on the plat
form committee. A queer tnancau
ver, that.
Tiiu nomination of T. J. Doyle
by the democrats of the First con
gressional district, is one of which
the democracy can feel proud. Mr.
Doyle is a well-known attorney in
the state capital, and did not dream
of being a canidate for congress up
to the night previous to the conven
tion. He is highly spoken of in
Lincoln, and his ability as a law
yer and speaker is first-class. Re
publicans and democrats alike speak
in the highest terms of the demo
cratic candidate, and soon after
his nomination many republicans
signified their intention of support
ing Mr. Deoyle in prference to
Salary Grabber Pollard.
Why did the republican congress
defeat the Tillman bill which pro
vided for exposing and punishing
contributions by corporations to
party campaign funds? Well, let
us see. If the sugar trust should
produce its sweet donation, or the
steel trust some of its tariff plunder,
or the coal trust, through Baer or
some other God-entrusted coal bar
on, should "come down with the
dust," it might be awkward to pub
lish such things to the vulgar world,
or to punish such "benefactors" of
the G. O. P. As Pharaoh said
about the Hebrews, so the republi
can party said about the trusts:
Let us deal wisely with them."
Gov. La Follkttk has accom
plished results in Wisconsin,
through his persistent determination
that railroad rates shall be regulated
with fairness to both railroads and
shippers. The state railroad com
mission has reduced grain rates
one cent a bushel. The reduction
is not .so great, but it shows that
they can be reduced when unreas
Tin: editor of this paper has been
invited to accompany the Bryan
Homc-Coming" committee to New
York and to extend the gladhand
of welcome to the most conspiciotis
citizen in the world today. The
train leaves Omaha August 24, ar
riving in New York on the evening
of the 26th. It will le a special
Pullman, the finest train on wheels,
and the tickets admit of five days'
stay in New York. Those who at
tend will be more than repaid; and
we only wish wc could staud the
TtiKKK is not a public man in
the state of Nebraska with a cleaner
record than Hou. A. C. Shallen
berger, the democratic candidate
for governor. The best evidence
of this fact is that a few davs pre
vious to the state convention the
Lincoln Journal came out with sev
eral charges against Mr. Shallen
berger, in the hope solely of defeat
ing his nomination. There was
not a semblance of truth in the
publication, and instead of hurting
the democratic candidate, it simply
done him good. The well known
career of Mr. Shallenbcrger among
those who have known him for
years made such charges look insig
nificant in the eves cf all honest
people. The Journal this time
made a complete failure in itsobject
to defeat the nomination of the next
governor of Nebraska Hon. A. C.
D. 0. DWYER. Attrjrnsv.nt.t n
Offct In building tost of court
house, Plattsmouth, nbraskta.
A Tjplcal Machine Politician.
The hide bound partisan spirit
that some politicians display, should
show the people how useless they
are for any pratical service. Here
is Senator Frye pleading the repub
lican state convention in Maine that
he was for the G. O. P. "right or
wrong. ' ' As the republican mach
ine in Maine has been notoriously
corrupt and wrong, very wrong,
very wrong, for a number of years,
the members ol the convention
must have felt their heart worm to
Frveforhis pledge to stand by them.
It is only necessary to mention
that Frye was the champion of ship-
sudsidy in the senate to show how
faithfully he stands by the G. O.
P. when it is radically wrong. The
voters of Maine should clear the
decks by defeating the republican
ring and then dispose of Frye and
his ilk when their time comes. I
you look up Frye's record he wi
be found voting for all the corrupt
legislation that the republican party
has been responsible for.
While in Lincoln last Wednes
day, the writer had the pleasure of
meeting Charles W. Pool, former
editor of the Tribunal, at Tecum
seh, which position he was com
pelled to relinquish on account of
ill health, and take a tour in the
west to recuperate. At the recent
county convention of the demo
crats of Johnson county, Mr. Pool
was nominated for representative,
and the Journal hopes he will be
elected. He is an able man, hon
est in sentiment and dealings, and
would hold down the position of
member of the legislature, not only
with credit to himself but also with
credit to his supporters. Here's
hoping, Charley.
Express Companies and Railroads.
There will have to be a shake-up
in the management of express com
panies under the new law. As it is
now the officials of railroads are
officials of express companies and
vice versa, which would indicate a
conspiracy in restraint of trade, es
pecially as there is no competition
between express companies at joint
points. What the people are bound
to have before they get done legislat
ing about corporations is competi
tion, or where competion is not
posib'e such just rates as the situa
tion demands. If the new law is
found not sufficient to insure that,
the law will be further amended by
Congress. Congress hereafter will
be in the hands of the people instead
of being, as heretofore, a corpora
tion annex.
Senator Dubois's prediction
that Albert B. Cummins will be the
next republican candidate for the
presidency is based upon the sup
position that Cummins will win in
the Iowa election this year. But
lis success is more than doubtful.
Success would make him so formid
able as a republican presidential
candidate that Senator Dubois s
suggestion is only another induce-
;or the standpatters to knife him.
Realizing the fact that Hon. A.
:. Shallenberger, the democratic
candidate for govenor 13 one of the
most popular men in the state, the
State Journal, and its "echo," the
Lincoln Evening News, is now en
gaged in its dirty work of trying to
get up a dissention among the pop
ulists and Mr. Bergc's democratic
friends, by telling a few white lies
that wont wash. George W. Berge
had no stronger friend in the late
convention than the writer, and
now that Mr. Shallcnlrcrger has
been fairly nominated, this paper is
just as warm in its support of that
gentleman as it was for Mr. Berge
previous to the convention. Know
inc full well that Mr. Shallenber
ger's chances of an election are
most excellent, and realizing also
that in the event he is elected, the
trraft which it has enjoyed for years
is gone the poor old Journal howls
like the old-fashioned hound in a
wolf chase.
The democratic congressional
conventions in Illinois gave further
evidence of democratic disapproval
of Roger Sullivan. But the loss of
175,000 democratic votes in the
presidential election of 1904 and the
defeat of Stringer by 300,000 re
main the strongest proofs that the
democrats of Illinois have never
been satisfied 'with the Sullivan-
Hopkins leadership.
One advantage a horse has over a
man, it never wilts Us collar. Still
there are other compensations in
being a man, especially If you are a
stylish and comfortably dressed one.
Have you seen the latest thing In
low cut collars, that leave Ibe neck
free and cool'r" We have your size,
no matter how large that may be.
We tit you out In warm weather
furnishings from a feather-weight
straw bat to gauze bose.
Department Store
M. FANGER, Prop.
C A. Hawls, Lawyer. Pro
bate and general practice. Of
fice of Caunty Attorn-
Makt a Uniform Salary.
There Is a scarcltyof teachers In near
ly every county In the state, due mainly
to low salaries paid teachers. Nearly
every kind of work pays better. The
next legislature should pass a mini
mum salary law. No teacher should
be paid less than 140 per month for
eight months. No district should re
ceive any of the public moneys unless
It levied ti-lc on 100 assessed valuation
or maintained an eltfht months' school
and paid $10 per month to the teacher.
Pay the proper salary and you wll
find plenty teachers. Ia fact a teacher
should have a better salary than can
possibly be paid In any other profes
sion. If you have any properties of any
description that you want U trade for
farm lands, see Falter In the Coates
is truly a refreshing
drink. Everybody
speaks well of it.
Try it today and
you will voice the op
pinion of others.
Phil Thierolf
Talohana N. tS