The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 23, 1906, Image 1

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    ntotttb Sourn
Short Paragraphs Prepared tod Purloins!
For tin Readers of tbi Joorul.
Oh. for lonifiie looursp tlie knave.
AYIiom- ttvason, ltk a deadly lillirlit,
Comt o'rr tlio i-ouim-IIh of tlie lit-nv.
And lilml llifm In lliflr liour of niUrlit .
Religion when uart as a cloak
so warm.
The best time to kiss a pretty girl is
any old time.
Spinsters naturally oppose men who
do not propose.
Even a small man may acquire a
large tombstone.
Most men are aware that the hand
of fate is gloveless.
Every man on earth resides that lie
used to be a chump.
A woman doesn't necessarily cry
when she sheds tears.
.Charity doesn't cover many sins un
less it begins at home.
An all-round man ought to be able
to make both ends meet.
And a woman's conscience Is almost
as elastic as her tongue.
When a man marries he saddles an
other mortgage on his life.
Heady money is generally the kind
that isn't readily borrowed.
Wise is the architect who plans to
have a mansion in the skies.
If a man Isn't a society favorite
that is something in his favor.
Every man has his price, but in nine
cases out of ten he isn't worth it.
The antics of a stubborn automobile
are enough to make a horse laugh.
It takes a financial pewius to spend
his money faster than he makes it.
The married man wbo repents at
leisure is lucky to have the leisure.
Some men couldn't hoar the voice
of conscience through a megaphone.
When two women argue the winner
is the one who can talk the fastest.
Some women seem to think that it
is their duty to nag their husbands.
Business men who ling to ancient
methods are apt to be left at the post.
If a man istoo lazy to work he sets
himself up as a philosophy dispenser.
' Some people seem to think they can
purchase friends just as they do gro
ceries. A man is apt to forget his good
breeding when a fat woman steps on
his corn.
Jealous wives have kept many a
husband out of the straight and nar
row path.
' There isn't much hope for a man
who will not speak at least one kind
word a day.
Some sons take after tlielr fathers,
but more fathers take after their sons
with a stick.
If you would become popular with
indolent people all you have to do is to
let them Impose on you.
And even the man who is good for
nothing is good for something say as
a horrible example for instance.
A minister talks about his "work"
but the male members of his congre
gation are apt to call it a "snap." t
At least the minister who rehearses
his sermon can not be accused of fail
ing to practice what he preaches.
It's all well enough to advise people
to look on the bright side of things,
but so many things have no bright
Wise is the man who thlnksof taking
unto himself a wife and then doesn't
allow himself to get beyond the think
ing stage.
Of course you know a lot of bores,
but you would no doubt be surprised
to learn that there are people who
consider you In the same class.
We saw a young girl and boy going
up Main street one night recently, and
their disgraceful actions caused seve
al witnesses to turn their backs and
blush with shame.
, Parents, do you know exactly where
your girls go after supper, when you
grant them permission to take a stroll?
Don't you think It would be a good
idea to keep tab on them?
We have repeatedly kicked because
some parents allow their young daugh
ters to gad the streetss after supper.
Some of them will wake up some of
these tine mornjngs and wish they had
heeded our warning.
A Smart Aleck approached one
of our nicest young girls the oth
er night in front of the court
house and began to talk to her. The
aforesaid vountf lady asked him: "IK)
tou nrofess to be a eentlcmaoV" "I
do," lie replied "Then you are mis
taken, for you are not showing that
you are by approaching a lady In this
manner, and you a stranger." It l
needless to say the dirty whelp sneak
cd off without any further ceremony.
Elevator Change Hand.
Monday afternoon a deal was per
fected whereby M. L. Williams became
the owner of the elevator on the M. P.,
which for many years has been con
ducted by C. A. Rlchey. Mr. Rlchey,
with his large number trade and the
additional time required to look after
his Interests In the new sand stone
quarry decided to dispose or his eleva
tor. The new proprietor, Mr. Wil
liams, has had considerable experience
In the grain and sUick business and
the Courier predicts success for him
from the start, as he will be able to
devote his entire time to looking after
the business. He Insured the Courier
that he would pay the' top prices for
grain at all times.-Louisville Courier
Run Oner bf the Burlington Freight No. 30
While It Wis Switching in the Yards.
Both Hub: MlyMaoglei Victim Pisses
' Avar tt II O'clock Siturtiy Morning.
While freight No. 30, which runs be
tween Lincoln and Pad tic Junction,
was switching in the yards at Louis
ville Friday evening, C. E. Negrius,
printer from lies Moines, la., was run
down and fatally Injured.
The train which is due here about 4
o'clock in the afternoon was several
hours late Friday, owing to the
great amount of work on hand, and
was engaged In cutting out cars in the
Louisville yards when the accident oc
curred. The train crew had not notic
cd the man before he was injured, but
it is presumed that lie was standing on
Uie lack of the way car, and when the
engtuecou pled on the car lie was knock
ed off under the wheels about 19
o'clock last night, and thus received
his injurks. The engine with two
brakciuen, who were riding oh the
pilot, was returning to pull out several
cars, when tney aiscoverca me un
conscious man lying by the side of the
track. They Immediately conveyed
him to the village of Louisville, and
Or. J. M. Sreen of Manlcy was sum
moned tc dress the unfortunate man's
Later A telephone message from
Louisville, informs us that the victim
of the unfortunate accident died
Saturday at 11 o'clock In that place
When medical aid was obtained last
night, his recovery was thought to Ite
impossible and the operation was not
The unfortunate man, Cbas. K. Nc-
grius, was employed by the Weeping
Water Republican, and was slightly
under the influence of liquor when he
met with the accident, which resulted
In deatii. He was twenty-six years old,
a singie man, and his parents reside in
Pes Moines, la., where the body will
be taken Sunday morning by F. A.
Brlcka, editor of the Weeping Water
Republican, for burial.
Just how the deceased was injured
Is afraystery, as he was found lying
some distance from the track, with one
limb severed and the other badly man
gled. The engineer, Ed Bignell, who
Is a nephew of the superintendent of
the Burlington, is very much depress
ed by the sad occurrence, and It was
Just a few days ago that he was heard
to say, "I am very thankful to know
that I never killed a man, while In the
discharge of my duties as an engineer."
The Ticket Now Complete.
As stated In Thursday's Journal a
fusion was completed yesterday by the
democrats and populists by conceed-
Ingtothe latter four candidates on
the ticket. The ticket now complete
is as follows:
rnlted States Senator-William II.
Thompson, democrat, Grand Island.
Governor Ashton C. Shallcnberger,
democrat, of Harlan county.
Lieutenant governor William II.
Green, Knox county, democrat.
Setrctary of state Carl Goucher,
Saunders county, democrat.
Treasurer-Frank C. Babcock, of
Adams county, democrat
Auditor J. S. Canaday, Kearney
county, populist.
Attorney-general Lysle I. Abbott,
Ikniglas county, democrat.
Commissioner Public Lands and
Buildings Jacob V. Wolfe, Lancaster
county, populist.
Superintendent of Public Instruc
tion It. II. Watson, Cherry county,
Railway Commissioners Dr. A
Fltzsltrlmons, Johnson county, demo
crat; George Horst, Polk county popu
listt John Davis, Fillmore county,
One of the Resolutions Adopted bj the Con
tention at Lincoln.
At the meeting of the democratic
state and First congressional district
convention at Lincoln, Wednesday,
August 15, the following resolution
was adopted:
", K. M. Pollard, now a
representative In congress from the
First Nebraska district, drew from the
public treasury the sum of 11,000 for
alleged services as a member of con
gress f rem March 4, 1W5, to July 1,
l(H)i), although said Pollard was not
elected until July 18; and
"Wiikiikas, The re-nomlnatlon by
the republican party of Ernest M. Pol
lard, with full knowledge of the fact
that he had drawn from the public
treasury money to which he was In no
wise entitled, provides an evil object
lesson for the rising generation; there
fore, be It
"Rkholikd, That this convention
suggest the creation of a fund to be
known as "The Penny-Pollard-put-lt-back-fund,
"contributions to said fund
to be invited from the fathers and
mothers of the First Nebraska con
gresslonal district, In sums of 1 penny
for each child. As a nucleus for this
fund every father in attendance at this
convention Is to make a penny contri
bution according to the oubmer of his
children; and we further invite the
delegates to the democratic state con
vention to be held in Lincoln, August
1&, 1M, and the delegates to the re
publican convention to be held at Lin
coin, August 22, I!J&, to make si in
liar ipenny contributions to Mr. O. B
Johnson of Lincoln, who is hereby
designated as treasurer of such por
tionofthis fund as shall be contrl
buted by democrats, and in the event
that the republican convention does
not co-operate with the democratic
convention in th is effort to persuade
Mr. Pollard to restore to the public
treasury his Ill-gotten gains, then the
fund In the hands of the treasurer
siliall be paid to tlte democratic con
gressional committee for the First Ne
braska district, in order that It may
be used in yayiug legitimate campaign
eipenses and in the effort to elect to
congress from the first Nebraska dis
trict a man who will not give to the
children of his constituents a false
not ion of morality; a man who will not
hesitate to"back his words with deeds"
and who stand by "the square deal"
id otllclal conduct as well as In stump
'The secretary of this convention is
instructed to certify a copy of these
resolutions to the democratic conven
tion and to the republican state con
The Court House Boiler.
New lues are being placed in the
old boiler at the court house, prepara
tory to firing up for the winter. This
boiler has been In use for many years
and we believe the way in which the
same should be doctored Is by putting
in a new one. When you begin to doc
tor up old boilers it Is about time to
throw them aside, and thus prevent
any chances of blowing up the court
house and destroying property of so
much value. The holier room should
be distinct from the courthouse, or,
In case we succeed In convincing the
people that we ought to have a new
jail, place the boiler room between the
jail and court house. The taxpayers
should think of these things, and give
expression to their thoughts, so that
the commissioners will know bow they
feel about a matter In which they
should feel deeply Interested.
Another Auto In Town.
The enterprising firm of Sherwood
Si Son received a novelty today In the
shape of a Juvenile automobile from a
Toledo factory. The machine is about
five feet long, and two feet wide, Is
highly finished with brass steering
lever, side lamps and whistle, rubber
tired wheels, and with bicycle attach
ment fer propulsion. The runabout Is
very neat appearing, and will be
placed In nne of the show windows of
the Urm, and it will prove to be a
great curiosity.
The machine will be rallied off about
the 1st of next January with Buster
Brown school shoes, and much Inter
est will be centered about the contest
to see who the lucky prize winner will
Why not own your own home? The
home owner makes the best citizen of
any community. Just a little more
than rent. The Livingston Loan and
Building Association will loan you the
money on very easy monthly payments.
, IIbnry R. Gkjunu, Secretary.
D. B. Smith, President.
Hard on Land Agent.
Land agents are among the first to
be bit by the new rate law. In future
If they ride on railroad trains, they
will have to pay the regular fare.
In the past, with the railroads, It
has been the custom to give the land
agents free transportation, providing
they were taking along with them
three or more land seekers who had
paid their fare.
At the passenger offices of the Oma
ha roads, notice has lieen received from
the passenger tratlic managers that af
ter August 27, no free transportation
will be Issued to any land agent. In
addition, notice goes to conductors of
all trains to take up all land agent
tickets presented after August 27 and
collect full fare.
Spectators Witness Contest Interspersed
With Upper and Under Cuts
Sheriff Escorts Then to the Count) Seat
Other Doings li Pillce Court.
Through a special to the Journal
froJ Union, we are informed tiiat our
neighboring village on the south, was
having a lively time Sunday a ball
game between the Union andaOmaha
team being in progress, while on the
same sward a several round match lie
tween James Doer and Robert Mc
Alester was promulgated for the enter
tainmentof the spectators.
Both of the participants In the bout
labored under the great disadvantage
of a good sl.ed jag, which they had ae
cumulated in an effort to reach a con
ditlon where they might lie able to
out shine the base ball players. All
might have went well had they not
disagreed In regard to the honors of
the right.
These (honors) Judge Archer w
likly award In the near future, as the
sheriff, wetit to Union t his morning to
escort the tistlcjagitators to the coun
ty scat, where they will Iks arraigned
on a charge of assault and battery.
While the ball game was hi progress
In this city Saturday afternoon, Spe
cial Policeman Janda was called upon
to take charge of "Jessie" James and
Lawrence Stull for lighting and dis
turbing the peace. Jn police court
they were each assessed aline of $"
and costs, for which the (irst offender
gave security and the second promptly
A complaint was also sworn out
against one Landisand Jacks for light
ing, but the former was too tleet of
foot, and thus escaped from the officers,
while the other plead guilty and was
lined $5.00 and casts.
Walter Elliott was arrested on a
charge of resisting officer Janda, but
this was settled and the case dismissed.
A New Dieeate.
A new disease called astoria has
broken out among horses in some parts
of the state. The disease Is said to
have originated from the feeding of
poor grain. In speaking of it an ex
change says: The small germ gets in
to the blood and gradually developcs
Into a dangerous worm. The disease
attacks the regions about the kidneys
and Itshowssomany symptomsslmilar
to kidney disease that It is frequently
mistaken for it. But its progress is so
rapid that the quickest sort of treat
ment must be resorted to in order to
prevent the horse from dying, and
even then it is not always possible.
If a horse once gets down it is a gone.
A leadlr.g doctor says that physicians
tell him that such a disease also Is
attacking people. They attribute it
to Impure flour due to the poor grain
raised lastycar. People suffering from
the disease give Indications that they
arc suffering from meningitis.
Float Representative.
The republicans of Otoe and Cass
counties met In convention at Ne
braska City yesterday and nominated
Marshall F. Harrison of Otoe county
for lluat representative. The nominee
declared himself In full accord with
the principles advocated by the re
publican party, "Salary Grab" Pollard
and all. The nominee Is a very weak
man and If the democrats will nomi
nate a candidate pcrsonaly like Vin
cent Straub, also of Otoe county, Mr.
Harrison will be snowed under by such
an overwhelming majority that he will
never know what hurt him. Mr.
Harrison was chosen because there
was no other republican In Otoe
county who desired to risk his chances
and face the charges against "Easy
Money" Pollard.
Reminlscenses of Indian Doings In and
Around Plattsmouth.
Occasionally 1 am asked how we got
along with the Indians In the early
days-and did they bother us? 1 an
swer, by saying yes, more than we
cared for. We had the Pawnee tribe,
the meanest tribe we could get. They
camped In the ravines near the river
and came to town to beg and steal.
They would go to the back windows
and look in and scare our women and
children. Occasionally they would
bolt In the bouse without even knock
ing at the door, and help themselves
to anything they could lay their hands
on. They generally would do so when
the men folks were not at home. At
one time 1 butchered a few hogs and
while engaged in the luirr. my wife
called me, and going to the house I
found the kitchen full of Indians, try
ing to get some of the meat. I picked
up a club and hit them right and left
and cleared the house. One old squaw
found the entrails of the hogs and
thought to have a feast. She gathered
them up and secured them In a rag.
Next she came to my wife and asked
the loan of a skillet to fry some of the
entrails for her dinner. Her request
was refused, when she became very
angry and called my wife "a heap bad,
no good squaw."
Finally, the citizens became t ired of
the out lit and ordered them to leave,
which they did. They did not bother
us any more for awhile, until Colonel
Peter A. Sarpy started a store on
Sculh Fourth street. He was an old
Indian trader, had been with them all
his life, and spoke their language
fluently. The Indians traded with him
a great deal, as they liked Mm because
ho would treat them, sing and dance
with then) and swore he had eaten
more dog meat than any of the red
skins. Jnayearorso afterward Col
onel Sarpy took sick and died. The
store was discontinued and the In
dianslcrt for their reservation on the
Platte river,somewhere near Fremont.
Some years afterwards, myself, Mr,
Wm. T.Kthcrldge and Call. Hammond
of Plattsmouth were engaged In tho
freighting business to Denver and the
gold mines in Colorado. Returning
from one of our trips, we had to cross
a twenty-eight mile ridge, which wc
crossed at night in order to get to the
Platte river for water for our cattle
and prepare for breakfast In the morn
ing. Before we reached the bottom
we met, several small parties of In
dlans walking ahead of the whole
tribe, who were camped on the road
near the foot of the big ridge. They
intended to go on a buffalo hunt near
the Republican river, to lay in a sup
ply of their winter's meat. But that
country was claimed by the Sioux
tribe of Indians, who would not allow
other Indians to come there. So the
Pawnees, Omahas and Otors combined
to protect themselves from the hostile
Sioux and other tribes, and, if neces
sary, light. This Is why we found
such a large force of Indians near the
foot of the ridge. Coming down near
the Platte river, we met a sight worth
seeing, which I will never forget. We
saw the bluff and the bottom full of
Indians on the war path, most of them
on horses, many of them stripped
naked, with their guns, bows and ar
rows, running their horses as fast as
they could. And such yelling I never
heard before In my life. The cause of
all these doings was a false report
which had come to them that the
Sioux tribe were on to them for
light. The old chief of the Pawnees
came to us, enquiring when and where
we had seen the last Sioux Indians
We had not seen them in two hundred
miles. After we had feasted on the
grand sight, we turned towards the
Platte river for water and breakfast
turned the cattle out and prepared
breakfast. We bad the bacon frying
and ready to eat our morning meal
wnen we saw the wnoie out til re
turning to their camp nearby.
A gang of them came to our camp
liothcrlng us and trying to get Into
our wagons and steal w hatever they
could lay their hands on. Hungry, as
we were, breakfast was out of the
question. So we concluded to move
on, and one of us stood by the wagons
while the other two went for the cat
tie and started on the road. We had
to pass through their camps and saw
some of the young bucks pitching
horse shoes. We paid no attention to
anything and kept on driving our
teams. But we soon saw rocks com
Ing towards us, At first, but a few
but In a short time they came thicker
and faster and we were obliged to stop
the teams and got them In a row, bo
the cattle and party had some protec
t ion from the Hying rocks. Seeing t he
danger we were in, the old chief, on
horseback and a lance in bis hands,
came (lying before the stone throwers
and drove them luck. 1 can see lilin
yet. llo was terribly excited and the
sweat dripped from his face In Ids ef
fort to drive tho Indians back. Finally
hu camo to us and told us to drive on
and not stop until evening and so
keep out of the reach of his Indians,
which wc did, and a more hungry set
of men than we were when evening
came you never seen.
) ne cause or ineauack on us was
madness for not having met the Sioux
r a big light and they let their spite
ut on us. Is It a wonder that 1 hate
ic Pawnee Indians up to this date?
f it had not been for the kind old
hlef, 1 would not he here today to
write this article.
Cos had Sen I, A I KIC.
efeat Belief ue College After Hard Strug
gle by Score of 10 to 9.
In a swift game Saturday afternoon
the Red Sox's trio of twlrlers proved
to be too much for the Bellevuc col
lege team, who went down to defeat
by a score of 10 toil, after ten Innings
of spirited contest.
With the new twlrler, Magowan, In
the box, the Red Sox team took their
positions and the contest began at 3:30
clock. The tirst man, Craves, for
tellevue, whacked a pretty one over
left Held among the weeds, where
the ball quietly reposed, while the
miner circled the bases, and Urn left
der was frantically searching for
Die truant sphere. No ground rules
lad been agreed upon by the opposing
earns, so thai. Bellevuc was credited
with a run, where it should have been
i safe hit. On account of tins over-
Ight, two more runs were inadi in
le lirst. by I'.ellcvue.
The Red Sox then took a turn at
the stick work Micln and White
landing hits, thai eventually proved
to be a pair of runs to Plattsmouth's
credit before they were retired. Tho
new twlrler for the Red Sox held the
visitors down to one score in tho next
two Innings, when hp was replaced by
Wilklns. The Red Sox by steady stick
work, secured nine runs In the lirst
live Innings, while the visitors had
only five scores. The locals were then
icid down for four innings, while
Bellevuc, by some well directed hits,
coupled with errors, tied the score In
the nint h Inning t.y means of a single
off of (Jraves, who had stowed into
the box when Wilklns retired on ac
count of the excessive heat. In the
same Inning Carmack gave wav to
Fitzgerald at back Mop and the visi
tors were sluil out. The Red Sox
came up to bat, and t wo men were
pui out, when Perry let drive for a
hit. A single by Micln then brought
n the winning run.
Score by Innings:
Bellcvue 3 0 1 0 1 1 2 0 1 0 - !
Red Sox 2 1 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 1-10
Batteries: Bellevuc, Craves and
Papa, lied Sox, Magowan, Wilklns,
(raves, Carmack and Fitzgerald.
Home runs, A. (Jraves, Trent and
Hale. Frrors, Plattsmouth il; Bellc
vue H. Umpire. Mauzv.
Territorial Pioneer Day at the state
fair Is Thursday, Sept. l. Everyone
who located In or was bom In Ne
braska before March 1, lHii7, Is a terri
torial pioneer and is expected to be on
hand. They will meet at the stock
pavllllon at one o'clock, Sept. tl, when
not less than a thousand territorial
settlers should come together to talk
over old times.
There will he a register exclusively
for territorial pioneers at their head
quarters In Fraternity Row.and every
one or them who can come, must not
forget to put his name there.
A fact of great interest to Ne-
braskans is this: The oldest living
white person In what Is now Ne
braska, Is Rev. S. P. Merrill of Squir
rel Island, Me., who dates from July
13, IKK, at Bellevuc. Living at Lin
coln now is perhaps the earliest set
tler still here, In the person of Mrs.
Martha A. Wheeling. She lived a
year on the site of Omaha, and
for five years beginning In 147 was at
The oilice of the Territorial Pioneer
Association is at the Historical Soci
ety rooms, Lincoln.
-The new "Tag" clgari the one
that will pleaso all smokers. Made
only by experienced workmen. (Jive
them a trial.