The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 16, 1906, Image 8

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    The County
Itecs ol General Interest Selected
( V v KIT )
Tli' llavrl. ck band tias t't-i-n enat-'ci
to lay fur the Labor I ay exertiM
ami parade In Lincoln, Sept. 3.
Herman Smith of Nehawka Is visifc
ln the ramlly of S. I. Smith and en
Joying the treat of ths Assembly this
C. V. Klnnery went to Wymore last
Monday and Is working In the 15. k M.
shops. The family will move down
J. V. 1'olk of t'iattsniuuth was In
the city a part of last week visiting
his kIsIt, Mrs. K. T. Wood, and at
tending the Assembly.
W. N. Swct met with an accident
at the shop last Monday which cost
liim the end of one linger. It was
caught under a heavy Iron frame
which they were moving.
Mrs. K. L. Neptune of Sallna, Kan.,
arrived In our city Inst Monday for a
few days' visit with her sister, Mrs.
A. A. llyers. Krom here she will go
to Shelby, Neb., to visit her mother
and will probably stop here again on
her return.
Unnecessary Kkpansa.
Aciiit attacks of colic and diatilint-a
come on without warning and piotopl
relit f must tie obtained. There Is no
necessity of Incurring the cxpeiwcn ol
a pliysiulan's service In such cuscs it
ChuiuitTlaln's Colic, Cholera and li
arihoea Remedy Is it hand. A dose of
this remedy will relieve the pal hit
before a doctor could arrive. It Ui
never been known to fall, even In the
most severe cases and do family should
tie without It. For tale by P. (1
Frlcke & Co., and T. Fried.
(Fron ttie Ki'KlHtrr.)
The date set for the Nehawka Fair
is Thursday and Friday, September 27
and 28. Don't forget it.
Mrs. (eorge L. Sheldon and daugh
ter, Mary, went to Omaha Thursday
to visit friends a few days.
Miss Stella banning returned home
Saturday morning from her trip in
the west. She says she had a very tine
Miss Edith Moon came down from
Ashland Thursday morning to spend
a few days with her friends here be
fore going to the county teachers' in
stitute at Weeping Water next week.
Josh Sutphln has resigned his place
with H. M. Buckley and has gone to
Kagle, where be has accepted a sim
ilar position in a store. His many
friends here were sorry to see him
The Nehawka ball team played the
Avocateamat Weeping Water Wed
nesday and were defeated. Our boys
have been having bad luck recently,
but they must cheer up, as well as
practice up, and perhaps success will
perch upon their banner after awhile.
In Self DaUnsa
MaJ.T llamm, editor and manager of
the Constitutionalist, Eminence, Ky.,
when he was fiercely attacked, four
years ago, by Files, bought a box of
liucklen's Arnica Salve, of which he
says: "It cured me in ten days and
no trouble since." Quickest healer of
Form, Sores, Cuts and Wounds. 25c
at F. G. Frlcke k Co's drug store.
Krotu thf Helicon.
Those of the farmers who are
threshing arc plowing.
Mrs. Henry Snoke, living near Alvo,
Is dangerously sick with cancer of the
A great deal of the wheat and oats
which were In the shock have been
damaged by the wet weather.
A bold wolf invaded tho promises of
J. M. Gardner Wednesday night and
carried on an oni lien winch was
brooding twelve young chicks,
J. W. Staton has been chocked In as
agent at Wabash acaln. He has oni
ployed a Mr. "Josh" Sutphin to take
many style
Short Orders)
Regular Meals j
Our Sp-
If you are hungry we can supply
you with the pick of the market
Sib doer last cf Ctt Co. Bank
troa the Colucns if Contemporaries :
charge of Ms store here. Mr. Sutphln
Is a man of considerable experience In
that line and we hid him welcome to
our city.
Harry Mason has been using a crutch
to get around lately on account of a
sprained ankle, which resulted from a
foot race and general mix-up with an
obstreperous calf.
Everett Morgan met with Mm ml
fortune of having the fibula of his
right leg broken near the ankle Tues
day evening. He has been working on
the farm for Tom Bahr and was milk
ing a cow when the animal Jumped
to one side and stepped on his foot.
He was brought to town and Dr. Dlhel
reduced the fracture and reports him
resting easy.
Stomach Troublaa and Constipation.
No one can reasonably hope for good
digestion when the bowels are consti
pated. Mr. Chas. Baldwin, of Kd
wardsvllle, 111., says: "I suffered from
chronic constipation and stomach
troubles for several years, but, thanks
I" 1'hambcrlaln's Stomach and Liver
'1 a'.iets, am almost cured." Why not
t a package of the tablets and get
m and stuv welly Itice 2Cc. Sam-
l s fee. For sale bf f. G. Frlcke &
nd A. T. Fried.
From the LedRfir.
Joy K. Applegate passed through
here on the 10:12 train yesterday en
route to Mayfleld, Ky., to Join a
theatrical company.
Henry Wolfe, Hank ( ruber and
Herman Applegate departed Monday
evening for the wheat fields of South
Dakota, to spend a few weeks at
O. J. Standley ofl'erucame upTues-
day evening on business connected
with the estates of Delia and Lucy
Lloyd, of which he has been appointed
Mr. and Mrs. John Chalfant have
received notice that they have a tine
new grandson, born August 4th at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. William John
ston in Belle Fourche, S. D.
The fellow who shot through the
front window of our ofllce a few nights
ago is excusable if it is an accident,
but if it was done Intentially he must
be classed where he belongs a coward
that Is afraid to show his hand in day
light. The school board closed contracts a
few days ago with teachers fur the
coming year, the following being se
cured: Frlnclpal, Frof. Edward Ho-
dapp of Humboldt; Miss Daisy Fowler
of Ashland, Intermediate; Miss Nina
Lyndeof Union, primary. Frof. Ho-
dapp and Miss Fowler are highly re
commended as Instructors and discipli
narians and Miss Lynde's work in her
department last year was all that
could be desired, hence we are justi
fied In predicting that the schools will
bo In competent hands again.
Immmw Diarrhoea in Children.
During the hot weather ol the sum
mer months the first unnatural loose
ocssot a child's bowels ahould have
immediate attention, so ai Jo check
we disease before it becomes serious,
All that Is necessaiy Is a f$n doses of
Chambcrlaln'sOolIc, Cholera and Dlar
rhoea Remedy followed by a dose of
castor oil to cleanse the system. Rev.
M. O. Stockland, Pastor of the first M.
E. Cburch, Little Falli, Minn., writes:
"We have used Chamberlain's Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy for severs:
years and find it a very valuable reme
dy, especially for summer disorders In
children." Sold by F. 0. Frlcke Co.,
and A. T. Tried.
A full line of sickles and sections
for all standard mower9. John Bauer,
Kr-m th, Courier.
Tho Louisville public schools
open Monday, September 11.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. NIc Nich
son, a ! pound girl, Aug. !.
John Albert purchased an "m acre
farm oast of town l.vt week of Mrs
Geo. N'oyes.
Mrs. George Frator and twodaugh'
tors returned home from Oklahoma
Wednesday, after a two weeks visit
with her parents. Mrs. Fieter says
they have had some very heavy rains
In Oklahoma and that for miles the
water was running over the railroad
track ana mat mere were many
wrecks and trains were more or loss
It Is strange how nearly alike bridge
contractors can figure on Lass county
bridges and at the same time Sheclcy
Is always a few cents the lowest bid
der, while In certain other counties
where the same contractors bid for
Jobs Sheeley Is above the other fel
lows. It can't be that these contrac
tors are In a pool? The Courier would
; rather believe Mr. Slice ley is o
in love wuti Cassc'iunty ti:at l.e jo-
in.: to c ntint.e to build oi.r b:i Les
even If ho has to d the work f.-r twice
what It is really w-rth.
M. 1'. Wllliaa-s and wife left Tues
day evening for a week's visit in lave-
brouk, WestVa., Mr. WilliarrV old
home. They will visit a few days In
Missouri on their way down ani will
probably come home by the way of
Oklahoma where they will visit their
sons. The Courier Joins with their
many frier.ds in wlshirg them a pleas
ure trip.
Can't look well, eat we'I or fee! well
,ih Impure bk-od feedlrg your b..dy.
rp the blood pure with Muniock
ood Bitten. Eat simply, take
m rcise, keep clean and you wll, i.uva
og life.
Krora the Lender-Kclio,
A ten pound girl arrived at the
home of John Huchholz one day last
Clarence Conrad and wife are re
joicing over the arrival of a son at
their home.
John Hall, son of the late James
Hall, arrived in Elmwood the latter
part of last week. He was unable to
reach here in time to attend his
father's funeral.
Joe Tighe and family departed Wed
nesday for Bancroft, Neb., where
they will visit a short time, after
which Mrs. Tlghe will go to Colorado.
A surgical operation was performed
Sunday, on the little babe of Mr. and
Mrs. Koy Cox of Murdock. At the
present time the child is doing nicely.
Little Miss Marie Rosencrans, who
has been visiting at the J. II. Hall
home for a couple of weeks, left this
week for her home in Flattsmouth,
going via. Lincoln, from which place
her brother, Master Bruce, accom
panied her.
' L. F. Langhorst is a busy man these
days. He is known as the "apple man"
and his "Early Harvest" room on
West D street witnesses many scenes
with the "Dutches" which would
make a "maiden blush."
George Stoehr was a pleasant caller
at this office Wedneday. He brought
in several peaches that measured on
an average of nine and one half inches
in circumference. They were of the
Champion variety and certainly de
served the name In every particular.
The new "Tag" cigar, the one
that will please all smokers. Made
only by experienced workmen. Give
them a trial.
a woman worries until she get
wrinkles, then worries because she
has them. If she takef Holiister's
Rocky Mountain Tea f-ie would have
neither. Bright, smiling face follows
Its use. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets
Geilng & Co., druggists.
No appetlta, loss of ilrenrth, nervous
nasi, hsadacha, constipation, bad breath,
general debility, sour risings, and catarrh
ol ths stomach ara all due to Indigestion.
Kodol cures Indigestion. This new discov
ery represents ths natural Juices e( diges
tion as they exist In a healthy stomach,
combined with the greatest known tonlo
and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure does not only cure Indigestion
and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy
cure all stomach troubles by cleansing,
purifying, sweetening and strengthening
the mucous membranes lining the stomach.
Mr. S. S. Bill ol fUvaniwood, W, W, mjr
I troubled with lour stomach for tw.nt mn,
Kodol curtd m and ara now mini It la nllk
lor baby."
Kodol Digests What Yon Eat
Bottles only. 1 1 .00 Sli noldlnf 24 tlmei lb trial
sl. which Milt for SO cents.
Prepared f a. 0. DeWITT 00., OHIOAMe
GerinK & Co.
Summer time
You want to save your
money to buy your
Coal Yards.
Full Weight Guaranteed
Best Threshing Coal
All Kinds of Feed
Froprletor Flattsmouth
Coal Yards
Comer Third and Main Street
Hell Phone 25 I'lattt Phone 22
Pe-m-na Is a Tonic Especially
Adapted to the Prevention and Re
lief of All Catarrhal Ailments
Due to the Vicissitudes of
Climate and Exposure
Experienced by the
An Old Soldier's Praise.
Mr. F. R. Cox, Center Oak, Pa., writ :
"I was taktn with hemorrhages of the
stomach and bad from one to three a
"The doctors aald my stomach could
Hot be cured, and It was only a question
of how aoon one of these spells would
kill me, and X was glTca cp several
times, as they had do hopes for me.
"1 finally wrote to you, and yon aald
If It was not acancerora tumor, Teruna
would cure me.
"I commenced taking Peruna right
away, and have never had one of those
spells since.
"I am an old soldier, one of Thll Sheri
dan's Rough Riders, and pretty nearly
played out now, but I have a pretty
good stomach again."
Assistant War Correspondent Rec
ommends Pe-ru-na.
Mr. IT. B. Manley, Assistant War Cor
respondent during the war In China,
care "Black and White," 688 Craig St.,
Montreal, Canada, writes :
"When a man travels In extremely hot
or cold climates, he realizes how valua
ble a friend be tas if he carries a bottle
of Peruna.
"1 know ef no article in my traveling
outfit which I have learned to praise
"If yon are suffering with the ex
treme heat, Peruna restores you, or if
you are afflicted with a cold, la grippe
or bronchitis, Peruna restore yon in a
hort time.
"Or if yon suffer with sleeplessness or
tf your appetite is poor, again Peruna
acts aa a good, true friend and is the
tonic needed.
"I have tried it for month and am
only too glad to acknowledge it aa a
true, loyal atandby in times of trouble.
1 do not hesitate to recommend it to all."
1. T. Markland, a well-known bnsl
nes man of Cincinnati, O., address R. R.
No. 1, Mt. Washington, Ohio, writes:
"I And that in my case Pernna In a
flesh builder. I
Able to Work At the
Ale of Seventy
Three Years.
am now at work
every day, and
have gained ten
pounds. 1 took your Peruna according
todircctiona and the result was more than
I expected. 1 took no other medicine but
Peruna, and it accomplished all. Yon
told me in your first letter that yon
thought Peruna would cure me and It
nas. I am seventy-three years old and
an attend to aj boslntM as usual."
He Gets in His Work in Nebraska City,
Beatrice and Grand Island.
The authorities here have been noti
fied to keep their eyes "peeled" for a
fornpr giving his name as F. W. Wil
son, who seems to be getting In his
work principally at the hotels.
A few days since this same fellow
presented a draft for some eighty odd
dollars at the Watson House In Ne
braska City, which was cashed by the
proprietor. The draft was on one of
the big banks of New York, and it was
a few days after the occurrence ere
the landlord found out that he had
cashed a forced draft. Now comes
the word from Beatrice and Grand ls
land that a fellow answering the de
scrlptlon given of Wilson, had played
the same trick on hotels in each of
these cities and for s) at each place
Wilson claimed to be a traveling
representative of a manufacturing con
cernat Crawfordsville, Indiana, and
Is a good dresser, tine appearing and a
very smooth talker. At least he seems
to be smooth enough to "take In" some
of the best landlords in Nebraska.
The offlcers of Council HtufTs last
Thursday arrested a traveling man
named F. A. Wilson, who was suppos
ed to be the man wanted. He was
drunk at the time, but after recover
ing from the effects of the liquor he
proved that lie was not the fellow
wanted and was released.
Wilson must indeed be a smooth
talker to work his game w ithout ldcn
tlticatlon, as seems to he the case in
each of the above cases. Business men
don't usually cash drafts without some
pronf that a man presenting the same
is O. K. and especially one they have
never seen before. However, It Is but
a question of time when the draft fur
ger will be caught, as the authorities
In all cities have been advised of his
adroitness, with a full description of
the fellow.
The End of the World
or i ii. ol... s that robbed E. II. W..lfe
i.t li.'nr Urove, la., of all usrfuu.e.vs
c iu'n he began taking Elect ilc
H-"irs. He writes: "Two years g(
K .li.ry trouble caused me great suffer
inn, hlch I would never have stir
vivfd had I not taken Electric Hitters
Tn.-y also cured me of General Iebll
lt." Sure cure for all Stomach, Llvei
si. ! Kidney cotr plaints. Blood diseases
INst'lache, Diuloess and Weakness or
b-niiiy decline. Price 60c. Guaran
Utd by F. G. rrlcke A Co., druggists.
His Great Faith In Peruna.
. . X ., .WSVWywV f ; : v v y y .$..v?
Gallant Porto Rican Soldier
Col. Arthur L. Hamilton, of the
250 Goodale St., Columbus, O., as follows:
'BetldcM having the merit of Peruna fully demonstrated la my tarn
lly, I have a number ot trlenda who bava taken It for catarrh and atom
ach trouble and all unite la praising It Aa a remedy for catarrh, I can
fully recommend It. "
In a later letter to Dr. Hartman, Col. Hamilton writes :
" My command uaed your Peruna during our service In the Spanish
American War and I will aay this, that It the War Department records are
consulted, It will be found that the casualltles In my regiment were less
than In any other regiment of the Army Corps while at Camps Alger,
Meade and Busbnell. The total deatha In my regiment, during the seven
months service, were seven out ot a total number of 1400. I, ot course,
cannot help but think that Peruna certainly waa a great benefit to my
command." 4
In a recent letter, Col. Hamilton says :
" have used Peruna mvuelt and In mv tmmii k. i... ...... ......
have already written you about the
........ w.r wunig me jprnaimwrnnencaa
In old age the mucous membranes be
come thickened and partly lose their
This leads to partial loss ot hearing,
smell and taste, as well as digestive dis
turbances. Peruna corrects all this by its efficient
operation on all the mucous membranes
of the body.
One bAttle will convince anyone. Once
used and Peruna becomes a life-long
stand-by with old and young.
For free medical advice, address Dr.
ft. II. Hartman, President of The Hart
man Sanitarium, Columbus, O. All cor
respondence held atrlctly confidential.
Strength to Weak Men
Tf vnrld ttimlna men viroare ftrmiK in rhrvlfftl.
mtntal and nerve f uni mtn of ambilinn, enerirT n4
Iwnuiift! iuat.:r-tlfm; Ui true trpe ( perfect niAiiUood.
To tuiu tli It the flret rejiilIM ! goud. faultily
Htm: hloh irlre rru'lly for fu 1 1 development.
PIFFER S NCRVtOOR mullet Siren. Calm HOTH,
Curei Ninm Oekllltr. Palllnl SUmerr, Vital Weak,
aaaa. Prattratien. Slaeplaeenaea and oilier trouuleadmi
to oter work, worry, viiioklliir . or vtctoua halilta.
Plane rn n. nrauiiy moou ana reira waaleu nervea.
V-ionllv y.MHl fur women. Honklrt free.
Trlt'e ii mi a Ihii. mi f..rK.m. iwtnaiil. wltll a luar.
anlee to refund. If nnl niwl or lienehteil.
nmn pcoical association, ghicaoo. u. a. k
A lazy liver leads to chronic dyspep
sia and constipation weakens the
whole system. Ioan's Regulets (25c
per box) correct the liver, tone the
stomach, cure constipation.
A Myetevy Solved.
"How to keep off periodic attacks of
!"!,. unless and habitual constipation
w is n mystery that Dr. King's New
I it- ivis solved for me," writes John
N I'M iisant, of Magnolia, Ind. The
ml i. .iiis that are guaranteed tonlve
I- ''.el satisfaction to everybody or
v tefnnded. Only Sfio at F. (aV
.c& Co's d run store
"Last Fall," writes Airs. S. G. Bailey, of Tun
nelton, W. Va., "I was going down by inches,
from female disease, with great rain. After tak
ing Cardui, Ohl My I Howl was benefited! I
am not well yet, but am so much better that I will
keep on taking Wine of Cardui till I am perfectly
Despite the envious attacks of jealous enemies
and rivals, Cardui still holds supreme position
today as in the past 70 years for the relief and
cure of female diseases. It stops pain, tones up
the organs, regulates
the functions, and aids
in the replacement of
a misplaced organ.
At Every Drug Store in $1.00 Bottles.
Gives Praise to Pe ru na.
Seventh Ohio Vol nntprfl rrttia from
good results I experienced with your
Mr. Fred Derseweh, Ridgetop, Tenn.,
"We have been nsins Peruna for rive
years. I believe that it Is the best med
icine that I know of.
"I and my wife and onr thirteen chil
dren do not need any doctor, since w
use Peruna."
Pe-ru-na Contains No Narcotics.
One reason why Peruna has found
permanent use in so many homes is that
it contains no narcotic of any kind.
Peruna has no bad effect upon the
system, and gradually eliminates ca
tarrh by removing the cause of the
Don't allow money to lie around,
is easier to spend it and easier
to lose it
b keeping it in a safe place such as
The BanH of Cass County
Capital Stock .r)0,000, Surplus 115,000
Clms. C. Piimiele, Fres., .laeobTrltscli, V-P.
T. M, Fntti-rson. ChsIi.
You can nive a check for any part cf
It at any time and so have a receipt
for payment without asking for one.
When you have a bank account you
will be anxious to add to it rather than
spend from it. Don't you want to
know more about it.
Writ in s lellar detrriblaf all
your vmpiom, anj will enj you
hrea Ajvict, In plain neile J envelope.
Adjre: LaJi AJvlory Iieparlraenl,
The LlnMirnx'ia Mediant Co., Chatta
noof a, Tenn.