The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 16, 1906, Image 7

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    Icoal advertisements.
TN T!!r Ci'!'NTY('nn;T(T( A-(V
iv. N-i-ra.a. In !!. tuaivr i I i e
f 1 r 1 1. 1. :. v .'. All is.rt:., Ii
ivt-.i in u;ii --i an-..f !' r I f'n. .,v.
.ta!e I
nr- I
lis. a
uii- m iciiy ti.n:t,.( ilru a f.n:: .: I Ii ;i:.-i?i :ll
lie IIUiV l:y tl.e ntlllli rit I itt . t" . f Mlslf of
Ivti r Ivti is, cd'i-iM'il .111 ih ,lav ( Au-tfi-l.
I!s. Kt M .t'i'lo'k a. in. al ll,e row ly
courtroom Kt riiuiMmmili, ( ni.s rumuy, V
tirnika. Alliartliti InnivMeil hi Milil elale
atv n-Mlinl I.) nii ur hi unl lime ami lila.'e
ami maLcoiije-iiiir, to tlie ivim of xald aii
niini' if ui:.v ll ey liavi', on or liefure
nine o Vim k a. ir, oNniil ilnv.
County J uil:e.
In County Court of Cas County. Nebraska.
In Die mutter of tlietxlate of Vanillin U
While, dfveaseil. All parties iMercstcJ In tlie
estate of ManiuU L. White, ilcraMHl. are
hereliy iiotitieii Dial a hearing will I had un
the J4ih (lay of Auirust, at 10 o'clock a. in.
at the County Court Kooin. on tlie claim of
Cliailin Kennedy, tiled atialiwt said estate.
Hahvkt U. Tkavih.
(AI..) County J mine.
The Ceimjtic A::e:.i;jj i.i L!r.:c!n
YestErdai tlie Largest ii tit
History cf the State
(Bj 0. A. Lets.)
Corrected weekly by Martin & Too!,
who pay the highest prices for produce
and guarantee satisfaction:
Butter 13c
Krpi 10c
Hens 7c
HprlUKS lie
Cream So. 1. ITc: No: 2. 13c
Hoes t5.l to ti.35
Cuttle II. U) tunlluu
Corn 33uDd 40c
Wheat W':
Oats Stic
Rock Island Timk Taklk.
Murdock Station.
No. 41, mail H:l.r) a. m.
No. 75, local 8:55 a. m.
No. 5. mail 3:00 p. m.
No. 37, mail 5:47 p. m.
No. 90,, freight 12:30 a. m.
No. 38, mail 10:55 a. m.
No. 76, Local 1:14 p. m.
No. B, mail '. 2:35 p. m.
Ashton C. Stiatlenberger is His
and For Two Terms He Wasi
Member of Congress.
Miss Carrie Wurts is on the sick list
Emil Lau's baby is very sick this
Jacob Goehry, jr., is laid up for re
It. E. Neitzel came lo Monday from
Mrs. P. S. Crink is visiting abroad
this week.
Chas. Pankonin left for his home
Henry Gakemeier and wife were at
Omaha Tuesday.
Miss Bertha1 Goehry returned to
Louisville Monday.
Lewis llornbeck was sent to Lincoln
to a hospital Monday.
Miss Maude Gorsage returned from
South Auburn Friday.
Mis. Austin and daughter of Wabash
Sundayed in Murdock.
Georee Utt and family visited rela
lives at Milford Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Guthman are visiting
at H. R. Neitzel's this week.
A. A. Wallinger and Geo. wallinger
were in our burg Wednesday.
Martin & Tool shipped their fifth
car load of apples Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Miller are visit
ing at Pierce, Neb., this week.
Grandpa Lau and Miss Alice Lau
were Omaba passengers Friday.
Mrs. Eaton and son of Papillion,
visited at Mrs. Lake's this week.
Misses Wonda and Opal Besack left
for their home at Stratton Friday.
A. J. Tool and wife returned home
Saturday from their trip to Denver.
Miss Martha Kuehn is nursing a
felon on one of her fingers this week.
Dave Rager pulled in from Kansas
Friday for a weeks visit with relatives.
August Panska Is suffering from a
case of blood poison in one of his hands.
II. A. Tool and wife returned from
their trip to the Windy City Saturday
Dr. J. M. Neely of Elm wood has
been making professional calls In Mur
dock this week.
II. R. NelUel and wife and Miss
Guthman left for a two weeks visit at
Denver Tuesday.
Mrs. John Glaubitzof Nellgh, Neb.,
was visiting relatives here the fore
part of the week.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Monroe
Friday, August 10th, a thirteen and a
half pound baby girl.
A small group of wandering, Sal
vationists visited this burg last week
and gave us a free concert.
(). W. Gillispie bought a house of
Geo. Gramlich, and he will move it on
his lots In the near future.
Miss Tillle Schccl went to Lincoln
Friday evening and expects to stay
there for a couple uf months.
Geo. A. Leis, J. G. Funk, K. II.
Goehry and J. R. Goehry visited lady
friends in Ashland Sunday evening.
Miss Sophia Welshelt was taken to
an Omaha hospital Friday where she
will undergo an operation for appendi
citis. Gus Sohlueter returned from Omaha
Saturday, where he has been under
going treatment for sore eyes at the
hand9 of Dr. Bickncll.
While playing with a rltlc last Fri
day, Julius Relnke's little boy accl-
dently shot one of his sisters In the
back of the head which we are glad to
oto was not serious.
Democratic State Ticket
AsUTOM C. Sll ALLEN 1'. KKHKlt, (if
Alma, for governor.
William II. Green, of Crelghton,
for lieutenant governor.
Caiii. R. Gouchek, of Wahoo for
secretary of state.
Euank C. Hancock, of Hastings,
for treasurer.
Ed. II. Lv IE 11 art, of Tilden, for
Pnor". Watson, of Cherry county,
for superintendent of public instruc
Lylk Abbott, of Omaha, for attor
ney general.
One of the largest state democratic
conventions that ever assembled in the
history of Nebraska was that held In
Lincoln yesterday, and it was with
great pride that a former Cass county
boy presided over the deliberations of
that great body of democrats in the
person of Judge C. M. Skiles of Butler
county, and his speech of acceptance
was one of the finest ever delivered be'
fore a body of that character, and dur
leg its delivery he was frequently
applauded by the great democratic
masses there assembled. The conven
tion continued in session only a few
hours when they adjourned to 7:30 in
the evening.
On reassembling in the evening the
committee on resolutions were not yet
ready to report, and the convention
learning that Lieutenant Richard 1
Hobson, of Merrimec fame was present,
he was called on for an address. He
had simply stopped in Lincon while
passing through to meet some of his
lecture engagements. He had also re
celved the news that he had been
nominated for congress in his home
district in Alabama, and he was In fine
shape for speech making. Mr. Dobson
has a fine voice and being a gentleman
of high education he was listened to
with great Interest.
After which nominations were in
order, and that of governor being the
first on the program. Three candi
dates were placed before the conven
tlon-Berge, Shallenberger and Thomp
son, but the latter gentleman declined
to be a candidate, and in spite of bis
declination some of his friends voted
for him anyhow. After the roll call of
counties it was seen that Mr. Shallen
berger had received a majority of the
votes cast and was declared the nom
nee amid great enthusiasm. The
other nominations as appears at the
head of this article were then nomi
nated, and that state superintendent
of schools was the last nomination
made at 5 o'clock this morning when
the (convention adjourned to confer
with the populists in regard to the
balance of the ticket.
The democratic candidate for g over
nor, Hon. Ashton C. Shallenberger
was called for and made a most power
ful address. While he was thus en
gaged Hon. George V. Berge was ad
dressing the populist convention, and
the writer was present when lie was
so engaged. He encouraged his popu
list friends to vote and work for the
succefsof Mr. Shalleuberger, stating
that two years ago Mr. Shallenberger
had worked hard for his election, and
that he was going to return the favor
by working just as hard for the elec
tion of the democratic candidate. Mr
Berge '8 speech had much to do In
pacifying a sentiment in the populist
convention that seemed Inclined
4- W. D. Wheeler, Flattsxouth
5 Dan Begley, Papillion
; n. d.w.'.n. go . n gers, n. :.
Flat.arty, Oxa':i.
Tin'i. SulliVail, J.ICaV'11.
'.o-I'aii V SWpl.eiis, Fremont.
11 - Douglas Cent's, Pierce
12-Patriok F.. McKillip. Humphrey.
U-Arthur F. Mullen, O'Neill.
14- J. D. Scott, KishvUle.
15- Rutit. W. Fleming, Berwyn.
It; A. E. Waldron, Kearney.
17-F. Paseski, St. Paul.
1S-J. V. Sparks, Central City,
la Geo. Dobson, Ulysses.
21 J. Buck, Crete
2tl O. F. Campbell, Upton.
2s Martin D. Harlan, Orleans
2')-Sam'l Patterson, Arapahoe.
It is quite likely that a fusion will
be accomplished today by conceding to
the populists the balance of the nomi
Congressional Nomination.
The congressional conventional cou-
entlon met at 11 a. m. and named a
ery able and must popular candidate
for congress In the person of Thomas
Doyle, of Lincoln. The nominee in
accepting the nomination demonstra
ted that the democrats made no mis
take in placing Mr. Doyle before the
voters of the First district to oppose
Easy Money" Pollard, and In case he
Is elected will most assuredly look af
ter the Interests of his constituents in
such a manner as to cause the people
to respect him as their representative
in the lower house of the national con
gress, and without the disgrace of hav
ing the stigma "Salary Grabber'' at
tached to his name.
nominate Mr.
for governor.
Berge or someone else
Ashton C. Shallenberger
was born In Toulon, Stark county, III
iuois, in He received his educa
tion in the common schools or his town
and at the University of Illinois. He
moved to Nebraska in 18l locating
Polk county, and in I: moved to Al
ma, lianan county, mere lie en
gaged in banking and stock raising.
In IS.)" he was elected democratic
member of tlio Nebraska bl-mctalllc
leagc and was temporary chairman of
the democratic state convention. He
was elected to the Fifty-ninth con
gress, being the candidate cf the entire
fusion party In the Fifth district, de
featlng W. S. Morlan by only 40ii votes
He was defeated by G. W. Norrls.
The following Is the state central
committee selected by senatorial dis
tricts: T. S. Allen, Lincoln, chairman.
Herbert S. Daniels, Omaha, secre
tary. 1 II. C. Davis
3 C. N. Ilubner, Nebraska City.
Mij Han
Extra Long
Feed your hair; nourish it;
give it something to live on.
Then it will stop falling, and
will grow long and heavy.
Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only
genuine hair-food you can
buy. It gives new life to the
hair bulbs. You save what
hair you have, and get more,
too. And it keeps the scalp
clean and healthy.
The brat kind ol a trttlmonial
"Bold for or aiaty Tear."
Mad bf 1. 0. Afr Co., l.owtnl. Urn
Thomas J. Doyle
democratic nominee for congress from
the first district, was born in lsX in
Green county Tennessee. He was ed
located at Knox St. Mary's college at
Emmettsburg, M. D., and was admit
ted to the bar at Greenville, Tenn., in
1881. He practiced law two years at
Marlon, Va. He came to Greeley Co.,
Neb., in 1S4, and practiced law there
until ls7 when he removed to Lincoln
where he has lived ever since. He has
continued the practice of law, being
for several years a partner of George
W. Berge. He has never held office,
but twice ran for district judge while
in Greeley county. The last time, in
1 !!.;, he was defeated by a majority of
only fifty-seven votes.
The congressional committee is com
posed of the following gentlemen from
the various counties of the district:
Cass M. A. Bates.
Nemaha H. L. Feistner.
Lancaster Samuel Hinkle
Otoe-R. II. Miller.
Pawnee J. K. Henninger.
Richardson W. H. Crooks.
Johnson J. B. Douglas.
The Platform.
The platform adopted is as follows:
"We, the democrats of the First
congtessional district assembled in
convention, reatllrm the principles set
forth and advocated by that great dem
ocratic leader, W. J. Bryan, who has
been recognized by all the nations of
the world as the greatest statesman
"We favor an interstate commerce
commission clothed with ample power
to fix rates, settle grievances, enforce
its decrees and protect the interestsof
the most humble citl.en against the
blighting power of discrimination.
We denounce as destructive of
American progress the fostering of
laws made for the enrichment of the
few at the expense of the many de'
nounce all legislation having for Its
purpose the building of a monoyed
aristrocracy and pledge ourselves to
labor earnestly for legislation which
will give to every citizen an equal op
portunity in the race of life, recogniz
inp no superiority save that of merit
"We denounce all salary grabbers as
unfaithful to duty, setting anexample
of dishonesty which has an unwhole
some lniluence; directly In conflict
with the spirit of Justice and reform
We recognize In the final analysis' we
must look alone to the integrity and
manhood of our representatives for
all true reform.
"We recognize in labor the founda
tion of all wealth, the material achieve
rnents of our nation are but the
triumphs of the milllonsof honest toil
crs. We favor legislation which will
give to the laborer Just recompense
and the power of arbitrating grlev
ances between capital and labor by an
unbiased tribunal.
"We take pride In the fact that ou
district possesses the highest degree of
literacy of any In the United States
and merits representation In congress
which will portray our high standard
of intellectuality and pledge ourselves
to furnish such a representation and
that his light shall not be placed un
der a bushel.
"We condemn tho national republl
can congressional committee's method
of deception and sham reform In try'
Ing to deceive the people by a onc-dol
popular contribution plan, when the
party refused to pass a law at the last
session of congress, as passed by the
United States senate, forbidding con
tributlons to political parties from
corporations and trusts, and bellcv
their sincerity could be better shown
It they would Inaugurate a dollar con
trlbutlon fund to put back iDto the re
serve funds of the many Insurance
companies the money set aside for the
protection of widows anil orphans and
unlawfully used to keep the republi
cans in power.
We declare that the tarlll law en
acted by a republican congress Is the
mother of trusts, and that the demo
cratic party of this congressional dis
trict is absolutely committed to a just I
revision of the tariff.
"That common carriers, having gone
beyond the purposes of their creation
for mercenary purposes, to control
caucuses, conventions, leglslaturesand
other orliclals, should be put out of
such work. That using the pass sys
tem as Incubators to hatch out their
political roustabouts to do such work,
and as brooders to maintain them, the
whole system shauld be destroyed and
all manner of reduction of rates of
transportation to Individuals, (except
employes and objects of charity), be
low what Is charged the public gener
ally, should be completely abolished,
and the giving or taking of such re
duced rate of transportation should be
made criminal and subject to penalty.
We would take from the few the free
pass and give to all a two-cent fare."
; r .
: O ( J fW: .n -
Hundreds cf Plattsmouth Readers Find
Daily Toil a Burden.
The hustle and worry of business
men, the hard work ana stooping oi
workmen, the woman s household
cares, are too great a strain on the
kidneys. Backache, headache, side-
ache, kidney troubles, urinary troubles
follow. A Plattsmouth citizen tells
you how to cure them all.
P. M. Lindsay, living on Marble
street, between Sixth and Seventh
streets, Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "Off
and on for about two years I have had
pain in my back and at times was
much annoyed on account of it.
While at work being on my feet most
of the time, It was then that the dull
persistent aching distressed me. I
bad reason to believe that the trouble
was owing to a disturbed condition of
the kidneys and though I tried several
kidney remedies, I derived no benefit
until I was told of Doan's Kidney Pills
and got a box at Gering - Co.'s drug
store. The results obtained from its
use proved to me that it was just the
remedy and 1 got a second box. Im-
provemeng followed Its use and to
that extent that I can unhesitatingly
ane with pleasure endorse the claims
made for Doan's Kidney Pills."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50c.
Foster-Milburn Cx, Buffalo, N. Y.,
sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Ton can see the poison Flne-ules
lean out of the kidneys and bladder.
iloRle dose at bedtime will show
you stare poison upon rising the next
ruing than can be expelled from
the system la any other way. Pine
olea dissolve the Impurities aai lubri
cate tty kltrnejs. Guaranteed to give
satisfaction or money refunded. 30
days treatment 11.00. Sold by fterlng
A Ca.'i dm? store.
(Suei'hi! Cnrr"U' indent. )
Rosa l'eters Is visiting
secured a pi sition
Wm. Thlele ha
at Berlin.
John Smith was at Omaha the
of the week.
I.O. (). F. picnic at Avoca August
2:. Attend.
Geo. Durham returned last week
from Betrand.
A red hot ball game Is booked for
the Odd Fellows picnic.
The I. (). ). F. lodge of Avoca will
hold their annual picnic on August
We Give Special Attention
to icj air w..i k d ii n,,: t t.r natural
ly '.111, I ll,i Hit I lH (if VIIIMI.rr. if i Oil
art' going to de uwny for a week or
two it is a gi'iiil id' a to li'ave your
clock ami Iravo It w:l!i us. We can
clean It up au:l put. it in good slutpi
and by keeping it here a while can
net It perfectly regulated. The
way to keep a good clock perma
nently good Is to Imve the delicate
mechanism denned and adjusted
iH'caslonally. Our charges are low
and we do the work right.
John W. Crabill
Kroehler & Kroehler
In selecting your spring needs, please bear in mind that
we carry a complete line of Builders' Material
in the Hardware Lino. Also,
and the old
Buck's Stoves
and Ranges
We do all kinds of Roofing, Repairing anil Spouting. Call and see us.
" ae '
Do Away with that
The Kodak Tank;Devcloper is used as shown above
the film being wound on the special spool while in the
dark box, dropped into the developer and at the end of
20 minutes is fully developed. No dark room, no crank
ing, no stained fingers. Could anything be simpler?
Call and examine it. Absolutely guaranteed. l'rioelro.OO
We also carry a line of plate cameras of high quality.
2!. Many line attractions have been
booked, and a large crowd is expected.
Mrs. P. Is spending a few
days with Bertrand relatives.
Mrs. Robert Wilkinson and children
of Dunbar are visiting In Avoca.
C. M. Rowland and J. A. Dimmick
were Weeping Water visitors Tuesday.
Mrs. .1. B. Frey of Douglas, Is visit
ing her parents Mr. and Mrs. lien.
A large number of Avoca people at
tended the reunion at Weeping Water
last week.
William and Edward Morley are en
joying a visit from a sister who resides
in California.
Mrs. Henry Wcstlake and children
of Murdock, were visiting at the home
of Geo. Hccbner Saturday.
The Avoca ball team defeated Ne
hawka at Weeping Water during the
reunion by a score of to 2.
The old time method ot purging the
system with Carthartics that tear,
gripe, grind and break down tlte walls
of the stomach and Intestines l.ssuper
seded by Dade's Little Liver Pills.
They cleanse the liver, and instead ef
weakening, build up, and strengthen
the whole system. Relieve headache,
biliousness, const I ph Hon, etc. They
never gripe. Sold by Gering h Co.'s
rlriiu store.
One advantage a horse has over a
man, It never wilts its collar. Still
there are other compensations In
being a man, especially If you arc a
stylish and comfortably dressed one.
Have you seen the latest tiling in
low cut collars, t bat leave the neck
free and coor.' We have your size,
no matter how large that may be.
We lit you out In warm weather
furnishings from a feather-weight
straw hat to gaue hose.
Department Store
Sold st CURING A CO S. Druq Store
, The medicinal tlrto of the erode gumi sod reetos
obtained from the native Pin, bav, been recojnlied
. by the medical erofeuion for centuries. Pine-ale,
Contain the virtues of the native Pin, that are of value In relict
log Backache, Kidney, Blood.Biadder tod Rheumatic Troubles.