The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 16, 1906, Image 5

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One Quart of Liauid Coal makes One Barrel Medicine or Lice Killer n
The Process
of maklnj LIQUID KOAL requires three dirs the i
process ct reduction requires 350 decrees ttf heat. ,
This Compound
etubraces every Germicide, Antlceptie nod Dlsln- i
fectant found In coal, treated cberolcallv with an il- !
kalln base until every object lonahle Texture Is elirab
inated, being non-poisonous and harmless j
Liquid Toa
Is made from t - p firnVi'ih: flVi v"'r :.
creisote, wliii'l' i",v,"",f e'S' I1'' "i'v ""- r-'r ('nt.
liquid gases; V.': r-'r oenf enfr Suspended In
these Is sulphur, borax, naphthol and other remedial
LTQriP KOAL I c-nranteed at least ?l percent,
stronger in ant Ice? tic and germicide acents than any
preparation of similar rature on the market,
Liquid Koal
Is a Mirk, oily liipiid. Liquid Koal Is a liquid soap
and will f'rm a perfect emulsion with water.
Liquid Koal
USED AS LICK KII.M'.IV - When dlluteii with wa
ter in the proportion of one part Liquid Koal to fifty Is the best llco killer on the market.
It Is not expensive liecauso It forms a perfectcmul
slon with water when mixed In this proportion.
Use Llijuld Koal to destroy parasites on the outsldo.
Use Liquid Koal to destroy parasites on tho Inside.
Liquid Koal
Is endorsed hy the leading veterlnaries of tho Uni
ted States and by many of tho state agricultural col
leges and many Vf the experimental stations which
are conducted by the government.
ftfPnn Ml Th hoc U mnr Infeeted with Intestlrnl s
m m v -
(vniiiw i4Wi
thsn any
1 other domestic animal. T' " worms n- c -1 d bv irr pure
"f.uminulatlons along the Intestinal track and generall? produced by poorly n'vosted f- Tu rnttire of the
and b. manner of eatlott render him triore susceptible to Intestinal -oruis th" r-- on er amal.
'"nder ,he present domesticated conditions he Is not allowed to use bis natural Instincts t' i '.. Hn the nee-tssir-
lements that would destroy these intestinal parasites. Reire shut up In a pen he I not allowed to
follow the Instlnctj of his nature. The hog that Is wormy can neither grow nor thrive for the reason that
the worms destroy all tho effects of nutrition furnished In the food.
from their formation and rnul-
tipuvation. Liquid koal
put Into the drinking water in the proportion of one quart to one barrel and
en thera twice a week will destroy all Intestinal worms and keep them free
Something You Ought to Know!
A parasite is an organism, durinir its llfp, lives within or on ti e surface t.f an ani
mal for the purpose of existence, and from which It ipcpIvfs Its nutrition snd nourish,
ment. The state cr c rdit Ion in which the animal is kept either hasten or retard
their multiplicatii ti. They are injurious hi at least- three "ays:
-As direct agents of loss from animal economy.
-As carriers of fMher forms of tiaraiti-.
-As carriers of the micro-organisms of infectious
I wn h rk R O H n 1 a free perm disease, the germ br'og first found In the
nwjj VllOBCla alimentary canal and as long as It Is confined in that or
can It Is comparatively harmless. When, however, It penet rates to tho limns, liver and
othrrtrgans It causes fermentation and destruction of live tissues, furnishing food upon
which it thrives and multiplies with wonderful rapidity, In some cases a generation an
hour, causing death to an animal before the owner has discovered that it was diseased.
Thus, through reasoning, two facts si anil out clearly: First, that hop cholera cannot he
treated successfully unless treatment is begun he fore the germ has reached the period of
rapid multiplication. Second, that a germicide must he administered, ami therein lies
the whole secret. As we no through tho list, of germicides, we are compelled to reject
them all, either for Inetllcieney or Inadaptability until we reach LIOJ'l I KOAL.
LIST OF DISeIsES LIQu'dKOaI CUREs" " j Liquid Koal Act, a, Appetizer and Vitalize, Gresbao, Nob. 4-2-02-"I have bought a second pal- Why not choose L1QIM M KOA L? I t Is the only
u uit.o u.v.u P.V.MU v-u , m ,tMtitt I Ion of Liquid Koal and am satisfied I saved three big known germicide that will pass through thestomach
Hoir cholera, lung worm, swine plague, intestinal ( o disease t'errn can escape It, that is t ic reason ic hogs aler lllfy wero (lown by a(lmnslprIU, ta. ,,to the Intestines and from there Into the blood,
worms, cow cholera, tuberculosis, anthrax, blackleir, curPS' vv,'en thc urra ls p'"e ttie (Iisease ls Bnc- blcspoonful S. R. l'mt.urs. permeatlnir the nUro system, and still retain Its
cornstalk disease, abortion in cows, Texas fever, pole THmont, S. I). "I used L. K. for hojj cholera and ! Sheldon, la., ll-29 01-"rve used Ll.juld Koal for Rormlcidal properties. It Is a compound embracing
evil, chicken cholera, roup, thrush, lock jaw, blind- ' all rijrht. It cured my hos. 1 had three sick j chicken lice and found after one application to tho every practical cermiclde, antlceptlc and dlslnfec
staccers, colic, glanders, distemper, pink eye, inrlu- and they all cot well and done line. I also used rousts all lice were gone." Husky icticu. tant property found In coal, treated chemically wlUi
enza, foot-rot, tape-worm, lung fever, inflammation i it ;'or chicken lice and mites and It Is all you claim j:,oo deposited In the Union Hank atShcldon, Lv, to an alkalln base, until every objectlonahlo foature Is
of bowels, catarrh, farcy, mange, hots, scours, nasal J for it. It Is the only medicine for hoc cholera, I he paid anyone flndlnc any testimonials wo publish eliminated, being non-polsonous and harmless to an
gleet, scratches. j think " Goti.k.ib Jkiikk. from time to time are not genuine. Imal economy.
q teaches that, no medicine ever healed a wound, that some form of germ; else, if allowed to run, some form of germ corapllca- hog's stomach could not generate that amount of heat without becoming
wCICllCC nature performs the nealioc process and medicine tionsetsln. The peculiarity of Liquid Koal and Its superiority over all roast pork, seasoned with fired germs.
can only assist nature in doing her work, not only In healing wounds, but other germicidal agents Is that while it ts harmless to animal life it para- We would also call tho readers attention to the fact that tbe gatrlc
In throwing off diseases. Those versed In medicine are aware that three- lyzes and destroys all forms of germ life, Including hoc cholera, black leg, Juice of the stomach being an acid and alkali Is required as a neutrallzer
fourths of tbe money spent for medicine Is virtually thrown away, either glanders and many forms of the so-called Incurable diseases. when tho acid too strongly predominates, as In the caso of hog cholera,
because of Improper use or the purchase of the Improper article. Hut in It contains Creesol and Qulacol. It is these Hydro Carbon compounds In addition It would bo expensive, as the owner of tho animal would b
purchasing Liquid Koal from any of our dealers you take no chances. If found in Bmoke that cures a ham, destroying, by its germicidal properties purchasing six dollars' worth cf Liquid Koal.
for any reason It does not treat successfully the above list of diseases, just all forms of cerm life.
go back to the dealer and get the price you paid. There will be no qucs- The reader may ask, If these properties come from coal why not use I Sfiif? IConl ' lQ k'cncral uso by vctermary Rur(-'01'
tlons asked. We stand the loss and It costs the dealer nothlnc. coal? The answer is, because coal ields these properties only by distllla- UIMUIU IXWCil throughout the wholo country, embracing a
Nine-tenths of all diseases of man or beast either have their origin In tion at about 350 decrees of heat, and It Is reasonable to assume that a wider range of use than any other preparation known to science.
LIQUID KOAL is manufactured by the NATIONAL MEDICAL CO., E. L. RarraRer. President. Capital (
Branches: Minneapolis, Minn.; Glendive, Mont.; Lewiston, Idaho; York, Neb.; and Oklahoma
HOLMES & SMITH, Mynarrj, Neb.
)ne'Ouarter Million. Principal office, Sheldon, Iowa.
City, Okla. For sale and guaranteed by
J, V, EGENBERGER, Plallsmoatli, fish.
B, A, ROOT, Murray, Neb. q
Jir-. ... KnWiWiliWIII
Are You Looking tor Bargains?
Great Water
Damage Sale
A Wealth of Bargain Opportunities
the like of which has nerer before bten offered in the
history of Western merchandising.
A general remodeling of our entire atore ls now under war la I
preparation for our Fall opening and the permanent occupation of
our new building on Douglas street tad before tbls time
Every Dollars Worth of Goods Must Go
that formed part of our stock st tbe beginning of tbls great money
taring sale.
Watch Omaha Dailies for Prices
It ts impossible for us to offer prices In these adds, as a line of goods
offered today may be gone tomorrow and to substitute would not be
at all satisfactory to our many mall order customers.
A Trip to Omaha Will Pay You
If you come prepared to stipply your every want at this great
The Very Best of the Bargains
offers you money sating chancei, superior In bargain merit to any
ever before offered in Omaha,
All Mall Ordtrs from Catalogue will be fllWd with the under
standing that we may substitute If out of the goods ordered. In
Ordering alwsys stste whether substitution Is allowed. It not and we
are out ot goods specWed we will return yaur money.
Catalogues for New Fall Coods Will Soon Be Ready. If You
Are Not en Our Msll Order List Send V Your Nam st Once.
Pioneer Woman Fires Pointed Questions at
. Young Democratic Candidate.
16th and
Dodge: Sts.
Hoyden Bros.
"What Denomination Do You Belong to?
Never Heard of That Denomi
nation Before."
(Hy HanllS. Kamsey.)
Tbe writer was, at the time to which
reference is made 18GS a youotf dem
ocrat, and, strange as it may seem to
many, was a candidate on the demo
cratic ticket for county clerk for Cass
county. Ills opponent on the republl
can ticket was Hon. Isaac Pollard.
father of Congressman Pollard and
who still resides at Nehawka, owning
one of the largest, best improved grain
and fruit farms in Nebraska. Mr. Pol
lard at that time, was not much of a
politician. In fact, he took more In
terest In thelmprovement of hlsploneer
home planting forest and fruit trees
and cultivating the same than he did
In running for any kind of office. Put
his party gave him the nomination
and, as the writer remembers, Mr. Tol
lard reluctantly accepted. He made
no campaign as Is generally done to
day, but remained at home. His op
ponent on the democratic ticket was
advised that he must make a campaign
of the county If he expected to get ac
quainted with the voters, even though
he might not le able to overcome a
republican majority In the county, at
that time of about
At that time, there was no money to
use for campaign purposes by demo
cratic candidates, except assessments
for printing tickets; there were no
railroad passes, special railroad trains
and cars. In fact. Cass countv. Ne
braska, at that time had no railroads.
Put the democrats held what then
were called, "mcctlngs"-the same
that are now called "rallies." These
"meetings" were always religiously at
tended by the democrats, but, owing
to an equally conflrmcd political and
religious belief, the republicans failed
to attend. But the young candidate
for county cleric on the democratic
ticket had a number of "meetings"
advertised, one of which was at the old
Stove Creek scho-tl house, sonic dis
tance south of thc now beautiful and
nourishing city of F.lmwood.
Mounted on one of Nebraska's pri
meval modes of conveyance of demo
cratic candidates during the early
days the docile, but somewhat elastic
Proncho, young Ramsey made a demo
cratic pilgrimage from his then home
lu old Mount Pleasant precinct, out
through Weeping Water and finally
dismounted at the hospitable farm
homo of the late John (lyger, near
Elrcwood. Mr. (Jyger was the then
only democrat the young candidate
knew in that part of Cass county. Af
ter dismounting he called at the front
door. A lady answered the call. Her
speech at once disclosed her nationali
ty, but her physical appearance at
once showed that she belonged to that
line and class of the grand, noble and
brave pioneer women, who have done
so much to develop, improve, civilize
and christianize Nebraska. At that
time in many places, there was more
Interest taken In church matters than
in politics.
1 1 was only about twenty years after
the great Alexander Campbell had
commenced to teach and promulgate
the doctrine of "baptism by Immer
sion," Instead of the mode by "pour
ing or sprinkling," and who also had
attacked the correctness of the doc
trine of "predestination and fore or
dination," as advocated by the Calvin
Ists and early Presbyterians. A
number of "meetings" for the dissem
ination of this new church doctrine
had been held in Cass county, and es
pecially in the southwestern part,
which Included the country drained
by Stove Creek.
People generally were considerably
stirred up over these new doctrines
and none became more interest
ed than "Grandma Trygcr," as she was
familiarly known for many years be
fore her death. Well, after Mrs. tly.
gcr answered thc call of the young
democratic candidate, he enquired for
Mr. Oygerand waslnformcdthafMr.
Oyger was out In the tit-Id at work but
would soon be home for supper" and
most kindly invited the writer to
"come In and take supper with us."
The Invitation was promptly accepted!
The conversation soon turned to thc
1 meeting" supposed to be held that
night at the old Stove Creek school
house and enquired of Mrs. Gyger if
she had heard of the meeting? "Meet
ing," mused the lady. "Meeting,"
said she. "Why I have heard of no
meeting down at the school house to
night. We have had a number of
meetings down there recently. We
have had Methodist and Baptist meet
ings aod also meetings of a new de
nomination called Christians or Camp-
bclliics. What denomination do you
belong to1.' Are you a preacher of
Methodist, liaptist, Presbyterian or
Christian doctrine?" The candidate
replied that, "he did not belong to or
preach the doctrines of any of these
denominations: that he was only a
democrat." "A democrat," mused the
lady; "neve" heard of that denomina
tion before: docs your denomination
believe in foreordinatioti and predesti
nation and does it believe In baptism
by sprinkling, pouring or by immer
sion':" The young candidate frankly
said, he did not know: that such sub
jects had never, so far, been discussed
at any of his "meetings." Put that
"meeting" at the Stove Creek school
house, thirty-eight years ago was a
hummer. It was enthusiastic and en
tirely harmonious. There were only
two present candidate Ramsey and
the late John (Jygcr. Put all that
Stove Creek country and all of Cass
county voted with republican pertin
acity for Isaac Pollard for county
clerk, who, with his most cillclent
deputy, Joseph M. Peardsley, served
the people of Cass county most ac
ceptable and efficiently for two years.
state is 7, 'Jo- nnd the wholi-assessed
valuation T;i, l2l.
of vehicles there are L".",'.'" In Ne
braska which have been listed for tax
ation. The valuation is tl, llo.oiii, giv
ing an average of t.t.To apiece.
The compilation so far as made by
Secretary llcnnett of tbe state equal
ization board contains these other
Swine -Number, "-MH'.l'.T; assessed
value, t.'i,lo:!,iw7; average, $l.r.
Sheep Number. :i",r,l7; assessed
value, fJ'.'HVViO: average, I. ;.".
Succeed In Finding Twenty-two Millions
Within Reach of the People.
Nebraska assessors have succeeded
this year In uncovering II, ll' more
cash than they found in VM7, says the
Lincoln News. The footing for"money
on hand and on deposit" In the ninety
counties of the state shows the aggre
gate assessment under that head to be
l,4si,M',i.i for thc current annum, as
compared with :i.Ui.4-i last year
This Is on a basis of one-tiftl. the ac
tual value, so that thc amount of cash
which will be taxed for l!K)7 is more
than J'J.'loo.noo, and tbe gain over
ImCi Is .i.i;h).(km, real worth.
Probably every county In the slate
Is underassessed on cash Items, as t hb
Is the easiest kind of property to con
ceal. Iouglas Is notably so, Its assess'
ment on moneys being only i2."J,,:r..
Thc cash assessment In Lancaster
county Is rJl'i.iii'.i; In Seward, 132,n,.i2;
in Adams, 132,1.3. These four return
ed more cash than any other counties.
Merchandise lias been figured up for
the entire state and comes to 1 total
of H,P4,m. The increase Is more
than half a million over l'JOO.
Automobiles, bicycles and tricycles
are listed at an average of a little
more than 110 apiece, assessed worth,
or l"0, actual value. The autos, of
course, are rated considerably higher,
while bikes are much lower. Including
all throe classes, the number la the
Englnemen Make No Complaint About
New Monsters.
Purlington englnemen arc making
no complaint about handling the new
monster passenger engines, designated
In the language of thc road as "SI"
class. In fact englnemen on the west
end who haven't got their machines
yet are Inclined to be a t r 1 tie jealous of
the east end, because east end en
gineers are making more money than
they. Where engineers have received
ftt.'.H) per hundred miles for passenger
runs they receive 11.00 for tbe same
mileage with the new machines. These
engines will pull thirteen cars up
Gcrmantown hill and make time with
Freight engineers on thc big freight
pullers get tl.'0 per hundred miles for
through freight service and U K) for
local freight service.
Pec a use they get better pay engine-
men are welcoming the big machines.
Firemen get a corresponding Increxse
with engineers.
It Is said the company Isconsiderlng
reducing the long engine run from Mc-
Cook to Lincoln and Lincoln to Mc-
Cook, cutting It in two at Hastings.
Pngincmcn arc said to oppose this.
A number of new monster freight
engines are expected on the lines of thc
road west of the river In the near
Fine "Spudi."
You may talk about your tine pota
toes, but Cass county has some ot the
tlncst we have ever seen. Our pld
friend, Morris F. Shroeder,brought to
this office this morning a sample of
the "Karly Ohio," that for produc
tiveness and quality beats tho beater.
It is nine Inches In length and eleven
Inches around, and contains seventeen
eyes. Our old friend tells us that bo
will have a large number of bushels of
these potatoes, and raised from a
small section of ground, and claim
they beat all other potatoes for productiveness.