The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 16, 1906, Image 2

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( rom I rliliiy'it tmliy.
A. A. llyers, postmaster if Have
lock as in town on business this
Clayt. Koscncrans returned last
evening from a visit with relatives in
Kim wood.
Harry Graves, editor of tlie Murray
Messenger, was In town last evening
on business.
D. 0. DHYER, Ittorney-ot-Law
Offct In building cost of court
Sscus. PIsttSfROuth. Nebraska.
Miss lna Miller.who will take charge
of the primary department of the
Murray schools this fall, was visiting
la the city today.
Miss Alice Mar.iuette, who lias hecn
upending a few weeks visiting with
relatives near K ick Bluffs, returned
this afternoon tu her home In Lincoln.
Mrs. J. VV. Holmes and son, Kalpli,
of Mynard and niece, Miss Anna Kee
nan, of Kapld City, S. I., are visiting
In the city, Die guests of C. A. Bawls
and family.
George I'cters, of Avoca, was a coun
ty scat visitor today, to transact some
business in the county court. While
here Mr. Peters favored the Journal
with a call.
Geo. McNutt, "The Dinner Pall
Man," has been secured by Supt.
Gamble for a lecture before the Insti
tute at Weeping Water Friday even
ing, Aug. n.
Miss Nellie Wilson came In from
Lincoln this morning with a view to
accepting a position in the primary
department of the city schools. The
resignation of Miss Mabel llayffijflade
vacant the above position.
Mrs. (leo. Jackson and daughters,
Misses Stella, Frankle and Georgia,
who have been enjoying two weeks
visiting with her brother. Wm. Hutch
inson and family near Hock Bluffs, de
parted this morning for their home in
Jamesport, Mo.
County Clerk Boscncraus went out
to Elmwood today to take charge of
the barber shop, during the absence of
his brother-in-law, who will attend an
examination for II. F. 1. carrier in
this city tomorrow. Mr. Ilaker has
been in poor health fur some tlma,
and deems such a change necessary.
Mr. andMr9. Asa Snyder who have
been visiting with their many friends
In this city, returned to their home in
Nebraska City this morning. Miss
Lucille Hates accompanied them home
to spend a few days visiting I . fc.
Since the above was put In type the
Dirties "cot left," and will not no
until the night train.
From KiiturilKjr'i Unity.
Sam l'lttman of Murray was a bui
ncss visitor at riattsmouth today.
M. L. Fredrick and wife of Cedar
Creek were visiting in the county seat
John II. Wood, Geo. W. Battles and
M. V. Wood were here from Wabash
on business today.
James Terryberry, one of the big
farmers and stockmen of Cass county,
is In the city today.
George Horn and l'rof. Thoringtou,
principal of the Cedar Creek schools,
are in the cit,y today.
Mrs. James Allison and daughter
Miss Carrie of Murray were visiting In
the county seat today.
W. L. Sharpies, Frank F. Koseno
and lien Pettman of Klmwood were
among the business visitors In this
city today.
Ole Roman and family departed last
night for Lead, South Dakota, for
two weeks visit with Chris. Christian
son and family.
Mrs. 1?. L. Klrkhamis expected to
arrive thlsevenlng from BclleFourche
S. D., for a visit with her parents Mr
and Mrs. M. M. Heal and other rela
tives in this city.
Ami Todd came In from Denver last
evening for a brief visit with Platts
mouth friends. The Journal is pleased
tosc-e its old friend look more like hi
former self than for many months.
Mrs. J.W. Holmes and sun Kalpl
of Mynard and neice. Miss Anna
Keenan of Bapid City, S. !., return
cd to Mynard this morning after
short visit with relatives in tills city
F. It. Guthman, wife and daughte
Miss Minnie, went to Murdock thlsaf
ternoon to spend two weeks, while H
E. Neltel and wife are enjoying a va
cation In the mountains, near Denver
Miss Irene Nutman, Miss Fast
and Mr. St. John,from near Nehawka
Misses Ida Mariuardt and Julia Nut
man, of Avoca, are attending the Chrl
tlan F.ndeavor convention in this city
H. F. Laughlln, who has been visit
' ln his daughter, Mrs. T. J. Hhoden
and family, near Murray, for several
days, returned to his home in Green
wood this afternoon. He renewed for
the Journal before leaving for home
Frank is one of the Journal's enthusl
asUC supporters.
1 rum Mumlny a llly.
Will Nuien, Jr., of Cedar Creek, vis
ited with friends In this city over Sun
C A. Rawls, Lawyer. Pro
bate and general practice. Of
ice or Cauntv Attoroe
The farmers In the neighborhood of
Greenwood have organized a shipping
association to handle their products
from that station.
Mrs. F. E. Schlater, who has been
spending a week with her sister, Mrs.
Wm. Ossenkup In Louisville returned
home this morning.
A marriage license was issued this
afternoon to Philip Sharp, ace 45 of
Oreapolls and Miss Florence Ford, age
4ti, of riattsmouth.
The ('ass county teachers' Institute
convened today In Weeping Water,
and about twenty teachers went down
from thlR city to attend.
John Panders, accompanied by a
force of three men, went to Bellevue
this morning, where lie is engaged
building lumber yards.
The assessors' returns as tabulated
the state board of equalization
show that there has been an increase
the assessed valuation of property
the state to the amount of,-
Miss Minnie Skarritt and son who
have been enjoying a visit with her
parents, departed for their home in
Hastings, Nek, this morning. Her
mother, Mrs. Gems, accompanied them
Mr. and Mrs. John Fight and daugh
ter, Miss Hattle, departed yesterday
for Indianapolis, Ind., for a week's
Islt with friends. They may conclude
to visit Milwaukee, Wis., ere return-
ng, In which event their trip will be
prolonged another week.
Mrs. S. K. Kerr left Saturday nlgbt
the Missouri 'Pacific for Kansas
City, where she will visit for a few
weeks with her sons, Charles and Mer-
rlt, and the lattcr's family. Mrs.
Merritt Kerr is convalescing from a
light attack of typhoid fever by which
she has been confined to her bed for
several weeks.
Prof. Tyler, of Amherst college riM
recently: "A man can live zom i
iy without brains: no man ever
I without a digestive system, 'i e
ypeptlc has neither faith, hop- r
liHrlty." Day by day people ie. . .
ie Importance of caring for tti in
gestion; realize the need of the f
little Corrective after overeat lv a
rrectlve like Kodol For Dysi-
1 1 digests what you eat. Sold by i i.
Ft Icke & Co. and Gerlng & Co.
Miss DoraSwearingen left yesterday
for Brookings, South Dakota, where
she will Join the Keeney Stock Com
pany for a winter's engagement and
tour. It is evident that Miss Dora Is
favorite with the Keeney manage
ment, as she Is one of only four who
lomposed the company last season and
were re-engaged this season, the other
members being new people. Piatts
niouth people may have an opportunity
f seeing the Keeney company this
winter as their tour covers this terri
W. II. Hell of the Pleasant View
stock farm was In the city today and
made this otllce a brief visit. In the
Journal's mention of the list of dele
gates appointed by Governor Mickey
to represent Nebraska at the annual
meeting of the Farmers' National
Congress, which meets In Itock Island,
Illinois, October w, the names selected
from this county should have been W,
II. Hell, of Eight Mile Grove, L. L,
Wiles, riattsmouth and J. D. Fer
guson and C. J. Gaebcl, Louisville.
The name of John Harmer, of Green
wood, appearing Instead of that of
Mr. Hell.
There Is nothing so pleasant n at
"rlht, cheerful, at-peaee'i
Mirld feeling when you sit d n
nir ureaKiasi. mere is muii.-
lomr.isivc 10 goou worn ami tvn
ni ts. The healtuy man with u hemi
md and body Is a belter fillo.
Keller workman, a better 1
lue man or woman ln Ishandku, ,
tv some disability, however sllyi.t.
Nliuht disorder of the stomach wi i
rmge your liody, your though! mid
our disposition. Getaay fi.i. inu
hoi hidness and the blurs Kn ,
.'omach In tune and both your nl
ml body will respond. Little i
.n llons of overeating can lie .i'iy
corrected and you will besurpn.Mii I it
-e how much better man ou me
Try a little Kodol For D.vspen' a . vr
tour meals. Sold by F. Q. icke
Co. and Gerlng &Cu.
W ttut irc"fullT t-t mum of Siiprr
braird Ait. t- Irclnrii? ot Ma'-irr kit rar
ol Chtonic khrumttiim. ttitomr KStmnaiic
AriStlift. Scmtict anachronic loini TfruHr
W'titr lot full into? mation ; rriiliaii.riioi
to any Sprinca" tiaatmrnt.
THE l'. 8. k. LABOR' T!3Y,
to Raitirt Pldt . OU Ml A. Nrtn.
I n in Tji-c1t' Dally
"Gut Hell." the favorite cigar
Dr. Marshall, Dentist, Coats' 1'.! ck.
Sher::! Vuir.ton wet.t to Louisville
on tuisinevi to lay.
W. E. Dull of Murray was in town
today on business.
W. (!. Murray of Mynard was sit
ing In Ojiaha yesterday.
Mrs. Adams of Eagle is in town for
a visit with the family of her daugh
ter, Mrs. . C. D ivey.
Titos. Irwin, J. II. Mclntyre and
wife from near Louisville were in trie
city on business today.
Mrs. J. W. Newell of Alliance is vis
iting in the city, the guest of tier par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Atwood.
A partition suit entitled Albert A.
Wetenkarop vs Grant Wetenkarcp, et
al, has been riled in the district clerk's
John Fassbcnder came in from Wa-
hoo this morning on business, and at
the same time greet many of his old
Miss Lorlne Emory, who has been
visiting with friends in this city, re
turned to her home In Lincoln this
Mrs. T. J. Todd returned this after
noon to her home In Wahoo, after a
few weeks' visit with her parents In
this city.
Geo. Kennedy went to Greenwood
this afternoon to look after the Inde
pendent 'phone company's Interests in
that vicinity.
County Commissioner Swltzer came
In from Weeping Water yesterday and
is engaged checking up the county
treasurer's books.
Miss May II ungate who has been en
Joying a visit with friends in thiscity,
returned to her home in Weeping Wa
ter this morning.
John Bauer and G. P. Horn, wbo
have been enjoying a visit In the lat
ter's old home city, Peoria, 111., re
turned home thismorning.
Mrs. Jacob Horn departed last even
ing for Plalnvlew and Orchard, Neb.,
for a visit with her children. Miss
Anna Hassler accompanied her as far
as Omaha.
A. L. McDonald, mayor of Eagle,
and one of the principal merchants of
that city, stopped a few hours in
Plattsmouth today In returning to bis
home from Iowa, where he had been
on business.
's would be scarce and i.ard U
ii n-l,
M they be made to see.
g'uee and beauty is combined
, ,.s ng Rocky Mountain Tea.
Gartng Co., druggists.
. E. Taylor, C. V. Morton and W.
L. Taylor, of Union, called at these
headquarters today, and while here the
first named gentleman enrolled bis
name for the Journal. These gentle
men were enroute home from Omaha,
where they had marketed a lot of fine
We are Informed that Wm. N
Ealrd, who for some time has been
employed in the U. S. National Hank
In Omaha has resigned that position
to accept s similar one with that bank
in Denver. It was while enjoying a
vacation In the west that Will came
across an opportunity for more rapid
advancement and decided to make the
Col. J. H. Thrasher, accompanied by
his wife, who has been enjoying a ten
days' visit with her sister, Mrs. II. II
Davis, near Persia, la., returned home
last evening. Miss Agnes will remain
Isltlng her cousin, Mrs. Ernest Rest,
until Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Thrash
er report a fine time, and were loath
to leave their hospitable entertainers,
who reside In the country and are well
ersed In the art of cooking.
Through an oversight we neglected
to mention in yesterday's paper that
Walter Holmes and his mother were
down from Havelock to spend Sunday
with the family of Frank Kauble. In
conversation with Walter he stated
that although the foot which was in
ured several weeks ago, was proving
to be very troublesome, It was getting
well as fast as the circumstances will
permit. With the aid of crutches he
was able to get about and see many of
his Plattsmouth friends while here.
I'miii Wi'iliiOMliiy'a dully.
It. J. Tate of Plalnvlew was In town
on business today, returning home
this afternoon.
Mrs. Irene Parker departed thi
morning for Cheyenne, Wyo., where
she will spend several weeks with rela
Mrs. Will Jean who has been spend
ing several weeks wnn relatives in
South Haven. Mich., returned home
this morning.
Mrs. J. W. Newell, who lias liecn
spending a few days with her parents
In this city, departed this morning for
her home In Alliance, Neb.
John Hroady and family arrived to
day from Watson, Mo., and will move
their household goods Into the John
D. Robhlns place as soon as they ar
Miss Alice Holes and Mrs. M. Moody
of Malvern, are visiting at the home
of Mrs. Mrglnla Mcvlcker. Miss
Boles is on her way to Montana, Ore
gon and California In hope of benefit'
ing her health.
More About Coffee
and Tea
21 lb Granulated Sugar tl.00
1 lb Blend Coffee 20
1 C. & S. Jap TeaSiftings 20
8 bars Best Suap-W. It., Swift's Pride,
Lenox or Diamond C 25
Large bottle Eddy b Blue 10
CenK. D. Baking Powder 15
John Albert aod John II. Becker
returned last night from a trip to
Billings, Mont., where they viewed
the real estate bargains of that sec
tion. On their return trip they passed
through South Dakota.
I. S. White and his daughter-in-law,
Mrs. Mark White, who have been vis
iting in Trenton, Mo., where they as
sisted bis mother in celebrating her
100th olrthday anniversary, returned
home this morning. Miss Mattie
White of Chilllcothe, Mo., a neice of
Mrs. I.S.White, accompanied them
home for a visit.
Dr. E. A. Donelan of St. Joseph, ac
companied by his niece, Mrs. Geo. E-
Wagner, of the same city, arrived yes
terday for a visit with his sister, Mrs.
Conrad Schlater. This is Mr. Done
lan 's first visit to this city for thirty
years, and previous to that he was one
of the prominent business men of
Plattsmouth. ' The Journal will have
more to say of this early pioneer of
Cass county in another issue.
Jesse McVey, who started out with
Col. II. C McMaken to attend the G.
It. encampment at Minneapolis,
was taken sick while enroute to that
place, and at Galesburg, 111., boarded
train westward bound, arriving
home today. lie Is still on the sick
list, although greatly improved since
getting home. On account of the
crowd that will be on hand, he did
not care to risk a sick spell in Minne
TheM. W.A. of Mynard will give
an ice cream social at mat piace on
Wednesday evening, August 22.
A. M. Holmes departed last evening
for Chilllcothe. Mo., where he will
spend a few weeks visiting relatives.
Miss May Yallery of Mynard Is visit
ing In South Omaha this week, the
guest of friends at the Country club
Mrs. W. A. Swearingen and Miss
Feme Greenslate, are spending the
day with the family of W. R. Murray,
In Mynard.
There's nothing so good for a sore
throat as Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil
Cures it in a few hours. Relieves any
pain in any part.
To feel strong, have good appetite
and digestion, sleep soundly and en
iov life, use Burdock Blood Bitters,
the great system tonic and builder.
TV lien applied and covered with I
hot cloth Plnesalve acts like a poult let
Best for burns, bruises, bolls, cracked
hands, ecrcma, skin diseases, tetter,
etc. Soldby Gerlng A Co. 's drug store.
A lay liver leads to chronic dyspep
sia and constipation-weakens the
whole system. Doan'slRegulets (25c
per box) correct the liver, tone the
stomach, cure constipation.
lr you waot a real estate loan at
reasonable rates; or a reliable abstmct
of title, Insurance policy, security
bond of and kind, or a contract, deed
or mortgage drawn, see John M. Ley da,
Gund building. Work promptly and
neatly don in J charges reasonable.
Another record was made a few days
ago by Frank Jeans and Will smith
wbo are running a company threshing
There are a lot of people who use our Teas and
Coffees, and there are some who do not.
To those who do not we want to say they are
missing out on some j;ood thing in these lines.
The Ch&se L Senborn brands which we
handle exclusively are The Best, and our mar
gin of profit is small in comparison with some
people's who sell Teas and Coffees.
As an inducement to have you try our Teas and
Coffees we offer the following combination;
Try 50 lb of our Bonita Flour, reduced
to U.20
Half pound Lipton's Ceylon and India
Tea (quality No.l) w
Large box Eddy's Pickling Spice 10
6 Bars Cocoa Castile Soap 25
1 can White Cross Baking Powder 15
machine, southwest of the city. They
threshed out 900 bushels of heavy
straw, oats averaging about 30 bushels
to the acre, in three hours.
The intense itching characteristic of
salt rheum and eczema Is instantly al-
Hyed by applying Chamberlain's Salve
A a care for skin diseases this salve is
".quailed. For sale by P. G. Fricke
& Co. aud A. T. Fried.
You are cordially invited to attend
an exhibit of the "Quick Meal" Steel
range, to take place at our store dur
ing the week commencing August 20.
A useful souvenir will be presented to
each lady visitor. II. L. Aseraissen
& Sons.
Scrub yourself daily, you're not clean
Inside. Clean lrslde means e'ean stom
ach, bowels, blood, liver, clean, health)
t issue In every organ. Mgkai.: Take
Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 3.1
cents, Tea or Tablets. Gering & Co.,
Itch! Itch! Itch!-Scratch! Scratch!
Scratch! The more you scratch the
worse the itch. Try Doan's Ointment
It cures piles, eczema, any skin itch
ing. All druggists sell it.
Galveton' Sea Wall
'ii'ikei Mr ir.i ,tU: ii. int city as
'mi Hie higher uplands E. W. H "d
I le.who resides on Dot t"it St.. In ',
Tex., needs no sea wall for safety. I le
writes: "I have used Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption the p:ist
live years and it keeps me well and
safe. Before that time I had a cmth
hlch for years had been growing
worse. Now it's gone." Cures Chronic
Coughs, LaGrippe. Croup, Whooping
Condi and prevents Pneumonia.
Pleasant to take. Every bottle guar
anteed at P. G. Frlcke's drug stor.
Price 50c and II. Trial hurtle free.
Another change in business will oc
cur sometime this week. Ed. Brant
ner will cease his connection with the
pool room and open up a cigar stand
and lunch counter In the southwest
corner of the Terkins hctel, where hot
and cold lunches can he had day or
a !y Whilej tli W t'i SM e.
' ! s :t ',. i i l M,.. a i i. . ' ' 1 1
f ' . I " r. II-' V I l.i
ll.i.ltl MtiMtt "i?lv Ht 'nil Ji ft M .Oil.
I . i"i-s O'f I 'i sl". v I1 'eh in
S ' in I )!". Si) It Mi.'nM !
w iii rveiy hO'is.'iio'd. I u xenti iy,
d'.' ' "Mi and c'm"!"' 'i nmi ( -i i in.) y h(
Ijii'h v i- iiii'mbvr "( Mi Ii" no mil).
On' 'irning. Cli'ini''er!iiin's (Vh
CI' i i a hi Diiirrh'K-a liemniv. wM-li
Is t'i-"'est kiini! medicine for tucsc
dl'i''s. should always be kept, at
hand, a Immediate treatment Is ne
eessuy, and delay may prove fatal.
For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co., anu A,
T. Fried.
lor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hate Always Bought
Bears the
Blgnaturt of
ZDi cr!J
Get settled in a home of your own In
a good locality, along with other nice
people, where you will have good
neighbors and pleasant social inter
course. A man wno pays rent can
never be regarded as a fixture in any
certain spot and he lasks a certain
prestige that belongs to the house
holder. We have started scores of peo
ple of small means in acquiring a home
stead, and have seen success crown
their efforts In handing it without em
barrassment to themselves. It's your
turn. Come in.
Some Big Bargains
In Pierce, Antelope, Knox and Cass
counties. For further particulars see
Chas. L. Martin, Plattsmouth, or
Bruce Sires, Plalnvlew, Neb.
Sold on Easy Paynjeqts
This Stan
dard Edi
son Phono
graph and
12 Genuine
Edison Gold
Moulded Reeords
for only
See the Genuine
for only $10. Larger Victors at Larger
PHIL SAUTER, Plattsmontii
Why suffer with )our kidneys? The
discovery of Kldney-Etts proved a
blessing to thousands o' kidney suffer
ers who have been restored to per'ret
health. These Tao.ets drive the
diseased germs out of the s steii. and
we urge all suffers to glv.- this
clenlBc and successful kidney reii.edy
atrial. 25c Gerlng 4 Co ,diugKNt..