r The County ii . I p..... I ImIapacI Cnlanfarf I IC 0.5 SI DCIlCltl IlllslCit oeictica Hotvelock. (Mi st 1:4:1 r ) Miss Madallnc (Srcen has none to IMaltsinoutt) for a few weeks visit with Inir irraiidmottier. Henry llcmpie returned from South Dakota a few days ago. Me has been up there looking after reul estate mat ters. The iUrt!ec force enjoyed a little outing niul tishlng trip recently In which they were unite successful, land Inn uhout :'.0 trophies. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. (ireen and daughter returned from their trip to the western piirt of this state and Col orado last Saturday evening. They were none about fifteen days. Last week we predicted that the busy condition of the shop would not lcrmlt working on short time. It has proven a good guess. Last Wednesday the entire shop resumed full time ex cept Saturday afternoon which wll Ktlll he allowed the men la few weeks or possibly until cooler weather. Mr. John Nelson and Miss .lohannah 1'ctcrson will he married next Sunday at the home of his sister, Mrs. l'etcr llenson, 12 miles north of town. This to the happy culmination of a court ship which began during a voyage across the Atlantic when the young people were coming to America three years ago. The Messenger wishes them a voyage through life as happy and successful as the one on the oceao. In Self Defence) Major Uamm, editor and manager of the Constitutionalist, Eminence, Ky , when he was fiercely attacked, four yearn ago, by riles, bought a box of Uucklen'a Arnica Salve, of which, he says: "It cured me in ten days and no tn uble since." Quickest hcalerof Ilium, Sores, Cuts and Wounds. 25c at V. 0. Fricke & Go's drug store. Elmwood From tli Leader-hdio. Frank (Sillltt'H little girl lias been uulteslck the past week with bowel trouble. Henry Ulschoff'n little hoy is still Improving. The pareuts were able to bring him tu town this week for treat nient. John Mullln received a telegram Fri day from Lamar, Mo., announcing the sudden death of his brother-in-law, and left for that city Friday evening to attend the funeral. L. P. llorton, of Eugene, Ore , drove over from Murdock yesterday and sur prised a great many of ills old friends In Elmwood. He lias just returned from Oregon, accompanied by Ills wife FT? W3 MRS. VIOLA MARSHALL. MRS. MARSHALL SlfffRtD W ITH SYSTEMIC CATARRH. PE RU W SAVED HER. Mrs. Viola Marshall, 1117 K;t Jw-k on etroet, SprintU'M, 111., write: "Two months ago when sought your advice, and ) ou told me that I was suffering from systemic vatarrh, I had gotten to bad that I lotilj not bear the Jolt of walking and had to lie down most of the time. "I Ix'uati taking your IVron.i and now I feel like a now woman. "I ran walk Just as far ax I plta without fwltng any (atiuo and I have taken only three tmttltiuf IVruna. "I fhall never mane prainlntr Pcruna, nor thanking Dr. llartman fur li Ik kind dvlee." Syntvmle catarrh claim many victim bet a line thta diieat la not alwT un demtood, and therefore not correctly treated. What la needed I an Internal catarrh ie medy which exerU healinit rfTert on the mucoui tiiemtrano of the entire body. Such a remedy la IVrona. The fin cere lettera of thoee who have rxpe Tlenoedlt tenffita In atich eaaeii are evidence of lta medicinal value. ,1 , Asv.. n a j. ii tfhtff iftttiLte iHi'tiiiifc 1 : 1 :x-:v;..v. . I Exchanges 9rm the Pntumn. f PnntamnnMrlee iiuih iiis uuiuuiio wi vuuiciupuiant ands in Karl He saysthey are getting along nicely at Kugi-ne. Mclvln Turner and family, of Coun cil lJlufTs, Iowa, are visiting relatives here. Melvln Is looking for a farm In this vicinity for the coming year. Miss (".race Tolhurst returned from l'eru last week, where bhe attended summer school. She expects to re turn In September to attend the fall term. '(iene Colbert arose In the dark Sun day night and took a dose of medicine, which proved to be a liniment fur the horses, lie lost no time In sending a stream of milk after the liniment and other remedies were resorted to. In the meantime Ir. Towers was called and '(5ene was soon out of danger. The second bottle was not needed when he ot through und he thinks he'll strike Ight next time. Umiacaaaary Kaponaa. Aci.ic attacks of colic and diarrhoea come on without warning and prompt relief must be obtained. There Is no ecessity of incurring the expenses of I'tij siclan's service in such cases If Ciianibcrlaln'i Colic, Cholera and Di li hoea Remedy Is at hand. A dose of this remedy will relieve the patient before a doctor could arrive. It has never been known to fall, even in the most severe cases and no family should be without It. For tale by F. Q Fiicke &, Co., and A. T. Fried. Nehoovka. (From the Register.) lr. J. A. Pollard attended a meet Ing of the pension board at Weeping Water Wednesday. W. H. Murdock, of Arapahoe, arriv ed last Sunday night for a visit with relatives here. Nelson L. Pollard and family arrived from Necaxa, Mexico, Wednesday evening fur a visit with relatives. Mlsslessie Kaup returned to her home at licatnce Sunday evening ar ter a pleasant visit with her sister, Miss Winnie. E. L. Gaskill started Sunday night for Waldron, Kansas, on a combined business and pleasure trip. He ex pected to be home by themlddleof the week. Last Sunday the Coupon base ball team from Nebraska City, accompani ed by about a hundred "rooters," came up and proceeded to everlastingly beat our team. The game was a nice quiet one and some good plays were made on both sides, but the Coupons were too much for the Nchawka lads and the score stood IS to ' at the close of the game, ijulte a large crowd witnessed the game and the streets presented the appearance of a 4th of July or some other holiday. a woman worries until she gets wrinkles, then worries because she has them. If she take- Holilster llocky Mountain Tea she would hav. neither. Prlght, smiling face follow its use. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets Cerlng&Co., druggists. Eatgle Kri'tn Uii'HiMuMii. John Sheldon will take fifteen head of his tine Holsteln cattle to the state fair. W. K. Norrls had 20 acres of wheat which niadi' close to 40 bushels to the acre. On Tuesday of this week IM. Wacli ter bought seven lots adjoining his property, of R. Wilkinson. Oscar Anderson was hit on the chin by a foul hall while batting the othe dav. cutting a cash which required three stitches to close It up. A rat, wea.el. or some other kind of rodent got Into P.. HickneH'shen house Monday night and killeii .hi young chicks, many of which were larg enough for a fry. ( lit! Rothrock who had charge of a freight train between Omaha ami Au burn has been transferred to the freight on this branch. Mr. and Mrs. Rothrock have stored their goods In their house here and whl rent furnish ed rooms In Lincoln lor a while. The Ragle grain market Is generally from one to two cents more per bushel than any other town around and wc arc getting grain right along from the territory of other towns. The past week John (ionales, living 4i miles cast, delivered something over 3,ooo bushels of corn here. A full line of sickles and section for all standard mowers. John Bauer, Plattsmoutli. Can't look wcjj, tit we'l or feel well with Impure bkod fecilrg your body. Keep the biood pure with P.urdick (hood Bitters. Eat itmply, take xercise, keep c'.eao tad you will have jug life. Louisville I'miii Hi t'.i-.iri. r. C'nas. II M.ver, of r.lk- Spr:ius, Ni'j , is here 11. is wick visiting with ! s father, 1!. 0. II over. Fred Mers, wife an I daughter Kead, Iowa, are herJ visitlig t'.c Tangetiian and I'icrs families. Actimr Mayor Paln.tr authorize 1 Marshall Hu.'i'n to kill all dogs m town that have riot been listed by the assessor. Several have been killed up to date. The National Mmie company have an advertisement in this week'n Cour ier offering steady employment to fifty men. Superintendent I'reucker tells the Courier that they have orders enough In advance to keep them rui ning all winter. Mrs. (J. H. Wood was called to Na i voo, I!!., last Saturday by a telegram that announced the serious illness of her father. She took the first train but her father died before she arrived at his bedside. He was past years of age. She returned home Thursday evening, Mr. Wood meeting her in Omaha. Mike Davidson of lleverly, 111., an old-time friend of Judge Wood, drove Into Louisville Monday enroute through western Nebraska ty team, the trip being made in company with a young man who is traveling for the benefit of his health. Mr. Davidson is titi years old and lives In the same log house in which he was born. He proudly boasts that he has never voted outside of the precinct In which lie was bom. When asked his destina tion he said they expected to go west until they got tired and would then come back through Kansas and would probably cross the river at Kansas City. A Myatsry Solved. How to keep off periodic attacks of (iuoiisriess and habitual constipation v. i h mystery that Dr. King's New l.i'e pids solved forme," writes John N l ejioint, of Magnolia, Ind. The ou k ills that are guaranteed to give i satisfaction to everyoony or v lehmded. Only 36c at V. 4 F. u se & Go's drug store. Solve it Youraelf. The following was recently sprung in Plattsmoutli, and everyone is priv ileged to solve the problem to suit himself: A owes II 81"), but has only 10 with which to pay him. A goes to pawnbrokers and pawns the $10 bill for $7. .10; this amount he gives to B. A then sells the pawnbroker's ticket to I) for Ji.fiO, which amount he also gives to B, which settles the 813 in aeuieaness. i goes to the pawn broker and redeems the $10 note. Who lost the $:V mmmir Diarrhoea in Children. During the hot weather of the Bum mer months the first unnatural loose ness of a child's bowels ihould have Immediate attention, 10 ta to check the disease before It becomeg serious, All that Is necessary Is ft few doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy followed by a dose of castor oil to cleanse the system. Rev M. O. Stockland, Pastor of the first M E. Church, Little Falls, Minn., writes "We have used Chamberlain's Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for severa years and find it a very valuable reme ily, especially for summer disorders In children." Sold by F. 0. Fricke & Co and A. T. Tried. o. Marshall, of Coshocton county, Ohio, was in the city a few hours last evening on business, and was a caller at Journal headquarters. Mr. Mar shall is a former resident of Cass county, coming here over thirty years ago and bought a large body of land near Greenwood, upon which his two sons now reside. Being originally a buckeye.aftcr a few years residence lie went back t his native state. He has made twenty-eight trips from Ohio to Cass county. IN THE GOOD OLD Summer time You want to save your money to buy your ML FOR THEZ WINTER AT OUR CITY Coal Yards. Full Weight Guaranteed Best Threshing Coal All Kinds of Feed J.V.Egenberger Proprietor I'lattsmouth Coal Yards CVmcr Third and Main Streets Hell Phone 5 I'latts Pbone 22 CO WILL GET INTO METROPOLIS The Independent Te!E?!xe People Hra Beea Fighting for This Right (or Several Years Past. TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS SOON he Bell Company Hate Had Full Sway In Omaha Long Enough. The report of the proceedings of the city coudcII of Omaha seems very fa vorable for the Independent Tele phone Company getting into Omaha, after several years Incessant labor to that end. The Pee of this morning contains the following: "Chairman Sheldon of the tele phones commltteesubmlttcd a written report to the general council commit tee yesterday afternoon, statir.g that the Nebraska Telephone company had refused to agree to certain concessions demanded and that the committee recommended submitting to the voters the question of granting a second fran chise to an independent company. The report was Immediately adopted by the general committee. Mr. Sheldon announced that an other report would be made next Mon day discriminating among the three applicants for thefranchiseand recom mending the acceptance of one of the propositions, together with data that the committee has accumulated. Zim- man said the matter should be decided by the general committee In the pre sence of representatives of the appli cants and the othercouncilmen assent ed. Zimman also urged taking steps toward immediate final action at next Tuesday night's council meeting. "Councilman Brucker said he thought all three propositions should be submitted to the voters and let the latter decide which one they preferred. Zimman declared this course would de feat any single one of the franchises." Report in Full. Following is the report of the tele phone committee In full, which was adopted: Your committee to whom was refer red the resolution to wait upon the Nebraska Telephone company and de mand of them a reduction in rates, In terchangeof business with Independent teiepnone companies, ana tree tons to South Omaha to Omaha subscribers. have waited upon the Nebraska Tele phone company and have received their final answer. The Nebraska Telephone company has declined to grant our request as per tneir nerewitn attached communi cation. We would respectfully report to the committee 01 tne wnoie that your committee aeem that in oruer to carry out the pledges of our platform and the desires of the people of Omaha, we are reporting to you in favor of crant Ing to an Independent telephone com pany a franchise which shall enable the people of Omaha to have connec Hons with all independent telephone users throughout the state. We are also In favor of placing the telephone ousiness in such position where there shall be competition, believing that competition should regulate the tele pnone charges, ana mat in doing so we will confer a benefit upon the peo ple 01 wmana ann or the state or .e braska. Stomach Troubles and Constipation .No one can reasonably hope for nood digestion when the howels are const I- pu'i'il. Mr. Chas. Hahlwin, of Ed wardsvllle. III., says: "I sulTered from i-i t .11 to constipation and stomach i i' iiljlis for several years, but, thanks 'Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver 'I I'ts. am almost cured." Why n . piicKage oi me taoiets and wet mm siav well? rnce IV. Sam i for saic i)j r. u. bricse - ..Mi A. i. Fried. About Right. Kvery old maid knows exactly how to rear children. Kvery old bacheh knows all about the troubles on the matrimonial sea. Kvery subscribe Knows now io run a newspaper, hvery farmer knows how merchants should sell tf(ods, and every merchant can see where the farmer could make more money on the farm, but after all there areroiinh places in the mad that you will neU-r discover until y u ct hold of the lines and t ry to drive. r PERRY'S RESTAURANT Fresh Oysters in any style Short Orders Regular Meals j Our Spi- If you arc Hungry we can supply you with the pick of the market Stb door last ot Css Co. Bank Kroehler 6c Kroehler In selecting your spring needs, please bear in mind that we carry a complete line of Builders' Material in the Hardware Line. Also, TP nfi r-j. We do all kinds of Roofing, Repairing and Spouting, tall and see us. KROEHLER & KROEHLER Strength to Weak Men llilaiaiaili liil' iP PEFFERS NERVIGOR fftntwt Hrv Pore n4 Cntrgv. Th world uiiuir? mtn who are it rot in in rbTvlcal, meittal and nen forvrt mrn of amMtlnn, energy and pvnoiinl iiittfe.iKlfm ; tlie true type, of ierfiot manncx!. jo aumin un me nrn rr iiMt ip ioou. ueiuui 'nrt. which if We rapawty fur full development, PEPPER a NERVIOOft makef Siren. Calm Naevaa. Cures Narveue DeatMiy, Fading Hcmer. Vital Waaa neaa. Proa trail an, tlaaplaaanaaa ana otlitr truubleaUu lo ner work, worrr. tmokiiiit. or virloua rmhlta. Maker rleti. healthy tilnod and repalra wanted nerve. Vrally hx for women. Booklet free. I'ritTll OoalKH. Hi fnrtfi.oo. nortiwid. with a ffuar antee to refund. If not cnml or tienefltcd. CPFER VEDICAL ASSOCIATION, CHICAOO. U. B. A. K. MAKHALL, DENTIST All kinds or TientHl work. Hlates made that t. 2ti yearn fxuerience. Prices reanoDable. Work guaranteed. OFFICE Fitzgerald Block. Tel.rrHONi No. 3ok47 WINDHAM INVESTMENT COMPANY PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Lands, Ranches and City Keal Estate in Nebraska and elsewhere bought sold and exchanged. Ki'iituls, Insurance and AbstractlnK of Titles. Money to loan at it low rale of Interest on Improved farms. Kusiness correspondents In all Important cities and towns In tlie United Mutes. Taleahonca No. 20 and 98. R. B. WINDHAM, President W. W. WINDHAM, Secretary The End of the World of troubles that robbed E. II. Wolfe, ' 't-nr Grove, Ia.,.of all usefulness, oi'iif i,en he becan taking Electric H' "is. He writes: "Two years ao K i,,. y trouble caused me great suffer- lug. which I would never have sur vived had I not taken Electric Bitters. They also cured me of General Debil ity." Sure cure for all Stomach, Liver ami Kidney comma nts.Blood diseases. Il'ii'fuche, Dizziness and Weakness or b'.'iiiy decline. Price 50c. Guaran teed by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists. How He Got There. He didn't have a dollar; he didn't have a dime. His clothes and shoes were looking just as though they'd served their time. He didn't trv to kill himself to dode misfortune's whacks. Instead, he not some ashes and he filled live dozen sacks. Then. next he bced a dollar. In the paper In the morn he advertised tin polish that would put the sun to scorn, lie kept on advertising, and, just now, suitice to say, he's out in California at his cottage on the bay. Mrs. Malinda Akcrs, of Basham, Va writes: "I had what doctors call 'prolapse,' and couldn't stand straight. I had pain in my back and shoulders, and was very irregular and profuse. Doctors said an operation was needed, but I couldn't bear the thought of the knife. After tak ing three bottles of Wine of Cardui, I could walk around. Can now do my housework and am in splendid health." Cardui is a pure, vegetable, medicinal essence, especially adapted to cure women's diseases. It relieves excessive periodical pains, regulates irregularities, ana is a safe, pleasant and re liable remedy for all sick women. In suc cessful use for over 70 years. Try it. At Every Drug Store in $1.00 Bottles. VIHE OF Gasoline Stoves, Lawn Mowers, and the old Reliable Buck's Stoves and Ranges Sour Stomach No appetite, lost ol atrength, nervoue naaa, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, aour risings, and catarrh o( the stomach are all due to Indigestion. Kodol cures Indigestion. This new discov ery represents the natural Julcea of diges tion as they eslit In a healthy atomach, combined with the greatest known tonlo and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dys pepsia Cure does not only cure indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famoua remedy cures all atomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucoua membranea lining the stomach. Mr. S. S. Ball, of Ravniwood. W, Vi.. Mrai " I wit troubled with sour stomich (or twenty jura, Kodol cured ma and w ar now utinc It In anllh lor baby." Kodol Digests What You Eat Bottles only. $1.00 Slie holdlnf IM times the trial al. which telle for SO centa. Prepared by E. 0. OeWITT Ik 00., OHIOAQa Gerinjj & Co. DR. J. 0. BRUCE Osteooathic Physician Chronic Dtseasea a Specialty Coates Rlock. roonis5 andJA. Office hocra 9 to I- a. m., 1 to 5 p. rn. and 7 to P p. m. h ap pointment. Telephones, office 34. ; residence at Perkins Lute I. Don't allow money to lie around, is easier to spend it and easier to lose It 11 SAUE MONEY by keeping It in a safe place such aa The BanK of Cass County Capital Stock $.")0,000, Surplus 815,000 offickhs: Clius. C. rarniele. I'res., Jacob Trltsch, V-P. T. M. Patterson. C. You can give a check for any part cl it at any time and so have a receipt for payment without asking for one. hen you have a bank account you will be anxious to add to it rather than spend from it. Don't you want to know more about it. Platismouth glovas fha local merchants. for sale by FREE ADVICE Write in a letter devrlMag ell your tvmpiomv anj will tend you ire AJvice. in plain tealed tnveloe. .dJre: LaJiea' Advlwwy Ieparlment, The Chattanwf a Medu int Lo., Chatta nooga, Itnn. OperaiioiH mm