Statement of t!i Cond.ticn PUTTSMOUTH LOAm" AN3 BUILDING ASSOCIATION of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, on the ::oth 'lay of June, ASSKTS I'lrst tiioilt:ak'o l.'.mw f:i' :a Stock loars ' i" rasii ;.; Vx M liihi'jfm Iiiimv(, lu.'riilunis. " m; Kmk'Iim s ami U s imlil I'M.' other assets ,m m Total lortSft LIABILITIES. Capital Slo-k paid ui ( io oo IJ lull v it'.t-il tfoil t,,u;j -j Total i 7i KrriPT AND rxI'INDITl'KKH KOK THE YlAK EM)IN( 311, tHHi. KECK1 ITS. Ilulaiu'i' on liatid July 1, I'jei tt.mrt m !'" iM.irin Interest, premium ami Hues :i.44."i 4:1 Uiiins repaid i.tuvi in Itenlestnte am o Taxes repaid m 01 Total AU 4." KXI'KNIHTtKKS 1.01ms n.inn w K.xiH-nses 4;,; (i! Hltick redeemed I '.n.'ai (14 Cash on liand Kl Heal estate ; ;r, Taxes advanced lj m Total i -xa-M 4i Cahh County. P- r- M- I mtervin, Secretary of Hie aliove, named association, do solemnly swear tlint tlie foregoing statement of the condition of said Association, is true and correct to tlieliest of my knowledge and liellef. T. Jl. I'atteiihon, Secretary. Huliscrtlieil and sworn to before me this ilst day of July, num. u K. IUpsb, Notary I'uMle. Attest My commission expires It. B. Windham, Oct. , l'JOC Wai.iiii.1. Whjt, Isiai.I 0. llAWKHWOIITH. Ulrei'toin. More Railroad Wind. A pain tbere Is talk of abolishing one of the three Iowa divisions on the Bur lington, making Chariton the new di vision point says the Glenwood Tri bune. This will help matters at Paci fic Junction and restore to it the old time activity. The Charlton Herald says: "The Burlington railway has bought seventeen acres more land west of the round house for f3500. It is said that the round house is to be increased, and railroad shops are to be built in the near future. A statement has come from a reliablesource that the division headquarters at Creston and Ottum wa are to be concentrated in Chariton, to make one less division, and that shops and extensive yards will soon be located here, and the depot building will be used for offices as soon as the hotel lease expires." The cleansing, antiseptic and heal ing properties of Pinesalve make it superior to all family salves. Sold by Gerlnir A flo.' ' .1 ''l '. if-t '; I ' s VI g D i fCk of furniture ismorehan- rlv thnn fi nlpA rl.ivpnnorr If. Is handsome in appearance and just I the tiling for luxurious lounging on which to take your afternoon nap or relax the tired physical nature in the evening. It is instantly convertible into a soft easy bed. People living in a tlat where space Is at a premium find the davenport indispensible. Helps anybody out on sieepinir accommodations where there Is company over night. See Our Display MICHAEL HILD PHIL SAUTER PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA Edison $10 up. Victor T.I 11 1 11, r We Carry the Only Stock of Victor and Edison Gold Moulded records In Cass Co HEAR THEM FREE Write for Catalogue and Prices Murdock (liy li. A. t.:v :i !!'! K V MIKK l's Corrected weekly by Martin TW. wlin pay the highest priies f r prl.:ce and guarantee sal;s!acti"ii: it'ittr . Kk-.-s Hens S'.irhiis . . CrtMin ll.nrs ... . Cattle... JV .......... .... .... No. 1. V.c; No. -'. i:v :..:5 iiiul iiu ti UA IN M AKKKTS. Cnru... Whntl . Ouu 40and 41c ( Hock Island TimeTablk. Murdock station. WEST ItOl'NO. No. 41, mail 8:15 a. m. No. "5, local 8:55 a. ni. No. ft. mail 3:00 p. m. No. 37, mall 5:47 p. m. east bound. No. W), freight 12::i0 a. m. No. 3J, mail 10:55 a. m. No. 7ti, Local 1:14 p. m. No. , mall 2:35 p. m. Fred .Stock went to Lincoln Tues day. Clarence Pool was in Omaha Wed nesday. Dave Thimgan went to Lincoln Sunday. Willie and Gussie Stock left fur Lin coln Saturday. A. A. Walllner was in our bur' one day last week. Ed. Thlmpan was a Lincoln passen per Wednesday. Miss Amy Westlake Is home on a vacation this week. Martin & Tool shipped their fourth car of apples Wednesday. J. R. Funk and Ad. Dettman were Omaha passengers Monday. Art. Wellman returned Monday from a short visit at Lincoln. A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knaup Sunday July 20th. Misses Olpa aud Meta Neltel were Lincoln passengers Wednesday. Geo. Gramlich is entertaining his father from Albripht this week. A lawn party was given at the home of J. Goehry Wednesday evening. Miss Charlotte Wurts was on the sick list the forepart of the week. Miss Laura Dale of York is visiting with the Goehry sisters this week. Mrs. L. E. Thimgan left for her home at Lincoln Wednesday evening. W. C. Monroe is now working for Matt Thlmgan at the carpenter's trade. II. A. Tool and wife left for Chicago Sunday, and expect to be gone about ten days. John Billeter, of Arlington, Is visit ing with his sister, Mrs. W. C. Monroe this week. Mrs. F. R. Gutbmanof Plattsmouth Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. II. R. If eltzel this week. Mrs. August Kuehnand Miss Martha Kuehn went to Lincoln Wednesday to take In the assembly. A. J. Tool and wife left for Denver Sunday and expect to enjoy a ten days outing In the mountains. Miss Leta McDonald gave a lawn party In honor of her cousins, the Misses Besack, Friday evening. Someone took advantage of the agent's absence and stole ten bottles of beer Tuesday evening from the depot platform. A. S. Depner and Cal.Lels have com menced work on Cas. Schneider's tine residence, which will be another tine addition to Murdock. Erank Creamer and daughters and Fred Bornman and wife left for Mil waukee, Chicago and other eastern points of interest, Saturday. P. G. Dayton was in town last Thursday and disposed of some lots on Main street. It appears that Mr. P. G. D. didn't want to build any cement walk. Miss Maude Gorsage left Monday for a week's visit under the parental roof at South Auburn. During her absence O. II. E.'gleston will act as "hello girl:" Fred West lake, John Amgwert, Emil Kuehn, John McCarty, and Geo. Gillespie left for Omaha Monday, and from there they expect to ship to North Dakota and work in the harvest fields. A report came to our ears the other day to the ctlect that sonic of the Alvn fellows had said Murdock wa.s too slow to sail in their company when it came to base ball. Well, now, some one had misinformed these fellows, or they were badly mistaken, for our ball team went pver there Monday and what they did to those Alvo fellows would make a horse laugh. After the battle was over and the dust had clear ed away a more foolish looking bunch you never saw. Our fellows had simply annihilated them to the tune of of 4 to 1. There was only about half a dozen true rooters accompanied our team over there or they might have made the score 8 to 1. Ed. and Dave Thlmgan did the battery work for Murdock. Eat one of Ring's Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal and you will not suffer with Indigestion. Sold by Gerlng & Co.'s drug store. Weeping Water l'r 'in the It. rt: : Miss Ethel Leydi if PluttsT.outh e:i!i;' i.ver Sin. iay t" visit her cousin Aileen Olive. Mi. Ley da is expected today. H. E. Mason has soul his hardware business to M. J. Wiekcrshani, who comes f roin Lincoln, but lie has been in business In Axtel, Neb., for seven teen years. March Wullen had the misfortune to lose his threshing separator by Cre last Wednesday night. The machine was setting at Geo. Peters' aud it Is a mystery how the Ere started. S. J. Ambler had 5 very young chickens stolen the latter part of the week. Most thieves prefer frys, but there Is less danger of being caught when they steal chicks. Oscar Johnson received a card from Nels Anderson, which stated that he had arrived in Sweden all right, was not sick on shipboard at all, and that he was having a tJne time. He sends regards to all his friends. N. Halmcs, having soli his farm near Plattsmouth, has Invested In the Drum farm six miles southwest pf town. He purchased of Jos. Roberts of Plattsmouth. This is a line piece of land with two sets of improvements thereon, and it is Mr. Halraes' Inten tion to farm It, that Is If he can get possession. Mrs. Drum is still a resi dent there. Roy Dennis was out to Stephen Joa chim's last Thursday, shingling. When it commenced to rain the work men scrambled to get under cover. Roy slipped on the wet shingles and slid off to the ground below, a fall of twenty feet, striking on his shoulder and one leg. He was picked up and carried Into the barn, and for a time it was thought he was over the great divide, but rallied later and got action on his breathing organs. The acci dent happened the evening before Roy was to leave with Co. I) for Fort Riley, and he failed to go. A hundred years ago the best physl. clan would give you a medicine for your heart without stopping to con sider what effect it might have on the liver. Even to this good day cough and cold medicines invariably bind the bowels. This is wrong, Bee's Laxative Oough Syrup with Honey and Tar acts on the bowels drives out the cold-clears the head, and relieves all coughs. Guaranteed to give satis faction or money refunded. Sold by Gering & Co.'s druir store. Union From the Ledner. hick uonrad recently harvested a field of wheat, 2!t acres, and the yield thereon was 1,341 bushels, or an aver age of 4fl bushels per acre, which shows that you need not look outside of Cass county to find a good wheat country. Yesterday morning when Dr. Wal ker went out to his barn he found that some midnight prowler had been there Wednesday night and ruined his har ness by cutting them to pieces. He is at a loss to know who would stoop to such low and cowardly action, as he knows of noenemy that would be guilty of such villainous trick for sake of re venge. The supposition Is that it was the work of some fellow who did it for pure cussedness. Dr. M. L. Thomas depart ed on Wed nesday for Du Boies, Neb., having pur chased property and located there for the practice of his profession, and his family will move there in the near fu ture. Toa can see the poison Plne-ules clears out of the kidneys and bladder. A single dose at bedtime will show ypu more poison upon rising the next mornlDg than can be expelled from the system in any other way. Pine ules dissolve the impurities and lubri cate the kidneys. Guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. 30 days treatment 11.00. Sold by Gering 4 Co.'s drug fttore. Democratic Congressional Convention. The First dlftrict congressional con vention is hereby called to meet at the auditorium in Lldcoln, Wednesday.thc 15th day of August, at 11 o'clock a. m. Said convention is called for the pur pose of nominating one congressman. Thisconvention will also transact. such other business as may properly come before It. The basis of representation from each county is one delegate for every lifty votes, or major fraction thereof, cast for F. W. Brown for con gressman In the special election of July is, lno.5. The counties compris ing this district are entitled to repre sentation as follows: Cass 21. John son , Lancaster 31, Nemaha 21, otoe in, Pawnee ;. Richardson la. J. B. Donij.As, Chairman Dem. Congressional Com. John A. McGi ii:k, Secretary. incompliance with the above call the democrats of Cass connty are re quested to meet in mass convention at the city hall In Plattsmouth on Satur day, August 11, at 2 p. m. for the pur pose of selecting twenty-one delegates to said convent Ion. A full attendance Is desired. Hknuy R. Gemnci, Congressional Committeeman. I t FORSTATE SUPERINTENDENT The Cass County Oe'egjtjs Will Present tii Nans cf Supervenient House OF THE PUTTSMOUTH CITY SCHOOLS For the Nomination of State Superintendent at the Democratic Conuntion Keit Week. The delegates to the democratic state convention in Lincoln next Wed nesday will present the name of Prof. E. L. Rouse, superintendent of the Plattsmouth city schools for state superintendent. Superintendent Rouse Is well known to the school workers of the state, and after very many urgent solicitation by his local friends, and many others In various sections of Nebraska, he has consented to the use of his name for this Important position. The Journal Is pleased to Inform Its friends of this fact, not because he is a favorite of this paper for this posl tion, but because we confidently be lieve he Is one of the most competent and reliable school men in Nebraska for the otllce. Ills experience In school work is one of many years duration, and his record Is one that will bear us out, In saying that he isone among the best practical school men in the west. Professor House never was an aspir ant for otllce, neither Is he at this time, but his friends, reall.lng his ex cellent qualities for the position men tloned, and knowing his popularity among the educators of the state, be lieve he Is just the man to go on the democratic ticket for this responsible position. He is not a politician, and while affiliating with the democratic party, he does not believe that politics should be associated in connection with school affairs. The Journal Is candid In the belief that when Professor Rouse's name Is presented to the convention, that so well is he known by reputat Ion, if not personally, he will be nominated unanimously. The state, of course, Is largely republican, but we believe that when the voters become better ac quainted with Professor Rouse's excel lent standing as an educator, and his true worth as a gentleman and citizen, Is known he will secure the votes of every Independent voter who believes In a higher standard in the educa tional affairs of Nebraska, will rally to hh support in the general elect ion. The Cass county delegation feel re joiced that it will be permitted to present the name of Superintendent E. L. Rouse to the democratic state convention for a position In which every father and mother Is more par ticularly Interested In than any other that of state superintendent of pub llcuchools. And when that conven tion Is over and the delegates return home with the Rouse banner unfolded to" the breeze, their good work will be hailed with delight by Mr. Rouse's le gion of friends in Cass county, of all political parties alike. Gnlveston't Sea Wil ? f - i . i a as s ,lr ii. i... i' v H 'I I ll! lilgll'.'l on , .nils E. VV ' I- I n',wlio resldi-s on I itt' ii SI..H. . .. IVx., needs no sr;i :i I f n stf-t i i v'ifes: "I hiiveiiswl Dr K'l'g's V-.v Divnvery I t (Joosii'iipl ion 1 1 1 ,n-r, iie years and it k.-.-ps ine .! - I ;ifi'. liefoie that Hun' I ha I :t e u i Aiiieh for years nad lu'en m-. f orsc. Now it's u'Omp." (Vires On- i, in ooghs, LaGrippi-. frmip. 'ii .. Coiti-li and prevents Pnest ,i . Pleasant to take. Every inii.v h ip anteed at F. G. Frieze's rinik' -I "t. Price 50c and $1. Trial Ooltle fn-f George Shoeman, jr., has rented the farm of Henry LehnholT, near Louis ville. Mr. Lchnholf has purchased a tine residence in Lincoln and will move there before winter sets' In. No doubt many of the friends of Mr. LehnholT and family will miss them. Whenappiiea ana covered with a hot cloth Pinesalve acts like a poultice Hest for burns, bruises, bolls, cracked hands, eczema, skin diseases, tetter, etc. Sold by Gering it Co. 'sdrug store. i wwwrinrwBminji deduce By purchasing one of those hih-grade Refrigerators Below Cost ZT,MM,wM''lttttiit''''i GASOLINE STOVES, of best makes at prices that are WAY BELOW COST Come in and see a.c when you need these goods and get prices on many other desirable articles in the line ot HoviseRirnishing Goods. FURNITURE I PEMSLMMH stoveuc (tL,'-;.;. . ;."v ;.y. Tin 10 l.0daU 1 anU-J Vvc the film beintf wound on the special spool while in the (lark box, dropped into the developer and at the end of 20 minutes is fully developed. No dark room, no crank ing, no stained finders. Could anything he simpler? Call and examine it. Absolutely guaranteed. Price iU.OO We also carry a line of plate cameras of hijjh nality. GERING & CO., KODAK DEALERS Hnrd to Choose. Such an enormous number ol reme dies being advertised fi,r different maladies of the people and all ot them promising a certain cure, It Is hard to choose the ripht one. The correct way Is to select such a remedy which has been tried by the people and found to correspond with the words of the manufacturer. Triner's Angelica Hit ter Tonic has quickly attained the highest position amongst the so-called Stomach Hitters by giving prompt re lief In all Intestinal diseases. Jt has never disappointed a sufferer. Hclng composed of vegetable Ingredients and pure wine, It acts as a mild stimulant and a great tonic where the stomach and the Intestines refuse to work. It also gives warmth and comfort to all organs and thus prevents many dis eases. During summer It should be the foremost family-remedy, because It makes the body to demand food, it brings a good sleep and It strength ens all organs. It quickly relieves pain In the stomach and Intestines, cramps and colic. Jos. Triner, 7'.i! So. Ashland Ave., Chicago, III. Will Move to Colorado. The beautiful residence properly on Chicago avenue, occupied by Mr. and! Mrs. F. A. Ilolyoke, has been pur chaser! recently by T. II. Pollock, who will take possession about the lirstof September. We understand that Mr. and Mrs. Ilolyoke will move west in order that he may be in closer touch with Ids duties, which take him to Colorado and Wyoming in the interest of the Diet. Lumber Co. The Holy okes will likely locate In Fort Collins, Colo., and their many friends will regret to learn of their Intended d(. parture from this city. Special Notice. Someone has circulated the report that. In consequence of my being re- fused a certliicate from the state! board, I had ceased to practice niv profession. This Is a base fabrication and circulated by one or more, as the case may be, for the sole purpose of In juring me. I want my friends to tm- Your We Give Special Attention to tepalr w"ik ihrn..: the i.aiural ly 'lui! n;. nt (,f .j s i . 1 1 1 1 i , If i,,:j are gomp to h a:iy for a week m two it Is 11 pom) iilra to lea vi ym,r clock ami Ifav.- It with us. We can clean it up and put it In pnodslia.o and by keeplnp it hrre a while ran pet It perfectly regulated. The way to keep a pood clock perma nently good Istohavcthertelleate mechanism cleaned and mljusted occasionally. ( lur eharnes are low and we do the work ripht. John W. Crabill JEWELER Do Away with that DARK ROOM oiieT is used ass im n n mvi derstand that 1 can he found al the old stand (Sage's barn ) ready and will- ing to go at liny time they may de mand my services, and will remain practicing my profession, until the supreme court, says I can do so no longer. A. P. IUunks. Veterinary Surgeon. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Dears the Signature about the t lew of B U D W E I S E 11 beer is cleanliness. From the time it Is brewed unt II poured Into your glass it. Is never touch ed by human 'hands and never gets Into contact with anything that m liable to Injure It In any way. The result Is that BUDWEISER BEER besides being at solutely clean Is also pure. When you want beer that Is noted for purity, Insist on BUDWEISER BEER Phil Thierolf AGENT TiUphon No. 265 i t. -y7v i i w v. i V