The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 09, 1906, Image 6

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If too of !hi iv. i, J. is of thr Jourwd know of n noritd i.r lit or nu Hi nt of innl in
Mi tnoit fii'I dull of idi i-o,'.- KdiUif Journal.
J in
i 7 1
Murray State Bank.
Chas. S. Stone. Cashier. Murray, Neb.
Ed Elliott was lii I'lattsmouth Tiics-I
day evening'. '
o. V. Virgin has been on the sick
list for the past few days. j
J. S. Lindsay Is In I'lattsmouth this
week visiting with his son, 1'. S. and
Lee Allison was looking alter some
business matters in I'lattsmouth Wed
nesday. Mrs. James Allison and daughter,
Miss Carrie, wero I'lattsmouth visitors
L. 1!. Underwood Isspoutlng the new
residence i f Herman Ketke, south of
town this week.
C.S.Stone took dinner with Mrs.
lsadoro Hall and Mrs. II. I!. Stone In
Nehawka Sunday.
Thomas Campbell, from near Kock
lllulTs, was visit ln with his many
Murray friends Wednesday.
M. L. Furlong.residlng east of town,
places his name on our rapidly Increas
ing subscription list this week.
MKs Clara Ilervey and brother,
David, of Omaha, are visiting at the
home of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A Walker.
The little child of Mr. and Mrs. .less
Rennard, residing west of Hwn. I :is
been iiiit.e sick for the past few da;,s.
Miss Eleanrr Cirpenter, of Wyom
ing, was visiting at t be home of her
uncle. Moot EoV.i :u:d family Wednes
day. Col. Siali'.it, 11. C Creamer, (i. M.
Mlnfurd anil Llo)d Gapen were in
( )maha Wednesday to attend tlx horse
Mrs. J. A. Walker and daughter,
Margie, and Miss Clara Harvey were
1'bttsmouth visitors Wednesday after
noon. Mrs. Hale and daughter, Irene, of
Nebraska City, were visit injr Saturday
and Sunday at tho home of Mrs. James
Hugh Ruhb and Carl West. Of Wy
oming, Neb., came up Tuesday even
ing to remain over night with Mr.
Robb's parents.
Mrs. L. I. I'nderwood has returned
home from her visit with friends and
relatives in Minnesota. She reportsa
very pleasant visit.
Mrs. K. A . llurton, of Surprise, Neb.,
arrived In Murray last Friday on a few
days visit to her brother, Postmaster
A. L. Raker and family.
John Hall and wife, of I'lattsmouth,
spent last Sunday at the home of their
t 1
LL.Utail ' ii 1 1 i iifcuitii
oun F1INE
Come and sec one anyway
L. B. Underwood
Murray Department
Don't wait i. ut! I jou have
a d ray-load of money before
you open up aa account with
us. The chances are one In
a hundred million that you
will never have that much,
certainly not if you don't get
Installment ot It In the bank,
where It will be drawing In
terest. We are after the little
depositor. He will bo a big
one later on. Thats the way
nine-tenths of tho well-to-do
men of to-day got their start.
Reg'n with i ne dollar here if
you like.
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Then. Amlck,
W mlll's northwest of Murray.
Mrs. II. L. Oldham and daughter,
Miss Pauline, were In maha Wcdncs-
day. Lee drove to I'lattsmouth to
meet them on the return trip.
Al Kennedy has finished that new
cave of Ir. llrendel'sand you bet It is
a dandy. Al certainly Is a top-notcher
when It comes to building circular
Dr. II. L. Newell, dentist, of Union,
has decided to come to Murray again
one day out of each week, which will
be on Thursday, the first trip being
Miss Kelly, who has been visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. James
Ilatchett fur the past few days, re
turned to her home in Omaha Wed
nesday evening.
H. W. liahluin, of ('.entry county,
MLs.sourl,arrlVffi in Murray a few days
ago, where he will make his home for
the present, having secured employ
ment on a farm.
Joseph Kastol, who has been so seri
ously 111 for the past few weeks, we
are glad to say, Is gaining strength at
this time and his prospects are good
for a complete recovery.
John Wiles, residing;!) miles north
of Murray was taken suddenly 111 Mon
day, and while not In a dangerous con
dition he has been confined to his b3d
and has sullered a great deal.
An Omaha Junk tlrm has been doing
all kinds of business In Murray the
past few days. Fully two car loads of
old Iron and other Junk has been
bought and will bo shipped to that
The Whole
thin nViio'v tttnl will mud nnme to thi
Miss Nora Standish visited with
a few days the past week, returning
Lome Monday acccmpanled by Misses
Anna and Mildred Cook, who will
spend a few days at the Standish home.
Fred Shoemaker and wife, Edith,
licrtha, Katie and Mar Shoemaker, of
near Nehawka: Ed. Wolf, of Avoca:
EdTlilclc, of (Syracuse, all took the
train at this place last Sunday evening
for Chicago. They will also make the
lake trip to Milwaukee.
To merely demonstrate the excellent
qualities of the popular Moline I'itlcss
Scale, L. H. I'nderwood has placed one
of them In operation opposite his
store, and .lespectfully Invites all par
ties contemplating the purchase of a
scale to call and see this one.
L. Ii. I'nderwood went to Omaha
Monday with I toy Roedeker and be
fore returning sueeeded in selling him
a line new rubber-tired buggy. Now.
girls, Is your chance to get an excellent
ride behind ;i line team and in one of
the best buggies In the precinct.
Mel'loud, the painter, has been in
the vicinity of Murray for the past
week, and In consequence thereof the
Murray State Hank has a new coat of
paint on the front and the school
house In the l'.rown district Is being
treated In a like manner this week.
Frank Llghtner, of Rarstow, Calif.,
camo In Saturday morning and will
spend a couple of weeks visiting with
his father-in-law, Hen Reckman and
family. Mrs. Llghtner has been vis
iting home folks for the past few days
previous to the arrival of her husband.
Will Puis Is contemplating the erec
t ion of a new house on his farm west of
town. We did not learn just what the
new structure will be, but we know
"I'tlllic" well enough that If It Is for
his own occupancy It will be a good
one, as lie never does anything by the
The Public Eek.r
We like to get the public ear whin
ever we get such good news as we
are now able to tell you In the way
of our low-priced
Oxfcrds and Summer Goods
We never divulge an open secret of
this kind in vain, ae the trade has
learned that when we say anything
it's so. A hint here is all that is
possible. Come in and get full par
ticulars. HOLMES & SMITH.
Mrs. Lee Allison and Miss Jessie
Irost were visiting in 1'nlon Wedncs
day, the guest of Miss I na I avis, be
fore her (Miss Davis) departure for an
extended visit with friends and rela
tlvesln Virginia. Miss Davis depart
ed on the midnight train Wednesday
Wednesday evening.
While In Murray Wednesday our at
tcntion was called to some of the hand
painted chlnaware on display at the
store of L. R. I'nderwood, the work of
Mr. Underwood's sister, Miss Minnie
It Is certainly some of the finest work
we have ever seen and In every partic
ular displays the finishing touches of
an artist.
We understand that a certain young
gentleman, not many miles from Mur
ray, went to I'lattsmouth last Satur
day evening, and wishing to pay his
taxes went to the court house for this
purpose, but could not gain admit
lance, and left his money lay on the
steps on the outside. We will not
give the young man's name, but leave
It to our readers to guess.
A little child was born to Mr. and
Mrs. l'hlllp Trltsch at their home
nine miles northeast of Murray, on
! last Saturday, only to be called from
them by that mysterious unseen hand
a few hours later. Funeral services
! were held Sunday and the little one
! burled In the cemetery near the home
i of Its parents. Mr. and Mrs. Trltsch
' have the deepest sympathy of the on
tire community.
A new order has been Issued from ihe
! I'. S. K. M. S. department, giving all
i rural route carriers a two weeks vaoa
, tlo'i in each year allowing them full
I pay, tho government paying the ex
I pense of the substitute. This is
i pretty nice bill for the boys, but they
; are certainly deserving of the same
; James Manners has not decided as to
I what he will take his rest, but
we will wager that he dosen't mNsthc
0 e. rtunlty.
Misses ('trace and Ressie Fenii, of
.Omaha, are In Murray this week
guests of their uncle, Mont Kohh and
family. Miss I'.essie has just returned
fr m Paris, where she completed wit'i
i highest honors hcrc mrv; In one of
'i'ivc it irill ;,tar uwhr t!ii linoiinij.
Hon About Thai
You Have Promised Yourself
for the Past Few Months?
My complete line has
arrived and my prices
will be rijjht. Call in
early and let me show
you that 1 am in posi
tion to tjive you a
the best vocal colleges In France. Miss
Fenn has a wonderful voice and has
been making a big "hit" in the old
country. She has returned to Omaha,
where she will make her home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Walker and
daughter, Miss Margie, and Miss Clara
Ilervey, and brother, David, spent
Wednesday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. 0. II. Gllmore in Murray, the oc
casion being in honor of their little
son, Walker's, fourth birthday. The
day was a very pleasant one and we
know that Mrs. Gllmore treated them
to an excellent meal at the noon hour.
Little Walker was the happiest and
proudest boy In the town when his
grandpa presented him with a new
tricycle as a birthday present.
M. L. Furlong, from near Hock
I Huffs, w;is In Murray Wednesday. He
enroied his name on our large sub
scription list at this place.
"Jimmio's" New Home.
While in Murray Wednesday after
noon we went over to see the new
home being erected by James Lough-
ridge on his lots just north of Main
street, and we were indeed surprised
to learn that he was building such a
nonportable home as he really is. All
the good lumler fiom the old house is
being worked Into the rough or inner
portlou only of the new one, and while
it is far from completion one can read
ily see the plans of the architect and
just about how they are to be carried
out. The new structure will be :?0x'J4
with a 1(1x14 on the north end, giving
him live good rooms with a large porch
on the front and rear, also two large
closets. Kxtra large windows will he
placed In the parlor and dining room
with a diamond shape colored window
In the enclosed porch in the rear. The
A. E. Jameson contracting company of
Weeping Water are doing the carpen
ter work, and when completed we can
truthfully say that Mr. and Mrs,
Loughrldge will have one of the most
pleasant homes In Murray.
Entertain In Honor of Guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Vallery, west of
the city, entertained a large number
of their friends at their comfortable
country home last Saturday evening,
In honor of Misses Florence Pitzer of
Louisville and Gertie Ucnsee of Rush
vllle, Neb. The evening was very en
joyably spent In various amusements,
chief among which was "tipping the
light fantastic toe." Ice cream and
cake were served during the evening,
and one who was there says it was one
of tlic grandest events of a social na
ture he ever attended. The dancing
continued to a late hour when all took
their departure with th hope that
Mr. and Mrs. Vallery will soon repeat
the happy event.
Those who were fortunate in at
irnmng me picasanr atrair were:
Misses and May Meisinger,
Anna Parkenlng, Teresa Marler, Lot
tie, Nellie and I'.lanche Vallery, Fern
Kuliy. Lena Mday, Mary Warga, Joslc
M. Vallery, Kll.abcth Sehlandcr
Messrs. Amcl, Louie, Fred and Henry
Meisinger, Otto and Frank Parking-
ton, Clyde Adamson. Frank Kalasek
Prank Steppct, Fritz, Mack and
crald Vallery, Will Krugcr, Henry
Illrtz, Ilert Vallery, Gustavo Hard
man, Noel Manners, Janus Nowatck,
Guy White, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Carey
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Vallery, and Mr
and Mrs. Lander Mday.
The music for the occasion was fur
Ocl.i:l l,v Mr. Ilardcir.nn. who filled
'tl.j bill to a letter.
Miss Alice Murray and Gj C. Fleming of
Omaha Married Wednesday at t!ie
Home of the Bride in Mynard.
One of the prettiest weddings of the
summer occurred Wednesday in the
presence of few near friends and rela
tives, at the hospitable home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. It. Murray In Mynard,
when their daughter, Miss Alice, and
Mr. Guy C. Fleming, of Omaha, were
united In the holy bonds of marriage
at high noon, by Rev. J. F. Baird, of
The bride appeared very charming
In a dress of teraln-muslln, and car
ried a boquet of bride roses. The
bridesmaid, Miss Grace Lace, of Ne
braska City, was attired In white silk.
The groom and also his best man, Mr.
Claire Eennettof Omaha, were dressed
In the conventional black. Miss Cecil
Longworth of Ada, Ohio, presided at
the piano, and with grace and ease
rendered Lohengrin wedding march.
The rooms had been artistically decora
ted for the occasion with sweet peas
and ferns.
After the ceremony, which was per
formed under a beautiful arch of Mow
ers and thecongratulations, theguests
repaired to the dining room where a
bounteous three course dinner was
served by . Misses. Harriet Murray,
F.dith Jean, and Lorlne F.mory of
llie oiKU' who is one ol the charm
ing daughters of Mr. and Mrs. W. R.
Murray, is an accomplished young lady
and has a large number of friends who
will be pleased to learn of this happy
event, and w ho will hasten to congrat
ulate the young groom upon securing
such a loving and estimable young
lady for his partner through life.
Mr. and Mrs. Fleming were the reel
plents of many handsome presents
from their friends, who did not neglect
to assist them last night In preparing
for their journey to Omaha, where Mr,
Fleming has a good position In the
county register of deeds office, and
where they w ill be at home to their
One Hundred Years Old.
Mr. Ivan S.White, and hisdaugh
ter-ln-law, Mrs. Mark White, of Rock
KlutTs. departed from this city today
for Trenton, Mo., near which his
mother resides, where they go to as.
sist in celebrating her one hundredth
anniversary. The mother, Mrs. Mary
White, was born in eastern Tennessee,
near the Virginia state line, in lsoo,
but has lived in Missouri since 1:4,
where her son, Ivan, was born in l:i."
The last time Mr. White received
word from his mother she was in the
enjoyment of excellent health for one
of her age, and he is expecting to have
a most enjoyable visit with her. She
ias resided within six miles of Tren
ton, Mo., ever since coming to the
state, and she will no doubt also be
oined also by many of her neighbors
and friends in Grundy county in cele
brating the greatest event of her life
her 100th birthday. The occasion
will no doubt lie an enjoyable one for
Mr. White and his daughter.
nother quiet wedding occurred at
noon today, when Miss Kalle Dorr and
Mr. Louis Chappel, both residents of
this county, near Nehawka, were hap'
plly united by County Judge Travis.
The groom is a son of George Chappel
and Is an Industrious young farmer
who has many friends. The bride Is a
daughter of Robert Dorr, and appear;
ed rery charming In a beautiful white
dress. Although we have not the
pleasure of personal acquaintance with
the contracting parties, we are inform
ed that they are highly esteemed
young people In the vicinity of Ne
hawka, where they will make their
home. They were accompanied to the
county seat by W. C. Tucker and Miss
Nellie Dorr, who stood up with them
during the ceremony. The Journal
joins In congratulating them upon this
happy event.
For Sale!
A 100 acre farm close to Murray; fair
Improvements. For particulars cal
on or address C. s. Stonk.
Murray, Neb.
Notice to All.
Notice Is hereby given to all parties
Interested, that my wife has of her
own free will and accord left my home
and bod, and that from this date for
ever more I will not be held rcsponsl
ble for any bills or accounts that she
may coniracr either in my name or
her own. JoMcrn K.vstoi..
Aug. !, l'.IOii.
Farmeis. Look!
If you are in need of new hay furk
rope, please bear In mind that wo carry
a high grade rope and have some on
hand, tall and see us. Holmes
Smith, Mynard.
Dr. Elster, Dentts,
Waterman Block
Teeth $5
C.r'. l r
I 'in
tkt; ,. i
-nt vi ;
..!. !.
,1 I...
;; ti
. tit
tl '! -. .' 1
CAlLEY.Tho Drrntlot
F.Ul:.liJ SM. l'xt.itB!k. O.HMA
Of Course It's Not Legal.
The Syracuse Journal complied with
the order of Secretary of State Galusha
and printed what it called a supple
ment containing the proposed consti
tutional amendment. This Is the
second supplement we have seen and
neither of them contained a single
line of reading matter but was tilled
wiin advertisements. That supple
ment Is not worth the paper on which
It Is printed and should have been
excluded from the malls. Every news
daper publisher knows that under the
law- that supplement could not have
been folded and sent out with the
regular edition, because It was not
what It purported to be. Nebraska
City News.,
Any newspaper man, who is at all
posted knows that a supplement tilled
up only with advertising, and no read
ing matter cannot legally pass through
the malls. And the constitutional
amendment Is nothing more than an
advertisement paid for by the state.
Of course, if Nebraska has "got money
to burn," It is just as well to give it
to the newspapers, who favor the
wilyGalusha for re-f lection. This Is
why it was delayed, the secretary of
state wanted the amendment in those
papers only who favored his re-nomi
nation. Hut Nebraska can al'ord to
throw away l,ooo in this manner.
Tho taxpayers are the sufferers.
Postoffice Sites.
Rids were opened yesterday at the
ollice of the supervising architect of
the treasury department in Washing
ton for a site for the new govern
ment building to be erected in this
city. The site requires not less than
12i) by Rio feet in area, and the follow
ing are the bids opened and considered:
John Rauer and Feterltauen, cor
ner Vine and Seventh streets, SjJ.'O;
. Pearlman, Chris. Koehnke and S.IL
Shumaker, southeast corner Vine and
Sixth streets, $,s."0; A. E. Gass and
F. G. Frlcke, northeast corner Sixth
and Vine, $7,500: R. W. Scott, corner
Sixth and Granite, $.1,000; Charles C.
Parmele, northeast corner Seventh
and Main, $G,.r)00; August Gorder and
C. C. Despain, southeast corner Vine
and Third, $1,700; Pettibone & Nixon,
southwest corner Vine and Fifth,
l.soo: Nebraska Lighting company,
southwest corner Pearl and Sixth,
$l,.r)00; Anna Fitzgerald, northwest
corner Vine and Sixth, $7,000.
It will perhaps be some little time
before it will be known which site is
accepted, and it may be necessary for
the government to send a representa
tive here to decide the matter. In
the meantime the people can go on lo
cating the building to suit their no
tion, just as they have been doing.
In this state It Is not necessary te
lerve a five days' notice for eviction of
n cold. Use the original laxative Cough
tyrup, Kennedy's Lar.ative Honey and
Tar. No opiates. Sold by F. G. Frlck3
tCo. and Gering & Co.
The M. W. A. of Mynard will give
an Ice cream social at that place on
Wednesday evening, August '22.
Death Near Greenwood.
William Kimncrer died at his home,
three miles southeast of Greenwood,
August 7, looti, aged about til years.
He leaves a wife and three children,
two of whom are of age. He was a
homesteader on the farm where he
died, coming to Nebraska in ls7,). He
had the confidence ot all, being a man
straight of word and upright in all his
dealings. Interment at the cemetery
at Greenwood on Wednesday.
Get settled In a home of your own lu
a good locality, along with other nice
people, where you will have good
neighbors and pleasant social Inter
course. A man who pays rent can
never be regarded as a fixture In any
certain spot and he lasks a certain
prestige that belongs to the house
holder. We have started scores of peo
ple of small means In acquiring a home
stead, and have seen success crown
tlielr ctforts In handing It without em
barrassment to themselves. It's your
turn. Come lu.
Some Big Bargains
In Pierce. Antelope, Knox and Cass
counties. For further particulars see
Chas. L. Martin. I'lattsmouth, or
Rruce Sires, Plalnview, Neb.
Kor moating, belching, sour stom, bad breath, malasslinllatlen of
food and all symptons of Indigestion.
Ring's Dyspepsia Tabletsare a prompt
and efficient corrective. Two days
treatment free. Sold by Gcrlng &
Co. 's drug store.