The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 09, 1906, Image 4

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The Plattsmouth Journal j
ri l.l.lMIH" V KK.M.Y AT
11. A. KA'iT.S, I'i i.mmiki;.
Tin. M-: will i ( ! it ir nl lo-!
iuj.;s in the Firt '. 1
trivt m the s;:i.he of lotlh- c!i-:'.r
aw. iv iv. N'owril .r.
Goieraor tains Rules, the Roast.
Tin- Mtnatii'ii in It
owa, limn- '.
in a r.r.Nht.!' is :i!.(.iti as folio-.-Sh.iw,
tin- Tht-hnif! laan to ':
I any r.itr-j iart:s.i:i nuestion the is
,'siie whether Kraft shall Le indorsed
j-r re;!i!iateil in a ili-trict that Mr.
;Lr;ir: miee rejiresetitt'l in run-
I A v. i n ii. Washington is t.-lf
I exair.inul the seeuinl time tor i vi-
::t 1
lite.l; I
a hi i in-1'"!.
dr.isk.i as v
'ii. .it r; iiisiu.mi ii. Ni-
.-mi l.-Livi lirdli-r
"1'oiN rlM'. W illi iii!e" will he
the ehief oceiipatiou of Kt. pliMican
statesmen in the next three months.
The democrats will have a lew in
structive pointers in the cattipain,
Skn.VI'ok Shi.i.ihin will enter the
rcpuMican state convention with
the solid delegations from the First
concessional district anil a lare
scattering support from all over tin
state. Till-: position of the stain!at re-
puMie.iiis illustrates the old story
of the thn e nu n w ho met to start a
mu chinch, with hut two planks in
m its platform "Fiist. the nice';
dial! inhi .it the eaith: S.ror.d, we
ale the uuk."
h recently appro
ihiicc of insanity
hews that J.-,i .0 recently a
pii.itci! for the I'resiilent's j'ersoiial
expenses was to he used for her til -teitainineiit.
I.ots of politicians
believe that nearly all appropria
tions are intended for their enter
tainment and thev are not made
subjects of any in.iiiry as to their
Knw.Ki Ri si:wati;k seems to be
holding bin own on the instruction
business in the senatorial contest.
If anything, he has the best of it so
far. The "Luster" Lrown boom is
sightly on the wane just now, and
the people are rapidly finding out
that the attoinev-Kcneral is not so
much of a "trust -buster" as he pre
tends to be. The people never did
'a wolf in sheep's cloihinc.,"
Tin: Missotui river threatens to
i x patriate Si n itor(lamble,ol' South
Dakota, by chanine, its channel
and putting his leal habitat in Ne
braska. Now if something of the
sort would happen to (lovernor
Cumiuins, of Iowa, how vJ.ul Mr.
Roosevelt would be.
So John D. RocKi;ri:i.i,i-K is not
to j;o to jail, or even to be prosecu
ted criminally by the federal author
ities, but if the administration can
screw up its courage, he may be
fined and the farce of prosectitinj;
the Standard Oil trust will be an
other nine days wonder.
Tin: democratic congressional
convention for the First district w ill
be held in Lincoln, on Wednesday,
August 15, at 11 a. in. This is
also the date ot the democratic state
convention. I lie county conven
tion to Select delegates to this coll
vcntion will be held Saturday, Au-
umt 11.
Tin: New Voik Tost is authority
tor the statement that the republi
can tariff rev:--io:ii:,ts are reading
"lat him th it thiukcthhc standeth
IMt. take hee.l Lst he fall into i:;i
i.attv." And Mr. Loss, theui:i
. il advocate of recipi ocity is urn-ai.-,-;
for the republican nomination
.:: aeainst
the standpatter, (len. Draper, to
discover if the people will make the
above come true.
Si.xeii the Nemaha county re
publicans i tist l lute i! for Lollard,
one oi two of the hitter's most ar
dent supporters do not now even
concede Otoe county to Indue
esseii. Hut then the "ardent"
don't always know as much as they
would like the people to think they
know. It would be a hard blow to
Jesseu for Otoe county to ro back
on him, and the Journal don't be
lieve it will.
Tin-: report comes out of Wash
iiiKtou that l'reside-nt Roosevelt is
so disgusted at the failure of his
Philippines tariff bill that he is
ready to recommend abandonment
of the Islands unless congress does
something for the Filipinos next
winter. Probably Mr. Roosevelt
has read Lryan's plan for unload
ine; the Philippine dead weight, and
is K'cttinK ready to steal some more
democratic thunder,
TiiKadmiuistration of (Ldusha as
secretary of state lias been one
continual round of mistakes. He
came within an ace of not getting
the constitutional amendment pub
lished within the time specified by
law, and than was compelled to in
sist on special editions being issued
iioin the cilices favored with its
publication. Now it is a ipiestion
win aliicr
such publication are
liwr alldthe ledcl .il oii'.ecl.oldcrs ' ! j
the state, through J. lllythe, i;
the Puilington rail road, compa: .
w ho managed the campaign agai:: t
Cummins, gun rally repudiated, a::.!
the republican national committee
jioue into hiding. Neither one or
the other could bring about the
pressure to win. The reuomuu-
tion of (lovemor Cummins for the
third term means also the repudia
tion of the national republican pol
icy of tariff protection by one of the
most solid republican states in the
solid north.
It is an opportunity for the great
mass of republicans in the United
States who have long wanted to
break away from machine domina
tion on political issues to conic fn in
under cover and declare their n d
sentiment. It is worth more th in
passing mention that the men who
acked Perkins in Iowa were oft'i.
ollicc -holding crowd. Perkins, hi::;
sen, nas scive'i uvciuv one re;::is
as a county, state and
olhee-holder. His crv of third U :m
with which he sought to dekat
Cumiuins acted as a boomerang
The convention may have had, to
some, the semblance of peace, but
to a close observer it means thedis
ruptiou of the republican party in
Iowa and the embarrassment of the
organization nationally. It is the
Beginning, in the ranks of the oppo
sitiou, of the triumph of the great
principles advocated by W. J. Bry
an, and Iowa's action, so far as the
state is concerned, means that Ne
braska's favorite son is to win in
.So Iowa is an illustration of the
solid g. o. p.! Cummins, Perkins
Shaw, Dolliver and Hepburn, with
their political scalping knives ready
for business, give us a picture of re
publican harmony. This sort of
lariiiouy means that republicans
w ho get their tariff inspiration from
Oyster Lay w ill continue to "stand
pat" on the tariff, while those who
ollow the flag of Cummins will go
on ileinainung that all liieiiuaw
ties in tariff schedules, whiclijiiiev-
itahlv arise from changing connner-
ia! and industrial conditions,
, , i i . i i c ....... .
snouni ne :u:iusie; iro-.a nine w
Under this chameleon policy a
republican m.iy be a "standpatter"
Tin', president's experience m
detailing Taft to make the North
CaVvdiiia republicans "get togeth
r" having proved such a dismal
failure, he is rather at a loss to know
who to send to Iowa on a similar
errand. If President Roosevelt
would keep the discredited Shaw
out of the state and speak a good
word for (iov. Cummins who is
fighting the rotten republican tu.i
chine and the railroads, the Iowa
factional fight would settle itself to
the satisfaction of honest men.
Tin-: express companies have
such a complicated tangle of tariffs
under which they have Ken plund
ering the public, that they have re
quested of the Interstate Commerce
Commission an extension of time
in which to prepare rate schedules
for publication under the new law
As the express companies have been
charging "all the traflic will bear'
in most cases and a little more than
it would bear in many transactions
vou now have an opportunity to
obtain more just chaigesby appea
ing to the commission.
As Com ,ki-sm.n' Pni.i.AKii has
wo:; out in Nemaha county by a
hair, it would indicate that he had
i sure thing now, so far as the
nomination is concerned. Put there
s an old saying staring him in the
ice: "There's many a slip betwixt
the cup and the lip."
In Cass county the Weeping
Water Republican and Herald and
thel-)lmwood Leader-Kchoare given
the job of printing the constitu
tional amendment. Three papers
on the west side of the county.
Why two papers in one town and
none on the east side, it is hard to
understand. Mavbe this is dene
iy Oalusha to even up matters i ol-
itical in Cass couutv in his favor
for a re-nomination.
Cr:niiNS wins out in Iowa by
big majority, with plenty of votes to
spare. 1 In- stainlpatters wasn t in
it a little bit when it came to a show
Uow n- l ne governor gets every
thing lie demanded, even to his tar
iff revision platform. No compro
mise on any question, although the
standpatters with a great flourish
of trumpets entered Des Moines
with the avowed determination of
capturing the whole business. The
Cummins faction is in the saddle,
and Roosevelt's secretary of the
treasury's little presidential bloom
has gone glimmering among the
things that were.
Thh prohibitionists of Nebraska
met in convention at Lincoln this
week and nominated the following
ticket: Governor, II. T. Sutton,
Bethany; lieutenant governor, J.
D. Forsythe, Peru; railways com
mittee, Dr. J. D. McCleary, Lea
trice, V,. A. Gerard, Monroe, and
Samuel Lichty, Falls City, secretary
of state,.!. M. Dell, York; auditor,
W. K. Nichol, Mindeii; treasurer,
W. II. Maddox, Falls City; superin
tendent of public instruction, Pert
Wilson, ITumbolt;attoniey general,
J. D. Graves, Peru; commissioner
public lauds and buildings, Oscar
Kent, Ketiesaw. The state central
committee will nominate a United
States senator.
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has hcen
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Venice, Rome, Naples, Milan,
Paris, Lyons, Marseilles, Madrid,
Lisbon and, 'finally, Gibraltar, sail
ing from the latter port three weeks
hence on the steamer Princess Irene
for New Vork. There he will be
welcomed by the united Democracy
of the country.
A LnsToN raper which suiipoi ted
McKinley for the presidency in
1S')6, says that Uoosevelt's most
prominent characteristicsare "brag,
Muster, conceit, lawlessness, ego
tism, deceitfuluess, impudence,
treachery and heartlessiiess.'' The
same paper says that "Senator
Lodge orders the suppression of
every reference to reciprocity with
Canada and is obeyed without
Utiestion, whether in convention or
legislature." It likens Lodge to
nav and Tlattc. and asks: "Is it
not time for self-respecting rcpuh
licans to look elsewhere?''
Tit;;:;: seems to be no doubt that
Mr. Pollard will receive the leptib-
ican nomination without any more
trouble. Tin- Journal is .ylad ot it.
f the independent and democratic
voters ot the district cannot ileteat
'ollard with the stigma of "Salary-
grabber" attached to his name, and
with an honorable, able and clean
cut democrat for his opponent, the
igns of the times will prove a fail
lire. 1 he common people ccspise a
a salary-grabber, either in county
or state officials, and much more so
in nieiiuVrs of the national house of
As vi-T the republican editors
uiven't quite caught any uniform
note except that of alarm and ap
prehension. They are calling fran
tically to the republican cohorts to
stand firm, demanding that repub
licans shall be united and unwaver
ing. They are sounding the old
caution against that division which
would inevitably mean ruin and
graphically picturing business panic
and manufacturing depression, but
apart from these lines of harmony
the republican editors seem to have
no views in common. One section
of the republican press, letting tin
wish father the thought, has unitei
in emt'haticallv predicting that
Pryau will never dare press the
taritt issue, but another section ot
the republican press is equally pos
itive and emphatic in the declara
tion that Pryan is sure to demand
that the next presidential campaign
be fought out on the issue of the
tariff and the trusts. These sur
face differences among our republi
can friends are entirely superficial
however, and few readers of the re
publican newspapers will escape the
conviction that the protective tariff
and all its evil offspring, the op
pressive trusts, are already the dom
inating issue in American politics.
Tin: dulcet strains from the Iowa
convention are still awing. 1 he
nieHiiluous note struck by Kditor
in a "standpat" state, and a tariff David Ilrant, who has tuned the
reioimei in an iua-nu.i M.ue. (nva iity Daily Republican to a
As a trap to catch votes the scheme "stand-pat" pitch against the re-
is worthy of the simioas and subtle ,)Ui,liCan nominee, will no doubt be
M.ichiavellt. Put inedi;H-val,iiight as mtlodious when it reaches the
of trickery awd dwible-tkaling has Auburn conventiot next Thursday
bct-n dispelled by the sunlight cf as sofj ,nusjc mellowed lv the kiss
publicity. of waves. No matter that this same
In the siren lure which Iowa set p)rant bolt is phonographed in mag-
ringing in the ears of the rural vo- aphonetvpe in Perkins's own paper;
ten, the press-warned ear detects tile rising discord will still sound
the swish-swash of the waves on the soft swtet in the nothing-but
standpat reefs, hears the death harmony ear in the republican
chant for its industrial interests concressioal convention on the
moaning among the corals, and 9th
then hearkens to the ojn sea, a
Republican Imbecility.
"Standing pat" on the tariff and
other economic issues is absurd.
Conditions change with time and
what may be for the advantage of
the people one year, is to their dis
advantage hereafter. To "stand
pat" on the tariff as the law is to
day, when it has proven to be plun
dering the people for the benefit of
the protected monopolists is not
statesmanship, but bourbonism.
The fact is the republican party has
iccatne atrophied by standing pat
and lost its virility by being fed by
ie pampered trusts and special in
terest it has itself created It stands
salvation sail on the unbridled
main Tariff Reform Democracy!
Plenty of 6od Material.
In reviewing the political situa
tion at the present time in the First
Skxator LaFom.kttk says that
the United States senate at its late
session was more representative of
the people than the house of repre
sentatives. It must be admitted
that the facts show this and the
reason is plain that the house chiefly
congressional district, the Omaha repreSL.nts the views anJ wishes o
Worm-neraid says: tM,,i l,;.;...,., ...t,
1 iuv. ' 1 'v.uiv.i utiu ah.-! liiu Liv. . iiu ni l
"What is now required is for the extrcme standnatters. friendlvtothe
democrats of the district to exercise Lanroatls anJ tnjst corporation9
and forced the house to vote to
make the people pay for beef in
spection, while the senate votec
that the cost of inspection should
To re
elect a republican congress means
to continue this ring rule.
wisilQin ami goon judgment in
choosing a candidate to pit against
Kasy Money Pollard; an able man,
of honor and the strictest integrity
1M. .. 1 . .1. ... - ... i: I
men ici u.em piese.u u.a; eaimi-m the 1,cc.f m,st
date to tne voters on tne issue ot
common, ordinary honesty.
There are numerous good dem
ocrats available to make this fight. W11.1.IAM Ji:nmni.s Hkvax, hav
There is Mayor Prown, who ran ing been dined and interviewed by
against Pollard two years ago; there almost every man of prominence in
is Richard L. Metcalfe, who was his the Pritish Isles, has stepped across
chairman; there are such splendid the channel and is continuing hi
democrats as I . .1. Doyle of I.ancas- remarkable tour of the continent
ter, W. II. Kclliger and Judge Mc- Germany, not to be outdone by
Carthey of Nemaha, II. H. Hanks Lngland in the matter of showing
and V. V. Wilson of Otoe, Mayor all honor to the great American
Watzke and J. 1 Walsh of Hum- whose popularity abroad grows as
bolt, Mayor Gering of Cass and rapidly as it did at home when he
others worthy and strong. Let the first went among the people, has
liest and most available candidate accorded to Bryan such a reception
be chosen, and then let the demo- as has lecn given to no American
crats make the fight on the issue since the memorable visit of Gen
which overshadows and submerges I oral Grant. Mr. Hryan w ill visit
pat because it does not feel com
petent to throw off their incubus
and again assume its original spirit
of liberty and devotion to its pris
tine conceptions, which were an
nounced in the great Declaration of
Independance. but which it now
says are obsolete and glittering
generalities. The republican party
stands uow for taxation without
representation, it allows the trusts
and protection combines to tax the
people ten times the amount, than
even the plundering tariff law com
pels the people to pay to the gov
ernment itself. To stand pat on
such a system of legalized robbery
is imbecility. The great doctrine
of "equal rights to all and special
privileges to none" has no lodg
ment in the heart of the republican
stand -patters.
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