The County Exchanges Items ol General Interest Selected Iron the Columns of Contemporaries S ) NehwvkaL Elmwood Krurn thf l.m.ttr-Kclio. Henry lllschotT's little bey Is Im proving, but Is still under the doctor's rare. 11. F. Krull is h.iviriir a new bam built, lr.x'-M, to take the place of the one destroyed by tire last week. Miss Mary Uosciierans came out from I'lattsmouth Tuesday for a few days visit with Aunt Sarah Hall. John Terry lias tiled a claim against the M. 1". I:y. Co. for a fine gentleman cow, which he found dead on or near the track last Thursday morning. Word has been received here of the birth of an eleven and one half pound daughter yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Current, of University place. All doing nicely, and John's smile Is now larger than hl9 feet. Mr. A. N. McCrory, of near Mur dock, has purchased the beautiful resi dence property of A. H. Dickson, In thlsjcity, possession to be given the first of leccmbcr next. Consideration 2,noo. We have not learned what Mr Dickson Intends doing, but trust that be will not leave Klmwood. Mat Spader, a former resident of thlH village, happened In Tuesday. He was accompanied by tils brother-in-law, Sam Long, who left here about bIi years ago and settled In Seattle, Wash. Sam reports the good health of the Long", former residents of Wa bash. Union (I'r ini t!.- Ki .'Ntcr.) Fred Nut.inan. Clirls I loss and Fred Schomaker shipped six car lea is "f cattle to South Omaha last Mou lay li. F. M ore, lVterOpp an J. A. Pollard returned home Tuesday trom Wurland where they registered on the land drawing. Will Cumptom will have charge of the barber simp for Lui daskill. I his will be entirely satisfactory t the natrons of the shop as Will lsan t"d i . l - ... . .1 J.. from tiie Lat. uaroer ami & kix stemi j icnuw. Albert Eaton and wife are the proud A deal was made the past week parents of a nice new daughter that whereby Lon Gaskll), night man of registered at their home "n Saturday, the Missouri Pacific at this place, be- ni v ?i. comes owner and proprietor of the mi.. t j .if. .,.i,.nn. in. barber shop and restaurant. . u. - . ,,ni t,a om. nav ( son, uie lormer proprietor, sen lly circle, a fine daughter, born Mon- ay morning, July 23. Mrs. James Archer came from I O J 141. ',!... a.. , - I llBttmiinth last Saturday to make auuuay w.ui ;urs. uucim as bui.u u,ith i, lenaeni. L,asi .-sunaay mere was an several days' visit aw, Mrs. Sarah O'lonnel,east of this Mage. Mrs. A. C. Korabeck of Washington, I). C, accompanied by her daughter Miss Agnes, arrived last Sunday for a Islt with her sister, Mrs. John Chal fant. Mrs. Leila Duwav returned from Peru on Monday, where she spent sev eral weeks In the summer session of the State Normal. She will be one of the teachers In the schools at Mur ray the coming term. Miss Charlotte Wallace of Lincoln arrived Wednesday evening from Urunswlck, Mo., where she had been Isltlng for some time, stopping here to visit ber cousin, Mlssvernle liar num, a few days. Winnie Crawford met with quite an of A world of truth In a few words "Nearly all other cough cures are con stipating, especially those containing opiates. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar moves the bowels. Contains no opiates." You can get It at F. G Frlcke & (Jo's and fieri ng t Co's. Louisville From the Courier. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Evans, a girl, July 2ii. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Lohnes, Saturday, July 21, a boy. Uncle fieorge Schoeman was up from Plattsmouth this week visiting with his many Louisville friends. Louisville people will regret to learn that Miss Ll.le McClaln Is In very poor health at her home at Weeping Water. 4 Mrs. Geo. Frampton and two chit dren, Klsle and Laura, are here from Oklahoma visiting with her mother Mrs. Schoeman, and other relatives. C. V. May field came up from Okla homa Wednesday and Joined the Louis vllle rarty who left for the Shoshone country Wednesday evening to try their luck In Uncle Sam's land lottery T. K. Parmele was up from Piatt mouth Thursday getting things In readiness for the construction of the track to the new sand stone quarry south of town. Mr. Parmele tells the Courier that the track Is to he put in at once. The National Stone Company "can ned"' all the dagoes, about thlrty-tiv in lumber, last Saturday. They found that they were a lazy class who work ed only when the eye of the foreman was upon them. Workmen who are averse to doing a day's work for good wages can find steady employment by calling at the superintendent's office at the i juarry. IN THE GOOD OLD Summer time You want to save your money to buy your CO ML roR the: THE RAGING MISSOURI RIVER' Capers ot the "Big Muddy'' Eicites t!iei Imagination of an Eastern Scribe. In a brief respite from Its self-ap pointed task of regulating humanity and human Institutions in its vicinity the New York World turns Its batter- lpii.ntht MUsnurl river andinslnu. I ates that it Is a land pirate which should be regulated. Merely to show Its wide range of visiuii and grasp of events the World says: The Missouri river is at Its tricks again. A thousand men started in recently to prevent it from changing in Nebraska back to a bed which It abandoned fifty years ago. There Is no trouble comparable to this of hav ing out to him. hnif a rver which will not stay put. A .Sunday school was organized at Such the Missouri has ever been. On Mt. Pleasant school house a week ago this account congress almost resolved In l!K)2 never to spend another cent on attendance of forty-three, and the school already Is an assured success. It Is hoped that everyone In the neigh' borhood will attend. Last Wednesday was Sweet Pea 1 ay at w. D. Adams' store and a great many bouquets were entered for the various prizes. Miss Josephine Pollard captured first and second prizes, for the largest and handsomest bouquets, and Miss Carrie Nelson won third prize for the bouquet containing the most varieties. It was a hard matter for decision as all the flowers offered were about as nice as could be found anywhere. She Could Not Count. At a recent divorce the husband claimed the real cause of his suit be Ing the fact that his wife does not accident Monday evening while on top know the value of money, throwing it fore the stream. Earth, money and steamboats the Missouri has devoured ravenously within the fifty or sixty years witness ing Us rise and decline as a navigable river. Some of the earth It has put back in new placeB. Of the steam boats more than two hundred have been burled In the bends between St. Joseph and St. Louis. Left to its own present Impulse, the Missouri would run five miles away from Blair, Neb., now a river port. The bridge of the Northwestern rail road would be left spanning a long stretch of dry land. But a little thing like that Is nothing to the big stream. It has been known to wipe out a 2,000- acre farm In a night. In March, 1903, Its waters encroached on the main street of Wilton, Mo., which was two miles from the river thirty years be- Kroehler & Kroehler HARDWARE: ; In selecting your spring needs, please bear in mind that we carry a complete line of Builders' Material in the Hardware Line. Also, I of , M k Dili Gasoline Stoves, Lawn Mowers, and the old Reliable Buck's' Stoves and Ranges We do all kinds of Roofing, Repairing and Spouting. Call and see us. KROEHLER & KROEHLER r For Any Class of Work Above Wilton farmers were the barn flxlnir a box for his pig- away loumu way. one wouiu growing rich on acres added by the ... . . noviip mnia 0 enrnn rn rona r cmn i i eons, lie lost ins oaiance ana ien 10 ... , v n0w. the ground, a distance of twelve feet, tears, wnicli leads to a premature ruin Four years ago the erratic river alighting on his back, but fortunately of the clothing. Some people are just moved three miles from Nebraska the physician's examination showed negligent wmi uieir ueam; in mc city, and in 11)02-03 it cut 81,000,000 Consult Larson He will take hold of It and personally superintend same. Mode: "Work i tb your lorkmin led mi Reikis" that no bones were broken. Hacvelock. (Ml'SWHBIT.) (i. C. Harris, from the auditor's ofllce In Omaha, was on duty at the ocal shops most of this week. Dr. C. F. liallard attended the f 11 ncral of the late lr. Robt. Livingston at I'lattsmouth last Sunday. The burial was In the local cemetery Just at sun set and quite impressive. The l'ostal Department has notified l'ostmastcr Hyers that Havelock Is now large enough to be entitled to a 10-year lease on a building for post- office niirDoscs. Anyone wishing to submit a proposition can do so through the local office, also get information concerning the requirements and con dltlon of lease The last of the SI engines recently purchased from the Baldwin works, left the local shops this week for their work at various points of the B. & M system west of the river. Tiieseen glncs, of which there were thirty-one, are the largest In the Burlington scr vice and are a good Indication of the rauldlv crowing business of the road In the west. Mr. and Mrs. F.J. Klckards came In from Sheridan, Wyo., last evening. Mr. Rlckards, who was recently trans ferred to that point is foreman of the B. & M. paint shop. The change has beginning of a disease a small indispo sition could have been cured easily by Trlner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine and a life cauld have been saved. Whenever you get up in the morning aud feel tired, or come to dinner with out healthy appetite, or cannot per form the same amonnt of work as usual, tnkeTriner's American F.llxir of Bitter Wine. If you are a sufferer from constant headache, or nervous ness; If you are pale and weak; if you are despondent and Irritable; If you are constipated; if your tongue is coated and your eyes dull, take Trl ner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine. At drugstores. Jos. Trlner, "!!) So. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. For Sale. An elegant home for J50.00, cost twice the money. Must be sold at once; also, a six acre tract well located ed. Other bargains In cottages. "Windham Investment Co. There Is nothing so pleasant as that bright, cheerful, at-pcace-wlth-the world feeling when you sit down to your breakfast. There is nothing so conduslve to good work and good re suits. The hcaltuy man with a healthy mind and body Is a better fellow, a better workman, a better citizen, than the man or woman who is handicapped by some disability, however slight. A slight disorder of the stomach will de raage your body, your thoughts and vnur disiKiKltlim. fJetawav from the proven very oencnciai 10 mm uui ma- moness and the blues. Keep your rlmentalto Mrs. KiCKams, ior stomach in tune and both your mind the altitude Is too great. They are an(, h(lflv , reSDOnd. Llt tic in(1S. on their way to the home of her par ents In the east, where she will spend the summer, returning to Sheridan af ter the weather gets cool In the fall. E&gle WIN TER at our crr Coal Yards. Full Weight Guaranteed Best Threshing Coal Jill Kinds of Feed J.V. Egenberger Proprietor I'lattsmouth Coal Yards Corner Third and Main Streets Bell I'bone 25 1'latU l'hone 22 I'rom the Hi-neon. Horn, on Friday, July 20, to Mr. and Mrs. John Hardy, a girl. Jesse Wall, who was hurt a few weeks ago by a threshing machine fall ing on him, which was setting on Jack Miss Maud Jack, a clerk in the Con gressional Library at Washington, D. C, Is home for a couple of months' va cation and rest. During a storm one day last week lightning struck the mindmlll on Charlie Fnhllch's place, but not much damage was done. Last Monday Bide stall s dog was showing symptoms of hydrophoha and It took Wm. Doran and an Insurance agent who were passing to kill it. screws, has almost fully recovered from his Injuries and Is able to be out again. The 15. L. Paine clothing store at 121" O street has been sold by Dr. B. L. l'alne to the Adams, Farqiihar, O'Neal company. The store will re main closed until Saturday fur Invoic ing, when tho new tlrm will assume control. The purchasers are A. C. Adams of Eagle, a prominent Cass county banker; II. K. Farquahr of Lincoln, who has been the manager ot the store since Dr. l'alne was the owner, and J. M. C'Nell. a well known commercial man, who has for years beenja resident of Cnlvcrslty 1'lace and Lincoln. State Journal. A full line of sickles and sections for all standard mowers. John Bauer, I'lattsmouth. cretions of overeating can be easily corrected and you will be surprised to see how much better man you are. Try a little Kodol For Dyspeosia after vour meals. Sold by F. G. Frlcke & Co. and Gering &Co. Fracture Left Collar Bone While riding on a bicycle last even ing, Charley Brinkman, who is cm ployed in the Burlington shops, struck an obstruction, causing him to pitch headlong from the wheel, lie fell upon his left shoulder, and fractured the collarbone, which was reduced by a physician. The Injury will compel Charlie to carry his arm in a sling for several weeks, and also take a layoff from his duties In the shops. Don't drag along with a dull, bullous heavy feeliiik.'. You need a pill. I'se DeWitt's Little Early Risers, tho fa mous little pills. Don't sicken or gripe but results arc sure. Sold by F. G. Frlcke & Co. ami Gering A: Co. worth of land from farms aboveOmaha. The Missouri river baschanged state boundaries and has caused law suits between states, counties and Individu als. In is2 In a single night it threw the 1,700-acre farm of A. L. Beardsley, ten miles south of Sioux City, from Missouri into Nebraska. Down oppo site Kansas City It ate up most of an island which the government was try ing to wrest from a squatter. In Irony the government gave a deed for what was left. Then the river put the Island back, added to It and made the squatter rich. In the composition the Missouri Is I six parts sand and mud and four parts water. This make-up gives Its local color and the name of "the Great Muddy." It is about two thousand nine hundred miles long, and in 180- 54, the period of Its prime, Its surface witnessed a strenuous steamboating life. Later came the railroads, with their blow to navigation; later still the dwindling of the great stream It self In its upper waters. The Poor Animal Rescued. For two days and two nights a blind mule was stranded In thecenterof the I'lattc river near the National stone quarry. Tuesday noon some 01 me workmen took pity on the poor ani mal and swam out and brought him to shore. It was found to belong to Art Benjamin, who had it in a pasture on the north side of the river. He re warded the boys for their trouble. Louisville Courier. l'rof. Tyler, of Amherst college said recently: "A man can live zomtorta bly without brains: no man ever exist ed without a digestive system. The dyspeptic has neither faith, hope nor charity." Day by day people reall.e the Importance of caring for their di gestion; realize the need of the use of a little corrective after overeating. A corrective like Kodol For Dyspepsia. It digests what you cat. Sold by F. G. Frlcke & Co. and Gering & Co. Thirty Years in Piiittn mouth, mid I built .nore buil(litns in Caw. county tha't nil the otii carpentfrH. Fttir trerttm 1 t fissured nil, f.inl proinp and satisfactory ompl. tiou of all uiKhTtnkings Sour Stomach No appetite, loss of atrenrth, nervous neat, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, aour risings, and catarrh of the stomsch are all due to Indigestion. Kodol cures Indigestion. This new discov ery represents the natural Juices of diges tion as they eilst in a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonlo and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dye pepsla Cure does not only cure Indigestion and dyspepsia, but thla famoua remedy curea all atomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. Mr. S. S. Bill, of Rivanswoed, W. Vi.. uyir " I wis troubled with (our stcmich (or twenty yuri. Kodol cured me and we era now titlni It la rolla lor beby." Kodol Digests What You Est Bottlee only. $1.00 Slie holdlnc 2H times the trial lie, which Kill for SO cents. Prepare! or 0. OaWITT 00., OHIOAQO. Gerinp; & Co. Any Class of Work Any Size ot iJuildiiH PLATTS. PHONE !64 Yours for Business L G.LARSON No Good In Nebraska. A friend of the Journal who lives near tne utoe county line, was in I'lattsmouth yesterday and told us the following true story which hap pened in our sister county on the south: The wife of a farmer had sister come from Chicago to make a visit. One day last week the thresh ers came and the guest Insisted on do ing the work alone and sent her sister away to rest, wnen twenty-seven threshers tiled in to supper that night they found a sandwich tied with rib bon, one chicken croquette, one cheese ball the size of a marble and a button hole bouquet at each plate. Nothing more. The men refused to come back for breakfast. Change in Avoca Bank. For several days It has been reported that a change was to be made in the ownership of the bank at Avoca. and a telephone message from there states that a complete change will be made September 10th. Hon. V. W. Straub and his friends have purchased the stock of the original stockholders and will take possession on the date men tloncd. Nebraska City ews. DR. J. 0. BRUCE Osteooathic Physician Chronic Olseases a Specialty CohU'S HUx'k. rooms 2f nnri 226. Office hours 9 to 1. a. In., 1 to a p. Dolntrm-nt. lelvuui at rerklns Hotel. m. and 7 to 8 p. m. by ac- ouhh, office 34, ; residence Don't allow money to lie around. is easier to spend it and easier to lose it II I ! i i I i auAlf 'Vim' -- !,'!.' SAUE MONEY Ijj keeping It in a safe place such u The BanH of Cass County Capital Stock $.10,000, Surplus 815,000 nrrirtH: Clm. C. I'liriiide, Trt-s., .Iiu-ob Trlueta, V-P. T. M. I'atK-rsoii. Cash. You can give a check for any pait if It at any time and so have a receipt for payment without asking for one. A hen you have a bank account you will be anxious to add to It rather than spend from it. Don't you want to know more about It. Plattsmouth glovas iha local merchants. for salt by B Dr.nnvs JL- A 41 a "- RESTAURANT Fresh Oysters many style Short Orders Regular Meals j Our Jp- If you are hungry we can supply you with the pick of the market 3th deor tast of Ctt Co. Bank Committee to Meet Bryan. According to a special from Lincoln to the Omaha lice, the following gen tlemen will constitute a party of dem ocrats who will go to New York to greet Nebraska's favorite son: "Maj or F. W. Urown, Mayor, Hum boldt: Mayor Wood, Tecumseh; Mayor Hunker, West Foint; Mayor F.urke, Friend; Ir. V. L. Hall, Lincoln, John 0. Maher, Lincoln: J. H. Wlntersteen, Fremont, "Kd" Friend. .Lincoln: F W. l.rown, jr., Lincoln: . W. Palm, Lincoln. .Mayor tiering oi nans- mouth may possibly go. Dan Stephens. Kdgar Howard, both of Fremont, and P. K. McKilllp, of Humphreys, will go from Fremont." The party will prob ably leave Lincoln aUmt August "J4. Galveston's Sea Wall makes life now as safe tr. that city as on the higher uplands. E. W. Good- loe.who resides on DuttonSt..ln W'aco, Tex., needs no sea wall for safety. He writes: "I have used Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption the past five years and It keeps me well And safe. Uefore that time I had a cough which for years had lcen growing worse. Now It's gone." Cures Chronic Coughs, LaC.rlppe, Croup, Whooping Cough and prevents Pneumonia. Pleasant to take. Every bottle guar anteed at F. G. Frlcke't drug store. Price rV and II. Trial bottle free. Ibln "1 wrote you for advice," writes Lelia Hagood, of Sylvia, Tenn., "about my terrible backache and monthly rxuns in my abdomen and shoulders. I had suffered this way nine years and five doctors had failed to relieve me. On your advice I aook Wine of Cardui, which at once relieved my pains and now I am entirely cured. I am sure that Cardui saved my life." It is a safe and reliable remedy for all female diseases, such as peri odical pains, irregulari ty, dragging down sen sations, headache, diz ziness, backache, etc. FREE ADVICE WtH u a lttr dcrltlit all vnur i, an till rnj you Irre Aivi. In plain tnlrl tnvrlop. AJJrrMi Lftd.M AjvUmy IVnjMmr nt, Ihtl.MM.tmAjg MfJninU,.,Lli" Hoof. Tnn. J1J At Every Drug Store In $1.00 bottles. Try It. OF