The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 02, 1906, Image 5

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One Quart of Litiuid Coal makes One Barrel Medicine or Lice Killer
The Process
ot toallnj LIQCID KOAL requires throe flay the
process at reduction requires 0 degrees tit heal.
This Compound
embraces every Cermlclde, Anticeptic and Disln
fectant found In coal, treated chemically with an al
kalin base until every objectionable feature Is climi
1 Dated, being non-poisonous and harmless.
Liquid loa
Is made Trotn t'..f following formula: pr cent,
trcosote, which embraces cresv lie aeld: r vent.
lllld (rases: ror cent, soft soap. Suspended In
these Is sulphur, borax, naphthol and other remedial
LTOt'tD KOAL Is guaranteed at least 50 per cent,
stronger in anticeptic and germicide agents than any
preparation of similar nature on the market,
Liquid Koal
Liquid Koal
l'SKl AS LICE KlLLEll- When diluted with wa
ter In the proportion of one part Liquid Koal to tlfty
parts water, It Is the best lice killer on tlio market.
It Is not expensive because. It forms a perfect emul
sion with water when mixed In this proportion.
I'so Liquid Koal to destroy parasites on the outside.
I'so Liquid Koal to destroy parasites on the Inside.
Is a Mack, oily li.iuil. Liquid Koal Is a liquid noup
and will form a perfect emulsion with water.
Liquid Koal
Is endorsed by the leading veterlnaries of the I'nl
ted States and by many of t ho state agricultural col
leges and many 'of the experimental stations which
are conducted by the government.
VMrrrjplQ fl LI ffQ The bos Is more Infected with Intestlnnl than any
WfllIO flw4 O0ther domestic animal. Trcse worms are creattd by Impure
accummnlatloDS along the Intestinal track and jrenerally produced by poorly digested food. :lie nature of the
:.o and his manner of eating renders him more susceptible to intestinal worms than other animal.
Under the present domesticated conditions he Is-not allowed to use his natural Instincts to obtain the nec-essir-
lements that would destroy these Intestinal parasites. Hclng shut up In a pen he is not allowvd to
follow the instincts of his nature. The hog that Is wormy can neither grow nor thrive for the reason
the worms destroy all tno effects of nutrition furnished In the food.
I Iflllirl lfnl P"t Into the drinking water In tho proportion of one quart to one barrel and
xlVtllU IlUdl vlven them twice a week will destroy all Intestinal worms and keep them free
strengthens the appetite and tones the system.
Something You Ought to Know!
A parasite is an organism, during Its life, lives within or on the surface of an anl
mal for the purpose of existence, and from which it receives Its nutrition and nourish
ment. The state or condition in which the animal Is kept either hasten? or retard.i
their multiplication. They are injurious in at least three was:
1 As direct agents of loss from animal economy.
2 As carriers of other forms of parasites.
3 As carriers of the micro-organisms of infectious diseases.
v -
Am yi iquio I V
I 1 J-Lfl PIlASftm Is a free germ disease, the germ b.-'ng tirst, found in tho
riwy VllGaCrci aiim,.itary canal and as long as It Is confined In that or
gan It Is comparatively harmless. When, however, It penetrates to the lungs, liver and
othcn.rgans it causes fermentat Ion and destruction of live tissues, furnishing food upon
which it thrives and multiplies with wonderful rapidity, in some cases a generation an
hour, causing death to an animal before the owner has discovered that It was diseased.
Thus, through reasoning, two facts stand out dearly: First, I hat hog cholera cannot be
treated successfully unless treatment Is begun before the germ has reached the period of
rapid multiplication. Second, that a germicide miM he administered, and therein lies
the whole secret. As we go through the list of ger ,.ieliles, we are compelled to reject
them all, either for Inelllciency or Inadaptability until we reach Ul'l H KOAL.
LIST OF DISEASES LIQUID KOAL CURES. j Liquid Koal Act. as Appetizer and VitalKer. j Grrsl.aro. Neb. 4-2-02 -"I have bought a second gal- Why not choose LlglMI KOAL? It Is the only
J Inn of Liquid Koal and am satisfied I saved three big known germicide t hat will pass through the stomach
Hog cholera, lung worm, swine plague, intestinal j o disease germ can escape It, that is l ie rcasi.n u J ll0KS aftnr Lin y were down ly ad m 1 n i Lo r It iix one ta- Into the Intestines and from there Into the blood,
worms, cow cholera, tuberculosis, anthrax, blackleg, cures; wiien the germ is gone me disease is gone. , bpspo()nful S. U. Piiii.uih. permeating the entire system, and M ill retain Its
cornstalk disease, abortion In cows, Texas fever, pole J IHmont, S. I.-"I used L. K. for hog cholera and ! Sheldon, la., ll-CDOl-'Tve used Liquid Koal for germicidal properties. It Is a compound embracing
evil, chicken cholera, roup, thrush, lock-Jaw, blind- ' t' sail right. It cured my hogs. I had three sick j chicken lice and found after one application to the every practical germicide, anticeptic and dlslnfe::-
staggers, colic, glanders, distemper, pink-eye, intlu- I and they all got well and done line. I also used roosts all lice were gone. Husky Ai.tki ctku. taut property found In coal, treated chemically with
enza, foot-rot, tape-worm, lung fever, inflammation i it lor chicken lice and mites and It Is all you claim $:jOO deposited In thoi'nlon Hank at.Shcldon, la., to an alkalin base, until every objectionable, fcatiiro U
of bowels, catarrh, farcy, mange, bots, scours, nasal J for It. It is the only medicine for hog cholera, I he paid anyone finding any testimonials we publish eliminated, being non-poisonous and harmless to an-
gleet, scratches. j think." Cioti.kiu Jkukk. from time to time are not genuine. Imal economy.
S teaches that no medicine ever healed a wound, that some form of germ; else, if allowed to run, some form of germ compllca- hog's stomach could not generate that amount of heat without becoming
CIGliCG nature performs the healing process and medicine Hon sets In. The peculiarity of Liquid Koal and Its superiority over all roast pork, seasoned with Ilred germs,
can only assist nature in doing ber work, not only in healing wounds, but other germicidal agents Is that while It is harmless to animal life it para- We would also call the readers attention to the fact that the gastric
in throwing off diseases. Those versed in medicine are aware that three- and destroys all forms of germ life, including hog cholera, black leg, Juice of the stomach being an acid and alkali Is required as a
fourths of the money spent for medicine is virtually thrown away, either glanders and many forms of the so-called Incurable diseases. when the acid too strongly predominates, as In the caso of hog cholera,
because of Improper use or the purchase of the improper article. Hut in It contains Creesol and Ljulaeol. It Is these Hydro Carlon compounds In addition It would be expensive, as the owner of the animal would be
purchasing Liquid Koal from any of our dealers you take no chances. If found in smoke that cures a ham, destroying, by Its germicidal properties purchasing six dollars' worth of Liquid Koal.
for any reason it does not treat successfully the above list of diseases, Just all forms of germ life.
go back to the dealer and get the price you paid. There will be no ques- The reader may ask, if these properties come from coal why not use l!mjl Kfinl ' KencraI UH0 hy VL'tcriMarr RurK';()lls
tlons asked. We stand the loss and it costs the dealer nothing. coal? The answer is, because coal yields these properties only by distllla- -ltUIM rVCll throughout the whole country, embracing a
Nine-tenths of all diseases of man or beast either have their origin in tlon at about .Vo degr-es of heat, and It is reasonable to assume that a wider range of use than any other preparation known t science.
LIQUID KOAL is manufactured by the NATIONAL MEDICAL CO., E. L. UarraRcr, President. Capital One (Juarter Million. Principal office, Sheldon, Iowa.
Branches: Minneapolis, Minn.; Glendive, Mont.; Lcwiston. Idaho; York, Xd.; and Oklahoma City, Okla. For sale and guaranteed by
J, V. EGENBERGER, Plallsmoulh, Neh. HOLMES & SMITH, Mprii, Neb, B, A, ROOT, Murray, Neb, jj
MUMP! Wl-lLH'J.'M liwteto. I MA
Are You Looking ?r Bargains?
Great Water
Damage Sale
A Wealth of Bargain Opportunities
the like of which has oeyer before been offered in the
history of Western merchandising.
A gMieral remodeling of our entire storo la now under way la
preparation for our Fall opening and the permanent occupation of
our new building on Douglai street and betore this time-
Every Dollars Worth of Goods Must Go
that formed part of our itock at the beginning of this great money
saving sale. t
Watch Omaha Dailies for Prices
It Is Impossible for us to offer prices la these adds, as a line of goods
offered today may be gone tomorrow and to Buhmituto would not be
at all satisfactory to our many mail order customers.
A Trip to Omaha Will Pay You
If you come prepared to app!y your every want at this great
The Very Best of the Bargains
offers you money saving chance. uperlor In bargain merit to any
ever before offered in Omaha.
All Mall Orders from Catalogue will be filled with the under
standing that we may substitute if out of the goods ordered. In
Ordering always state whether substitution Is allowed. If not and we
are out of goods specified we will return your money.
Catalogues for New Fall Goods Will Soon Be Ready. If You
Are Not an Our Mail Order List Send Us Your Nam at One.
16th and
Hoyden Bros. Hfc
The Otoe County Man Wants the Nomina
tion to Congress.
Hope to Get Endorsement of the Five Coun
ties Not Yet Instructed.
Tl.e following in reference tn tlic
announcement of Jiifle .lessen for
connress Is taken from the Lincoln
Journal of Friday morning:
JucIk'C Paul Jessen is a candidate for
congress from the First district. This
announcement came Thursday from
Judtfe Jessen's home after a story sup
posed to be authentic and coming from
Otoe county sources had come from
Nebraska City a few days before, say
ing that he had retired from the race
and would not make trouble for Con
gressman Pollard In the First district.
Judge Jessen was at Auburn last night
and coniirmed the story that had gain
ed currency during the day.
"Yes, I am In the race," lie said. "1
hope to get every county In the dis
trict outside of Lancaster and Cass,
and If I succeed in doing that I will
have enough to nominate. I am In the
race to win."
When It was suggested that he might
have a warm tight on his hands, Judge
Jessen said: "The light will be just as
warm as I can make it."
Asked to state his platform he re
plied: "I do not need to tell the peo
ple of the First dlrtrlct where I stand
I do not think I will he misunderstood
when I say this."
Had Not Considered Lancaster.
When asked If he expected to get
votes from Lancaster county, nirtwlth-
standing Its Instructions for Pollard,
he said that was a matlcrho had given
no thought. He declined to discuss
the Pollard salary tiestlon, although
politicians believe this has had much
to do with his candidacy at this time.
Judge Jessen announced further that
he has at no time said he would not he
a candidate.
Lancaster and Cass counties, with
eighty-two votes are pledged to Pol
lard. It requires tho full vote of the
live other counties to nominate. These
are Johnson, Nemaha, Pawnee, Otoe
and Itlchardson. There will be 173
votes In the convention. The strength
by counties Is as follows:
Lass I'd
Johnson 14
Lancaster M
Nemaha M
Pawnee 10
Otoe 20
Richard wn Z'
Total 173
At the meeting of Hie congressional
committee held in this city July the
basis of the representation was fixed
at one delegate for each lifty votes cast
for Pollard. Pecausu Lancaster coun
ty had a candidate on the democratic
ticket who polled a number of repub
lican votes through personal friend
ship. Lancaster lost voting power In
the congressional convention. At the
t'ir.e the committee met this was re
garded as an clement in favor of Pol
lard. Then the county convention en
dorsed Pollard, with t lie result that
nno flinni'p tn nml.e enrt ain bis iiomin-1
atlon had been lost in fixing the repre
sentation. The action of Lancaster In
endorsing for Pollard Is said to have
stirred some feeling In other counties,
because Lancaster has In political af
fairs Incurred the displeasure of many
of the republican leaders In the dis
trict, through nominations made In
the past. At the time the committee
meeting was held the candidate look
ed for from Otoe county was Judge
William Ilayward. It was then be
lieved that he might enter the race.
The appearance of Jessen Is taken as a
sign that Ilayward will not run for
His Eye on the Future.
It has been stated that Judge Jessen
desires to run for the South Platte
senatorshlp when Senator lturkett's
term expires, and his race for congress
whetherhe wins or not will further
his chances along that line.
Judge Jessen has already begun his
canvass. Ills visit to Nemaha county
yesterday was In the Interest of his
candidacy, and he will visit the other
counties during the next few days.
The congressional convention will be
held at Auburn on August f at p. m.
licfore that date live counties In the
district will hold their county conven
tions. The dates are as follows:
Nemaha, July :ui.
Johnson, August 4
( toe, August 'i.
Pichardson, August il.
Pawnee, August ".
An Independent Republican.
Judge Jessen has been rated In the
past as a republican of Independence
and one not afraid to tight for what
he thinks Is right. He Is regarded as
one of tho most formidable foes Con
gressman Pollard could have lcn pit
ted against In the district.
Among the Holmes men In Lancas
ter the announcement of his candidacy
has been received with delight, be
cause there Is a desire to defeat Pol
lard. There Is no doubt that the fact
that Pollard drew salary for a part of
the term before his election has weak
ened his position materially in the dis
trict, although his friends claim that
be Is Innocent of wrong doing, and
that he will yet get a siilllcient num
ber of votes from the live counties to
be heard from to Insure his nomina
tion. Is tho Lnw Unconstitutional?
A. L. Tidil, attorney for I r. Parties,
has received a let ter from Secretary of
State (ialusha, in which that gentle
man acknowledges that he believes
the law which would deprive Ir.
Panics of his title Is unconstitul ional'
and that It should not interfere with
his practice. In the same breath the
secretary acknowledges the ability of
Ir. Parnesasa veterinarian. It is no
light of the Journal's, but we believe
in fairness in everything. The law Is
class legislation In every particular,
and In the interests of the Injured by
Its enforcement, should be repealed at
the next legislature. When a state
ofllclal says the law Is unconstitu
tional, there must have been some
foul means used when such a law was
Secretary (ialusha knew that Ir.
Harnes was less than two hours before
the examining board, and only took
the examination at the request of
Governor Mickey.
Will Sheldon SeleotHIm?
Senator Sheldon Is privileged to
select his own delegates from this
county. He knows as well as anyone
how Windham stands as to the rail
roads. He is in reality a tool of the
liurllngton, and In the face of the
following facts from the Lincoln F.ven
Ing News, we are awaiting to see
when Sheldon's delegates are listed if
Windham's name appears among the
"If It. It. Windham of Cass county
should be left oil the delegation to the
republican state convention, it would
place the republican state convention
committee in an awkward plight.
Windham Is one of the men chosen by
that body to act as a member of the
resolutions committee In the conven
tion, but should he not be as a
delegate he could not serve In that
capacity. The situation with respect
to L. 1 1. Richards of Fremont, who
was designated as chairman of the
resolutions committee, Is similar to
Windham's case. Poth arc allied with
the railroad faction of the party, and
It is well understood that they were
appointed on the resolutions commit
tee in order to help them at home In
their efforts to get upon the state
In this state It Is not necessary to
serve a Ave days' notice for eviction of
a cold. Use the original laxative couga
syrup, Kenncdy'i Laxative Honey and
Tar. No opiates. Sold by F. 0. Frlcke
& Co. and Gerlng & Go.
Advice to YoimiJ Men.
"Young men keep out of politics,"
says Senator Piatt. That advice would
be all right If Senator Piatt had said:
keep out of republican machine poll
tics, which are rotten to the core,
livery cillcn of a republic should take
enough interest In poll t ics to Investi
gate the policies of parties and vote
always vote- according to the result
of his investigations. Young men
especially should take an interest In
politics, for It Is upon the young men
of today that the government of the
republic will rest tomorrow. Smiiic
young man of today will be, in a few
years, president or this great country,
or lie will he senator, or congressman,
or governor of his state. What would
happen If the young men of the coun
try "keep out of politics?" Young
men should Investigate how the so
called republican policy of protection
that Piatt and the other republican
leaders stand for, taxes them for tho
bcnellt of protected Interests. Young
men should know why the cost of liv
ing Is so great 4s per cent higher
than when the present tariff law was
enacted-and their salaries have not
Increased In like proportion. Young
men should Inquire why they are
compelled to continue In the employ
ment of others all their lives Instead
of as formerly looking forward to be
their own masters. It Is not to the
Interest of Senator Piatt or the repub
lican leaders that young men Investi
gate the plundering system that the
republican party stands for, therefore
they say keep out of politics.
Jamee Hall Laid to Rett
A special train consisting of two
cars bearing sixty-two members of
Lodge No. Mo of the I. o. O. F. and
the remains of their departed brother,
James Hall, arrived in this city at a
quarter till 1 o'clock Friday from Elm
wood. From the train the funeral
cortege formed and conveyed the body
to Oak Hill cemetery where the bur
ial services were conducted under the
auspices of the 1. O. O. F. by Ilevs.
Stander and White, and Mr. C. (J.
Those to bear the remains to their
last resting place were Messrs. U. I).
P.alley, II. Tollard, I. Cramer, C. .el
lars, John Lean and John Hall.
Why docs the sun burn? Why does
a mosquito sting? Why do we feel un
happy In the good old summer time?
Answer: we don't. We use IeWltt's
Witch Hazel Salve, and these little Ills
don't bother us. Learn to look for tho
name on the box to get the genuine.
Sold by F. 0. Frlcke & Co. and Tiering
Do you want to buy a farm? I
have them ' an acre and up. Sec
Falter In the Coates block,