The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 02, 1906, Image 2

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(", I'r'.ilny's liully.
James Pysartof I'nJou was transact
Inn business at the county scat today
Mrs. V. H. Hell and daughter, Miss
Maynie, uf Kluht Mile Gnve were In
Uie city today.
Mrs. Silas lSrccklnride went to
Omaha this morning to visit with her
husband, who underwent an operation
for appendicitis yesterday In the Im
manuel hospital.
Mr. anil Mrs. Warren Pcmlntf and
daughter drove down from South
llend this mornlnn and will visit over
Sunday with the family of Mrs. Item
ing brother, W. K. Wells.
John Lundeen, of Charlton, Iowa, Is
here spending a week with J. U. Like
wise and family. Mr. Lundeen Is en
route for Iicnvcr, but could not resist
passing through liattsmouth without
visiting his old chum, Johnnie, whose
friendship ho made while employed In
the 1!. & M. shops several years ago.
A. L. Tldd, Thos. Walllntf and W.
S. Soper returned this morning from
Alberta, Canada, where they have
been for tho past two weeks Inspect
injr Irrigated lands. They were highly
pleased with the soil of that vicinity,
ho much so that Mr. .Soper Invested In
a quarter section and the other two
gentlemen have taken an option on a
W. A. Davis, of Richland, Iowa, on
his return from Stockton, California,
stopped off here last evening to visit
his old friend, William Turner and
wife. Mr. I avls went to Stockton to
visit a son who Is a reporter on tho
Stockton Ially Mail. He also visited
San Francisco. Mr. Iavls will resume
his Journey homeward Sunday or Mon
day. Since the publication of the article
on the Chautauqua organization In
yesterday's Journal, we have conversed
with several parties Interested In such
work, and they are of the opinion that
with a little elTort on the part of our
people we might yet be able to hold
one this fall. We have plenty of tine
locations for such an assembly and we
hope the matter will be freely dls
cussed and that the movement will re
ceive a favorable conclusion.
I'rom Puturtlity'i Pally.
Geo. M. Porter and wife will spend
Sunday with his brother, J. T., at
Chris Metzger, of Cedar Creek, came
down today to spend Sunday with
Flattsmouth friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ohelnhauscn.
went to Wymare, Neb., this morning
to visit relatives a few days.
Miss Mabel Leslie returned last
evening from a visit with friends In
Greenwood, Havelock and Lincoln.
S. W. Copenhaver and three sons of
Murray visited In the city today, the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. I'orter,
Miss Nellie Sherwood returned this
morning from Louisville, where she
has been visiting with her sister, Mrs.
A. H. Earhart, who has been visit
lng in this city for the past few days,
returned to Glenwood, Iowa, this
Hans Solvers and family went to
Bloomlngton, Neb., tills morning to
enjoy a few days' visit with his brother
and family.
C. S. Stone, cashier of the Murray
State Hank and Less F. Hall, assistant
cashier, were In Flattsmouth yester
day evening.
John lurman, one of our excellent
young friends from near Murray, was
attending to some business matters in
Flattsmouth yesterday.
Ernest Holmbcrg, who for the past
year has been employed as day machln
1st by the Uurllngton at Curtis, Neb.,
came In last night for a visit with his
many friends in this city. His wife
accompanied him.
El Oliver, jr., departed this after
noun for Havelock, where he will visit
a short time before returning to his
home In Rock Springs, Wyo.
SherltT (Juinton returned last even
lng from Mcatrlce, Neb., where he. has
been to attend the semi-annual meet
lng of the sheriffs of Nebraska.
Mrs. H. E. Calkin has gone to Oilier,
Neb., where she will visit with the
family of her son.
Wm. Long and wife, from near Mur
ray, were Flattsmouth visitors today.
l'roln Mouiliiy' liully.
Abe Eupley drove up from Fnlon
Sunday fur a visit with his Flatts.
mouth friends.
A. S. Wills departed yesterday after
noon on a business trip to his ranch
near Akron, Colo.
Miss Florence Pitcher of liushvillc
Neb., Is being entertained this week at
the home of P. J. Vallcry.
C. E. Metgar, who has been visiting
with friends In this city for several
day returned to his hnme In Cedar
Creek this morning.
MlssOra Hutchinson, who has been
enjoying a visit with relatives in
Jamesport, Mo., has returned to her
home, near Kock Muffs.
Miss Fannie HldJlecome and little
sister r.ernlce spent Sunday In this
city the guests of Miss Helen Travis.
They returned to their home in Have-
lock this morning.
John Hiber came In from Woodbine,
la., Saturday night for a visit with hit
folks. John says that Woodbine Is a
good little town, and the jeweler's
business Is In a flourishing condition.
C. A. Kawls went to Nehawka on
business this morning. His wife ac
companied him as far as Murray to
meet her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Holmes, who arc expected to arrive
from Wakarusa, Kan.
Mrs. John West, of near Nehawka,
was In the city today, and was a caller
at the Journal ofllce. She reports her
brother, Joseph Kastle, at whose home
the unfortunate man is stopping, In a
very serious condition and his recovery
exceedingly doubtful.
From TiU'vlay'H liully
David I lite, of Alvo, was In the city
on business yesterday.
D. L. Amickof Murray was among
the business passengers for Omaha on
the early train.
Robert Windham, who has been en-
Joying a visit with home folks, return
ed to Arapahoe this morning.
Jesse L. McVey returned last even
ing from Tama, la., where he spent
several monthswith relatives.
Misses Jeannette and Doris Nelson
are attending the Chautauqua In Glen
wood, Iowa, a few days this week.
Sam Patterson and Mrs. Houser who
accompanied the body of her dear
friend, Mrs. Patterson, to this city,
returned this afternoon to Arapahoe.
Kev. A. L. ink arrived last evening
from Tecumsch to make the acquaint
ance of the congregation of the Chris
tian church, to which he has accepted
a call.
Jas. Frye and wife, who have been
enjoying a visit In Denver, Colo., ar
rived in this city this morning for a
short visit with their relatives here
before returning to their home In
Fairfield, Iowa.
Henry Petty departed last evening
for Omaha, and from there he will go
to Weeping Water today to Join Com
pany "D" of the national guard, which
will start out in a short time on the
march to Fort Riley, Kan.
John Neville, Louie Ilhclnackle,
Johnnie Turner and George Pol sal, jr.,
left this morning for Mllford, Neb.,
where they will work for Wm. Neville,
who has a contract on the construc
tion work of the new branch being
build by the Uurllngton.
Judge O. E. Farnham and wife ar
rived In this city last evening for a
visit with her grandmother, Mrs. Wm.
Hcrold and other relatives. Mr. and
Mrs. Farnham have been enjoying
several weeks visiting wifli his rela
tives In Ohio, and will remain here a
few days before departing for their
home In lielle Fourche.S. I).
From Wrilm vlny's iliilly.
Col. J. II. Seybolt of Murray was In
town today on business.
J. W. Pitman of 1'iiion was at the
county seat on business today.
Warren Nickel and Ed. Shumaker
of Avoca were business visitors in the
county seat today.
T. J. Iihedeu of Murray was at the
county seat today, taking the after
noon train to Omaha.
Miss Nellie Sherwood went to Louis
ville this afternoon fur a few days visit
with her sister, Mrs. Will Hoover.
W. II. McPanlel, one of Murray's
busy citizens, came up on the early
morning train and returned on the 10
o'clock train.
We will give a chance on the largest
"(4ulck Meal" gasoline range in our
store with every cash purchase of one
dollar. II. L. Asemlssen & Sons.
O.C.Shannon of Columbus, Neb.,
was visiting in the city last evening,
the guest of his mother and sister,
Mrs. Vlrglna McVlcker and Mrs. John
J. P. Kell, of Eight Mile Grove pre
cinct, was in the city torlay, and
called on the Journal to renew his
faith In the old Hcllablo for another
year. We are always glad to meet
our old friend.
The Journal acknowledges the re
ceipt of a supply of nlco eating apples
at the hands of our good friend, Fred
Patterson, of Hock IilutTs. Mr. Pat
terson always remembers the Journal
when he has anything good.
In police court this morning W. H.
McDanlels secured a writ of attach
ment on the wages due Walter Fauver
who was employed by the Missouri
Pacific In Murray, and who attempted
to get out of town without meeting
his obligations.
George Jurg, of Louisville, ace m
panled by 1.1s brother-in-law, Jjlm
Hell, of Eight Mile Grove predict,
were callers at. Journal
today, and while hern Mr. Jung re
newed for another year's readirv of
the great county paper.
Mrs. Will Coo'.idge and thlMren
who have been enjoying a visit with
her parents Mr. and Mrs. Washington
Smith, departed this afternoon on
their return home to Central City, S. 1.
Enroute they will visit her sister in
Central City, Neb., and Mr. Coolldge's
brother In Columbus, Neb.
Charles Marshall and w ife came in
last evening fora visit with her cousin,
Mrs. Phil Harrison, returning to their
home in Douglas, Neb , this morning.
Mr. Marshall formerly resided in this
city, and thirty years ago, before the
Missouri Pacific railroad came through
this city, he carried the mall between
this place and Weeping Water.
Judge O. E. Farnham and wife, who
have been enjoying a short visit with
relatives In this city, departed this
morning for Lincoln, where they will
spend a few days with her rarents, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Hager, after which
they will return to their home In
lielle Fourche, S. I).
lie v. J. H. Salsbury and his guest,
(J. S. Grant, of Lincoln, and C. S.
Duke, went to Cedar Creek yesterday
to try their luck at fishing. From
the reports we received of the outing,
Mr. Salsbury was the most fortunate
angler and caught several fine black
bass, and they all caught a thorough
soaking by the heavy rain that fell
Sam Long, who has been visiting
relatives and friends in Cass county
for several weeks, departed for his
home in Washington yesterday after
noon. He was accompanied by Matt
Spader, who goes to Seattle to visit his
daughter, May, who has made that city
her home for several years. Mr. Spader
expects to view the surrounds, and
may conclude to locate In Washington
"Gut neil," the favorite cigar
Dr. Marshall, Dentist, Coats' Ulock.
W. L. Barger and wife came In from
Lincoln last night for a visit with
The attachment suit of W. II. Mc
Danlels vs W. I). Fauver was dismiss
ed today.
Mrs. Fritz Helnrich came In from
Havelock this morning for a visit with
relatives In this city.
Try the White Lily washer. If not
satisfactory you may return It. For
sale only at John Bauer's.
Misses Janet and Harriet Clement
returned this morning from a visit
with friends in Louisville.
Mrs. George Alrup and children went
to South Omaha this afternoon for an
extendid visit with relatives.
Misses Emma Bauer and Margaret
Weber, were among the passengers for
the metropolis on the morning train.
F. S. Selvers and wife of Sallna,
Kan., are in the city for a visit with
his sister, Mrs. F. P. Brown and fam
ily. Miss Ollle Mann, who has been en
joying a visit with relatives here re
turned yesterday to her home in Lin
coln. A warrant was sworn out against
Tom Sedlock for disturbing the peace.
The case will come up for hearing to
morrow. Most complete line of screen wire to
bs found in town, also screen doors
and window screen frames. Ascmisscn
Si Louck.
Eat one of Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets
after each meal and you will not suffer
with indigestion. Sold by Goring A
Co.'s drug store.
D. Hinshaw and wife who have been
enjoying a visit with relatives here
returned to their home in Tarklo,
Mo., this morning.
J. W. Frye and wife, who have been
enjoying a visit with relatives In this
city, departed this morning for their
home In Fairfield, la.
Gus Rhode and family departed this
morning for Ashland and Greenwood,
where they will spend several days
visiting with relatives.
Can't look well, eat well or feel well
with Impure blood feeding your body.
Keep the blood pure with Burdock
Blood Bitters. Eat simply, take
exercise, keep clean and you will have
long life.
Mrs. Geo. B,ieck of Johnson, Neb.,
and daughter, Mrs. Louisa Nahe, and
granddaughter, Miss Nellie, of St.
Louis, Mo., are visiting In the city,
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Miss Helen Hcrold. who has been en
Joying several weeks visiting with
friends In this city returned to her
home In Lincoln this afternoon. Miss
Fern McBrlde accompanied her home
for a visit with friends In that city.
Mrs. Frank Boyd arrived last even
ing from Omaha, to make her resi
dence In this city again. Miss Lucy
Martin, who has been visiting with
her since Sunday, accompanied her
The Red Sox have made arrange
ments for anothergame with the Lake
Side team of Omaba on Saturday af
ternoon, and feel confident that they
The first two months of spring and summer selling have en
couraged us much. Our lines of Summer Fabrics were large
and have sold out freely, leaving some odd lots which we want
to clear out entirely. You will find here some good things left
which are great bargains. Here are a few of them:
Every season shows de
cided changes in stylos of
ladies' neckwear. We've
just received some of the
newest things; they are
dainty and nicely put to
gether, and will give that
finishing touch to the
summer gown.
12jc Lawns go at. ..Sc
15c Dimities at 10c
Challies 5c
35c Silk Organdies at
20c and 25c
lTnrfcf Crmf ffi Every woman who
every woman whose shoes cause her feet to burn or be otherwise uncomforta
ble; every woman who appreciates the best thing in shoe making and shoes
that require no "breaking in" is invited to inspect sur assortment of Queen
Quality Shoes to be convinced that they offer the solution of all her troubles.
PRICES, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50
U E. . PEY & 8W y
will be able to down them this trip, as
the team has been strengthened since
the defeat atthehanis of the Lake
Side team.
A specific for pain Dr. Thomas'
Eclectrlc Oil, strongest, cheapest, lini
ment ever devised. A household
remedy In America for years.
Mrs. Klein who has been enjoying a
visit with her sisters Mrs. Fanger and
Misses Laura and Rose Schall, return
ed to her home In Omaha this after
noon. How are your kidneys? It is dan
gerous to delay when the Kidneys are
sick. One box of Kldney-Ettes will
recommend the next. 2'ic. Gering &
Co. druggists.
Eddie Egenberger, who has been
confined to his room for several days
on account of a severe attack of rheu
matism, was down town a little while
this forenoon.
Miss Aggie Rickard, who has been
enjoying a visit with the family of J.
C. York, departed this morning for
Watson, Mo., where she will spend a
few days before returning to her home
In Seattle, Wash.
The icecream social given by the
Sunday school teachers of the St.
I'aul's Evangelical church was very
largely attended and the ice cream
and cake was Indulged in by an ex
ceedingly large number twenty-one
gallons of cream being required to sat
isfy the cravings of those participat
ing. Arthur Holmes departed this morn
ing for Ilurwell, Neb., where he will
spend a month with his sister, Mrs.
I). R. Churchill, who resides on a
ranch about twenty miles north of
that place. From there Arthur will
go to Red Cloud, and Columbus for a
visit with relatives.
Clerks and their employes are wear
ing broad smiles today. It Is the first
evening of their early closing and all
are anticipating the pleasure of an
evening In the open air and freedom
from the cares of business and the
worry of nine o'clock customers who
By purchasing one of those high-grade
Refrigerators Below Cost
GASOLINE STOVES, of best makes at prices that are WAY BELOW COST
Come in and see rue when you need these goods and get prices on
many other desirable articles in the line of
In shoes we have so:r:e
odds and ends in Oxfords
we wish to close out at
bargain prices. Oi AG
$1.50 Oxfords at vlAO
All our Ladies' white Ox
fords sold at $1.75
to close at. . ,
All Children's white Ox
fords sold at $1.35 Pj jc
to close at Oli 13
Queen Quality Blucher
Oxfords, latest, 00 fJQ
$3.50 quality at wiDj
have no thought for the pleasure cf
any but themselves.
Roy Boyd came in last nltrht from
Omaha, to make his home in this city.
His father will accompany their
household goods to this city today.
When applied ana covered with a
hot cloth rinesalve acts like a poult ice
Best for burns, bruises, bolls, cracked
hands, eczema, skin diseases, tetter,
etx. Sold by Gering & Co. 's drug store.
C. E. Wescott, and Charles Bennett
of rittsfleld, Mass., who is visiting
with the Wescotts.returned last even
ing from a pleasure trip to Denver,
Mrs. John Schiappacasse and daugh
ter went to Colfax, la., this morning,
where she will take treatment for
rheumatism, with which she has been
afflicted for several years.
Hives, eczema, Itch or salt rheum
sets you crazy. Can't bear the touch
of your clothing. Doan's Ointment
cures the most obstinate cases. Why
suffer. All druggists sell It.
Frank Janda, who has been com
pelled to relinquish his work at the
shops for nearly two weeks, on account
of rheumatism, Is able to get around
some with the aid of a cane.
Don't use harsh physics. The re
action weakens the bowels, leads to
chronic constipation. (let Doan's
Regulcts. They operate easily, tune
the stomach, cure constipation.
Every form of distressing ailment
known as Tiles originates Internally.
The real cause of the trouble is inside.
ManZan is put up in collapsible tubes
with nozzle, so the medicine can be
applied where it will do the most good
and do it quickly. Guaranteed to give
satisfaction or money refunded if you
are not satisfied. Sold by Gering ft
Oo.'s drug store.
Ayers Pills
Want your moustache or beard
a beautiful brown nr rich Mack? Use
Clearance Sale
Bags, Etc.
Of a fine line recently re
ceived we have some nice
things left which we will
close at reduced prices.
Beautiful silk stripe tis
sue, 50c kind at 25c a yd
All sorts of remnants at
White Lawn Shirt
Waists, Lace and Em
broidery Trim- Qj nn
med, for only... wliUU
has difficulty
in accu-
Peaches for Sale.
The undersigned will have a number
of bushels of large budded peaches for
sale at his place, two miles west of
Mynard, at "5 cents per bushel. Will
be ready for market next week.
Why suffer with your kidneys? Tho
discovery of Kidney-Etts has proved a
blessing to thousands of kidney suffer
ers who have been restored to perfect
health. These Tablets drive the
diseased germs out of the system, and
we urge all sufferers to give this
sclentlticand successful kidney remedy
a trial. 2:c. Gering & Co , druggists.
An Ugly Job for Jlmmie.
Mr. James Teegarden, of Weeping
Water, campaign manager for Con
gressman Pollard and chairman of the
congressional committee spent yester
day in this city. "Jim" as we fami
liarly call him, was not a caller at
these rcllgous headquarters though he
would have been very welcome. Jim
has an ugly Job on hand and is deserv
ing of sympathy as It is known to be as
distasteful to him as it ought to be to
any man. It is reported that Jim de
sired to Invest certain parts of what
Henry George called the "unearned
increment" inOtoecuunty securities
but found none on the market. Ne
braska City Tribune.
Tou can see the poison Pine-ulcs
clears out of the kidneys and bladder.
A single dose at bedtime will show
you, more poison upon rising the next
morning than can be expelled from
the system la any other way. Pine
uje dissolve the impurities and lubri
cate trie kidneys. Guaranteed to"lve
satisfaction or money refunded. 30
days treatment 11.00. Sold by Serin
k Co. 'r dru? utore.
The dose is one, just one pill
at bedtime. Sugar-coated,
mild, certain. They cure
constipation. LmAlmi-
Hm I'M hKt
"1 "H r. HALL a.. NASM'A. !. II.