The Plattsmouth Journal IT Ill.lMI Kl tt K.KM.V AT PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. 11. A. 1IATKS, I'rui.iMiKK. iiHt.'.I l tlx' p.toHI.-f iit PhiUsmmilli. Ne limskit. u nivnintiMiiw nmttt r. i; T(iN.(ialusli:i. Se.ule ami Nor lis I'.rown what a galaxy of re formers! Whkn private interests are also to resist the public will, there is a bad state of affairs. Tkdhy's genuine raids have not been made on the railroads and meat packers, but on the wage caruers, who pay the taxes. "At.i, com:!" is what they are now saying in Washington. This r. I'ns to the neoole S money, as well as to eongress and the official Sit. 1 1' Tin. armor trust is as nivatful to the mlministration, as it should be, the republican concessional r:mniaii;n committee should not stiller for lack of funds. Skckktaky 1 ai t made a very pretty speech at (.reensboro; but it had two defects: it was evasive in most important particulars; am where it was not evasive, it was uu fortunate. Tun government in spending this year 510,000, 000 more than its to tal revenue in 1 897. This is Roose- vtltian economy. This is prosper ity for the world-power bunco steer ers, but not for the taxpayers. Sknatok 1Ykaki:k says he can not sit still for two years. Why o course not. President Roosevelt can't sit still for two minutes. The rattled condition of the republican party won't allow any rest for its ardent votaries. Si:n.Tok Mi. kins says there no satisfaction m Having gre: wealth. Perhaps there is not nine comfort in wealth acquired in the Mlkins w.iv, but where would M kins ami the other millionaire sen atorsbe, politically, without ban of nionev? Oh, How Kind. I Senator Sheldon, who wants to be governor of Nebraska, is pouring hot sl-.ot into the railroads, ac cording to his speeches. Congress .... , .1. i... i man roiiaru isauoiner woo i M-.p- posed to be fighting the railroads. hese two worthies both hail from Cass county. To show how effectively these gentlemen are opposing the railroads it is only necessary to state that the republican convention of Cass coun ty will be held at Plattsmouth on the 24th inst, and that the Missouri icific will run a special train for the benefit of the delegates from the south part of the county, and the H. & M. trains will be ample to accomodate the delegates" from the north. This is exceedingly kind on the part of the railroads, in fact it is ike heaping coals of fire on the leads ot those who persecute von and do you evil. Nebraska Lity News. The Banks Gain Millions. Press reports from New York re port that the secretary of the tivas ury when in that city a few days aeo authorized the statement tnat le would promptly deposit money in the hanks, if money rates hard ened and that he would immediately return to the banks in the shape of public deposits the money received rom the sale of Panama canal muds. So the banks under this arrangement are to have their cake and eat it too. They buy the canal bonds and draw the interest and our kind and devoted friend of the corporations, the secretary of the treasury, will hand them back the money, "if money rates harden," and who can doubt the rates will not "harden" under such an incen tive. If the rates harden to n per cent, the banks would be able to loan the 530,(1(10.000 at the rate of 5-,,M,."(io a year and at the same time be drawing the regular interest of 2 per cent on the bonds or (ioo,(ioo. The question naturally arises, whv did the administration sell Panama bonds when the money was not needed in the treasury? Kcspcctlully rctcircu to the presi dent and his secretary of the treas ure. it not look better for these peo; !e to pursue a common sense view f the matter, get married and follow the scripture in its advice to multi ply and replenish the earth? It is never to late tt) do good. It seems that most of the Lin coln republicans in the eastern states arc withdrawing from the present organization. If they be lieve in the principles of the im mortal Lincoln, it is a great won der thev have remained with the present corrupt party so long. How many Lincoln republicans are there in Nebraska? The old maids and bachelors f I Mii.i.ionairks may come and owa are on the defensive. Would millionaires may go, but the Stand ard Oil flows on forever. Tin; action of the Lancaster county convention yesterday is sufficient to demonstrate that Cass and Lancastet are going it againthis year "hand in hand." Of course Cass will instruct for Sheldon next lucsilay, simply tor appearance sake, but the ring republicans knew all the time that Lancaster would not instruct for him. Sknathk Sm.i.iM in should h.ive received instructions from ter count v. The hand of the railroad lobbyst was displayed in the con vention; this is the reason why "Muster" Ilrown captured the del egation and Sheldon didn't. The lilroad people can expect nothing from Sheldon, while they have a friend in the attorney general, who wants to lie senator. Tim Lancaster county republi cans yesterday refused to instruct Sheldon for governor, but by a hard strggle Pollard's friends managed to railroad an instruction through for lim. the instructions also. The republi ms of Lancaster county are split wide open, and to such an extent that it will be hard to close. There was a very bitter feeling manifest ed. It is now explained that Secret ary Taft was sent to North Carolina, because those "lUackburu people" had been endorsing at some of their county conventions vice president Fairbanks as successor to President Roosevelt. The question is, has Taft stopped the revolt? Tin- race for the democratic nom inations for govenor and Tinted StateJSenator has narrowed down to Shallenbarger and Merge for the first named position, and ex-Congressman, (1. M. Hitchcock of Om aha, and W. H. Thompson, of Grand Island. And the friends of the latter are moving the heavens and the earth in an effort for the latter, while Hitchcock does not seem to be worrying about the matter. A Republican Prediction. That erudite and trust controled republican purveyor of news the New York Sun in a late issue says: "The Sun craves permission to present its humble service to the supreme powers at Oyster Hay, to Messrs. Piatt and Depew, to the new and austere hierarchy of Odell and associates, to one Prank Way- land Higgins. the putative governor of the state of New ork, and to all the soberminded and self-respecting republicans to whose confidence it can appeal, and with all deference and respects submits: "The next governor of the state of New York will be a democrat. "The next govenor of the state of New York will be the president of the I'nited States." Yet after all the Situ will le mis taken and the next governor of New- York will not be the next president of the United States. Hut its pre diction shows the democratic trend of public opinion nnd that even re publicans sc the probable downfall of the party of trust, protection, graft and scandals. Pit) 'tis 'tis True. ( :u- of the leading journals o the country says- 1 he highest lin ancia lew aids ot oolitics are no longer offices, but contracts, fran hises and special privileges." Another great journal says The cheap rewards of politica place count for little now in politi cal maneuvers. The'boss'is no long er the man w ho distributes 'patron age.' The real boss is the railroai man, the traction man, the insur ance man, the man who is willing to contribute enormous sums to the campaign fund, if only his own in terests le lett sate or his new pro jeets be aided." "Protection," which means fav oritism, is the price paid for ofli eials, high and low, in return for contributions. The corHrations pay tribute to the party in power :uul the nartv in power gives the corporations the privilege of plun dering the people with impunity "Protection," in the form of higl tariffs, franchises, false certificates like those- given to the Uef trust and inununitv from punishment for crimes, is the policy now. CiOYi-NoKMiCKi-YsavsifOalusha Maton and Scarlc are renominated the republican ticket is doome to ileteat. 1 he railroads sav they must lc nominated. Mvident lv it is a case ot vou 11 le daninet if you do, ami you'll be damned you don't," with the republican of Nebraska. Tin; ice trust has put up the price of ice "to save the babies." Thi isanewtorni ot lienevoleut as Mtnilation;" but it is very effective And then it opiates at home, am helps the coffin trust and the grave diggers. No use of going abroad any more . in order to save or "assimilate" weak and helpless human Ivings. It pays just aswcl and is much chcajer, to butcher and pack them in their cradles right in our own cities. 'Tnci.k Joi:" Cannon is to be opposed on the stump by President Oompers, of the American Federa tion of Labor. Put the speaker still has the trusts on his side. Ci-okdi- W. Hkkck seems to be in the lead so far for the democratic nomination for govenor. Recently 250 leeters were sent out asking democrats who they were for, and out of that uumber 23$ were for Berge. Straws show which way the wind blows. Down in Tennessee, where there has been some foolish talk of a Roosevelt wedge in the Solid South, they are saying that there wouldn't be any republican party there if there were no federal offices to be filled. Same wav in Arkansas: At. same way in lexas. lni'.Ki- is really nothing so very important about the Thaw murder case that it should claim so much attention. The whole affair amounts to some disgraceful preform- anccs indulged in by a few people socially high, and morally low, and whose title to notoriety is their wealth. Probably shooting and stabbing scrapes of the same nature occur every night on the Bowery, and the public is not burdened with the harrowing details. Tom'. chairman of the democratic state central committee, has been considered one of the lead ing candidates for congressional honors KB 0 Tho Kind You Ilavo Always Bought, and which has hcea in use for over 30 years, has homo tho signature of - and has been made under his pcr-s(J'fl-fyz , sonal supervision elnco its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you In this. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd " Jnst-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with nnd endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms nnd allays Foverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Flatulency. It assimilates the Pood, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signaturo of f S ngTT7i The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. From the present indications P.nst-pr" Rrnwn will 1w indorsed Hon. II. II. Hanks, of . . ... f , Nebraska City, has also been men- This iml()rsement means that ;,-., o,1 fn-nf flpritKT fn this ntv Huster" Brown captured , , ' ' t. , . t, orni , ' ,. has been also mentioned by several of our democratic exchanges as a candidate, but the democrats of this county want him for state treasurer, a position for which lie is so admirably well fitted. Pi IK Plattsmouth News refers to the candidacv of two favorite sons for congressman and govenor respec tivelv as "anopportunity for Cass The statement maybe take n literally true; it is an opportunity, a remark d'le one, but somehow "team work' 1 in politics has not proven as sucesstuilv as in nasenau aim 1001 all. Nemaha county used to give Old Friends and New. Mr. Bryan goes to the pith of the t-I i,, l,ic fr,rr'ief lliat till- fllMTl- , me remioiic;msoi iaueasiei luiuhv in the election of , , , .,' the man who permitted the bonds men of Joe Bartley to beat the state out of a quarter of a million dollars will throw his protecting wing over the elevator trust, and the railroads in the future as he has in the past. The manner in which Senator Shel don was treated by the Lancaster delegation, shows that in an effort to down what they call a local ring, oeratic party iyi8 will have the support of many who have been against it in former elections for the presidency. Ten years of republican bad gov erment have convinced many thous ands of republicans in nearly every terni'j and seldom salistactory to lusters N'ebi nine (Republican.) ........ .I.... .1 .f i..fT,.r. ne liiihi. i v iiniili' nr ti-nin work 1 1 " " - v ' ' " , .1 l f.. ,..,1 ,l,..r.,,h...r..,,l Mhv.iv; SO"Wn Uemoenex ,i.c u.c- ..ho mi iIHU IV.'Hil.' t v i v .......... I . . . , , P guides tor the conduct ot our piuuic t . ri :11 ..oh.r. 1.1,. IVU...-IV... .. , . .. I ally turn to tiie party wnose recoru uul history are a pledge that it will Moral Reform In PolitiCS. enforce the practical application of ... Hostility to boss rule and machine these principles, .... f . i . methods in Politics is the kevnote 1 here will l no triction oei w ecu the old friends of democracy and i LIIU 'IllliUl IllVMl HIV IUIVUHI I republicans of New Hamshire have the new. A republican wno nas nominated Winston Churchill for been converted to antimouopoiy .lunmlA!! rtf fnflff lnrcltnf Inn K- trip LrOVCrnOr imm-ijuwa wan iv(j-'mh'ii ' . .4 A corupt-practice act to secure exersises of the Dingley policy, is as honest elections is one of its cardi- good a democrat on that question as nal planks. The demand for a law one born and bred in the faith. to suppess the evils of lobbying is The date and hour of his convers another. Advocacy of a primary tion are of no significence. The election law pretnitting the mem- important fact is that he now sin- liers of all political parties to nom- cerely lelieves in the Jeffersonian inate candidates by direct vote is de- pmciples of equal rights and equal manded. protection to all, with special pri- These and other principles advo- ileges to none.. cated in the platform emphasize the The political rights of the indi- wide departure of the regular repub- vidtial citizen are dear to every good lican organization from the repnb- American, no matter what political licanisnt of Lincoln's time. faith he may profess. By its elab- The platform is silent upon all orate system of political bossism controverted economic questions, and machine politics the repubh- Attcntion is concentrated mainly can party tramples upon these rights upon what may be called the vital in nearly every state where it has a moral principles of politics, inclitd- working organization , and the citi- ing the enforcement of all whole- zen is denied his equal voice in the some law s control of his local . state and nation- The normal republican plurality al goverments. in .New iiatnpsnire is inree or tour mere seems naroiv aoouni inai i thousand; though, in the election in the elections of 19oft and 1W8, of govenor in P)L it rose to more the democracy will be re-enforced than and still higher in re- bv hundreds of thousands of former played right into the hands of the railroads by instructing for Brown for senator and refusing to do so for Mr. Sheldon for governor. The action ot that convention demon strated that they have no occasion to fear Brown but they have to fear Sheldon. One thing must be said to the credit of George Sheldon, he will stick to his platform let come what may. A Maine republican predicts a democratic majority of 5,000 in his state this fall. Why not make it unanimous; it's time to turn the rascals out? This last congress has squander ed enough of the people's money to give us one of the best administra tions in the history of the world, but they have done nothing which will be of any pratical benefit or value to the people. There have been enough loop holes left in the laws enacted for the corporations to crawl through and take their "swag" with them. That's what the corporations have paid attorneys in congress for, and they have ac complished their purpose despite the supposed "man of iron" in the executive chair, or more properly speaking, with his aid and consent. Who will "sit on the lid" when the president takes Taft along to look over the Panama Canal? i PERKINS HOTEL -GUTHMAN BROS., PR0PS. PLATTSMOUTH, -:- -:- NEBRASKA RATES $1.00 PER DAY First House West B. 6c M. Depot We Solicit the Farmers Trade and Guarantee Satisfaction. When in the City Give Us a Call 75he Hotel A DISTRIBUTING DEPOT FOR PITTSBURGH PERFECT" FENCES, it cent presidential elections. I tut in tne aoseiice ot existing na tional issues it seems not at .ill im provable that the Lincoln tipubli c.uis. or reform parly, will defeat the regular republican organization in New 1 Iampshire this year. The necessity for return to hon esty and decency in politics is so urgent that the campaign of there formers must appeal powerfully to the Voters of New Hampshire, ns well as those in Vermont, where the democrats have fused with a similar organization. republicans who are now in revolt against the robberies of the Dingley tariff and are grimly determined to restore goverineul of the people, by the people and for the people. Political parties in this country are not hereditary institutions. They are organizations composed of citizens who think alike with re- respect tothe welfare of the country. The democratic rmrtv has a warm welcome " for every ettiz'en who, whatever his past affiliations, now agrees with its principles and ap proves its candidates. , , . ALL GALVANIZED STEEL WIRES. FOR FIELD, FARM AND HOG FENCING. THE ONLY ELECTRICALLY WELDED FENCE. EVERY ROD GUARANTEED PERFECT. The DURABLE Fence, None so STRONG. All large wires. II chest EFHCILNLY. , 39, n LOWEST COST. ino raps r . .. y to hold Moisture and cause "PinsBfiiuii 1'MruT' Fmcis (SpocUU Style.) Absolutely STOCK PROOF.. Wiem SAVE YOU MONEY onFincin. CALL AND Ct IT. JOHN BAUER, HardwDreeaier 53a-- n 11,1 TflT Hrn u , 32.J I !L14'L r !LJ HsLL t i 1 i i ,i i ii ii r ii ii