The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 26, 1906, Image 2

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Tent of VefIn: Water
In town today on business.
Unity among businessmen ;oesfar
toward the building up of a city.
Miss Edith lean of (Jreenwuid is
tlhltlntf with friends In the county
Miss Nellie Sherwood returned this
mornlntf from a visit with her sister
it; Louisville.
Misfl Luclle Mlnrd of Kim wood l
vlsltlnj! In the city, the truest of Mrs.
J. W. (lamble.
Philip lllld, of Kl'ht Mile (irovc,
was here on business today, lie says
they have had rain enough for the pre
sent. William l'uls of .Maple (Jrove was In
the city today, and took home with
him one of August (iorder's best road
Mrs. K. A. Klrkpatrlckof Neliawka
came In from Omaha last night for a
visit with her sister, Mrs. 1'. K. Huff
ner, of tbls city.
It sometimes takes a lifetime to ti rid
out that those who pretend to be your
friends are really your enemies In dls-
vuise. lUit It Is worth something to
tlnd them out at lust.
Miss EunaTowle, one of our city
teachers, came In from her home in this morning, and will remain
a short time as the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. W. K. Ilosencrans.
Krom KnturiUy'i !nlly.
William llarclay, wife and son went
to Cedar Creek yesterday afternoon,
where they will spend Sunday
Miss Nina Lynde of Union was tak
ing In thetcachcr'sexamlnatlon given
by the county superintendent, J. W
(lamble, today.
Miss (Irace Lake of M unlock was
among the tachers taking the cxamln
atlon today.
Miss Ida (iuthnian of Tlattsmouth
Is visiting with her sister, Mrs. W. F.
Krecklow. She expectstoreinaln sev
cral weeks. Louisville Courier.
JohnMcNurlln and wife were pas
sengers for Louisville this afternoon
where they will visit over Sunday.
Jerry Mcllugh of South Hend Is In
town to spend Sunday with friends,
Victor Anderson went to Havclock
this afternoon to spend Sunday will
the family of his brother, Krnest.
Jacob Stenner departed this after
noon for Hartley, Neb., where he ex
pects to work on a farm some time.
Miss Alta Smith came In from Have
lock tbls morning for a visit with her
cousin, Miss l'earl Knlss, of Murray.
MlssOna llrady who has been en
ioylng a visit with the family of J. C.
York, has returned to her home In
Watson, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Koessler, who have
been enjoying a visit with friends In
this city, returned this afternoon to
their home In l.rokcn How, Neb.
l'ete Claus, who has been suffering
with the rheumatism for the past year,
went to Hurlington Junction, Mo.,
this morning, where he expects to se
cure permanent relief.
m st In the minds of I'lattMiiouth
people Is the location of the govern
ment building. Up to the present
time there are at least a dozen l cat Ions
on the market, but the majority seem
to favor a locality onj north Sixth
Seth Cllntburg, formerly a member
of the Olson Photograph company, has
entered into partnership with W.J.
P.rockman, and they will start out in
western Iowa this week to carry on
the photography work. They departed
this afternoon for Omaha, where they
will secure some necessary supplies.
From TufMlsy'i httlly
Antone Peterson and wife, who have
been enjoying a visit with relatives In
Tecumseh, Neb., returned home last
K. F. Kevpe, C.C.Coleman and 1.
C. Talcott of Greenwood were
among the people In town today to at
tend the convention.
(Jcorge K. Sturm, Turner Zink, J. N.
Hunter, W. A. Cole, F. Iny, J. M.
Kanney, J. W. Sperry, W. W. Caglyer
and P. S. llarnes were among the dele
gation from Weeping Water to attend
the republican county convention.
Hon. William Ielles Iernier came
over from Kimwooa last evening on
legal business, and of course will re
main over to take part in the republi
can county convention.
Fred Gorder and wife came over
from Weeping Water today with the
special which brought over the dele
gales from the western precincts. Hut
this is no Indication that Fred is a re
C. S. Hohannan, II. I. and 1. A,
Clements of Elm wood; L. C. Creamer
and J. W. Capple of Wabash; S. M
Cox, Murdock; and Geo. N. Lallue of
Union were In to take part In the con
vcntlon today.
When fanners can raise from 40 to
50 bushels of wheat per acre and mar
kct It at ti") cents per bushel, he has no
reason for going back on Nebraska.
Mar.y Cass county farmers will be
able to realize this on their wheat
crops this season.
Philip Meislnger made a business
trip to the metropolis this afternoon.
M. L. Frledrlch and wire of Cedar
Creek were Piatt sraouth visitors today.
Isaac Tolman and Andrew Christen
son of Alvo were attending the county
convention today.
A. A. Wetenkamp and wife of My
nard were business visitors in the
county scat today.
hx-Commtssioncr ink was over
from Weeping Water today, for the
first time In two years.
Geo. W. Woods, the genial cashier
of the Hank of Commerce at Louis
ville, was a delegate Unlay.
From MuDilny'it Uiilly .
Otto Puis of Mynard was in town to
day on business.
J. H. Stroraer of Alvo was a business
visitor in the city today.
ThefcheritT of Sarpy county in ar
resting a housebreaker a few days ago
had to shoot the culprit before he
could negotiate with him.
George Shocman departed this after
noon for Louisville, where he will visit
a short time before going to lenverto
spend a few weeks.
Miss Florence Fassbcnder who has
been enjoying a visit with Plaits
mouth friends departed this morning
for Omaha where she will enjoy a short
visit with her sister before returning
to her home in Wahoo.
For bloating, belching, sour stom, bad breath, malasslmllatlon of
food nnd all symptons of Indigestion.
Ring's dyspepsia Tabletsare a prompt
and eMcient corrective. Two days
treatment free. Sold by Goring &
Co.'s drug store.
C. K. Thornherg and family, who
have been to the Klk's carnival in
lcnvcr, Col., came In Saturday even
ing for a visit with relatives. Mr
Thornberg departed this afternoon for
his home In Sioux City, where he is
employed by Shcnberg & Co., whole
sale grocers. His family will remain
for a more extended visit.
J. H. Meislnger, jr., of Lincoln, nnd
P. M. Meislnger, of Hcnson, came In
Sunday nlghtfor a brief visit with their
parents, and went out home at night
They are sons of Mr. and Mrs. J. H,
Meislnger. The former Is engaged In
the lumber business at Lincoln, while
the latter Is a partner In the mercan
tile business with Henry linker, for
mcrly of Cedar Creek.
The subject that seems to be upper
From Wi'tlnrailuy'n (tally.
J. C. Clarence of Union was in town
today on business.
Kobert Fitch of Kenosha was a coun
ty scat visitor today.
J. S. Lindsay of Murray Is in town
today for a visit with the family of his
son, Pete.
Miss Mary Ilosencrans went to Kin
wood yesterday to spend a few days
visiting uncle and auntie Hall.
marriage license was Issued today
to Wm. V. Chapman, age 30, Omaha,
and Miss Maude Pavls, age '20, of Ce
dar Creek. .
Mrs. John Chapman, who has been
enjoying a visit with her brother, S.
M. Chapman, departed this afternoon
for Burlington, la.
Claude Everett, a prominent farmer
of near Union was here on business
today. Mr. Everett Is erecting a new
residence and was here for a load of
Lapt. II. h. Palmer, postmaster at
Omaha, and a former resident of
Plattsmouth, was down on Important
business today, returning on the early
afternoon train.
The crop of poaches in Cass county
Is Immense, and when the late fruit
comes on it is hard to tell what will be
done with them. Many bushels are
liable to go to waste.
The board of cnuall. atlon adjourned
yesterday subject to the call of the
county clerk for the purpose of making
the levy for the county. They will
convene soon after the state hoard
The warden of the Colorado state
penitentiary has notltied Sheriff guln
ton that a reward of ( will be paid
for the return of Wm. Johnson, who
escapted from that institution on the
:'0thof July.
In police court yesterday Joss Elli
ott was tined U and costs for violating
the city ordinance prohibiting the
purchase of Junk from children. He
Ing unable to pay up, he was remand
ed to the county Jail.
C. W. Hicks, a former resident of
Cass county, arrived In the city last
nu'ht f.r a visit w ith fiieiids and tv'n
tivis. Mr. Hicks' h. me 1 in L.i: i j
C:tv. ' .. t.;t has l"'e!i visit in. mid i
attending to vine b'..sine matt- In
Lincoln and Greenwood, ani thli. .s i f
making his future ho:r. In the t:it
W. C. Snyder of Edison,
county, who has been visiting relatives
and friends here for several days, de
parted this morning for a visit wilb
friends at his old home In Monteray,
Highland county, Va. Mr. Snyder lived
In Cass county for a number of years,
and removed from here to Furnas
county ighteen years ago.
. A hundred years ago the best physi
cian would give you a medicine for
your heart without stopping to con
sider what effect it might have on the
liver. Even to this good day cough
and cold medicines Invariably Mud
the bowels. This is wronir. lti'
Laxative Cough Syrup with Honey
and Tar acts on the bowels drives out
the cold-clears the head, and relieves
all coughs. Guaranteed to give satis
faction or money refunded. Sold by
Gerlng & Co.'s rirny store.
For great bargains attend the
big mid-summer clearance sale
now going on at Herold's.
"Gut Hell," the favorite cigar
Dr. Marshall, Dentist, Coats' Muck.
A full line of sickles and sections
for all standard mowers. John Kauer,
Try the White Lily washer. If not
satisfactory you may return It. For
sale only at John Hauer's.
Haby won't suffer live minutes with
croup If you apply Dr. Thomas' Eclec
trlc Oil at once. It acts like manic.
I'.ert Despaln and wife departed
this afternoon for Denver, Colo., where
they will enjoy a few weeks' vacation
Miss Lena Hector came In from
Lincoln last evening for a visit In this
city, the guest of Miss Annetta Wood.
E. U. Gramp, wife, and daughters,
Myrrl and Iluth.came In from Lincoln
for a visit with the family of Jlev.J.H.
Matt Spader expects to leave the
latter part of this week for Seattle,
W ash., where he will visit with his
Misses Christina Hansen and Mar
garet Weber returned yesterday from
Peru, where they have been attending
state normal.
Eat one of Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets
after each meal and you will not suffer
with Indigestion. Sold by Gerlng &
Co.'s drug store.
We will give a chance on the largest
'ulck Meal" gasoline range in our
store with every cash purchase of one
dollar. II. L. Asemlssen & Sons.
Misses Alphla and Jerda Peterson
departed this afternoon on a trip to
Sheridan, Wyo. While gone they will
also visit with relatives In York and
Any skin Itching Is a temper-tester
The more you scratch the worse It
itches. Doan's Ointment cures piles
eczema any skin Itching. At all
drug stores.
Mrs. Will Hcnfer and children, who
have been visiting with relatives here
departed this morning for their home
In Lead, S. D. Mrs. Elizabeth Henfer
accompanied them as far as Omaha
"I have been somewhat costive, but
Doan's Regulets gave just the results
desired. They act mildly and regulate
the bowels perfectly." George H.
Krause, :io Walnut Ave., Altoona,Pa.
Dr. J. II. Hall returned last even
ing from Elmwood where he has been
to visit with his father who has been
very sick for sometime. We regret to
learn from the doctor that his father
is gradually growing weaker and may
not survive much 'onger.
Does evil still, your whole life fill?
Does woe betide?
Tour thoughts abide on suicide?
You need a pill.
Now or prose and facts-DeWltt'l
Witt's Little Early Risers are the
most pleasant and reliable pills known
today. They never gripe. Sold by
F. G. Fricke k Co. and Gerirg & Co.
I ti if inr Lar--- -ZZZJCZn
Vr ill
The term, Colored Wash Goods, nowadays covers a wide range of fabrics.
Each season produces something new. There is a rivalry existing among big
manufacturers of this class of goods, and each strive to outdue the other. AH
grades are closely imitated. This is not done to mislead the public, but mere
ly shows an age of progressiveness and gives us a large variety of beautiful
and useful cloths at moderate prices.
In our stock we show some of the choicest of the season's weaves.
Batiste, Figured Organdie, Dimities, etc., at 10c, 12JjC and 15c.
Flowered Silk Organdie at 25c per yard .
Foot Ease
The flexibility nml elasti
city of Queen Quality 6hoe
nnd Oxfords adapt them to
nnd nnd all types of feet.
The leather is soft and de
lightful to the touch and
they fit everywhere with a
firm yet gentle pressure
that prevent any slipping
and cramping of the toes.
The upward cling of the
under arch and the clanp
of instep are perfect in fit.
and the dream of foot ease.
$2.50, $3.00, (3.50
Never before has the rage
for white been so great as
this season. Hence our pur
chases in this line have been
larger than usual. Ourline
comprises a full assortment
of the newest weaves!
White India Linons at 71 p
from 40c a yd down to I 2"
per yard from 20c to 50c
White Persian 9Cplncnp
Lawns from W OUb
White Indian Head jCp
Cloth, at 25c, 20c and I3u
White Dress Linens at Qflp
per yard, 50c, 40c andUw
A fine line of Silk Gloves in
Gray, Hlack, Tan and White.
Long length Silk Gloves we
are showing in Hlack
and White, up from
You should look over our
Farmers, mechanics, railroaders,
laborers rely on Dr. Thomas' Eclectric
Oil. Takes the sting outof cuts, burns
or bruises at once. Tain cannot stay
where it is used.
Miss Josephine Clark of San Fran-
Cisco is visiting In the city, the guest
of her great uncle, Thomas Pollock
and other relatives.
Mrs. J. B. Grain and son departed
this afternoon for Denver, Colo., where
they were called by the death of her
brother, Edward Sandy.
The Otoe county democrats will
meet In convention at Syracuse on
Tuesday, August 14, for the purpose
of nominating a county tlckec.
Misses Kate Houk and Rose Herren,
who have been enjoying a visit with
friends In this city, returned to their
home in Omaha this afternoon.
Have you Backache? Get a boi of
Kldney-Ktles the most wonderful
remedy for all kidney troubles, and
they will mke you right. 25c. Gerlng
Co., druggist.
Dyspepsia is our national ailment.
Burdock Blood Bitters is the national
cure for it. It strengthens stomach
membranes, promotes How of digestive
juices, purifies the blood, builds you
Tl time nii'ihufi nt purging the
Mtcni itli (Jan hm tics trial tear,
g"-. rln I and bienk down the walls
of the stomach and intestines Is. super
seded by Dade's Little Liver Pills.
They cleanse the liver, and instead of
weakening, build up, and strengthen
the whole system. Relieve headache,
biliousness, constipation, etc. They
never gripe. Sold by Gerlng Co.'s
drug store.
For that
I Dandruff
There is one thing that will
cure it Ayer's Hair Vigor.
It is a rccular scalp-medicine.
It quickly destroys the germs
which cause this disease.
The unhealthy scalp becomes
healthy. The dandruff disap
pears, had to disappear. A
healthy scalp means a crest deal
to you healthy hair, r.o dan eruptions.
The but kind cl te timer.;!
"Bold for ovtr ilxty jrr."
A. to fetwiuht lurr if
I'll IS.
uirm ruToRAL.
If Menthol ntvim does not cure Piles, thTOW it
If it does not relievelCatnrrh and Hay Fever shOOt It ItltQ the tllEf.
If it does not stop Spasmodic Croup in five minutes put it ill ttl6 fift.
If it does not relieve Hendach nnd Karache tOSS 111 tO the birds.
If it does not cure Sores and Burns every time Sllffl It Ollt till dOM.
If it does not do what the circulars claim, dOll't pay f OT it.
BUTnt!DOES do these things, USE IT, and
Recommend it to your friends.
PRICE 25c &nd 50c
Sold a.nd Guaranteedjby
Gering . Co.
lAyers Pills
uiiia, on dm nvcr.
They cure constipation,
biliousness, sick-headache.
Sold for eo vears.
iiiui 1'iowu ui ucu uiuknr use
ftim ci. or i.ktiiiH im . y ham
. The medicinal virtues of the erode eumstnd resins
obtained from the native Pine bave been recognized
bv the medic! nrofesion for centuries. Pine-ulea
Contain the virtues of the Kttive Pine that are of value in reliev
ing Backache, Kidney, Blood, Bladder and Rheumatic Troubles.
Sold at GERING & CO S. Drug Store
lice Your lice
By purchasing one of those high-grade
Riefrigerators Below Cost
GASOLINE STOVES, of best makes at prices that are WAY BELOW COST
Come in and see tut when you need these goods and get prices on
many other desirable articles in the line ot
Hoisefvirnishing Goods.